Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Gabby Giffords receives standing ovation during first public appearance.

Wounded Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords made her first Houston public appearance Monday night since being shot in the head in January by joining her husband, former astronaut Mark Kelly, at a Houston awards ceremony where he received the Spaceflight Medal.

Her communications director, C.J. Karamargin, confirmed her attendance, late Monday but could provide no further details.

According to a report from ABC News, Giffords was pushed into the auditorium in a wheelchair and received a standing ovation from the crowd of hundreds assembled at Space Center Houston.

Giffords reportedly rose from her wheelchair to hug and kiss her husband. The couple held hands for most of the event. The Arizona Democrat appeared to chat with people sitting around her, and laughed when the crew of STS-134, the Space Shuttle Endeavour’s last mission, was introduced, ABC reported.

Karamargin said he was not surprised his boss was out and about in Houston.

“You have to keep in mind that the congresswoman was just in Tuscon … for a Father’s Day visit. She met with the staff there and she climbed a flight of 18 stairs. I think it’s no surprise the congresswoman is getting out more and more … She’s showing greater physical strength, greater cognitive abilities and greater verbal skills, so it’s not a surprise.”

I don't know about all of you, but when I think of "steel spines" and "thick skins" THIS is the person who I picture.

Gabby Giffords is a true inspiration, and I am beginning to think that she might very well return to House someday and be a force to be reckoned with.


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    GO GABBY!!!

  2. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Gabby is an inspiration to all of us. She is a fighter and has what my Dad would refer to as "grit". If you have never known a person with a traumatic head injury you can't even imagine how far and how fast Gabby is recovering.
    I can hardy wait to read her book when it comes out (yes she is writing one).

  3. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Even if she is ultimately unable to return to the House, I suspect she will somehow have a big impact on our nation, in some other way.

    We have not heard the last of Gabby Giffords yet, and for that I am grateful!

  4. NOW this is a gal with guts and a steel spine!

    Watch and learn what class is, Sarah Grifter.

  5. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Good for Gabby. She is an inspiration.

  6. Anonymous9:29 AM

    "Don't retreat, Reload! Game-on!"

    Blah blah blah, you're full of shit Sarah, and a cowardly liar, to boot.

    Go sell some of your big-chinned, so-drunk-she'll-fuck-anybody asshole daughter's books to that same bunch of fools that buy all your shit.

    Then, when those idiots are finally broke, just go the fuck away---far, far, away--- forever.

  7. Anonymous9:31 AM


    Is Bachmann as dumb as Palin?

  8. Dinty9:33 AM

    O/T: Blistering op-ed concerning Michele Bachmann by her former Chief of Staff:

    "Michele Bachmann decidedly does not [possess the judgment, the demeanor, and the readiness to serve as president]"


  9. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Thanks Gryphen for the Gabby updates. She is an inspiration to all of us in Tucson and we have great hope that she will return to the House. I personally am hoping she will run for the senate in 2012.

  10. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I so hope you are right Gryphen! Yay Gabby!

  11. I would consider it an honor to vote for Gabby if she would recover enough and feel compelled to run for the office of President of the United States of America.

    Gabby 2016!

    (It's official: a woman with a head wound and in a wheelchair is more capable than $P.)

  12. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Hurray for Gabby!!

    Now THAT is what hard work is all about!!

  13. ManxMamma9:53 AM

    I wish I had a 10% of her determination. What a great example to us all.

  14. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Oh, but let's not forget that Sarah Palin was the REAL victim of the shootings...at least that's what she tried to tell us in the most distasteful and low class way possible.

  15. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Go Gabby! She is such an inspiration. And I loved her work before this tragedy. Sadly, comments on the pee site are harsh, 'she needs to get up and get back to work or resign'.
    She did more good for this country before the shooting than most of the current gop has done for the last 3 years- combined.

  16. Anonymous @ 10am wrote: "Go Gabby! She is such an inspiration. And I loved her work before this tragedy. Sadly, comments on the pee site are harsh, 'she needs to get up and get back to work or resign'.
    She did more good for this country before the shooting than most of the current gop has done for the last 3 years- combined."

    Yes, I agree....I admire this woman so much and I'm so happy she has come this far. Totally reprehensible that SP's followers would say something so vile. Well, I am really not that surprised....sad.

  17. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Wouldn't it be kewl if someone went to the booksigning, got close to Palin and whipped out a pic of Gabby Giffords -- The pic staring Palin in the face!!

    Take that Bitch Palin!!

    In my mind that will always be on Palin's head. Blood on Palin's hands.

  18. Anonymous10:13 AM

    She is my congresswoman and a great lady. We love her very much and want her back in the House as soon as she is ready.

  19. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Big Juicy, you are neither currently in nor will you ever be in the same league as Representative Giffords.

    You are after all, a simple-minded quitter.

    Have a CRAZY day.

  20. Anonymous10:29 AM

    You know, Gabby represents one of those people whose example pops into my head whenever I am having a pity party (when you feel as if you can't go on, are overwhelmed, unloved, or whatever)for myself.

    Her example snaps me out of that mood because none of my problems, however serious they may seem to me, rise to the threshold of the problems she has had and continues to overcome. It sure puts things into perspective for me, and helps me count my blessings and gets my engines roaring again so I can tackle my own challenges with more strength and courage.

    Gabby Giffords road to recovery serves us all as a reminder that we each have more inner resources and hope than we might think. We simply have to connect to them and use them.

    I am sorry she has had to endure so many challenges, but her public profile is serving as a significant inspiration to all of us who need it.

  21. Anonymous10:40 AM

    When Gabby first opened her eyes after the gunshot wound the first person she saw was Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who had been sitting at her bedside. This is what DWS has to say about her best friend Gabby:

    ¨I do think she’s going to come back to Congress. I mean the progress that she’s making I think that from what I understand she’s on track for that to happen,” the new head of the Democratic National Committee said. “Not sure when, but she’s making tremendous progress.”

    These two women are the very best in American politics.

  22. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Gabby and her husband Mark are rising up and growing stronger in order to take down the likes of Palin and her ilk. No way will they allow these celebutard right wing loonies to take over either the state of Arizona or our country.

  23. God bless Gabby and her husband. They've been through hell and have remained strong and brave. They have my prayers for the future.

  24. Anonymous11:11 AM

    What a beautiful smile Gabby has and a wonderful spirit!

  25. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Gryph - thank you for your very kind comments about my Congresswoman. We are lucky and blessed to have her, down here in southeastern Arizona, and I am gratified to read your comments and those of your other readers. Thank you all very much, and please keep your good wishes coming.

  26. Anonymous11:26 AM

    She has strength and courage, two things Sarah Palin knows nothing about.

  27. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I so hope that Gabby nails Palin's ass along the way as she continues to improve. I still hold Palin responsible for what occurred in Tucson....

  28. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Just wonderful news!

  29. London Bridges11:49 AM

    Michelle Bachman is using Tom Petty's "American Girl" to promote herself. Petty is not pleased. Sarah thought about using it, but given that she might have been born in a Canadian hospital disqualifies her from running for POS. However, she might consider using Petty's "Free Falling!"

  30. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Bravo, Gabby.

    Gabby's the fighter that Sarah only pretends to be.

  31. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Yay, Gabby! This is wonderful news--much better and faster recovery than I dared to hope for her.

  32. Anonymous12:46 PM

    She is one great lady and a very positive role model.

  33. So nice to read positive story like this today. Rep. Giffords is amazing! Many blessings to her and her husband.

  34. Anonymous1:27 PM

    "Don't retreat, Reload! Game-on!"

    Conscious Americans will always associate Palin's violent rhetoric with the injuries to Gifford and the death of the others in the Arizona massacres...

    Conscious Americans remember and vote

  35. You are correct. Gabby Giffords is everything Sarah is not.

  36. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Yes IMO palin has blood on her hands with her do not retreat reload and gun sights above peoples homes and Bachmann does also with her rhetoric of if votes do not work use our second amendment rights to make change.Both are goof balls. that are a cancer in our country.

  37. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Gabby inspires me every day. People don't realize the damage a gunshot wound to the head can do, and the fact that she stood up, alone, is a miracle in it'self.
    My friend's husband, a police officer, got shot point blank in the head, he fought the good fight, I saw "slices" of his recovery journey, and the little things we take for granted are huge milestones to someone with a head injury.

    God Bless You, Gabby! Your sheer will to overcome this and the support and love of your family is a testament to the woman you are.


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