Saturday, June 11, 2011

Obama extends protections to gay couples covered under Medicaid.

Courtesy of Washington Blade:

The Obama administration is set on Friday to issue policy guidance to states expanding their ability to offer same-sex couples the same protections afforded to straight couples when they receive long-term care under Medicaid, the Washington Blade has learned exclusively.

Under the new guidance, dated June 10, states have the option to allow healthy partners in a same-sex relationship to keep their homes while their partners are receiving support for long-term care under Medicaid, such as care in a nursing home.

Medicaid kicks in for a beneficiary to receive care after an individual depletes virtually all of their money. To pay for the beneficiary’s expenses under Medicaid, a state could impose a lein, or take possession, of a beneficiary’s home to pay for Medicaid expenses.

However, federal law prohibits imposing this lein if beneficiaries are married to someone of the opposite-sex who’s still living in their home. The new guidance, signed by Deputy Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Cindy Mann, clarifies that states can offer this protection to the healthy partner of a Medicaid recipient in a same-sex relationship.

My eyes are bleeding after reading through so many Palin e-mails. So I thought it might be very soothing for our psyches to turn our focus to a much more uplifting story.

Every day, little by little, our President is making this country a more welcome and supportive place for ALL Americans. And THAT is what we hired him to do.


  1. Bless him. Amen. and Namaste.

  2. Anonymous9:02 AM

    "Every day, little by little, our President is making this country a more welcome and supportive place for ALL Americans. And THAT is what we hired him to do."

    Yes he is, thank you Gryphen.

    Btw, that picture of the President with the babies in the window is absolutely adorable.

  3. Anonymous9:15 AM

    About time! Good move Mr. President!

  4. Anonymous9:21 AM

    God Bless President Obama!

    Off topic, Gryphen, have you read the newscorpse blog today? The article is about the Sarah movie and read what the NY Post (owned by Murdoch) says about the movie, it is hilarious.

  5. Anonymous9:22 AM

    President Obama is truly a compassionate man who lives his faith and his conscience.

    I am so proud and relieved that he is our President.

    Please make sure he gets re-elected. Perhaps then, if we also vote in more progressives and moderates (no Blue Dog Dems, thank you), he will be able to fulfill all of his vision and promises.

    Thank you, Gryphen for sharing this welcomed news and for slogging through the Palin emails.

  6. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Thanks Gryphen for your bleeding eyes. You bleed so we don't have to - true love.

  7. Anonymous9:35 AM

    o/t but what is with the email Bristol wrote in Feb 08 where she says piper needs a cell phone so she can text her in class?

    haha the email sounds sarcastic or humourous and she uses a lot of !!!!!

  8. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Our President Obama is doing an outstanding job in spite of the fact the Republicans in Congress make every step of the way so very difficult for him.

    Now they are trying to block "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in a military bill w/amendments. Assholes!

  9. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I voted for McCain.

    I can´t count how many times I´ve thanked God Barack Obama won the election.

    He´s a lock for 2012.

  10. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Our President ROCKS!!!!!!!
    Thank you President Obama.

  11. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Slightly off topic but I went to a Target store that's in the last stages of a major remodel in Encinitas, CA, yesterday. They now have 3 restrooms: Men, Women and UniSex. I'd never seen the three together before.

  12. Anonymous10:21 AM

    One more thing to make the Dominionists heads explode. Nice

  13. Very good. It is things like this that give me hope.

  14. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Found in the emails - Lisa Murkowski writing to Palin after Murkowski bought hook, line and sinker the Koch Bros. BS when oil was at record high.

    Makes you feel that this was, like the release of private citizens personal info when they critisized her, a release to get back at Murkowski. Note in subject reference line:

    Re: CONFIDENTIAL Attorney Client Privilege - Flint HillsRefinery/Senator Murkowski

    Confidential - Not so much if it is way to get back at Murkowski. Shows how the fingerprints of Palin and her 'scum hack lawyers' are all over this.

    In addition seeing this, it makes you wonder where Lisa stands with Koch now??? Was she for them before she was against them or is she still 'for them'. Makes you wonder in that she was re-elected!!!

  15. I hope Obama knows how many of us are watching his methodical steps, as he works to enable LIBERTY & JUSTICE for ALL!!

    I wish people would let go of some things in politics, the average Jane can't always understand and agree with everything a President does, the important thing is to keep taking steps in the right direction.

  16. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Happened to be flipping channels and caught Drew Griffin on one of the CNN news shows as he is in AK reading emails.

    Griffin was one of the CNN wonks that did a fluff interview with Palin back in the Pres/VP campaign days. He hasn't changed. He's still creamin' his jeans over her.

    If the camera had scanned down while he was reported today, it would have revealed 'wet' jeans. 'Hard' working Gov!! The only 'hard' was Griffin.

  17. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Thank you President Obama. It's about time this happened.

    Gee, a President with REAL compassion...what a delightful concept!

    (Incidentally, I have to agree that the picture you put with this post is just too cute for words!)

  18. I wonder how the "right" will make this into a very bad thing. Again, how unChristian they are.

  19. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Obama has done a number of things that are good for the country yet not so very good for himself in terms of re-election.

    Bravo, President Obama.

  20. Anonymous12:59 PM

    This is our wonderful President at his best. I do believe he is truly a compassionate and empathetic man and we are blessed to have him. In contrast, the GOP is totally about profit, power and exclusion. Will Rep. Cantor be wanting offsets next week on this one?

  21. Anonymous1:16 PM

    anon at 10:16
    the unisex bathrooms are more commonly referred to as "family" bathrooms, expect to see Dads with girls, moms with boys in those.
    No ladies room really wants that 11 or 12 yr old boy in there, nor do most mens rooms want little girls in there when they are at a urinal.
    It has nothing to do with gay rights.

  22. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Wonder if we'll see evidence of the Faux Boobs at the Belmont Stakes this year as the race runs in an hour.

  23. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Chronology started

  24. Good for him. We're finally recognising what's been true all along; couples-in-love come in all varieties!

    And, if possible, would you let us know where you got that picture from? Like anonymous@9.02a, I love it and I'd love to have a copy. (First time I've ever wanted a political picture!).

  25. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I am SO PROUD of MY President Obama! Had it been Her Heinous, she would have wiped her hands on her jeans or busted out her secret stash of Purell. She's already shown how much she cares. Photo op only.

    Anyone that thinks she's going to Sudan because she cares anything about them is full of it.

  26. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Ivy Frye was an overpaid coffee runner.

    For someone who was 'supposed' to be pregnant -- she sure did drink a lot of coffee.

    A number of emails exist in the timeframe of the 'supposed' pregnancy where Frye emailed to ask if she wanted and Palin said yes.

    I find it hilarious that Frye used the State email for asking if she wanted coffee. Guess this was her way of logging in 'state work time' for appearance sake as Frye spent more time and work on private email so that would show as if she wasn't there!!

    I did a search on Crivella for the word 'coffee'.

  27. To Anonymous @ 10:16 am

    I'm in southern California too & Target has had a unisex bathroom for a long time. Its original intent was for a parent with opposite gender child (e.g., mom & son.

  28. Sweet anny10:35 PM

    Well..It's late where I am, but I have to speak a word against the agenda the fosters an attack on marriage, destruction of the American family, and self-righteous rejection of solid family values.

    Yes. I am speaking of the agenda of the Christian conservative right. The ones that deny our right to marry, to raise a family, to give a home to an orphaned child. The ones that would deny us our freedoms and dreams.

    I have heard it said that this kind of social conservative would prefer a past that never truly was to any possible future.

    How can they not see that they are on the wrong side of history?

    If there is anything that we should be able to stand together and united on, it should be in opposition to this regressive mindset, that would deny some their humanity. Support marriage equality now Mr. President. Equality for all.

  29. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Way to go President Obama.. May the right wing crash and burn


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