Sunday, May 08, 2011

Tina Fey is virtually the spitting image of Sarah Palin. Well almost...

So last night we all got to see Tina Fey revisit her famous Sarah Palin impersonation, always a huge hit with audiences around the country.  And of course the resemblance is uncanny.

However this time Tina Fey was pregnant with her second child. 

Which kind of made me wonder if Tina's pregnancy would also resemble Sarah Palin's last pregnancy? I mean you know, looking so much alike and everything?

Let's see.

Well that's odd. With them sharing so many similarities, and with Sarah being a month further along in her "pregnancy" than Fey, one would simply assume that she would be...well pregnant looking!

You know it just seems a little puzzling that two women, who are SO similar in so many ways, could be so dissimilar in how they appear while pregnant.

I guess when people say that certain women simply do not show very much when they are pregnant, they must know what they are talking about.  And I reckon Sarah Palin is one of THOSE kinds of women.

Unless of course there is some reason to think otherwise?

Okay I give up!

Update: It was suggested that I show a screengrab from when BOTH Tina Fey and Maya Rudolph were on stage together with dueling baby bumps.  There is no official date provided for when Rudolph's baby is due, but we can assume that she is at least around the eight month mark.

Yeah it would take one hell of a scarf to hide THAT belly!


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Okay, that first picture? Scary weird.


  2. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Maya Rudolph was twice as big as Tina last night. Maya was 7 months pregnant, the same month as Palin in that photo. The difference between Maya and Sarah would be much more dramatic.

  3. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Hook line and sinker. The trolls will be here soon. Three, two, one.

  4. Anonymous11:48 AM


  5. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I'm baffled as to why anyone would not question the legitimacy of her claim of having given birth to Trig after seeing this photographic evidence, but, apparently there are folks who are still hesitant to say that she is not Trig's birth mother; Geoffrey Dunn, among them. Weird.

  6. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Palin no more pregnant than the man in the moon. Good God, she'd already had four kids and would have ballooned out much sooner and been bigger than Tina Fey who is prenant w/her second child and six months along.

    Sarah's entire story is fradulent from one end to the other...most assuredly w/the wild ride/birth story which she documented herself.

    I think Tina Fey brought in her pregnancy on purpose...she's so very happy too about being pregnant. Love it, love it!!
    Happy Mother's Day, Tina.

  7. Anonymous12:21 PM

    She is such a liar.
    EVERY pregnancy after my first one I got bigger, not smaller.
    She is such a liar there, is no other explanation.

  8. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I watched it last night. She and Maya Rudolph both wore tight black outfits and as they were singing, their baby tummies were showing from a front-view. Notice the oval shape of the bump. No square. Also notice how the oval bump covers the whole abdomen right down to about where a woman's bladder would be.

    In Sarah's sponge-bob photo, with Elan Frank, it appeared to cover just the middle abdomen area, not the lower abdomen as far as the pubic bone, like Tina and Maya.

    Check it out.

  9. FrostyAK12:24 PM

    Thank you. Those comparisons are the 'elephant in the room", literally as far as the pic of the Track pregnancy is concerned. Elephants don't naturally morph into giraffes as the number of pregnancies grows.

  10. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Just posted about Sarah's sponge-bob photo, and the vertical distance of it not elongated to the pubic bone like Tina Fey and Maya........I was referring to the photo of Sarah with the square looking stomach where she posed with the little girl. Sorry, not the Elan Frank photo.

  11. hehehe! Good one, Gryphen!

    Did you watch the SNL prenatal class skit later in the show? It's simply astonishing that most of the regular SNL female cast members are pregnant at the same time yet managed not to look pregnant in the other skits! How did they pull that off?

  12. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Tina Fey has kind eyes.

  13. All together now:

    Hey, Hey,-- What do you say

    We know the truth

    And we're not going away!!


    Sarah- You did not birth Trig.

    Happy Mother's Day!!

  14. Dunn knows the truth. But he felt he could not say it without proof or his book might suffer - he likely would have had no TV interviews, etc, - or at least that was the calculation he made. Can't say I blame him. He did not want to get too far ahead of the curve.

    But he is setting up McGinniss and Levi for the kill.

  15. I just got notified that Amazon has shipped my preordered copy of "the Lies of Sarah Palin".
    I can't wait to read it, although having read IM every day for the last 2 years, I am almost sure I will not be too surprised, just validated in my sheer hatred for the Palins and what they represent.
    Thanks, Gryphen!
    I really liked your 10 top items your mother wants you to stop doing.

  16. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I'd hoped you'd show side by side pics, Gryphen.

    Quite a contrast.

  17. Anonymous12:51 PM

    No, Sarah is prettier, has bigger tits, and has stronger abs than Tina Few.

  18. Why it's simple anon @l 11:51, the picture shows Sarah at a different time from when she was pregnant with Trig. Gryphen just likes to show that picture and say it's when she was pregnant.

  19. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Palin looks very ugly in that last photo.

    Has she had plastic surgery on her bump? :)

  20. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I'd like to wish a warm Happy Mothers Day to your Mom. She did a good job with you.

  21. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I noticed how Tina Fey lovingly caressed he abdomen. Put that in comparison with Sarah slapping the mushy square pillow under her shirt during the Frank video. Or fluffing her scarf outward to disguise the absence of a baby belly. Or later, slugging poor Trig around as if he was an inanimate object.

  22. Anonymous1:33 PM

    They look similar in the headshots you posted, but Sarah's face is much more harsh--not just the expression, but the wrinkles and lines speak to someone who is filled with venom. Tina looks like a happy, pleasant person, even in Palin mode.

  23. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Dear Sarah,

    This Gryphen guy is making you look like a fool. Sue his ass ASAP! You can shut him up once and for all. You're loaded with money now that the world finally appreciates your talents, so it's not like that is an issue. Don't retreat, reload!

    I know, you're probably just too kind. Well, then just release the birth certificate. That'll do. Thanks, Sarah. I'm a real big fan.

  24. Sarah & the magic coat

    Wearing it must have made her think she was pregnant?

    It just didn't work on everyone else like she was thinking it would.

  25. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Wesley Loy, supposedly a journalist, says Sarah Palin was pregnant with Tri-G.

    "Anyway, Palin said it was all ridiculous. Then she backed her chair away from her desk to show me her (covered) baby bump, assuring me that, yes, she was pregnant...."
    Wesley Loy

    Wesley must feel awfully stupid looking at the pictures of Tina Fey and Sarah Palin being pregnant, especially with Sarah being one month further along than Tina and with Sarah being quite older with looser muscle tone than Tina. How can Wesley Loy walk down the street with his head held high?

    It would be interesting to hear Wesley's opinion about Bristol's chin implant. I wonder if Wesley contributes the elongation of Bristol's chin to her reduction of cheesecake intake?

    I wonder what is Wesley’s opinion about Todd building a two story house with a couple of buddies?

    I wonder what is Wesley’s opinion is about Sarah labeling Track a combat vet?

    I wonder what is Wesley’s opinion is about Willow’s breaking and entering and Track’s school bus vandalism?

    Does it really matter? The retarded bumb bastard probably thinks Bristol deserved to be a finalist on DWTS.

  26. Anonymous1:56 PM

    11:51...the issue with people refusing to admit definitively that not only is the wild ride pretty much medically improbable (if not downright impossible) but that it is literally impossible for Sarah to have gone from the Gusty photos to "the stage of her pregnancy was not apparent" that while they might be unwilling to SAY it, they must think it.

    Dunn knows what there is to know, I believe. But at some point an editor or publisher looked him in the eye and likely said something akin to "your career could 'Sullivan' in a heartbeat if you don't mind the fence a little more with this whole Trig thing..."

    My hope is that once his book is a bestseller and the money is in the bank, he'll speak with a bit more personal candor on babygate.

    As for everyone else in the media like Puppet, I mean Julia, OMalley and Bustin' Justin over at salon....believe me, they KNOW. Hell, they were among the masses whose eyes were skeptically scanning Palin's flat, babyless midsection when she made the announcement.

    They are being played for fools NOW because they're scared of being called out on this insane stunt of ignoring all the evidence.

    I know it will never happen, but wouldn't it be fabulous if there was footage somewhere of a woman in her 8th month (or 7th, depending on Sarah's audience) of her 5th (according to dr CBJ) or 7th (according to Palin's 'book') pregnancy, IN labor, on a plane? I mean of course I don't wish for any baby to be born in less than ideal conditions...but I feel if some of those "I know it but inwont dare speak it" fence sitters actually saw a woman AFTER her water broke with her fifth child...I just think it would go a long way towards prodding people to get to the logical, medically accurate statement- "hmmmm. yeah, that chick leaking...stuff...everywhere and screaming about how she's going to pull hubby's bonbons out his nostrils for causing her this probably more like a woman in labor would really act..."

    Now of course the issue which allows Sarah to skate over and over and the very same one which causes people to keep quiet- every woman IS different and a woman who had four ten hour labors in a row can easily have a twenty hour labor with the fifth. But that is not how it usually goes; it's accepted medicine that generally, labors are shorter with each child. But with Sarah's nonsensical tale, that's neither here nor there. The variable which Sarah could NOT HAVE KNOWN is how long, or SHORT, her labor would be.

    I wish someone would have the balls to ask Sarah "were you ONE HUNDRED PERCENT SURE you wouldn't give birth on the plane?"

    Because if she says's basically her admitting she wasn't pregnant. If she says NO...she's admitting she jeopardized the welfare of herself, dozens of air travelers, and a tiny, sickly baby she herself purported to be carrying.

    Sorry for all the tangents=)

    BTW...anyone seen/heard from Mercede or Sherry lately? I worry whenever someone who "knows too much" is quiet for too long.

  27. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I'm looking at the pregnant side view picture of Sarah Palin wearing her red top that you posted.

    Sarah's belly is huge.... it's gigantic! I don't mean to be nosey, but would that be Bristol in her belly before her chin implant?

  28. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Think things like a faked pregnancy don't happen...

    "7 Authors (Other Than Greg Mortenson) Who Were Charged With Deceit "

    Any doubters out there, it's okay to change your mind when presented with evidence that leads you to think differently. If this story makes front pages, it will be way bigger than any of the ones listed in the above article.

  29. Anonymous2:11 PM

    And which of those two women is/was in their SEVENTH pregnancy?

    (Little hint, you don't get smaller with each baby.)

  30. Anonymous2:12 PM

    The sad thing about being a Palin on mother's or father's day is that you are not 100% sure who is your daddy or mommy.

    You can always repeat what you were told, but that's about it.

    We know that Bristol is Tripp's mother, but no one really knows who the father is. Poor child will grow learning that his Grandmother Sarah wanted to adopt Tripp from Bristol to eliminate the shame Tripp brought to the Palin family and ruining Sarah's image of a Christian mom who raised a Christian family. Instead Sarah raised hoes, criminals, grifters and lying pieces of crap.

    Then there is the rest of those bast… I mean kids. Is Curt Menard Track’s dad? What about the rest of them? As far as Trig goes, nobody outside of the Palins knows who is Trig’s mother or father.

  31. WakeUpAmerica2:24 PM

    Great post, Gryphen! Perfect.

  32. Anonymous2:27 PM

    That last picture, I could swear that woman on the left is $arah. I could pick her out from any angle. Maybe the one on the right is a sister or cousin or something.

  33. Funny that the red shirt is the only Sarah pregnancy photo out there. All those kids and no photos of her pregnant. Very strange indeed!

  34. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Great post, Tina Fey has a softer more feminine look and her eyes have warmth to them, whereas, Sarah's eyes are cold and lifeless like a shark.

  35. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I wonder if Bristol spent Mother's Day with her son Tri-G?

  36. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Make. It. Stop.

    signed, Lou Sarah.

  37. Anonymous3:21 PM

    O/T but Our President is awesome on 60 Minutes tonight.

    Makes me so proud and happy to listen to him. He is a fantastic leader.

    Obama 2012

  38. Anonymous3:32 PM

    "That's not who we are, we don't need to trot out trophies" - hahah - ROCK ON PRESIDENT OBAMA! Himself on 60 minutes now - so confident, so ready to say that he was nervous, basically a human being and ready to admit that he was concerned that he may be wrong. SO unlike SP!


  39. Well, as any mother will tell you, your abs get tighter with each subsequent pregnancy. Poor Tina's only on her second pregnancy. No wonder her belly sticks out. Palin was on her fifth, so her bump was almost non-existent. If she ever has a sixth her belly will be concave. (snark intended)

  40. Gryphen and everyone - check out this link

  41. London Bridges4:10 PM

    Is that a picture of sarah post plastic surgery? Can you put up a pre-surgery picture so we can see if there is less resemblance. Maybe Sarah has her plastic surgeon make her look like Tina Fey!

  42. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Rob G. said...

    Why it's simple anon @l 11:51, the picture shows Sarah at a different time from when she was pregnant with Trig. Gryphen just likes to show that picture and say it's when she was pregnant.
    12:54 PM

    That picture is from the ADN's website

    Note the caption:
    From left, Alaska governor Sarah Palin, Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell and Sandy Parnell announce Palin's endorsement of Parnell Friday, March 14, 2008 at the state elections office in Anchorage, Alaska. Parnell had just filed to run against incumbent Republican Don Young for U.S. Congress

  43. Can't wait for the day SNL does a skit with a 'pregnant' Sarah and her baby-belly cushion slips out.

  44. Anonymous4:31 PM

    2:04PM....things like these stories are exactly WHY Wesley "I left my testicles over by Palin's "covered" bump" Loy and Julia "Do as I say right now, not what I said five minutes ago" O'Malley are hushing up the truth.

    Remember when Oprah, the queen of all media, one of the richest women in the world and certainly one of the smartest...had to admit that James Frey's "memoir" was fabricated? It devastated her pride and she candidly admitted that.

    When this is all revealed (and I believe as my homeboy Prf. Scharlott believes-- that Joe Mac and Levi will be able to coast out on babygate's truth after Dunn, Bailey, and those certain-to-be-delectable emails prime the public for Palin's ultimate misdeed dirty deets) people are of course going to say to ALASKAN journalists...where the hell were YOU? How could YOU have not seen what was (and was NOT) consistently right in front of your eyes???

    Until then, they will do just what they have been doing all this time:


    In the end, Gryphen and Sully will be standing as patriots to a stunned nation. This is such a colossal issue, Gryphen may get the "unit 6" treatment at the white house. People like Loy, O'Malley, Linkins...Hannity....they'll do the "home alone" face and say "I am SHOCKED, shocked I say!!!"

    But we will know they had a chance to go with Gryphen to the side of the angels...and they threw it away for a handout from the greedy, manipulative witch on the devil's side.

    Hope it was worth it, guys.

  45. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Can I just say I LOVE that Mr. Scharlott comments here?

    I feel like that time I was at the dentist and Keith Urban came in the waiting room.

    Only Scharlott is hotter, duh.

  46. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Oopsy, almost forgot:

    HI SARAH!!!!!!

    Only a really shitty mom would be reloading the comments here over and over, instead of spending mother's day with their children...

    Oh, wait. That's right.

    Well, just post a tweetpic of you with your kids LAST year. I mean if you post the same pic of Trig for his 2nd AND 3rd birthdays...why not, right?

  47. Anonymous5:13 PM

    We all know those of us that visit Immoral or any of the other Trig Truther Blogs that Palin was not pregnant with Trig. I felt bad during the Firedog Lake Book Salon yesterday because there were some that would not get off the Trig Truther stance. If and when it comes out that Palin was not pregnant that will just be a bonus round because there are so many more politically grievous missteps she has made. Dunn is correct in being a Trignostic as the Trig thing is not the thing we should focus on. It's understood among many that Palin either faked it, or endangered herself and her child beyond reason with the wild ride.

    I hope that the hard core truthers stop insinuating themselves into the dialogue with the journalists that wish to have no part in the Trig tale. It makes a poor argument when people keep spinning crazy tales of killed nurses and church fire conspiracies; it makes these folks seem like 911 truthers or Obama birth certificate types. We need to elevate the argument beyond mere speculation, and as Dunn said, if he ever is presented with actual empirical evidence that Palin was not pregnant (and no, I'm not talking about the photos because they would be best as backup to a truthful disclosure rather than relying on them as the sole source of an argument), that he would be the first to write about the scenario as it was.

    As we have the opportunity to interact with journalists that have spent much time researching the salient points of Palin's unexpected rise to political fame, let us all focus not on the tabloid aspects, but the real details from the educational and employment and elected positions that have made Sarah Palin who she is and what led McCain's advisors to thrust her upon him.

    She's a hot mess in so many ways besides her wild ride or possible, and probable fake Trig gestation.

    In focusing on this one lie of her many, we lose credibility.

  48. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

  49. Anonymous5:30 PM

    *** curiouser said...
    hehehe! Good one, Gryphen!

    Did you watch the SNL prenatal class skit later in the show? It's simply astonishing that most of the regular SNL female cast members are pregnant at the same time yet managed not to look pregnant in the other skits! How did they pull that off?

    12:26 PM***

    No, the only pregnant women connected with SNL are Tina Fey and Maya Rudolph; neither of them are cast members right now. The rest of the women in the prenatal skit were wearing padding. But thanks for playing!


  50. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Anonymous said...
    And which of those two women is/was in their SEVENTH pregnancy?

    (Little hint, you don't get smaller with each baby.)

    2:11 PM

    It is said that Todd has a very teeny weeny weiner, is it possible men with little weinies produce small babies and that is why Sarah's 7 month baby is not showing?

  51. meena5:46 PM

    News alert:

    Sarah Palin headed to Sea World in hopes of seeing the navy seals ;);) ;)

  52. Anonymous said...
    Oopsy, almost forgot:

    HI SARAH!!!!!!

    Only a really shitty mom would be reloading the comments here over and over, instead of spending mother's day with their children...

    Oh, wait. That's right.

    Well, just post a tweetpic of you with your kids LAST year. I mean if you post the same pic of Trig for his 2nd AND 3rd birthdays...why not, right?

    4:41 PM

    Yep, because absolutely no one else from Wasilla visits IM or any of the other anti-Palin blogs. I always laugh at the posters over at another website that "shall not be named" as each time the feed stream watchers see Wasilla show up, they immediately think it's Palin or her family. Hey, there are lots of us here in Wasilla and the Valley that aren't Palins and we read this stuff, so nope, not all Wasilla hits are Palin, or her family.

    That's a really small minded view, but hey, talk to the Palins all you want. I think they do have people that read these blogs and Gryphen probably knows as much, but each and every Wasilla hit is NOT a Palin.

  53. Anonymous6:06 PM

    After reading Floyd Orr's book and for what Dunne said, Her Heinous WILL ride this out and makes me SICK.

    Off to watch MY PRESIDENT talk on 60 Minutes. Your Heinous? You will always BE Tina Fey's charicature (hope that's not too big a word for you) and you brought that on youself.

    Keep grifting that money, baby. God SCHMOD.

  54. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Anonymous 5:42 PM said...

    It is said that Todd has a very teeny weeny weiner, is it possible men with little weinies produce small babies and that is why Sarah's 7 month baby is not showing?
    points for humor and inventiveness, BUT the supposed birth weight of the baby called Trig Palin was 6+ pounds.

  55. I just showed this post to a friend at dinner. Her mouth dropped open when I showed her this pic of "pregnant" Sarah. Then I hit her with the wild ride. Another convert.

    My Amazon order is on the way! Yipee!

  56. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Sorry Rob G @12:54, that picture of Palin was taken at a very specific event on March 14, 2008, documented by the ADN. Good try, play again sometime....but with facts.

  57. Anonymous6:22 PM

    anonymous 5:13 said

    ...the real details from the educational and employment and elected positions that have made Sarah Palin who she is and what led McCain's advisors to thrust her upon him. ...

    You make an excellent point. But I am inclined to think that Trig was central to selection of Sarah Palin. The McCain advisors wanted an airhead, fertile, young, right-to-lifer with the impeccable credential of a Down Syndrome baby.

    It is quite possible that the Trig scenario was actually manufactured by politically active evangelical backers.

    The right-to-life credentials were so overwhelming, that the McCain staffers were perfectly content running a mentally unstable person for VEEP to a rapidly aging McCain.

  58. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Michele @ 5:30, curiouser is on G's team. That the cast members were probably wearing fake bellies is exactly the point. First they're pregnant, then they're not.

  59. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Rob G. 12:54 said...
    Why it's simple anon @l 11:51, the picture shows Sarah at a different time from when she was pregnant with Trig. Gryphen just likes to show that picture and say it's when she was pregnant.

    Watch Sarah Palin in the March 3,2008 Newsweek interview where in a seated position Sarah Palin crosses her legs and leans forward. That's about 6-7 weeks before the supposed delivery of a 6+ lb baby.

    Is it possible you can watch that video and somehow turn it into something Gryphen made up?

    Not if you are sane.

  60. Anonymous6:54 PM

    My daughter visited today -"yay!" As a concession to me on Mother's Day, I convinced her to watch Politicalgates' excellent video "The Perfidy of Sarah Palin." She managed about half of it, but she gave every excuse in the book that we've already heard and one that I don't want to acknowledge. She ran through sexism, what about those women who don't know they're pregnant, she had "tight abs", finally ending with "I don't want to waste one more brain cell thinking about this woman." My child is an ultra-feminist, but she just doesn't get why this is important. She is smart (working on Phd in nuclear physics, thus my screename "physicsmom"), but just refuses to listen to my case. Worst of all is the notion that "if I don't think about her, she will just go away." That's like a two-year-old thinking if he closes his eyes his mom will disappear.

  61. TruthSeeker7:18 PM

    Gryphen, what do you know of Palin's plane ride down to Texas for that infamous RNC convention where Palin had "big laughs, big contractions"?

    What passengers / flight staff saw Palin on that plane ride down to Texas? Did Palin need a seat belt extension for the flight down to Texas? Or was the "state of her pregnancy not obvious (like on her plane ride back to Alaska - after her water broke)?

  62. It's a real shame SNL is ignoring the pregnancy stuff. They had a great opportunity to dress Fey in exactly that outfit, scarf and all. Then have her come out from behind the podium and announce she's suddenly pregnant and expecting aliens or something weird. I don't know. But they could have done something.

  63. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Sarah must have asked her plastic surgeon to make her look like Tina Fey.

  64. Anonymous 5:30/Michelle -

    I guess it was a bad idea to mix sarcastic and serious intent in one comment.

    My 'prenatal class' skit comment = sarcasm.

    Saying 'Good one!' to Gryphen = sincere appreciation. Not sarcasm.

  65. Anonymous 6:33 - Thanks for letting me know my attempt at humor wasn't a complete failure.

  66. Anonymous9:10 PM

    The huge pregnant woman in red on the right is Sarah. The woman on the left is her sister. That's why there's a big resemblance.

  67. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I was personally satisfied after viewing evidence including this dated 2008 photo that no one got a wild hair to lie with the goal of "destroying" Palin. Listening to Palin herself share her wild ride clinched it for me that no one maliciously lied. Any sane attentive person would question the dramatic sudden body change in 3 weeks. Just as sane people notice Bristol did not lose weight only from the neck up magically altering her nose, cheeks and chin shapes.

    What I also observed is Palin blames people, discredits them evidently mentally incompetent to take responsibility for her deception she plotted, lies, boasting to bury her lies. I don't care where Trig came from. I do not want a mentally I'll habitual liar in any elected position or wreaking divisiveness.

  68. Anonymous9:54 PM

    During the show, they said that Maya was 7 months pregnant.

  69. Anonymous2:19 AM

    meena said...
    News alert:

    Sarah Palin headed to Sea World in hopes of seeing the navy seals ;);) ;)

    5:46 PM

    I know you are playing around and it was funny… However…. In the real world., our world, Sarah would go any where so she won't have to be home for Tri-G or Piper or Willow or Todd. Sarah is about Sarah and thank God there are nannies to take her place. That is why Bristol and Track turned out the way they are and Willow is on the fence right now and could go either way.

    I betcha Piper has a private tutor because nobody is home to help her. Right now Sarah has caught so much flack for the older ones lack of education and curiosity of life that Sarah does not want the criticism directed at her again if Piper follows her older siblings life style. So like I said, Piper needs to be successful to make Sarah look good because Sarah had failed with the others.

    As far as Bristol goes, I‘m guessing Bristol can't stand looking at herself in the mirror and she wants someone to love her. That is why she chased after Levi and wanted his baby. That is why she had relations with Ben and Gino. She just wants someone to love her and accept her, got that Sarah?

    We have all seen that Bristol gets some money in the bank and instead of going to school to get an education to better herself, she runs to a plastic surgeon so she can look at herself in the mirror and maybe others will love her. Meantime Bristol is pretending / playing lifestyle expert just like Sarah pretends to be an energy expert and presidential candidate. Bristol and Sarah has no training or education in what they do, they are just running a scam on their followers to make a quick buck.

    Todd had no relations with Sarah at home and went after Shailey Tripp. Once this got out did Sarah say, “Todd we have a lot of money in the bank, how about if I take timeout from pretending to run for president and you and I go talk to a marriage counselor and repair our marriage?” Instead Sarah drags Todd around with her as if nothing bad has ever happened and hopefully the public still look at the Palins and sees a family intact.

  70. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Reminder to the troll suggesting it's Sarah on the left and her pregnant sister on the right: This photo was released BY the Palin family showing Sarah while she was pregnant. So it's a "from the horse's mouth" photo. People are not misconstruing things - the Palins themselves released this photo as a pic of Sarah.

  71. "In focusing on this one lie of her many, we lose credibility."

    Says Anonymous.

  72. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Annonymous @ 2:27 pm. Sarah's the one on the right. The one on the left couldn't be Sarah; she's been reading a newspaper!

  73. "Sarah must have asked her plastic surgeon to make her look like Tina Fey."

    After Fey had that huge success playing Sarah Palin, Palin defensively said that she had dressed up as Tina Fey LONG before that- for Halloween.

    She's such a liar.

  74. Anonymous2:55 PM

    AK Pet Mom-

    Hi, long time fan. I was the one you quoted, callingbme out for assuming every "wasilla" hit is Sarah. I never wait for that traffic thingy to load, and I had no idea how many, if ANY wasilla hits were showing. I said what I did based on my knowledge that Sarah is obsessed with what others think of her- that combined with anecdotal evidence leads me to believe she's here a LOT.

    I can understand how my statements could have been interpreted that way, though. But no...I was just speaking "to" her with the thought that if she ain't here right now, she was here five minutes ago and will be back in another five!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.