Monday, June 27, 2011

It looks like Palin's movie preview and plans to visit Pella, Iowa, are officially FUBAR.

Courtesy of Real Clear Politics:

Politico reported on Monday that Palin aides were reaching out to Iowa operatives and activists to set up meetings during her visit, citing Chuck Laudner, a former Iowa GOP executive director. But Laudner told RCP that he did not have a private meeting scheduled with Palin and that no one who works for the former governor had made contact with him.

Laudner said that he received an invitation to attend the festivities surrounding the movie premiere from Peter Singleton, a California native who moved to Iowa several months ago to help organize in the state in advance of a possible Palin presidential run. Singleton is acting on his own and is not a Palin aide but has often been confused for one as he has made his presence known across the state.

"Putting me on this list doesn't really mean much to me," Laudner told RCP. "I'm on a list to go to this event, but I didn't expect there was going to be high drama. . . . He just said be there, and I said OK."

For his part, Singleton confirmed to RCP that he has not been working with the Palin camp.

"If Governor Palin was setting up meetings, she wouldn't set them up with me," Singleton said. "Not a single activist I've talked with has said anything about that. . . . I'm not affiliated with the Palin organization. I invited Chuck because he's a really great friend and a really nice guy."

Several other key players in Iowa Republican politics -- including state GOP Chairman Matt Strawn, Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition President Steve Scheffler and the office of Gov. Terry Branstad -- told RCP that Palin's camp had not reached out to them ahead of Tuesday's visit.

This complete lack of coordination and communication also extended to Palin's most ardent supporters. As evidenced by this recent post over at the Sea O'Pee by the guy who originally tried to convince Palin supporters to gate crash the premiere.

You won’t be allowed to attend either event if you do not have a ticket.

Yes, I recognize that I posted around ten posts on this subject encouraging people to go to Pella without a ticket but it appears that I missed the purpose of the event. The entire purpose of the event was to keep things local and low-key and limit it primarily to Iowans and Pellans. I was operating off my own conjecture.

So if you made plans to go to Pella without a ticket, make your own decision based on this information. I apologize for any confusion.

This did NOT go over well with the increasingly disgruntled Palin-bots.

From the comments section:

Actually, this isn't Ian's "fault". This is the fault of a "campaign" which doesn't communicate with people downstream and is in desperate need of some new hires to start getting its sh*t in gear.

I understand Fabianism and Disinformation and Not Communicating with the Propaganda Ministry, but the Silence Policy towards you're own people is just stupid, especially the O4P people. This has to end. Now.

And this:

Whatever you say, if Sarah does not announces in is Bachmann time. And if Sarah stays out she will be DESTROYED and her favorability numbers will go down. People would be seeing her as just a money hungry fraud that teased her supporters and the nation for 3 years about a presidential run just to get rich.

Sorry fellas but is the truth.

July is Sarah's month to start taking charge. If by July 30 she has not yet announced she will not be our next president and Obama might win his second term against who ever loser gets the nomination.
I can sense very nevous folks here..time is passing by and Sarah is just promoting movies. Bachmann has a real chance to win Iowa or make Romney win it. In either case, if Sarah is not the nominee Obama will win by a landslide unless the economy really tanks, we enter a recession or any october surprise occurs.

Then there is Trump and his third party run..
Obama is a very happy camper.

Followed by this:

Look, Palin's appearance -- in Iowa, no less -- at the premiere of this landmark documentary movie, no less -- on the day after MB's POTUS announcement, no less -- at the same time as Obama's in Iowa, no less -- is BIGGGGGGG!

C4P didn't release this to the news media.

What gives? -- we need some more explanation

Even though I predicted this day would come well over a year ago, I have to admit that I never knew it that it would take THIS long for the journalists and Palin-bots to finally look up and see the writing on the wall that had been right in front of them all along.

Sarah Palin does NOT want to be the President. She wants you to WANT her to be the President.

It is called "political prick teasing" and she is apparenlty quite good at it.

P.S. for those who are new to the phrase FUBAR, click here.


  1. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Her supporters deserve nothing less!

  2. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I just finished Geoffrey Dunn's book and came away feeling really sorry for Granny LuLu, who is obviously mentally ill but getting no help.

  3. Anonymous1:20 PM

    LOL! So, FINALLY the sea-of-pee starts seeing the light...

    $carah - believe you me: when you fall, you will fall FAST and furious, and there will be NOBODY there to wail and try to help you! EVERYbody you stepped on on your way up the ladder will help to push you down, and the picture will NOT be pretty!
    Your skeletons in your closets are rattling the doors, and the doors are starting to give. There is NO holding them back anymore, because YOU WENT TOO FAR WITH YOUR PRICK-TEASES!!!

  4. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Her supporters are sloooooooowwwww!

  5. i was reading at c4p, and the understanding i came away with was -

    this event is set up and run by the film company, and is not an official
    "sarah" event

    the latest word is that the cookout will be for a thousand people, so that should cover the film audience and all the locals and palinistas who would be likely to show up

    a day beforehand, it seems entirely possible that rather than fubar, it could be a big success, and even give good publicity to the movie, the ostensible purpose for the event

    of course, that depends on how things go, and it's hard to make predictions, especially about the future

  6. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Off the topic but Michele Bachmann has said something really stupid again. Flake?

    “Well what I want them to know is just like, John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That’s the kind of spirit that I have, too,” she told Fox News prior to the official announcement of her candidacy in Waterloo.

    Waterloo’s John Wayne was not the beloved movie star, but rather John Wayne Gacy, the serial killer,” Stephen Dinan wrote.

    See teh google for more.

  7. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Off the topic but Michele Bachmann has said something really stupid again. Flake?

    “Well what I want them to know is just like, John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That’s the kind of spirit that I have, too,” she told Fox News prior to the official announcement of her candidacy in Waterloo.

    Waterloo’s John Wayne was not the beloved movie star, but rather John Wayne Gacy, the serial killer,” Stephen Dinan wrote.

    See teh google for more.

  8. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Apparently, someone higher up the food-chain has decided to make some tickets available to selected petitioners. The C4Pers are peeing themselves imagining the "thousands" of Palin supporters who will now descend upon Pella and shock the MSM and all the "haters" who wrote the Quitter off.

    Those poor, delusional saps.

    I hope Pella is braced for the tens of people who will show up and ask oblivious Pellans where the big Palin campaign kick-off party is.

  9. Anonymous1:32 PM

    My first thought is that the friends of Peter Singleton need to start lining up some support when he realizes SP is not going to make any serious, sustained effort towards the presidency.

    This poor fool has up-rooted his life for his fantasy version of SP.

  10. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Ha ha ha

    Sarah has brain damaged followers. She knows it I think. Ha ha ha

    This one seem to be getting help with his brains. He is getting out of it I think. Comment from O4Pee...

    IsraeliCojones Today 03:18 PM in reply to Ianlazaran

    Dear Ian,

    I'm very late to this thread and going through p.3 I think I've read enough nonsense.

    Now to the point: first I'm certainly not ready to pile on you on this, not even remotely.

    I just wish to point out an ambiguity under which this site and its posters are living, whether they like it or not.

    - on one hand (it's said in the Disclaimer), this site has officially nothing to do with Team Palin;

    - on the other hand, we know that there are (possible) "channels" between this Team and the site (RAM, for instance);

    - how or if these channels are used, we don't know, but some suppose here that they are used when/if necessary (the rumor through the grapevine has it that the C4Pers are the ones "in the know" - whether it's true or false - I even read that on HA);

    - Consequently, when you take a personal initiative, some people here (not all) tacitly understand that it comes from "above";

    - hence the fallacious assumption that Team Palin/the Pac are actors in this.

    I think it would be very positive for all the Contributors of this site, and the posters, to reassert clearly that this site - and its initiatives, this one and all the others - has nothing to do with Team Palin.

    Just my 2 cts.

    You meant well. G-d bless you.

  11. imnofred1:39 PM

    Of course she didn't reach out to any key Iowa Republican players. You know how she doesn't like those "establishment" types. She thinks that winning the nomination is like winning a popularity contest where she can shake a few hands and send out a few tweets and the votes will just come to her like leaves falling from trees in the fall.

  12. Anonymous1:39 PM

    SP will walk up to the mic on July 4th and set off her own verbal fireworks. The date she resigned the job will be now be the date she declines the nod.

  13. angela1:40 PM

    I know the Grifter has to announce tomorrow or her supporters are going to eat her alive. . . . .She will, the media will go crazy and she will get slobbered on while saying really stupid shit.

    She can't let President Obama and Bachmann (who wants to be in the spirit of John Wayne Gacy) have all that coverage.

    C'mon Sarah--commit so you can get all the coverage you crave!

  14. Anonymous1:40 PM

    SNAFU also applies here.

    Palin theme song? I Want You To Want Me by Cheap Trick.

    "I want you to want me.

    I need you to need me.

    I'd love you to love me.

    I'm beggin' you to beg me.

    I want you to want me.

    I want you to want me.

    I want you to want me.

    I want you to want me."

  15. Anonymous1:51 PM

    The truly funny reality is Sarah is pissed off at her most loyal BOTS for not donating more and questioning her.

    The one thing that sets Palin off moreover anything is being told what to do and questioned when she does show appreciation.

    This is going to get good when one of her hillbilly followers figures out he was prick teased. Sarah has no clue how she has rocked these people. Passion runs high in love and hate. They are feeling betrayed, Sarah better really consider the consquences.

  16. Anonymous1:54 PM

    hey mistah charley, just saw you over at the Pee Pond! Welcome. I think Singleton is a Pee'r that has been AWOL for a while; god, I think I need to spend less time over there. I know waaay too much about them. lol

  17. Anonymous1:57 PM

    IMO, I think the folks over at C4P should give Simple-Minded-Sarah the benefit of the doubt and wait until at least July 31st instead of July 30th before switching to Bachmann. Maybe they don't know there's 31 days in July.

    P.S. I don't know what to call her now that she's trademarked her name. The names that I use privately can't be used publicly ...although I have occasionally used those in the past. I've come up with several names - such as Sarah-The-Dumb but discarded that because I frequently switch to using acronyms and I thought it might offend.


  18. Poor sad delusional (horny) Singleton. I hope he comes out of his trance with, at least, a pair of red monkey pumps to lick or some panties to sniff.

  19. Ratfish2:01 PM

    An email sent out by Palin this morning has been leaked to the AP.

    The email she sent out early this morning was accidentally sent to some former supporters, and it has leaked out.

    To: Iowa Republicans
    From: Sarah Palin
    Re: Please Drop Everything
    Date: The Day Before I Get There

    Hey guys- Sorry for the short notice, but, ya know, I've decided to come to your state to kick off my rejuvenation or whatever when my new movie, "The Unrefudiated," or something like that, starts to play.

    I'll be in Pella- so please meet me at the cookout after the movie
    gets out- or maybe earlier if I skip out at intermission (you know me, I don't like to finish anything other than reruns of my reality show).

    And the good news is Bristol will be there too- with a huge supply of wine coolers.

    See you there. And please bring your checkbooks- although frankly I prefer cash.

    ps. Who the hell does that Michelle Bachmann think she is, anyway? I'll show her a thing or two!

  20. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Will the little warriors who donated to SarahPAC get a signed copy of Bristol's book? Any bets on how many the PAC bought?

  21. ibwilliamsi2:05 PM

    If she runs, she won't run on the "R" ticket. She'll run "I" or start her own party.

  22. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Should read:

    The one thing that sets Palin off moreover anything is being told what to do and questioned when she does NOT show appreciation.

  23. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Still think Sarah switched babies? I think Trig just lost weight in the 2 weeks between the 18th and 3rd. Babies do that.

  24. Almost 3 years on this blog and I was not familiar with FUBAR! So I clicked on the link. Thanks for he edumacation (I don't think I spelled the RWNJ version of education right)! But thanks anyway.

  25. Anonymous2:23 PM

    **People would be seeing her as just a money hungry fraud that teased her supporters and the nation for 3 years about a presidential run just to get rich.

    Sorry fellas but is the truth.**

    There it is bots, out of the mouth of one of yours, the absolute truth that has been clear to all of us for a long, long time.

  26. Anonymous2:24 PM

    People are coming to their senses and realizing they were seriously bamboozled.

    Now we know why Obama has been playing the family, just a dad who makes mistakes, i'm one of you card.


  27. Anonymous2:24 PM

    mistah charlie, ph.d.

    Did you teach the grifter half term quitter governor at one of the five colleges she has claimed she attended? If so what kind of student was she?


  28. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:25 PM

    Sea o'Pee comment: "Whatever you say, if Sarah does not announce[s] in July...."

    Then it'll be "does not announce in August..." then "does not announce in September..." and on and on until it's just too late. 'Cause that's what them's who've been grifted and are now in denial do.

  29. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Bristol was just on Hannity's radio show, she will be on Hannity/FOX TV tonight and she will be on Fox & Friends tomorrow.
    No end to promoting the grifter AND her trashy family.
    They will be foisted upon us for years to come, especially via the propaganda ministry also known as FOX noise.

  30. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Wanna bet she goes all roguey and announces at this gala red carpet opening. It's right up her alley to pull a fast one, but still she does seem to favor the fourth of July for her most dramatic announcements...anything to spark the fireworks, this one.

  31. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I think Singleton is working for Palin with her complete knowledge. She has to do this surreptitiously so she doesn't jeopardize her Fox gig and her PAC spending. I hate to say this, but she has known she is running for President from the day she was tapped for the VP spot. She will declare by the end of the summer. Of course, she doesn't have a prayer against Obama. But I do predict she will win the nomination or run as a third party. If you think you have seen the nasty bitch side of haven't seen anything yet. She will do everything in her power to destroy the opposition, but fortunately, most American don't want a crazy, nasty, psycho for President.

  32. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Looks like we're all over at C4P watching the train wreck. Somebody commented the other day that it was a parody site, and I totally agree. The bat-shit crazy coming out of that website is comedy gold. GO TO PELLA, NO, DON'T GO TO PELLA, WELL, GO IF YOU WANT, BUT DON'T EXPECT TO BE FED, BRING SMORES AND TAMMY&PALINS WILL COME OVER AND SAY HI! HAHAHA! I think half the posters over there are from the anti-Palin sites just yanking their chains. Wait until they all start complaining that they sent their $100 to SarahPAC and haven't received their DVD, HAHA!

  33. Anonymous2:33 PM

    On Wednesday Sarah's going to Bristol's book signing because she knows no one would show up to buy Bristol's book without her.

  34. Anonymous2:38 PM has the schedule for Pella and it starts at 4:00am and lasts all day. A street blocked off and plenty of room for news trucks. So Palinish! Attention grubber!

  35. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Heehee, Haha, Hoohoo, Hoho the Queen's subjects are getting restless.

    Am not gloating or anything(really), just glad and giddy some are finally maybe seeing that no man/woman should be put high up on a pedestal. Devotion to a person's ideology isn't the same thing as placing a person as infallible.

  36. Anonymous2:44 PM

    She will feel like the Village People when they released their movie after the death of disco and three people went to see it!

  37. Anonymous2:45 PM

    What a goofy broad! That photo is priceless!

  38. Anonymous2:54 PM

    The Broomfield Film Will Drop a Bomb on Sarah Palin’s Undefeated

    Nick Broomfield is at it again. This time the independent documentarian takes on Sarah Palin.

    While Sarah Palin’s image rehab film “The Undefeated” debuts in Iowa tomorrow evening, another Palin film waits in the wings and this one has the potential to drop a bomb on “The Undefeated”.

    Derek Malcolm of the Guardian once said of Nick, “If Broomfield took up wedding photography, the divorce rate would be even higher.” This is not the man you want helming a documentary of you if you are hiding under a perilously constructed myth.

    Peabody winner Broomfield also holds numerous other prestigious awards, from First Prize at Sundance to a 2006 Bafta Award for his contribution to the documentary genre. If that doesn’t impress you, Broomfield’s filmography includes “Aileen Wuronos: The Selling of a Serial Killer”, “Biggie & Tupac” and “Kurt & Courtney”.

    Here’s a short clip from his documentary via RadarOnline:

    ...This is not the first time we’ve heard of Palin’s BlackBerry addiction taking precedence over policy matters and meetings, but it will nonetheless serve as a pointed counterpoint to the propaganda film Bannon (renamed at PoliticusUSA as the Triumph of the Shrill several weeks ago) is desperately hoping will catch fire in the coming weeks.

    I’ve already heard that Broomfield exposes Palin for who she is, and that is not a good thing for Sarah Palin. The truth may even shock average Americans who don’t follow politics.

  39. SNAFU, FUBAR you bet! And this circus thinks it can run a Presidential campaign. Yes, it is conflicting entities, but one job of a campaign is to harness those energies.

  40. Anonymous3:14 PM

    "They will be foisted upon us for years to come"

    Nope. Palin's have attention for their famewhore life of less of a year. All Sarah does by announcing is restrict how and when she can accept/use money. They have all screwed themselves with greed.

  41. Anonymous3:21 PM

    This is how they talk to their own members at the sea of pee--""
    I have never seen anyone talk out their a$$ as much as you do. Just about everything in your post is false. You don't know what you are talking about, I suggest you STFU."""

    But I have to post this one""Can I make a suggestion? For those who are going to be able to go to Pella, dress well (conservatively). You don't need to wear a flag shirt or cap. Nothing garish!!! Have you ever seen Sarah wear something like that? OK, then! Also, no motor scooters. WE NEED TO LOOK YOUNG AND ACTIVE -- not like your typical TEA Party!!!"""

  42. There is some rumor that she wanted to announce on 9/11. Joe said someone told him that. Can she wait that long?

    the inmates are getting restless

  43. AJ Billings3:32 PM

    A bit O/T, but not by much:
    I think BiPolar Granny Paylin is losing it completely.

    In this video where she's "apologizing" (NOT) for stepping on Mitt Romney's schedule during her infamous publicity bus ride, she sounds absolutely nuts.

    she screws up her mouth and starts talking to an imaginary 2 year old. She flattens out her lips and says in a baby talk squeaky voice"

    I dinna mean... to step... on enna body's toewwwws!!!

    WTF is she taking for meds?
    Does she think an interview turned into Romper Room????!!!!

  44. I think the acronym BOHICA applies to the C4P people as well as well as anyone who has either supported Palin or worked for her.


  45. Donal3:37 PM

    I encourage everyone to get your self a throw-away Emailbox and go and post on C4P. Even if they do flag you off it torments the hell out of them. Try it. It's fun.

  46. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I have a hunch that Peter Singleton is the one and only Brianus from the peezoo. Brianus claimed to be from Northern California and this guy is too. Freaky Brianus has not been posting much over there lately....hmmmmmmm.

    Like someone else posted here, I know way too much about the bots and should quit reading over there so much.

  47. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I am not a Rick Perry supporter but I truly hope he gets in the race. His job creation record alone will dwarf Palin & Bachmann. (Of course, many are minimum wage but I would like to see him burst their balloons and he would--and then I would hope he didn't get elected..) Palin can't claim to be anymore of an energy expert than Perry as Texas is all about oil and Perry has been Gov for 10 years.

  48. Just so I get this straight. Sarah couldn't continue her "family vacation" right now because of Jury duty but now she can go to a screening of her movie in Iowa.
    And she couldn't go with Franklin Graham to the Sudan because of scheduling difficulties (?maybe including jury duty) but now she can go to a movie in Iowa and a book signing in Minn? What's next?

    Why didn't she just tell the truth: that she couldn't continue the family vacation because everyone was noticing that she didn't have much family with her and couldn't use the bus due to legal problems with the name on it.
    She wasn't ever going to see Maggie Thatcher so that photo op was gone and she just figured it was going to be too much trouble with too little press to go to a really hot and destitute area and try to pretend that she cared a flying fig.
    So Franklin, under the bus you go. At least you have lots of good company there.

  49. Anonymous3:48 PM

    When neither fameseeking whore can trend on Yahoo after a full day media blitz you know they aren't really important to 98% of the population.

  50. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I think the don't show up in Pella has something to do with the local authorities contacting SarahPAC about rallying without a license and in they are not providing any.

  51. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Gonna be a pretty sad day around here on Wednesday.

  52. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Sarah's 15 minutes are over and she knows it. Michelle is the talk of the baggers now. Sarah is so jealous. She would never bet Michelle in a minute. I think Sarah's game plan from now on is to step on the other candidates.
    Sarah cannot even attract a crowd anymore. Pella is a nice town, but how many will come? 300 at the most. Yikes, Sarah, aren't you embarrassed?
    I think Sarah is getting pissed because I bet not one of the candidates who came out to run ever called her for her help. She is toxic and they know it. Yes, we will see Sarah and Bristol doing their thing. Pity that is all that is left. Bristol, I hope you are enjoying living with those two men. Who will you grab when the series is over?

  53. Anonymous4:11 PM

    People always show up for free food. That is a good way for Sarah to show all the people who came out to see her, haha.

  54. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Ok - I think we should have troll school. Since they're SO educated (I'm including common sense here) - they should have no problem picking this up.

    If you say: Bristol is a good (anything other than whore), you're a troll.

    If you say Sarah does (anything aside from fleecing the dumb) - you're a troll.

    Any mention of anyone outside the scope of the post (Mercede, Levi), You're a troll.

    "Trust me" - troll.

    "They're beyond deliriously happy" - troll.

    "Tripp won't care" - TROLL - trust ME, that kid's going to care. Take it from one who has been there.

    Oh and trolls? I love you guys - you make me laugh, but you also make me so sad - take care and maybe open your eyes a smidge. And if those trolls are really palins -whatev.


  55. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Obama came out with a statement about Bachmann's economic policies. A "sign he takes her seriously" as a candidates, says the MSM. You gotta believe this gets under the skin, big time, of our Quitter Queen, whose existence Obama has steadfastly refused to acknowledge in spite of the years of pay attention to meeeeee antics.
    (And what I gotta wonder is, was that Obama's intent? Ah, to have an intelligent President.)

  56. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Maybe Brisdull with her new face will go give a sex speech for the bots and tell the real truth about the first guy she did, no not Levi.

  57. Anonymous4:26 PM

    "I'm on a list to go to this event, but I didn't expect there was going to be high drama."

    What back woods cave did this guy just wake up in? NohighddramaPalin is a one word oxymoron.

  58. Anonymous4:28 PM

    POLITICO's Kasie Hunt forwards the schedule for the activities surrounding the screening of "The Undefeated" in Pella tomorrow, which begins bright and early:

    4:00 AM CT – Entire block of Franklin Street in front of Pella Opera House is blocked off, TV trucks permitted to park across the street from the opera house along the entire block

    6:00AM – 8:00AM CT – Writer and director Steve Bannon available for interviews in front of Pella Opera House

    7:00 AM CT - Media room opens, first floor reception room in the Pella Opera House; WiFi, food and refreshments provided all day

    10:00AM CT – 4:00PM CT – Media availability for Steve Bannon, writer and director; and cast members Sonnie Johnson, Kristen Cole and Tammy Bruce

    5:00 PM CT - Public Screening, Pella Opera House, closed to media.

    7:45 PM CT - Cook-out in Franklin Square (behind the opera house), closed to media, but, there will be good positions for cameras to shoot stills and video of Gov. Palin mingling with people at the cook-out in the alley between the back of the opera house and the square.

  59. Anonymous4:30 PM

    The original Slow Learners, Inc around here.....

    You goofballs have been predicting Sarah's demise for almost three years.

  60. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Palin Not Reaching Out to Key Iowans Ahead of Visit

  61. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Anon 2:20 - I don't really understand your photo montage and the point you are trying to make. Same ears?

    What happened to the baby with the deformed ears. They were NOT surgically repaired. That is absolutely never done in toddlers or babies or even young children. Never.

  62. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Hey y'all did you see the last post on the last thread about Bristols showing at Mall of America.
    SARAHHHH!!! OH MY GOD - will be there too on WEDNESDAY! I wonder if I can get a cheap flight from Pella to Minneapolis tomorrow night. I can see Sarah twice then. How exciting is that.

    You MUST purchase Bristols book if you want to wait in line and get a signature.. and here is the kicker:

    You must have a copy of “Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far” in order to purchase a copy of “America by
    Heart” and/or “Going Rogue” signed by Sarah Palin. Limit 4 books per guest.

    SO you can't come to the shindig to buy Sarah's book unless you buy Bristols too. Isn't that sweet of Sarah ?

    You guys are going to be very surprised when Sarah makes her big announcement. She will be on a real role this week.

  63. Anonymous4:41 PM

    "Now we know why Obama has been playing the family, just a dad who makes mistakes, i'm one of you card."


    @2:24 PM

    Aw. What's the matter, bot? Are you mad that most people already realized a long time ago, they were bamboozled by $arah Palin? She will will never be president. Bitch took you for a ride, and she took your money, too.

    By the way, we already know what you right-wingers think about Obama.

    Actually, it is Bri$tol playing the "I'm just a regular girl who made drunken teenage slut mistakes, I'm one of you!" card.

    And her family of grifting millionaires is sooo "happy" and sooo "close," and sooo working-class. Not.


  64. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I think all of you are going to feel very embarrassed come Wednesday.

    Sarah will be announcing her bid after the movie.

    You heard it here second. First, was somewhere else. Someone who really knows let it leak. Why do you think she is there the same day as the Barack Hussein Obama. To what a real American President can do.

  65. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Look at this absolutely IDIOTIC tweet from C for P! And everyone is liking it.

    "Speaking of fracking... I believe the biggest issue of the day is that Obama has fundamentally transformed our energy production nearly out of existence. We will never rebuild our economy without restoring that sector, for it literally fuels the entire thing. And there is one person perfectly suited to debate energy policy with anyone, any time, who knows the subject so well that no debate prep is even required. For that reason alone, I want Sarah Palin to be debating against Barack "prices will necessarily skyrocket" H. Obama in the general election. "

    They want Sarah to debate Obama?? ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  66. Anonymous4:58 PM

    "I think all of you are going to feel very embarrassed come Wednesday.

    Sarah will be announcing her bid after the movie.

    You heard it here second. First, was somewhere else. Someone who really knows let it leak. Why do you think she is there the same day as the Barack Hussein Obama. To what a real American President can do."

    @4:42 PM

    If $arah Palin does announce she's running for president on Wednesday (or, whenever), we will not be embarrassed. She would make our day. President Obama's especially.

    Barack Hussein Obama is more an American than that right-wing, anti-American AIP, bitch $arah Palin.

    Bring it on Palin! Barack Hussein Obama Hussein will kick your grifter ASS!


  67. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Comment left on the Pee Swamp.Now if this one doesn't make you laugh ....

    "Palin is a force of nature, Bachmann is a media creation, much like Donald Trump who drew a relative small crowd at a Boca Raton TEA Party rally on the same day close to 10,000 showed up in Madison where Palin was."

    The 10'000 people who showed up in Madison were all Palin fans. Right ! They are ready to twist any reality they are so worried about the Snow Ho not polling well.

  68. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Knuckle-dragger @4:42PM:

    We are not afraid of Sarah Palin. Neither is Barack Hussein Obama. STFU.

  69. angela5:03 PM

    Anon 4:07

    Why would anyone be sad? Its a win win situation if Sarah gets a lot of people to Pella. If she gets them there and announces she's running-- big win for the democrats as a Palin run will be like chasing a half naked clown down the street eating a bowl of honey and wearing a feather cap. Pure comedy.

    And if she gets alot of people to Pella and doesn't announce bots will cry a river (and that's always fun).

    And if she gets hardly any people to Pella and does or doesn't announce--still comedy gold.

    There is no bad in any of this.

  70. Anonymous5:03 PM

    We HAVE a real American President: an educated and thoughtful man of mixed race who was born in our newest State.

    McCain/Palin LOST in 2008. Because most Americans did NOT want either of them in charge. Try to live with it.

  71. Ratfish5:04 PM

    "POLITICO's Kasie Hunt forwards the schedule for the activities surrounding the screening of "The Undefeated" in Pella tomorrow, which begins bright and early:

    4:00 AM CT – Entire block of Franklin Street in front of Pella Opera House is blocked off, TV trucks permitted to park across the street from the opera house along the entire block

    6:00AM – 8:00AM CT – Writer and director Steve Bannon available for interviews in front of Pella Opera House

    7:00 AM CT - Media room opens, first floor reception room in the Pella Opera House; WiFi, food and refreshments provided all day

    10:00AM CT – 4:00PM CT – Media availability for Steve Bannon, writer and director; and cast members Sonnie Johnson, Kristen Cole and Tammy Bruce

    5:00 PM CT - Public Screening, Pella Opera House, closed to media.

    7:45 PM CT - Cook-out in Franklin Square (behind the opera house), closed to media, but, there will be good positions for cameras to shoot stills and video of Gov. Palin mingling with people at the cook-out in the alley between the back of the opera house and the square."

    The media is not being allowed into the movie.

    And the cookout is in the back alley- where it belongs.

  72. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Either she announces Tuesday or she doesn't. Either way is a win as I see it. Just for entertainment value, if nothing else.

  73. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Anon @ 3:41

    Do you know what ever happened to Beehive? heheh

  74. Anonymous5:08 PM

    The success or failure at Pella will be decided by the number of available porta-potties.

  75. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I wonder how much they will charge for the 8x10 glossies of her flicking out her tongue, against the backdrop of the Pella Opera House of course. You know how much her bots love it when she does that.

  76. $arahs next movie, "The Undecided".

  77. Anonymous5:22 PM

    @RATFISH - Just read the "schedule" you posted. It made me sick to think that people are so deluded to go for this lie of a "documentary". I would feel sorry for Steve Bannon, but he has the same resources available to fact-check his work. I hope Iowans know better than to fall for it.

  78. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Still think Sarah switched babies? I think Trig just lost weight in the 2 weeks between the 18th and 3rd. Babies do that.


    It's his right ear at issue, no his left.

  79. Anonymous5:25 PM

    This woman is beyond belief - absolutely despicable. While this does not make sense and using people the last few years just to try to milk them of every cent is not something a decent person would do, there certainly seems to be something very wrong with her. She has even used her own family.

    It will be very interesting to see what she does in Pella tomorrow. Will she even bother to show up if she thinks people are finally beginning to wake up and see what she REALLY is all about!?!

  80. Anonymous5:37 PM

    @4:42 - embarrassed on Wed. ? I'm embarrased now-- for you!!! She cannot announce & will not announce. But either way, you're a moron because you support her!

  81. emrysa5:50 PM

    hey gryphen remember how the quitter kept saying that she hasn't decided if she'll run for prez and that she needs to see who the candidates are before she will decide? that she needs to see if there's someone out there who she can back? I am thinking that she is going to say she doesn't have to run for president because she's found a candidate she can support - bachmann. she'll say that she and bachmann have the same agenda so she doesn't need to run cause bachmann will do all the same things that palin would do and therefore she will be america's savior.

  82. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Anon@442, are you imagining for half a second that the intelligent readers of this blog would be upset if the Quitter Queen announces her candidacy on Wednesday? How people can be that stoopid and still get through the day never ceases to amaze me. It's the Republicans/Conservatives with half a brain is their heads -- who do exist, although you won't find them in the 'bot collective -- who would be scared witless by the prospect of a Palin candidacy or, worse, 3rd party bid.

  83. Anonymous5:54 PM

    When you have to give things away just to stroke your own ego, you're at the tailend of a trip to nowhere.

  84. Anonymous5:55 PM

    OMIGOD LOOK AT HER!!! Bristol looks like absolute shit. Mercede must be laughing her ass off.

  85. Anonymous5:56 PM

    OMIGOD P U K E when you enlarge it.

  86. Anonymous5:59 PM

    When it is finally clear that Palin is NOT running for President, I am going to take a little trip over to Sea o' Pee and just laugh, laugh, laugh in their faces.

  87. emrysa6:26 PM

    @ 5:55: that chin is way too damn big. I seriously cannot believe she thinks that looks good. I was watching that video of gma and could not stop looking at the chin. it's so big that it's a distraction. she ended up with a heel on her face and that's what she gets for being a bitch and a liar.

  88. Anonymous6:34 PM

    5:37 : "I'm embarrased now-- for you!!! She cannot announce & will not announce."

    Why CAN'T she announce? Sure she can.
    Yes we can! Yes we can! Yes we can!

  89. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Mercedes is clearly jealous of the money Bristol is making and the fame.

  90. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Where do you find these photos for your posts? The micro expressions on her face are priceless! but my fave so far is "bucky bever sarah".

    I rarely, if ever, venture over to the pee asylum, but they're still in the denial phase of grief.

    Can't blame the poor dears, social services for the mentally challenged has been slashed, and their only hope is they haven't starved their families, home schooled their young, and hitch hiked out of the trailer park in disguise for free Government Cheese. They consider "Dumpster Diving" as "Haute Cuisine"

    And at least one still holds hope that Sarah will show up AND declare she's running! Yes, you heard it here first, folks!

    Don't laugh too loud. Her replacement actually is proud to be from the same town in iowa as a serial child molester and murderer, who dressed as a clown, just like Sarah.

    The little engine that could, just did, and fell off the bridge to nowhere and into the rabbit hole.

  91. Anonymous6:49 PM

    2:29 -" Bristol was just on Hannity's radio show, ..."

    I caught part of that and it was incredibly creepy .
    Sean Hannity quizzing Bristol about her
    deflowering ( alleged ) made me think of the NBC show
    " To Catch a Predator."
    I felt dirty listening to it and clicked off.
    But, not before I heard Hannity
    bemoaning that Bristol " has been forced
    by the media
    to live her life in public."
    Say What ??
    The media forced Bristol to pose for all the magazine covers
    and the interviews on Greta
    and the reality shows
    and the book and the ET interview
    and the " I don't like the word Abstinence "
    Abstinence tour ????

  92. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Anon @5:56 now with that new chin, her nose looks HUGE!

  93. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Let's be clear..
    She cannot run for President while still being an employee of Fox. There are huge legal implications for Roger Ailes if she does. One thing Roger Ailes is, is not stupid. Please stop the delusion, she's not running, not announcing anything as long as she is a Fox employee. She'll just continue the political prick teasing, because the media and her palinbots are stupid enough to fall for it.

  94. Anonymous7:14 PM

    hah ha ha "political prick teasing". I've been saying that for three years. She's a prick teaser. She shows it by the way she dresses for one. The palinbots fall all over themselves wishing she was prick teasing them. They imagine her in leather boots whipping America in to shape by replacing the Constitution with the bible. Even carltonwest admits he lusts after beautiful BUXOM bristol. Her die hard followers are pretty sick.

  95. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Gee I made one little benign comment on c4p and I got banned for life. They don't want anyone over there who doesn't agree with them lock stock :& barrel. You can only make a comment only if you agree with them one thousand percent and show that your worship Sarah.

    Fair and balanced? Well like Fox..they are NOT. They care not to discuss any other viewpoints unless you are a Sarah worshipper. Don't even; bother asking a question.

  96. Anonymous7:20 PM

    "Still think Sarah switched babies? I think Trig just lost weight in the 2 weeks between the 18th and 3rd. Babies do that."

    So Sarah's gone through the trouble of setting up a "one Trig montage". My guess is the pictures aren't even of Trig.

  97. Anonymous7:23 PM

    OT: why isn't it news when the Dow closes above 12000 the way it is when it closes BELOW 12000?

  98. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I feel sorry for any news reporters that have to go to Pella instead of where President Obama will be. How much of a FU at work would you have to be to get the Palin detail.

  99. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The original Slow Learners, Inc around here.....

    You goofballs have been predicting Sarah's demise for almost three years.

    4:30 PM
    She was done for nat'l office as soon as she quit her last elected position. And I don't begrudge her grifting at all, if people are stupid enough to send her their hard earned dollars, that is their problem, not ours. In fact send her some more, then you won't have any to send to a viable candidate. It really doesn't matter which crazyass bitch the GOP runs, the results will be the same, an Obama landslide. Scarah has been replaced by the other crazy bitch, the one that didn't quit.

  100. Anonymous7:45 PM

    She won't run. She can't. As with Gryphen, too many blogs that the done the MSM's homework FOR them andd it WILL come out. As with Bristol's permanently cocked left eye brow after "jaw reconstruction," notice how haggard Her Heinous is looking these days. Days NUMBERED and she knows it.

  101. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Omg - Bristol's face is so sad! How can she go out in public ? You can see her cheek & chin implants -- they are HUGE. Sooooo sad

  102. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Bristol on Hannity tonight....I don't know how to explain, but this almost 50-ish guy gushing over this starlet-faced young girl talking about her sexual escapades is C-r-e-e-p-y. Does Sean have children? He asks her to hash out the same details that she hashed out today (how the family knows things cause they sit and talk at the breakfast table)again; this repeat, repeat no he didn't rape, but I was so drunk........dialogue just makes no sense coming from Fox News.

    Have they become a sensationalized gossip teenybopper venue.

    Hope I'm not telling on the show which hasn't been seen in some parts, but the worst part of the interview for me, was when she is asked about the McCain's. B had no specific complaint, other than the McCain offspring were SO different than the Palins. Sean asks her to explain......she responds with how she, B, worked and.....she stopped briefly to listen to herself sound stupid, but went on to explain that she knew how to hunt and fish. Huh? As though poor Meghan hasn't worked? Doesn't know how to hunt and fish and this makes Meghan a worse person How? It was a very awkward moment for B. And, it sounded exceedingly condescending and immature. Guess anyone who don't hunt and fish and drink like a fish just can't rise to excellence to the Palin clan.

  103. Gasman8:23 PM

    She's still running. As a matter of fact, things are going just FINE according to her assessment. She's got ALL of her opponents right where she wants them.

    Remember, Palin is an idiot.

    She'll be just as organized in her campaign as she was in her parenting, in her book tour, in her "One Teeny Tiny Region of the Nation Tour of Historical Ignorance." In other words, it will definitely be FUBAR. But isn't that just SO Palin?

    For those of you who've read at least a few of my posts, you'll know that I live in New Mexico. If you are following the news, you'll know that Los Alamos has one giant big ass fire bearing down on it. Both my wife and I work in Los Alamos and we live in White Rock, just a scant 10 miles from Los Alamos, in fact we live in Los Alamos County.

    We haven't been evacuated yet, but we are packed and ready to go. The fire has nearly encircled us, but for now, we are OK. Lots of our friends in Los Alamos and Cochiti have had to flee and it does not look good for their homes. It is heartbreaking to see your community being devoured in slow motion. I absolutely adore the mountains, wildlife and scenery here. This is painful.

    To all of my IM friends and acquaintances, I would ask that you direct a prayer, rain dance, or even a big ol' wet dream toward us here in New Mexico. We'll take anything that we can get.

    If I am sporadic in my postings for awhile, it might mean that I'm a bit busy.

  104. FUBAR is a medical term used for people who crash motorcycles while not wearing a helmet, etc. Then there is the diagnosis of TSTL-to stupid to live. Sometimes it is a wonder how some people have managed to survive as long as they do. Then there are GOMERs-get out of my emergency room. When you work surrounded by pain caused by gross stupidity you have to have a sense of humor to survive.

  105. Anonymous8:49 PM

    These girls cannot stop talking about Mercede. Take her down, Mercede, and all you others in AK who have the dirt on this trashy family.

  106. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Take care. Houses and things can be replaced, you and your family cannot.
    Pls take the time to do a quick post or email Gryph with an update for all of us. Many of us will keep you and yours in our thoughts.

  107. Anonymous9:12 PM

    I. am. loving. it.

    They can all just spoil the election for one another. They are a motley bunch of not-good-enoughs, imo.

    That Michelle Bachmann is only going to get so far, herself. I cannot deal with her at all, but from a strictly neutral viewpoint and even allowing for her own closet insanity, she seems a bit more credible as a candidate for those who are into GOP types!

    Sarah must be frothing at the mouth about now - every time Michelle gets the MSM spotlight, which is probably going to happen more and more. They are interchangeable from a commercial vantage point.

  108. Gasman....stay SAFE!! Good luck to you and your wife! We'll be here when you get back.

  109. Stay safe Gasman.

    The comments section of IM will definitely suffer during your absence.

  110. Anonymous9:24 PM


    Prayers, rain dances and wet dreams all coming your way. Take care; you, Ms Gasman and everyone else in harm's way down there.

  111. Anonymous9:30 PM

    PELLA, IOWA -- Reporters from around the country that have descended upon tiny Pella, Iowa for the premiere of the Sarah Palin documentary The Undefeated on Tuesday night were in for a rude awakening: So scarce are the tickets that there’s no room in the theater for journalists.

    The town, in fact, has been filling up rapidly since Palin confirmed she’d attend the premiere with her husband, Todd. Police notified residents that the streets around the venue, the 111-year-old Pella Opera House, would be shut down beginning 13 hours prior to show time.

    On Monday, organizers were still divvying up tickets to the massively oversubscribed event, and reporters – some who travelled more than 1,000 miles -- were given the word that they didn’t make the cut.

    Organizers were scrambling Monday, though, trying to arrange a separate screening for journalists, but there were no guarantees given.

    The Undefeated, from writer-director Steve Bannon, is one of two documentaries about the controversial former vice presidential candidate. The other – a less flattering look at Palin -- is an untitled film from Nick Broomfield that is seeking a distributor.

    Bannon has opted for a low-key premiere – “the hard, worn bricks of the Pella Opera House is all the red carpet I need,” he said Monday – though road closures and media trucks have dictated otherwise. Bannon, a U.S. Navy veteran, also enlisted some retired Navy SEALs for security detail.

    Most of the 340 tickets went to Iowans and some of the commentators featured in the film, like Tammy Bruce and Sonnie Johnson. The most controversial cast member – not including Palin herself – is Andrew Breitbart, who is expected to be a last-minute arrival on Tuesday.

    “I didn’t invite all my right-wing Hollywood friends,” Bannon said. “Jon Voight, Dennis Miller, I’ll have a screening for those guys later. I’d actually like them to buy a ticket, but they’re so tight… And you can quote me on that,” he joked.”

    Pella is a religiously and politically conservative town of 10,000 people that boasts three dozen churches. With those sensibilities in mind, and because the Palins will be in the audience, Bannon and company will screen the version of the film with the less offensive opening.

    The Undefeated begins with celebrities – David Letterman, Matt Damon, Howard Stern, Madonna, Louis C.K. and others – thoroughly trashing Palin, though Tuesday’s audience will be treated to bleeps instead of the more hardcore profanity used by some of the entertainers. Either way, it’s an intense opening made all the more menacing by the choice of music and the inclusion of a Bible verse.

    The premiere includes a barbecue for 1,000 guests – no media – where Palin intends on mingling, though it wasn’t determined yet whether she’d make any public remarks.

  112. Sweet anny9:40 PM

    Thinkin' 'bout ya Gasman...

    Vaya con Dios, and God bless us everyone!

  113. emrysa9:45 PM

    good luck gasman!! I sure hope everything works out all right, hope you don't have to leave. rain dances on the way!!

  114. indy_girl9:50 PM

    Oh, glory hallelujah! it's the moment we've all been waiting for: As the Palinistas frantically try to figure out what Twitter SnowSnookie has done with the money they sent to her "PAC," their heads begin exploding.


  115. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Gasman,keep us updated,we are doing a rain dance here tonight for you!

  116. I would love for Palin to enter the presidential race. It would be Dueling Bimbos like in the movie Deliverance. Then the tea party would be torn apart and cardboard cut-out Mitt Romney would get the GOP Nod.

    Bachmann already laid an egg today with her John Wayne (Gacey) fan girl statement. If Palin were on the stump as well, it would be comedy gold.

  117. Gasman, I am hoping your home is one that is bypassed by the fire. It is sad to hear that not only people are loosing their homes, but such a beautiful area is being devastated.

  118. Gasman - Take care; stay safe! Sending good thoughts your way.

  119. Anonymous10:26 PM

    I wonder what the good people of Pella are going to think about a mother that let her 15 yr old girl run wild, partying and screwing around in exchange for "presents"?
    Brisket what was the "gift" required in exchange for a blow job?
    I guess her pimp Daddy Tawd trained her in to make sure she got paid for sex.

  120. Gasman, take care!

  121. Oh, pfffft! So what if the Palinbots are in a dizzy tizzy! I liken the Palin premiere to a drunken one-night stand. Sure, it's fun and sexy in the moment... but the hangover and regret are only a sunrise away. The only thing clear to me is that Palin is good at a series of one-night's the long term relationship she can't hang onto. And now that the American people have had plenty of time to watch her in her natural habitat...well, the polls tell the story.

  122. Anonymous11:54 PM

    From the Pella schedule: "....Palin mingling with people at the cook-out in the alley..."

    Well, that sounds like about the right locale for her.

  123. move over, Bristol.12:10 AM

    "You MUST purchase Bristols book if you want to wait in line and get a signature.. and here is the kicker:
    You must have a copy of “Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far” in order to purchase a copy of “America by Heart” and/or “Going Rogue” signed by Sarah can't come to the shindig to buy Sarah's book unless you buy Bristols too. Isn't that sweet of Sarah?"

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! That is soooooooo pathetic and lame, and it reeks of desperation on both their parts! And don't you KNOW that Grifter Granny thought up that scheme by herself? What kind of parent is low enough steal the spotlight from her own child and grift money off the back of her own kid??? (Answer: A Narcissist.)

    Oh, and Sarah? Everyone's getting ready for your big visit to Pella. In fact, they're fixing up an alley especially for you. Please wear the DD girls and your red FMe shoes to get in character.
    Thanks, the Real Christian Conservatives of Iowa

  124. Anonymous3:14 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I think Singleton is working for Palin with her complete knowledge. She has to do this surreptitiously so she doesn't jeopardize her Fox gig and her PAC spending. I hate to say this, but she has known she is running for President from the day she was tapped for the VP spot. She will declare by the end of the summer. Of course, she doesn't have a prayer against Obama. But I do predict she will win the nomination or run as a third party. If you think you have seen the nasty bitch side of haven't seen anything yet. She will do everything in her power to destroy the opposition, but fortunately, most American don't want a crazy, nasty, psycho for President.
    2:32 PM

    Bring it on Sarah.
    She will never win the nomination. I do think if she tries and especially if she tries to make it ugly, the secrts all come out from up top. This woman is a sicko if she thinks making it uglt could in any way shape or form work for her. She is Tri-G.

  125. comeonpeople3:28 AM

    FUBAR is a medical term used for people who crash motorcycles while not wearing a helmet, etc. Then there is the diagnosis of TSTL-to stupid to live. Sometimes it is a wonder how some people have managed to survive as long as they do. Then there are GOMERs-get out of my emergency room. When you work surrounded by pain caused by gross stupidity you have to have a sense of humor to survive.

    8:41 PM

    o/t I hear ya Celia. House of God is one of my favortie books. We have sayings, too where I work. Like the cancer bus has arrived when we get 5 o6 newly diagnosed kids in a week. Or, the Merry Christmas leukemia as we invariably ALWAYs have a kid diagnosed Christmas Eve.

  126. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Gasman, I'm so sorry, take care - torrential thoughts headed your way.


  127. Anonymous7:27 AM

    "Bring it on Sarah.
    She will never win the nomination."

    Yeah, but she can still make a lot of money by "running" somehow. I wouldn't be surprised if she teams up with the professional grifters over at Tea Party Express to make a fake Tea Party run. Can you imagine the millions they could rake in? It would be a piece of cake considering the FEC is apparently a toothless watchdog.

  128. Gasman, your singular contribution to Gryphen's blog is very much appreciated by this visitor. Take care.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.