If what Howell is getting at is that he cannot understand how somebody, who Geoffrey descibes as incredibly self centered and essentially devoid of compassion, could have managed to garner such crazed support from a certain segment of the population, that is a question which many of us here in Alaska have wondered about for almost three years now.
Still the review does pick up on the essential theme running through the book.
According to Dunn, Palin repeatedly has lied about her own political positions (such as whether, as governor of Alaska, she really did support the "bridge to nowhere") and the positions of her political opponents (such as President Obama's supposed support for "death panels" in the 2010 health care overhaul). He says she has lied about things big (such as her reasoning for stepping down as governor 18 months before finishing up her term) and small (such as whether she played varsity basketball all four years of high school). He says she has lied about matters personal (such as how she informed her daughters about her selection to be the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate) and public (such as the extent to which she broke from John McCain's camp during the 2008 presidential election).
But for Dunn, really, this is just the beginning. He wants to show Palin for the self-involved, power-hungry, petty, unlettered, undisciplined dimwit that he says she is. Whether arguing the point himself or quoting others to do so, Dunn presents Palin as mentally unstable, a "town liar," a political hack who trades on personal threats, a "political parvenu in constant [and haphazard] search of the political limelight," an offender of federal election law, a loose cannon who has left "a trail of political wreckage" in her wake.
Dunn gives nearly anyone and everyone who has been buried under this wreckage a full and sympathetic hearing. As a reader, you are told that they are hardworking, principled, committed folk; that they have sacrificed a great deal for their community, state or country; and that, without exception, they were grossly mistreated by Palin.
Indeed, whenever he extols the virtues of anyone at any length, Dunn reliably follows with a blow-by-blow accounting of Palin and her entourage striking down this kindly soul. Reading this book, I kept thinking of those horror films in which the old, wise sheriff is killed off to demonstrate the evil residing within some killer before he (occasionally it) moves on to more deserving victims.
In Dunn's book, though, there are no deserving victims. Indeed, every time he complimented someone, particularly someone who runs in conservative circles, I began to hear the screeching violins playing as the camera pans out and reveals Palin's breath on some cracked window.
Speaking as one of those "victims" I have to say that it is quite gratifying to read how Dunn isolates Palin's modus operandi and then identifies each and every time that she uses it to go after ALL of those foolish, brave, or careless enough to cross her.
After you read how aggressively she tries to defame, shame, and emasculate her perceived opponents it certainly paints everybody on Palin's enemies list in a much more sympathetic light.
By the way for those of you asking me to offer up MY review of Dunn's book
Instead I wholeheartedly endorse the book, as well as the OTHER books that will ultimately reveal the truth that Sarah Palin so desperately does NOT want you to know.
P.S. Dunn's book must have really hit Sarah where it hurts because I have received a number of comments, and e-mails trying extremely hard to undermine his research and poke holes in his revelations. As I have said before, this should prove to be a very troubling summer for Snowdrift Snooki, very troubling indeed.
I've read some of Dunn's book, but no means all. Even if, as some claim, some of those talking to him lied, the preponderance of the evidence is overwhelming. I can't see how Sarah's "bots" can continue after all the books are out. But Dunn does talk about the blind loyalty of even her 8th grade followers.
ReplyDeleteI am almost sympathetic to these journalists who have come late to the party, and never really bothered to look deeply into Palin's record from Day One, like many of us on these blogs, and, may I add, Dunn, Morris and McGinnis? (All of whom were there from the beginning.) These journalist/reviewers are confused, and re-confused because they NEVER did any primary research, simply regurgitating what their fellow journalists (didn't) look into from the get go. They are dizzy, from gazing into the same whirlpool of surface reflection.
ReplyDeleteI actually gave Palin a good go at the beginining - no, one better, I began researching her record early on, as she was named as one of the contenders. For about two weeks after the nomination, I will confess, I was in her corner. (She hadn't opened her mouth much at that point.) But then all of the contradictions and lies began to surface. And the wierd videos of what she had taken part of in her church. And the OBVIOUS non-pregnancy. Then the switch from "I have nothing to hide" to refusing the subpoenas and the big-ass Republican attorney taking over Troopergate, along with the "pro-bono" attorneys from the Liberty Institute from Texas. The Bridge to Nowhere LIE. The lie about vetoing the gay rights bill, but not mentioning that she signed a referendum bill immediately after to put it to the people's vote, to BAN gay rights. You know, I could go on and on and on but all of us here already know the record.
And then, of course, she opened her mouth, which should have been enough for most of the United States, but for the "journalists" that kept on making excuses for her. (Worse, the journalists that were PAID to make her look good, like Elaine Lafferty.)
I vetted Palin as closely as I vetted Obama. Frankly, I don't think the MSM did a credible job of vetting either one. They picked their favorite horsey on the carousel and hung on for dear life, either pulling the racism or the feminism card willy-nilly when hard questions were asked (but never answered.)
Most of these idiot pundits (Weigel, et al) don't bother to look beyond their nose. They know almost NOTHING about Palin's real record as Governor (ferget about the pregnancy, there is enough to sink the ship right there.) They just read the lists of all of Palin's "accomplishments" which are mostly lies, and come away, scratching their heads. . .how could such a nice woman be so mistreated? How could such a "capable" Governor be so misunderstood? Or "manipulated" into the unbelievable public figure we witness today?
Oh, it must be all those BAD PEOPLE out there. That's what it is. All of us Bad People.
Apparently we are to blame for "making" Sarah Palin what she is today. But if you look deep into the record, she couldn't even manage being the mayor of a small city in Alaska; they had to hire a City Manager.
The real Sarah Palin has been right under everyone's nose, from the beginning. It's just that most were too lazy, too inept to recognize it.
I think the one constant thread that will run through all of the Palin themed books coming out will be that she is a pathological liar. She lies about everything, whether it is of consequence or not. The bad news for Palin? If people begin to connect the dots and see that she has essentially NEVER told the truth on any subject, they might begin to suspect that she has also lied regarding the birth of Trig.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is standing in a great big shit pile of her own making. She's up to her chin and is fixin' to go under. I suspect that the combined weight of the upcoming books might just be enough to make her sink.
Bye, bye, bitch.
Unless your life has crossed paths with a charming sociopath, few people would believe what a horror the dazzling, false mask conceals.
ReplyDeleteDunn has removed the mask; of course healthy, empathetic people shrink away.
An excellent site that examines the results of having to live with a malevolent narcissist is "Narcissists Suck"; so called because of the vampiric nature of Ns.
The web mistress of this site, the child of a glamorous N mother, writes that she almost never speaks of her early life. People simply don't believe her.
I thought with one paragraph,
ReplyDelete"Speaking as one of those 'victims' I have to say that it is quite gratifying to read how Dunn isolates Palin's modus operandi and then identifies each and every time that she uses it to go after ALL of those foolish, brave, or careless enough to cross her."
you already gave a better review than this book reviewer. I find him sarcastic (not in a good way) and seeming to make it sound like it is a typical hater's book in which all the Palin victims are nice and Palin is wrong in every case. I guess he did not take this book seriously because of Dunn's seemingly black and white stance.
I have not read the book yet. But I guess Dunn might have undermined the book by being less than critical toward the victims' account. I believe Sarah is a sociopath so all the storied are bound to be highly incredible to normal people. Therefore it is more important to be more even handed to avoid the kind of scepticism the reviewer has shown.
IMO, Howell's review leaves me convinced he read Dunn's book with a negative review already penned. I don't see it as positive at all. It is an incredibly snarky review. I suppose it never occurred to Howell that the sheer number of good folks coming forward should be a huge red flag. Palin really is that bad.
ReplyDeleteI thoroughly enjoyed reading Mr. Dunn's book. In being from Alaska, most of us were already knowledgeable of Palin's horrid ways. Mr. Dunn documented things further and gave a much more intense review of varied hateful deeds 'the worst governor EVER' committed.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is one very evil individual.
Pathological liars are very good at what they do. Even when caught red-handed, it is almost impossible for normal people not to believe their lies.
ReplyDeleteI just read some pages of The Lies Of Sarah Palin at amazon.com and what I got from what little I read is that the whoring lifestyle of Bristol Palin can be traced back to her Grandmother Sally Sheeran who was single and impregnated by Chuck Heath which forced them to get married before the baby was born. Eventually after her whoring days were over, Sally Heath (Chuck Heath had to marry her) had Sarah Heath who like her mother Sally, also had her whoring days and was impregnated before marriage by Todd Palin. Todd had to make an honest woman of Sarah and they had to elope before Track was born.
ReplyDeleteNow do you think Sarah would of took the whoring life experiences of her mother and herself and passed it down to Bristol? Nope, again the whoring around blood line continues and now Bristol Palin became an underage pregnant high school girl. How many times did that girl get pregnant? We don’t really know as of today.
Hopefully these hill billy people can put a stop to force marriages due to getting impregnated while whoring around.
I ask you, do these people know what condoms are or are they just into trailer park birth control which is pulling out after it is too late?
What is weird is that Sarah Palin was always accusing men and boys of wanting to rape her girls and I can’t figure out why Sarah does that? History shows that the females in their bloodlines never get raped, they just give it away like you would pass on a cold. So here is a warning to the young and old bucks out there, these people are very fertile, not to smart and get pregnant at the drop of a hat.
If Dunn were truly a great researcher, he would have included sources that look back fondly on their childhoods in AK and their great memories of Sarah. There are many. Good researcher my ass. And yes, I am one of the people who emailed you with truth Dunn failed to cover, as it would discredit a huge part of the book. But alas, America doesn't want the truth.
ReplyDeleteSo, with Obama saying he's going to expand drilling and Huckster not running, what do you think about Palin running? Joe M seems to think she's going to.
ReplyDeleteYou know it won't be long before she's on FOX thanking GOD Obama FINALLY listened to her and her "drill baby drill" obsession.
What Dunn needs is a sequel to present ideas on how to prevent the next Sarah Palin from getting to the Oval Office. The USA was darned lucky to have avoided Palin, but the next sociopath the GOP runs for prez will be a much better puppet.
ReplyDeleteto the Anonymous Martyr at 8:15:
ReplyDeleteBoo hoo!
ReplyDeleteSuspect you are 'one of the ones' that support our worst governor ever.
Mr. Dunn did great research for his book. (I have read it in its entirety.) We, in Alaska, know Sarah and her family and she is a liar, unethical, horrid mother and wife and even worse political person. There is so much proof of her wrongdoings...
You need to research/vet the woman (cannot even refer to her as a 'lady') instead of blindly supporting her.
micmac @ 7:01
ReplyDelete" .how could such a nice woman be so mistreated? How could such a "capable" Governor be so misunderstood?"
Excellent comment. I tend to think that her die-hard supporters refer back to their bible stories to explain so much of what has happened 'to' her- not because of her. Everyone, including Obama, is out to get her. Why he would waste time worrying about her back in his first months as president, I have no idea. But they do. They have a story or fable for every situation she finds herself in.
Even now, Huckabee bowing out of the 2012 race is a sign that God is clearing the way for her. She has been chosen. This is the mentality we are trying to convince with facts. It will never work.
Short of Herself saying the actual words of truth, they will always believe there is a devil's conspiracy against poor sarah palin.
@8:15 pm, Did you ever think there simply was nothing good to write about Sarah Palin? She is a pathological liar. I know this just from watching her lie on TV. She is full of hate, I know this just from watching her on TV. She is ignorant and seems ill prepared when she speaks. I know this just from watching her actions on TV. She can not articulate one single idea of her own and she is small minded, viscious, and uses the SAME talking points over and over without expanding on a single one. I know this just from watching her on TV. So please, do tell. What are the good things about Palin that you want to get out because I she really needs some help. It didn't take Dunn's book to expose Palin, she has already done that for herself. He just put it into context for us and gave us history. Oh and by the way, if you can't see Palin for what she truly is, human shit, then you must be like her. My grandma used to say birds of a feather flock together. So if you believe her to be a different person, then you might want to step back and take a good look at yourself. That is, unless you like being ignorant, hateful, a liar, etc. Good luck to you.
ReplyDeleteOh, and if that's you Lou Sarah, save it. We know what you are and who you are and pretty soon the WHOLE world will too.
Anon @ 8:15,
ReplyDelete"I am one of the people who emailed you with truth Dunn failed to cover, as it would discredit a huge part of the book. But alas, America doesn't want the truth"
That's it! It's AMERICA that's out to get Palin! The ENTIRE COUNTRY - aside from the handful of pro-Palin patriots - is conspired in a grand Machiavellian plot to crush Palin. Now I can see it all so clearly! Palin is a victim of the grandest conspiracy in the history of our planet, no, of the entire fucking universe!
Let's look at all of the evidence that's piling up:
You do so and conclude that it is America that it out to get Palin. It could be, but to quote the inimitable Wayne Campbell, "tsshyeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt."
When I scan the available evidence I conclude that Palin is simply an insecure, narcissistic, congenitally imbecilic pathological liar.
Whose assessment seems the most reasonable, given all of the available evidence?
I can sleep soundly knowing that my blowhole is safe from any onslaught of anus exiting airborne simians anytime soon.
Anonymous 8:15 PM said
ReplyDelete...look back fondly on their childhoods in AK and their great memories of Sarah.
Welcome. Perchance do any of your great memories of Sarah happen to be photographs of her pregnancies. It would be be very helpful in quelling the trig stories if there was photographic evidence documenting that Sarah Palin did not show much during her pregnancies.
Why do think the web has not been flooded with photos of slim Sarah walzing through her pregnancies with gazelle like grace? Why do you think there are only 2 pics on the web of Sarah Palin's previous pregnancies?
Please share those great memories and all the photos. The web is waiting to hear from YOU.
Of course Dunn makes sure that the background of the people he interviewed establishes that they are CREDIBLE witnesses, good people who are willing to risk the displeasure of Palin's little cult to tell an unflattering truth about SP.
ReplyDelete"Sarah Palin is a liar" might be said by one or two persons and dismissed as gossip; but when virtually everyone SP worked closely with, people who SUPPORTED her political ambitions, report that she was unable to be truthful, in matters both great and small, Dunn is driving home the point that this is her PATTERN.
SP works very, very hard to maintain an attractive, likable image to conceal how vindictive and petty she really is.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteIf Dunn were truly a great researcher, he would have included sources that look back fondly on their childhoods in AK and their great memories of Sarah. There are many. Good researcher my ass. And yes, I am one of the people who emailed you with truth Dunn failed to cover, as it would discredit a huge part of the book. But alas, America doesn't want the truth.
8:15 PM
Sarah, at one time or another even the worst criminals on the planet had great memories of their childhood days and then they just became rotten like you. So I do not understand what will it accomplish to say that at age 2 years old Sarah Palin was a good kid? All of Sarah's kid was probably good at one time then they started their breaking and entering activities, bullying other kids around, whoring around, skipping school, vandalizing school buses and jeopardizing the lives of other kids. So yes we concede that at one time they were good and then became bad seeds.
I'm about a quarter through Dunn's book, and I've had to set it aside. I'm getting too discouraged and depressed to continue. I grew up amid the rhetoric of apocalypse (right-wing, so-called Christian conservatives) and later distanced myself so thoroughly from that milieu that I came to believe it had ceased to exist in any meaningful way. Then Sarah Palin entered the national discourse, and I discovered how potent and sinister the religious right remains. As I read Dunn's book--eloquently written, exhaustively researched--I am haunted by that apocalpytic language from my childhood, the framing of everything in terms of a battle between God and Satan, good and evil, Christians and "humanists," etc. I'm terrified for where the country and the world are heading.
ReplyDeleteI will buy the McGinniss and Bailey books because I want to support these authors. But I don't know if I'll be able to read them in their entirety. Somehow seeing the sordid history in book form, with interviews adding flesh to the people whom Palin has thrown under the bus, is more difficult to process than Gryphen's often snarky, entertaining blog posts.
I just finished the book. Dunn wrote a very damning and well-researched expose of Ms. Palin. She comes off as exceptionally "tone deaf" to people and the issues surrounding her. It is actually quite disturbing to see the wreck of her life and the people she has left in her very chaotic wake.
ReplyDeleteI also was quite shocked to learn about Franklin Graham and his long history in Alaska. What a sick man to imagine himself a Christian. Dunn discusses the evangelical money trail and Palin's attraction very well in light of the Graham revelations. We Alaskans were never their concern. And, that Graham owns a tony retreat up here is more than revolting to contemplate. But, why should I be surprised?
And, when Dunn described how Sarah viewed loyalty as blind devotion and a one-way street it became crystal clear how truly emotionally damaged she is. The Palin marriage must be made in hell.
How funny that the reviewer reads a book entitled "The Lies of....." and is surprised that it presents a negative picture of the subject at hand. I could almost understand had $P racked up a proven record of success in governing AK or had exhibited the family values qualities she claims or had delivered even a modicum of fair and balanced criticism of her opponents rather than relentless ad hominem attacks and then treated us to an all encompassing peaceful vision for her planned role in politics.
ReplyDeleteI get the feeling he has relied heavily on a personal opinion of her formed by the versions she set forth in her ghostwritten books and uses that as his standard of truth.
One doesn't have to read Dunn's book to question the 'image' that Palin has created for herself. It's all right there in her own words and deeds from campaign days forward. He, like many, accept her vindictive obsession with the President seemingly without question. Easy for them to accept her claims that he 'pals around with bad guys', 'favors death panels', wants to take the Nation on a 'socialist, commie ride to facism' yet finds it difficult to believe that an ambitious, aggressive media shunning candidate has no chinks in her armor????
His next project should be determining why a woman who has consistently railed against even the smallest criticism of her behavior has yet to challenge or disprove the larger issues that have been brought to light.
"You know it won't be long before she's on FOX thanking GOD Obama FINALLY listened to her and her "drill baby drill" obsession.
ReplyDelete8:20 PM"
My exact thought. I'm sure RAM is on top of this little project right now. Will she wait for Monday or will she gift us with a special Sunday tweet?????? lol
I agree the evangelic upbringing does bring to focus some of the Sarah Palin meme that Dunn writes about. The insane idea that the world is divided into two camps: good, evil/black/white. She uses the language of the pulpit (manifesting, testimony) and the twisted patronizing tone of a pastor " "I am not an "expert" I am not a "professor" but we know "the Good Book" is the word of god, so we don't need those "scientists" to tell us how to conduct our lives ..." It simply makes me angry to see such an unabashed and unvarnished con as Sarah Palin. It makes me acutely aware we need to teach our children some critical thinking skills so people like Palin don't rise to places of power.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @ 8:15
ReplyDeleteWe all have hard evidence of the blatant dishonesty of Sarah Palin. Even for those of us in the lower 48, it didn't take long to see through the lies of her RNC speech (Bridge to Nowhere ring a bell?) Then she had the gall to belittle Obama's work as a community organizer in comparison to her job as Mayor. Obama had worked for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, helping the poor find affordable housing, child care, health care, etc. He handled those significant responsibilities far better than she handled the role of mayor, and that is well documented.
Then there was the Branchflower report, which found she abused her power as Governor and violated ethical standards. Palin came out and said the report completely "exonerated" her of any wrong-doing--a stunningly stupid, bare-faced lie, outrageous even for a politician.
If you need to be reminded of more, there's the preposterous wild ride, and the claim of "tight abs" to explain her allegedly pregnant belly which was by turns flat, then round,then square. Check out her lies about Todd and the Alaska Independence Party. How about her boast of giving birth to a combat vet, although Track's DD214, obtained under the FOIA, indicates he saw no combat. In "Going Rogue," SP describes giving birth to Trig at Mat-Su, but in the fall of 2010, she said in speeches given in Texas and Alabama that he was born in Anchorage. I don't know where the little boy called Trig was born, but obviously he had one birthplace like everybody else, unless she's talking about two different babies, which is a possibility. It's hard to keep all those stories straight.
No need to go on. Quite apart from the detailed research behind Geoffrey Dunn's excellent book, many, many lies of Sarah Palin are already out there in plain sight.
I'm sure there's a lot we don't know about Palin, but what we do know is profoundly disturbing. Her reputation can never be salvaged, and she has no one to blame but herself.
Gryphie, here's a thread I'd like to see - We all know where we were and what we were doing (depending on your age) at the exact moment when we heard of:
ReplyDelete1. the assassination of President Kennedy
2. the shooting of Paul McCartney
3.9/11/2001 attacks on NYC twin towers
4. the death of Adolph Hitler
5. the death of Princess Diana
6. the deception of Sarah Palin
Focusing on the moment Palin was first exposed for the hate she represents, was for me personally the moment I saw her speech on "palling around with terrorists" with people in the audience yelling "kill him" along with news videos of people with stuffed monkeys with Obama stickers on them and then trying to hide them.
My 2nd moment was her winking to the men in the audience during the debate. I was flabbergasted to see a woman behave like that on the national stage. Then there were 1,000 moments after that from which Sarah will never recover because like the energizer bunny she just can't help showing her bitter vindictiveness and hate for profit.
But ever since that first moment that I realized what her character really was like, I've considered it my duty as an American to stop her negative hate-spreading messages that hurts our country as a whole.
So yes I would very much like to read what others say. When is the very first time you knew Palin was bad for the country & what was the moment you realized that?
8:15, you just don't get it. That Sarah may have had some positive relationships is beside the point. Those relationships do not undo the many instances of fraud, corruption, lying, bullying, and incompetence that can factually be attributed to Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteWe, the comedians of the world, are imploring you to stop needling the beloved Sarah Palin, quitter governor of Alaska. We need the quitter, er I mean Sarah. Do you have any idea just how dry Obama is? Surely even you realize the pure entertainment value of the Tina Fey skits alone!
ReplyDeleteSo please, take it easy on Sarah. Don't push her completely over the edge (pretty close is okay, wink wink).
Lamestream Media, aka comedians
Well, maybe there will be a public confession from $arah about Trig's birth and why. A catharsosist of some kind.... She will see the light and come clean after rehab from a cerleberty mental and runner up second place beauti quieens assilium. That might save her from Jail time.
ReplyDeleteIf you have not bought this book yet (AND ALL THE OTHER TO FOLLOW including Levi's), I recommend that you call your local bookstore if they don't have it, and ask them why not? Call your local library & request that they get it. Deluge them with that question. Email, phone call them! Insist that they do.
ReplyDeleteColleen -The first time Paylin spoke on TV my beloved Republican and I watched it.
ReplyDeleteAbout 3 minutes or so into it I remarked that Sarah was mentally unbalanced.
He criticized me and said I had no right to make such a statement because I had hardly heard her long enough to make that judgement, and further he thought she spoke well - spoken like a true conservative!
I assured him I was correct and after making my assessment to 2 other people (Republicans) in just a few days after seeing her on TV, they both adamantly and absolutely denied that any such label defined $P.
I have a professional psych background and working experience dealing with mentally ill patients as well as sociopaths, and it was clear to me that the body language, facial expressions and voice did not match as the ignorant one delivered her "speech."
You can bet your bottom dollar none of those right wingers are ever going to call me up and say I was right.
The author of this article doesn't get it which is a huge part of the problem with Palin, people just can't believe she is what she is. She appears to be something she is not so when people are told the truth they don't believe it. He assumes many of the people SP harmed deserved it, not understanding that this particular pattern of her behavior has a huge message about what she really is. Gryphen you have been telling the truth about Palin for years and even some really intelligent people have tried to get you to stop writing about some of the lies and they know the details. SP would say or do anything to get what she wants at any given moment.
ReplyDeleteThere is an alternative ending to your piece. you could say, Let's bow our heads in the peace we have been given. Fleeting as it may be teh crazy of this union looks to be a force for the drifter.Woe is us.
ReplyDeleteCant fix the economy let's deal with nonexistent social ills. Shit i see her as a crack addiction waiting to happen. Media bought and paid for. Education down the sewer. We are so fucked.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely her RNC speech when she denigrated President Obama's work as a community organizer. The people who do this, truly have "sevants' hearts".
Finished reading Dunn's book. What chilled me the most, was Palin's response to the horrific situation that winter in rural Alaska. "Servant's Heart" my ass.
ReplyDeleteThey can try to smear Dunn all they want but it's not going to work. The bots want to cover up the truth about Sarah but the truth will prevail. She has no moral compass, lies constantly and tries to smear those who are not under her thumb.
ReplyDeleteSarah is mentally ill and it's time someone got her some help with her problems but it may be too late. She needs to be put somewhere where she won't harm herself or others. Todd should have her committed but he may not be able to if they are divorced.
@ 8:15, come on you can do better than that!
ReplyDeleteWhat huge part of the book, what truth did Dunn not want to cover?
Spit it out, at least a concrete hint.
Happy childhood, so what about some details?
Who are you, a friend or a relative?
Or are you just making stuff up?
8:15 pm -
ReplyDeleteThat you Bekki Mansour or Lou Sarah?
Sarah is nasty, no fond memories there.
"Eventually after her whoring days were over, Sally Heath (Chuck Heath had to marry her) had Sarah Heath who like her mother Sally, also had her whoring days and was impregnated before marriage by Todd Palin."
ReplyDeleteOne correction:
"...Sarah Heath, who like her mother Sally,also had her whoring days and was impregnated before marriage by Curtis Menard."
Colleen, one correction to your post. I think you mean the shooting of John Lennon (who I still mourn today). Otherwise an excellent comment.
ReplyDeleteColleen @ 10:06pm:
ReplyDeleteDuring her acceptance speech for me! I took one look at her eyes and said to my DH, "She's f***ing nuts!" Yes, I've been exposed to narcissistic sociopaths before, and they all seem to have the same strange look in their eyes (programmed? lifeless? feral?), as if they're completely detached from any reality but their own. Her base has no clue about nuance--they just process the entire package, and buy the carnival act hook, line and sinker.
Just like the song goes, "You can't hide your lyin' eyes."
I have always thought she was a borderline personality. The themes about lies big and small reminded me of a four year relationship I was on with one of them. She told me once she lied 80% of the time. I ratcheted that up to over 90% when I realized she probably lied about that. I mean, who lies about what color shirt they are wearing? I'll bet Saree does the same sort of stuff
ReplyDeleteI am halfway through Dunn's book. Can anyone here explain or divulge the dark rumors about why the Heaths left Sandpoint--which Dunn alludes to but does not detail (because he is presenting facts)? I am curious to learn what the rumors about Sarah's family of origin actually were...
ReplyDeleteColleen@10:06 - I'll never forget when I first heard the cry of the Alaskan Grifter Loon.
ReplyDeleteI'd just got home and walked into the living room. Husband had on the evening news. I heard a screech "DO YA LOVE YER FREEEEDOM?!" I froze, turned and looked at the television screen.
There I beheld the infamous Palin specimen. Her hair was piled high on her head and she wore a red suit (I do not know if she had on her eff-me naughty monkeys as the lectern blocked my view). I did not know what the hell she was babbling about (word salad misinformation). I DO know a mean girl when I see one. This creature had all the earmarks of a bitch. I knew at that moment McCain had opened Pandora's box and unleashed a political plague on the US. I did not need to know anything about her; I disliked her the minute I heard her speak. Her mean, vindictive words and actions will follow her forever - enough said.
The Alaskan Griter Loon is on the endangered "political animal" list. She is doing herself in with a kind of self-immolation. All the lies will be flaming arrows in her thin skin and she will run away, back to Mat-Su, never to be heard from again(we hope).
Didn't vote for the woman when she ran for governor. For some reason she gave me the willies. Later, figured I was wrong - everybody seemed to like her. But along came Troopergate and her firing of Walt M and replacing him with the goof from Kenai with sexual harrassment in his work history. I am familiar with some of the "players". It became exceedingly clear my first impression of her was spot on. Having said that, there are still a few folks here in AK who think she walks on water. Go figure.
ReplyDeleteI don't get the review. Dunn talks about Palin's charisma; also the creation of a Palin brand that traded heavily on both populist appeal ("she took on the good ol' boys") and sex appeal ("hottest governor from the coldest state"); also Palin's resounding success at demagoguery, in particular after the nomination of Obama.
ReplyDeleteMakes me wonder if Howell actually read the book.
@ Colleen
ReplyDeleteExactly! As long as it is her mission to destroy America (which it clearly is, she has no love for America), it will be my mission to make sure she never gets the chance to do so. I love America too much to let the likes of her destroy what our forefathers worked so hard to create. It has become increasingly clear that the GOP does not have American interests at the heart of their agenda; it's all about the money. True American patriots (you know, everyday Joe the Plumbers and Hockey moms!) will unite against her and the GOP, and it will be a glorious day of reckoning!
@ Colleen
ReplyDeleteTo answer your question, I knew IMMEDIATELY after she was 'tapped' (you gotta love the sexual innuendo of tapped, like tapped that ass. Intentional? I think so) for the VP spot what a fraud she was. And I am still convinced that if Obama had chosen Hillary, McCain would have picked Michael Steele (who was instead given the position of RNC chair). I knew she was picked to pander to female voters who may have previously supported Hillary and were upset that Obama got the nomination instead. Call it a woman's intuition, but I saw through her facade and called BS on her from the get-go.
I bought the book yesterday, and Holy Geez, Batman, it's incredible. I almost didn't buy it because I'm so sick of her, but wanted to show allegiance to the cause to take her down and also to support Dunn. So many people ON RECORD, call her out time and again. She was called the Town Liar early on! Wow!
ReplyDeleteI have to say that at the bookstore, B&N, the copy wasn't out anywhere that I could see, and I had to ask where it was. Current Events. Only 2 copies on the shelf and they were turned with only binding showing, so I took the remaining copy and faced the cover out. I will make a point (as my duty) to swing by every week to make sure the copy it facing out.
Anyway, I'm SO glad I bought it. She's such a piece of work, and I'm still in the early parts. It's also disturbing how her church people went into the library and stole or defaced books they don't agree with. That is frightening.
Thanks Gryphen, for all that you do. You are a real gem!
R in NC
@ coleen: I agree with 3:03. while I was suspicious of her since the day after she was chosen because of the Tri-G issue, that jab at community organizers was the thing that cemented for me that she is a f-ing bitch who needed to go back under her rock. since then she has done and said a million things that continue to support my position.
ReplyDeleteI was an organizer for a few years. for a decade I worked with local, national, and international organizers. it is a difficult job that doesn't pay worth a shit. her comment was like a big f-u to all of these people who have committed themselves to making things better and it made my blood boil. still does. she isn't worthy of being the dirt on their shoes.
Colleen, I didn't actually have one epiphanic moment about Palin; it was more a gradual process of research, seeing her, learning about her, etc.
ReplyDeleteI'd never heard of her prior to the RNC, and I was very impressed by her speech. In fact, my friend and I decided we wanted to be Alaska hockey moms, too! I heard the rumors about Babygate almost immediately but brushed them off (a, it's too insane, and b, Bristol's PG again so Trig can't be her baby). Yeah, I fell hook, line, and sinker.
But I also liked Obama, didn't have a strong party affiliation, and wanted to make an informed decision about my vote. So I e-mailed my cousin who lives in Alaska and asked what he thought of Palin. He told me people seemed to like her but he didn't agree with her conservative politics. He also forwarded me the copy of Anne Kilkenny's (?) e-mail. Subsequent research convinced me that Palin simply did not have the experience to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, and the Katie Couric/ Charles Gibson flubs--and her characterization of straightforward and reasonable queries as "gotcha" questions--damaged her credibility pretty severely. The woman has a journalism degree, and she can't anticipate basic questions or think on her feet?
So I voted for Obama. Tnought, when SP quit the governorship, that she had just hammered the nail into the coffin lid of her political career, and was somewhat relieved.
Happened to see SP and Bristol on Oprah when B came out as an abstinence advocate. I admired B for that and thought Oprah was unfairly harsh.
Didn't pay much more attention to the Palins until the Bristol/Levi engagement story came out, then started wondering about the abstinence thing (rose petals on her bed didn't sound very abstinent to me). A comment on my favorite gossip site led me to IM and Palingates, and the rest is history.
All these pregnancies in the Heath/Palin family before marriage is an eye opener.
ReplyDeleteNo one ever learned from a mistake by their mother, they all just kept on having sex before marriage.
Also, Chuck Heath is really a strange bird and he totally creeps me out. There is a story there but I am not going there.
I went to my local (very conservative community) B&N this morning to pick one up and the clerk said there were two available but when he went to look for them, couldn't find them. He realized later that the last two were reserved so no more available. He put me on the list to call after they reordered some more. He said it was a popular book. Made my day.
ReplyDeleteThe truth hurts and that's why Sarah avoids it at all costs.
ReplyDeleteI've ordered Mr. Dunn's book from those jerks at Amazon, along with Mr. McGinniss's book. Because Mr. McGuinniss's book is scheduled to come out in September, I won't receive Mr. Dunn's book until then. God, I hate Amazon......
ReplyDeleteBe that as it may, I can't imagine anyone who has read Going Rogue DOESN'T know that Sarah Palin is grotesquely small minded and petty. Her idiotic and childish attacks on her former legislative director, John Bitney, are just bizarre.
Additionally in Going Rogue, Palin addresses the allegations that the RNC bought the Palins' $150K USD worth of clothes & what not. Palin insists that while Governor, the family was SO THRIFTY, they couldn't afford "name brand" peanut butter, and Pa Ingalls...I mean Palin had to catch fishes for the family dinners. What Going Rogue fails to mention, though, is then Governor Palin also had installed in the Governor's Mansion (at state expense) a tanning bed--and then tried to split the electric meter to hide the fact the bed was using extra electricity......
Not that I'm pimping on Immoral Minority's readership (okay....I am, and have done it many (many) times), but for anyone who wants to get a quick (relative term) write up/review of Going Rogue, here's mine:
I Hate People--And I Don't Care if They Hate Me
and a review of Game Change and The Battle for America 2008 :
Hick on a High Wire: The Sarah Palin of Game Change
I wouldn't be surprised if Chuck Heath is not Sarah's biological father. Sarah doesn't look like her brother and sisters. Thus the reason for leaving Idaho.
ReplyDeleteBIll, you should be able to cancel your current order and re-order separately. That may affect your shipping costs, though.
ReplyDeleteRE: People getting "the willies".
ReplyDeleteThis is a primal survival instinct. Some people are just more attuned to the danger presented by sick individuals of bad intent.
I'm looking forward to watching this and other Palin exposees make headlines. Patience and perseverance often hit paydirt, eventually.
ReplyDeleteIt is most likely so that not every single person she has oppressed is a saint, but the reviewer has a hard time believig that things could be so skewed. The thing is, that there is a steady, small percentage of the population with narcissistic personality and sociopathic personality, and with them it does NOT take two to tango.
ReplyDeleteSince such people are empty inside, have only very shallow emotions, do not feel normal remorse or pity, and therefore gravitate toward satisfactions that a shallow person can appreciate: attention, status, wealth, some will run for politics or climb over others on their way up the corporate ladder.
Therefore, it is important for the public in general to be on the lookout for them and to be able to spot them. It is because they are not spotting them and because normal people do not expect remorseless behavior, that they are taken unaware.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAll these pregnancies in the Heath/Palin family before marriage is an eye opener.
No one ever learned from a mistake by their mother, they all just kept on having sex before marriage.
Also, Chuck Heath is really a strange bird and he totally creeps me out. There is a story there but I am not going there.
9:14 AM
I wondering if someday down the road Bristol will write a book that she was molested at home which caused all her self esteem problems that she is currently going through?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't be surprised if Chuck Heath is not Sarah's biological father. Sarah doesn't look like her brother and sisters. Thus the reason for leaving Idaho.
1:47 PM
Knowing how females in the Heath and Palin family has problems keeping their draws up, would that surprise you if Chuck is not Sarah's bio dad?
You can make a lot of money if you were to sell DNA kits to those families.
I read the book and found nothing new. Everything had already been discussed here and on other liberal blogs. Dunn just put it all together. I hope others who don't read blogs will read Dunn's book and see what a liar and fraud Scarah really is.
ReplyDeleteOne fact that Dunn did point out, really stuck with me. Scarah plays the victim and is the antithesis of a feminist.
Absolutely spot on!
Dunn also kept to the facts and didn't let his bias show through. When he discussed Scarah quitting the governorship, I expect some comments that she quit for money, but he only talked about how ineffective she was in those last few months. We all guessed she quit to sign the book deal and make millions selling her shlock to the Palinbots.
But Dunn never tried to second guess her mindset. He only reported what was obvious to the observer.
I also expected to read a correlation between Scarah's decision to attend the college in Hawaii and her chief rival in high school who was from Hawaii. But there again, Dunn did not pretend to know what Scarah was thinking.
All in all, a good book, but no surprises.
Celia you are exactly right.
ReplyDeleteThat "Narcissists Suck" web site someone mentioned elsewhere is excellent.
Notice what she called the Reddest Red Flag in identifying a malignant narcissist: when the person engages in behavior that is so weird that you want to pinch yourself to make sure you're not dreaming.
Behaviors that make you feel like you just stepped into The Twilight Zone ... It's always a sign that a person is dangerous in some way.
Anonymous @ 8:44 PM
ReplyDeleteEpic fail. Try again.
President Obama has never worried about Palin. Why would he, and educated, learned, well spoken and classy man worry about Palin?
Palin, someone who can't speak a complete rational sentence if her life depened on it. Someone who went to five or six colleges to get a journalism (or communication degree) and worked one summer as a sports reporter.
The thing is, Sarah Palin is so envious of the Obamas who are both well educated, well spoken, and classy.
Now move on. You have earned the few pennies you are paid to troll.