Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sarah Palin responds to e-mail dump on, where else, Fox News.

Napolitano is totally providing cover for Palin by making thecase that there was no "there, there" in the e-mails, when those of us who have REALLY examined the e-mails have found quite a lot of information that demonstrates the kind of self centered, duplicitous, and devious person Palin was during the days before John McCain scooped her up and deposited her on the national stage.

And that "Servant's heart" statement makes me gag.

Of course Napolitano does not even bother to ask Palin about the missing e-mails or why she redacted over 2,000 of them, because those questions might be TOO hard for Palin to answer, even though she receives the questions and loads her answers onto a teleprompter BEFORE the actual interview begins. Essentially it is like an interview on training wheels.

Was she "imagining" herself at the debate?  If she was she was in the fetal position and shaking like a leaf.

Did this imbecile say that Palin jumping into the Presidential arena would be a Game Changer? Clearly this interview was put together to soothe Palin's bruised ego and make her feel relevant again.  Napolitano HAS to know that she does not have what it takes to stand up on that stage and debate the other candidates.  He must!

All she does is throw out talking points and buzz words, she has NOTHING concrete to offer.

When she says things "cannot get any worse under a Republican administration" it just shows that she has NO idea of the damage the Bush administration did to this country, and therefore has NO idea what it takes to put it all back together again..

The woman is  complete embarrassment to Alaskans, to Americans. and to women everywhere.


  1. Anonymous6:08 PM

    How come he did not ask Palin why she had so many email accounts?

  2. Anonymous6:08 PM

    You must have a stomach of steel, G. I can't listen to this coont anymore.

  3. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Here's a question for Sarah, what's the going rate for sex with one of Todd's prostitutes?

  4. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Sarah do you still stand by your Paul Revere's ride lesson to America or is the priest correct when he said you fucked up?

  5. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Anonymous said...
    How come he did not ask Palin why she had so many email accounts?

    6:08 PM

    There was at least 6 of them

  6. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Why do people talk to dumb shit about being president?

    One of the final nails in her coffin is being hammered by Shailey Tripp. There's a few more coming.

    Put a fork in Sarah and Todd they're done.

    Sarah has seen the lay of the land and it aint pretty for the Palins.

    Every thing the Palins touched has turned to crap. Just take your SarahPac money and enjoy life with your family and leave us the fuck alone.

  7. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Watching the first couple of minutes with the sound muted is hilarious. Judge Andy is verbally stroking her off and she's wiggling around in her chair and grinning like she's really feeling it down there.

  8. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Palin is a dump.

    The prostitute $$ probably comes out of the PAC money. That would be an interesting investigation wouldnt it?

    The funny thing is that Palin's daughters under different circumstances probably could be prostitutes.

  9. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Sarah Palin the million dollar Fox puppet....all you have to do is feed the questions and answers in a teleprompter and she will try to read them out to you,be warned, word salad is all you get.How impotent that brain is,if there is one...of course we know,not even a limp string there.

  10. Anonymous6:24 PM

    It's almost as though the news on her is moving faster than she can keep up. Why do I feel her relevance is over? Since the dump - Michele B undercuts her with her announcement and debate performance - kiss the TP good-bye, then the house crap - did she get fleeced and why is Brisket renting?, then the emails themselves get patched together with known information about the fake pregnancy, the missing emails, the redacted emails, the withheld emails, the multiple email accounts. Now add in Shailey's latest revelation and they are several stories behind. Having Sara on to talk emails is a waste of time and I'm guessing was a pretty big yawn, even for her fans.

  11. Chenagrrl6:24 PM

    I think the email dump may have bored the national press, but for the locals, this is gold.

  12. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Sorry, her first answer was all I could take. Planned, canned, phony, pathetic. She should have kept her mouth shut because even the emails made her seem smarter than she is. She'll ruin the pure aphrodisiac effect they had on the bots.

  13. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Couldn't stomach much of it.

    This woman is so, so foolish. Talk about hubris.

    Look out, Sarah. None of your attempts to belittle journalists is going to save you when the scandals finally break. In fact, you are just going to make them that much more determined to show you who's truly in charge.

    And that won't be you.

  14. WakeUpAmerica6:37 PM

    Ten seconds of her shit-face smirk, screech, and ignorance and I had to shut it off. I just wanted to reach through the TV and smack her lying, little bully-bitch face.

  15. Sarah, are you and Todd declaring the income from your prostitute business? No? Uh oh!!

  16. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I think you misheard Gryphen: this grifter has a SERPENT'S heart.

  17. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Napolitano tells Palin that the New York Times and Washington Post
    " somehow persuaded "
    the state of Alaska to
    release your e-mails.
    Napolitano then asks Palin " why in the world "
    would the government
    of Alaska go along with
    releasing the e-mails ?

    Palin and Napolitano play dumb
    about the fact that her e-mails
    were public records
    and Alaska has an open records statute.
    I expect Palin to play dumb , but ,
    this ignorance doesn't bode well
    for the due diligence
    of a former judge.
    Maybe, his cases should be given a second look.
    Palin , who literally bobbles her head ,
    claims the e-mails were from 06
    through 09.
    They weren't.
    And she implies that the time period of the released e-mails were for an entire term.
    Not just part of a half term.
    Fox News Unfairly and Unbalanced.

  18. Anonymous6:47 PM

    omg, she could not even stand there for the length of that 'debate'.
    let alone compose a 'thought'.

  19. Anonymous6:48 PM

    So she had these questions posed to her beforehand, too?

  20. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Bschman is stealing her thunder even though she is just as scary as granny quitter. I dont see her running because then she would have to report all her finances. Do u think they paid off hookers with PAC money?

  21. imnofred6:51 PM

    Servants heart, my ass. It's always been about Sarah, and it will always be about Sarah and her ruthless pursuit of power.

    I am a little surprised at the degree that Fox News continues to defend her and prop her up. I would have thought by now that they would have seen through her charade and would have realized that she is nothing more than a barbie doll that responds to answers when the string is pulled. She certainly has nothing of any substance to add to the dialog.

  22. Anonymous6:53 PM

    First several years in office? 2 and a half = "several"????

  23. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Palin is a dump.

    The prostitute $$ probably comes out of the PAC money. That would be an interesting investigation wouldnt it?

    The funny thing is that Palin's daughters under different circumstances probably could be prostitutes.

    6:22 PM

    If it wasn't for Todd and Sarah bullshitting their way as co-mayor and co-governor, I could see their daughters as prostitutes or intentionally getting pregnant to trap a husband. Even though Todd and Sarah were successful in their con game, none of their children has an employable skills to fall back on. Bristol's skill is falling on her back with her ankles wrapped around her head.

  24. Anonymous6:56 PM

    When will you render Tawd impotent Sarah?

  25. Anonymous6:56 PM

    exactly right! None of these media people have even read them, just passing on the same talking points they've been hearing, "nothing of interest".

    Meanwhile, we are all pouring over them, actually reading and analyzing dates and other tidbits, and slowly but surely putting 2 and 2 together.

  26. Im so happy the my tv now has subtitles for Palineese!!

  27. nswfm6:57 PM

    Those emails came from a FOIA requests.

    Maybe someone can ask Grifter Granny about her daughter's weight gain when she was doing all that hard work and dancing:

  28. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Bachman has tea party backing because she's not phony? LOLOLOLOL

  29. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Must have been Sarah Palin's "servant's heart" that let her board a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without getting a medical check even though she was over 40, in her 7th pregnancy, with a high-risk Down Syndrome premature unborn child.

    Servant to SATAN

  30. Anonymous6:59 PM

    What was she trying to "quash"???

  31. Get government out of the way? Except for in our bedrooms you slimy bitch.

  32. emrysa7:01 PM

    okay I'm kind of surprised about this guy kissing palins ass... he knows that the "official" story of 911 is bullshit, so how does he let her get away with her lies? I thought he was brighter than this.

  33. Anonymous7:02 PM

    The Palins are irrelevant if you look at the news. Sarah is too damaged to be president. She just does stupid stuff since.... forever!

    The only station she can talk to is FOX. Everybody else would tear her a new butthole.

    That is why she went on her family vacation with Piper, somebody told her to get her face back in the news and she just fu@ked it up worse with her history lessons.

  34. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Struggling for relevancy. How's that feel Sara? You are badly wounded. Where's the attack? Instead you are still trying to rewrite the truth about a bunch of scrubbed emails? Think the press gives a shit about them now? They are already looking elsewhere while you try to get your flock back to the scrubbed emails to show how wonderful and innocent you are. Your deepest fans and those who fear you might bite but more and more people who you count on to keep you in the money are falling away. Watch for MB's money to come flowing in while yours dries up. About time.

    She needed to use this time to attack MB and take the initiative, instead she's stuck in the only safe place she has in her life right now

  35. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Hey, this was an interesting tidbit I found on PerezHilton regarding SP. Of course, it is a gossip site, and he does get Todd's name wrong, but wondered if you've heard anything about it?

    'The latest politician to be allegedly involved in a tryst is former Gov. Sarah Palin. Now, Miz Palin is notably no stranger to controversy, but this latest rumor is pretty scandalous, even for her! We're hearing that Sarah has a thing for married man and is looking to divorce her husband Tom to go after him!'

  36. emrysa7:05 PM

    anon @ 6:22 pm sez:

    "The funny thing is that Palin's daughters under different circumstances probably could be prostitutes."

    under different circumstances? who's to say that that the oldest wasn't offered up to the pervs back when she was younger? these people are sick. at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if brisdull's babies are products of the family business.

  37. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Why is Sarah so quiet about Shailey Tripp's comments?

    That's because Shailey would whoop Sarah's ass like nobodies business and skin her alive.

    Shailey is not afraid of the Palins.

    The Palin days are numbered in Alaska.

    The only Palin staying in the area is Track because of his pregnant wife Britta who is a decent girl. Track is very lucky she would have him. It could of been worse, Track could of hooked up with someone as ignorant as trailer park Bristol.

    Britta has no multi-million dollar connection to her parents and you can see that she is smart enough to go to college where as Bristol is pandering like her mom trying to get something with her looks. Bristol is not smart enough for school and was not pretty enough for Hollywood, so she took the easy route… plastic surgery!

    Hey Bristol, Hugh Hefner is now single, rich and is close to death. Got any thoughts?

  38. Anonymous7:18 PM

    That was a total schmooze on his part. He didn't ask any real questions.

    On the side...she looks like shit. I'm guessing she has finally bottomed out. Her kiss-ass spot on Fox tonight was just that. She is TOAST!

  39. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Has she been demoted to napalitano now that hannity has Bachman?

  40. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Hey, this was an interesting tidbit I found on PerezHilton regarding SP. Of course, it is a gossip site, and he does get Todd's name wrong, but wondered if you've heard anything about it?

    'The latest politician to be allegedly involved in a tryst is former Gov. Sarah Palin. Now, Miz Palin is notably no stranger to controversy, but this latest rumor is pretty scandalous, even for her! We're hearing that Sarah has a thing for married man and is looking to divorce her husband Tom to go after him!'

    7:04 PM

    That old hag Sarah did have a thing for Todd's ex snowmachine business partner. Wasn't he married?

    What about Donald Trump? He's married.

    That old ass cougar thinks sticking her old ass tongue out is sexy.

    2 bits says that Sarah will make a play for Hugh Hefner. She better hurry before Brisket does!

  41. Anonymous7:37 PM

    $1,200,000.00 – amount of debt of Wasilla had when Palin began as mayor.

    $24, 800,000.00 – amount of debt of Wasilla had when Palin left as mayor.

    Keep in mind Wasilla is a two horse - one stop light town!

    If Palin has a servant's heart, she would pay back some of that money from her own pocket or at least from SarahPac.

  42. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Has she been demoted to napalitano now that hannity has Bachman?

    7:27 PM

    What the hell is a napalitano?

    Is that ice cream?

  43. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Shailey Tripp if you are reading this, Bless your soul, you have a lot of people across America in your corner.

    Take care :)

  44. Anonymous7:48 PM

    "First several years in office? 2 and a half = "several"????"

    First and ONLY.

    2011 is still not going so well for Sarah. Wonder when she will work up the courage to go on the next leg of her family vacation.

  45. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Oh no she didn't.

    Said Weiner was going to be "rendered impotent" if he continued on in Congress.

    People probably think she's just making a bad joke.

    We know she welcomes any and every opportunity to use emasculating imagery towards men.

  46. Sarah Palin Pregnancy Secrets!

    Its not that explosive but its a start..

  47. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Question, Sarah: With all you millions, why can't you get your hair right? Tonight there was this left-sided bumpit. On the Tour there was this frizzy headed stuff. Get your wigs right, Sistah!

  48. Anonymous8:09 PM

    ANON at 6:54

    If it wasn't for Todd and Sarah bullshitting their way as co-mayor and co-governor, I could see their daughters as prostitutes or intentionally getting pregnant to trap a husband. Even though Todd and Sarah were successful in their con game, none of their children has an employable skills to fall back on. Bristol's skill is falling on her back with her ankles wrapped around her head.

    Heck, even with Sarah's grifting $$$$ --Brisket couldn't get anyone to marry her when she got knocked up. I still wonde4r just how much Levi got paid to play a steady B/F.

  49. Ratfish8:13 PM

    Palin also says: "I hope folks who read the emails learned a lot about ......why I opposed Obama’s stimulus package."

    I guess she doesn't know her former employees took 2.5 years to get the emails out, and still they only go through September 2008. Obama didn't beat McCain/Palin until November 2008, and he didn't take office until January of the following year.

    I guess she forgot to study the Constitution in any of the 5 colleges where she "read 'em all."

  50. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Interesting tidbit On Sarah from Perez Hilton!! So who is the married man Sarahs going after?? Glenn Beck?? Anthony Weiner's!? Lol or is it perhaps Michelle Bachmanns husband? Oh ... Wait .. He bats for the other team right? Maybe Perez meant to say Tom instead of Todd?? It could imply a " Tom Cat" or one on the urban dictionaries meanings for Tom. There are quite a few.

    So is the bus tour/family vacation over. I've been just a waitin for more education and highlighting of them historic places from Sarah! I heard the bus is headed to Iowa next and then South Carolina and Nevada. Nevada has lots of history to highlight Sarah? Geez where will Sarah be on July 4 th? A little worm told me she would be dressed up in red, white and blue with sparkly glitzy 6" red high heels, loaded with Americun flag jewelry and sportin a big ole straw hat with teabags hangin from it. She'll be playin the flute, fancy pageant walkin, prayin, then citing the pledge of allegiance to the flag all before the finale of her announcing her candidacy and fireworks!!!

    Sigh... I can't wait! God is good.

  51. linda8:19 PM

    so - she's back in Alaska now? at least she has the Alaska background here. I noticed she has almost NO jewelry on. what's that about? not even a cross or a star of david.

  52. Anonymous8:21 PM

    First, ol Scarah is looking a bit haggard, isn't she.

    Secondly, she claims that Rep. Anthony is "impotent"? Not from the photos that I saw.

    And did she actually say, at the 8 minute mark, "we in the middle class"? Er, just a second...I've got to go puke.

    OK, sorry... Having that despicable grifter include herself In the middle class made me ill. Better now.

    Lastly, would it be a criminal offense if a media person did NOT ask if she's running? Especially Fox. Fox KNOWS she's not running, but they hype it anyway. They know that SP is a whore - a media whore and a money whore - and she ain't giving up opportunities to line her pockets, in exchange for a $400K a year job (where she would actually have to solve problems). She is such a joke.

  53. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Hey! Hey! She is a dolt at best. And, an embarrassment to other dolts.

  54. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Since when do the antics of a sideline mascot or fully choreographed half-time show constitute a game changer?

  55. Anonymous8:36 PM

    She is beginning to look like my grandmother.

  56. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Just discovered this site re: emails.

    Very handy!

  57. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I've met several people in my life who really, truly had servant's hearts. And you know what? They never told anyone they had a servant's heart.

  58. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Don't know if anyone had noticed this one, but it seems odd.

  59. Anonymous8:55 PM

    "The woman is complete embarrassment to Alaskans, to Americans. and to women everywhere."

    That is overwhelmingly one of the truest statements made about Palin. She offers no workable solutions for any problems our country has, she is good at rallying the tea bag gags, the NRA hatriot patriots and the fundies/religious right. They are blind devoted sheep. In their eyes, she can do wrong, she can say anything or do anything she desires and they stand around drooling about how wonderful she is. One doesn't find gold in the dump, and unfortunately
    that's where they are all looking.

    Fox Noise will NEVER do a serious interview with her, that's a joke. They all play the game with her, and will continue so long as they are directed to do so (by Ailes and the other major power and money brokers that run the GOP.)

  60. Yes Linda, she IS back in Alaska.

    Both she and Bristol were spotted and photographed in Anchorage of all places just today.

  61. Anonymous9:08 PM

    The left side of Sarah's head appears to be swelling up in that clip. Do you think the stupid will fall out?

  62. Sarah is completely irrelevant now. Downgraded to a business show having to compete with the latest stock market info. Next, she'll turn up on the overnight news. Good riddance.

  63. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Re the National Enquirer article

    Very interesting. The fact that both Sally Heath and Sarah were knocked up prior to marriage is old news to us Palin watchers, but interesting that the National Enquirer is choosing to publicize it now.

    Wonder if it is their first salvo in exposing the Trig fraud. Fingers crossed.

  64. Anonymous9:33 PM

    How come Sarah and Bristol are together in Alaska?

    How come Sarah is not with Todd to show unity or to console him after the world has been told Todd is a pimp?

  65. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Gryph, Sarah's inbox

    is awesome. It deserves a separate post on your blog. Babygaters will be interested in page 24 of the inbox, which covers the days surrounding the "birth."

  66. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Stop trying to support the theory that "good politicians" don't have talking points and scripted answers for everything.

    Could you even imagine if the President or Pres candidates ONLY spoke off the cuff? This country would look ridiculous. Just youtube search Obama+idiot+campaign trail

    Why is there SUCH a double standard with DEMS? It's crazy.

  67. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Lo said...

    "Im so happy the my tv now has subtitles for Palineese!!"

    Note for those without captioning:

    You can also understand what Sarah is saying if you just lower your IQ by half.

  68. MOST people being interviewed by a reporter do NOT have a teleprompter to help them with the answers.

    As a matter of fact I cannot think of one, except Sarah Palin.

  69. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Anon at 702pm: "[Sarah] needed to use this time to attack MB and take the initiative, instead she's stuck in the only safe place she has in her life right now."

    No place is safe right now for Quitter. The lies she's told and the evil she's been spreading around for the past 5 years are about to come back to her, multiplied by a hundredfold.

  70. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Gryph, I can't tell you how awesome Sarah's inbox is.

    All the emails are in one place and you can search them just like you could search your own inbox or sent box.

    I did a search for "Molly" and this gem is the first I came up with.

  71. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Napolitano is such a sad joke. But how much intelligence can you expect from a guy whose forehead is about a half inch tall? The word "simian" comes to mind...

    It is hysterical to see them act as though over 2000 emails weren't redacted. of COURSE nobody found anything! Nobody with more than two braincells to rub together is surprised about that...

  72. I only searched for and listened to her response about Anthony Weiner because I thought folks were joking about her using the word 'impotent' since it wasn't mentioned in the post. OMG! She did it again! We know how she uses projection. In the past, I've wondered if she was referring to Todd but I think she may be talking about herself. And wasn't she just so pleased with herself to elicit a chuckle out of Napolitano!

    Gryphen, If you ever need a topic for a post, I hope you'll consider writing about all her impotent, cojones, pedophile, and rape comments.

  73. Anonymous10:47 PM

    My two cents:

    Napolitano is no dummy. They are just stroking her while the legal investigation is ongoing. Besides no one confronts Palin with the truth it's not worth it, but she is not fooling anyone capable of thinking. God, karma, whatever, will show her the truth though. It happens to everyone eventually.

  74. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Interesting inbox stuff. thanks for the link.

    For some reason I clicked on the "baby jogger" titled email. Someone was asking if she still needed one. There were redactions, mentions of troopergate stuff, finally she says she just needs the jogger for a photo op the next day. What a poser! Mom dearest has probably never taken the kid anywhere there were not cameras.

  75. Gasman11:17 PM

    I find it hilarious that Palin uses a teleprompter to ANSWER questions. That her answers are STILL only semi-coherent, even after being given time to prepare answers and load them into a teleprompter is utterly amazing! Especially after Palin and her shithead posse spent so much time trying to mock President Obama for using that very device upon which Sarah is so dependent.

    What a feckless clod she is.

  76. Anonymous12:03 AM

    anon @ 9:54 pm
    trust me, with the likes of you and yours, indeed this country does look ridiculous

  77. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Fox Noise will NEVER do a serious interview with her, that's a joke.


    That's true, as are all the other statements here; unfortunatly, there is a very large segment of America that gets their news ONLY from Fox, and those people are are the ones I'm scared of.

    They are all being led to believe that sarah palin is the next coming of God, and would make a great President, because that is what Fox News and Roger Ailes wants them to believe.

    They are not getting ALL the information about palin that we here at IM are getting, and they never will. They think (because Fox says so) that SP is perfect.

    Scary; truly scary.

  78. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:02 AM

    Sarah. Looking a little spent, there.

    Something bothering you, maybe?

  79. Anonymous3:38 AM

    7:27 PM

    What the hell is a napalitano?

    Is that ice cream?

    7:40 PM

    i thought it was a pastry

  80. Anonymous3:39 AM

    The Globe magazine is reporting that Palin has the hots for Franklin Graham. I suspect a televangelist career for her when this gig is all worn out. Have to admit they would would make a charming couple "Grifting for God"??

  81. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Wow, I would not have recognized her from this clip. She is really looking worse day by day.

  82. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Why does stupid Fox continue this clown circus act with her? They give her the questions and the answers already loaded on a teleprompter and she just clacks away.

    She is not presidential material, never has been and never will be. George Bush was a genius compared to this idiot. Sarah could not even be a greeter at Walmart now, cause she is so messed up.

    The joke is on America for some promoting this uneducated mentally ill idiot.

  83. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Her first few years in office??? More like barely a year and a half! Then later, during and after the 2008 campaign she did nothing on behalf of Alaska.

  84. Anonymous4:17 AM


    Does Bristol's coloring book and crayons come out this month? Will the bus be shrink-wrapped with Bristol's new chin?

  85. Anonymous4:41 AM

    why are the c4p'ers saying that Mr. Obama might not run in 2012?

  86. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Congrats on Trig! &

    Good luck with the VP nomination??

    She used her fake pregnancy for gain with the religious right-the freaks and it is clearly on the minds and mouths of her "inner circle".

  87. Anonymous5:15 AM

    I agree re: Graham. I think she will make a play for her. I feel sorry for his wife. I do not know why he would want her because she is going to bring the scope of the IRS with her. Nobody wants that.

    Sarah wont leave Alaska for good because she would have to give up the permanant fund dividand. Someone should find out if Bristol gave it up when she moved to AZ. You are not supposed to get it if you move away. At least that was how it was explained to me when I moved away.

    Do you believe that Sarah nursed Piper for 4 years? I bet the kid didnt want it either. Palin probably liked to do it in front of men.

  88. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Her schtick on talking fast to try to sound intelligent and knowledgeable doesn't work. Her answers are still stuck in phase 1, as in, "the tea party needs to do this and do that and GOP stands for this and that. Or, her claim that anyone is better than Obama, and that the GOP candidates must be this and that(all about characteristics and personalities, but nothing about solvers) Each and every one of her points are the same as two years ago.

    What the people want to hear is the candidates who are bringing their individual solutions with detailed blueprints (Ron Paul), or a few others who already have plans and solutions in order. These people have stepped into the next phase, they know republican voters don't need the old old tired whiny lines of hurt feelings.

    She did indeed underscore the seriousness of her e-mails as her being a self -re-occupied vindictive witch who was so obsessed with retaliation that she had no interest in running the state.

  89. BAustin5:43 AM

    so I checked out Sarah's can search by "sent mail".

    Interestingly, Sarah only sent 4-5 emails most days, some days show no email sent. I look at my own sent folder and I show 20-30 business related emails per day.

    For a state governor with two blackberrys and multiple email accounts, I find it hard to believe that we have anywhere near all of the emails that should have been released under the FOIA.

    And don't even get me started on the missing month in December.

  90. Anonymous5:44 AM

    If she gets into the race she will do what Bachmann did. Perform better than expected in the debate. If you do that the media calls it a win.

    I remember getting up in the middle of the night to watch Palin's debate with Biden (I live in the UK). I was so excited because I thought it was going to be the most embarrassing piece of TV in the history of the world EVER. ...And in many ways it WAS, but she did enough that she beat people's expectations. She didn't have a breakdown and start jabbering. ...She didn't burst into tears and run off the stage. ....And so the media said she had done well. I think the same will happen for at least the first 1 or 2 debates she is in.

    The time in debates is so limited with many candidates up there that I think where she will get tripped up is in the later debates and in the big interviews with the major newspapers. The big papers gather the editors up and ask candidates a series of questions before deciding whether to endorse them or not. Often they video these interviews and put them on the web. This is more the type of place where I think the magic could happen. ...Hopefully :-)


  91. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Why can't Bristol stay in one place for more than a week at a time? Doesn't she want to give her child a stable environment?

  92. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Funny how she said "parts of the debate", among other things. She didn't watch the debate. If something is not about her, she's not interested.

  93. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Nails on a chalkboard.

    She is a nag. Being a nag does not win nominations.

    If she has any intention at all of running, she had better develop some positive ideas with specifics that show she'd bring something new to the table.

    Not the same bitter talking points.

    This lady is always playing catch up, always on the defense. She can't get out of that cycle because there is so much for her to wade through - continually!

    Drip, drip, drip.

    Give it up, Grifter Queen.

  94. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Anonymous said...
    7:27 PM

    What the hell is a napalitano?

    Is that ice cream?

    7:40 PM

    i thought it was a pastry

    3:38 AM

    Neapolitan ice cream is made up of blocks of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice cream side by side in the same container

  95. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Sarah Palin: Anthony Weiner Has Been 'Rendered Impotent'

    Here she is again with her sexual innuendos...

  96. FEDUP!!!6:14 AM

    Anonymous @ 8:45 PM said...

    Don't know if anyone had noticed this one, but it seems odd.

    WHOA!!! "Don't burn Trig... the lucky duck"???

  97. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I agree re: Graham. I think she will make a play for her. I feel sorry for his wife. I do not know why he would want her because she is going to bring the scope of the IRS with her. Nobody wants that.

    Sarah wont leave Alaska for good because she would have to give up the permanant fund dividand. Someone should find out if Bristol gave it up when she moved to AZ. You are not supposed to get it if you move away. At least that was how it was explained to me when I moved away.

    Do you believe that Sarah nursed Piper for 4 years? I bet the kid didnt want it either. Palin probably liked to do it in front of men.
    5:15 AM

    If you move away and come back are you still eligible for the permanent fund dividend?
    Or once you are gone that’s it?
    What about the Alaskan Snowbirds? They go back and forth to the lower 48?

    How Can Palin nurse Piper for 4 years, there's nothing to suck on?
    That's why Todd went to greener pastures.

  98. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Not that the other GOP candidates are much better, but Sarah entering the race would be a game changer...from chess to Candyland.

  99. Anonymous6:38 AM

    President Obama announced his re-election bid back in April.

    I wouldn't put too much stock in anything the See 'O Pee posts as they are known to be factually and intellectually challenged in addition to being morally challenged.

  100. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Yesterday I attended a seminar in which it was said that with more "choices," we have higher expectations. I think that's ultimately going to really hurt the GOP this year. There is a lot of choice & their constituencies have higher expectations.

  101. Robin in NJ7:44 AM

    At 5:45 Palin begins to call on the Republicans to "call out" their own candidates on their records, as Republicans, as she does, condemned out the Democrats for "not vetting" Obama and allowing Obama to rise to the surface there. She claims he wasn't vetted by the press and wasn't vetted by the party. They should be called out on their records and associations. Doesn't she realize how lucky she is that the Republicans, especially McCain, didn't vet her? How she has the nerve to actually say this out loud is the height of hypocrisy. Or oblivion.

  102. Anonymous7:58 AM

    So were Mama Grifter and daughter grifter in Anchorage doing photo shoots for Bristol's coloring book that is coming out soon?

  103. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Anonymous said...

    I agree re: Graham. I think she will make a play for her. I feel sorry for his wife.
    That's assuming that ole Franklin has not already done so . . . as there have been ample opportunities, beginning with the "cookies" and such.

    But fret not, someday Jesus will remove the veil of secrecy, particularly when the wolves where sheep's clothing. The highest order of pisstivity is hypocrisy in the name of Christ.

    He will not be mocked. Trust.

  104. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Anon @ 6:17.. sounds like you said Sarah was hammered by Shailey... LOL

  105. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I cannot bring myself to look or listen to that C U Next Tuesday...

  106. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Andrew Sullivan has a GREAT post about Trig's birth. Don't have the link handy, but it's definitely worth a read!

  107. Anonymous9:41 AM

    It is par for the course for Sarahtoxin to seek ego massage from someone at faux when more shit hits the fan (which she cannot handle, so she can bash Obama who wouldn't f##k her with someone else's d##k) the only way she can feel better about her sorry ass!

    Napolitano is so distracting with his constant bouncing up and down and bobbing back and forth. He must have a serious problem with hemorrhoids or else he desperately needs to go take a crap. Probably the latter since he is so obviously full of it!

    Then again, maybe he just has the tinglies in his PP for the old broad.

    Off topic, am surprised that faux has not hired weenie wagger Weiner, he would fit in so well with the rest of the pervs and misfits collection at faux!


  108. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Speaking of impotent, Todd keeps taking out his phone out of his pocket and just staring at that pic that the Palin's good friend, Andrew Breitbart, sent to him the other day.

    You'd think that he hasn't seen an erect dick since he walked in on Sarah screwing his former biz partner.

  109. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Speaking of pricks, Andrew Breithart thought his kids had gotten a hold of their Dad's favorite pic of Anthony Weiner's prick that Andy-boy was and still is so enthralled with. He saw them looking at a cell phone and just giggling.

    Andy said, "WTF are you kids looking at?" All at once, they all stopped laughing and no one said a word.

    "Dammit, I said WTF are ya'll looking at?" Finally, the youngest managed to speak... "a dick, Daddy, we're looking at a dick."

    Andy-boy was pissed, "Gimme that goddam phone!" Andy grabbed the phone, and all he saw on the screen was his own picture.

    The kids fell on the ground laughing at their penis-resembling Dad, as he stormed out the room, yelling, "Go to Hell! Got to Hell! All of you, go to hell!!!"

  110. Anonymous10:55 AM

    So is Sarah playing tiddly winks with Franklin Graham? She always seems to be jet setting around the country with him and his wife is missing in action. Are they delivering cookies or just rolling in the dough?

  111. Anonymous11:09 AM


    It's widely known - from Steve Schmidt - that they gave her answers to questions and she was supposed to stick to the script no matter what she was asked. Gwen I let her off the hook and even when Biden challenged her to answer the questions she refused and just repeated her tossed salad. She didn't melt down but if you really go back and review it she stunk. If she got on the podium with the rest of them, the men would probably be wriggling uncomfortably trying to adjust their trousers and MB would go for her heart. I sincerely believe MB is the only one she fears and as long as she's IN, then I can't see Sara trying to compete. MB would eat her lunch

  112. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Is it me, or is Palin getting that over-the-hill, fucked-way-too-many-times-and-then-kicked-to-the-curb-in-the-rain look?

    Someone, anyone, all of 'em, who might be a close friend, PLEASE tell Sarah how sad and desperate her appearance is!

    I thought she was attractive 3 years ago, when she dressed appropriately for her age.

    Now, she's just skanky.

    I hate to sound sexist, but this hag is trying way too hard with her fake inflatable tits and her cottage cheese thighs. Ugh!

    Evidently, Track is the only one in the family that has noticed how wasted and haggard she looks, and now he is embarrassed to be seen with his grandmother, er, mother, I mean, in public.

    Who wants to hang with granny lookin' like a hooker? Especially when her bad eye starts to wander and she gets that crazy crossed-eyed look...

    On a nice Scottsdale July afternoon, reckon what this hose-monster is gonna look like after a half hour outside in the heat? I can just visualize gobs of her makeup, dripping off her face like a cheap candlestick burning with a three-inch wick.

    I can no longer see what the pantie-sniffers find attractive about that gaunt bag of bones. She ain't sexy. Sarah is just gross.

  113. Anonymous11:32 AM

    While searching the word shopping on I came across this one:
    From: Fagerstrom, Erika (GOV) [/O=SOA/OU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE
    Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 6:36 PM
    To: ''
    Subject: Shopping
    I'm headed to the store to p.u. A couple of things for the House. Do you need anything?
    I have formula (orange container\sensitive) and mocha stuff on my list.

    Looks like she wasn't nursing after all.

    On the return email Sarah also wanted small bottles of champagne and low carb foods. I have also seen other requests from Sarah for small bottles of Champagne. Very unlikely she is nursing if drinking that much Champagne!!!

  114. Anonymous11:37 AM

    She's looking a bit haggered in this clip, to put it kindly.
    The wiener "impotent" comment, along with all her other emascualating comments shows exactly where her mind is at all times. She's probably seen the photos, looked at what she settled for, and feels terribly short changed.

    She's completely consumed by hate for President Obama, has no clue how to govern a family, let alone a state. I can't imagine her anywhere else but on Fox News, because it's the only whore house media outlet that doesn't allow real questions.

    The boomerang of karma will get her in the end.

  115. Anonymous2:56 PM

    @ Anonymous 3:39 AM
    Is Franklin Graham the next Jerry Falwell?
    (I'd say more like Jim Bakker....or maybe Jimmy Swaggart...?)

  116. Anonymous4:37 PM

    11:09 AM:

    Yes I agree with your characterisation of her performance. Your talking about the real world though as supposed to the reported world. Watching US politics from the outside it seems that reality isn't always that important. What is often important is the story created after the event. Yes....she stank and it was embarrassing, and real world Americans remember which is why she polls badly. In the media world though the narrative which took is that she did OK in that debate.

    She should be disqualified from any kind of role in the political discourse in the US, but doesn't seem to work like that over in the US.


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