Sunday, May 08, 2011

Tina Fey's triumphant return to SNL as Sarah Palin in a skit about a Fox News hosted GOP debate really is "must see TV!"


  1. Anonymous6:22 AM

    DAMMIT! i can't watch it because i live in belize?
    if anyone finds it hosted on another site,, PLEASE let me know!!


    bill in belize

  2. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Whoever wrote that skit did a great job and the delivery was excellent. I loved that Tina is 6 months pregnant, too.

  3. Don't twist my words by quoting me verbatim, lol.

  4. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Major lulz. Tina Fey is one brave person to do Palin again. Brava!

  5. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Great Job SNL. Thanks for unwrapping Tina and letting her shine some more light on the paylin plague.

  6. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Can't see it in Austria either. Awwk!

    Me in Salzburg

  7. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Rosetta Stone English. Priceless.

  8. Anonymous6:57 AM

    You can watch the episode on today.

    Loved the reference to: "And I'm getting the Rosetta Stone for English!"

  9. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Liz Cheney has crawled out from under her rock!!

    Appeared on panel on 'This Week' and still chants that 'torture was legal' and it should be brought back. You could feel she was gritting teeth to give Obama any credit.

    I see she still sucks at her Daddy's teat

  10. Anonymous7:15 AM

    This was AWESOME! I laughed so hard. Only criticism is that Tina Fey is far too articulate for Palin. She actually spoke in complete sentences and made sense. :)>

    Donald Trump needs to show this clip to his hairstylist, because I've never seen the actual Trump toupe look this good.

  11. Anonymous7:20 AM

    For Bill in Belize

  12. Thanks Gryphen. That was a great way to start the morning. And, sorry, Bill in Belize. I used to have the same problem when I lived in San Pedro. The same in Mexico, and I had a terrible time trying to watch The Colbert Report and The Daily Show. (Gnashing of teeth!!)

  13. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Anon 6:57

    If you live outside the U.S., you cannot watch episodes on NBC and other sites like Hulu, etc.

  14. Anonymous7:46 AM

    I don't know the name of the comedian who did Trump, but he really nailed it.

    To upstage Fey's Palin, you have accomplished something earthshaking.

  15. Anonymous8:02 AM

    you just broke ur promise to ur mother..... do not discuss palin today lol

  16. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Watching Levi in the videos shot in vegas makes me sad for him. He looks so lost. He constantly looks to TANK of all people for answers. I feel sad for anyone who has no good parental figures in their life.

    On happier note, SNL was freaking hilarious. The Newt Gingrich part made me fall out of my chair.

  17. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I love that Tina is pregnant and so happy to be showing it off on the show. Very much unlike idiot Palin (if she ever was pregnant!?).

    Love that Tina!!!

  18. Anonymous8:28 AM

    annon @720,

    thank you!! that worked!

    bill in belize

  19. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Tina did a good job but her version is too nice. She doesn't show the screechy, crazy obsessive, foaming at the mouth "hate Obama" "nutjob Sarah", the TRUE version we see from the foxnews clips.

    Her version is funnier showing the "stupid Sarah".

  20. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Wishing everyone a Happy Mothers Day. Bristol is celebrating the day with her own post:

    To all the moms out there who became moms before they thought they ever would: Happy Mother's Day, and keep fighting the good fight!

    If that is the dedication of Bristol's book about facing life, that's pathetic. All of life is a good fight. Everyday, someone gets some news that changes their life. Adjusting and coping require maturity.

    There are many people who are not surprised by become parents earlier than they plan. Many people do use contraception and family planning. There are some people who would have been delighted to adopt a baby; my cousins have been trying for years. I know a couple who went through two years of an emotional roller coaster ride when they arranged a foreign adoption. They don't feel sorry for Bristol and her "good fight." They went through far more than poor Bristol ever did.

    Last night we saw a pregnant Tina Fey lovingly caress her pregnant belly; she is looking forward to this baby with all of the love in her heart. It's too bad that Sarah has nothing to say about children, and that the only thing that Bristol can think of to write is that she didn't plan to have a baby and it's a good fight. Listen, Bristol, all of life is a struggle. Grow up!

  21. Anonymous9:00 AM

    The only thing missing when Fina Fey plays Palin is she should carry around a loaf of bread under her arm.

  22. Anyone else think that the pregnancy skits were directed at palin? Fey and Maya seemed to love to show off their 6 month tummies.

  23. Anonymous9:17 AM

    i can't watch the video but i will when i get to high-speed land. i went to the wsj blog about tina's skit, and i recommend that we all go post something there.
    gryphen; a suggestion: juxtapose tina's "speech" against rah-rah's real speech in Alabama prior to her going to Birmingham. I am still amazed that her Alabama speech was sooooooo juvenile. i guess slow dial-up protects me from her banality more that i know

  24. Anonymous9:24 AM

    ¨Ï can see Russia from my jail cell.¨

    Hi, Sarah:

    Tell me, when you see Tripp do you think of Shailey? When Todd sees Tripp do you think he misses the ¨calmness¨ of Shailey as opposed to being stuck with the ¨chaos¨ of you? Does hearing Debbie Boone singing ¨You Light up my Life¨ make you think of Shailey? Do you think Bristol thinks of Shailey when she holds Tripp now? What about your father? Does he think of Shailey when he looks at Tripp? Do you ever feel that Levi really, truly, punked your whole family? I do.

    Happy Mother´s Day.

  25. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I saw it last night and it was SO SARAH!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAH

    EXCEPT, Sarah was not that big 2 weeks before "someone" delivered her kid.

  26. Anonymous9:42 AM


    In case you haven't seen this. Dunn discusses his book in an online chat session. Some very interesting stuff is in here.

  27. Anonymous9:53 AM

    When Levi answers if he has a girlfriend, why does he hesitate and look at Tank? Why does this boy think Tank is God or something? Gahhhh

  28. Anonymous9:59 AM

    They should do an SNL skit with Bristol talking about abstinence, with Levi suddenly walking up to her, upon which Bristol immediately turns around, bends over, and assumes the position.

  29. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Sarah can really store bitterness. Nobody does bitter better.

  30. Anonymous10:22 AM

    The difference between the 6 month pregnant Tina with second child, and $ahara supposedly pregnant with 5th (7th) at 7 months needs to be brought up on major websites.

    That show showed more than $ahara's stupidity.

  31. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Loved it!!
    I am so happy and proud to be from the same county in PA as Tina Fey. She is frickin brilliant!!

  32. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Equal parts laughter and horror. No, I don't want to see SP running for president every 4 years. I don't think the GOP wants to see that either, but they created their own Frankenstein.

  33. Anonymous11:48 AM

    8:42am. The commenter on Geoffrey Dunn's Salon discussion today is the same blogger that is here constantly stating that she has friends who can refute what Geoffrey has been told. You will recognize the person from what is said. Please go over to the blog and correct Luckyyou.

  34. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Tina Fey captures the idiocy and immaturity of sarah, but Tina fails to portray the nasty, hate-spewing mean girl that is Palin.

    Tina likely has the acting skills to do the nasty Palin effectively, but since SNL is comedy, they won't "go there."

    I sure hope "Game Change" shows the world what a nasty and dangerous bimbo sarah is.

  35. I aspirated some coffee with this one. I was not expecting it to be so bluntly truthful or so funny. It was a thing of beauty.

  36. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    When Levi answers if he has a girlfriend, why does he hesitate and look at Tank? Why does this boy think Tank is God or something? Gahhhh

    9:53 AM

    Maybe Levi is Tank's bitch???

  37. meena2:23 PM

    Gryphen did u read this piece of shit:

    Liberal Media Concedes Governor Palin Would Have Made The Exact Same Decision As Obama on Bin Laden, Only Faster

  38. meena2:28 PM

    Sarah Palin, quit bashing Obama

    Your stint on Twitter has not been a resounding success. Leave the president alone and pick on someone who's more your level

  39. Anonymous4:22 PM

    bill in belize (6:22 AM)

    This is S in Costa Rica; link didn't work for us either. Hubs just found this one that does:

    And if Blogger cuts off the last part of the link, just put in "SNL May 7th 2011 - Tina Fey Reprises Sarah Palin Impression" into the YouTube search.

    You will LOVE it! Not only is Tina on target ... but the "Trump" character is great, too!


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