Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rachel Maddow has waaay too much fun with the launch of Jon Huntsman's Presidential campaign yesterday.

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I have heard a number of times that THIS is the guy that the Obama administration worries about the most.

Personally I don't think they have much to worry about.


  1. I think that he should definitely go for the balloons. Balloons are about all that the Tea Partiers are going to give him.

    He'd do better mounting an insurgency campaign as a Democrat - except for that embarrassing endorsement of the idiotic Ryan and Palenty economic plans.

  2. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Huntsman was in studio and did a segment on Good Morning America this morning with George S.

    The guy Rachel interviewed that said Huntsman was a good speaker in small settings, etc. -- well, he must be in the bag for Huntsman as Huntsman did no better speaking one-on-one with fluff questions. Maybe he speaks better in Chinese as English is questionable!!!!

    This is a guy who would have made speeches in China for various reasons and add that he was a Gov together with his being the head of 'corporation/organizations' that his father founded.

    I will say to watch him in that we know a huge amounts of money came out of 'Morom' organizations with regard to Prop 8.

  3. Nancy in New York4:57 AM

    He has the gopper pompous attitude and overblown ego thing down pat. I remember him smirking behind the President as he was appointing Hunstman ambassador, his disgust was thinly disguised at best.

    Since Palin has crashed and burned, the republicons have been scrambling for someone with star power to take her place. This guy looks like he can play a president in the movies, but leading the nation is quite a different story.

    I heard him getting interviewed on NPR this morning (if you say that three times quickly to a fox
    "news" drone, I heard it can make their head explode) and he was all excited about his bumper stickers and campaign signs being distributed. He even gushed giddily like a little girl when a car passed by with a "Hunstman for President" sticker on it. The lady from NPR was quick to point out it was his campaign managers car.

    He's a loser like the rest of the gop losers.

  4. Anonymous5:20 AM

    I have a question for Alaskans. How do people, especially younger people, build huge custom homes? One of Bristol's peers (class of either 08 or 09) and her husband are building a huge two story home. they have 2 kids with a third on the way. This appears to not be out of the ordinary. btw, the custom house has the same windows as the Palin red one which I don't find too shocking as there probably aren't that many sellers up there.

  5. Anonymous5:20 AM

    That was a very botched way to start a campaign but at least this guy says he is going to run a clean campaign without the innuendo about President Obamas racial background.I think if nothing else he earned points with me.You know stick to the issues disagree politically but respect your opponent.Maybe some of the other republican schmucks should take a clue from Mr. Huntsman.

  6. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Rachel Maddow Details Jon Huntsman’s Hilarious Day of Disaster

    ...One of the things that went wrong for Huntsman was just plain bad luck. The tour boat that screwed up their shot of the candidate ala Ronald Reagan with the Statue of Liberty in the backdrop not their fault, but getting the candidate’s name wrong on the press passes, not buying all the domain names related to the candidate’s name, having the wrong address and phone number for the campaign on its own website, and trying to send the press to Saudi Arabia instead of New Hampshire, were all mistakes born out of poor organization.

    It is tough to see how a presidential candidate could have a worse kickoff. As Rachel Maddow put it, “Getting the name of your candidate wrong, getting the state wrong where you launched your campaign in getting your address wrong, getting your phone number wrong, not getting the cameras pointed at the Statue of Liberty, and then the generator dies 12 minutes before the announcement, and then as soon as the whole thing is over and it time for whatever this guy’s name is to go to his next campaign event in New Hampshire, when it comes time to get all the press, all those dozens of press get them on board the plane to go with whatever his name is to go to New Hampshire for his first big campaign event. What happens? They try to accidentally board the press corps on to a plane that is not going to New Hampshire, but is instead going to Saudi Arabia.”

    After pointing out that Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and Mitt Romney’s roll outs also didn’t go as planned, Maddow pointed out the press narrative on Jon Huntsman didn’t match his campaign launch, “The reason so many reporters were at the Huntsman launch today even though he’s polling so low right now, the reason he is being taken so seriously by the press even before he is being taken seriously by anybody else is because he is supposedly one of the real pros. The sense of viability with which the press has imbued Jon Huntsman’s campaign is due in part to the fact that he has got a substantial portion of John McCain’s campaign staff working for him, and John McCain after all won the nomination the last time around.”

  7. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Huntsman’s Gay-Rights Shakeup

    An email from a consultant to the newest GOP contender casts Jon Huntsman as gay Republicans’ best bet in 2012—but though the former governor supports civil unions, he still needs to clarify his position on the issue.

  8. Anonymous5:34 AM

    High-Road Huntsman’s Hired Gun

    The former Utah governor, who got in the 2012 race Tuesday, wants to keep it civil. But strategist John Weaver is well schooled in the art of political attacks.

    Jon Huntsman’s promise to conduct his presidential campaign “on the high road” is a risky proposition. It’s a tough pledge to keep, and the closer he sticks to it, the harder it may be for him to win.

    The Republican primary electorate is often described as angry, passionate, and energized. Obama-bashing hasn’t appeared to hurt conservatives so far; Michele Bachmann made her name in part by suggesting on MSNBC in 2008 that he might have “anti-American views.” The former Utah governor and his camp are assuming there exists a different type of GOP voter: one who is tired of all the shouting and impugning and red meat, who would prefer someone “decent, calm, wise, firm, and disciplined,” as one of Huntsman’s New Agey videos puts it while depicting a motorcyclist in the wild. Or, as another video says, “Different. Fresh. New. Not really a politician at all.”

  9. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Te Atlantic had an article comparing bristols pregnancy with the glee pregnancy, I guess they don't know the Pali s get all their pregnancies from tv shows.

  10. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Rachel Maddow Recites Jon Huntsman’s New Campaign Ad As Beatnik Poetry

    Maddow began her segment without any real explanation, reciting seemingly nonsensical phrases over her own drumming. “Never raises his voice, but seldom takes no for an answer.” “Not in it for the balloons.” They were not pages from Maddow’s own poetry notebook but, rather, from Huntsman’s latest campaign spot, which Maddow found so completely weird that she even attempted to invite William Shatner on the program the spot’s script. He was not available, so Maddow filled in his shoes, later explaining some of the details of the ad– for example, “there is no subsequent explanation for what the balloons are.” She also noted the line “not in it for the winning”– the diametric opposite of the famed “in it to win it” line that most candidates use because they’re, well, in the election because they want to win.

    Maddow’s barbs were quite light-hearted, however. Noting that “I do not mean to make fun of Jon Huntsman’s campaign,” she admitted that she liked the ads so much they almost made her reconsider Huntsman’s policies. “I personally believe in American weirdness so much,” she confessed, “that it almost occludes my view of Jon Huntsman’s right-wing politics that he is trying to be this weird while running for President. I love this!”

  11. Anonymous6:02 AM

    No Joke: Sarah Palin Reportedly Quits One Nation Bus Tour Halfway Through

    Real Clear Politics is reporting that Sarah Palin has taken an “extended hiatus” from her much ballyhooed One Nation Bus Tour. While the tour was never clearly defined with specific stops (especially to the media), Palin had made clear her intention to visit the very politically influential states of Iowa and South Carolina, which raised reasonable expectations that she had some sort of political goal in mind. Well it appears that those stops, and all others, have not been shelved and the Palins have retreated to their home of Alaska for the rest of the summer.

  12. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Coulter was quick to dismiss the newest candidate, Jon Huntsman, as someone who will be remembered only in a Trivial Pursuit game question years from now.

  13. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Jon Huntsman’s first step toward oblivion

    Who is Jon Huntsman and where is he going? Even his campaign aides don’t seem to know.

    At the former Utah governor’s presidential kickoff speech on Tuesday, campaign workers distributed — and then confiscated — press credentials misspelling the candidate’s first name as “John” instead of “Jon.”

    Those same credentials misstated the location of the event as New York rather than New Jersey — a symptom of a geographic confusion that became more pronounced later when reporters and campaign staff were directed toward a charter plane bound for Saudi Arabia rather than the intended destination of New Hampshire.

    People watching the Huntsman announcement on TV were unlikely to emerge with any clearer picture of the candidate. Huntsman began talking at 10:06 a.m. Fox News cut in after just four minutes, as the candidate was praising the “selfless armed forces.” MSNBC broke in seconds later, as Huntsman spoke about the “character that made the desert bloom.” CNN made it all the way to 10:12 a.m., ending its live coverage when the candidate referred to “the end of the American century.”

  14. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Is Jon Huntsman the Next Ronald Reagan, or the Next Pete Wilson?

    Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman is declaring his candidacy for the presidency today, at New Jersey's Liberty State Park. The obvious intent is to draw parallels to Ronald Reagan's 1980 candidacy; the eventual 40th president launched his general election campaign there on Labor Day 1980. But there's another Reagan parallel here, one that focuses on the Gipper's middle name, rather than his last name.

    In 1995, California Gov. Pete Wilson sought to invoke the Reagan ethos by announcing his short-lived run for president from Liberty State Park. As a governor of the same state that Reagan had presided over, Wilson was supposedly well-positioned to win, and many observers thought that his strong stance on illegal immigration and tough-on-crime reputation gave him plenty of "red meat" for the Republican base. Of course, Wilson's bid went nowhere, and he, along with Arlen Specter, dropped out long before the first votes were counted in 1996. His liberal views on social issues such as abortion made him anathema to the GOP base.

    Huntsman isn't as far outside of the GOP mainstream as Wilson, but he also lacks the national following that animated the Reagan campaign. His announcement speech was not a great way to start his campaign; right now it is being widely panned by pundits on the left and right.

  15. nogravity6:22 AM

    There's something very creepy about this guy. I haven't determined exactly what it is but his eyes freak me out.

  16. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Anon 6:02

    "No Joke: Sarah Palin Reportedly Quits One Nation Bus Tour Halfway Through"


    In the email put out the other day by Tim Crawford to her pantie sniffers about the film, etc., Crawford was pimping for donations and made mention of the tour "as someone has to pay for it"

  17. Anonymous7:02 AM

    The linguistic construct:
    "[Noun] needs [adjective or verb]"
    is pure Pennsylvania where phrases like "The dog needs washed." or "The trash needs out." are not at all uncommon.
    Huntsman's Campaign Manager needs replaced.

  18. I so agree about the creepy factor. May just be from being a Mormon with a father who is one the Grand High Wizards and all...he strikes me as a spoiled Daddy's boy.

    And his high approval in Utah? He is a Mormon ,again whose father is part of the ruling inner sanctum, and they have to support the Gov, Bible says God chooses the leaders after all...

    He has Faux-concern, evangelist eyes.

  19. Anonymous10:08 AM

    You have to remember that before Obama sent this guy to China, the Republican party had just nominated John McCain. Since then Palin has bullied and intimidated the GOP so far to the right that Huntsman now has a snowballs chance in hell of winning the Republican primary. He's the most electable of any of them in a general election though, but they're too radical now to notice or care. Obama dangling the China job for Huntsman to grab at was genius. It put the nail in the coffin of any ambitions he'd had to be president. If the GOP was controlled by moderates being bipartisan would be an asset, but since the crazies run the show, he's finished.

  20. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Rachel is just magnificent.

    But that Huntsman video... OMG Bwahahahaha!

    I immediately flashed back to 1969.

  21. Gasman12:13 PM

    Huntsman has about as much chance of being the GOP nominee for president as he does of becoming pope.

    If you go read the comments section on HuffPo on the article about his announcement, about 25% of the comments were from rabid conservatives hyperventilating about Huntsman being a RINO. His serving in Obama's administration is an absolute political death sentence among conservatives. He is seen as being Obama's little brother.

    He actually has some fairly moderate, middle of the road positions, which is why he won't be the GOP nominee. They want a fire eater as the nominee. They want someone who doubts Obama's citizenship, someone who doubts global warming, someone who blames the economy on Obama, someone who hates Obamacare, someone who fears Mexicans, someone who is racist, and someone who is homophobic. Huntsman is none of these things. He might play well in a general election, but he is too moderate to make it out of the GOP primaries.

    Additionally, the batshit crazy fundagelicals won't vote for any Mormon, even at gunpoint. They view Mormons as being about as Christian as Muslims. They will vote for a third party candidate touting the Christian Dominionist line - someone like Palin - instead of voting for Romney or Huntsman.

    Huntsman would be the smart choice for the GOP, but the GOP collectively is anything but smart. Romney will probably end up the nominee, but the fundagelicals will flock to support a "real" Christian instead.

    The fundies don't like Romney's and Huntsman's undies.

  22. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Loves me my Maddow fix. She's an amazing reporter!

  23. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Ship of fools, road to nowhere, comedy of errors, pitfalls & errors.

    Gingrich & Huntsman are really entertaining. I hope the laughs keep coming.


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