Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Is "Babygate" about to burst onto the national stage? Could be.

The above is a flyer that Professor Scharlott made and sent to me yesterday. Of course the information that Brad is referring to came from this post I put up on Monday.

I have to say I am still fairly stunned, though quite pleased, by how much attention this post received. From Andrew Sullivan, to Henry Blodget, to my friend Joe McGinniss, it certainly seems to have reinvigorated the issue of babygate, and brought a whole new level of scrutiny to this most egregious hoax.

Which of course has been the goal all along.

Many of you have begged me to drop some sort of information bomb, that would blow Palin's political future out of the water and ultimately reveal, irrefutably, that Palin did NOT give birth to Trig Paxson Van Palin on April 18, 2008. 

However I came to the understanding long ago that such an explosive post was unlikely to ever happen, and that instead I needed to keep working around the edges of this story in the hope that ultimately there would simply be too much cumulative evidence for even the MSM to ignore.

Personally I think I have done fairly well at this. As evidenced by my Two Babies post, my Shailey Tripp interview, and numerous others, I think I have helped to move the ball forward significantly since my friend Audrey was forced off of the field almost two years ago now.

And no I am not discounting the contributions from the many other dedicated bloggers either. This has been a community effort, and it is very gratifying to see even more bloggers, journalists, and even book authors joining in to help finally get to the bottom of this intriguing, bizarre, and very troubling deception.

In my opinion we are very, very close to blowing this thing wide open, and finally getting the story the attention it has always deserved from those who have been, thus far, resistant to covering it.

After all, if Anthony Weiner's wiener can be the central story for almost two weeks now, then SURELY Sarah Palin faking a pregnancy for political gain should be front page news for at least a month, if not longer!  Don't you agree?


  1. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Thanks for all you do Gryph,

    This story is for real, and whoever blows it open is looking at a Pulitzer.

  2. Anonymous9:58 AM

    CNN's Belief blog is covering the e-mail from God:

    Comments at CNN don't require registration.

  3. every crack in the story will hopefully open the flood gates and let the truth be know

    please....let that day be soon!

    Thanks to you and all the others who have stayed with this story and worked long and hard to bring it out in th eopen

  4. The Best and Brightest Palin Fairy Tale Troll10:02 AM

    Oh, I hope I made it here first! BigBoss doesn't like it when I am tardy, but I have been hitting refresh for the last 3 hours. No, Sarah was really all are jealous because she is pretty and has tight abs. The fact that she seemed to know ahead of time that he would be early is not evidence of fakery. God talks to Sarah. She knew Trig (or whatever they chose to name him!) would be OK because God really does talk to her and he told her he would be fine in that letter. That is why she was not afraid to take a long airplane flight. After God sent her that email she knew it was going to be all good no matter how recklessly she behaved. That is another reason for you all being jealous. God only emails the very special people like Sarah Palin.

  5. Anonymous10:04 AM

    If Sarah Palin has any "people's with brains, they all should be telling her to get out in front of this story with the truth, before the truth breaks in the MSM

    That's Politics 101.

  6. Anonymous10:06 AM

    So many of us in the lower 48 support, follow and applaud your work to expose Palin for the fraud she is. I'm she not tweeting, or is no one paying attention & mentioning it? Strange silence. All may not be well in Palinland, divorce hints, two daughters straying from the script, snookered by title fraud in her Arizona hour purchase, law suit for something or other, rumor the IRS is looking into her money trail while Governor, and then with SarahPac...and you wonderful dogs continually nipping at her heels. Keep up the good work!

  7. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Gryphen - No offence but I don't see the point of this post. You have a very provocative headline but the post is mostly rehashing what we already know and tooting your own horn. There is nothing in it to back up the claim in the headline.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't toot your own horn. You do good work and it's your blog. But this constant tease stuff is getting boring and annoying. I'd rather there be no post than one like this. I'm tired of hearing about the iceberg. I want the damn collision.

  8. grammy9710:08 AM

    I'd like to pass along a comment from Viola, posted on Laura Novak's blog:

    "What makes the Trig scandal a major historical event is its gender specificity: it would be the first time in American politics that a womb (or faux womb) will have caused as much trouble as a penis."

  9. ManxMamma10:09 AM

    Way to go Gryphen! I very much appreciate the time and effort you have put into exposing this fraud.

  10. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Be nice at CNN of my comments didn't make it through moderation, and I'm not sure why. Others did.

  11. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I pray every day that someone will break this story so the fraud is known for exactly who she is (and her family).

  12. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Great one 10:02!!! Thanks for mid morning laugh!

  13. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Gryph, her letter from God is on the website, its getting alot of comments.


  14. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I would like to be a fly on the wall of whatever house she's living in right now. I suspect she left the letter from God in so it would show her fundies what an amazing woman she is. Instead, coupled with other facts and inconsistencies, things are starting to rot from the inside out. I'm sure she's working on a story and to be sure I'm guessing she's debating whether to get one of several flunky dominionists she still has working for her over in state gov to make up some paperwork for her, like a BC for starters. If she's really caught flatfooted on this it's only a matter of time for the wheels to come off. There are too many photographs, tall tales she's told and inconsistencies in other stories for the thin veneer of her chutzpah to hold up. Sooner or later she's either going to have to speak out or put herself in front of a camera. Frankly I wouldn't hold out hope on the latter but it does make me wonder how graciously Fox will continue to lob softballs as the evidence mounts. They know from polling she's not going to win an election so it's only a matter of time before they hitch their wagon to a new star. Michelle Bachmann anyone?

    I have to believe Sara is fuming about her announcement. Weren't quite ready for that play were you Sara?

  15. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Why is SP being so quiet? Why isn't she on her bus tour? or sending out FB messages? Maybe her ghostwriters and new "team" are having some disillusionment issues? I can see SP yelling at the Parnell administration for releasing the emails. The "karma" here is that she was so intent about using private emails so not to be discovered; and the emails are coming t haunt her.= From the beginning, she "knew" that she had a lot to hide.

  16. Anonymous10:14 AM


    from HuffPo:

    "..."I emailed Anthony Weiner. He asked me to lie about our communication."

    "I think that Anthony Weiner should resign, because he lied to the public and the press for more than a week," Lee concluded...."


    A week is all??? He's got nothing on Sarah.

  17. Anonymous10:16 AM

    slow and steady wins the day. you are doing great, G.

  18. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I have always wondered why Mercedes computer was scrubbed,and a "minder" was placed in their home according to Mercedes,once Sarah was chosen VP.I believe there was pertinant information there re this Trig affair.Judging by how thorouhgly the e mails were worked on,makes one wonder.It is why I believe Schmitz and that group knows the truth.

  19. Anonymous10:24 AM

    "I came to the understanding long ago that such an explosive post was unlikely to ever happen"

    I think that is what we were all was hoping for... to wake up one morning and read that it was all over. The reality is that the process is more like a slow march, meandering it's way to a hopeful end.

  20. Proof Elan Frank is a SaraBot:

    Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 1:42 PM
    To: Leighow; Sharon W (GOV)
    Cc: Governor Sarah Palin
    (GOV sponsored)
    Subject: Fwd: To Gov. Palin

    Hi Sharon,
    I CC'd you to this e-mail earlier. Let me know if I can be of any help with the footage I have.

    The footage I have and my approach present the governor in a bright and positive light , and can be very helpful.

    You can direct news agency's to me, I will make sure they get only the very good stuff.

    We can also think of perhaps
    creating a film about her, with what I already have and more we can shoot between now and the elections.

    I was approached by NBC for footage, and I want to be coordinated with the governor of what I release to them.

    I love her and what she stands for and want to make sure she is shown only in the most positive way.

    Please convey my e-mails to her and let me know if and how we can cooperate.
    Elan Frank
    Exec. Producer
    Man Productions
    6255 Sunset Blvd.
    Suite 2210
    Hollywood, CA 90028
    Tel: (323) 871-2480
    Cell: (818) 448-1922

  21. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Anonymous at 10:04 AM

    If Sarah Palin has any "people's with brains, they all should be telling her to get out in front of this story with the truth, before the truth breaks in the MSM


    That would require an amount of insight and intelligence that she has not demonstrated so far.

  22. Anonymous10:25 AM

    You don't understand, Gryphen, if Palin had been a democrat that story would be old news by now. Republicans such a Vitter, Palin and the rest are not expected to live by the same rules as everyone else. There is not such thing as "practice what you preach" in the Rep. world.

  23. Anonymous10:32 AM


    A little OT, but what's the scoop with Mercede? Will she be posting any more on her blog, or has she gone MIA again?

    Also, what is your response or comment about Joe McGinnis sharing a comment about the Johnston's and from what I deciphered, it sounded like he spoke to them for his book, but felt they were not being truthful about what they know.

  24. Anonymous10:33 AM

    great anti-palin article

  25. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Persistence. Journalism's loss is blogging's gain. Thank you for having more patience than I do.

  26. Yes, this should be bigger then Weiner, but she has fox news to defend her.
    If it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that palin did not give birth to Trig, then it may help the undecideds, but you will never ever convince the bots.

    But even if you do prove it, she is not a person who has ever admitted to a lie, misstatement etc.
    She will spin it to her advantage.
    If she did it for her daughter, then she will gain sympathy, but who could trust what she says?
    But honestly, all she has to do is say, I confessed to the Lord and he has forgiven me and all is well in palin's world.

    Did she break any laws? Who knows but her peeps will forgive her and McCain will look like a fool.

  27. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Gryphen, I haven't posted in ages but I'm adding my voice to the other comments I've seen lately asking for your personal opinions on babygate.

    Still believe 100% Bristol isn't the mom?

    Still think Sadie was truthful or do you think the long arm of Palin scared her into telling you things to throw you off track?

    When do you think Trig was born?

    These are just opinions ...nothing you'd have to sign in moose blood! We want to know what you think!

  28. Yeppers, this is getting good, realllllly good. I have emailed BI and now I think I will email Brad my support. This story WON'T GO AWAY !!! It just gets bigger and bigger, no matter how Sarah tries to distract. Thank you so much for not getting distracted, staying the course and keeping us all informed. I am curious as to what Brad will do with the flyer. I hope he continues, with others such as Laura, Joe, Andrew, and list just gets longer and longer, to keep up the pressure to expose this fraud!! Thanks for all you do.

  29. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I try not to read anything into silence at the Palin Camp. It could mean anything and is not worth guessing at. However, the latest rat jumping ship, Ziegler, may be an indication that all's not well in Palinland. I think that it will take an eye-witness, someone with inside knowledge, coming forward to force the story. And I think that it may come from an unexpected source because of an change in circumstances. It's just a matter of time and the more time that passes, the greater the odds are that the story IS about to burst onto the national stage. We just may not be aware of it until it actually does. In the meantime, blogs like yours keep providing encouragement to these potential sources and may be the catalyst needed to make it happen.

  30. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Thank you so much for all your efforts to expose this mildly retarded, deeply delusional and extremely un-American liar.

  31. Anonymous10:49 AM

    The silence of Palin is deafening.

    Wonder what plastic surgeon has had the privilege of her visit???

    I'd place bet's she's hiding out in her 'compound' bruised up the wazzu from more surgery!!

  32. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Sarah has undoubtedly already written another letter from God absolvin' her of any wrong-doing about Trig and givin' her a pat on the back ("I, God, decree no unlawful or unethical activity on her part"). Probably just waitin' for the perfect moment deliver it. Expect the divine missive to catapult her and her family to new heights of adoration among the religious right. Rewriting history is so much easier than facing reality. She's an incomparable self-made victim.

  33. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I wish a reporter would ask Mrs. Palin to explain this message from God:

    Palin (as God) wrote: "I even seemed to rush it along so she could wait until near the end to surprise you with the news – that way Piper wouldn't have so long to wait and count down so many days – just like Christmastime when you have to wait, impatiently, for that special day to finally open your gift?"

    So she's saying that God risked Trig's health--undeveloped lungs, heart problems, nursing problems, jaundice, and all of the other risks of a premature birth--because Piper gets impatient.

    "I know you, I knew you'd be better off with just a short time to wait!"

    Was Trig better off by being born early? She is declaring that God chose to address Piper's impatience rather than Trig's health. (Because they all like cake so much?)

    I am confused. The only reasonable conclusion is that God loves Piper more than he loves poor Trig.

  34. Sarah seems to have gone silent. What a blessing!
    I keep wishing that the SQUARE PILLOW evidence were front and center. THAT was what convinced me, after giving her all benefit of the doubt. The still shot from the Elan frank video shows that she was thumping (HARD) on a big 'ol SQUARE pillow that she had stuffed under her clothes.

    For people asking why she is not on her bus tour, it likely has to be re-wrapped - the owner of "One Nation" filed a trademark violation.

    I am trying very hard to have compassion for the mentally ill wench from wasilla, but she is getting on my last nerve.

  35. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I sure hope you're right. But every time I start to feel optimistic that a new revelation will finally break the story wide open... it doesn't. So I'm not holding my breath.

    I can't even imagine at this point what it would even take for the truth to replace the well-entrenched myth. There are too many powerful entities that bought into the myth that would not be pleased about being exposed as credulous suckers, and who would be controlling the message.

    That said, I hope I'm wrong. And I'm grateful more than I could say for your blog, Gryphen.

  36. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I'm listening to the radio this a.m. - Limbaugh and others and it is amazing how they are pushing Palin and will not let the other side say a damned thing negative or factual about her. (I 'make' myself listen to them once in awhile just to see what they are spewing and it makes me want to barf!)

    Someone from Alaska called in and 'tried' to talk about factual stuff concerning Palin and they cut the guy off completely. The host went on to say that the emails proved she was a hard working governor and unearthed nothing else. Amazing!

    I'm beginning to feel as though we are horribly is just getting worse day by day...I especially hate hearing the constant negative about President Obama. It's awful.

  37. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Maybe..Sarah is actually Psychic
    in addition to Psycho .
    She can predict the future !

    A 1-800-Miss Sarah hotline for spiritual readings and prognostications would seem
    like a natural for Grifters " R " Us.
    Palin could also expand her 1-800 line into a more racy area.
    For a sizable remuneration she would
    heavy breathe for her media Innamorati like Limbaugh ,
    Hannity and Breitbart.

  38. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Br's house for rent?

  39. Anonymous11:14 AM

    The real facts of the matter are that nobody with any credentials is about to come forward with any of the real facts on Palin's faked pregnancy. That's not because of what you have done here on this blog and it's not because of what bloggers have done. And when or if somebody came forward who would have the credentials, that would have very little to do with what your blog has accomplished either.

    The final sad truth is that Palin has pulled it off only in the sense that the issue is now about to disappear further into obscurity than it already has. That is because Palin has been neutralized as a threat to the R party and so the R party has no incentive to pursue it further.

    Although it remains an important issue to pajama clad bloggers, there does happen to be more important issues than Palin and her political stunting. But do however continue to entertain yourselves to your heart's content, just don't expect those who have a real and pressing interest in the issue to continue to be on board.

    And hence girls and boys, no bursting onto the national stage in the future. Barring one possibility that I have already mentioned. Palin decides to once again get serious about politics. And if that should happen then we will once again have to flatten the tires and syphon dry the fuel tanks on her bus. As was recently demonstrated was so immediately effective. Have fun and blog on!

    Wholy Mary.

  40. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Keep on keeping on...I look forward to the day "FAKED IT" is on the cover of any and all newspapers - and the excuses from journalists "I knew, but..."
    I feel sorry for the Johnstons and I hope someone is helping them get their lives back on track after the Palin shitstorm of the last few years.
    CNN put me in moderation hell. I don't think they appreciated the visual of God holding the baby in Sarah's tight abs so she could give speech etc., etc.

  41. Anonymous11:22 AM

    IMO, the pic on the flyer where she is sitting down is not a good choice.

    A better choice would be her standing, like the pic she is standing at the Governor's Convention dated Feb 25th and the one she is standing with Parnuts/Stapeltongue March 18. Another to include would be from Super Tuesday, Feb 5th, in her brown zipped up jacket.

  42. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I think that the flyer should include that the letter was drafted 6 weeks (or whatever it was) before his alleged due date (along with 11 days before his alleged birth). That is part of what makes the prescience so striking!

  43. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Michele Bachman just elbowed Palin out of the way, and Fox will go with the winner, not the loser. Michele delivers the Tea Party, the evangelicals, but she can speak in complete sentences and even think on her feet. She hasn't quit her elected office, and she can raise money with the big boys. Palin overplayed her hand, and must now be content to be the freak has been celebrity who's aging fast and looking wore out. All that fecund fertility, winking, peep toe pump wearing, blow up bra stuff isn't going to do her much good with anyone other than the poor and stupid. Perfect.

  44. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Where are the flyers going?

    I want to see this blown wide open as much as anyone, but I can't see the point of the flyer. If you don't know the story and are unaware Trig was said to be premature, then the comfortable pregnancy comment wouldn't set off any alarms that I can see. Neither would the rushing it along bit.

    I actually think the flyer is tacky and, again if I didn't know the back story and many people don't, I wouldn't give it a second glance.

    Please tell me they're not going to be tucked under people's windshield wipers.

    That said, go Gryph!

  45. Anonymous11:31 AM

    From the photo evidence, I used to believe in Babygate. But I recently saw Tina Fey on Jimmy Fallon. Tina is 6 months pregnant and you can hardly tell. She crossed her legs and leaned forward easily.

    Palin's own silly and convoluted statements are evidence of nothing but her own derangement.

    Or, am I wrong???

  46. Anonymous11:32 AM

    11:22 totally agree with you. The sitting down one is most effective in the video. I like the choices you suggested

  47. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:34 AM

    Longer. I see a made-for-cable movie coming out of this, eventually!

    PS--Bestest & Brightest Palin Fairy Tale Troll:
    Hey, God emails me, too. Guess that makes me super speshul, also. Whoops, gotta take my meds now...

    BTW, love the snark!

  48. Anonymous11:36 AM

    11:22 - the reason the seated photo is important is because Sarah is leaning forward in a way few, if any, women can do at the stage of pregnancy she is supposed to be in when the photo was taken. There are others, I believe, that show her bending over or leaning like this when almost every woman would topple or be unable to move in such a way.

  49. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Long Post Part One

    You know, I’ve been following this latest thing for the last several days, and I have to say I think that you, Gryph, and Joe McGinness, and Brad Scharlott are all making a bad mistake here, strategy-wise.

    Let me start off by saying I despise Sarah Palin and am convinced she did not give birth to Trig. But neither the photos on this flyer, nor your interpretation of the “voice of God” letter, Sarah being on Blackberry the day before and the afternoon after Trig was born actually prove this.

    No matter what I personally believe, I’ve always been good at playing “Devil’s Advocate and I can’t help but doing it with these things about the birth you’re focusing on. For instance, the “voice of God” letter does not strike me as at all unusual for a woman of Sarah’s religious background, beliefs, and personality. So what she decided to write it in the voice of God? Those people always think God is talking to and through them..... So don’t let the letter distract you.

    I have given birth 4 times - twice in a hospital (one of those medicated and pitocen induced, one unmedicated), and twice at home (unmedicated). It is hard to generalize about what a birth experience will be like because people are different and there are different scenarios of birth. I had a LOT of pitocen for that first birth: they were giving it to me in tablet form for a couple days, with a pitocen drip the last couple hours. The contractions were, as others here have said, horrible - very different than natural ones; between that and the demerol I felt like I was inside a nightmare. However, after the baby was born the natural post-birth hormones kicked in and I was higher than a kite. Yes, I was very tired at first, but after a short nap I was buzzing. Not only did I want to snuggle with baby, I was eagerly looking forward to visitors and chatting with the woman in the next bed when my husband wasn’t there. I was euphoric. My mind was very active. In fact, I was this way after each of the births. After the last two I had a hard time settling down to sleep. My mom and husband kept trying to make me nap but I was too buzzed.

    I should also add that what caused the doc to give me pitocen was that my waters had broken a couple days before (this was 37+ years ago; these days docs wouldn’t wait so long to induce). BUT, strangely, the membranes resealed. I didn’t even know this could happen till it happened to me. Perhaps it’s rare and under-reported, but it *does* happen.

  50. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Bristol renting her AZ house for $1,400/month.

    Sounds like Bristole has moved her 'screwing parts' to LA. She must be 'giving out' on some casting couches.

  51. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Long Post Part Two

    Therefore, my “Devil’s Advocate mind” says that Sarah could very well have been texting away between mild contractions the day before the birth (because if her contractions were more than just mild she could *not* have been up there speaking), AND she could have been doing it again in the hours following the birth — buzzed into euphoric wakefulness with the natural post birth hormones as I had been.

    With regard to Sarah appearing to gain a big belly in a relatively short period of time, I had an experience of that, too, with my fourth child. I really did NOT want another baby and spent the first four months of that pregnancy in denial. During that time I had no morning sickness, exhaustion, food cravings, or other symptoms, and I didn’t gain a pound. After my husband, worried about me, dragged me off to a doctor and pregnancy was diagnosed, I came to an acceptance about having another baby. Within a week I was gaining weight like mad. It was ridiculous (and uncomfortable). So I know it can happen.

    I am NOT saying any of these things happened with Sarah, because I don’t really think she gave birth to Trig. I’m just saying that they are within the realm of possibility, so I want you to be aware of this when you’re crafting your arguments. These things are rare, but they DO happen – they happened to me!

    With regard to evidence against Sarah giving birth to Trig, I think one of the most damning pieces of evidence are the photos which, toward the end, show her big one day but smaller later in time. Focus on those; they are much better evidence (as well as her differing stories about the Wild Ride). One thing is true for all about pregnancies – once the weight gain and body reshaping has started, the process doesn’t go backwards!

    Also, Shailey Tripp’s testimony is very valuable, since she actually saw and had her hands on Sarah’s body during the supposed pregnancy.

    I would like Sarah’s faked pregnancy proven once and for all, which is why I don’t want us running after red herrings (to mix metaphors).

  52. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Wholy Mary,
    I am hoping that what you are saying is mostly directed as a threat to SP. Because Gryphen, certain other bloggers, and many of us will not give up until either someone with definitive proof steps forward or enough circumstantial issues force a response from SP or someone in her camp. You know she will have to say something eventually...

  53. Anonymous11:38 AM

    O/T- here is a good way to view the Palin emails in a single "inbox":

  54. Anonymous11:40 AM

    And hence girls and boys, no bursting onto the national stage in the future. Barring one possibility that I have already mentioned. Palin decides to once again get serious about politics. And if that should happen then we will once again have to flatten the tires and syphon dry the fuel tanks on her bus. As was recently demonstrated was so immediately effective. Have fun and blog on!

    Wholy Mary.

    11:14 AM


    It's always fun to hear from Mary. She doesn't seem to realize that we all know she's a p-bot.

  55. hedgewytch11:42 AM

    Good point; if we can talk about the national security issues with a congressman who took "self portraits" of himself and sent them to people not his wife and then lied about it, then it should be open season to talk about a potential presidential candidate who might have lied to the nation about a pregnancy.

    Of course, they will say, but we're talking about deviant behavior as opposed to a private "family" issue. IMHO, that cover is blown when the person in question has used this pregnancy (and child) to promote themselves politically, and that the methodology used to do so shows a lack of ethics and plain common sense. Not to mention this issues of a potential president's "health" in regards to their fitness for office.

  56. Anonymous11:48 AM

    The red scarf photo is actually one of the ones that make her appear pregnant, regardless of the fact that she is sitting forward with legs crossed. There appears to be a bump under that scarf that is not inconsistent with the bump she had in the Gusty photo. I know that you guys are trying really hard to sell this to the "non believers" but when I showed this photo to a non believer they said, "she looks pregnant".

    I know in my heart that this woman did not give birth to Trig, at least not when she said she did. If she did indeed birth him it was early in February and then the hoax commenced when it was discovered that Trig would live. I still can't wrap my head around why she would not have played an early birth scenario for all it was worth in the media, but apparently she had her reasons. Maybe one of those reasons is that John McCain would not take as a running mate a new mother. Who knows but please, find better and clearer photos to represent the non-pregnant Palin against the Gusty photo.

  57. Virginia Voter11:49 AM

    Unfortunately, I agree with Wholy Mary.As long as Sarah is just a sidehow act and a carnival barker, the Republicans will let her carry on gritfting and stirring up the base. I truly believe that the McCain insiders found out a lot of shit about Sarah, including Trig's origin after she was picked for VP, and it was too late to do anything about it. Not only was it bad enough that Palin proved herself to be a mentally unstable moron, but she was also a petty, vindictive, self absorbed bitch who lies as easily as she breathes. To admit that Sarah was a colossal mistake, was something McCain and the Republicans have not done to this day.

    The Republican party tried to tell the country that Sarah Palin was qualified to be president. Just loll that around your brain for a few minutes, knowing what we do .

    If Babygate is exposed, the whole GOP goes down with Sarah, and they have a vested interest in keeping the truth
    hidden. It will take a verifiable first hand witness to come forward with evidence of Sarah's tubal, or CBJ herself to expose the hoax.

  58. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I have to credit Bree Palin for making me a believer. I liked her wit and the picture of her Bree Palin alterego. When Bree went away I turned to IM and Palingates and then when Palingates kind of disintegrated (it's back to its old self again, but not quite as edgy) I stuck with IM. Gryphen, you have been amazing at sticking with this and I am thankful. I am addicted to this because I don't think that it is right to see someone profit as the Palins have, all of them, with no work ethic. I don't care how much Sarah brags on their work ethic, they have none. There are real Americans out here who have played by the rules, gone to college, worked 1 and sometimes two jobs to try to eke out a living and to see a family like the Palins waltz through life and make millions while doing it with no work just makes me sick. That is why I am praying to Sarah's heavenly father to slam shut that door in her face! TODAY!

  59. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Off topic but

    Malia's blog has a great post "Blind Allegiance of Leighow and Parnell to Sarah Palin".

  60. Anonymous11:55 AM

    @10:02 VERY FUNNY!!!! You made me pee in my pants. Hope that's what's happening in the sea of pee today!

  61. Anonymous11:55 AM

    If Palin was going to run for president and if the flyer was published by somebody more believable than Scharlott, this would be an important development. Instead, it isn't. Laura Novak has something up that is far more worthwhile to waste some time reading now. The flyer? nahhhhhh.

  62. Anonymous11:56 AM

    I agree with 11:22. The picture of Sarah sitting down in the flyer is NOT a good one to represent no stomach. I was disappointed to see he used that one.

  63. katie taylor11:58 AM

    I agree with the poster who said that the headline of this story is not supported by the details provided. I fail to see how the attention given to the story by the already converted such as Andrew Sullivan and McGinnis can be translated into a view that the MSM has noticed the new evidence. These kind of "teasers" are not representative of your excellent work to date.

  64. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Want to point out the Wholy Mary post again. These comments almost give me the chills, especially the reference to shutting down the bus tour. I SOOOO wish we could get the Wholy Story...:
    "The final sad truth is that Palin has pulled it off only in the sense that the issue is now about to disappear further into obscurity than it already has. That is because Palin has been neutralized as a threat to the R party and so the R party has no incentive to pursue it further.

    Although it remains an important issue to pajama clad bloggers, there does happen to be more important issues than Palin and her political stunting. But do however continue to entertain yourselves to your heart's content, just don't expect those who have a real and pressing interest in the issue to continue to be on board.

    And hence girls and boys, no bursting onto the national stage in the future. Barring one possibility that I have already mentioned. Palin decides to once again get serious about politics. And if that should happen then we will once again have to flatten the tires and syphon dry the fuel tanks on her bus. As was recently demonstrated was so immediately effective. Have fun and blog on!

    Wholy Mary"

  65. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I have heard that she might try to run for AZ senate.

    I am inclined to agree with Wholey Mary. She has been neutralized by the Republicans and no threat to those that are going to run. She is a dumbass. I suspect she is afraid to persist further.

    But, it was you bloggers that took her down.

  66. Anonymous12:12 PM


    According to the tucson - Bristol Palin's Maricopa house is for rent.

    Has she moved in with the Mama Grizzley in the mansion/compound?

    I googled the above and the story is there dated today.

  67. Anonymous12:16 PM

    agree on the sitting-down picture

  68. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Only 2 more weeks til the 4th of July week-end; wonder if Sarah, the idiot, will be lighting firecrackers and sucking all the oxygen from the air that week-end?

    I truly believe Todd is MIA now and only appears for PAID sightings.

  69. Anonymous12:20 PM

    The Republicans, including people like Schmidt, definitely don't want this to see the light of day. It taints their whole party -- those who cheered her on at the RNC; those who failed to properly vet her; those who continued to allow her to be on the ticket after they knew the truth. So, they'll be doing their best to supress the story, including so-called "moderates" like Romney.

    All it would take, however, to open the floodgates, however, would be one insider who spills to the National Enquirer and submits to a lie detector test (as the National Enquirer often gives to people peddling controversial stories).

  70. bwahahahah!!! LOL

    I can picture now..

    Quiter is probably throwing can's, pickle jars, crunchwrap supremes's....

    Your really hitting a nerve GRYPH and i LUV IT!!!

  71. Anonymous12:28 PM


    I think your efforts have made a real difference.

    Sarah Palin won't run a traditional campaign: participate in debates, work the media circuit...

    She's "Going Rogue" and controlling her message because she can't risk being grilled on any of this... show would only get hostile and potentially leave the set if asked to explain any of these events. And that would only serve to increase media coverage.

    So, take some credit for helping contain her ambitions by consistently probing around the edges for anything that serves to make her more isolated from using the most essential strategy to gain power... being honest with people.

    I don't think we have elected too many congenital liars to Commander in Chief... they all must lie to some degree to get elected but none have ever lied consistently just to protect their own ego... they lie to manipulate people and to seem less dangerous. Sarah's lie tend to do the opposite... at least for people who fear Demogogues.

    You may never drive her from the stage completely or win over a Immoral Majority but you keep the pressure up for her to avoid an honest open forum for questions. And that serves to keep her on the margins of political power.

    She will have influence but no control. That's a win for us all.

    Her "fans" get the distraction and a "take no prisoner's" cheerleader.

  72. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Hi, Wholy Mary! Are you Jesus' mother? Well, say hi to him from all of us here at IM. Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to stop by and share all of your wit and wisdom with us. It's reassuring to know that you are paying attention. Not really.

  73. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Now I'm pretty sure that if Sarah makes a confession about her Trig pregnancy hoax, and tearfully says she did it all to protect her daughter*, I will be almost positive THAT wouldn't be the real story, either. She will confess by degrees, little by little. She will never come completely clean.

    *Daughter = Bristol OR Willow (any of 'em, all of 'em), also too, perhaps she was protectin' (like a Mama Grizzly) her son, if he impregnated some underage girl, or any of Todd's unofficial offspring.

  74. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Just amazes me that untold millions of people have prayed to God through the years for relief from hunger, danger, wars, abuse. In spite of prayers, they starved to death, were killed in battle or their children were killed or continued to be abused.

    None of that was important enough for Divine intervention. Yet along comes Sarah and God intervenes and ends a high risk pregnancy just because a 6 or 7 year old kid was impatient.

    If God choose Sarah to be the most exceptional woman on earth, wonder why He didn't give her any brains?


  75. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I agree with 10:08, I rolled my eyes when I read this post.
    And the truth is nothing has changed. The MSM isn't picking this up. The people you mentioned are expected to talk / write about it . No surprises there. You may want to hold off on the horn tooting. We all get that these guys wrote about it yesterday because you told us yesterday.
    If the babygate book doesn't have more than this, the MSM won't care. And if Sarah isn't running, then really no one cares.

  76. Anonymous12:33 PM

    The flier is a good idea but he could use better pictures.

    Hints and comments left on blogs are not going to break this story. It's going to take an insider contacting a media outlet for reasons other than pleasing us. Until then, a person like that can find growing support, and maybe pressure, as evidence continues to slowly clarify the muddy waters surrounding Sarah's pregnancy.

  77. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Why's Bristol's Arizona home for rent? Bristol just can't cut the cord? Back home to mommie dearest? Trig needs this birth mother to baby sit him? Palins circling the wagons because their world is collapsing?

    Just when I thought one was out of Alaska....they pull her back in.

  78. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Has anyone heard from RAM? Or has she been canned? RAM trusted Sarah way too much. I wonder if she does now. What about Stapleton? Is she still loyal to Saraj? It amazes me these two don't try to write a book. Their loyalty to Sarah will never get them anywhere. Many others gave learned that

  79. Anonymous12:47 PM

    That is not the best non pregnant picture

  80. Dis Gusted12:51 PM

    Why is SP being so quiet? Why isn't she on her bus tour? or sending out FB messages?


    hmmmm ish't her court case with Shawn Christy scheduled for this week?

  81. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Tina is 6 months pregnant and you can hardly tell. She crossed her legs and leaned forward easily.


    You could hardly tell? I beg to differ. She looked VERY pregnant.

  82. Dis Gusted12:58 PM

    I have heard that she might try to run for AZ senate.


    law says she has to live in AZ for 3 years before she can run - maybe a plan for 2016?

  83. Dis Gusted1:00 PM

    Just when I thought one was out of Alaska....they pull her back in.


    surely she's in LA filming 'cuz she's a huge star.

  84. Bristol's Old Chin1:03 PM

    So my conservative mom, who has had three kids, read "Going Rogue" and had NO problem whatsoever with the account of Trig's birth.

    "She was a runner, so she was in good shape. That's why she didn't show."

    "Her doctor told her it was okay to give the speech and then to fly. Why would she have sought a second opinion or questioned that?"

    "After having four kids, she would know her own body well enough to know if she had time for those flights."

    BUT my mom, who taught at a Christian school for 30+ years, now thinks she's an idiot, thanks to that Paul Revere gaffe and Palin's refusal to admit she was wrong.

    Good old Sarah. If it's not one thing that'll do you in, it's another. You just can't help yourself, can ya?

  85. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I'm not so confident, but we'll see. I still think that Sarah Palin has no real intention of running. If she did, however, her ignorance and her short temper would put a stop to her run pretty quickly. SP has quite the short fuse and, in this one case alone, I'm glad that there is still a double standard for men and women showing their tempers.

    She couldn't handle a question about how much her bus tour was costing without getting pissy. She's stuck in middle school.

    Nevertheless, I'll be beyond thrilled (and that's an understatement!) if babygate does break, and will continue to follow the blogs and look forward to the books.

  86. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Granny LuLu's story will come out about 15 years from now, when Willow is out of rehab for the second time and needs to make some money. Until then, it will all be conjecture, I think.

    But if it keeps Granny LuLu from being elected in the meantime, the speculation will all be worth it.

  87. Anonymous1:11 PM

    @Wholy Mary 12:06 PM

    The "pajama clad bloggers" phrase is comically dated. You strive for good prose and dud out every time.

  88. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Thanks, 10:33 AM. This was a good read:

    Here's a quote:
    "she’s launched this wild bus tour which reminds one of those nested Russian dolls where you open each one up and there’s another inside. This tour is a ‘family vacation’, inside of which is Palin’s public service mission of educating the rest of us about American history, inside of which is a faux flirtation with presidential politics, inside of which is a relentless, endless series of publicity stunts masquerading as a human being, inside of which is an utterly shameless money-grubbing cash cow, inside of which is a frightened little girl whose insecurities could make George W. Bush look like a paragon of self-confidence in comparison."

  89. Anonymous1:15 PM


    The pic of her sitting down - really bad choice and I'll explain why.

    I see someone posted that women who are/were pregnant know you can't cross your legs, lean forward -- well not every woman has been pregnant and you are therefore asking them to 'rely and believe' someone else and not allowing them to make up their own minds, which is what this is truly all about. You're target is to get them to see for 'themselves' and sway them. To again rely on someone else's opinion (sitting/leaning) - won't work.

    And truthfully, from that sitting down pic -- I, knowing and believing Palin was not pregnant and have not since this first started, would not necessary believe it from that pic. 'I cannot honestly say from that specific sitting pic she is not pregnant'. There is not clear evidence in that pic to change minds.

    You also have to remember -- to change a 'male' mind - hello -- you're relying an someone who is pregnant can't cross legs or lean forward - HUGE FAILURE. You have to be 'clear' to majority of male population in that, pregenancy is not something they have experienced so again - will have to rely on someone else and it's not necessarily a conversation they will have, so you're leaving the door wide open for failure.

    If the choice is to leave the sitting pic, an alternative standing should also be included. Other choices set out in Anon 11:22 - 2 before the sitting pic and 1 dated after -- in fact the one of March 18 is exactly one month before she 'popped'!! One month before she popped the air out of her 'pregancy' prop!!

    All bases have to be covered. Better to show more evidence than too little. A 'standing up' choice is severely needed.

    Gryphen, I hope you can engage with the flyer creator to explain. The prof. is knowledgable in this but you have to approach it from all avenues including those that are not well versed about pregnancy (sitting, leaning forward, etcc.)

  90. Anonymous1:18 PM

    11:31 AM says ...But I recently saw Tina Fey on Jimmy Fallon. Tina is 6 months pregnant and you can hardly tell. She crossed her legs and leaned forward easily.

    When Tina is 43 days from birthing a 6+ lb baby and she is over 40 and in her 7th pregnancy, then the comparsion may be useful.

  91. Bristol's Old Chin1:20 PM

    It's fascinating to me that the bot comments have changed from "Sarah did too give birth to Trig and they're all happy and you're pathetic h8ers and I saw them at Applebee's last weekend!" to "Um, losers, no one cares."

    So you've been right all along, and now they're trying to pretend like it just doesn't matter. Hmmm....

  92. A month? ... no way. When this breaks, I want it covered every day for at least a year -payback. I want it drilled into the heads of every pbot and every Republican, and every political person who aided and abetted this hoax (yes, John McCain, I am talking about you and your "camp"). I want details, and I want to see someone or more than one person either in an orange jumpsuit with bracelets to match or a strait jacket (don't really care which). And I want to open a bottle of champagne every week for that year and drink it .. by myself!

  93. Anon @12:54:
    She looked very pregnant?! Really?! NO woman who is 8 months pregnant, is able to cross her legs AND lean forward. Let me guess, you're actually one of Palin's Flying Monkeys, right?

  94. Anonymous1:23 PM

    O/T but ya gotta read this exchange between Sarah and Ivy, in which Ivy assumes the position of cringing puppy (she probably was peeing on the carpet as she composed her response to her lord and master):>6133.pdf

  95. Anonymoose1:28 PM

    So, Gryphen, when babygate is proven true and all is over, do we get to find out what really happened to Audrey and Bree? And why you don't like Patrick??

  96. Anonymous1:37 PM


    I wish Brad Scharlott had used the Mar 14 photo (lightened). Too many men and non-Moms do not realize that crossing legs and leaning forward are impossible in later pregnancy.

    I also wish he had put one URL (live) at the bottom. For a one-page overview. Most people I know are not going take a few hours to get started on the blogs.

    But I am thrilled that things keep moving ahead, little by little, as you say, G.

    Hi Audrey! I think of you often.


  97. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Her hand in the sit down photo looks as if it is placed very low on her thigh and is cradling her bump (although we know it is only cradling empty scarf) Still, she looks as pregnant sitting as she does standing, and some women can cross legs and lean forward 7 months or even 8 months into a pregnancy.

    This thing with Palin and her hoax will linger until the "powers that be" want to play that card.

  98. Anonymous2:08 PM

    If laws were broken, an investigation could also lead to untanging this web of deciet.

  99. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Sarah, since I know you read this blog, Crunchwrap Supremes are on sale for 99 cents right now.

  100. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Not wild about this poster or the choice of pictures here...Very hard to tell if/if not she's pregnant in the one sitting with her legs crossed. Would definitely choose something more along the lines of a more exposed picture personally.

    Also, What is PS planning to do with this? He must be very careful or it could backfire and his, yours (and everyone else's) hard earned efforts will be reduced to petty picking on poor ole Sister Sarah.

    And THAT would be the ultimate tragedy!

  101. Anonymous2:45 PM

    In my opinion that flier just isn't enough. What you need to do is pull the Daddy card and get your daughter to make a video. Start with the video of the interview of SP sitting with her legs crossed. Wasn't there also something about how effortlessly she stood up, or was that from somewhere else? Find 15 or 20 women who are 7 months pregnant and get them to try to sit in the same position SP is in, then show them trying to stand up afterward. Compare that to 15 or 20 women who aren't pregnant doing the same thing. Pop that on YouTube and you've got a winner.

  102. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I posted this in the wrong location:


    I hope you will consider posting Audrey's (PalinDeceptions) "Cornerstone" posts.

    Here is Part 2:

    I think EVERYONE should read/re-read Audrey's posts, especially now that more people are taking a serious look at the hoax. It was AFTER THESE POSTS, THAT AUDREY WAS SILENCED. "Cornerstone," refers to Tripp's birth because it was – as Audrey says, "The Cornerstone of Sarah's "I'm Trig's mom" campaign."

    Another side note, Audrey asks why, "Sarah Palin, given her family values philosophies, has never chosen to do any sort of informative, positive media event on the fact that she and her daughter had babies less than a year apart, with both of them having made difficult decisions." THEN BOOM, a January 2010 IN TOUCH cover, "We're Glad We Chose Life!" Don't miss this "money quote" from the girl who keeps misplacing her chastity belt,

    "She does tell In Touch what kind of guy she'd like, when she's "ready" to date: "One with values, one with a good family, a hard worker, and someone who is going to love me and my baby." But Bristol says: "I'm not going to have sex until I'm married. I can guarantee it." Seems there are a whole lot of "perfect guy contestants" under the Palin rv.

    In this whole charade, Bristol's "five months along pregnancy" HAS TO BE LOOKED AT.

  103. Anonymous3:01 PM

    The Sarah Palin Pattern...

    When asked if Todd was "seeing" prostitute Shailey Tripp, Sarah was studiously offhand in her reply. No big deal, just another left wing attack and all.

    And then she even advised us to all just go right ahead and ask Todd if he's been hanging out with prostitutes.

    Yep. That's our Snowdrift Snooki; perfectly carefree, no prostitutes to see here, folks. So move it along, you betcha'.

    When confronted with the fact that numerous bloggers and interested people everywhere were claiming that Sarah was never pregnant with Tri-G...did the shit hit the rabid Palin fan? Why, no. Not at all.

    Sarah calmly put that whole bogus baby belly rumor to rest by offerin' to SHOW 'EM HER "STRETCH MARKS".

    That's right, people. There's plenty of Palin stretch marks to see here. So move it along, folks. Evvy buddy'll git a turn to check 'em out, you betcha!

    And if the Wasillabilly says so, from her mouf to god's own ear, it must be true! Right?

    EXCEPT...gosh darn it all; there's that pesky little fact that Todd DID pay a prostitute for sex, numerous times.

    And ex-sex industry worker, Shailey Tripp has the emails between her and Todd to prove it.

    (And THAT is why Sarah Palin did not even attempt to sue the National Enquirer when they broke out Prostitutie-Todd-Gate. You betcha!)

    And though we all rilly 'preciate Scarah's "Open and Transparent Government" what with the stretch mark flaunting and all, there's no need for the Quitter-On-Twitter to strip.

    If Caribou Barbie wants to put the smack down on BABY-GATE she could just do it the old fashioned way...SHOW US THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

    You betcha (wink, wink, grin, also, too!).


  104. B.O.C. @ 1:03 - YES! Same thing happened with my neighbors - they are highly educated Republicans who defended Palin all the time.
    They admitted all along that she was a bit "green," but kept insisting she was smart - "She can learn!" was their constant refrain.
    Now they are LAUGHING at her! They do not want our President to be re-elected (they OBEY FOX "news"), but said that at this point they will vote for any Republican EXCEPT Palin.
    That is a bit of progress.

  105. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Gryph, you are sure full of yourself, but I mean that in a positive way! I like the cut of your jib my friend and appreciate all you do. I have been following your blog for a long time.

  106. The video that this still is taken from is more convincing. I remember she leans way forward to make a point and you can see from farther away the chair seemed low to me and then, even harder to cross legs.

  107. I have two main concerns: one is the ridiculous extent that the MSM has enabled Palin and given her and the GOP a free pass for three whole years, and the second is, HOW WIDE does Babygate really go?

    I now think Mercede knows. I think a LOT of people know, whereas I used to figure it was a fairly small group—basically her family—that would have "had" to be in on it. Now I'm seeing McAllister, Bailey, and I'm assuming Cole, Frye, Perry, etc..

    It's grotesque and, frankly, beyond human explanation. I just don't see who would give this creepy bitch the time of day, much less sacrifice his/her career for the woman.

  108. "wholy mary":

    There is no individual story more important than the fact that the MSM, from right to "left" cannot be trusted.

    Palin is not the story. The utter craven bankruptcy of the Fourth Estate is the story.

    Which is why they won't report it, sure… but don't say there are "more important stories" because these are the same shits who are supposed to be telling us what's what with Palin.

    GET IT!?!?

  109. DaisyDem, I love it!! Where you gonna be at?? I'll buy you a round!

  110. Anonymous @11:31 AM said...
    "From the photo evidence, I used to believe in Babygate. But I recently saw Tina Fey on Jimmy Fallon. Tina is 6 months pregnant and you can hardly tell. She crossed her legs and leaned forward easily."

    Did you see a video later than early May, when Fey was 6 months along? (In March 2008 Palin was allegedly 7 months along).

    The video I found, Fey sat straight up and she didn't cross her legs. Interestingly enough, she wore a scarf with her loose not-tucked-in blouse.

  111. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Anon @1:23: WOW! That is one scared sh*tless little puppy, Ivy Frye!
    She is bending over backwards trying to prove and assure her heinous that she DID take PERSONAL time off, and that she used her OWN frequent flier miles, and that, even though she DID take PTO, she was actually networking anyway...

    What kind of power does this b*tch have? Who/what gave it to her??!!??

  112. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Wait...whaaaat? She wrote that email eleven days before she gave birth???

  113. for Lidia17 who says:

    "I just don't see who would give this creepy bitch the time of day, much less sacrifice his/her career for the woman."

    I do. Fundies aka "Liars 4 Jesus."

    They are PROGRAMMED for this - and it is all justifiable because their God/Church tells them so.

  114. Anonymous4:41 PM


    Yes, you're right - I saw the video when Tina Fey was 6 months along.

    I have never had children, but I think you are implying that 6 months looks very different from 7 months, which does make sense.

    I feel more confident in Babygate again!

  115. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Anybody else get the distinct feeling that Wholy Mary is Media Insider reincarnate.

  116. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I'm inclined to believe that Wholy Mary is a Peerublican insider, and does have some inside dirt, in part because he/she/it surely has the @sshole arrogance so typical of the breed. If he did manage to derail the bus tour, and scare Palin off away from the announcement she's been contemplating, hey, more power to him. We share the overarching concern that Palin never again be allowed to get within a shaky heartbeat of the real power. So, yeah, thanks for your help. But Wholy Mary & his brethren have to have other concerns as well, namely that the Babygate hoax will be exposed, and/or Palin will go rogue in another way, that does not serve Republican interests. We'll see about that.

  117. Dayum! I do hope this is close to busting open. Gryphen, You've done much better than 'fairly well'. You've done everything you possible could do and I know you will stay with it until the end.

  118. Michelle Bachman at the latest debate said, "I gave birth to five babies." Maybe she was distinguishing those five from her two dozen or so foster children. Or maybe she was distinguishing herself from Sarah Palin, and this was a warning shot.

  119. Michelle Bachman at the latest debate said, "I gave birth to five babies." Maybe she was distinguishing those five from her two dozen or so foster children. Or maybe she was distinguishing herself from Sarah Palin, and this was a warning shot.

  120. A lot of you have said the sitting-with-legs-crossed pic is not the most effective. Okey-doke - I'll revise it - Maybe the March 18 standing pic. Only if she declares herself a candidate will this and other fliers I've made truly be needed. The pictures, in this flier, are really secondary to the textual info.

    Keep up the great work, Gryphen. I completely agree with everything you wrote.

  121. Anonymous6:16 PM

    4:42...Wow, you are RIGHT. Wholy Mary has just EXACTLY the same kind of obnoxious shit stirring persona as MediaInsider!

    And for the poster who asked if Gryphen would ever tell why he doesn't like Patrick-

    I'm guessing Gryphen doesn't like Patrick for the same reasons I don't like Patrick-
    He thinks he's the God of all things Palin and in reality he is so much LIKE her.

    Who asks for "moneyblasts" and doesn't account for the money AT all?
    Who KEEPS asking for money despite the fact they are millionaires (Palin) or "successful lawyers" (Patrick)?
    Palin's wink might be through fake glasses and Patrick's is an emoticon...but they are from the same exact type of person--a sanctimonious asshole.

    Anyone who thinks Patrick gets a bum rap...just think about the fact he and Kathleen were ASKED TO LEAVE by Audrey and then ASKED TO LEAVE by Regina. As SP is so fond of saying...there are no coincidences.

    Patrick is so intent on being the "king"...he can't even be happy when people like Gryphen make progress on babygate. He even stooped to picking on a teenage girl (Mercede Johnston) because he was pissed Gryphen noticed the ear deformity before anyone else. Regardless of what Mercede knows or doesn't know...Patrick bullied a teenager who was most likely just another victim of Sarah Palin.

    Patrick is a jerk and a poser. If I were a betting man, I'd wager he'll show his "law degree" on the same day SP shows Trig's birth certificate.

  122. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Kudos Gryphen. You have earned a great big pat on the back for hanging tough while others kiss Pathetic Palin's ass and give her a pass. You have always been my go to guy on all things Palin. I wish you would start digging up the crap on Kasuck. ;-) There's a pile of it.


  123. Anonymous7:00 PM

    You are the most arrogant son of a bitch.

  124. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I know this is your blog, Gryphen, and I totally respect that it's your call on whatever gets posted in the comments. But seriously - what did 6:16's post trashing Patrick add to the discussion? You may not ask for money outright, but you have the PayPal button on your blog. Mercede has it on hers too. Obviously you welcome contributions even if you're more low-key about it (and I've contributed to you, BTW). Trashing or allowing Patrick to be trashed for his moneyblasts seems unfair, if you yourself encourage donations. I think it diminishes your blog to allow posts like that.

  125. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I think Wholly Mary is RAM.

  126. Anonymous7:28 PM

    The problem in the beginning was the fact that she's biologically a female, and it's rare that a female politician would be so closely scrutinized to the point of claiming she faked a pregnancy and got away with it.
    Fast forward to when the emails FINALLY got released (TY Andree et al).

    The fact that someone holding high office, doing the business of the people of a state, would bypass the official, encrypted e-mail system and use multiple yahoo accounts. It shows a level of deciept, even though most of what was released is basically fluff. Who's to say she didn't have other email accounts and used code words in the yahoo mails?

    The new attenton to babygate is bringing more traffic, and I totally understand the tone of your more recent posts. People are more receptive to believing it, or at least looking into it now.

    I know a lot of religious christian (non evangelical) conservatives who are turned off by the use of God's voice in the announcement. It borders on blasphemy, and reflects poorly on Sarah. How could she possibly know in advance all the details?

    People who know me usually skirt the issue, and now they're actually listening, researching and questioning her creds and moti ves. It's getting some traction in the mainstream media MORE since the Republicans try to distance themselves, not LESS.

    And we have all the bloggers, commenters, free thinkers, and rational people who have been following the trail from the begining. Gryph, I may not agree with everything you post, but I have to give you a lot of credit. Keep up the good work!

  127. Anonymous7:39 PM

    7:09 I wrote the post about Patrick. To be fair to Gryphen, he has held back all of my prior comments about Patrick. I toned it down for this one because I really wanted to let my opinion be heard.

    I have been reading Patrick and Gryphen for the same amount of time- since SP crash landed America in late 2008.

    Gryphen may have a donation button, but also keep in mind Peebots LITERALLY cost him his job. He was forced to either resign or continue to subject kindergarten children to Peebots screaming obscenities at them.

    Patrick meanwhile is completely anonymous, and used Regina's name to secure Paypal donations because he wouldn't show his name even to people giving him money. He brags frequently about being a successful lawyer. Why ask for donations if he is indeed a successful lawyer?

    I also believe there is a huge difference between Gryphen's unobtrusive, rarely if EVER mentioned tiny donate button...and Patrick's focused, days-long MONEYBLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! activities.

    I have a right to my opinion. My opinion on Patrick is...he is a jerk, a user, a poser, and a grifter just like SP. Even Regina said Patrick got in a "pissing match" with Gryphen and Dennis Zaki. And it was over who had the better scoop, which is so silly. We are supposed to be on the same side. Gryphen is for US, for Alaskans. Patrick is for himself. Period.

    We can at GRYPHEN'S.

    Patrick would ban a dissenter who called him out.

  128. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Wholly Mary and RAM being one and the same???

    Veddy eenteresting!

    Has anyone actually SEEN Mansour since Daily Caller's "Silence Of The RAM" twitter gate?

    Is she in the dungeon with poor Trig? I don't like the woman, but with Palin's enemies frequently having...very bad luck...I would still like to know she is, you know, "still with us".

  129. I don't know if anyone's posted this yet; if not, here's what Frank Bailey had to say in response to a question about the pregnancy hoax during his WaPo live chat on Monday:

    "I have to disagree with you on this point though, to know [sic] knowledge Trig is their child. Yes, in many areas, she is not the honest, principled person she puts herself out there to be, but this topic is not one of those areas. However she benefits from the sympathy generated by the controversy of it all (odd as that sounds)."

    Did he mean to say "to MY knowledge"? Is he hedging a bit (despite the rest of the comment)?

  130. @ 6:16 and 4:42-

    I highly doubt that Media Insider is Wholy Mary. Their "voices" are quite different.

    Media Insider was primarily concerned with show biz and famous folks and dishing on them. Palin fits that category and is politically objectionable, so MI seemed happy to pass on tidbits she heard. If you had a chance to read her short lived blog, you'd see that.

    I don't know what Wholy Mary's true game is, but s/he really isn't "giving up" any information that we don't already have. S/he is exclusively political, not involved in general gossip about famous folks. S/he may be completely full of sh#@ or may be the real deal OR perhaps trying to manipulate us for some reason. But I am pretty confident that s/he is not Media Insider.

  131. Wholy Mary seems to be saying the Repubs won't let this burst onto the national stage because whenever Palin tries to make herself relevant to the Presidential race, which would help the media see Babygate as relevant, they will rein her back in, just as they did with the bus tour.

    Maybe they've told her that if she will back off when they tell her to, then they will let her keep making money off her base and they'll see to it that the media keeps pushing that she birthed Trig, i.e., they will Make.It.Stop.

    So many times I've thought Babygate was about to go MSM, and it didn't.

  132. @BScharlott. I like using the Mar. 14 photo with Sean Parnell because there is no possible explanation for the totally flat belly other than that she isn't pregnant.

    BTW,Trignostics,I remain open to hearing an alternate explanation.

  133. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Scarah is TOO QUIET!

    And like we say when our little children are too quiet.

    What's she up to? Not a tweet, not a twit [well she is a twit] no FaceBook.
    Jeez, not even a faux news "interview" much less a Shittanity porn job.

    Something is brewing.
    'Tis this the calm before the storm?


  134. emrysa8:26 PM

    omg.. the bot on here saying repeatedly that the red scarf photo is not a good example... I mean this is the first time I've seen so many comments against a picture. note to bot: it's transparent. your comments stick out like a sore thumb here. they're like a huge red flag that says "look the other way! - look the other way!"

    and it just so happens that I have always believed that the series of videos - where this red scarf pic is taken - is one of the most damning pieces of evidence of them all.

    I'm really glad that scharlott chose this pic. no woman who is 7 months pregnant (or even 6 months pregnant) can sit that way. it's not physically possible. yet sarah announced to the world, 2 days after this video was taken, that she was 7 months pregnant.

    6 weeks after this picture/video she birthed a 6 lb 2 oz baby. please.

  135. Gryph,

    Responding to your final (rhetorical) question at the end of this post, "Hell, yes!"

  136. Anonymous8:59 PM

    7:39, as I said it's Gryphen's blog and it's his call, but I think your trashing another anti-Palin blogger on it diminishes it, and that's MY opinion. Your self-indulgent expression of your irrelevant opinion of Patrick on this blog has nothing to do with what Gryphen is trying to accomplish here.


  137. Gasman8:59 PM

    Wholy Mary,
    How exactly has Palin "been neutralized as a threat to the R party?' She still out polls nearly every other GOP POTUS wannabe. Where is the evidence of this "neutralization?" Methinks that you are full of shit on this one.

    Palin is sure as hell no team player. She doesn't give a fat rat's ass about the GOP. I'm willing to bet that she'll make her run as a third party candidate, since that is the only way she can bypass all the GOP debates she'd have to do if she runs as an R. She flirted with the AIP. There’s no way she takes orders from anyone in the GOP to sit down and shut up. She weant rogue on McCain. WTF does she care about the GOP? She cares about Palin, not about the GOP. She'll toss them under the bus in an instant.

    The GOP not only hasn't neutralized her, they are scared to death of her. If she runs as a Republican and somehow manages to get the nomination, she will sink the party and the people with brains left in the GOP know it. How come so many Republicans have already turned on her? Andrew Sullivan, Karl Rove, Peggy Noonan, Kathleen Parker, Charles Krauthammer, Joe Scarborough - to name but a few - have already attacked her. They haven't "neutralized" her, but they will do their best to rhetorically eviscerate her if she becomes a tangible threat.

    However, the worst nightmare of the GOP is if Palin runs as a third party candidate. Then she siphons off conservative money all the way to the election AND she peels off conservative votes as well. The GOP has a VERY slim chance of victory WITH the batshit crazy loons who would vote for any of their roster of asshats. Without the the cousin humper teabaggers, they have less than no chance.

    With Palin as a GOP candidate, they lose moderates and anyone with a functioning brain. Without her they lose the cousin humpers. The GOP is pretty much fucked either way.

    She's going to run as an independent and THEN the GOP will begin going after her.

    P.S. - Shouldn’t it be “Wholly Mary?” Who misspells their own name?

  138. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Oh, c'mon 8:59, tell us how you REALLY feel! Your comment had me ROFLMAO'ing, (cousin-humpers?!) but is spot-on! And I had the same thought about "Wholy" Mary - only a deeply-entrenched Repub or Tea Bagger would misspell their own name like that...

  139. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Conscious at Last: I posted something VERY close to those lines last night but it didn't go through, either because of a technical hiccup or because I said something that didn't pass G's moderation filter. Without getting into specifics, the one thing I added was that, if Wholy Mary was legit, and was sending signals to Palin, then the signals don't seem to have been within his posts, precisely because he provided so little real information, or even good hints. This makes me wonder if he was posting the hints anonymously, or under a different screen name, at the same time: nothing readers would be able to distinguish from all of the other speculations, but things that would get Palin's attention. The "sh*tfire" post comes to mind -- if memory serves it appeared just before WM did. But those two voices are very different IMO: sh*tfire sounds much closer to the situation, also more thoughtful and coherent than WM. There were other interesting posts right around the same time, though.
    PS. If WM is legit then the point is to back Palin away from announcing her candidacy. Would RAM do that? I wonder more if Mike Tibbles, who interestingly quit not long after Trig's announced birthdate, and whose "eyebrows fell off his face" when informed of Palin's pregnancy, hasn't sold his services to the opposition.

  140. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Published on: June 16, 2011

  141. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Sorry if this has already been mentioned. but check this one out. WHY in the hell would this have to be redacted?? I could bet my life it has to do with Bristol's pregnancy. I KNOW It. And they say they are an open honest state. What a bunch of bullshit and we all know it!!! The rumor that B was pregnant is what was going around.


    Privileged or Personal Material Redacted

    I was shocked last week to hear that a former Legislative Aide approached my sister at
    church in Wasilla about Privileged orPerson4.. that's the one that got traced back to Lyda's
    staff spreading it.

    Sent from my BlackBerry device from Cellular One

  142. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I see it has been mentioned before. Just now getting a chance to read some of these emails. Oh well. doesn't hurt to repeat this tidbit!

  143. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Odd how one is redacted but another is NOT! ?

  144. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Yes, life should be fair but it isn't.

    The issue will never be addressed because bitch is a republican.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.