Friday, May 06, 2011

Sarah Palin goes to Alabama. I think she was embarrassed that she was not the FIRST natural disaster to arrive there.

Is she clearing brush?

I thought she wanted to be Ronald Reagan, not George Bush.

If you want to help the people of Alabama, make damn sure to send your money to the Red Cross, or look for a suitable charity on this Facebook page, but do NOT give your money to Samaritan's Purse!

Even if knowing that Grandma Grifiter was involved with this agency were not enough to alert you to the likelihood that they are not reputable, then perhaps knowing that they have been investigated for using natural disasters as an excuse to proselytize and accused of attempting to convert desperate people at the very lowest point in their life to their fundamentalist brand of Christianity, might give you a hint as to their real agenda.

And if you DON'T think that Sarah Palin gets a little piece of the action, or some other compensation, for putting on her work gloves and running the risk of smudging her makeup, then you simply not know this greedy, self promoting hypocrite nearly as well as you think you do.


  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    never, never, never would I ever give cash or time to Franklin grahams scam. He has a private jet. He lives in a mansion. When he does 'charity' work, he does it with camera's rolling, then bugs out before the dirt arrives. Palin si the same way. As Christ said in Matthew 6:2 "When you give to someone in need, don't do as the hypocrites do--blowing trumpets in the synagogues and streets to call attention to their acts of charity! I tell you the truth, they have received all the reward they will ever get."
    Palin and Graham are both Hypocrites.

  2. Hey Gryphen....don't think I have the energy to respond to what I really think about this woman. I unloaded on Palingates earlier. Had my say. She is such a fake. I want to see her knee deep in muck actually HELPING people, only because she says she IS. Not so.

  3. Anonymous5:20 PM

    So she says that she's gone to all different places with Samaritan's Purse uh? Other than Alaska considering she didn't have to TRAVEL anywhere.

    "Like Haiti!!!" She follows up with.

    Pathetic that one.


  4. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Hey Sarah and Todd!

    Show Trig's birth certificate and stop seeking America's destruction. No pussy-footing around, no politicking, no drama;it's part of the mission!

  5. Donate to the RED CROSS people....if you can't be there in person to help haul debris. Trust me on this one. I have been NOT give your money to them.

  6. akbright5:29 PM

    Yes, I think someone has been "touched" alright.

  7. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Please if you want to give for tornado relief give to the Red Cross or some other reputable agency. Many counties in Alabama are in desperate need. I do not live in the area Sarah went to visit , but our area of North Alabama around Huntsville and many many small towns around us were hit very hard. Some small town almost wiped out. I was fortunate three F-4 tornadoes came with in a quarter of a mile from my hose and my childrens and had no damage. Many people here are hurting though. We do not need Sarah here for a photo op or any other reason except to really help or give money. Sarah is just one EVIL WOMAN> Sarah stay away please no more photo ops.

  8. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Oh really? Then how do you explain the thousands of dollars the Palins have given to charity anonymously?

    Do you not see ALL the good SPurse has done throughout the world? They give Haitians clean, covered places to stay. They provide medical care.

    People need faith when they have little left.

  9. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:42 PM

    Ah, the people suffering in Alabama are graced by a heavenly visit from Our Lady of the Perpetually Shifty.

    I hope at least one or two of those who are exhausted and at the end of their rope "explain" to her and Graham (in very certain terms) what bogus, opportunistic asses they both are.

  10. Anonymous5:45 PM

    How is she seeking americans destruction? She isn't trying to pass legislation that will further bankrupt us. She has no actual power in governing the country, yet unemployment is back up. All she wants is for people to live within their means and not rely on govt or anyone else. Social programs, while great for those who use them in dire need, need a one year limit. That's a start to bettering america.

  11. @5:45 My sister is permanently disabled. So after one year a miracle will happen and she can go to work and support herself? Disabled people begging on the streets will surely better "america".

  12. to "anonymous @ 5:40pm"...yeah right! She has actually made donations? Oh pleeeeeease. Give me a break. Her "donations to charity" are public record. Go look. (crickets) Nice try.

  13. TruthSeeker6:08 PM

    Palin, you look as pregnant in those Alabama photos as you did when you publicly announced your pregnancy with Trig.

    Palin, are you sure you should be wondering around all that debris? What will you do if you suddenly start leaking amniotic fluid? It's not easy scrambling over the strewn objects on the ground, to get to your plane, so that you can fly back to Alaska.

    Gosh, you can't have a fish picker born in Alabama now, can you?

  14. Anonymous6:09 PM

    The person on here taking up for Sarah. Have you ever been poor and struggling? Sarah is not against taking money from the poor or elderly as long as it benefits her, but she is not for helping anyone. You are not helping Sarah you are making her look even more evil. She is too STUPID to be President. She has been bought by FOX news and cares only about Sarah. She hates the United States.

  15. Anonymous6:09 PM

    far as im concerned, most 'non-profit' disaster organizations have the scam going including red cross. those ceo's enjoy many perks. although no doubt grahams is one of the griftiest of them all by including the the god angle. really it is a perfect fit for palin. if it were only possible to write a check out directly to the vicitms.

  16. emrysa6:13 PM

    anon @ 5:40 pm sez:

    "Then how do you explain the thousands of dollars the Palins have given to charity anonymously?"

    rofl why do you people bother? you are defending a grifter AND a quitter. she QUIT on her constituents in alaska. but somehow she can be counted on not to quit the presidency? bullshit. you people are more stupid than she is. no one, and I mean NO ONE with more than half a brain is buying that the quitter has given thousands of dollars anonymously. goddam you need some help.

    and one more thing - giving out christian myth literature to uneducated people while offering them medicine is CRIMINAL.

  17. Remember Tucson6:16 PM

    @5:45 - Do you know what would start bettering America? If you learned how to capitalize it. Why do you disrespect our country so? We're Americans. It's America.

    Now, take your pathetic defenses of Cross-eyed, Crosshair Sarah, who targets Congresswomen, elsewhere. (FYI- That is just one example of how she has sought the destruction of Americans--by putting out a map with crosshairs on specific districts of Congress. Yeah, people died that day, including an innocent child.)

  18. slowhand6:21 PM

    Hey, brainiac at 5:40 --

    If the Palins have given thousands of dollars to charity anonymously, how would you know that?

    Do you understand what "anonymously" means?

  19. emrysa6:25 PM

    @ 5:40:

    do Doctors Without Borders give out jesus literature when they offer medicine to devastated communities? NO THEY DON'T. samaritan's purse is nothing but a bunch of proselytizing con artists getting rich by pushing jesus on the uneducated/ignorant. scumbags, all of them.

  20. angela6:28 PM

    Anon 5:40 & 5:45

    Samaritan's purse is not highly rated as a charity. They do not give enough of a percentage to their actual charities that the Better Business Bureau recommends to be considered a good charity. Graham pays himself and his board way too much money and dumps plastic garbage and religious paraphernalia on people in dire straits.

    Sarah has already had to give back almost $400,000 she grifted in the Alaska Fund Trust. Graham and Palin are money hungry weasels.

    It's funny how Sarah who quit as governor to make money because she supposedly was being bankrupted--she wasn't--all of a sudden is vicious about the middle class. Give me a break. She's worth millions and barely gives anything to charity. She was a lousy mayor who was threatened with recall and decorated her office at fifty-thousand but made rape victims pay for their rape kits. She cut funding to the Special Olympics (interesting as a mother of a DS child).

    She's counted on the government taking care of her and her family for about fifteen years as a mayor and governor. Her children got native health care. She's a nasty vicious piece of shit who'd steal the metal out of a homeless person's teeth if it was shiny. So your lovely fairy tale crap just doesn't fly.

    She needs to stay away from those poor devastated people. She is toxic and nowhere near any kind of christian I know of.

  21. Anonymous6:30 PM

    @540 Prove Sarah has given money to charities. You do not expect any one to believe that do you. I have two special needs grandchildren. Does Sarah only want to help them for a year. I am a senior on Social Security doe she only want to help me for a year. I pray she never gets elected to any thing. She has done enough harm just by running her hate spewing mouth.

  22. E!Online has a "Awful Mother Poll," just in time for Mother's Day. $carah's in the running. Here's where to vote:

  23. emrysa6:38 PM

    anon @ 5:45 pm sez:

    "All she wants is for people to live within their means and not rely on govt or anyone else."

    really? then explain the alaska permanent fund, which her entire family has benefited from for decades. it's an annual government handout. if she's so against people taking money from the government, why hasn't she come out against the fund?

  24. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Good Lord!!! If you are so outraged about this, post your comments somewhere else too. Post at Alabama's website for aid. I agree that she is a media whore, but bitching here alone is not the answer.

  25. Just wondering about one of the comments...if the Palins donated thousands to charities, but did so anonymously, then how did the commenter know???
    Hmmmm. Sketchy.
    Faith isn't a bad thing, unless you
    place it in bogus,ignorant,dishonest, opportunistic quitters who don't give a fig about anyone but themselves.
    I wouldn't turn my back on SP for a second, and if she were ever in my home, I'd count my silverware immediately upon her departure.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Anonymous6:42 PM

    5:45, and why should people like Todd Palin and his offspring, who are well to do, and able to earn their own living, be entitled to suck at the teat of free health care for Native Americans, just because Todd is one-quarter Eskimo? His kids are one-EIGHTH Eskimo. That means Tripp is one-SIXTEENTH Eskimo! But Alaskan taxpayers will be coughing up for his medical FOREVER, because the Palins are such fucking grifters they won't turn down any handout they are entitled to whether or not they need it.

    But you think other Americans in need should only get a one-year grace period?

    Spoken like a true Christian of the Franklin "let's see the money!" Graham and Sarah "$100,000 first, please!" Palin.

    They are fucking whores, and you're a fucking hypocrite!

  28. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Other than her six-weeks-late-photo-op in the Alaskan villages, she's been to exactly two places with Samaritans Purse... both in the last year. These visits are solely to bolster her presidential run. Not something that she's doing out of the goodness of her heart. That she'd use other people's hardship for her own gain is disgusting. Sarah Palin is shameless.

  29. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Can't help but notice in the photo for this segment, but where are the huge phoney boobs we saw not long ago in the white tee shirt and black bra with her throwing them forward for the photographer?

    Once again, the bitch is fraudulent! She makes me want to puke!!!!!

    Helping these folks in Alabama - my ass.

  30. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I live in Alabama and people need help not Sarah Palin coming to be seen. Sarah only wants money and to be seen. Any one who would speak up for her is just as stupid as she is.

  31. Anonymous6:58 PM

    "Oh really? Then how do you explain the thousands of dollars the Palins have given to charity anonymously?"

    If they were giving anonymously, you wouldn't know about it, dumbass. That's what anonymous means. Given the fact that Sarah doesn't give speeches to Christian charities for less than TENS of THOUSANDS of dollars, I seriously doubt that the Palins are generous givers. She's taken much more than she's given from her faithful, but by all means, keep writing her checks. Take comfort in knowing you're doing your part to make sure she always flies first class and has the latest designer shades. BTW, did you get your refund yet from her first (illegal)defense fund? No? Dummy!

  32. Anonymous7:00 PM

    5:40, I call bullshit. We saw the Palin's 2007 tax return during the 2008 election. Their charitable contributions were neglible. That's with both working in six figure jobs. And such Christian church goers too...not! And don't tell me they didn't report all of the contributions, because I doubt they would have paid Uncle Sam more than they had to. As a single mom, I gave more.

    More recently, of course, there are the PAC disclosures showing pitiful donations to both charity and political candidates.

    We've got their number, so you can cut the crap.

  33. Anonymous7:04 PM

    So, what did Samaritan's Purse pay her for that ad? We know she does nothing without being paid!

  34. AKRNC7:05 PM

    Anonymous @5:40, can you prove that Palin has given thousands of dollars to charities anonymously? People who give to charities do NOT charge special needs groups $100k to speak in order to raise money for the group and then charge them for expenses on top of it despite having SarahPAC which would have easily been able to pay for it. Except $arah obviously treats SarahPAC like her own personal piggy bank and doesn't want to use it unless it benefits her personally.

    P.S. if you know so much about $arah personally, can you tell me why she still doesn't know how to dress herself? Wearing shoes two sizes too big and a dirty jacket to a party given by, of all organizations, MSNBC & VF!! Has she no sense of hypocrisy? She'll go anywhere to get her mug in the paper and for attention, be it good or bad. She's a publicity whore with no shame.

  35. I have not been one to "blog" very much, as I have much to lose. I have made "anonymous" comments from time to time concerning Sarah Palin. But this obvious "opportunity for a pat on the back" by her repulses me to the extreme.
    Her "photo ops" are disgusting. As I have said before to her, please! "More PAW not JAW". YOU REALLY WANT TO HELP? THEN GO do it! That "commercial" is reprehensible. You are one slimy person Ms. Palin, taking advantage of so many people that are suffering. How much did YOU get paid to do that? Trust me....I know what happens when disasters strike and how the money changes hands. They PAID you to film that little "informercial" and you go on your little merry way. The Samaritan's Purse adds more to their stash. To slink in and take advantage of these people makes me so angry. I have had this happen to me before, during Hurricane Ivan. I KNOW what people like you and your ($$) Political friends are up to. It sucks Ma'am. How do you sleep at night?

  36. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Anon @ 5:40 pm

    Really? I'll believe that when I see her tax return


  37. Anonymous7:07 PM

    "All she wants is for people to live within their means and not rely on govt or anyone else."

    Who needs government handouts when you get regular checks in the mail from deluded idiots who believe you're America's modern-day Esther? Do you think Sarah gives a crap that you simpletons can't afford gas? SarahPAC is paying to fill up her gas tank. And your votes bought an unwed mother who got pregnant on purpose a house in Arizona. Beats the hell out of welfare, ha ha. The Palins thank you for your support! If you weren't so blinded by hatred for the president, you'd know you were being scammed.

  38. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Anon 5:40 - Why does Samaritan's Purse exploit the situation to use film footage in their ads to raise money? Can't they afford to pay an actor to do an advertisement? They get free advertising out of these victims who don't know where they're sleeping tonight. They aren't doing this for the people because if it was really all about compassion for these people, the Purse would be giving whatever cash donations it received and working with the Red Cross. But of course Samaritan's Purse nor Franklin would get the glory.

    Why doesn't Franklin set up camp there and not leave til the last resident can live in their home. He could set up a temporary church - serve as temporary preacher for those who wish to attend, like tent revivals. Yet still provide shelters for those who are still waiting for electricity, water, services. Driving one afternoon, dropping off boxes of food is nice and everything, but that's not going the distance kind of charity.

    Charity is giving of one's precious time. The volunteers there looked like normal working people who probably took vacation time off. They don't get benefits time-off employee benefits. Franklin jets in, does his thing, then jets out to one of his homes. Please note he gets paid a six-figure yearly salary in some capacity with the Samaritan's Purse. Franklin taking a day off won't put him in a worrisome financial bind of whether he can afford medications or food for his family.

    Sarah, who is financially comfortable and has the energy and time and security, can take an afternoon off without worrying. These people are made in the shade. It's hard for hard-working christians to listen to her solicit in the Samaritan Purse advertisement. All they have to do is give, do whatever, but stop USING a natural disaster as an advertisement opportunity.

  39. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I just left Alabama and happen to work with Todd and Sara Palin. They obviously cleaned more debri and helped more tornado victims than you bunch of goofballs on this blog, so unless you are going to get out there and work, you should put your money where your mouth is. As far as Samaritan's Purse. They spent 5 years in Katrina's hardest hit areas,from clean-up to placing families in new homes, they have rebuilt 22 homes so far for Nashville flood victims, and have set up camps in Alabama before your President even got there. So maybe you should use your time more wisely volunteering for Victims of Disasters instead of looking for everyone else's downfalls.

  40. imnofred7:12 PM

    This makes me want to puke!! Talk about a staged photo op and a faux prayer.

    Look how clean her and Tawd look. The gloves and sweatshirts (Samaritans Purse, of course)look like they are fresh out of the box. Sure doesn't look like either of them did much work.

    They probably spent less than an hour there. Just enough time to take some picks and to shoot the infomercial, then back to the limo and the private jet.

    For her to act like she really gives a fuck about the people of Alabama is truly disgusting. She was only there for her own political gain.

    Franklin Graham is a piece of human excrement. He is nothing like his father. Billy Graham must be ashamed at what his son has done to the Graham name.

  41. Anonymous7:13 PM

    People need faith when they have little left.

    How condescending. Believe it or not, Anonymous, Haitians and Alabamans already have faith. They don't need Sarah to act like a freaking missionary.

  42. To "anonymous @6:38"?
    Trust me...WE are!

  43. Anonymous7:16 PM

    @7:10 - Really? Then why don't you even know how to spell Sarah's name. EPIC FAIL. LIAR.

  44. Anonymous7:17 PM


    You are so full of shit. Alaskans never saw Sarah or Toad lift their hands to help folks - EVER.

    I doubt they have gotten their hands dirty very much in helping OTHERS throughout their lifetime. If it's been to help themselves, that is an entirely different story.

    The Palins are fraud and it can be proven, time and time again.

  45. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Hi, Sarah (5:40)! I assume you must be Sarah because how else would you know about their "anonymous giving"? Also too, with what you make, "thousands" is a pretty small percentage. The Obamas gave a quarter of a million to charity last year and didn't make a big fuss about it.

    Also too, I don't believe you would do anything anonymously that you could exploit to show the world how wonderful you think you are. When have you ever missed a chance to broadcast your (alleged, so-called, cough gag choke) sainthood?

  46. Anonymous7:32 PM

    She is just a deluded as ever. I could only listen to a few sentences ... "started off in Alaska ... " Sarah, I wouldn't go touting that crappy effort you made in Alaska .. it is certain to let everyone see how absurd and ineffectual bringing cookies to a disaster really is. And, for all our sakes, how abouT REFERRING TO YOURSELF IN THE PRESENT TENSE for once in your life? I think you think it makes you look humble, but it really doesn't.

  47. Anonymous7:35 PM

    The vast majority of the American public is not going to be fooled by Sarah doing volunteer work in front of the cameras. We've seen enough and know what she is. A fraud. The Pharisees gave to charity too, and just like Sarah they made sure everyone knew about it. And like other posters have said, we've already seen the Palins tax returns and their % of charitable giving is pathetic. But never mind that, she carried a bunch of twigs to the curb in front of a camera crew. Ain't she sweet?

  48. Anonymous7:35 PM

    After Katrina, I stopped donating to the Red Cross. I now donate to a religious organization that has received high ratings. Unlike Samaritans Purse (same initials as Sarah Palin! I just noticed!), this organization not only provides practical and necessary help--food, shelter, medical care--during disasters, but their programs in developing countries are designed to help people help themselves by building sustainable businesses. The org doesn't give out plastic toys and pamphlets. They share their faith through their actions, rather than by proselytizing. Most of their staff are either volunteers or raise their own support. The org spends a very minimal amount of money on marketing, so a high ratio of contributions (something like 99%) gets to the people who actually need help.

    Unfortunately, the more high-profile groups like Samaritan's Purse cause people to mistrust all religious charities. Some of them are extremely effective, don't proselytize, and do maintain high ethical standards. Franklin Graham and Sarah Palin are hurting those organizations, as well as the people of Alabama, with their high-profile grifting and greed.

  49. DetroitSam7:44 PM

    Anonymous @5:40 PM

    "Then how do you explain the thousands of dollars the Palins have given to charity anonymously?"

    Tell that to the charities that support specials need children. A couple of thousands bucks just don't cut it, especially when is sucking the idiot Palinbots dry.

    "Do you not see ALL the good SPurse has done throughout the world?"

    Like taking shoe boxes full of plastic junk made in China to people who need antibiotics, IVs, medicine, clean water, sanitation facilities, food, clothing?

    "They give Haitians clean, covered places to stay."

    Like plastic tents?

    "People need faith when they have little left".

    People who have little left need antibiotics, IVs, medicine, clean water, sanitation facilities, food and clothing?

    Epic FAIL.

  50. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Sarah Palin said that Samaritan's Purse came up to Alaska to help the Eskimos. Just asking, are these the same Native Alaskans that were starving and having problems and Sarah showed up with just a tray of cookies to satisfy their hunger?

  51. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Dear Ms Sarah Shifty Pants:
    How do you explain to all your anti-govt. help, "pro churches are our saviors" crowd the $744 million you gave to the citizens of Alaska in July 2008 before you became the McCain clown? Remember? You gave each man, woman and child $1,200 in Alaska to subsidize our fuel costs? I haven't heard a word out of your clown Gov. Parnell about doing the same this year considering the cost of fuel these days! Damn, that govt help just sucks! How about talking the churches into a similar bailout? You are the biggest hypocrite in politics these days.

  52. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Am I to believe that is Sarah Palin in the video? I don’t buy that one bit! That is not Sarah Palin! The Sarah Palin I know has big shapely breast. Don’t believe me? Look at Sarah’s pictures from the Belmont Race Track, that’s the Sarah I know. I don’t know who this man-ish looking Sarah wanna be is. However I do see Todd Palin in the video and he has just about the same size breast as the lady or man playing Sarah. So whoever is saying that is Sarah, be careful she won’t like that and she has a mean streak.

  53. DetroitSam7:46 PM

    Anonymous @5:45 PM

    This is such a silly statement that it does not need comment.

  54. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Actually, I think Native health care in Alaska is federally funded.

  55. Anonymous7:49 PM

    When I heard that all these so called charities and foundations only have to give 20% of what they take in to the needy, that did it for me. I only want to give to groups where most of the money ( preferably all but i knw that wn't happen)gors to the needy and not to the ceo and officers of these charities.

  56. Anonymous7:51 PM

    That article about them being investigated was from 2001 -- eleven years ago. The investigation MUST be done by now, right? If it proved to be an issue, the organization would have been censured.

  57. Anonymous8:03 PM

    If you lived in Alabama would you want Sarah to come down there for an hour to move a few bushes and take some pictures or would you want her to send a nice big check to the Alabam Red Cross?

    Knowing that Todd can build luxury 2 story houses by himself. Would you want Todd to go to Alabama to move a few bushes or would you want him to build some house like President Jimmy Carter does?

  58. Anonymous8:06 PM

    If you think this 'infomercial' came from the bottom of her christian heart you're probably mistaken.
    To Palin the equation is such:
    Sarah=God=GOP=Money=Corporate Money=Getting Paid=Show Pity to the Poor=Getting Paid to show said Pity=EVERYTHING JEZUS STOOD AGAINST

    Ooooh, but not Sarah's Jezus!

  59. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I'm looking at the video still shot on the main page, which one is Sarah Palin? The dude wearing the glasses or the dude wearing the camoflauge hat?

  60. justafarmer8:18 PM

    when I was younger, I was a Red Cross volunteer. Not so much with distributing supplies, but I did that after the sun set AFTER I spent the entire daylight hours in my firefighter turnout gear, cleaning out houses, dragging stuff to the curb for disposal and, at one point, pulling coffins, that had been washed out of a cemetery, from the Mississippi River. I did this many MANY times. And there were photo ops for sure but they weren't with perfect hair, manicure and a clean t-shirt; the photo ops were to let the people not in the disaster area know what we were doing and letting those IN the disaster area know we were there and ready to help, just call the local number to let us know. We worked our butts off, brought truckloads of emergency supplies in a combined secular & faith-based effort at EVERY disaster scene over the course of 15-20 years. And paid all our our expenses and never thought to get any financial benefit. I like to think that we got back the quiet satisfaction of helping our neighbors in need with the knowledge they would do the same for us. The Palins & Grahams are shysters, making money for themselves and themselves alone. And it pisses me off big time. Thanks for letting me vent, Gryphen.

  61. Anonymous8:18 PM

    7:10, think of how much more Franklin's Purse could do if he were not pocketing MILLIONS of people's hard-earned donations.

    If you watched Todd and Sarah mug for the camera for an hour, then good for you, but don't pretend this is a lifestyle for them. The only helping they do is when they help themselves to other people's money. They've been living their life in public, remember? And don't pretend you know anything about the real grass roots Americans who visit here.

  62. JoyceT8:19 PM

    Oh, yeah. Give me a break! She worked with "Frank the bank" (Graham - not Murkowski)in helping the people in the native villages. Scarah Paylin took cookies!!! Yes. Cookies! And she and Frank went on their photo op over a month after the disaster calls were coming in. It was citizens throughout Alaska and elsewhere that were sending food and money for heating fuels to the native villages, NOT MRS. HALF-TERM GOVERNOR QUITTY PANTS!

    So she was in Alabama; hauled some shrubs for 1:28 minutes; had her picture taken and left. Whooptie-Doo! If she was truly interested in these people and their devastation, she would stay there for a week and haul debris, without the photo op.

  63. justafarmer8:21 PM

    Also (my last post was getting too long), when I was a Red Cross volunteer, I was there before the recovery efforts while floodwaters were still rising. We went door to door by boat to make sure nobody was stranded. Turned out, we rescued many pets that were left behind, and I am very proud of that work. After the floodwaters receded, I was a Red Cross volunteer trained to do initial inspections of houses to determined initial damage, which was very important for compiling data for a disaster declaration. If anyone wants to donate even a dime, donate to Red Cross!

  64. Well. Greg Mortenson is being sued for fraud for his charity/scam. Let's hope that Graham is next. These "helpers" who arrive in private jets and stay long enough for a photo op make me sick.

    Sarah Palin: Just waiting for the next disaster. Soon she'll be the buzz word for disaster, as in: We just had a major palin hit our town.

  65. anon @ 7:10 - Now I know what is meant by "Liars for Jesus."

    Prove me wrong. Post your pictures with sarah and todd. Post your name so we can thank you for your service.

    If you do so, I will apologize.

  66. Anonymous8:32 PM

    I just left Alabama and happen to work with Todd and Sara Palin.

    Sure you did.

  67. Anonymous8:36 PM

    How many Jesus trinkets did you pass out, Anon 7:10?

    Some of us actually work and take care of kids and can't get down to help with disaster relief. Neither Todd nor Sarah have to worry about work or taking care of kids so they're free to hop down there on Frank Graham's private plane (paid for by God and Jesus).

    Funny how Sarah couldn't be bothered to help out starving Native Alaskans when she was their freakin' Governor, but she showed up in Haiti and now in Alabama...and not a plate of cookies in sight!

    If we're going to donate money, it sure won't be to a smug televangelist who pays himself and his family a million plus a year off the backs of grannies on fixed incomes.

  68. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Why aren´t sarah and Todd still in Alabama where they are needed? Oh, yeah, that´s right, they went for a quick photo op and bolted. Franklin Graham is notorious for going in preying on the weak and desperate after all the hard, dangerous work has been done. Why weren´t they clearing debris when the possibility of survivors existed? Too much work and real expense, perhaps? ¨Too real, too raw,¨ perhaps? Giving bottles of water to volunteers for Habitat for Humanity and later claiming to build houses is deplorable. You fool no one here.

    FYI, the Pentagon rescinded Franklin´s invitation from the Christian conservative National Day of Prayer Task Force to speak at a Pentagon National Day of Prayer event. He still attended the National Day of Prayer meeting at the Pentagon, but outside in the parking lot with about a dozen people (with cameras). Graham has also been criticized for refusing to participate in 1994 peace negotiations between the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and the Sudanese and Ugandan governments. When Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir was indicted by the International Criminal Court in March 2009, Graham argued in an op-ed in The New York Times that Bashir should not be indicted for alleged genocidal acts because the indictment would lead to the collapse of the 2005 peace agreement. People for the American Way, among others, criticized Graham for downplaying Bashir's war in mostly Muslim Darfur because of peace in the mostly Christian south of Sudan and because Bashir has allowed Graham and his Samaritan's Purse latitude in operating in Sudan. Similarly, he ignores sarah´s misdeeds.

    This anti-American scammer also supports Trump.

    BTW, I have helped in Alabama and continue to help every day by providing a place to stay for several displaced Tuscaloosans. Although bitter football rivals, we in the SEC tend to stick together, especially the Christians.

  69. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Yep she forgot to wear her inflatable bra in this photo op. Flat as Piper.

  70. Anonymous8:44 PM

    There was a time when Sarah would take Bristol along on these photo ops. What happened? Bristol has her new chin and does not need Sarah's paparazzi anymore?

    Bristol has her own entourage and paparazzi and now what, screw these fake photo shoots?

  71. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Anon 7:10 PM Dumbass Sarah is all about Sarah. If she really cared about those who are in need, why did she quit on her constituents? Don't give me that BS about quitting for the good of Alaska. The people of Alaska expected Sarah to do her job benefiting their needs, especially the starving Villages in Alaska, countless homeless teens and rape victims.

    Sarah's Obsession with President Obama is the only reason she was in Alabama. It's her crazy attempt to prove she's better than President Obama, but she is nothing more than a little Chihuahua always nipping at the heels of the President. Sarah's obsession is sick and psychotic.

    Also, for fake Christians like Sarah. Matthew 6:1-34 “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others."

    BTW, President Obama is your President too and Sarah Palin is too stupid to be in his league. He's the only adult in the room. :-)

  72. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Trig and Tripp must thank God everyday?

    They thank God everyday for nannies!

    I wonder if Joseph and Mary had a nanny for Jesus?

  73. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Oh really? Then how do you explain the thousands of dollars the Palins have given to charity anonymously?

    Do you not see ALL the good SPurse has done throughout the world? They give Haitians clean, covered places to stay. They provide medical care.

    People need faith when they have little left.
    5:40 PM

    Sarah always said that charity begins at home and that is in Wasilla, Alaska. To be more precise, that would be 1140 W Parks Hwy, Wasilla, AK 99654.

  74. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Alabama... just another stamp for Palin's passport.

  75. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Oh really? Then how do you explain the thousands of dollars the Palins have given to charity anonymously?

    Do you not see ALL the good SPurse has done throughout the world? They give Haitians clean, covered places to stay. They provide medical care.

    People need faith when they have little left.

    5:40 PM

    Let's see a charity organizes a paid speaking gig for Sarah and pays Sarah $150,000. Then Sarah turns around and gives the charity a check for $1,000. I can see how you think Sarah gives to charity.

    To us we see it as a pay off.

  76. Rachel9:09 PM

    Anon @ 7:10:

    "I just left Alabama and happen to work with Todd and Sara Palin. They obviously cleaned more debri and helped more tornado victims than you bunch of goofballs on this blog, so unless you are going to get out there and work, you should put your money where your mouth is."

    So Palin helped out tornado vicims, did she? Well, let me tell you something. I live in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, which sustained some of the greatest damages in the state. I have many friends without homes or cars, and I know people who lost their lives that day. For the past week my entire life has centered around the tornado damages and relief work. Now, with that being said, I know without a doubt that $arah doesn't give a shit about the horror that ripped my city and our lives apart a week ago. She came down here ONLY for the purpose of publicity and photo ops. If I had seen her "helping" with her camera crews in tow, I would have told her to get her pathetic, grifting ass back up to Alaska. We need people who care, not someone who is just making money off our losses and devastation.

  77. Anonymous9:10 PM

    7:12, where did you get the idea that Billy Graham isn't every bit as big a turd as his son? Who do you think raised Franklin? They are both hucksters of the first magnitude.

  78. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Anon 5:45S he has no actual power in governing the country, yet unemployment is back up. All she wants is for people to live within their means and not rely on govt or anyone else. Social programs, while great for those who use them in dire need, need a one year limit. That's a start to bettering america."

    For goodness sake, do your homework before you post mis-information.

    Private sectors added, 244,000 jobs in April and Unemployment rate increased last month because more people started looking for work and layoffs of scary Gov jobs, such as teachers, firefighters, construction jobs, you know Union Thugs.

    Oh btw, Sarah's children, for years benefited from Government handout and probably still does with free Government Healthcare.

  79. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Good timing; first Haiti, now Alabama. First time traveling abroad this year too. Hmm, I'm thinking it's all padding for keeping the image of a pres. run going.

    She is so obviously transparent. Charity? Why then charge to speak at their events?

    Hopefully she will QUIT this too soon. And go away.

  80. Gasman9:34 PM

    Good lord, haven't these people suffered enough already? WTF did they do to deserve Palin? Does that stupid bitch think that she is actually helping in any way? Even other people's tragedies are STILL all about her.

    Palin's all consuming vanity and obdurate stupidity are really starting to piss me off.

  81. Anonymous9:46 PM

    For everyone wondering where Sarah's breasts went, her tight abs are hiding them.

  82. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Where are her Belmont Stakes boobies? That's what Enquiring Minds want to know. That woman goes from flat to inflated in the tit area as fast as she went from flat to fat with the Trig gestation.

  83. Anonymous said...
    How is she seeking americans destruction? She isn't trying to pass legislation that will further bankrupt us. She has no actual power in governing the country, yet unemployment is back up. All she wants is for people to live within their means and not rely on govt or anyone else. Social programs, while great for those who use them in dire need, need a one year limit. That's a start to bettering america.


    Well, just for starters, Sarah Palin gave all of us an additional $1200 in 2008 on top of our already "socialist" Permanent Fund Dividend.

    Sarah Palin has no issue taking Federal Money from the Indian Health Services for her children due to Todd's Native Blood.

    Sarah took no issue with charging our State of Alaska a per diem to work from home instead of being at her office in Juneau; the per diem is in place for travel, not for slacking at home.

    Sarah Palin also was not too ashamed to fly her kids around our State on the State dime, and until she was called out for her kids not having any State Business while on those junkets, she did not make any attempt to pay our State for their travel expenses.

    She talks a good game, but she doesn't walk the walk. She is a faker of the highest order and she will be called out on the carpet for even more of her own "Socialist" behavior if she dips a toe into the GOP primary.

  84. Anonymous10:00 PM

    The POTUS arrives with cameras because he is the leader the nation.

    If $arah really cared, she would ask that no pictures be taken of her work, since it is a distraction from the purpose of her visit - to help.

    If you aren't an elected official or a reporter, turn the cameras off and get back to work.

    Just like millions of Americans do every single day.

  85. sallyngarland,tx10:05 PM

    Hi Gryphen and all here,

    I'm passing out nightmares tonight-a 2008 Palin video that wasn't seen much. "Our Greatest Fear"

  86. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Hey, sarah, why don´t you tell us about the first time you tried ¨helping out¨ in Alabama? You know, when you wandered around acting all concerned for about fifteen minutes but left after no one noticed? Why didn´t you help then or were you just gawking and getting in the way? That´s why you begged to Franklin, isn´t it? Franklin has the cameras, doesn´t he?

    No need to answer. We know if the cameras would´ve been there, you would have rolled up your sleeves and put on the work gloves. You would have spent five hours primping in front of a mirror, an hour milling about until the cameras were ready, and five minutes bending over and picking up a stick.

    Actually, sarah, I like what you are doing. You are like a radioactive isotope that identifies the cancers that parasitically live off our country by migrating and attaching yourself to them. Kind of like what you´re doing to Franklin Graham here.

  87. Anonymous10:29 PM

    What help, bitch was filming a commercial.

  88. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Do you not see ALL the good SPurse has done throughout the world? They give Haitians clean, covered places to stay. They provide medical care.

    People need faith when they have little left.


    Bullshit - people need to be treated like people, to be able to choose for themselves not have some do-goody Fakelin Graham imposing his particular version of Christianity on others.

    Haitians HAVE their own religion - and would probably be better off getting educated and jettisoning THAT - thank you very much.

  89. Anonymous10:35 PM

    @ 5:45 are you STOOOPID or what. Try to get on your feet within a year - get an education - last I heard, college was a four year comittment. Six in $carah's case

    Must be Bitchtol commenting - uneducated teen mommy who has no thoughts or abilities for higher ed.

  90. Anonymous11:02 PM

    All you have 2 know about flakey fake Palin you can see in photos. One day her breasts are huge (at Belmont for example) the next day they are flat. She was flat chested in Hawaii but touting them in Belmont with a thin white t-shirt and a black gel bra underneath no less. Now she is flat chested again in this video.

    So what does that say about Palin that she must project such a false image? Sadly, it seems now that Brisket is not happy either with what god gave her - there was absolutely nothing wrong with her face. I think they are both very insecure and doing everything they can to promote whatever they think the public likes to see just so they can make $$$$$$.

    I don't see other women who are serious politicians and work for what they believe in getting facelifts, implants, etc. all to just look better to gain worshipping fans who are eager to part with their dollars just because it's an IMAGE they desire to believe in.

    And the Palin's profess that Levi is "Ricky Hollywood" ???!!!???

    The only reason Palin wears a heavily padded bra is to enhance her teabilly centerfold image as far as I can see.

    What is wrong with being yourself and the body god gave you? Are you ashamed of natural self deep inside and have to cover it all up with fakery?

    It's just SO SAD that at 20 yrs. of age Brisket has such low self esteem and that her mother taught her that people won't love you all by being you yourself. But then again, maybe they know that by being themselves many would not like them anyway. They both are trying too hard.

    Actually, the more Sarah talks, the more Brisket talks, the more America sees their true selves....and it's not pretty.

  91. Anonymous11:07 PM

    This is random but did you know Bill McAllister's cousin went to Harvard with Obama and is still his friend?

  92. Anonymous11:09 PM

    A one year limit to social programs?? I will pray for you because you are a stupid cold hearted moron! I worked foe 25 years before becoming severely sick and then disabled. Since I'm a physician my guess is I've paid more into taxes then you've made in your life. Unless you inherited money because you don't sound bright enough to have earned it.
    It doesn't better America to throw the disabled and elderly on the streets and to take Medicare away from them. And a voucher program is worse then a death panel. Do you think it can't happen to you? One drunk driver hitting you or cancer or MS? One year of help? Then what. Churches or family should help? They dont!!

    The problem with this country is greed. Sarah Palin stands for greed and faux Christianity. She's a fraud and an idiot and she hadn't given money anonymously. How stupid are you? She couldn't write it off on her taxes then and she would never do that.

    You must live in an ignorant little bubble to have no empathy for others in need. By the way, I paid into social security and Medicare for 25 years? Now idiots Like you think I'm a bad person for utilizing government help?
    In the meantime millionaires and huge corporations pay no taxes?? Please educate yourself because you are a very small minded person who is void of knowledge and compassion. I bet you have hardly worked yourself but you sit in judgement. People like you disgust me.

  93. Anonymous11:15 PM

    How we adore that faithless woman. Sarah will always take the time from her busy schedule to help herself out with a photo op. She's very grateful to give and receive blessings for herself. Sarah graciously accepts credit for work others have done on her behalf. Yes, she's one Christian soldier who is out there in reel America selfishly spreading the Word: Give generously to SarahPAC.*

    * Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover credit cards accepted.

  94. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Anon 7:10, Really??? You were just with the Palins UN Alabama and they were clearing debris? That's a lie. How do I know? I live in Alabama and I work for a media outlet I won't name. It was a photo op! Period!
    They moved a few things but you are exaggerating and lying or someone lied to you. By the way everyone knows SP and SP (Samaritans Purse) and SarH Palun TAKE TAKE TaKE way more than they give. A lot of us did not like them taking advantage. Making money or getting publicity off the suffering is immoral. Shame on you for spreading false information to suit your agenda.

  95. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Nothing hurts sarah more than being invisible. When she walks into a restaurant no one looks and no one makes a fuss. Sometimes this is too much for her to bear, so she will make a scene, throw a tantrum, make demands, hurl accusations, all to draw everyone´s attention to her.

    No wonder the employees at Taco Bell hate her.

  96. Anonymous11:46 PM

    AMEN physician at 11:09 PM. AMEN! You voiced exactly what so many of us think. Thank you!

  97. Anonymous1:36 AM

    The best charity where one truly gives from the heart is anonymous. The giver does not need their name listed with the gold star donors, and they don't need to be photographed pretending to help.

    The true donor is the one who anonymously slips gold coins into the Salvation Army's buckets every year. We can't wait for Sarah Palin to announce that she really is running so we can see just how much money she donates to charity. It's not enough to give her name and a few prayers to those people in Alabama. They need housing, food, medical care, clothing. These things should not come with religious strings attached.

  98. Anonymous3:56 AM

    What a pair! A match "made in Heaven" so to speak, two like-minded souls, doing God's work (yeah, right) together. That would be IF God wanted everyone to be con artists and scam people in dire circumstances. These charities should be investigated, then TAXED. Why do these evangelists need private jets, anyway.

  99. Anonymous4:33 AM

    I was raised in Bham and my immediate family still lives there. One of the hardest hit areas was Pratt City, completely wiped out. So was Pleasant Grove. Did she visit there, in that part of the city with all the brown people...cause all I see in this video are white folk. Did the brown people not need assistance too? Never mind, she should know that she would NOT be welcomed there, because all of those people in those areas hold our president in high esteem...and unless she had come there with an apology, it was best she didn't show her face. Birther cookie offering Graham either. I got one word for her....BEEYOTCH!

  100. Anonymous4:53 AM

    When my daughter was in college,on her spring break, she volunteered to work with Habitat for Humanity in a flood devastated area.The young men and women cleared debris from homes, did carpentry work. All without pay. They slept on local church floors and those same churches fed them.She very well could have been working for pay, which she needed, but sacrificed with out photo-op. That is true Christian help. Somethimg SP would never do.

  101. Sarah Palin


    Arizona shootings



    Blood Libel

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. Chenagrrl5:08 AM

    Where did she think she was?
    She mentions Alabama, but the refers to it as the Southern States. She has really been hoodwinked by Graham, who is a disgrace to his father's name.

    BTW, what were the conditions that led to the fuel lift to the western villages? I thought she was refusing (as governor) to give any aid, and Samaritan's Purse showed up with cameras and she hitched a ride. Not true?

  104. Chenagrrl5:19 AM

    To Anonymous at 5:40 p.m.

    NY State maintains a database on Charities and how much of their money goes to the charity and how much goes to administration. It is helpful with telemarketers, and groups claiming to do good works after disasters.

    Samaritan's Purse, which solicits in NY, has never bothered to fill out the form. This usually means something is not quite right.

    Find it by searching: "Pennies for Charity" and look for the url. The site started as a spreadsheet, but now quite sophisticated. Even though it is a site of the NY Attorney General, here is a dotcom entrance site:

  105. Chenagrrl5:28 AM

    And again Anonymous 5:40 p.m. If you are going to blindly believe that SPurse is only a charity, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to you, cheap!

    In Canada, a group called Pursestrings has taken on Samaritan's Purse. It is one thing to give to a charity, it is quite another to give to a religious effort. Samaritan's Purse makes no distinction, and seems to violate Matthew 6:2.

    Does anyone remember Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker and their air-conditioned dog house built with money given to spead God's word through the PTL Club? SPurse seems to be a close second.

    Read the criticism of SPurse here:

  106. Chenagrrl5:37 AM

    Ohhhhh! Bristol gets Native Health Care? Well that explains the chin.

    Mighta been done by a podiatrist, then! Hey!

  107. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Arizona, D.C., Alabama....Anyone raising her children? Does she just leave for weeks on end?

  108. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Sarah Palin and Franklin Graham...aka Sister Falconer and Brother Gantry!

  109. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Sarah I live in Alabama in a hard hit area. We need help and prayers from true Christians, but you need to stay away. You are a disgrace to Alaska and true Christians every where. People here are hurting, Many have lost everything they had. Even if they were just without power many have still lost a lot. Most were out of power for a week. The same for Samartians purse. They just hand out shoe boxes full of junk.

  110. Hedgewytch9:12 AM

    If I became a wealthy person, such as what the Palin's have become, one of the things I would have great fun doing is charitable actions for people in an anonymous way. I do that now, just in very small ways.

    But wouldn't it be fun to find a single mom struggling to keep a house over her head and pay the bills and then pay her mortgage for a year - anonymously. Or find a smart kid from a disadvantaged home and pay for his college education - anonymously. What a kick I'd get out of that.

    The last thing I'd want to do is stand in front of a camera and preen "oh, look how wonderful I am to be doing this." Such a thought makes me feel ill inside.

    I've never understood how barren a soul must be to be able to be so selfish, self-centered and greedy as the Palins and thier ilk actually are.

  111. Anonymous9:32 AM

    That poor man in the overalls in this picture looks like he is in a state of shock. SARAH IS JUST TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THIS POOR MAN.

  112. wakeUpAmerica12:41 PM

    Yeah she is so appreciative that she donated how much money to their cause? oh yeah, nothing.

  113. There are no words for the hatred that is on this sight. Not one of you are telling the truth about Gov. Palin, Rev. Graham or Samaritan's purse. Back up those lies with proven facts instead of spreading liberal talking points. Don't use the Word of God as a crutch for your hatred. Of all the comments, I didn't read where any of you were in Alabama volunteering to clean up. Maybe if you were there helping out, charity might grab a hold of your hearts. Normally I just shake my head and move on but I have been sent here to tell all of you that your evilness and hatred are destroying your moral compass. Your Creator Father God has judge all of you and found you lacking. I humbly ask all of you to ask Jesus to come into your hearts and forgive you of your wicked ways before it is to late.
    From this day forward whatsoever you think, you write, you speak shall return be returned unto you.
    "Hate at its best will distort you: at its worst it will destroy you; but it will always immobilize you"~Alex Haley, author of Roots

  114. meena3:13 PM

    Greta Van Susteren Gratuitously Works In A Plug For Sarah Palin In The Tornado Zone

  115. emrysa6:00 PM

    lol @ J Evans. would that be jj evans? dy-no-mite!!!

    palin and graham are both grifters. do you really think they went to alabama for free? please. I feel sorry for you that you can't see what is in front of your face.

  116. Anonymous8:09 AM

    think of all the poor schmucks who gave money to whatever "causes" this wannabe politico and her brood pretended to promote, just to see her turn it all around and buy a mansion in AZ. anyone who deems her sleazy ass to be worth listening to now or gives her money should be plumbummed.

  117. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Glad she came and helped, I'm sure the one's who have homes that are now rubble are glad too, it's only the ones who are sitting in front of a computer that have any thing negative to say and more than likely those pessimists haven't donated a penny to help the victims.

  118. Anonymous2:20 AM

    J Evans...there's posters on here that have said they volunteered time and money.

    Religion does not make a person moral. The PERSON makes themselves moral. take God out of the picture and they'll still admit they're sinful and not perfect. People make the choice to be good or bad, the only time we actually get forgiveness is when we ask the ones we hurt for it and HEAR "its okay" or whatever.

    By the way, are you God? How would you know if we're all being judged by God if you weren't? Can't answer that? Well then don't tell us to do that because no one will actually know since God doesn't talk to us. And Gods not my creator, J, my parents...are. I like to call one of them my Father though.

    ***I'm not in any way criticizing ALL christians, I have high respect for those who actually ARE Christians...the ones who don't discriminate against others hiding behind the bible, the ones who "love thy neighbor as thyself" kind of people. The fruit loop super "I know what God thinks of you because we have dinner nightly and play pool together" religious people tick me off though.


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