Saturday, June 11, 2011

E-mail proof that Bristol was STILL attending West High School in Anchorage as late as February 2, 2008.

From e-mail dated February 2, 2008:

Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 7:19 PM
Subject: Email from West High Principal
From: WebMail@gov.state. []
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 5:06 PM
To: Governor Sarah Palin (GOV sponsored)
Subject: Other Web mail from: Mr. Rick Stone


Thank you for coming to the West Anchorage High School Auditorium re-opening last night.

It was nice to see you and your family there. I hope that your daughter is enjoying her high school experience at West High School. Please keep in touch if there is anything that we can do for her and your family. Thank you

There have long been rumors that Bristol either never did attend classes at West High, or that she only attended for a short time before disappearing from school altogether.  (The rumor has been that she had Mono, but there is NO confirmation of that whatsoever.)This e-mail proves that she was at least still attending as late as February 2008.

I also have a source who claims she was still there in March when her mother announced her pregnancy.  After that I really have no idea, though Levi claims he and Bristol were home schooled at some point.

Frank Bailey swears he saw Bristol in tight jeans at the hospital on April 18, 2008, the day that Sarah "gave birth," and used that to dispel any idea that Bristol was Trig's real mother. A notion, by the way, that I walked away from over two years ago.

And this picture, taken in April 2008 right before Mercede attended that year's prom, supports Frank's observation that Bristol could not have been the mother of the child born that day.  If in fact a child actually WAS born that day.

This dramatically reduces the time within which Bristol could have given birth since it was reported that she left Wasilla in the fall of 2007, and the next time she is accounted for is in West High in February 2008. So did she have a baby in the fall of 2007, or did she not? I have heard from several sources that she DID have a baby, but nobody has ever been able to provide a date.

So that is the mystery surrounding one possible pregnancy, but there is also something rather odd about Bristol's pregnancy with Tripp as well.

Here is a picture of Bristol from July 19, 2008.

And here is one from August 24, 2008.

And then here is Bristol on September 3rd, only nine days later.

I am not even going to attempt to draw any conclusionns here, except to ask, "Why don't these Palin women have regular pregnancies, like every OTHER woman in America?"


  1. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I dont see whats weird about the Tripp pregnancy. She's wearing a sweat shirt in that fair photo.

    Also G, That prom pic was taken in April.

    I wanna know who is telling you she gave birth in 07. She wasn't exactly a recluse at any one point AND we have visual accounts of her up to mid Oct and beginning jan 08 on.

    The Minnick wedding in Nov is the big event that should prove she wasn't pregnant. The Minnicks are great friends of the family. In fall 07 emails, nothing sounded amiss. BRistol was referenced up through Nov.

    I think people are cruel with these pregnancy rumors.

  2. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I don't think she was pregnant at the RNC. Everything was too contrived. Remember when Audrey and the other Morgan started questioning this, they were shut down.

  3. Anonymous3:25 PM

  4. Anonymous3:25 PM

    They do have regular pregnancies. It is their reality that is irregular.

  5. I can't help but notice what a nice, wholesome, non-snooki face Bristol had before she decided she couldn't wait to grow out of her teenage look.

  6. Anonymous3:27 PM

    There's no way Bristol had those breasts in the zoo picture-- Sarah would have had to be standing a foot away! Medical science should examine these Magical Exploding Breasts.

  7. I am so glad that you are asking these questions about the dates of birth for both Trig and Tripp. These stories are linked and probably need to be looked at together.

    Let us remember the video of BP attending a taping of some TV show with J-Lo in NYC in the fall(Oct.?) of 2007. In that video, BP is clearly wearing a pretty white flowing blouse over a skirt (or jeans, I forget). It was NOT a style that most teen age girls would have chosen-- especially to be part of this video. Teen girls would be wearing clothing that was tighter and more revealing.

    It is possible that BP was pregnant in 2007 into early 2008 and then gave birth prematurely. Perhaps that was Ruffles. We know now that there are at least 2 or more babies involved. The child(ren) currently known as Trig need not be the same as the child possibly born to BP in late 2007 or early 2008.

    But, equally as important, there is something NOT KOSHER about the whole "Tripp pregnancy story." It is high time that someone pick up this story where Audrey at PD left off.

  8. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Gryphen....your blog is where "Ruffles" was introduced, n'est-pas? I thought I was confused THEN by THAT theory, but now you've really got me perplexed with this post. Are you trying to say now that Bristol is NOT Trig's mother? I believed that from the time of reading Palin's Deceptions until now, and I'm going to need a detailed post of all the possible scenarios of "babygate" put side-by-side so that I can determine for myself which makes the most sense.

  9. I think this email refers to the START of her attendin school there.

    After her "homeshool/mono/preg" fiasco in the fall of 2007.

  10. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Re Bristol in the gray dress. I have a vague memory of Megan McCain providing a dress for Bristol to wear. If that's what happened, and it was the gray dress, then all the chest padding may have been an amateurish hurried attempt to make the dress fit, given their different bust sizes. Bristol's picture at the airport has, iirc, about the same waist/belly size.

  11. Anonymous3:39 PM


    What's with Sara bottle feeding that baby if she was breast feeding? I know my kids mom often pumped breast milk but she never went from bottle to breast and back again. Very odd. And I concur regarding the physical change in Bristol, what's with the boobs when she's with Levi? Is it possible the whole Trig thing is just a complete scam to make her more appealing to the far right? No, that can't be. And the announcement and appearance of a baby from nowhere? Could it be that Trig came from another source mother and Bristol just took the fall of the accusations? Could that family be that fucked up?

  12. Anonymous3:42 PM


    Here is why I'm worried that Palin can actually win the general election when everyone says there's no chance:

    While discussing Weinergate today with my veterinarian in Woodstock, NY - the same Woodstock of the famed druggie liberal 60's concert - I asked my vet what he thought of Sarah Palin. His answer shocked me: he said that while congress had so many people from harvard and yale and other ivy league schools, she might be a breath of fresh air and have a lot to add to the conversation!!! This is from a doctor in a liberal East coast town known for its hippies and yippies. Oy gevalt.

  13. Ripley in CT3:43 PM

    ...and why do their bust sizes vacillate so wildly?

    that one of Bristol is ridiculous.

  14. Anonymous3:47 PM

    The second picture down Bristol's hands in her pockets puffs the jacket out so that one can't tell the size of her belly. In the third picture, her midsection is mostly hidden behind her mother, so that doesn't tell anything either. Her belly size in the fourth picture looks about right for being 5 months on, though her breasts definitely look padded. But why?

  15. Anonymous3:48 PM

    What in the hell is going on w/her chest in that last photo? Those look like either nursing breasts or a really strange padding job. Maybe mummy wanted her to have that enormous chest so the baby bump wouldn't seem quite as large (as in appear to be a 5-month bump vs. a 3-month bump?) I don't know. I don't follow all of the months and dates and stuff -- as you say, nothing normal about pregnancies in that family, too much to keep up with.

    May some dedicated sleuth find the truth, or some person search their soul and decide to come forward with the truth for the good of the country (or $500k from People magazine, whichever works for them, I'm not picky).

    My daughter was attending West in February 2008. Neither she nor her cousin (who also attended & graduated w/her in May of 2008) remember seeing Bristol there. She must have been keeping a veeeeerrrrrry low profile.

  16. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I think one of your posters in an earlier thread thought the released emails were showing something was up in the January 23rd or so time period.

    Could Bristol have given birth in January and then back to school in February (not hard for a teenager to bounce right back after birth - hell, Sarah was back at work two days after giving "birth" to Trig).

    She could have hid her pregnancy in fall 2007 (heavy jackets and people thinking she was just porking up from too many Taco Crunch Supremes). This is especially true if Trig were premature in January 2008.

    I peg January as the birthdate.

  17. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I've always believed Bristol gave birth to Trig, even thought you've written otherwise. I had decided that she'd given birth early in 2008-- and whatever happened next made the use of different babies necessary.

    But now, with the heavily redacted emails which still contain all those mentions of Bristol pregnancy rumors-- I have to wonder if Sarah doesn't want that in there. That maybe she sacrificed Bristol and her reputation to cover up for Trig or Ruffles real birth mother.

    To remove so much information and yet leave in the part about pregnancy rumors. Just more that makes me go huh?

  18. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Corrupt Washington Post Hires Disgraced Former Palin Staffer As E-Mail “Expert”

  19. Anonymous3:54 PM

    that is one freakish boob growth on Bristol

  20. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Willow's hair looks really short. It could be pulled back, but it looks a bit spiky too. Or is that not Willow? I can't think of any logical explanation for Bristol's bazongas. I've heard she had a towel stuffed in her dress due to lactating, but that looks like a bath sheet.

    4:32, aka Shitfire, claimed Trig was born 2 months before his reported due date, but I'm sure people would talk if Bristol was showing up for school 9 months' pregnant. Unless he was premature, and she wore big scarfs.

  21. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Gryphen, are you saying you "walked away" from the idea of Bristol being Trig's birthmom two years ago...

    And you have NEVER walked back?

    The emails which identify Bristol as being enormously upset about the rumours say quite a lot to me.

    I believe Sarah is a narcissist, a hateful shrew, and an idiot. I believe she has portrayed such a hoax on the USA and world, she should be imprisoned.

    But I also believe she has love for her children. I don't think her scamming plane ticket money for the kids was to "put one over" on Alaskans.

    I think it was because she really did want to have her children with her.

    As such, I can only logically conclude that if it was remotely with her power to STOP those rumours, she would have done so. She did not because she simply could not.

    Just think, Gryphen...think about the major inconsistencies with both babies' pregnancy and birth stories. Just think about Bristol's utterly INSANE shapeshifting- you ought to put one of the McCain Tarmac photos taken only HOURS before Bristol's impossibly odd RNC shape up along with the nine day window picture. That takes it from Highly Unlikely to Medically Impossible.

    Also Gryphen, I would just like to point out-
    I could send someone a letter stating "I hope you are enjoying your experience reading IM. Thank you for stopping by IM today."

    And all it would prove is that someone read IM once and possibly promised to come back.

    The principal might well have written that part about enjoying the West experience because he had noticed she had been absent for two weeks.

    I'm just saying...this neither adds nor takes away to any Bristol facts or theories.

  22. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Anonymous at 3.42 PM: I must say that you have done a better effort than most at Palin-puffing. No Obama bashing - well done! Unfortunately, the gratuitous reference to liberals and the stock phrase "breath of fresh air" gives you away.

  23. Anonymous3:59 PM

    @3:42 PM

    sorry to break it you but the famed Woodstock concert was on Leo Yasgur's farm near Bethel, NY.

    The concert was NOT in Woodstock, NY.

  24. Anonymous3:59 PM

    3:23 pm anomys

    Lame brain palin talking point as usual. Open your mind girl.

  25. Anonymous4:01 PM

    This in no way proves she was still attending school at the time. All it proves is that she was still enrolled there... and that the Gov showed up to an event.

    I missed 2 months of grade 10 due to health issues and my parents still attended PTA and parent teacher meetings.

  26. Anonymous4:04 PM

    C'mon people. Someone had to have taken care of a Palin premie in the Anchorage hospital in early 2008. Come forward, will you? You can do it anonymously.

  27. Anonymous4:06 PM

    it's sorta proof, kinda

    But the vice-principal might just be a suck up.

    Proof would be attendance records signed and notarized BEFORE Sarah Palin announced her pregnancy (and it would help if the documents were in triplicate and held by discreet impartial third party


  28. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Why would Meg McCain have to provide a dress for Brisket when the MOA was a ten minute drive from the St Paul Convention center and the RNC was ponying up many thousands of dollars to fit out the entire family, even down to Toad getting Gucci thong briefs - or some crap like that. St Paul itself has numerous clothing shops and someone could have brought her clothing over to the hotel or the Nieman Marcus people would have more than happily driven out from the MOA and had her in new duds in under an hour. MSP isn't exactly a backwoods dump. Despite being the home of Tpaw and MB we have a few real clothes horses around town

  29. Anonymous4:08 PM

    The silver bullet from the smoking gun is the letter from "Trig's Creator" where sarah refers to Trig's mom and dad, yada yada . . . and then in the same para mentions "Sarah and Todd..."

    The "Truth about Trig" has been hiding in plain view, combined with the fictitious doctor's note, allegedly from CBJ.

  30. Anonymous4:14 PM

    In subsequent pics after the RNC, Bristol boobs did reduce. I think that dress style helped to bolster tham. Like that white shirt made SArahs "girls" huge in some pics.

    In nov, at the election night party, she looked normal size.

  31. Anonymous4:17 PM

    @ Anon 3:23 PM:

    "I wanna know who is telling you she gave birth in 07. She wasn't exactly a recluse at any one point AND we have visual accounts of her up to mid Oct and beginning jan 08 on.

    The Minnick wedding in Nov is the big event that should prove she wasn't pregnant. The Minnicks are great friends of the family. In fall 07 emails, nothing sounded amiss. BRistol was referenced up through Nov.

    I think people are cruel with these pregnancy rumors."

    Oh this is getting fun! Lou Sarah, is that you? You are using the same tone as when you demanded to know who brought up the car seat issue! Why not just blame Lyda again? Or have Piper pull her hair?

    Bristol's pregnancies have ALWAYS been a red herring to distract from the did NOT birth Trig. You suck as a human being, for putting the kids through this crap needless. YOU are the cruel person here.

  32. Anonymous4:19 PM

    One thing, mothers can both breastfeed and bottle feed to a certain extent (without compromising breast milk supply). Haven't followed that piece of the story, though.

    I agree, the photo in the middle has Bristol in a hooded sweatshirt, with her torso barely visible. Can't tell anything from that one. I don't know why her body looked so strange at the RNC, but if they had wanted to make her appear more pregnant than she was (to make the possibility of her having given birth to Trig impossible - even though they were likely having to reconcile a fictional birthdate), they could have had her wear padding.

    Gryphen, just because Bristol was at that high school at that time, is there proof positive that she wasn't seen looking pregnant, or anything else along those lines? The principal is cordial and extends an offer of help should they need any...

    It would be interesting to hear why you are convinced Bristol did not give birth to Trig. I am open to that possibility, but I wonder if you have heard something specific?

  33. Anonymous4:20 PM

    I don't see anything weird about the Tripp progression. Possibly in the beginning but even then, it adds up to me. Bristol discovered the pregnancy in late April, told her friends, creating a stir in the town and govt halls. Sarah was confused and tried to explain it without knowing the facts. May 4th, Sarah finds out. We have no way of knowing the truth of how she reacted and whether she actually pursued the adoption angle. We now know there may have been an internship for Bristol (!) and she was in Juneau in July as well as Fairbanks (soccer field pic)

    Again, when exactly does Bristol see Levi? She's seems to be busier as hell and was in the govt offices in may (frank)

    There were said to be rumors of discord between the young lusters in May. (haha) That I believe. Something felt off in Sept

  34. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I'm not sure that this phrase "I hope that your daughter is enjoying her high school experience at West High School" indicates that Bristol was physically attending. Don't all of those Alaska schools have related home-schooling programs?

    I'm not saying she WASN'T there; I'm just not convinced by this email.

  35. Anonymous4:23 PM

    I think that too often we are "opening out minds" too much. I think the truth is sitting right in front of us.

    We want to imagine some huge dramatic family story, and there probably is one - involving Trig and Trig alone. I still dont think the other kids know where he came from.

  36. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Bristol being upset could easily mean people are teasing her about possibly being the real mother to her mother's baby. That would tear up a teen girl. Imagine if you were at school and 100 people were asking you if your mother is covering for you by having your already born baby? Thats gotta sting.

  37. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I don't think either of them gave birth in April either and it does seem that Bristol's pregnancy with Tripp was made to look further along. As a matter of fact , wasn't the original due date claimed to be mid-December?

  38. Anonymous4:30 PM

    This particular time would be an ideal time for Sarah to just put an end to all this stupid speculation.

    All eyes are on her, scrutinizing the emails and they're all looking for "scuttlebutt".

    In light of all the stories that are being spun out of these emails with "no context", she should just clear up this one thing. It would be so simple. She could make a fool out of everybody. If she wanted to. (if she could)

  39. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I'm spazzing a bit. I'm on a Mac and for some reason can't see this page-

    Commen on previous thread said there was a pic of Trig and Todd with a "grandpa" caption, AND Trig is in a hospital gown?? Can someone look and see?

    And I'd like to point out FTR that this woman "Fay" has a behemoth ass kissing website devoted to Palin...and she can't even spell Trig's full name.

    I would bet a hundred "travel authorizations" worth of twenties that ANY Trig Truther could spell his name every single time. How sad that WE, who are constantly accused of "attacking" Trig, are likely the ones who care most for him out of the general public. I know personally I pray for Trig, and any baby called/presented AS Trig, to be safe and happy.

  40. Anonymous4:35 PM

    There was an e-mail from Parnell to Palin regarding OCS infant in 2007. He told Sarah to do some thinking in a quiet place and call him on a private number. OCS is Office of Childrens Services there in Alaska.

    It was a very odd email.

  41. Anonymous4:36 PM

    I see someone is very upset that the Washington Post has invited Frank Bailey to discuss the emails.

    I read the link that someone posted earlier.

  42. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I think whichever womb Trig was pushed forth from was an event that happened in late Jan '08 or early Feb '08. He was probably a 30-32 week preemie and was kept in NICU out of Alaska until he could be "presented" in April. Palin faked her pregnancy beginning in March once she found out he would live. That doesn't rule out Bristol as the Mom.

  43. I cry FOUL ... bogus. Where is Mr. Stone's email address? Why not just forward the email to the Palin's? Why cut and paste? This is contrived and we all know why.

    And even though she is the daughter of the Governor of the State, is it usual to send an email welcoming a student to a school? How many schools did Bristol attend in AK? More than one or two, from what I have read. Are there emails from those principals too? No, I am not buying.

  44. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I dont see whats weird about the Tripp pregnancy. She's wearing a sweat shirt in that fair photo.

    Also G, That prom pic was taken in April.

    I wanna know who is telling you she gave birth in 07. She wasn't exactly a recluse at any one point AND we have visual accounts of her up to mid Oct and beginning jan 08 on.

    The Minnick wedding in Nov is the big event that should prove she wasn't pregnant. The Minnicks are great friends of the family. In fall 07 emails, nothing sounded amiss. BRistol was referenced up through Nov.

    I think people are cruel with these pregnancy rumors.

    The wedding in Nov '07 is no proof positive that Bristol was not carrying Trig. If Trig was born in late January or early February 2008, at 30-32 weeks then Bristol would have only been around 14 weeks pregnant in Hawaii, at the wedding, still able to wear a bathing suit, if she chose. I think Bristol had a surprising Down syndrome preemie birth in Jan/Feb and once the baby was out of the woods, Palin chose to fake her pregnancy. Bristol then got pregnant with Tripp the next summer because her first child was taken away.

  45. Anonymous4:42 PM

    But NONE of these explanations explain why there are a bunch (70+) of people who believe Trig was born APril 18th. People who are close to Bristol and the family. I live in AK and as I use facebook in my daily life, I see mutual friends reactions to things and I wander on over and see more to the story.

    I obviously don't know who has told you she was pregnant but I doubt its people close to her.

  46. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Is "Dr. L" Dr Larry Stinson?

  47. Anonymous4:43 PM

    What about the Feb 6th email FROM Bristol. written in the library?

  48. Anonymous4:43 PM

    OT, but I thought this was a great email from a pissed constituent. This is someone who saw who $arah was long before most of us realized it:

    Sent: Sun 8 /17/2008 11:27 AM
    To: Palin, Sarah H (GOV)
    Cc: Kreitzer, Annette E (DOA)
    Subject: Troopers

    "So tell me Governor, what are you trying to accomplish by cutting the non-permanent employees at DPS. I'm sure this has something to do with filling trooper vacancies and supporting DPS but I just can't follow the logic. Of course , I haven't followed your logic for some time. I'm hearing this is your pattern. If someone crosses you look out.

    I know you think you have the power now to do this but I think your day is coming. What's sad is you've set women in Alaska back about 50 years with this scorned, vindictive and
    too stupid act of yours. This is so mind boggling that you would risk your political career for a vendetta. But hey, how the mighty have fallen.

    Oh, and Annette I hope your loyalty to the Governer is worth it. It's obvious you've been playing fast and loose with personnel policies while you've been Commissioner. I hope they bring you down too."

  49. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Just where did the mono rumors orginate because there's zero evidence for that anywhere.

  50. Anonymous4:46 PM

    3:56, I believe shitfire was saying TriG was born two months before they SAID he was born. How this corresponded with the due date, I'm not sure. But shitfire said TriG was "stunningly early" or something similar.

    So WHO ever was pregnant with TriG likely could have hidden it, assuming shitfire is telling the truth. Personally I think shitfire WAS telling the truth about TriG but I think she may have put in the deets about Tripp incorrectly on purpose, in order to make Sadie jump in and say "THAT'S not what happened, THIS is what happened!"

    Of course as we saw, not only did Sadie not bite on that one...she made a vocal proclamation about it being "open season" on the Palins...and then hasn't said a peep.

    I have no choice to believe Sadie is a big part of this. And while I am absolutely NOT implying anything, I couldn't help but notice that in over 100 google images of Sadie, you can see her ears in exactly...0 of them.

  51. Anonymous4:48 PM

    3:23 pm anomys comment

    You say nothing sounded amiss in emails, sweetie, may I remind you that Sarah & Co. had numerous emails redacted. Kinda hard to believe your lying eyes as they say.

  52. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I think what Gryphen is saying is that he doesn't think that Bristol gave birth to Trig in April.

  53. In my spiral-of-silence paper, I never found any evidence that Bristol gave birth to Tripp. Instead, what I found was an elaborate shell game orchestrated by Bill McAllister - and in the end, the only source that the birth took place was a great aunt in Seattle who had not seen the baby.

    So what the hell does all that mean? Some kind of scam - but what? I'm perfectly willing to believe Bristol was not pregnant, and had merely put on her mom's eBay-bought preggo suit on a few occasions. In that scenario, the pregnancy was faked to give cover to Palin at the RNC.

  54. Anonymous4:54 PM

    You are looking at this totally backwards. It isn't that she was STILL in school on Feb. 4. It's that she was BACK in school by Feb. 4.

    This means Trig was born between October 2007 when Bristol was seen in NY and mid-January 2008.

    And yes, he absolutely WAS born to Bristol.

  55. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Anon 3:42 yeah okay whatever you say. Nice Try.. You get an opinion from a doctor who didn't identify himself as a democrat or republican doesn't cut it. Just because he lives in a liberal town, doesn't make him a liberal.

    Try harder next time bot!

  56. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Re: the RNC photo. Sarah cares so little about her kids, didn't wear maternity clothes through most of her OWN "pregnancy," and Bristol, being a teen was content to wear maternity jeans and oversized shirts - hers or her dads, that at the last minute they realize she needed something to wear to the RNC. So one of Sarah's aides or her sister, who is simply heavy, lent Bristol something that fit around her preggers belly. Needless to say, he boobs didn't fill it out, so they had to stuff it. Notice how tight it is around her belly. That isn't a maternity dress.

  57. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Bristol had a breast reduction when Tripp was a few months old. I know her personally and don't doubt for a second those are her real breasts. I also know she is absolutely not the mother of trig, this conspiracy is a tad ridiculous. There are pictures on facebook of her during these months you are all claiming that she was pregnant with trig during.

  58. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I agree with the commenter that the email from West High seems to indicate a welcome message. So, she started in Feb. Where was she from the fall until then? Having a baby perhaps? If so, where is it?

  59. Anonymous5:04 PM

    This probably has nothing to do with anything, but I thought it was intriguing, particularly since there is a box below the body of the email that says "privileged" - is that a sign of redaction? (Strangely, the original shows that label but the NYT page transcription left it off. It's page 47 of this document cloud...ugh, can't figure out this technology.)

    Sarah was off on some trip, I think having to do with AGIA. Spring '07, Ivy checking in on the girls:

    From: Ivy Frye
    Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 6:23 PM
    To: gov.sarah@yahoo.oom; Sarah Paiin
    Subject: girls
    Just went tanning with Bri. I told her I would stop by later to see how things were going. I told Willow I would take her
    to rent some movies. I have both my phones if you need anything. Hope you had a good trip!

    Ivy Frye
    Director of Boards and Commissions
    Office of Governor Sarah Palin
    (907) 465-3500 office
    (907) 465-8110 fax

  60. Anonymous5:05 PM

    At first I thought the theories proposing that "coffee" was their email code for meth or diet pills....were kinda silly.

    NOW...not so sure. I mean seriously- college students in Seattle in the 90s do not talk about coffee this frequently/enthusiastically.

  61. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Wow, if the email that contains Sarah's letter in the voice of God isn't proof positive that she is INSANE, then I don't know what is.

    Good Lord, it really covers all the bases, even the Wonder Pregnancy that No One Noticed!: "Then, I let Trig's mom have an exceptionally comfortable pregnancy so she could enjoy every minute of it, and I even seemed to rush it along so she could wait until near the end to surprise you with the news ".

    Excuse me, but..... LOL, LOL, LOL!

    What a fucking lunatic.

    Then there's this: "Some of the rest of the world may not want him, but take comfort in that because the world will not compete for him. Take care of him and he will always be yours!"

    Yep, sure sounds like our Sarah. Victim supreme.

    And what is with the repetition of the phrase: "I only want the best for you!"? Is that some Fundamentalist Christian catchphrase?

  62. Anonymous5:13 PM

    4:23 said: "We want to imagine some huge dramatic family story, and there probably is one - involving Trig and Trig alone. I still dont think the other kids know where he came from."

    I agree. I think that, other than Sarah herself and Todd, there are maybe 2 or 3 people who know what went down. In that sense, I don't think these emails will unravel babygate, although I do have confidence that it WILL unravel. Just not due to the email dump.

  63. Anonymous5:15 PM

    There is something horribly wrong with Bristols breasts in that RNC photo.Even my DD who is 6 ft tall and chunky with-shhh! cup size g breasts never looked like that while pregnant.I looks like she has a change of clothes in there.I have never heard about this story of Megan Mccain lending her a dress before.Have you seen Megan?One of her dresses would look like a long tshirt on Bristol.Megan is short.Personally,I think mom made here pad herself to look more pregnant to help "squash" the rumours.
    "Bristol!!Get under that bus!!"


  64. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I for one simply DO NOT TRUST the released and scrubbed emails! Did anyone here read this story?

    "Sarah Palin Uses Email Dump To Release Critics Personal Information"

    "Sarah Palin and company have had two and half years to pour over and edit these emails, yet they chose to release personal information about the people who emailed her to the public.


    The answer is that this is Palin’s way of creating a new enemies list, and putting cross hairs on her critics. We have not gone though all 24,000+ pages of emails yet, but from the initial review of thousands of pages, it is clear that there is an agenda of retribution present. Palin is providing her hapless followers with the information needed to track down and harass those who dare criticize their “Dear Leader.”"

    Yes I believe many emails were EDITED so what is proof of what? They are mostly JUNK as far as I'm concerned and so the real truth just isn't there!

  65. Betsy S5:34 PM

    That's a form email from the high school
    Hey, Gryphen, there's an awful lot of "coffee" going around.

  66. Anonymous5:38 PM


    You might want to check your facts before you try that diversion. Women should wait six months after birth before having breast reduction surgery and six months after you stop breast feeding AND producing breast milk. So your statement regarding breast reduction a few months after giving birth get a FAIL. Next time try google before you spread shit

  67. Didn't Audrey believe Bristol started homeschoooling with Levi in the fall of 2007, then switched to West High in Feb. 2008?

    Also, there was something in a magazine, maybe People, as if from Bristol's high school's bleachers, talking about her being pregnant. It was written in a way that couldn't refer to fall of 2008, so was further evidence of a Bristol pregnancy in fall of 2007.

    Wish we had Audrey's research indexed. I'm digging deep in my memory here.

    I think Bristol had a baby before Tripp. Whether that baby is one of the Trig's, I don't know.

    But I could be wrong. Sarah could have made things look like Bristol was pregnant so everyone would assume she faked a pregnancy for Bristol, rather than thinking the DS baby came from an agency with connections to Dr. Loudon.

  68. "why don't the Palin women have normal pregnancies?" Because they're aliens.

  69. Anonymous5:46 PM

    3:39 PM

    Um, that might be true if Meghan McCain were Chesty DeVille. But Meghan is just a normal-sized, slightly-fatter-than-healthy American. Her boobs aren't size EEE, which is what Bristol appears to be.

    No, it appears more like boobs that are swollen with milk with padding in them to protect the very expensive Neimann Marcus outfit, which -- nudge, nudge, wink, wink -- was supposed to be returned after wearing for the big day or, I'm sorry "sold for charity" which reminds me -- when were those clothes sold? Seems like that would be big news.

  70. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    C'mon people. Someone had to have taken care of a Palin premie in the Anchorage hospital in early 2008. Come forward, will you? You can do it anonymously.

    4:04 PM

    The baby was never in an Anchorage NICU; they don't have pediatric cardiac surgeons. The closest NICU with pediatric heart surgeons is Seattle.

  71. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Looking at all the emails, I think Sarah *should* have just said her work with child services inspired her to adopt a child in need. She would have drawn attention to the needs of Alaskan children in foster care, given herself pro-life cred, and made a statement about how wonderful adoption is. Instead, with her lies, she turned what should have been a beautiful family moment into a perverse circus.

    Exactly what I fear she will do to our country is she gets near the White House.

  72. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Bristol had a breast reduction when Tripp was a few months old. I know her personally and don't doubt for a second those are her real breasts. I also know she is absolutely not the mother of trig, this conspiracy is a tad ridiculous. There are pictures on facebook of her during these months you are all claiming that she was pregnant with trig during.

    5:01 PM

    Hmm, the Facebook sleuths have never run across a Bristol Facebook page during that period of time. She certainly was frank and spilled her guts on MySpace but Bristol didn't get onto Facebook until after Tripp was around.

  73. Anonymous5:52 PM

    5:01pm, if you know Bristol PERSONALLY...why no go on the record and support your dear friend?

    In fact, perhaps while offering PROOF of your claims in the form of, say, one of these facebook photos which you claim there are lots of...MAYBE you can tell us why NONE of Bristol's "friends" have ever, EVER come forward to support her story?

    She said several of her best girlfriends were present AT Tripp's delivery. But nobody has ever seen anything- no facebook comment, no secondhand anecdote from one of the girl's sister's friends, no ANYTHING which has ever, EVER supported that Bristol gave birth in December 2008.

    The Mccain camp released a statement saying they were disclosing Bristol's pregnancy to quell the rumors surrounding Trig. Nevermind that this is utterly ASININE- who would put their daughter on a media platter on the international stage at one of the biggest media events of the year-- when a simple birth certificate would suffice? WHO would force their child to go through what can most kindly be referred to as a GIANT MEDIA CLUSTERFUC* when a simple statement from CBJ would work? Sarah went on the radio and said "they've asked for Trig's birth certificate and we have provided that"...which was a BIG FAT LIE...but lets us know it certainly isn't a privacy issue for her.

    What "protective mama grizzly" would throw her firstborn daughter to the wolves? (you know, the ones she hadn't yet shot from a plane)

    I'm so tired of GRANDMA SARAH coming here under these anonymous sockpupet comments and trying to divert attention from FACTS.

    Here's some FACTS you can explain to us, GRANNY LOU:

    How is it possible you were WORKING a mere 90 MINUTES after pushing a baby out? 90 minutes after MY fifth child was born, they had barely finished stitching up my episiotomy and recording my baby's second APGAR.

    How is it that CBJ, once active and respected in the community, is now basically the valley's Crazy Cat Lady recluse? Only after being involved in YOUR insane made up pregnancy?

    How is it that Todd was able to impregnate you while he was HUNDREDS OF MILES AWAY on the slope?

    How is it that you sleep at night, you batshit crazy self involved baby commandeering bitch?

  74. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Anon 5:01

    "I know her personally and don't doubt for a second those are her real breast"


    We have another live Bot.

    Dear Bot,
    Like the rest of your clan, they are devoid of intelligence to realize there are pics up the wazzu of Bristol who never had snoobies built the size of Mt. McKinley.

    Bot - you're rock is lonely. Time for you to return to it and under it.

    P.S. BOT - You say you know Bristol -- I know GOD - he lives next door to me.

  75. @Bscharlott. What do you think of the clear photos of a pregnant Bristol in Oct. 2008 in WalMart? I don't think an empathy belly could hide well under the tight shirt.

    Also, don't you think that in the photo from the weekend of the IronDog 2009 that shows Bristol from the side with stretched skin sticking out, she looks postpartum?

    I still think Bristol had Tripp, just not when the great aunt said she did. I think her sofa bolster gray dress was due to wearing an empathy belly with a bra component in an attempt to look further along than she was. I can't believe one of those RNC dressers didn't put a stop to it.

  76. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Why doesn't someone just ask Meghan McCain if Bristol was wearing Meghan's dress at the convention?

    If we get, "no comment," we'll know the answer.

    I think the best part of this is what did the McCains know and when?

  77. Anonymous5:54 PM

    What a bunch of loons. First Trig was Bristols then he wasnt. Palin put Trigs life in danger by flying back from Houston but she wasn't pregnant so I guess she wasn't risking Trig. Levi will spill the beans, no he doesn't know anything. Big trouble coming in the emails, no all the good stuff was taken out.

    Can't you guys find one story and stick to it, even if it is false?

  78. Anonymous5:55 PM

    4:26 PM

    No. I could not imagine that because I wasn't a hoebag in high school that would have people saying stuff like that about me and I never suddenly left school "for mono" and I never "had to be" homeschooled. And I never suddenly gained tons of weight....

  79. Anonymous5:55 PM

    4:58 PM says " the last minute they realize she needed something to wear to the RNC..."

    Certainly is odd that this last minute thingy only affected Bristol's clothing, whereas every other person on the RNC was suitably attired.

  80. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I don't believe for a minute that Bristal was pregnant in 2008 at the RNC. I believe she was post-partum and nursing, hence the curious padded bust. I think Tripp, who was Trig before he was Tripp, was born in Jan. of 2008.

  81. Anonymous5:58 PM

    anon @4:54 said:
    "You are looking at this totally backwards. It isn't that she was STILL in school on Feb. 4. It's that she was BACK in school by Feb. 4."

    My theory, based on a variety of information (latest piece of puzzle is in newly released e-mails that show Todd/Sarah with "Do Not Schedule" in mid-January):
    Trig born in Seattle Jan. 15 or 16 2008. Bristol with her aunt (a Sheeran) in WA State for birth. Bristol BACK at Anchorage school Feb. 4th, 2008.
    Trig released from Seattle NCIU sometime in April, 2008.
    Levi and Bristol bring Trig to MatSu Regional early morning of April 18th, 2008, where he is given over to his grandma (Sarah), who from then on is his mother.

  82. Anonymous6:02 PM

    What truly gets me in this fiasco is her supposed Christian followers. Did Jesus arouse hate and animosity? Did Jesus condone vicious acts against his detractors? If these people are real Christians they would recognize that defending this woman is not Christian. Jesus was pure of heart and needed no defense. If there is an anti-Christ, to fool the masses, then Ms. Palin fills the bill. Wow, people can be so easily deceived. Didn't they read the "Left Behind" series?"

  83. Anonymous6:03 PM

    anon @ 4:45

    The rumors about Bristol were out there before Palin announced her pregnancy.

    That was proven by the quote from McAllister - that everyone conveniently forgets - that Palin came up to him in Feb 2008 and told him that the rumors about Bristol being pregnant were not true. In Feb 2008, McAllister was still working for one of the local TV stations.

    That quote was published in the ADN right after Palin was chosen by McCain.

  84. Anonymous6:07 PM

    "There was an e-mail from Parnell to Palin regarding OCS infant in 2007. He told Sarah to do some thinking in a quiet place and call him on a private number. OCS is Office of Childrens Services there in Alaska."


    That bit of info certainly casts a wider net ~ and could explain why the AK officials dragged their feet on the release, making the search more difficult by providing purged hard copies.

  85. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Anon 5:05

    At first I thought the theories proposing that "coffee" was their email code for meth or diet pills....were kinda silly.

    NOW...not so sure. I mean seriously- college students in Seattle in the 90s do not talk about coffee this frequently/enthusiastically.


    I still find it extremely strange for someone who was 'supposed' to be pregnant -- she drank loads of coffee.

    The email you linked was Nov '07 and there are emails in Jan, Feb and Mar '08 where she's still drinking coffee.

    It is one of the things doctors tell you not to and being she was so much into taking care of herself by running (cough, cough) -- it's strange.

    Add that 'she knew he was Downs', he's already compromised and you wouldn't want to add to it knowing that so as a 'pregnant mother', you would do everything for the safety of the 'baby'.

    She seems from the stories on the campaign trail to live on Redbull -- coffee may have meant redbull which I'm not sure, but think has more caffeine in it than coffee.

    Read on previous blog -- there are many emails from Ivy Frye about coffee and she sounds more like a coffee runner. Seems she spent more time running to feed her and Palin's addiction than doing work!!

  86. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Show us the Facebook pictures of Bristol - thank you very much.

    I would love to rule out that possibility, if only to narrow in on the truth.

    I don't care who gave birth to Trig, except for the fact that I know it wasn't Sarah.

  87. Anonymous6:12 PM

    4:58 PM

    Yeah, I doubt Woodstock is a liberal town. Just because it's where WOODSTOCK was held doesn't mean it has the woodstock mentality.

  88. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Anybody who says she knows Bristol personally and can only offer up alleged Facebook pictures of Bristol as proof most certainly does NOT know Bristol personally. Ninety-nine percent certainty that there is only ONE palinbot here today and she's very, very busy spinning her little fairy tale.

  89. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I think Palin put the emails out in April about the Bristol rumour to distract from her but still keep the subject prominent so people believed she birthed in April.

    I will forever say, there is no way that baby on the national stage at the RNC convention was only born in April. No preemie catches up and surpasses it's age in a matter of months. That baby was about 8 months old -- putting the birth in Dec '07 or Jan '08 -- enough time for Bristol to return to school in Feb and continue unprotected sex and get preggers pretty much right away.

    It is a myth that you can't get pregnant right after you have a baby. Oh YES YOU CAN.

  90. Anonymous6:17 PM

    3:23 bot alert!! Are you frigging serious!? Are you sitting there just waiting to pounce. Again you talk as if you know the family. Do you?? And NOTHING is cruel about the pregnancy rumors. If Sarah wasn't a liar and a crappy mother (teaching her children to lie) and if she didn't use her children as political props, we wouldnt be here.
    I think it's cruel of you to make up stories when you don't know the truth. And you hurt your country by pretending this liar is normal and a fit leader, when she's insane.

  91. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Since it can't be repeated too many times, I'll say that Sarah could have easily "squashed" the rumors of Bristol's pregnancy by producing any number of pieces of paper a woman accumulates when pregnant (dr bills, insurance claims, etc). What mother wouldn't do that for her own beloved daughter?

    Also, too, Sarah sure had a bug up her ass about Lyda Green. Sarah must have been awfully jealous of another successful woman who wouldn't carry Sarah's water.

  92. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Actually, it's not Bristol's enormous boobage at the convention--way too padded--that concerns me. It's more like Snowflake Snooki's *LACK* of boobage in everything but the Gusty pix.

    I gave birth to a number of children, plus worked extensively with pregnant teens as a social worker, and the increased boobage is usually the first sign. My teen moms couldn't hide it from their own moms. This was way, way before any baby bump.

    No, if Sarah had genuinely been pregnant, she would have been visibly larger. Especially if she breastfed as she claimed.

  93. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Didn't Palin say in an earlier interview that the children did not know that the baby had Down's Syndrome until after the baby was born - that Willow commented that the baby looked like he had Down's Syndrome and asked why they weren't told. But the e-mails show that Mrs. Palin wrote a letter to her children telling them the child had Down's Syndrome about two weeks before the child's "birthday."

  94. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I know you don't believe Bristol gave birth to Trig. And I'm guessing that's because of what Mercedes tol you or are there other things? Because I just don't believe Mercedes anymore - how can we when she makes a post saying she's taking the gloves off as she has had it, but then she doesn't. I don't think she was even in the loop the whole time. I want to believe her but I just don't know. Whose baby is Trigs then?? Tracks with who? Or Todds? And where is he lately? Are there any other reasons you ate 100% sure Bristol is not the mom? And do you have a gut instinct who is? If you don't know, how can the babygate book be believable. It must not answer the question of where Trig came from. I hope we aren't all disappointed.

  95. Anonymous6:27 PM

    looks like she put on the pregnancy pillow upside down

  96. Anonymous6:27 PM

    My take is that Bristol gave birth to TWINS, Trig and Tripp, in maybe January or February of 2007. Of course, they would have been premature and in the hospital for some time. Then when Sarah decided to adopt Trig, several "pretend" babies were used awhile until the real Trig was healthy enough. And, the hoax continued maybe because Bristol was so young and, of course, the hoax ultimately helped take some heat off Sarah. Bristol probably had some pretend babies to use for awhile also. Then later when she started showing the real Tripp, he was quite large and about the same size as Trig. As far as the big boobs - she was probably breast feeding and had some kind of padding to prevent leakage. Later on she probably used Sarah's pregnancy belly. And, the one thing that really sticks in my craw is the fact that Sadie said, Levi and Bristol wanted to get pregnant right away. I just DO NOT believe that - that statement was only put out there to throw us off. There is absolutely no proof that she gave birth to Tripp in Dec of 2008 - none whatsoever.

  97. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Anon 3:59 Right On!! The bot almost got away with it- are they practicing?? Hahaha

  98. Allison6:36 PM

    anon 4:34, try this link for the "Trig in his granddads lap" pic.

  99. Brad I am with you on Bristol not giving birth to Tripp. We saw as much of a pregnant Bristol with Tripp as we did with Sarah and Trig. It did not happen. I have said this before and I am glad you see the light. Bristol was not pregnant with Tripp. He belongs to Sarah's sister, ie or some other Heath relative. They announced the pregnancy to rule out that Trig was Bristol's baby. The hoax was eaten hook, line, and sinker. The bottom line; Bristol had Trig(Trip) in Dec 2007. I wondered how Bristol and levi could go to court for custody and produce the wrong birth date Dec 2008, than I went to court and i realized that errors are common in documents, therefore you have til it is finalized to correct them. When this all breaks it is going to sink the GOP. That is why they are trying to distance themselves from her. She is sinking fast. Bristol will have to move to a deserted island to hide all the egg on her face. One more thing, I do believe Bristol was pregnant on DWTS. Where is that baby? From the way she carried the pregnancy, it was definitely a girl. I would bet the farm on it.

  100. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Also, this is priceless, from the Heavenly Father letter:

    "Some will think Trig should not be allowed to be born because they fear a Downs child won't be considered "perfect" in your world. (But tell me, what do you earthlings consider "perfect" or even "normal" anyway? Have you peeked down any grocery store isle, or school hallway, or into your office lunchroom lately? Or considered the odd celebrities you celebrate as "perfect" on t.v.? Have you noticed I make`em all shapes and sizes? Believe me , there is no "perfect"!)"

    YES, "odd celebrities", such as Sarah Palin! Also, too, I love how God is so darn folksy! Golly, he talks just like Sarah Palin!

    Love the reference to "you earthlings". Maybe Sarah was having a flash forward to when she'd channel The Great Gazoo at Rolling Thunder?

    Oh, Sarah, thanks for the laughs you crazy bitch!

  101. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Someone should quickly nab the photo of Where Todd is called grandpa

  102. Anonymous6:44 PM

    my daughter was home schooled first by me when she was in 6th grade then by me and also tutored by the township once a week at the library till she graduated high school (for medical reasons). the teacher could actually have come to the house but we chose the library. during this time even though she didnt physically go to classes at her school, she was still considered registered and attending the school. so the email from the principle at the school and any other correspondence or assertions of children being registered might have nothing to do with whether the child is actually attending day to day classes at the physical school in question. we need to think this thru differently. pictures would help. yearbooks? if these kids are physically at the school there should be some pics from events or activities or shots in classrooms.

  103. wakeUpAmerica6:47 PM

    Those beach ball boobs are a bit difficult to believe.

  104. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Funny how tits are OH so large during the campaign. Really? Me thinks they doth protest too much. Looks like lactating boobs to me and padding to ensure no leaking.

  105. Anonymous6:50 PM

    " Mrs. Palin wrote a letter to her children telling them the child had Down's Syndrome about two weeks before the child's "birthday.""

    At first Sarah sent that to herself. My guess is that she wrote it to have ready to send out with Trig's birth announcement. (It was addressed to a larger audience.)

  106. Anonymous6:51 PM

    @5:54 - hey Pbot - if you can't keep up with us, why bother to come here? You are s-l-o-w. Like a Palin.

  107. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Re: coffee.

    I am a state employee. NEVER do we talk about coffee like this. EVER. And I know and work under some of the highest entities. Just saying!

  108. Anonymous6:54 PM

    What child is Levi paying child support for and why doesn't he have joint custody of Tripp?

  109. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I didn't think much about that convention photo before but now that I look at it, what a cruel thing to do to a teenager, plumping her up to look like one of Purdue's oven stuffers. Despite all that's happen since, I do feel badly for Bristol.

  110. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Slide number 32 on that page has a photo of Todd holding Trig on his lap. Trig is wearing a hospital gown.
    The CAPTION underneath says "Trig in his Grand dad's lap."

    Strange? Someone could have done the caption wrong. I do not know how to make a copy but I hope someone does.
    I saved the web page has an html document if someone else can't get it to Gryphen.

    It is part of a slide show and will be gone soon other wise.

    VERRRY INTERESTING! I am not sure this link will work:

  111. Anonymous7:00 PM

    So ya think that email proves that Bristol was in high school in Feb. 08 do ya? Well sometimes I think that you do more damage than good to our cause.

  112. Anonymous7:02 PM

    @5:54 (the 2nd), the emails are not good for Sarah. They make her look like a petty moron. Sorry.

  113. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Gryphen, every time you post about Bristol's other pregnancies, Brissy, Ivy, and Lou Sarah rush over hear to tut-tut about it. Best proof I've seen yet that Bristol birthed Trig early, fudged her pregnancy dates with Tripp, and was at it again on DWTS. Ladies, it's called, Methinks though dost protest too much!

  114. Anonymous7:07 PM

    "...Trig is no different, except he has one extra chromosome. Doctors call it "Down's Syndrome", and Downs kids have challenges, but can bring you much delight and more love than you can ever imagine! ..."
    Did you happen to notice that 'God' apparently does not know that it is called 'DOWN Syndrome" and NOT 'downS' Syndrome. You would think He might know the difference, hmmm?

  115. Anonymous7:09 PM


    Here's vindication for your "divorce" post which got sarah's panties in a wad:

  116. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Re: "The baby was never in an Anchorage NICU; they don't have pediatric cardiac surgeons. The closest NICU with pediatric heart surgeons is Seattle."

    Gryphen, maybe you could confirm this with one of your doctor friends -- i.e., whether Alaska is equipped to treat infants with heart defects.

  117. Anonymous7:15 PM

    @ 5:54 PM:

    You're funny! If you remember, Sarah first said she gave birth in Matsu. Then she said Anchorage. First it was at 7.5 months, then it was 8 months. Maybe your quitter queen should take you advice and stick to one story!

  118. Hmm well an update to that divorce email - Bailey seems to have taken it as a joke...?

  119. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Re Bristol's breast reduction, as reported by one of the Bots.

    Was it performed by Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, Alaskan wonderwoman and doc of all trades, who despite not being an ob-gyn, delivers high-risk infants in rinky dink community hospitals without NICU's and who, despite not being a plastic surgeon, performs breast reductions on teenage girls?

  120. Anonymous7:19 PM

    6:39 - that IS priceless. I always hear people saying "People only hate Sarah because she didn't have an abortion". I wondered where they got that idea. Now I know.

  121. Anonymous7:21 PM

    These emails further confirm how unqualified Palin is for the White House.

    She would never be engaged in work in the White House -- she would be in constant 'hit' mode -- of all the media and blog stories, and the various commentary on TV that she considers lies.

    For her -- That alone would be a 24/7 job for her!!!

    Palin fights 'down' which takes her 'DOWN'.

    Hell, if Palin had to deal with all the attacks that Obama has -- Palin would already be in the looney bin and therefore have to quit her term!!! ROFL

    She'd once again live up to her 'Quitter' name!!!

  122. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Re "anon 4:34, try this link for the "Trig in his granddads lap" pic."

    Doesn't look like Trig in the picture and that's certainly not Todd. Among other things, the nose is off. I also don't think Todd wears glasses.

    More disinformation, probably from a Bot.

  123. Anonymous7:33 PM

    anon@435: this one, I take it?

    Yes, that is odd. What would the governor possibly have to do with a baby in OCS care...unless there were some family relatinship? And what could be "urgent" about an OCS infant, whose fates would presumably be limited to 1) foster care, or 2) adoption, but in neither case an issue of interest to a governor, nor especially urgent.
    Could Trig have been born as early as November? Adoption falls through when he is born with DS, put in OCS care, suddenly in danger of being adopted by strangers...what does family want to do? Seems to me the evidence points to Trig (Ruffles) being born in Jan/Feb '08, but does an earlier birthdate scenario hang together?

  124. Balzafiar7:34 PM

    @5:58 PM wrote:

    "Trig born in Seattle Jan. 15 or 16 2008. Bristol with her aunt (a Sheeran) in WA State for birth...Trig released from Seattle NCIU sometime in April, 2008. Levi and Bristol bring Trig to MatSu Regional early morning of April 18th, 2008, where he is given over to his grandma (Sarah), who from then on is his mother."

    That seems to make perfect sense, and also explains the picture of Levi at MatSu Regional the morning of the "birth" with an ID band on his wrist -- issued by the hospital in Seattle -- which he forgot to remove.

  125. Slightly O/T but just to set the record straight--

    @ 6:12 re: Woodstock, NY

    Ha- I don't know what 3:42's true intent was, but I will tell you that Woodstock IS a very liberal- artsy-touristy-progressive place. Yes, the famed concert actually took place in Bethel NY, but Woodstock is filled with artists, writers, etc. The flavor of the main street is craftsy, latter day hippy side by side with Tibetan products, gemstones and ethnic eateries. It's in a beautiful part of the lower Catskill Mountain region.
    I hope you get the idea. Let's just say that the Tea Party IS NOT very popular there!

    Please note, 3:42 was NOT happy about the vet's comments. "Oy Gevalt" is an expression of upset and exasperation.

    I know that SP's supporters are
    all over IM now because they are frightened. However, divergent opinion is not necessarily the work of a "bot."

  126. Anonymous7:58 PM

    To the posters who keep saying Bristol was at a wedding in Hawaii in November and couldn't have been pregnant because she didn't look pregnant.... Maybe Bristol has tight abs like her mother. Sarah didn't look pregnant with Trig, either. Maybe Bristol inherited those tight abs from mummy.

  127. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Talk about muddying the waters. The little boy they call Tripp is Bristol and Levi's son. There are pictures or film, I can't remember which, of a very pregnant Bristol after the '08 election, out shopping with Sarah. She looked authentically pregnant.

    All one has to see are pictures of Levi as a baby to realize Tripp is his son. They are practically carbon copies of one another. I think Mercede posted some at one point.

    The question is whether or not Bristol had Trig, and that is very much up for debate.

    I feel certain she had a pregnancy during and after DWTS, again though another matter.

  128. Anonymous8:07 PM

    im not sure when BP was preggers but it was not at the rnc and ive always thought she was indeed preg sometime 07-early-08.

    i also think SP got the 1st baby from she was pledging to 'do' something about the abuse and horrid conditions.
    parnell mentions OCS and sp needing 'quiet time' but then most are all redact'd.
    starts with letter from karleen @ 5189@2-2-07,
    #11080, 11083, 21771, 11129.

  129. Anonymous8:08 PM

    That seems to make perfect sense, and also explains the picture of Levi at MatSu Regional the morning of the "birth" with an ID band on his wrist -- issued by the hospital in Seattle -- which he forgot to remove.
    The hospital bracelet photo has been proven to be of Levi with Tripp. Other than that your Washington state birth scenario seems very plausible.

  130. FEC cleared the RNC clothing

    It was never really in the "lamestream" media. I had to go looking for it.

  131. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Mr. Scharlott, my feeling always was that Bristol gave birth to Tripp, but not when they announced it.

    Just as I believe the possible doctoring of Bristol's pregnancy stage at the RNC (with padding, or a corset, depending on what they were going for) was done to present a particular timeline - thus supposedly ruling out the possibility that Bristol gave birth to Trig.

    I believe all the deceptions tend to be done by manipulating dates/pregnancy appearance by just enough to give them 6-8 week windows on either side of the dates which are on the record.

    They seem to have a lot of experience with this...

  132. Anonymous8:13 PM


    Here is the link for Providence Alaska Medical Center NICU in Anchorage. This is the largest most well equipped hospital in Anchorage. Both Alaska Native and Alaska Regional have only Level 2 NICU, Providence have both Level 2 and 3 care in NICU, but as they state on this page, they do not perform infant cardiac surgery.

  133. Anonymous8:14 PM

    New Emails Reveal Palin Lied When She Denied Online Poll Fixing

  134. Anonymous8:15 PM

    @ 5:52 - exactly.

  135. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Slide number 32 on that page has a photo of Todd holding Trig on his lap. Trig is wearing a hospital gown.
    The CAPTION underneath says "Trig in his Grand dad's lap."


    Wherever that slide show came from they refer to Trig as Trig Paxton Van Palin instead Trig Paxson Van Palin.

  136. Anonymous8:21 PM

    No way would a reputable plastic surgeon do a breast reduction on a 16 year old girl. Most if not all would say come back in a couple years after your body has stopped changing. A females breasts can continue to grow well into their early 20's. 18 is the earliest they will do a reduction.
    Also, those who are saying Bristol had a breast reduction at 16. Do you realize you are saying shes had plastic surgery at least twice and she's only 20??? That is not the sign of a happy go lucky girl.

  137. Anonymous8:22 PM

    re the email about the "urgent" OCS-infant.

    It could be that they were planning to anonymously place Bristol's baby (Trig) through OCS for adoption -- then found out prenatally that he had Down syndrome, and that this would complicate adoption.

    Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2007 7:14 AM
    To: PARNELL; S (GOV sponsored)
    Subject: Re: OCS-infant
    Should I just call her?
    Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One
    -----Original Message-----
    From: "PARNELL, S (GOV sponsored)"
    Date: Fri, 09 Nov 2007 17:49:46
    Subject: OCS-infant
    Karleen Jackson called with an extremely urgent situation involving OCS. When you get the
    opportunity, please call me at You'll want to be in a quiet place where you
    can think and talk for a few minutes, if you haven't already been contacted.

  138. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Yes, I meant that Woodstock, for the most part, is a liberal town and I was shocked to know that my vet thought of Palin as a viable candidate and one that he would vote for.

    I am aware that Woodstock concert was in Bethel - I only used the concert as a frame of reference, as I believe many people on this blog live in Alaska, or at least not on the east coast.

    Btw, I am completely confused on this pregnancy thing. I just cannot follow the time line.

  139. Anonymous8:26 PM

    The real question is why the Palin's feel the need to LIE about everything. I always thought the girl's chest was a little LARGE for being as far along as she CLAIMED to be. Being able to compare Bristol's body to the earlier images, I would venture that she has the boobs of a nursing mother and the belly of a recent delivery or it is all a FAKE....especially the boobs. Photographic evidence verifies that Palin women are not THAT well endowed even when preggers. :)

  140. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Or was Bristol BACK at school in Feb 2008?

    Love this:
    Sent: Thursday, January 10 , 2008 10:39 PM
    To: Perry; Kristina Y (GOV); Thompson; Barbara A (EED)
    Subject: Educ figures
    Hi Barbara : for state of the state address - what' s a safe # to claim as our "drop out"
    rate that we're trying to slash.

    Wouldn't want to get caught giving the correct #, only the *safe* #. A comparison between the actual figures and those announced in the State of the State might be interesting

  141. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I hardly know where to start so I am offering some facts or at least some well researched dating opinions.

    As far as I know, in January 2010blogger Vera City offered a considered theory on the gray dress and bolster padding Bristol appeared in at the RNC. Vera suggested that the dress was borrowed from Megan McCain because it looked like something Megan would wear and it suited the purpose. This was Vera's hypothesis and has never been confirmed or reported on by anyone else. Frequent readers and commenters have brought this theory up numerous times in the last18 months and it has gained traction as fact based.

    The prom photo (Mercede and Bristol) has been dated April 19, 2008. This dating has been established tediously. Audrey reported on this 2+ years ago.

    There are widely recognized photos of Bristol with a friend that are from the May/June 2007 time period. Bristol is very slim and youthful in appearance.

    The Palin family 2007 Christmas photo was taken in September. This dating was researched and established early on. There is no controversy about that, is there? Many share the opinion that she was in her first trimester or very early second trimester from this photo.

    The newly shared photobucket ( includes a photo of Bristol with friends labeled the 2007 Wasilla homecoming. For now, assume homecoming was late September or October 2007, which are traditional times. Bristol is wearing an empire dress, she has changed dramatically from May/June.

    The appearance of Bristol on the MTV program is dated October 8. She is wearing dowdy church lady clothing. Again she looks dramatically different from the May/June time.

    November 2007 Bristol attended a wedding in Hawaii. No photos have surfaced. She was not attending Wasilla High School. She was reportedly living with an aunt in Anchorage and returning frequently to Wasilla.

    The next photo of Bristol that surfaced some time ago is from Dec 2007, she is with Todd and Piper and walking into a church. As best as I can recall, this photo was from around the 23rd -25th of Dec 2007. Bristol is wearing slacks, heels, and has her hands in her pockets holding a hip length jacket away from body, like she did all during the DWTS filming.

    Feb 4 and 6, 2008 texts reveal Bristol is attending Anchorage West HS.

    Feb 8 Bristol is involved in a minor auto accident in Wasilla. The other driver has stated that Bristol did not appear to be pregnant.

    THEORY - Bristol delivered a very premature infant in late Dec or early January. After recovering from the birth, she attended high school in Anchorage and the infant was treated in an NICU in Anchorage. By sometime in March, the infant was ready for discharge or approaching readiness for discharge. She dropped out of school at first to spend more time at the hospital learning to care for the baby prior to discharge and then she took the baby home to Wasilla.

    I believe it has been reported that Levi also dropped out at this time. He was living in the Palin home for some time and eventually found a job as an electrician's apprentice on the North Slope. Levi and Bristol took care of the baby, took correspondence classes and did the best they could in this untenable situation.

    Sarah - we all know what she did. She was fighting the rumors, titillating the fundies and kingmakers with her availability to be VP, preparing to mother a DS infant, orchestrating the acquisition.

    Bristol would have been upset at the rumors. She had already had her baby and that baby was Ruffles. She wasn't Trig's mother and she was really pissed at her mom for perpetrating this hoax.

    I believe that Bristol did intentionally become pregnant in April 2008, Levi was the father and the baby was born in Dec 2008.

    In May 2009, Bristol graduated with her class and began her celebrity career.

  142. Anonymous8:39 PM

    If Sarah can write in God's voice, she can also write in the voice of a high school principal. What principal is in school on Saturday to send an official email?

    If Sarah can have people send in multiple letters of praise or vote multiple times in polls, I don't know why I have to be so caught up in the email from a principal. Any one can create an email account that looks good.

    Just because Bristol was in High School in February doesn't rule out her giving birth in Dec.2007 or January 2008. The baby was born premature and required hospitalization for quite a while. If Sarah could claim to give birth at 6 AM and not miss a day of work (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), then Bristol could do the same thing. She is younger, stronger and could bounce back faster. Besides, she was supposed to have mono. Give me a break.

  143. Anonymous8:41 PM

    @ 8:13 PM - yes, I see from the link that Providence Anchorage hospital is not equipped for infant "major cardiac surgery."

    Do we have some reason to believe that Trig needed "major cardiac surgery." Also, since I'm not a doctor, I have no idea of the difference between minor infant cardiac surgery and major infant cardiac surgery.

  144. Anonymous8:41 PM

    hi anyone know where i can score some coffee in Scottsdale? ivy cant find any. thx

    Sarah in Arizona

  145. Enjay in E MT8:53 PM

    Ok got a "weird one" here

    look at tags on Pic @ RNC photo at this site "Bristol and Levi and Tripp"

    Middle row - 24th (or so) from top
    Right hand side - 23rd from bottom
    ( if using scroll bar about 1 inch from top or bottom)

  146. Anonymous8:57 PM

    funny....#14089 sp is reserving king air-plane for april 20, 08.
    round-trip family flight to the 'gov prayer brekkie'.
    she did this on april 05.
    so when did she 'plan' to go to TX....

  147. @4:34:How sad that WE, who are constantly accused of "attacking" Trig, are likely the ones who care most for him out of the general public.
    Agreed, as well as the very strange fact that we sp detractors KNOW MORE ABOUT SP THAN HER BOTS! Seriously.
    Anon @5:52:


    You're awesome.
    Here's some FACTS you can explain to us, GRANNY LOU:

    How is it possible you were WORKING a mere 90 MINUTES after pushing a baby out? 90 minutes after MY fifth child was born, they had barely finished stitching up my episiotomy and recording my baby's second APGAR.

    How is it that CBJ, once active and respected in the community, is now basically the valley's Crazy Cat Lady recluse? Only after being involved in YOUR insane made up pregnancy?

    How is it that Todd was able to impregnate you while he was HUNDREDS OF MILES AWAY on the slope?

    How is it that you sleep at night, you batshit crazy self involved baby commandeering bitch?

    5:52 PM

  148. Anonymous9:03 PM

    7:34--"That seems to make perfect sense, and also explains the picture of Levi at MatSu Regional the morning of the "birth" with an ID band on his wrist -- issued by the hospital in Seattle -- which he forgot to remove."

    Please, if you have a link to this pic, please post. Or anybody else. I've never seen the hosp bracelet pic.

  149. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Joe McGinniss is on fire again,

    Money quote: "As readers of this blog will know, I don’t have much truck with Greta Van Susteren, but her description of this as a “colonoscopy” was apt.

    Sarah can only be relieved by the result: no malignancy found.

    Of course, in a colonoscopy, the patient doesn’t get to hide ten percent of the area under examination."

    He's talking about the famous REDACTIONS.

  150. Rationalist9:17 PM

    Guys: compare the pictures of Bristol on august 31st (or was it 30th) on the day palin accepted the nomination to the way she looked at the RNC a short time after. She had to stand on stage just as long in august as in september. No I say no way was the huge balloon look because of binding a lactating mom. I can't explain why the f they dressed her like that, but it's the only time they did.

  151. Anonymous9:34 PM

    #21306...sp the feminist.

    19373 rips both sherry and Syrin.

  152. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Why won't/hasn't anyone in the position to do so simply put Sarah on the spot and said "look, it's not fair to these kids to grow up under this constant clear this up once and for ALL via birth certificates."

    This is becoming ridiculous. Someone make her ANSWER!

  153. Anonymous9:41 PM

    My newphew attended West in 2008. He said Bristol was there in December but didn't see her come back after x-mas break. She always wore big sweat shirts so didn't look pregnant to him.

    She also had a reptation as a party girl at West. My nephew attended one party where she was but didn't talk to her. Apparently she was too good for him, or so she gave that impression.

  154. Anonymous9:49 PM

    ANON at 8:41
    Without a NICU they would NOT have performed ANY surgery on a premmie, none at all. It would be opening a hospital to a huge lawsuit that they would lose. Just like if a woman in a high risk pregnancy came in to the ER in labor the FIRST thing they would have done is call in a lifeflight.
    Like a few other regular poster I was a NICU RN, and before that I worked in a smaller hospital in the ER--that would be standard procedure.
    IF a highrisk pregnancy could not be stopped in time to life flight out, the baby would have been flown out IMMEDIATELY to a NICU facility, a premmie with DS and a hole in his heart, is NOT a case that you wait and see. No hospital would open themselves up to such a lawsuit.
    Whereever TRIG was born, it was not at MatSu.

  155. Anonymous9:55 PM

    correcting post @8:30pm, the Dec 2007 going to church photo was actually Dec 2009. My apologies.

  156. conscious at last 3:29
    "Let us remember the video of BP attending a taping of some TV show with J-Lo in NYC in the fall(Oct.?) of 2007. It was NOT a style that most teen age girls would have chosen-- especially to be part of this video."

    Please watch the video again. Bristol was wearing a white babydoll top as were two or three girls standing next to her. The top was in style at the time (still is). Bristol may have been pregnant but she doesn't look pregnant in the video.

  157. Anonymous10:10 PM

    @8:22 Karleen Jackson is the Commissioner of the Alaska Dept. of Health. So - she was trying to contact sarah, and Parnell told sarah to be in a quiet place to return the "urgent" call? hmmmmm.

  158. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Hawaii redacted?

  159. Anonymous10:22 PM

    To all the commenters chatting up the emails about Sarah saying Bristol was upset that people thought she was pregnant -

    That makes no sense to me because of her previous comment on myspace (before it was scrubbed). She posted how she was laughing with someone on the phone that her mom thought she was pregnant (something like 'haha mom overheard us talking and now thinks I'm preggers')

    It just doesn't seem like that rumour would have upset her. Is it not possible Sarah made that up just to make people more sympathetic and help her stop the rumour because it upset HER and not Bristol?

    - Oz

    PS - Oh and I dont' believe the email from the school. I believe it exists. I don' believe the school wrote it. I think Sarah planted a heap of phoney emails just like her phoney letters to the editor because it helped keep her underlings working to protect her image.

  160. Gryphen - The email placing Bristol at West High as of Feb 2 is a great find! There has been someone actively trying to change the timeline to Bristol being at West High in fall '07. Do you or does anyone remember a MySpace exchange (possibly dated in March or April) where Bristol was asked why she was back in Wasilla early and she replied that she'd finished her schoolwork early? It may have been part of the MySpace comments published at Palin's Deceptions but I don't see it included in the pdf file that Patrick created.

    For some who don't remember, the assistant principal of Wasilla High said that Bristol transferred 'mid-year'. I take this to mean after the Christmas break and I think that's also the time given by the National Enquirer when they wrote about Bristol's move. This is the same time that Willow and Piper transferred to Juneau schools to be with Sarah for the Jan thru April 13 legislative session. The prior year Bristol also went to school in Juneau for that part of the year.

    I'd love to know if Bristol was wearing a sweatshirt or a jacket with the tight jeans when Frank Bailey saw her at the hospital or at his earlier encounter with her. I have a feeling Bailey doesn't realize there are tight-looking designer maternity jeans.

    Someone asked who started the 'mono' rumor. The rumor was mentioned on reddit by poster 'jibegod' sometime after Palin announced her pregnancy on March 5 '08 and before the 'birth'.

  161. Anonymous10:55 PM

    12892 announces her taping speech for AIP be placed on schedule.

  162. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Has anybody seen this picture before???

    It says Sarah and Tripp - but Trip is wearing pink! Also, check out her glasses - are these glasses pre-VP candidate?

    For comparison here is a pic of Sarah in Kuwait with the same glasses.

    Gryphen, have you seen this pic of Sarah and Tripp? Do you know anything about it?

  163. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Ripley in CT said...
    ...and why do their bust sizes vacillate so wildly?

    that one of Bristol is ridiculous.

    3:43 PM

    Why do their bust sizes vacillate so wildly?

    Must be from all dem viagara pills Sarah and Brisket been a swallowin'. They should read the pill's instructions. Dem thangs aint suppose to be eatin' like M&Ms.

  164. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Anonymous said...
    that is one freakish boob growth on Bristol

    3:54 PM

    Everything about Sarah and Brisket's growths spurts are freakish.

    How does Sarah explain her Belmont boobs or Brisket's freakish chin growth or her DWTS freakish gut?

  165. Anonymous1:03 AM


    Page 1 of 1
    Sent: Friday, November 09, 2007 5:50 PM
    To: ''
    Subject: OCS-infant


    Karleen Jackson called with an extremely urgent situation involving OCS. When you get the
    opportunity, please call me at [Privileged or P]. You'll want to be in a quiet place where you can
    think and talk for a few minutes, if you haven't already been contacted.



    Well, well. Could this be about Bristol looking for help with an unplanned pregnancy (about three months) at the State of Alaska's Office of Children's Services (OCS)? Couldn't face her mother so Bristol went elsewhere to figure out her options? Could November 9, 2007 be the beginning of Sarah's deception culminating with her fantastical wild ride? Karleen Jackson, Alaska Commissioner of Health and Social Services, resigned less than a month after Trig's supposed birth date. Did Karleen Jackson resign because Jackson had too much integrity to become part of Sarah's self-serving hoax?

    As Sarah would say, "Good questions!"


    Karleen Jackson, Alaska Commissioner of Health and Social Services resigns
    May 9, 2008

    Jackson has been with the department since 2003, when she became deputy HSS commissioner in the Murkowski administration. She took over as commissioner in 2005 and was not replaced when Governor Palin took office last year. But Jackson says she recently compared notes with Palin and it was clear they had a difference of opinion. She says she offered her resignation and the governor accepted. Jackson declined to be more specific.

  166. Anonymous1:27 AM

    I'm not sure we can dispel the theory that Bristol didn't have a baby in late February, March, or early April, based on Frank Bailey's account that he saw her in tight jeans on April 18.

    I had my baby (7 lbs., 2 oz.) on a Thursday and walked out of the hospital on Sunday in hip-hugger jeans. I simply lost all that "stuff" in the hospital.

  167. That last photo is just awful.

    Looks like she's wearing pregnancy padding across her bust. To draw attention away from her belly? That dress is just hideous and does nothing for her.

  168. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Talk about phony "planted" e-mails:

    From: " Fagerstrom , Erika (GOV)"

    Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 09:50:40

    Subject: BABY!!!!!

    Congratulations on the birth of your son Treig Paxton Van Palen!!! That was real close-- glad you
    were able to make it back to Alaska for the delivery!
    Should I assume that you're not coming to Jnu this weekend...
    Erika Fagerstrom

  169. Anonymous3:59 AM

    "Can't you guys find one story and stick to it, even if it is false?"

    It's the grifter who can't keep her stories straight. Trig was born in Wasilla! (actually, Palmer.) Then in the most recent speeches, he was born in Anchorage! She was having real contractions (Going Rogue-- a joke, laughter, another contraction). No, they were only Braxton-Hicks!

  170. Anonymous4:03 AM


    "I think people are cruel with these pregnancy rumors."

    If Sarah Palin is the biological mother of Trig, she should have a birth certificate, she should release it and all these "cruel rumors" will be dispelled and debunked.

    I think you are on the right track. Why would a hospital issue an ID bracelet to someone that is just visiting a mother and her newborn baby? Doesn't a hospital issue ID bracelets to the mother, father and newborn to lower the chances of the switched at birth scenario?

  171. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Regarding the very strange, enormous bust on Bristol at the RNC on the night of Palin's speech, towels are not needed if a woman is lactating. Small but very absorbent pads that are about 3 inches in diameter and 1/2-inch thick do the job very well and are available in any grocery or drugstore. They're called nursing pads.

    No, I think the padding was for some other reason but I don't know what it was!

  172. Anonymous4:44 AM

    There is absolutely nothing in those pictures that is inconsistent with a normally progressing pregnancy. These sorts of wild speculations based on imagined photo evidence only make all of you look as whacko as the Obama birthers. Let's stick to more simple facts: Does the Wild Ride story make any sense at all? NO!! That's why I've never believed SP gave birth to Trig. But why focus only on the Palin daughters as Trig's biomom? Why not look at other female Palin relatives? Are there any nieces out there? How about young family friends?

    And where the hell IS Trig these days anyway?

  173. London Bridges4:53 AM

    My theory, based on a variety of information (latest piece of puzzle is in newly released e-mails that show Todd/Sarah with "Do Not Schedule" in mid-January):
    Trig born in Seattle Jan. 15 or 16 2008. Bristol with her aunt (a Sheeran) in WA State for birth. Bristol BACK at Anchorage school Feb. 4th, 2008.
    Trig released from Seattle NCIU sometime in April, 2008.
    Levi and Bristol bring Trig to MatSu Regional early morning of April 18th, 2008, where he is given over to his grandma (Sarah), who from then on is his mother.

    5:58 PM

    So did Sarah & Todd pick up Trig in Seattle on the way back from Texas? This explains why they cancelled her state trooper detail for the Texas Tripp, and more. Some other relative could have flown with the baby from seattle. Then, the next day, "Heeere's Trig!!!"

    Keep in mind that anything to do with Sarah has to be looked at in terms of the scammers scamming the scammers scamming the scammers.

    I still think somewhere in this tale of deceit there was an abortion or two, and the births were hastily designed to cover up an abortion which would be unacceptable to the Repugnant base.

    Also, the only time that Bristol ever clearly looked pregnant without a doubt was during dancing with the stars

  174. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Here are my thoughts that are basically worth nothing, but this is what my intuition tells me. I do not know anyone in this family and I live thousands of miles away.
    Bristol and Levi are the parents of Trig. He was born late Jan/Feb time frame. I keep remembering during the convention time frame when I think B was holding Trig and Levi bent down and kissed his head. Tell me, what emotion would have caused that and no, I do not believe it was scripted. At that moment, I said they are the parents, and I have not wavered.

    I believe that shortly after Trig's birth, possibly 2-3 months, B became pregnant with Tripp and that he was born late Dec/early Jan time frame. So that would be that she had two children within a year. Not an every day happening but not unusual either.

    My belief is that Levi is so encompassed with guilt that he is letting it ruin his life. I also believe that he and Sadie have signed confidentiality agreements that they won't/can't break. We will probably not know the truth until we get a "Mommy Dearest" book from Track or Willow many years in the future. Probably after Sarah's death when she can no longer harm them.

    And, by the way, where is Trig? Did he become a burden all of a sudden, and now he is institutionalized? At 3 yrs old?
    That would be a heavy burden for a father who may have some sense of
    normalcy or remorse.

    I am a full time reader and rare poster. I live in an area where Religion rules and teen pregnancies with their amazing cover up stories abound.

  175. Anonymous5:43 AM

    The square breasts that "sag" up toward the shoulders and the somewhat enlarged uterus that has already "floated" upward to the level of the diaphragm are just not normal or natural.

    They are pathetically bad fakes.

  176. Re: Levi with hospital bracelet and baby and ring on thumb.

    Sadie said the baby is Tripp, it looks like Tripp, according to Esquire Levi was wearing a wedding band on his thumb in Dec. 08.

    Levi may have been at MatSu on the morning of April 17, 2008, but I know of absolutely no evidence that he wore a hospital bracelet then. If someone has some, please share.

  177. @anon 8:57. Palin officially planned to return from TX on April 18 or 19 and could fly out to the prayer breakfast on April 20.

    I'm convinced she decided the TX trip was good cover and good timing for "having" her baby in Wasilla while no one was paying attention. I'm not sure when this plan occurred to her, whether she ever intended to do that prayer breakfast or just set it up to reinforce later that Trig's arrival was a surprise.

  178. Anonymous6:03 AM

    8:24 PM says:
    I am aware that Woodstock concert was in Bethel - I only used the concert as a frame of reference, as I believe many people on this blog live in Alaska, or at least not on the east coast.

    earlier 3:42 PM says:
    While discussing Weinergate today with my veterinarian in Woodstock, NY - the same Woodstock of the famed druggie liberal 60's concert - ...

    Oh, I see, you said "in Woodstock, NY - the same Woodstock of the famed druggie liberal 60's concert" even though you knew the concert was not in Woodstock, NY. You "only used the concert as a frame of reference". You didn't really mean that you said "the same Woodstock". It was really just that you were inaccurate and then continued to be inaccurate.

    The "in Woodstock" myth is pointless. a) the concert was not in Woodstock, NY and b) Woodstock, NY has plenty of mentally-deficient redneck idiots.

    Get the the idea that I am very familiar with Woodstock, NY? Well, you are right. And the aura of a distant in time concert confers no special flavor to that little berg. The people there differ very little from people in say Kingston, Red Hook, etc.

    Your vet's political leanings are quite probably much more influenced by his/her home town, schooling, media exposure, etc. than the occasional aging "hippy" that stumbles into Woodstock, NY. The merchants there do encourage the nostalgia, it's all just more dollars for them.

  179. Re: Audrey and Morgan#2 (Palin Pics 4 Truth) were shut down only when they started looking at Bristol's Tripp pregnancy.

    Morgan#2 shut down rather quickly, within a month as I recall. I did not feel at the time it was because of her examination of the sofa bolster dress. All of her work was pretty damning for Sarah.

    Audrey seemed to shut down after The Real McCain blogger revealed her identity. Morgan#1 (Audrey's comment moderator) has suggested here even in recent months that Audrey was betrayed by an insider who wanted control of her blog.

    I don't know the truth, but it is just as likely that Audrey's particular topic at the time--Bristol's pregnancy with Tripp--was coincidence. I can't conclude that that topic was the trigger of the two blog shutdowns and the true key to Babygate.

  180. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Anon 5:58- Her Aunt lives in Richland, Washington. We have 3 hospitals here, if he was born in Washington my guess would be Kadlec Medical Center here in Richland with Aunt Katie watching over him while in NICU. He may have been born in Anchorage and Medi-vacd out. I don't think Sarah would take the chance of having him stay in a hospital in Alaska. Aunt Katie could have been on the same Alaska Airlines plane with the Palins delivering the baby. They could have all driven to the Wasilla Hospital for the presentation with Dr. Balwins help. No one in the hospital would know anything..just my thoughts..

  181. @anon 11:22. Baby in pink doesn't look like TriG (any of them) or TriPP. Poiticians hold people's babies for pictures. That website just mislabeled it. Not that Sarah wouldn't dress Trig or Tripp in pink since she's such a feminist, doncha know.

  182. @anon 6:03. I took the point to be his/her dismay that even educated New Yorkers like her vet had bought into the Palin mythology.

    I appreciated the comment and don't understand why people here are attacking that commenter.

  183. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Oz, you have a GREAT point-- we need to remember that lots of these emails originated via a webmail form which people filled out, and then Ivy forwarded some of them to Sarah. Sarah herself could have written God knows how many of these.

    Cory, thanks for the "hugs"! I was obviously a little frustrated yesterday! I just can't believe we are still here, over three years later...still being held captive by this idiotic shrew. I had just been thinking, when I first saw Palin at the RNC on television, I saw the crawler say something like "Palin has five children, including four month old Trig" and they panned to Cindy McCain holding Trig...who was eight or nine months if he was a day! I thought to myself...WHO are they fooling?! And a few weeks later, still thinking about it, I sat down at the computer and googled "palin pregnancy deception"...and arrived at Audrey's blog.

    I thought at the time...this hoax is so obvious and insane, the lid will be blown off at ANY time.

    Except it wasn't, of course. It only became more twisted, more clouded, more strange.

    Yesterday when I wrote both the posts you quoted, I had been downright depressed thinking about how when I first sat down and googled palin pregnancy daughter was getting her learner's permit, anxious for her freshman year in high school to end, and complaining about her braces. And NOW...she has been driving for three years, has gorgeous straight teeth, and is starting college in the fall.

    And I was so angry about all the WASTED time. Yes, I chose to follow babygate, nobody put a gun to my head. But I feel I owe it to Trig and all the other voiceless innocents who are exploited by the very people charged with loving and caring for them.

    Basically what I'm trying to say is...thanks for making me feel better. :)

  184. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Bristol would not have been lactating during the Convention, unless of course she was breast feeding an already born child.
    (so there is another scenario Bristol was lactating and had a still enlarged uterus because she had given birth in weeks just prior to the Convention or in the year or so prior to the Convention and was still breast feeding.)

    The final stages of progression to actual production of milk does not occur until it is needed, at full term. Even then, once the uterus become obviously enlarged, the breasts are never larger than the swelling uterus.
    So no Bristol was not leaking in the summer of 2008 for a winter 2008 delivery.

    In any case the breasts are never engorged early in pregnancy and are never bigger than the uterus, except as they would be on any non pregnant woman with a tubby tummy and a full chest.

  185. @anon 9:55. Going to church photo was Dec. *2008* rather than 2007 or 2009, but thanks for your good timeline summary.

  186. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Anonymous said...
    @3:42 PM
    sorry to break it you but the famed Woodstock concert was on Leo Yasgur's farm near Bethel, NY.
    The concert was NOT in Woodstock, NY.
    3:59 PM

    And it was the attendees who supplied their own drugs, not the community.

  187. @anon 6:27. Yes, the lactating explanation for the RNC sofa bolster was used as evidence that Bristol was Trig's mom.

    Repeating myself, I think Bristol was pregnant but not 5 months pregnant and she was wearing the empathy apparatus with bra & belly padding to look further along. Because of the bra and because of the tight dress, her flesh was pushed out and around and created the sofa bolster.

    No responsible, caring adult looked at her and kept her from going out in public--on stage on national TV--looking like that. We've been told the RNC was scrambling for clothes for the Palins for the convention because what they brought with them wouldn't do. Whether the dress was Meghan McCain's or a purchase, they didn't care how ridiculous Bristol looked as long as she looked pregnant.

  188. @anon 6:25. I know exactly how you feel. It was obvious in Sept. 2008 and is still obvious that Palin faked Trig's pregnancy, yet here we still are, and there on the national stage she still is. I tell myself that some things take time, just like pregnancy is supposed to take 9 months, and Babygate has taken years to come to fruition. Just hope it doesn't take infinity.

  189. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    C'mon people. Someone had to have taken care of a Palin premie in the Anchorage hospital in early 2008. Come forward, will you? You can do it anonymously.
    4:04 PM

    And then the hospital, in order to protect itself under HIPAA would have to investigate and punish.
    Leaks like this can also bring down state regulatory and federal regulatory investigation.

    I keep saying this folks, I am a lab tech in a hospital lab, hospitals and physicians already protected patient privacy preHIPAA and now they take that responsibility to almost absurd heights, and they aggressively find and fire employees who leak patient information or who even just access non-"need to know" patient information to satisfy their own curiosity.

    For the sake of your future privacy and for employee's jobs, just don't bring that subject up. You are asking someone to break a Federal law to satisfy our curiosity.

  190. Anonymous6:53 AM

    On the Wild Ride, the Palins had a layover in Seattle. Could mother and baby been on the same flight with Sarah and Todd? Any chance that someone could look at the airline manifest for that trip?

  191. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Bristol and Levi and TRIPP


  192. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Appears Palin was for fun runs to promote preventative/healthy initiatives before she was against them -- being that Michelle Obama's name is attached to health/fitness now.

    Sept 26, 2007 email re 'run' where she'll do the Tuesday Night Races event.

  193. Anonymous10:28 AM

    What's interesting about it, 9:15? It's a picture of Levi and Bristol and TRIG from the RNC that we've all seen a million times. Clearly the person who posted it either mistyped the caption due to the similar babies' names or was not as familiar with the photo as we are and genuinely mistook Trig for Trigg.

    Either way, I am really getting tired of these breathless "Look at this!" posts like they've found something new after all this time when it's really just old, old very questionable evidence.

    I'm also tired of posts discussing the Palin emails that just give a number. PLEASE post the actual link to them, like Gryphen asked.

    If you don't post a link that documents something you've read or seen, it's worthless.

  194. Anonymous10:42 AM

    @hi anyone know where i can score some coffee in Scottsdale? ivy cant find any. thx
    Sarah in Arizona
    8:41 PM---

    yeh, me thinks this 'coffee' thing is about weed also too.

  195. Anonymous10:54 AM

    pls stop posting tiny-urls, they dont show.

  196. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Anon 10:54

    Tiny-urls DO SHOW.

    They work whereas more than half of the links people put up here DO NOT as they are too long and 'cannot be found' when you copy to take to look.

  197. Anonymous12:07 PM

    @If you don't post a link that documents something you've read or seen, it's worthless.
    10:28 AM----

    go to the crivella site and type in the numbers. see for yourself.

  198. B - I don't disagree -- I am just open to all ideas.

  199. Anonymous3:33 PM

    12:07, and the link to the Crivella site is?

  200. @Prof. Scharlott. You're right to keep an open mind. With Palin nothing is too bizarre to be true. As you suggest, there's usually some scam, but hard to pin down what it is and why she did it.

    Waiting to see how the MSM will choose emails to cover. Not sure they previously acknowledged war criminal Morlock was from Wasilla much less a Palin friend.


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