Saturday, May 21, 2011

Loss of Donald Trump leaves Columbia Teabaggers feeling abandoned and disillusioned.

From The State:

The Columbia Tea Party went from Donald Trump to jilted chump after the celebrity businessman canceled his appearance at Thursday’s State House rally, and state legislators approved tax breaks and spending that the group opposed.

Trump’s decision to not enter the GOP presidential race left local Tea Party leaders stewing about the way they had been treated. But about 30 people were on hand Thursday to thank Gov. Nikki Haley, lawmakers and activists for their work to require more on-the-record Legislative votes.

Columbia Tea Party chairman Allen Olson expected as many as 2,000 would have attended Thursday’s rally had Trump been there. But The Donald, a favorite of many who attended the group’s Tax Day rally with U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., elected to not run and dropped the rally from his schedule.

“It was a kick in the gut, but it gives you a chance to regroup,” said Olson. “He’s a businessman. He showed his worth.”

I'm sorry but if a political movement allows The Donald to make them his bitch, they deserve to vanish in a puff of foul smelling smoke.

Which according to this picture of the turnout it looks like they already have.


  1. angela4:16 AM

    Damn--those teabaggers have thinner and dumber skin than Palin, are as clueless as Bachmann, more boring than Pawlenty, as relevant as Newt, and as artificial as Mitt.

  2. Anonymous4:55 AM

    I live in Columbia, am a native and lifelong South Carolinian (and HUGE liberal, BTW)and I just LOVE that Nikki Haley is speaking and only maybe 30 people showed up. Since she thinks she's a rock star, and is constantly talking about how "everyone" is talking to her about being a VP candidate (um, honey, the only person I hear talking about it is YOU), it's just priceless!

  3. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Sigh. You are right. Anyone can hang their hat out for your votes and anyone will show up as your supporter without vetting.

    We've seen it at town meetings, we've seen it regional, statewide and nationally. It's frightening how much people want to invest their trust in you without you earning it, deserving it or throwing it away by quitting on you.

    Sarah Palin and Donald Trump are celebutards people, they aren't fit to lead and it's a damn shame they make a living off of you too, also. There.

  4. cuppajoe5:40 AM

    I stared at that photo of Trumpster, the Dumpster, thinking it reminded me of something. I finally figured it out. His mouth looks like the front end of the ill-fated Edsel, discontinued so many years ago by Ford.

    My second thought was that maybe we could get Ford to discontinue the Trumpster, since the company has all that experience. But then I realized that the jackass is doing a fine job making himself irrelevant all by himself.

  5. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Im surprised that fix news didn't say there was 100,000 people there anyway. Couldn't they get Granny Quitter to come? They Don't get it, the Donald is not one of them.

  6. Anonymous5:56 AM

    The Tea Party ain't shit.

    Isn't Quitler flamboyant and enough of a liar enough for them? Trump would have the country bankrupt in a New York minute.

    Tough titty, TP.

  7. Going to be some mad photoshopping over at Faux to fix this one.

    Paul Ryan opted out of his Thurs nite guest appearance as well.
    These last minute schedule changes are oh so palin....

  8. Anne In DC6:34 AM

    In all honesty, I simply do NOT feel sorry for them. They allowed themselves to be taken in by what President Obama accurately described as a "carnival barker." Once the birther issue was gutted, Trump had no more talking points to speak of. In addition, what judgment they have ever had has been clouded by their hatred of our president. With the horrible Teabaggers in certain states wreaking havoc that will take years to fix, disenchantment with the Tea Party is occurring in record time. They are a bunch of intellectually challenged, gullible sad sacks whose movement deserves to be consigned to the dustbin of history.

  9. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I'm curious as to whether Nicki Haley ever paid the $100,000 to Snowdrift that was outstanding as at the time Haley was elected Gov. YUP -- Haley paid to have the trailer trash come to speak and appear to 'endose' her. It was no different than booking a speech through the Washington agency Snowdrift is contracted through.

  10. Anonymous7:11 AM

    What Anne in DC said +1

  11. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Teabaggers, idiots, any of them, all of them.

  12. Anonymous8:03 AM

    That picture of Donald is begging for a Photoshop chop!

  13. Anonymous8:20 AM

    The estimated "30" who attended was over by 28 from the looks of the picture. hahaha!

  14. Anonymous9:52 AM


    "There".....ROLLING in laughter!

  15. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Haley is forming a Tea Party Coalition that will be run from her Governor's office. I'm not aware of any past SC Governors establishing an organization that caters to only one facet of the political spectrum. Can you image all hell breaking loose if we had a Democratic Govn'r and he setup staff and an organization that only cater to Liberals and Progressive? The Dumping Darla Moore off the USC board is another interesting story in which Haley was busted for her lying and cronyism. Haley is a lightweight and hasn't master the art of lying very well. Shades of Sarah P Heath.

    Anon 4:55, I also live in Columbia, SC (actually Lexington) and stumbled upon the sparse gathering at the State House. Couldn't help but chuckle at the turnout!

  16. Another Columbia SC liberal here! I do not feel sorry for the baggers. They put their faith in scam artists and get what they deserve! Nothing!!! :O)

  17. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Horrid photo of Trump. Can you even imagine kissing that guy? Creepy! I've never seen such an oval mouth.

  18. God, I love the picture of Nikki Haley with her tea party minion! What's funny is she didn't just say ooh never mind.

  19. He looks like a blow fish in this photo but there's another one going around where he looks like a howler monkey.


  20. Anonymous6:54 PM

    He looks like a poster boy for Preperation H. Trump got so owned by President Obama, he needs two viagras just to get up out of bed.

    That second photo is just pathetic, just like the tea party, weak, marginalized, and defeated.


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