Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell compares the Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann appearances in Iowa. Guess who he considers more serious.

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Lawrence also mentions Nick Broomfield's documentary, and Bailey's book.


  1. Oh. My. God.

    This is getting so good! It's only been 24 hours!

    Too bad it will be so short lived...

    b!tch is NOT up to this!

    (And, Sarah? Yes, this is EXACTLY what would have happened to you. Good choice, for once...)

    While Rep. Michelle Bachmann, R-Minn., has forcefully denounced the Medicaid program for swelling the "welfare rolls,"

    the mental health clinic run by her husband has been collecting annual Medicaid payments totaling over

    $137,000 for the treatment of patients since 2005, according to new figures obtained by NBC News.

    ..The previously unreported payments are on top of the $24,000 in federal and state funds that Bachmann & Associates, the clinic founded by Marcus Bachmann, a clinical therapist, received in recent years under a state grant to train its employees, state records show. The figures were provided to NBC News in response to a Freedom of Information request.

    Add this to her LIE about "not taking a cent" from gov't for her farm, she's been caught lying TWICE in 24 HOURS!!

    See what happens when you have to talk to people OTHER than FOX???

  2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:01 AM

    "CEO...CEO...CEO..." Must keep repeating that over and over so that the lemmings forget she was really a half-term Governor...

    And no, SarahPalin™ isn't a celebrity. She's a Dominionist sideshow.

  3. LisaB25955:04 AM

    And that's that.

    I have never understood how the Bots can claim Sarah is so brave and strong, yet cannot face any type of questioning. Her LSM meme is just an excuse so she doesn't have to work hard.

    Bachmann scares me, particularly her religious beliefs, but I gotta give her props for having the courage to take challenging interviews.

    From the beginning, Sarah couldn't take any heat. She didn't go to the second BP/Alyeska Open Forum because someone pointed out she had no clue what she was talking about on Pt. Thompson. Her campaign called and said she wouldn't be back due to the "hostile atmosphere." Hostile? You're going to stand up in front of oil and gas professionals and pretend the reason Pt. Thompson isn't being drilled is because "Exxon is a big meanie who just won't give Alaska her gas" then get upset because YOU don't know the issues?

    Sarah is all blow and no go. She may have been interested in *being* president, but she has never been interested in doing the job.

  4. Anonymous5:10 AM

    My favorite quote from Politico yesterday:

    "“Trying to figure out Sarah Palin reminds me of the ancient practice of extispicy, divination by examining entrails for meaning,” said former New Hampshire GOP chairman Fergus Cullen.

    “I’ve become convinced that there is no grand strategy behind Palin’s activity,” Cullen added. “There is no rhyme. There is no reason.""

    I would add that the impression of using spontaneity to keep interest brewing is more a result of not wanting to be committed to a schedule than it is an intended strategy.

  5. When will everyone see that her strategy is whatever her mental illness will allow on a certain day?

  6. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Gryphen and all-- check out the Huffington Story about poor me Sarah. Everyone hates me! Her comments last night were a HUGE whine about Hollywood wanting to destroy her and her family. She said something about why would they HATE so much that they seek the destruction of my children and call for my death. I guess that was the big message of the movie besides her glorious undefeated career.
    Why does she always play the victim?? I dont remember anyone in Hollywood called for her death or wanted to destroy her children.

    I was glad to see this am that HP didn't have 20 articles about her this am. I do not believe she dominated the news over President Obama or Bachmann.

    Poor poor Sarah, always the victim. Always the martyr. Play your violin Sarah! Whine whine whine. No wonder Hollywood and others laugh at you and make jokes about you. Calling for your kids to be destroyed and for you to be killed. I'd like to see proof of that. My guess is President Obama has 100 times as many death threats. People say horrible things about him and others. You aren't the only one Sarah. If you don't like the criticism, get OUT of the limelight! No one wants a whiney complainer as President or even a Faux news celebrity.

  7. Anonymous6:23 AM

    I second Karen. SP's promises and commitments are written on the wind. Whatever she feels like as she rolls out of bed is what she does.

  8. Bristol parroted the words that have been drummed into her head since she was a little girl: "Some things just need to stay in the family."

  9. Anonymous6:59 AM

    I love the Sarah/Michelle comparison. It makes Sarah look like shit. Bristol may be trying to spread trash by suggesting that Michelle is copyng Sarah, but the fact is that when you compare the two, Sarah comes off as stupid, cowardly, undisciplined, and not much of a mother. In other words, as she really is.

  10. Nancy In New York7:08 AM

    Saw that one Anon: 6:05

    Poor, poor grifting martyr Sarah.

    She has it all wrong as usual. We don't want her (or her family) to drop dead.

    We just want them to get lost.

  11. My daughter mentioned last night that one of her coworkers thought a tee shirt with a photo of Palin would be nice with the caption "Alaska Groan". I suppose the new copyright wouldn't...?

  12. Fabulous piece that everyone should see. LOD may have been wrong about Pawlenty, but he has been bang on about Sarah Palin. Showing clips from "the other movie about Sarah"? Priceless. But, it is also a cautionary tale about Bachmann. She is a lot craftier that Palin and can hold up under scrutiny. She is also not afraid the face the more inquisitive members of the media. (Of course, Bachmann's still a lying, crazy woman. We can only hope that with more intense media questioning, that the people who support her finally see the light.)

  13. Anonymous7:57 AM

    This is just getting to be bizarre. Now we've got a presidential candidate that isn't bothering to campaign or even declare candidacy. She's harnessing the power of media and citizen journalism to do it for her.
    I get it (in the beginning) - she's been compared/contrasted because the country thinks she may run for political office. Better than even chances that she would.
    Speculation. No problem.

    But c'mon, folks. She's not. She didn't. Until she declares a candidacy for public office somewhere, of some kind, we need to STOP.
    This is taking American politics to a whole new level of ridiculousness. And revealing the American journalism industry to be nothing more than marketing shills and PR pimps delivering
    Really, Good Morning America and USAToday, Bristol Palin interviews? REALLY?
    AGENDA, much?
    Stop it!

  14. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I can't believe Sarah asking how Hollywood can be so hateful? Does she not remember how hateful she was on the campaign trail?

  15. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Some of the blogs are showing video where Sarah keeps wiping her nose in Iowa. Nose Candy????

  16. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Can she get any tackier? G A R I S H

    Imagine where the Star of David might show up on Sarah next?

  17. Anonymous8:38 AM


    Sarah, see the wall

    Sarah read the writing on it

    you're toast, you're done, stick a fork in granny Lulu

  18. Anonymous10:44 AM

    What’s a googolplex?

    According to astronomer Carl Sagan, it’s a number with so many zeroes it can’t fit inside the universe.
    It’s also the approximate odds of Sarah Palin being elected president, according to world-renowned prognosticator Danny Sheridan of Mobile.

    Palin, he said, would have trouble getting re-elected as governor of Alaska — much less president.
    “The vast majority of the voters can see right through her facade,” he said. “She’s not qualified to hold any significant office. Unfortunately for her, the voters know this.”

  19. Anonymous2:43 PM

    What do foster children use for healthcare?Did MB pay for all health care for the foster children or did they use Medicaid?Did her husband get Medicaid funds for treating any of the foster children?


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