Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Here's a little history lesson for our Teabagger friends, the Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist! Glenn Beck's head to explode in 3..2..1

Here's a bit of historical trivia that you won't find taught in on of those Mike Huckabee "Learn our History" videos:

Francis Bellamy (1855 - 1931), a Baptist minister, wrote the original Pledge in August 1892. He was a Christian Socialist. In his Pledge, he is expressing the ideas of his first cousin, Edward Bellamy, author of the American socialist utopian novels, Looking Backward (1888) and Equality (1897).

Francis Bellamy in his sermons and lectures and Edward Bellamy in his novels and articles described in detail how the middle class could create a planned economy with political, social and economic equality for all. The government would run a peace time economy similar to our present military industrial complex.

The Pledge was published in the September 8th issue of The Youth's Companion, the leading family magazine and the Reader's Digest of its day. Its owner and editor, Daniel Ford, had hired Francis in 1891 as his assistant when Francis was pressured into leaving his baptist church in Boston because of his socialist sermons. As a member of his congregation, Ford had enjoyed Francis's sermons. Ford later founded the liberal and often controversial Ford Hall Forum, located in downtown Boston.

In 1892 Francis Bellamy was also a chairman of a committee of state superintendents of education in the National Education Association. As its chairman, he prepared the program for the public schools' quadricentennial celebration for Columbus Day in 1892. He structured this public school program around a flag raising ceremony and a flag salute - his 'Pledge of Allegiance.'

His original Pledge read as follows: 'I pledge allegiance to my Flag and (to*) the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.' He considered placing the word, 'equality,' in his Pledge, but knew that the state superintendents of education on his committee were against equality for women and African Americans. [ * 'to' added in October, 1892. ]

(It was not until 1954 that Congress added the words "under God" during the height of the Cold War.)

I have never been much of a fan of the pledge, in that I don't believe ANYBODY should pledge mindless allegiance to their country. To my mind we should always work to keep improving our country, and spreading freedom and acceptance for ALL of its citizens, so that it EARNS our allegiance, rather than feel the need to DEMAND it of our schoolchildren.

When I worked for the school district I often found myself quietly mouthing the words, since I could not bring myself to actually say them out loud, while making sure that I was far enough away from the kids so that they did not notice and start asking me questions which I was neither allowed nor inclined to answer.

In my mind the Pledge of Allegiance always sounded very similar to how the Whitest Kids U Know re-interpreted it.


  1. Anonymous4:16 AM

    I'm with you on that one. I never say "under God" since I don't think it belongs in our pledge. And I've long had issue with pledging allegiance. Maybe I'll switch to a moment of silent respect instead, since I do appreciate, respect and support our great country. (PS- You forgot your "i" in Allegiance.)

  2. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Francis Bellamy lived in a small town next to ours. I really hope that Sarah does not decide to include a visit on her National Lampoon Palin vacation.

  3. Dis Gusted4:32 AM

    I hate that they added the two words, Under God, in the mid-50's. This link phrases my objections so much better than I can:

    It is against so many religions to even say the words. Some even object to say the word "UNDER". The pledge is supposed to be religious neutral. The only way it can be viewed that way NOW is if "Under God" has no real meaning.

    Children in a public classroom are a captive audience.

    We are a nation of 270,000 religions. The words should be removed, IMO, to end all controversy. It's better to remove two offensive words that should not have been added, then to remove the pledge from the classroom entirely.

    Recite the pledge without those words. I do.

  4. Anonymous4:39 AM

    New Palin lie.

  5. Anonymous4:41 AM

    When it comes to protecting Medicare, we're a lot more socialist than Rupert Murdoch, the Koch brothers or the five reactionary doofuses on the Supreme Court.

    The neo-cons are quite happy to have everybody chip in for their Middle East adventures.

  6. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Michele Bachmann says the Pledge was written by Jesus...or Ayn Rand. It had to be one of those two loyal Americans. If Michele knows one thing, it's American history.

  7. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Agghhh! Get Sarah Palin out of Jersey city. It's ruining my commute!!!

  8. As Bart Simpson's nemesis would observe..."AH-HA"!

  9. Christians have no business pledging allegiance to a flag, but this is why they insist that America is God's favorite country so pledging to America is the same as pledging to God.

  10. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Talk about indoctrinating our children. I never like being made to make a 'pledge' any more than I liked going to confession. . .for what?

    We were children of a Free Society and typically innocent - what point is there to affirm daily we 'worship' a flag or "confess" to taking sibling's quarter?

    This is by no-means a goose stepping measure, but believe it that it would be only one token measure of what the Bachmann Palin women want to institute in this country, Arm Band wearing proof of faith and patriotism.

  11. Anonymous5:36 AM

    1954 they incorporated the term "Under God" in the phrasing? About the time the Teabaggers started 'losing' the America they knew and loved and what they yearn for again.

  12. Anonymous5:43 AM

    off the subject, but i have to say this: i am tired of rah-rah and have decided to ignore her. she is not "brilliant" or "savvy"; the media is simply goons. why they don't just leave her to herself, i'll never know.
    so boring.....
    so very very boring.....
    she's a know-nothing with a big mouth

  13. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Here in Texas the kids also have to pledge allegiance to Texas!

    Our kindergartener came home with the words so that she could memorize them. Naturally we were supposed to help her do that. Oh I don't think so! Not in this lifetime crazy Texan powers that be that think little kids should be taught that shite!

    Same thing with the Girl Scout oath. What's God got to do with teaching girls to be responsible?

    If a person wants to believe in God and worship God and pray, attend church, whatever -- fine. But what does God have to do with school, nations, scouting, or any of the other zillions of things that the freaky right-wingers insist on inserting him into?

    You don't see any crazy huge digital church signs with flashing lights in other "godless" countries. I often ask my husband, as we drive past the many insanely tacky church signs, what jesus thinks of them.

    Give me a little church in the countryside without a big sign any day of the week. I'm pretty sure that God/Jesus/Whoever/Whatever knows where the real Christians are, not by the signs & enormous hideous buildings, but by what is in the hearts of people.

  14. I love my country but I have never liked that pledge. I typically do not say it when I am in a situation where it is being said. A high school teacher once dragged me to my feet and insisted I say the pledge. I said it is a free country and he couldn't make me. He couldn't even give me detention because there was no school rule that said we HAD to say the pledge. Thank you very much Jehovah's Witnesses for ensuring my right in this free country to not pledge to a piece of material with words I don't believe.

  15. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Did you catch Palin's STATUTE of Liberty tweet?!/SarahPalinUSA

    Too bad she didn't show this iconic image on her bus then maybe she would have known that is it a statue not a statute...

  16. Martin Bashir criticizes Palin's use of the US flag:

  17. Anonymous6:09 AM

    BTW has Sarah found Trig's birth certificate on her country wide search to find it yet?

  18. Anonymous6:14 AM

    ANON at 5:59am
    I think you owe me a new keyboard I just spit coffee ALL over my keyboard!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!

    STATUTE of liberty< Oh my God this woman gets dumber every day!!!!!!

    Little Rabbit

  19. Dis Gusted6:16 AM

    But what does God have to do with school, nations, SCOUTING, or any of the other zillions of things that the freaky right-wingers insist on inserting him into?

    The Scouts are a religious group. They generally meet in a church basement. My son could not make Eagle Scout because he could not earn his Religion badge. The Scouts discriminate against homosexuals and children who have not chosen a religion. Religion is part of the Scout's Bylaws.

    There is also the P.R.A.Y. program in scouts.

    Does religion belong in Scouts? It's a private club so they can do what they want. However, they should lose the non-profit status based on discrimination.

  20. Anonymous6:22 AM

    OT: OMG, she's tweeting from NYC!

    "We'll highlight the beauty of legal immigrants' work ethic and love of freedom while visiting Ellis Island & Statute of Liberty today."



  21. Anonymous6:26 AM

    The Colbert Report: Sarah Palin's Bus Tour

    JON STEWART: on Palin Bus tour:

  22. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Palin Takes Van Susteren For A Ride On The Publicity Stunt, Non-Campaign Bus

  23. Anonymous6:31 AM

    @5:56 a.m.

    just one of the reasons I homeschool my kids. Too damn much uncritical religious obeisance under the guise of patriotism in schools.

  24. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Rachel Maddow points out that Sarah Palin is redefining what it means to run for president with Vladimir Putin style photo ops.

  25. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Is this for real?
    State prepares to release Palin emails

  26. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Sarah Palin Confirms Tour Will Go National

    WTF, They were accompanied by approximately 10 park rangers and police escorts as they made their way to the Statue of Liberty.Who is paying for this shit??

  27. Anonymous8:02 AM

    "To my mind we should always work to keep improving our country, and spreading freedom and acceptance for ALL of its citizens, so that it EARNS our allegiance, rather than feel the need to DEMAND it of our schoolchildren."

    Couldn't be said better! Loving your country shouldn't have to be demonstrated by a daily exercise of pledging allegiance. I always saw it as a forced/mandatory classroom compliance drill.

  28. If you really want to blow some RWNJ heads away, have them look up the Bellamy Salute.


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