Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Sarah Palin continues her whirlwind Teabagger financed tour of historical sights she does not understand. Update!

Today Sister Sarah and her family visited Ellis Island and the "Statute" of Liberty.

You know I have to say I find myself in agreement with The Puzzled Mama on this one.

I too much prefer the "Statute of Liberty" over the much less interesting Statute of Limitations or Statute of Frauds.  I mean how cool can they be if nobody even bothered to build a monument to them and place it on an island next to New York City?

You know if Palin is going to continue to be this difficult to educate, perhaps she needs to park that giant gaudy RV of hers and continue her educational tour with a more fitting mode of transportation.

Update: Proof that Palin reads these blogs:

The former Alaska governor also took some time to do some public parenting, making her daughter Piper offer an apology for pushing a cameraman during a previous stop. Palin had Piper hand out two flowers to cameramen and apologize.

I am not suggesting that it was THIS blog which embarrassed her enough to prompt Piper into making this public gesture, but I think we can rest assured she did not decide to do it all on her own.

Just let us know if you need anymore parenting tips Sarah.  We are here for you.


  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Is that the short bus? Hahahaha

  2. Anonymous6:36 AM


  3. Okay before the faked moral outrage begins, this is NOT about Trig.

    Trig is a child with special needs, and will not be mocked on this blog.

    This post is aimed directly at his willfully ignorant mother, and her band of public education dropouts.

  4. Dis Gusted6:41 AM

    She's too stupid to even get on the short bus.

    There is no fixing Stupid.

  5. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Sorry you even had to post that disclaimer, Gryphen, because we regular readers KNOW you're never intentionally cruel about sweet little Trig. It's just the Palinbots who always try to insert THEIR twisted thinking and pathology into misinterpreting your remarks. You know, psychopaths and narcissists are clinically unable to detect subtlety in verbal and written communication - plus they don't have a sense of humor. I think we can pretty much see the psychopaths trolling the comments section by 1) Their inability to parse information correctly, understand context, etc. and 2) Their lack of humor.

  6. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Gryphen don't compare Sarah to special ed kids. Special ed kids are much smarter than her.

  7. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Kinda like Sarah I had forgotten about Trig.

  8. I am, by far the worst speller.
    But, I am am so careful to make sure that I spell things correctly by using spell check and reading what I am going to send.
    I have send things to blogs accidentally that were not correct spelling/ grammar.
    However, she is sending this to her followers and asking them for money and possibly their vote.
    They deserve her best.
    Enough said.

  9. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Any kid on that bus is a much better human being, by far, than the sorry waste of skin we know as Quitler.

    She is willfully ignorant and foisting her poison on everything she comes in contact with, including her kids. I'm just thankful Trig isn't one of them.

  10. rural juror6:48 AM

    OH HELL NO!!! My daughter's 4th grade class is at Ellis Island today.!!!
    She knows how much I HATE Sarah Palin, so dinner conversation could be interesting tonight if her class happened to see SP there.

  11. Anonymous6:50 AM

    LOL! Can this woman be any more absurd and stupid?

    That aside, this tour is exactly what she needed to 'return to relevancy', It's a brilliant strategy at the moment...she's stolen the thunder from the rally in DC and now she's stealing what little thunder her republican cohorts are trying to muster. Any news from Newt, T-Paw, Mitt, even Michelle...whatever there is it barely makes it to page 10. The media is taking this bait, hook, line and sinker.

    But Rolling Thunder and her magical mystery tour is short lived media worship. This comes back to bite her when the GOP brings out the big guns. They most definitely have the dirt on her and will not hesitate to use it if she plays her maverick role beyond this tour.

    Bill Kristol refuses to even comment on her...she's an embarrassment to him (see Fox News Sunday for May 29, 2011)

    We need that iceberg NOW!


  12. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Yes Gryphen but you're USING special needs to endlessly mock a politician and thats not acceptable nor admirable.

  13. Anonymous6:53 AM

    You use special needs like you use racism to feed your fans your bias. I thought you advocated legitimate journalism.

  14. Pat in MA6:53 AM

    What an idiot. Yeah, all those illegals with no work ethic doing the jobs most Americans wont do like harvesting the fruits and vegetables that end up on your table. Oh that's right, I forgot your diet staples are Red Bull and Crunchwrap Supremes.

  15. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Gryphon, Can't post link but Politico has an article Palin Heads to Ellis Island for Day 4. At the bottom of the article, it says she did some " public" parenting and made Piper apologize & give flowers to the photographer. Must have been reading.

  16. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Legal immigrants? What a buffoon! From a 2006 Washington Post article, "Until 1918, the United States did not require passports; the term 'illegal immigrant' had no meaning. New arrivals were required only to prove their identity and find a relative or friend who could vouch for them." That means that most of these European (white) immigrants came here illegally. The Ellis Island officer with clipboard checking off each new immigrant is a myth. Can someone please tweet this information to the Queen of the Morons?

  17. Jon Stewart: Driving Miss Crazy FTW!

  18. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Who would make fun of a special needs kid? The hardest part of this whole thing is her seeming abandonment of Trig and Willow. Where the heck are they? Couldn't handle a two year old and didn't want the loose cannon of Willow, never knowing what's going to come out of her mouth or which obscene gesture she might make.

  19. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Ah hem. ms. Palin? gee, how do I put this? Ok. here's my best shot... those that came to ellis island? They were neither legal nor illegal.

    So, again, you like to write history so you and your bimbo kids can understand it.

  20. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Her stupid ignorant tweet does a disservice to the millions of struggling immigrants who came through Ellis Island. And really to the ones who are trying to come here today. She always sounds so ignorant. She's going to "highlight."
    Whose idea was this stupid educate all of us nonsense! She said it was Toads idea right!!
    Why don't one of those kiss ass reporters
    ask her why her husband belonged to an anti-American group for 8 years.
    I can't stand this woman and can't believe anyone takes her seriously.

  21. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Not one person I know is being won over by Sarah Palin's "family vacation". Everyone sees her for the opportunistic fraud she is. She just may be shooting herself in the foot once again with independents AND republicans.

  22. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Doesn't the GRIFTER know that it is named the S T A T U E of LIBERTY? She is so Un Presidential. You are right,
    a family of DROPOUTS. And is Willow babysitting her son Trig?

  23. Anonymous7:19 AM

    $P is the dingiest-of-bats!

    (my apologies to bats, worldwide.)

  24. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Somewhat off topic, but the guest list at the beautiful dinner party at the pizza joint at Times Square was interesting. Along with the Donald and his not so real American wife were the half term governor, Creepy Chuck, Saucy Sally, and Piper. The First Dude, Bristol, and Willow did not make the dinner party guest list. Wonder what they did for dinner?


  25. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Is that bus big enough to fit all the Palin and Heath families? They all need to go back to school.

  26. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Statute of Liberty?

    Let me guess: she missed the Gettysburg battlefield because she went to the post office to look up the Gettysburg Address?

  27. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Gryphen said...
    Okay before the faked moral outrage begins, this is NOT about Trig.

    Trig is a child with special needs, and will not be mocked on this blog.

    This post is aimed directly at his willfully ignorant mother, and her band of public education dropouts.

    6:39 AM

    Thank you for this comment before the "Victims R Us Family of Wasilla" fakes an outrage.

  28. Anonymous7:23 AM

    "Dipshit, party of one?"

    "That's DIP Shiiiit, PARTY of ONE."

  29. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Ms. Palin (Heath?) is educating her cult to history as Ms. Palin (Heath?) interprets it, not as the history we were taught in school.

    Ms. Palin (Heath?) US History is NOT your forte nor is English. Also too Microeconomics (D grade, hah!)

    Ms. Palin (Heath?) is the poster child for US education FAILURE


  30. WalterNeff7:28 AM

    I just asked a lawyer friend in NYC if the statute of liberty included any language regulating the smell of emissions.

  31. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Band of public education dropouts - lol.
    Has anyone figured a graduation percentage rate (not counting purchased or sympathy diplomas) coming out of that household? How about an expected drop-out rate? Hey, but they have street smarts - like how to body slam reporters to protect the money-maker.

  32. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Yes it was "statute" for Sarah and not "Statue"

    Well she must have corrected her tweet by now.

    Please Sarah run for president, South Park will be happy.

  33. Anonymous7:31 AM

    "legal immigrants" -- had to get that in there, huh? Fucking asshole. My family came through Ellis Island. It is a very touching and historic place and for her to come out with a "legal immigrants" comment at the Statute of Liberty is disgusting. ugh.

  34. Anonymous7:32 AM

    John Ziegler has read Blind Allegiance and you just might be surprised at what he has to say!!

    It is a tired (and not always true) cliché that every story has at least two sides and it was fascinating to read an insider’s view of what may have been going on inside the same operation which I was dealing with from just outside the gates. While I am mindful that Bailey is not to be taken as a 100% credible source, there are several stories he tells which have forced me to do quite a bit of rethinking and soul-searching as I try to reconcile all the conflicting data I have accumulated over two and a half years of being associated, to varying degrees, with Sarah Palin.

    Read more:

  35. laprofesora7:33 AM

    They just can't control the stupid, can they?

  36. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Seeing how Piper "molested" the male reporter, I wonder if she is on the "Sexual Offenders" list? What is she doing there, practicing for her pole dancing future career?

  37. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Mansour still AWOL?

  38. Chenagrrl7:47 AM

    Lordy, she's wearing that honkin' Star of David, like wearin' ears at Disneyland.

    NY paper's readers are noticin' Not real pleased. Not sure if she's with 'em or targeting 'em.

  39. Anon @ 6:59 AM Yep, there's proof Bristol has been trolling this and the other blogs again!

    She may be an opportunistic fraud all of us critical thinkers can see through, but I'm afraid the majority of Republican Presidential candidates are NOT critical thinkers, and that Chris Matthews may be right.

    He said in his closing monologue last night yesterday that she's more interested in being the kingmaker, not the king, and that she's positioning herself to
    DICTATE to the eventual nominee who to pick for VP candidate, and which Dominionist advisors to listen to.

    She wants that kind of power, so this "vacation tour" isn't for her fans. It's to demonstrate to the GOP candidates that she can steal their limelight, their headlines, their efforts any time she wants, so they better acknowledge her, or else.

  40. OK, Sarah, now can YOU apologize to your daughter for making her come on this media disaster and exposing her to nonstop cameras and reporters??


  41. Anonymous7:51 AM

    The hardest part of this whole thing is her seeming abandonment of Trig and Willow. Where the heck are they?

    Legend states they are both institutionalized. Willow at Kline in NY. TriG - ???? Back with his parents?

  42. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Signifying Nothing

    Pretty funny web comic relating to Sarah's silly bus tour.

  43. deebee7:52 AM

    A clown car would better approximate the Rolling Blunderer's bus.

  44. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I hope Sarah didn't just breeze through Ellis Island. That's the best part and requires time. There's a section with a gallery of old photos of 19th and early 20th century immigrants - blown up to huge size. It's very moving and humbling.

  45. Anonymous7:57 AM

    OMG, I feel sorrier than ever for Piper. Her mother actually made Piper say she was sorry for making her public, desperate, and unsuccessful bid for Sarah's attention.

    Sarah, I'm sure the rolling doublewide has a big screen TV so I suggest you watch the following movie, scheduled on TCM on July 15:

    This is your future, Sarah!

  46. Anonymous7:57 AM


    TPM has a post about the Palin emails.

    "According to The Anchorage Daily News, state officials "expect to send the emails to a commercial printer to be copied this week, a process that is estimated to take about four days."

    "2,415 pages of emails deemed privileged, personal or otherwise exempt from the state's disclosure laws are being withheld."

    Sounds to me like 3 emails left to be released.

    It also raises the question of the amounts AK charged for these emails. I look forward to reading what Mother Jones David Corn posts.


  47. Anonymous7:57 AM

    CNN reporter on twitter reports Sarah will be meeting with her bosses at FOX News before leaving NYC.

  48. Cracklin' Charlie8:03 AM

    Are you sure that you are not enjoying all this just a little too much? Maybe you should join Laura for the Girls on the Bus Tour.

    Just kidding, keep up the good work.

    oh yeah, $arah reminds me of that snake that was on the run in NY and sent out all those hilarious tweets.

  49. I guess I didn't pay attention in school. Was the Statute Of Liberty written before or after the Bill of Rights?

  50. Anonymous8:04 AM

    This tour is nothing but a publicity stunt for Palin to get pics for literature or a book to make it appear she's smarter than she is by visiting these venues.

    Seriously, can you see the National Archives in an hour. Not a friggin' chance. She picked a few of the important docs for photo ops for her PAC site.

    Call it what it is -- she's the same media whore that Trump is. Total bullshit liars through and through.

  51. Anonymous8:04 AM

    As an employer I have a comment about illegal immigrants.
    If employers DID NOT illegally hire people not qualified or holding to proper papers to work in the USA there would be no illegal immigrant problem. It hurts legit employers when unscrupulous employers get away with doing so and if they are caught it's all the working stiff NOT the employer that is punished. This sleazy employers hire illegals because they get by paying less than minimum wage in most cases.
    As for legal immigrants and mexican americans, I am tired of the hispanic community taking so much heat for being "brown". The state of Chihuahua (at one time) ran from below El Paso Tx to the Canadian border, not EVERY "brown" person is an illegal immigrant and yet so many people, especially republicans, treat them as such.
    I am tired of the blatant racism on all people of hispanic decent, as a Native American, I stand united with our brothers and sisters of Mexican decent since WE TOGETHER founded what is now the USA, not illegal immigrant Europeans.

    Now that my rant is over I have only one thing to say
    Sarah Palin is a complete IDIOT

  52. Anonymous8:05 AM

    When one reads Palin's speeches or remarks, they are often incoherent and disjointed. I don't know if this is due to some sort of mental illness or just a lack of intellectual capacity. I cannot understand how her followers find her so wonderful. She makes no sense whatsoever. She speaks in catchphrases, she will use anything to get sympathy or applause or attentiono of any sort. Why can't these palinbots see through her? Are they on the same intellectual level? Or do they all just consider themselves to be good Christian patriots nd the rest of us are a bunch of tree hugging liberals because we happen to disagree with them? Then they can point their fingers and call us all socialists, fascists and communists? They don't even know the difference in any of those terms. I used to spend some time on a right leaning website and was continuously attacked if I dared say a word that didn't worship Palin and this was three years ago during the campaign. I had my life threatened, I was called the "t" word, the "c" word, etc. I was called everything else for just saying I didn't like her. I guess this is their stock in trade. My life was literally threatened when I voiced support of Obama and his life was continuously threatened there by many. Complaints were made to the website over and again and they did very little to address the issues until the feds were called in by a number of us over the threats. I wonder why it is this people think they can threaten the life of the president in a public forum and not be noticed. It was a disgusting, biased site. Most of us left that place long ago, but for something that was supposedly a mainstream site, it was a real eye opener. People can be so vile and hateful and still today on stories on yahoo or whatever, I still see the hatred and venom spewing forth against Obama. Even on you tube. I've read vile comments there. Palin keeps paying the hatred forward with her disgusting attacks on the president. Why is she so obssessed with him? Is it that her huge ego cannot stand that she was defeated? I simply cannot understand how this polarizing figure goes on and on when she has demonstrated over and over who she is. She is a small minded, vindictive, petty, uneducated money gathering, backstabbing, media tart that never stops. When will this incredibly divisive, destructive force stop? She is poisoning the country along with her Fox "News" buddies on a daily basis. I will welcome the day when Murdoch and his many evil cronies are taken down. Its literally amazes how they demonize anyone that is not just like them to get what the richest of the rich want, complete control of this country. Very, very frightening.

  53. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I'm surprised that she didn't charter a ferry to get her bus out onto the island.

  54. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Appears that Bristle & Willow have vacated the premises after the ride and monument tour in DC.

    Wonder if Piper will disappear today? Wouldn't surprise me. Her outburst that pushed Palin to have to address, takes the media focus off the Bitch and she won't tolerate that.

  55. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Here's the video of SARAH apologizing not Piper.

  56. I am wondering if the Palin children have ever been to or heard of, any these places. SP is making noises as though they are so new to even her. I wuld not be surprised if that is very very true.

  57. Calli Pygian8:13 AM

    She can take as many educational tours as she wants, to no avail.

    She is an idiot, lacking critical thinking skills, and is unteachable.

    Dunn's book is painting quite an ugly picture of a very psychologically damage person. Almost like a train wreck... can't bear to read more, can't stop reading. Also looking forward to staring Bailey's read, waiting for McGinnis's to be published.

  58. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Rolling blunder I love it!

  59. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Anon 7:51
    The hardest part of this whole thing is her seeming abandonment of Trig and Willow. Where the heck are they?

    Willow was in DC with them as pics were taken at monuments after the ride including Willow and Sally & Chuckles Heath.

    Have seen no evidence of Trig as he would most likely be difficult to handle on a trip like this as he rarely sees his mother and probably is more comfortable with his caregiver/family member whether that be Molly or whoever. We have never heard of Trig receiving any therapies and therefore I suspect, at this age is now a handful. No one to blame but Scarah - she has the bucks to pay but is too cheap to use her own $$. She'll only do something if she can find a way to use PAC funds.

    You also have to remember, Snowdrift, like Trump, are media whores and when the media focus is not on them - they're pissed off.

  60. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Where's Trig??

  61. When is Sarah going to make a public apology to Piper for using her as a political prop and not giving her the attention she needs?

  62. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Stay classy, Sarah. The daughter of a teacher, and college student who attained a six year degree in stoopid.

    I don't see "Trig" mentioned anywhere in the post, and I fail to see the poutrage as valid. Sarah's the special needs person Gryphen is citing, not an innocent child.

    Don't these true believers have a shiney object to distract them from this blog?

  63. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Gryphen, since Sarah seems to be paying attention to blogs like this, I think you should post a new one in which you suggest that SARAH APOLOGIZES TO HER DAUGHTER!

    She was either totally oblivious to her young daughter's inappropriate behavior or she was totally condoning her playing the role of a bodyguard. To act as if only her daughter were at fault is so typical of her illness.

    SARAH PALIN you owe Piper an apology! (and all the others, but start there)

    May she be eaten by real Mama Grizzlies.

  64. Anonymous8:31 AM

    It's apparent that she didn't read the entire inscription at Ellis Island, or she wouldn't make the slam against immigrants (illegal or otherwise). Maybe she doesn't understand "world-wide welcome"?:

    Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
    With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
    Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
    A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
    Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
    Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
    Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
    The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
    "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
    With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

  65. lost in the midwest8:31 AM

    I have been lurking for awhile now but I feel I must point out something. Someone mentioned $carah shooting herself in the foot (again?)

    This is NOT playing well here where they are still trying to locate bodies from the Joplin tornado, still grieving over the lives lost in Oklahoma and elsewhere. Lives were destroyed.

    The people in these red states are NOT amused or impressed by the money $carah is throwing around on her stupid little bus tour.

    And they do not want to be 'edumacated' by the newly rich. No one feels like being 'talked down to' right now.
    Epic fail.

  66. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I'm confused. Piper pushed the reporter yesterday in Philadelphia and Mrs. Palin had her apologize to him(?) and another reporter today in New York City. So, are there reporters imbedded with the "Enduring Profits" mission? Are these Fox stringers or perhaps a TLC crew getting footage for another reality show?

  67. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Cute bus. Looks like my Jeep Wrangler with a hard top. The Palin's collective world view will fit in there nicely.

  68. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Where's Trig??

    8:19 AM

    I don't know, it's not my turn to watch him.

    Hopefully Trig is not in Arizona swimming by himself which brings up a good question. How come the Palins did not put a wrought iron fence around their big cement pond in Arizona?

    Since the Palins do not watch him, what if the nanny falls asleep or Willow is drugged up, drunk or having sex and Trig walks out of the house by himself and falls in the pond?

    What am I talking about, seeing how Sarah lets Piper rub up against strange men, why would Sarah worry about Trig falling in the cement pond?

  69. Anonymous8:40 AM

    rural juror said...
    OH HELL NO!!! My daughter's 4th grade class is at Ellis Island today.!!!
    She knows how much I HATE Sarah Palin, so dinner conversation could be interesting tonight if her class happened to see SP there.

    6:48 AM

    Knowing Todd, he is sneaking a peak up Lady Liberty's robe.

  70. Anonymous8:46 AM

    OT, sorry, but I love it:

    I knew the MSM would turn on her but quick, particularly when she is basically provoking them and jerking them around with this circus of hers.

    You better watch out, Sarah Palin. It takes them about 1 week, if that, to render their verdict on someone. (Yes, long time coming for most of us, but better late than never.)

  71. Dinty8:48 AM

    Honestly I could attribute that to the auto-correct spell-check on the Blackberry (Mine makes me look like an idiot at least once a week it seems). I mean as someone who wishes to become President she should be double-checking her tweets prior to hitting submit, but how many of you read that and missed the "Statute" part the first time?

    And, no, I'm not a C4P bot, look back at my posts in the past, I am no fan of this woman.

  72. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Appears that Bristle & Willow have vacated the premises after the ride and monument tour in DC.

    Wonder if Piper will disappear today? Wouldn't surprise me. Her outburst that pushed Palin to have to address, takes the media focus off the Bitch and she won't tolerate that.

    8:07 AM

    Piper made her mom look like an idiot (as usual) and has been banned from the family vacation like Tri-G has been banned.

  73. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Hadn't seen this comment - does she really think she is fooling anyone?

    Right, they will cut the trip short if they have trouble paying for gas....

  74. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Sarah - you have made it extremely evident that you do read this blog and react to what is written. Therefore, and to repeat what many others have asked, where's Trig? WHERE'S TRIG? You know, your youngest "child?"

  75. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Willow was in DC with them as pics were taken at monuments after the ride including Willow and Sally & Chuckles Heath.


    I don't believe that for a minute. There is a picture, but Bristol has her OLD face and Willow has her old height. Must have been from the campaign days.

  76. Anonymous8:54 AM

    My first parenting tip for Palin: It is important that our children receive an education.


  77. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I think Sarah must be obsessed with this blog!

    Hey Sarah -- you will never be able to improve your horrible ratings until you a) admit you have done many unethical things b) admit you have made mistakes and then openly and sincerely owned these things. That means apologizing for your despicable treasonous comments about the President and telling the truth about your family including Track, Bristol, Willow and of course Trig. And we cant leave out loyal manly Todd. You know what I'm talking about, don't you?? Repent Sarah.

  78. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Just read bus trip may be cut short due to price of gas.....hahahaha. They are all about to kill each other & the emails are coming. Time to recoil like a snake Sarah. I can just see the three daughters threatening to spill the beans if Palin doesn't stop this stupid trip. Yes Piper, you have been lied to once again by your mother. Although I don't approve of your behavior, I can understand why you & Willow act out. You may just turn out to be our secret weapon.

  79. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I CANNOT stand it. She is wearing that Star of David at Ellis Island.

    This woman has absolutely no judgement, no shame, and NO conscience.


    I hope Jewish groups speak out about her lack of sensitivity. She does not have the right to wear their symbol, especially at a sacred and solemn sight like Ellis Island.

  80. Enjay in E MT8:59 AM

    Spending a couple hours on the Washington Mall, or Ellis Island does not give a person enough time to get a real "feel" for the history.It is only a brisk walk with a breather to snap a photo.
    "I was here" BFD !

    Am surprised with her support for Israel she didn't take the time to visit the Holocaust Museum. Oh- that would have meant spending TIME.

    Does this feel like Palin is racing to the destination without enjoying the journey?

  81. Anonymous9:05 AM

    La Palin is an a-hole. She had to include the "legal" disclaimer.

    Let's not forget that plenty of "illegal" immigrants have done and continue do the dirty work that keeps this country running. She should start by asking her new neighbors in Scottsdale who cleans their houses and does their yards.

  82. ManxMamma9:07 AM

    8:09 - the clip is appalling. She tried to shove Piper at the reporters. She has zero parenting skills or instincts.

  83. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I'm guessing she may have "statute of limitations" on her mind (re: emails soon to be released); thus the Freudian "Statute of Liberty"...

  84. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Oh, man. How to shame the kid.

    The apology is pointless - the guys the kid pushed aren't the same guys who get the flowers, and forcing a staged public apology is nothing like a normal, personal apology to someone you've offended. Plus it's also arguable that the cameraman offended Piper, and Palin herself egged on the whole behavior.

    The whole thing is despicable.

  85. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Kids learn from listening/watching others. Didn't SP push two vets out of the way to talk to a reporter????

  86. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Of course she reads this blog and all the other anti-Palin blogs. That's where she gets her best tips. As much as she hates the anti-Palin blogs she knows the people here are smarter than the ones over at the PeeZoo.

  87. Virginia Voter9:17 AM

    God, Sarah is such a fucking idiot. Please God, make her go away. I want her to be banished from the public consciousness like John Edwards, brought back only to face a criminal indictment. I saw a recent clip of Edwards filmed at his sons baseball game. He was standing there, alone, no one even speaking to or looking at him. That is what I want to happen to Sarah.

    So, Gryphen, you made Sarah your bitch yet again. Awesome. How much you wanna bet we will see Piper frolicking on a New England beach in the next day or two? You heard it here first.

  88. Anonymous9:19 AM

    "The immigrants of the past, they had to literally and figuratively stand in line to become U.S. citizens. I’d like to see that continue,” Palin said. “And unfortunately, the DREAM Act kind of usurps that-the system that is a legal system to make sure that immigrants who want to be here legally, working hard, producing and supplying revenue and resources for their families, that they’re able to do that right and legally.

    Fucking dim bulb idiot ignoramus. The immigrants "standing in line" at Ellis Island were not doing so for citizenship. they were doing so for entry.

    During the era Ellis Island was operating, there were very few restrictions on immigration - you just had to be white and healthy. The only people excluded were Asians, just because they were Asian - which is a terrible blot on our history. The idea of legal vs. illegal immigration was not even a concept at the time.

    What a stupid, self-serving, idiot.

  89. Anonymous9:20 AM

    John Ziegler has read Blind Allegiance and you just might be surprised at what he has to say!!

    Surprised at what John Ziegler has to say? Why, was he even more misogynist than usual?

  90. Anonymous9:20 AM - Weiner was framed, this is who did it and how they did it

  91. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I just posted this comment over at politicususa, figured I'd share it with you guys also, too.

    Personally, I think driving around in a bus with your signature emblazoned on it in four foot high letters and then telling a reporter that you don’t owe anything to the media and that this isn’t a publicity tour for yourself is just clinically psychotic.

    Her “tour” couldn’t be any LESS about publicizing herself if she tore off all her clothes, painted herself red and lit her hair on fire. Who exactly does she think she’s kidding?

  92. Awww... Gryphen. Not cool. My daughter has autism and takes the little bus to school. No one thinks Sarah Palin is a bigger idiot than me, but no need to make jokes at the expense of others.

    And my daughter is wicked smart.

  93. Anonymous9:23 AM

    My sister in Calif. just emailed that her book club of 15 members (Reps and Dems) met last night. They were discussing their next book choice. Someone mentioned the books by Dunn and Bailey and chaos erupted in the room ... the general consensus was that they all already know what a completely failed female Sarah is and they don't need to read anything more to confirm that. They are going to read THE TIGER and learn something about the culture of Eastern Russia.

  94. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Saw the video. Christ, what a horrible thing to do to a child.

  95. ibwilliamsi9:33 AM

    Gryph, it never even crossed my mind that you were referring to Trig.

    What are the legal ramifications of having your PAC pay for your family vacation?

  96. Anonymous9:34 AM

    It's funny about Sarah - she somehow figured out that some gesture might be called for, but she didn't quite figure out how it should be done. I think it's because she doesn't really understand the core principle behind the ritual.

    Piper pulls away before completing the gesture, so Sarah grabs the flowers out of her hand and thrusts them at random journalists, as though it were some kind of symbol for a heart-felt apology.

    It reminds me of her 2008 turkey-pardoning ritual - the hilarity of the onscreen slaughter upstages most of it but when you watch the beginning of the whole incident, you realize she just doesn't get the concept behind a political leader pardoning a turkey. She wanders into the main cage area and picks out at random a couple of turkeys to "pardon" and then moves on - they don't mean enough to her to even let them momentarily assume the traditional role of appearing on camera as individuals.

    So here, the idea that an individual might have been hurt and offended by Piper's rudeness completely eludes her. Let's just pick out random guys in polo shirts and wordlessly thrust flowers at them without saying why, and tell ourselves we're committing an act of grace that pardons our offense.

    She is such a strange person. She really doesn't understand human feelings at all.

  97. FEDUP!!!9:40 AM

    That shows how 'expert' she is in English language. Even *I* as an immigrant know the difference between the two words (the one she WROTE and the one she MEANT - I won't tell her which one she meant, because then she will be able to say it was a simple typing error...)

  98. Anonymous9:48 AM

    May I suggest to those that post long links on the blog that you make them into tinyurls as the majority of long links do not work. The majority of the link is cut off and therefore the when someone copies it to go to the site, the page is not found.


  99. Anonymous9:49 AM

    O/T, but while flipping through channels to get to MSNBC last night, caught a moment on Bill O'Reilly's show where 2 panelists were saying SP won't run, she is an egomaniac and greedy, etc. Didn't see BOR defending her but then was surprised to hear the Sarah-bashing on Fox so if he did, he sure wasn't his usual blunt self if he did say anything in defense. Was wondering if the clip was available.

  100. Ratfish9:54 AM

    The statute of Liberty. Palin means the one that will keep modern day immigrants from having a chance to obtain citizenship like the ones who entered at Ellis Island and whom Palin professes to admire.

  101. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Read where she might cut the tour short because of high gas prices,that she is meeting with Fox bosses,and walshe from daily beast said that she is feeling good about all the publicity and may cut the tour short and announce her run for out folks,getting set up for another QUIT from the Quitter.

  102. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Dinty at 8:48. Auto-correct would not change "statute" to "statute," as they are both actual words.

  103. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Why didn't Sarah take her aside when it happened? Why wait? Why make sure she had an audience? Why not do it privately? Why make a spectacle of Piper? Yea, Piper did wrong, but she should have been corrected at the time, what good does a day later do? Why try to humiliate the child in public the next day? Who does that?

  104. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I have a few thoughts regarding the "Grifter Granny's Gas-Guzzlin' Gig"...

    She's joy-riding around on SarahPac's dime but this woman has no intention of becoming POTUS. She's loving all this attention and having the press chase her around but she's not about to be saddled with a serious job. We all know that (and she's made it abundantly clear by quitting just about every job she's had.) Her Fox gig pays her a million a year with minimal effort on her part and she gets to see herself on TV. Then she's got idiots willing to pay her big $$ to make speeches & books she doesn't even have to write! In her mind, she's hit the big time. And she's not giving it up for a measly 400K a yr. Especailly when she sees the shit the REAL POTUS has to deal with. Its more fun to stand on the sidelines and agitate.

    But she's spent the past few years being a Tea Party prick tease dangling her possible candidacy in front of them like a stripper twirls her panties. So now she needs to figure out a way to bow out and still keep them panting after her like dogs in heat. Whats a grifter to do? Gotta keep the simple-minded buying her "Ronco" version of politics which keeps her in business...

    AHA!! Lightbulb!! Take a bus trip & claim its a "family vacation" to find out if your family can "handle the logistics" of a full-on campaign. Drag your kids in front of reporters who push & shove them to get your attention. Complain about the media treating you unfairly when they point out your factual mistakes during your "history lesson-trip". Then again, you don't owe the media a damn thing right Sarah?

    The media is the enemy.

    Which is why you are going to use them as the excuse for you not running. You're going to claim that you don't want to put your "victimized family" through the strain of a vigorous campaign with the "LSM makin' up lies" and "trying to destroy you". You're good at playing that game aren't you? Its the card you ALWAYS play. The VICTIM card.

    Because you will NEVER admit that you know you don't stand a chance in hell of surviving a single debate against President Obama. A man that makes you look like the intellectual light-weight you are. You may be a vain, egotistical, vindictive bitch, but even you must know you're stupid compared to Obama right?'s the atmosphere on that bus Sarah? Getting kinda tense huh? Hard to keep up pretenses in close quarters isn't it?

  105. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Scarah's pissed big time that only 100 people at most show up at a venue. So she spews it's about gas prices being paid by her PAC. Can we say the PAC must be running out of $$$$!!!!!!

    The Witch doesn't have the 'pull' to bring the crowds.

    Have we heard of any new paid speeches coming up -- NOT A ONE!!!

    Her 'Best by Date' is almost here!!

  106. Anonymous10:11 AM

    The short bus to la la land.

  107. Sarah will never get it. As a politician, as a parent, nor as a human being.

    Her putting Piper in front of the press and "parenting" Piper like that... well it's obvious that Piper has as much respect for her Mom as she's earned from the public. Go back to your castle and stfu for a few years, Sarah. Take a few classes, and just be invisible. You'll never rehab your public image doing as you are. And your kids will all despise you forever if you continue the path you're heading on. Sarah, I don't hate you. I don't even know you. But I do know when something is wrong when I see it being done consistently. You've always talked about those "family votes". Let them tell you why this just isn't working out. Just listen to them, don't talk over them. Then take a look at your relationship with all FIVE of your kids and your husband. This is painful to see. I can only imagine how it is for those who actually like you personally. And I don't even want to think about how each of your kids must feel. Do the right thing for the right reasons. For your family.

  108. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Sarah Palin should not be concerned with any reporters education since she was the only person ignorant to the fact that she was visiting the Statue of Liberty on Ellis Island. The next time some Palinbot starts praising Palin's intelligence please refer them to her tweet about the historic landmark known as the "Statute" of Liberty! Hopefully that will shut them up! LMAO!

  109. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Funny, I rarely have trouble with the long links. Besides, the topic/title is usually visible and it's easy enough to find the referred-to item for oneself, through a google search.

    Let's not get the red pens out, now people ;-).

    All are welcome, as are all forms of linkage.

  110. Anonymous10:54 AM

    The bus to nowhere sucking up the gas like there is no tomorrow.

  111. Anonymous10:58 AM


    Yep, you've got it exactly right. She won't run and she'll blame the evul libruls and "their media" for putting her family at some kind of imaginary risk. (and she'll ignore the fact that this admission will only make Obama and Hillary appear even more heroic, patriotic, selfless and sacrificing in comparison with her cowardly grifter self)

    And the 'bots will totally eat that excuse up with a spoon, so it won't even cost her anything. They'll keep sending their catfood money to the PAC so she can keep fighting "the good fight" from the safety of Twitter.

    And I'm totally okay with that. Though a 2012 run would be awesomely entertaining... :)

  112. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Think about it... this idiot actually thinks she can sell this "vacation" as a learning tour? For us? Fuck you Sarah! We learned all about American History as 6th Graders, and we've been LIVING it ever since. First, your sister in spirit and fellow TeaBagger, Michele Bachmann wants to "teach" the freshman members of Congress, and it's obvious from her speeches that she didn't retain much from her classes at ORU, either that, or she's trying to rewrite history to support the David and Charles Koch doctrine. Now Sarah is going to teach us about free enterprise and why "illegal immigrants are bad" and a history less she doesn't even understand of a period in out country when immigration was basically open? Sarah is a piece of work... a large piece of incredibly, transparent idiocy. I'm glad she's doing this vacation bus tour. Really. I don't believe that her family will support her after this debacle, and if her insiders push her to run after this, they haven't a clue either!

    If Sarah doesn't get an indication from Piper's behavior that she's needed at home, there's not much anyone can tell her and she'll just do it her way, despite the collateral damage.

    I can't watch this happening without a constant wince.

  113. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Lol, you are so right.

  114. Anonymous11:06 AM

    ibwilliamsi 9:33

    As long as someone is not a candidate, they can do whatever they want with their PAC funds - including this faux family vacation.

    The donations being made by her cult followers have been made to the Palin Family Slush Fund -- what she first attempted to do with the Alaska fund which was found illegal but the PAC -- she can do whatever with it.

    The ex head of FEC who is the lawyer for Colbert applying for his PAC, said on his show last night she can do whatever she wants - she's not a candidate.

  115. Anonymous11:20 AM

    As a mother of 2 Downs kids, I'm getting pissed at those posting that Gryphen's writing is 'about special needs kids i.e. Trig'.

    Time for your to thicken your skin, tune your brain cells and get off your moral high horse as it's completely bullshit.

    AT NO TIME on this blog has there been anything cruel said of Trig or cruel references to special needs.

    In fact, if you were true readers, you would know this blog is more supportive and outraged about the treatment of Trip than by Palin(s) or her fucking cult followers.

    If you are truly a parent of a special needs kid - grow up or don't bother reading here in that you're showing the same thing as Palin - being totally thin skinned. You're doing nothing to improve your child by making this 'about you' as it is not and it is not about Trig or special needs.

    Sorry, but I'm fed up of those saying the same bullshit -- that it's an outrage how the post is. It also shows that many post pure Bull and never read the comments as Grphen explains it in the 3rd comment.

    It's why I don't belong to parents groups of special needs kids as they are the worst. Their life is so hard, whoa-is-me. IMO - fucking morons who do the same thing as Palin - use the kid as a prop for sympathy - yet never do anything to improve treatment or programs. Whoa-is-me -- Two words -- Fuck Off.

  116. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Somebody PLEASE photoshop some of the Palin Bus painting (signature, We the People, mountain) onto that short bus, and post it here. I would spread it all over the series of tubes.

  117. Anonymous11:25 AM

    May be some payments on her previous PAC filings that could not be identified that we may now know are payments for the RV.

    We know Scarah hates paying for anything out of her pocket.

    It also raises the issue, since it's legal for her to use the PAC money from cult donations aka Palin Family Slush Funds for a 'vacation' or whatever she wants, does that not mean she has to declare this on personal IRS filings?

  118. It was also on Huffington post and none of the comments were kind or forgiving.

    Most bashed Palin for her lack of parenting skills and felt Piper had been coached on how to block and ordered to do so.

    I doubt HP was the only source reporting it with video.

  119. Anonymous12:22 PM

    G, the first 7:36 is really inappropriate.

  120. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Piper was trying to "protect" her? From what? "Gotcha questions?" $P is a dummy.

  121. Anonymous12:38 PM

    "Statute of Liberty" LOL the Idiot can't even spell.

  122. Anonymous1:07 PM

    You looser hayters our goin to burn
    when Sara is presadent!!!!!
    Sara has GOD!!!!!!!

    \snark off

  123. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Maybe Bristle or Piper writes her tweets now, since RAM is not around?

  124. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Sarah, since you read here religiously, can you please clear up Why Tri-G is named for his Down Syndrome? Tri-G , trisomy G, trisomy 21, Down syndrome. If it is a colossal colossal coincidence, then can you at least address those of us who care about special needs kids? We are appalled that you would name a child with DS Tri-G.
    Thanks in advance!!!

  125. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Sarah - how about learning the english language? Getting a clue? Being truthful? Stop putting your children in front of the media and then chastising the media for taking an interest - this really must make the kids say "what"? Oh whatever, you're making money, you don't care.

  126. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Cool photo,(of Sarah) she's getting a mole on her cheek implant so we can watch it magically disappear or slide down her face.

    Sarah, I'm here to tell you. You an run but you cannot hide for middle age.

    There is a big difference in learning to love your self and in being narcissistic. You need lots more of the first one and lots less of the second.

  127. Oh, I know this isn't about Trig! I think it's an insult to special needs kids to have SARAH on their bus! :_

  128. Joy Cohen6:05 PM

    It only took me 15 minutes to be blocked from Sarah Palin's new facebook page "Sarah Palin's Bus Tour". Betcha can't beat that!

  129. Schools, more often than not, “Educational Tours” and these are requirements even or else the student’s grade will be affected. educational tours


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