You can still order your copy of Blind Allegiance by clicking here
Update: Okay everybody hold off on condemning Frank over this supposed "donation to fight for parental consent, even for incest victims."
Phil called me before he went over to FDL and said he thought it was mentioned in the back of Bailey's book, though HE had not yet seen it. If it is I have not been able to find it so far.
He also said Frank mentioned it while being interviewed by Dana Loesch. I just listened to the interview and (unless I missed it) there was absolutely no mention of this. (You can listen for yourself here.)
I also just received an e-mail from Jeanne Devin and she has never heard anything about this.
So before we all go off half cocked, let's make sure this information is accurate. Right now Phil is the SOLE source of this information. I know that Frank is a supporter of parental consent, but I have NO concrete evidence that he is donating the proceeds of this book to that cause.
Update 2: I just heard back from Jeanne again.
Bailey has NO plans to donate any money to Pro-Life programs of any kind.
I have no idea why Phil made this accusation, but it has NO validity, and was NOT found in the two places that he identified such a statement could be found.
To repeat, this is a FALSE statement, and should not keep anyone from purchasing this book.
Gryph check this nonsense out, Palins sycophants are trying to rewrite history for their dear queen:
Just not that impressed with Shannyn Moore. I don't mind her disagreeing on Babygate, but she could have been polite. Jeering and sneering isn't going to win fans.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reminder!
ReplyDeleteSurprise, surprise. In the last five minutes (as of 2:46pm my time) there have been half a dozen people asking Jeanne very respectfully about babygate...and shocker, she is acting just like Palin at a debate- totally ignoring the questions being asked of her and hoping nobody notices.
ReplyDeleteSorry Jeanne. By ignoring the one issue people care about seem like just another flunkie stuffed in Palin's back pocket.
And're just as bad. When someone asks a VERY simple, respectful question about babygate, you do not even give Jeanne a chance to answer before spouting "I don't think you'll like her answer" to the person asking the question.
Preserve one's own commercial viability above ALL else, right ladies? Shannyn, Jeanne, and Sarah- three women who look out for the same damn MAN- Ben Franklin. Lots of him.
Sorry if I've offended you Gryph. But you KNOW this is not how things should be.
The only thing I enjoyed in that back-patting, holding-court chat was when a questioner asked Devon about RAM's claim that Bailey had approached RAM to co-author a positive book about Palin, and Moore responded that it was a lie, and the questioner responded to Moore, "I didn't ask you."
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry but I am so over both Moore and Devon.
And I know I am supposted to forgive and forget Frank Bailey's culpability since he finally exposed Sarah Palin for the lying psycho she is, but there is no way he doesn't know the truth about babygate, and he's still taking the party line.
Anon 2:06, she does answer the question and the another from NYNY (twice) about why the photo of Bristol and Trig.
ReplyDelete"replyLogin to Reply
Jeanne Devon June 5th, 2011 at 2:49 pm
In response to Zoe @ 54
The book is Frank’s memoir, and goes by his recollections. She told him she was pregnant only minutes before she told the press. I have my own opinions on that issue, but as far as the book goes, this is about Frank’s observations and opinions. His message was about people falling prey to the ideal of the “perfect candidate” and babygate really didn’t factor in to the story in a major way. It wasn’t on his radar much."
I think it's the format of trying to keep up with the questions and respond to the.
I found this type of communication w/Jeanne and Shannon very disjointed. Most of the questions asked were not answered.
ReplyDeleteOT I think we need to change our focus slightly. Sarah repeatedly said she wouldn't sit down and shut up right? Well it's time for Sarah to put up or shut up!
ReplyDeleteI get the feeling by watching her last several interviews that she wants to be the next Rush. She wants to sit on the side lines and throw snark at those who are actually doing something for their country, without ever putting herself out there to be rejected.
At this point if she doesn't get in the race the media should start ignoring her. It's time to put up or shut up Sarah! Either get in the race or go home an sit down and shut the F up!
You're either part of the solution or part of the problem! Sarah you think you know so much? Put up or shut up! Shit or get off the pot! Show us all how it's done! It won't happen though because you are a coward of epic proportions!
I am on page 112 in Bailey's book; so far I like Dunn's book better.
ReplyDeleteCreepy to hear where Frank wants to spend his earnings from the book -- removing protections for incest victims to get health care without parental approval. Jesus.
ReplyDeleteAt comment 119, Shannyn Moore says "'Babygate' isn’t an issue in the book because there was information backing the official story."
ReplyDeleteI want Shannyn to explain what that information was because I'm not seeing it or buying it.
Jeanne is simply saying they didn't cover babygate because it was Frank's book, Sarah told him she was pregnant only minutes before she told the press, and his focus was really on the message of warning people to not make the same mistakes he made so he didn't feel babygate was tied into that. Of course, I disagree, but I did appreciate Jeanne's answer much more than Shannyn's. Shannyn is coming across as rather snippy and abrupt. Jeanne seems more calm and methodical.
Still, that neither of them understands the importance of babygate or seems to have really examined the issue in depth bothers me.
I am as huge a devotee of Jeanne's blog as I am Gryphen's blog. They share more perspectives than they differ on, but babygate seems the big divide. Too bad. I'm with Gryphen on that issue.
"....she could have been polite"
ReplyDeleteNo, she seriously can't.
@ 2:06
ReplyDeleteLOL- I'm shocked, also too.
1. No babygate.
2. Baileys book proceeds go to PREVENT teen victims of incest from obtaining medical treatment without the involvement of their family.
(Frank Bailey) also stated that his profits will go to advance his cause of fighting Alaska laws which allow teens raped by their stepfather, for instance, to be able to seek medical attention without having to go through the immediate family. He has also stated he believes strongly in rape victims having to bear the child of their rapist, so one might assume he will support people who support that with his profits.
KInda boring but Edward Teller (Phil Munger) is ripping Shannyn a new one. Always good to see because Shannyn has nothing to do with this book and is generally being snarky in the comments. Poor little gal, Bailey didn't ask her to co-author his book....
ReplyDeleteI am glad FDL does these talks, but I have tremendous difficulty following after so many people get into the mix. I just wish they would collect the majority of the questions in advance from FDL participants and then maybe do a lottery for a half dozen or so to participate in real time, while also including the answers to the earlier questions so that follow-ups could be addressed. It would also diminish the snarky cross talk. Just my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteThis is what is interesting:
ReplyDeleteQuestion (#141)
Could you comment on how church membership impacts Alaska politics? Do all the ‘cool kids’ belong to a certain church? Are there rivalries?
Answer (#207):
Yes, there are several “churches of influence” where politicians are members. I hesitate to say more than that because it’s really not anything I can speak on intelligently and I don’t want to get my facts or assumptions wrong.
2:18 anonymous- that question asker is on Gryphen's blogroll. There is some Alaskan blog drama going on at the B.S. (book salon). This is discussed in public by the blogger Phil at Progressive Alaska.
ReplyDeleteI've been trying to be a fan of Moore's but as I live remote the only way I can listen to her daily show is by live streaming it over the internet. If you go to her web page the right hand side shows two radio station links. Unfortunately, for whatever reason KOAN won't play correctly over my system- probably a function of bandwidth, and the other station used to work great, but now no longer carries her show. (or so I assume as every time I try to link through it I end up hearing sports talk radio.) So I tried to resort to listening to pod casts later in the day. No go there, she hasn't updated the pod casts since May 18. And she hasn't answered any of my emails asking her about the her links for live streaming.
ReplyDeleteI must assume that Shannyn doesn't have any staff that is taking care of such things for her. I find that lack of attention to such an important thing as building listeners, such as her web page, to be very unprofessional and a real mistake in management. But perhaps that is just a pet peeve of mine (as a self-employed person) I think it is REALLY important to be aware of your web page, keep it updated, and be respectful of your clients - or in this case listeners. I've been paying attention to Shannyn's career for over a year now, and perhaps she's got too much on her plate in the last 6 months. But I still can't help but be annoyed at the situation. (And disappointed in her attitude towards the real evidence surrounding babygate.) Am I the only one?
2:45 - I agree. The format distracts and confuses. I had to take a break from it.
ReplyDeleteI hope FDL comes up with a better format. The current one is pitiful.
And another point, I was a bit shocked at the bruhaha that ensued prior to the release of Bailey's book regarding it being leaked to the media through McGinniss. Devon and Moore both immediately lambasted McGinniss as deliberately and maliciously acting to discredit Bailey's book. There were claims that it had to be rewritten in a very short time. McGinniss stated that he did nothing wrong. Then the subject was dropped. So, DID McGinniss do anything wrong? Did Devon and Bailey discover any legal malfeasance? No? Was there any apologies offered to McGinniss at the very harsh accusations cast at him? After all, the book is selling and there seems to have been nothing but a bunch of publicity made for the selling of this book.
ReplyDeleteMy comment at 2:58 says something I did not intend to say.
ReplyDelete"This is discussed in public by the blogger Phil at Progressive Alaska."
All I intended to say was that Shannyn knew who was commenting and who she was responding to.
I read through enough of the interview to find out how Bailey plans to spend his part of the proceeds. Seems he will be donating it to his Talibangelical church for their political anti-woman campaign here in AK.
ReplyDeleteFor that reason, I would not touch that book with a ten foot pole.
I don't understand the question: Why didn't Blind Allegiance address babygate? It did in so far as Frank brings up the rumors during the 'pregnancy' and immediately after the 'birth' and Sarah's over-the-top and ineffective response. Frank believed Sarah's story. Period.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to Gryphen's interview with Frank. I have a slew of questions and hope they'll be addressed.
Sorry gryph but I dont click if shannyn is involved and its not because of babygate. She is rude. Jeannie is nice lady but she lets sm snark override. Shamnyn knows nothing about politics. She snarks her way around and is rude and acts like a queen.
ReplyDeleteshanmyn had nothing yo do woth the book. Why is she riding jeannies coattails
Although Bailey's book was interesting, the FDL chat was fairly boring except for the very palpable underlying tension and defensiveness regarding Palin's "pregnancy" in '08. The anonymous reports of Palin's non-reversible tubal procedure performed in 2002 would certainly make me sweat if I was a co-author of a book which perpetuates the myth of a subsequent pregnancy six years later.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to give Jeanne a pat on the back, but frankly I'm all out of pats on the back to people (including Frank Bailey) who only bite the ankles of Mrs. Palin instead of throwing the heavy punches which would get this vindictive, destructive liar off the national stage.
Too bad I bought Bailey's book. I would have still read it, but at the library because I deeply resent and despise his stated use of his profits.
ReplyDeleteHow can a man who saw what Palin did be so blind to compassion and to the horrendous situation of rape victims?
He is not the Christian he thinks he is. If he cannot understand the cruelty of forcing rape victims to bear their rapist's child or to force daughters to get permission of their incest-rapist father or stepfather - good grief, Frank is still drinking the Kool-Aid of the far right. How pathetically tragic.
I was contemplating buying Bailey's book, but now that I know where the proceeds are going... I think I'll wait to get a used copy at the trade-in book store or order it from the library. Sorry, Jeannie, but I'm not going to purchase something that is going to raise money to support Bailey's religious beliefs that are harmful to women. (And I have to wonder if she had any idea that was in his mind when she entered into this agreement with him.)
ReplyDeleteSorry G, I know that they are both your friends but, I'm just not that impressed by either of them. I think that Shannyn Moore is a phoney and I used to like Devon but I think that she is rude to ignore peoples questions. I'm sure that if something is proved about babygate, Shannyn will be willing then to go on MSNBC and talk about it like she believed in it the whole time. I didn't like her when she was on Olberman's show a few times because she didn't really report anything but snark. I'm glad that we have you to count on for honesty. Thank you
ReplyDeleteIf Shannon says there was information to back up the pregnancy, then why doesn't she come forward so it can be put to rest?? Just like everybody else who says she was pregnant, but won't back it up...
ReplyDeleteFrostyAK - Frank's intention for his profits sickens me. I'm convinced his book is important in that it's the only Palin expose that can reach right wing xtians and I'd planned on buying books for some family members. The solution for me will cost me more money but I'll donate to Planned Parenthood and Emily's List for every copy of B.A. I buy. That way my donations will outpace Frank's profit.
ReplyDeleteMudflats is a great little gem along with it's creator Jeanne. With that said...
ReplyDeleteI find the hostility of Jeanne Devon and Shannyn Moore disturbing when anyone dares mention "babygate" and immediately goes into the OOOOh NO! Stop this instant I tell you. Now! There IS NO BABYGATE! None whatsoever! SILENCE You Dastardly Dregs! Away!
Interesting reaction because it is always filled with anger and disgust and a whole lotta negativity. What the hell? Where is that coming from? Chill out. Chill some, or a lot of, wine. Cheers. Honestly though, Get some therapy. All those rilly nasty, ugly feelings that arise so quickly cannot be good for your health.
Booh! Babygate!
OMG. I am so sorry I bought Bailey's book now that I know what he's doing with the profits. And AKM is profoundly pro-choice! (I remember one of her brilliant posts about it.) How can she stand it that he's doing that with his book profits?
ReplyDeleteWeren't there a few theories out there that Trig might have been the result of some type of incest?
ReplyDeleteIf I had known what Bailey intended to do with book profits, I would never have bought the book. I will discourage all from furthering this effort. I am disgusted and very grateful to Phil Munger for bringing this to my attention.
ReplyDeleteAgreed, Anon 2:29. Is that the best way to conduct an interactive interview?
ReplyDeleteAs you said, very disjointed and many (good) questions were left unanswered.
Quite disappointing...
Add me to the list of people sorry that we bought Frank's book. As a total pro-choicer, I totally regret contributing even one sent to his hideous "cause." Reading a few Sarah Palin emails wasn't worth it. I already knew she was a lying psycho.
ReplyDeleteWhat the FU*K???
ReplyDeleteBailey's book proceeds go toward WHAT?!?!? Um, I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!
Here's the deal: Bailey sounds like a Fu*kwit.
He claims he started to see the writing on the wall relatively quickly, but he imagined/thought/prayed that Sarah wasn't acting as unsavory as he thought.
Bailey took the role of PALIN'S lapdog because of LUST and POWER.
He LUSTED after Palin. Case closed.
He finally tasted POWER. He says his employment history was nothing special prior to Palin, BUT with a freaking mop and his nose so far up SP's a$$ (he could see Russia!), he was almost INSTANTLY on the fast track to a position in AK politics, for a former mayor.
Also, he's still a "Fox News Conservative"? Who got his A$$ handed to him by SP's sycophantic sidekick, Hannity?
FU*K YOU, Bailey! You can confess to GOD, but dude, you KNOW you had LUST in ur heart and you committed EVIL acts against others to prop up and promote this EVIL woman.
You, sir, have not yet met ammends.
And Dunn's book is much better. Sorry.
I didn't buy the book cuz I had issues with Frank profiting off his immoral behavior anyways. Now I am even more thankful that I didn't!
ReplyDeleteThat being said a donation to Planned Parenthood to "offset" his profits is a wonderful idea! Please anyone who does feel bad, consider a donation. Planned Parenthood could use all the support they can get right now.
Curiouser, I like your solution! If not Planned Parenthood, then RAINN, the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. It offers an online help network as well as a tollfree phone number. Thanks, Phil, for bringing this up in the book salon. I appreciate that Bailey wants to undo some of the damage he's done; I wish he would dig a bit deeper into why he did it. Perhaps it's not the WGE but his need to offer blind allegiance that is ultimately to blame here.
ReplyDeleteConcerning Frank Bailey's plans to direct proceeds from his book toward victims of incest. Mr. Bailey, if that is truly your plan, please consider, or re-consider, that plan.
ReplyDeletePlease research "fumarase deficiency" before you throw your devotion against girls who have been victimized, and could be forced to serve a life sentence by their attackers.
We need to go to Amazon and post a consumer warning about the profits of the Bailey book. I am PISSED off and we need to kill his profits and stop others from buying the book.
ReplyDeleteanother donation to planned parenthood from me to offset this
As a born & raised Alaskan, I have to say that Shannyn is a passionate supporter/advocate of many important Alaskan issues, and I commend her for that.
ReplyDeleteI hated her appearances on Keith O's show because (as another commenter has mentioned) she frequently descended to snark when she could have used her brief time to instead present her case rationally & intelligently. More than half of the time I felt like she was NOT the best person to be showcased on his show.
I also despise how she has treated Gryph & the baby issue so cavalierly. Before SP was picked by McInsane my parents/sister/bro-in-law/hubby had a long discussion about the issue. I flat out refused to believe she'd had that baby then, and I don't believe it now. Had nothing to do with Gryphen or any blog or any person other than myself -- mother of two, the last of which came after many hours leaking water like crazy, nobody could NOT have noticed if I'd been giving a speech or flying on a plane, and my little one was in the hospital for DAYS specifically because she was born so long after my water broke. There are huge health risks for babies when they are born more than 24 hrs after water breaks. I had no idea Immoral Minority or Mudflats or Progressive AK even existed then.
There are a few issues that I disagree with Shannyn & Jeanne about, as pertains to Alaska, but from my many dealings with Jeanne I know absolutely that she & I can have differing opinions but she will be respectful. I don't hold out much hope for that from Shannyn -- I haven't had any dealings w/her as I've had with Jeanne, but she definitely does not appear to be as level.
And really -- WTH was she doing on that FDL book thread anyway?
I've met Gryphen. He's adorable & walks the talk.
I don't know where the info about Frank's intentions for his profits comes from... Can someone provide a link? If I get more background on that I will be sure to donate more than the cost of the book (which I've passed on to a rightie and hope she passes on to other righties) to Planned Parenthood.
Beware the old adage:
ReplyDeleteThe enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Not so.
I am sorry to see that some of Bailey's profits provide for a teen age rape victim having to carry the child, perhaps born of incest, to term. He claimed that he had a religious revelation, his "come to Jesus moment" and he was willing to cleanse his soul, for the right price. I am sorry that Jeanne Devon was brought along to whip the book into shape. I am sure that she would like to publish, but this isn't the book to provide a stepping stone.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't matter what Bailey has to say in his book. He allowed wrong-doing to take place when he held a position of trust in serving the State of Alaska. Except, he only served Sarah, not the people of Alaska. But, now, he is willing to take peoples' money to purge his soul. I would rather he just kept the money than gave it to such a terrible religious cause, making the victim of rape be confronted with that crime for the rest of her life by forcing her to have the child.
I would suggest that better use of any profits would be to fund an orphanage for the children born out of such a rape, children that the victim does not want to raise as her own.
The gals do not want to discuss babygate because they will be rejected by the real queen sniffer, HP.
ReplyDeleteThankfully I did not purchase Blind Allegiance after reading where Bailey's profits will go. Does he actually think the person abusing a child is going to allow the child to seek treatment? He, and his kind, are not Christians. That includes Mrs. Todd Palin.
Does anyone have a link to where Franks says that this is where he is donating his money?
ReplyDeleteFrank Bailey has the right to spend his money on whatever he wants, but had I known what he dedicated his profits to, I would NOT have purchased his book. There was nothing really new in it, but I was interested in finding out more about what would make someone overlook her meanness.
ReplyDeleteHe was wrong, and I do think from his book he is sorry, but if he still considers himself a Fox News conservative, he still may be lacking critical thinking skills. Defining one's politics by a network???
I, too, will be making another donation to Planned Parenthood for the cost of the book. With Devon involved, I never even thought about it. Damn. Frank's book and Brawny towels...both spend profits on things I can't support.
Free market extends to consumers, too.
I am still reading Bailey's book but I must say it reads like he was head over heels with Sarah. It is very disturbing how he just basically blind-folded himself and let Sarah and Todd lead him around by the ring in his nose.
ReplyDeleteThere is certainly information in his book that I didn't know but I have read here at IM for a long time and Gryphen has keep us updated on so much. But having said all that, the book is not as good as Dunn's book. That is just my opinion thus far.
I too left the Book Salon partway through for all the reasons stated here by others. Too few serious answers.
ReplyDeleteI'm shocked that Bailey would link his book to anti-woman causes. What he would do with profits from his book is his business, not mine, but where did this very public connection of book and donation to his religious view come from? Link? (Perhaps it's not true?) And IF it's true, Why?
Needless to say, my support for the book evaporates with this. And also because the Palin Hoax (babygate) is not addressed. My own explanation for Bailey's blindness to this issue is that it's yet another big lie that SP told him, that he believed. Only he hasn't figured out and recanted this lie yet. And he COULD figure it out by reading the blogs for an hour. It's just seems so clear. AND Jeanne, Shannon, and the other Trignostics (add McGuiness to the list, I guess) don't ever tell us why they believe this huge deception, where we have our facts wrong. They just refuse to discuss it.
With recent suggestions from respectable sources that SP will run for president, as a puppet of Ailes, Murdoch, Koch, et al., and therefore perhaps win (or at the least she will poison the national electoral dialogue), it's "Hitler here we come."
Why can't the Trignostics bite the bullet and state their position, thus helping put an end to this dangerous flirtation with insanity that we are having?
I looked in the back of the book and I don't see any mention about what Frank plans to do with the earnings.
ReplyDeleteI am about halfway thru the book but I went to the back to check for this but I don't see anything.
I don't know what to make of Frank's intended use of the profits from his book. I'm trying to sort out the good from the bad and at some point even wonder at his motivation and whether he has truly split himself off from Sara. One could say that he wrote what he wrote, confirming things she can't deny - thin skinned, etc but denying the thing/things that could really hurt her or expose her to criminal charges - babygate, troopergate, dairygate. Things that he doesn't get into even though he was knee deep in it. So what IF he's a disinformation plant? Sara disavows him and privately cheers that in a way she gets defended by him against one of the charges that would kill her, the babygate fraud.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling there are so many twists and turns to this story we may never know the whole truth
Until then. I'll listen to what Frank has to say and wonder why it is he didn't say more? I'm pretty sure he knows the truth about her pregnancy story, he's simply not going to share it. And the best explanation for it is he's still under Sara's thumb in some strange and twisted way
And so what if he is? I don't support the parental consent, but I do support the idea that he has the right to support it and to do whatever he wants to do with the money from his book.
ReplyDeleteSorry guys but I wouldn't trust Phl to take out my garbage.
ReplyDeleteRegardless of whether Frank Bailey has stated where he will funnel proceeds from the book, the man clearly has religious/political beliefs that do NOT match mine.
ReplyDeleteRather than fund whatever nutjob project Bailey might have in mind, I'll just fire off another donation to Planned Parenthood in his name.
Bailey has penned his journey from Blind Allegiance to partially sighted but still far from a clear thinker. Comically, he gives little assurance that the reader can trust his judgement, ethics or moral compass.
The problem is Frank Bailey is saying I was a fuzzy thinker and now I am less fuzzy.
I wish I'd never purchased Bailey's book. I'm an incest 'person' (not victim) and had I gotten pregnant w/my father's child, I would have immediately gotten an abortion - w/o a parents consent - no matter how done, but would have looked for the safest method!!!! For all you asshole christians out there - there is no god that would want a 'child/teenager' to carry and have her father's child. Give me a friggin' break! It makes me want to puke just thinking about it.
ReplyDeleteFrank Bailey and his co-authors are quite content to ignore both sides of the babygate issue. Frank worked cheerfully for a woman he thinks boarded a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak. Frank (a professed christian) has no problem with that scenario which risked the life of an unborn infant.
ReplyDeleteI suspect the influence of the co-authors makes Frank feel that this (completely insane) position is a safe one for Frank.
Ok, Frank, be safe and sell your book to the people who prefer fairy tales to logic.
So, if it's true that Bailey believes that rape victims should be forced to have the child of their rapist (acc. to Phil Munger on FDL), and if it's true that the story behind Babygate is a dark and sad one, wouldn't this make someone like Bailey the perfect person to help with a cover-up? Anon 4:32 (different post) believed that Bailey was definitely in the loop because he was pulling a lot of strings at the time in question. Others have mentioned certain baby photos in his book. If he knows what happened, or if he was indeed involved in the whole operation he has good reasons not to reveal the truth: his own belief that this was necessary and perhaps the need to protect himself.
ReplyDeleteBailey's wife must be a saint to have put up with him working those long hours for the she-devil Sarah.
ReplyDeleteShe must really love him because a lot of women would have kicked his azz out the door. I don't understand how he could have volunteered all that time with no paycheck and still took care of his family.
So is it possible that the statement that Frank intends to use his proceeds against incest victims is a plant to decrease sales ?
ReplyDeleteI am learning to ignore Phil's comments on this blog and I do not click on his blog anymore. It keeps me sane.
ReplyDeleteIf I remember the book correctly, Bailey's tipping point w/ Sarah had to do with her lies regarding attending a church kick off for the parental notification bill. Sarah played the group and then lied to say she had never confirmed. It seemed to be a very important issue to Bailey.
ReplyDeleteI doubt he would ever openly say he would be supporting a bill forcing rape victims to carry to term the rapist's child. Sadly, that could very well be the case for an incest victim who would have to have permission from her abuser.
As a mom, I want to know everything, but there are sadly cases where this law is NOT in the best interest of the pregnant girl. To the fundamentalists, this doesn't matter and no safety nets are put in place for the victim. You know, the Sharon Angle "make lemonade" mentality.
Bailey makes his position on this very clear in his book. It came across to me as the type of person who is all about lovin' the fetus until it is born. No health care after the birth canal exit because THAT could be gov't interference. The last comment Bailey didn't say, in all fairness, but as a 'Fox News Conservative' his position has been decided for him.
His money, his decision. I only write this as a reminder that the seemingly innocent "parental notification" can have dangerous, unintended consequences, and last I heard, AK was pretty high up there for cases of rape and incest.
The whole thing makes me tired. I wish I hadn't bought the book. He may be sorry, but I contributed to his profiting from it. I do regret that.
I watched the video too. I don't get what he's talking about. But the comments here sure looks like a c4p crowd going off on the book, Moore, Devon and Bailey. Wow. Can't we at least get facts before we condemn?
ReplyDeleteanon @ 6:18
ReplyDeleteNo kidding. This smells.
What is it that Munger just doesn't get about putting stuff out there before he gets his facts straight ?
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't believe a goddamn thing that Munger has to say only because he's done this so many times in the past.
Not a credible source of information if you ask me.
I bought the book. I'll be really pissed if I have to make additional contributions to Planned Parenthood to counteract this "unknowing" support to deprive incest victims of the right to redress their victim-hood.
ReplyDeleteSo are we wondering if the Palin led disinformation people tired and frustrated at not being able to crack Wiki and rewrite history they saw where Frank was on live and decided to throw their "Surge" at this and other sites hoping to crack the support for Frank's book?
ReplyDeleteIf so it partially worked. I've no illusions about Frank but I'm willing to listen and learn from him what I can. I would like him to address the accusation, unlike Palin I suspect he will explain and my guess he might well support parental notification but not to the extreme these posts suggest. If he is coming from there then he should explain himself since many people buying his book are pro-choice or at least not interested in forcing rape and incest victims to carry to term. I'm stepping back and listening, let him come forward and clarify, if this is all from another blogger whose motives may be dirty then shame on the blogger.
I've said this before and I'll say it again. If Frank Bailey has REALLY repented with God, he would let it ALL out even if he makes it worse for himself.
ReplyDeleteThat's what you call true repentance, Frank, else you're complicit in the hoax. You were threw under the bus today in that interview, "Fox News conservative" that you claim to be.
Care to save our country from the nightmare you helped create? It would be THE Christian thing to do.
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteSo is it possible that the statement that Frank intends to use his proceeds against incest victims is a plant to decrease sales ?"
6:41 PM
After reading all the comments here, I was just going to say the same thing myself. Something is sure fishy.
RE: So is it possible that the statement that Frank intends to use his proceeds against incest victims is a plant to decrease sales ?"
ReplyDelete6:41 PM
I almost wonder if it isn't Frank's way of warning Palin and her mob that he knows more than he is saying in this book.
It's clear from the book that Frank Bailey lusted after Palin, and that disgusts me right off the bat. For someone who claims to be a Christian, he is pretty un-christian and in my opinion, a creep. I regret purchasing the book and wasting the time reading it. I hope Bailey feels foolish after today's comments by Palin saying he is the one with ethical problems. How many times do you have to be run over before you get out of the way. Lust must be a strong motivator.
ReplyDeleteI am sickened that I actually bought a book by somebody whose proceeds go to "parental consent" legislation. I didn't think the book was that good to begin with (organization. grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. were ALL terrible!) I WILL be contacting Barnes & Noble tomorrow to voice my displeasure, even though I know I probably cannot get a refund (I bought an ebook version) Nonetheless, I wish to make clear to B&N that I think it's dishonest to sell a book that has its' profits designated for a specific organization/ideology without disclosing to buyers that the particular organization/ideology will benefit from the purchase. That is, in my mind, false and/or misleading advertising. I would NEVER have purchased this book had I known that the proceeds would go to "parental consent" legislation! For what it's worth, I thought the book was a whole lot of nothing, and I am sorry that I wasted my money on it. I can only hope that Joe McGiniss's book will be better.
ReplyDeleteSorry Gryph, used to follow Devon and Moore but not anymore.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the controversy?
ReplyDeleteMost right to lifers don't believe there should be exceptions for rape or incest. It's illogical to them. It's either murder or it isn't murder and we don't murder fetuses just because the mother was unfortunate enough to be raped or a victim of incest. That's what they all believe.
I also think Frank is covering up on Babygate because he is an anti-abortion zealot and he's giving Bristol a pat on the back for not aborting Trig. Anti-abortion zealotry comes before anything for these people.
The facts so far are this: Jeanne knew nothing of this until it was sprung on her on FDL; Phil is the only source and he is unable to point to where he got his information.
ReplyDeleteThat adds up to an unsubstantiated rumor in my book. I would never condemn anyone on an unsubstantiated rumor.
I found Bailey's book to be "light", Dunne's to be beautifully written and more interesting. That said, I will be donating to Planned Parenthood to offset my accidental donation to a way of life i find abhorrent. I hope that it is not true. Perhaps his next book will be a bit more forthcoming. We know he has it in him.
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely sick...honestly, is this what you would want your daughter to have to deal with? Some people just don't get it. I am not buying this book.
ReplyDeleteI'm just a lurker and enjoy the posts but I've just seen a lot of you just run away with a belief of what Mr. Bailey plans to do with his book proceeds. I'm very puzzled and this gives the appearance of what the Palinbots do. I'm ask --Where does he say this? Or where is the audio or video or basically written?
ReplyDeleteI think that Phil was making a leap that since Bailey is a "Fox Conservative" and supported our recent Parental Consent Initiative, that Bailey would naturally donate money to a cause that he supports. When Edward Teller's (Phil Munger) comment showed up on the FDL Salon today, it seemed more as if Edward/Phil was inferring rather than actually stating a known fact regarding how Bailey would actually spend his book profits.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I could be wrong, but this was the way I read it as it was happening on the FDL Salon comment board.
Everyone has been aware for quite some time that Bailey is very christian and very conservative; what cause would anyone expect him to donate to? Planned Parenthood? Obama's 2012 campaign? Nope he's diametrically opposed politically to nearly everyone that posts here or at Mudflats and he would naturally support causes and organizations that reflect his personal and political interests.
I'm just amazed that people are so surprised and so reactionary towards where Bailey would possibly spend his money. He's not like us, not at all. Some of you may have christianity in common with him but politically most of us don't roll his way. The way it seems to work on all of these various anti-Palin blogs is that is someone has a dislike or distrust of Palin then they are welcomed with open arms, regardless of their background, philosophy, political leanings or even personal reputation. If you hate or distrust Sarah, you're one of us. Well, we have that one thing in common with Frank Bailey; that one thing and that's it. Live with it. It is none of our business how Frank spends his book profits. If you don't agree then don't buy the book.
If Murdoch and Ailes give Sarah the boot will you all suddenly support them and then be surprised when you find out that you have nothing in common with them? When Karl Rove beats Sarah down and pulls the rug out from under her will you buy his books and then complain about what he spends his money on? This reactionary behavior, while amusing, is very tiresome and juvenile; the trolls laugh at the infighting. Is that what you want?
anonymous 9:04, well said. I am constantly surprised at how much the reactions of some on the left resemble the reactions of some on the right. No difference; they both react before hearing all the facts. Then there are some who will feel that way even after being given the facts.
ReplyDeleteHow many followers did Mudflats lose due to the "moderation flagging" for SO many things. I'd say a lot.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate her writing, but eh on wasting my time commenting, I left there long ago.
Last I knew (which was a quite a while ago) Shannon at least allowed a person to post their thoughts......not with Mudflats.
It was rude, Mudflats grew in followers due to our interest with all things Palin, yet we were SO censured as followers it was frustrating. SO many of us left as a result of that type treatment.
So, they can run their blogs and censor their comments as they please. The only thing I thank Mudflats for was her early on reporting, her gift of photography and humorous writing.
@ 9:04......Hell NO will I buy or support whatever Ailes or Fox News is supporting even IF they throw your QUEEN Scarah aside. So rest easy!
ReplyDeleteDo you ladies remember the girdle? If you get a really strong girdle it will hide a big belly, especially with the shoulder pads and scarfs providing extra cover. I think that there is a good chance that Sarah tried starving herself for a while and got on the plane after her amniotic fluid leaked in hopes of causing a miscarriage and the death of her fetus. Then she could play the victim all over again. This is probably not provable since we can't read her mind. I enjoy reading your blog Grif, but I think you are on the wrong track about Trig.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update, Gryphen!
ReplyDelete@ 9:25 P.M.
ReplyDeleteOh, stop your miserable whining and sniping. There are thousands of blogs on the internet where you can spout whatever uncensored crap you feel like concerning Palin. Better yet, start your own blog, and see how long you last when posters start ripping you a new one for not running your blog exactly how they would run it.
Just commented on Phils blog. I only bought the kindle version of Bailey's book to spend less money. I will not let my money go into conservative pockets.
ReplyDeleteSurprised at Shannyn's comment. We should always care about where the money goes. Remember Jack Abramahoff, Richard Nixon, etc.?
I almost feel sorry for Bailey. Ultimately, most Christian conservatives ask for unquestioning devotion to causes and then are surprised or upset when issues or illegal actions arise. I have lost a few long time friends over Palin in the last couple of years. The blind leading the blind.
No matter what Bailey may say, if he chooses, he will donate to his causes and we have no way to stop him.
Keep up the good work Gryphen. I read your blog more than any others.
Okay, I would just like to make a comment here about what I think is happening about all this hullabalu.
ReplyDeleteThere appears to be a FOX in the henhouse. The FOX appears to be named Phil Munger. He is chasing around all the chickens and the FEATHERS are FLYING.
The FOX did not kill the CHICKENS but just left them mangled and bleeding. The question is why did the FOX just mangle and let them bleed a little bit?
Could it be possible that the FOX is somehow trying to protect the fairest of them all, the Queen?
How did the FOX get in the HENHOUSE, you ask? Well, apparently the CHICKENS thought the FOX was not a FOE and let it in.
Beware of the FOX, it just keeps on visiting so stronger messages must be sent because the mangling will continue unless the FOX is not allowed in.
Barns/Yarns, yeah that's me and damn proud of it and I support Gryphen 150%.
ReplyDeleteAlso too, there's a lot of shit in there about the wrong doings of the queen of mean and it needs to get out there about what a conniving lying bitch Sarah Palin is.
Phil Munger is an ass, he has a dog in this fight and we need to find out just exactly what he is up to and I believe he is trying to cause trouble in blogland and discredit some people.
ReplyDeleteUntil I hear it from Frank Bailey's own mouth as to donating proceeds from the book I just don't believe these rumors. And all I am hearing so far - RUMORS!
ReplyDeleteI have a picture in my head of a bunch of people all trying to climb a ladder at the same time and knocking each other off.
I'm sure the flying monkeys at c4p are rubbing their hands together and salivating over this. Right or wrong (100% wrong IMO) at least THEY are united in their purpose - so much so that they can actually affect things. Sad to see all this infighting & squabbling like a bunch of 3rd graders.
Geeze! Get a hold of your egos. Divided you fail.
With your posters and Phil's blog, C4P can take some time off. Drama. Jeanne and Shannon have worked hard. I don't agree with them always, but I know they are on the same side. They were talking about Palin when no one else was, and I check myself against their opinion. I thought you were friends with them, sad to see I was wrong. Can't imagine letting such posts go by if you were. Sad to see harsher snark against them on a "progressive alaska" site than on blogs who are against them. Phil puts lots of stuff out that is not true. Sorry, it's true. Sorry you bit the hook, G.
ReplyDeleteThanks for checking this out, Gryphen. This is a lesson to me to not jump the gun.
ReplyDelete10:57, as we ALL know, no girdle in the world will conceal a 7-1/2 month pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteEspecially when there is no pregnancy to begin with.
Update: Okay everybody hold off on condemning Frank over this supposed "donation to fight for parental consent, even for incest victims."
ReplyDeleteGryphen, If you want to help Frank out, it would be helpful if you place a correction on the top of your web page, just a heading.
I had planned on buying his book and after reading all the comments I decided to sit on the fence and wait to see what happens.
6;53, why should Gryphen censor comments to protect Shannon and Jeanne? They're big girls. IMO they sold their souls - censored THEMSELVES in the process - to throw their lot in with Huffington Post, which devotes more of its front page to Sarah Palin than anybody else, and trumpets Trump's accusations of birth certificate conspiracy against Obama the instant they are made.
ReplyDeleteShannon and Jeanne have a double standard and if they don't like being called out on it, they can toss it. But they won't because they like playing with opportunistic Arianna Huffington.
9:21, take your lecture and go fuck yourself with it.
ReplyDeleteGryph- I think a LOT of this headache could have been avoided if you'd called Jeanne after the first COMMENT on this site reflected the UGLY rumor of Bailey and the incest support.
ReplyDeleteWe do count on you for SOME sifting through the facts for us. We don't KNOW Jeanne, Shannyn, never met Bailey or Dunn.
It is because YOU helped promote Bailey's book so much that WE, your grateful "clickers", purchased it, to enlighten ourselves and (hopefully) those around us regarding the danger that is sp.
It doesn't take a genius to realize that many, many, MANY people would be upset by supporting this incest legislation, let alone YOUR CLICKERS!
I am really surprised that you let it get this out of hand, to the point of handicapping the book's sales.
Let's all try harder in the future.
Phil Munger comes across as a grumpy old drama queen. Half the time when I read his comments I think he needs to mind his own business.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting how people who would never, ever, let anyone tell them how to spend THEIR money, have absolutely no qualms telling Frank Bailey how to spend his. He's not forcing anybody to buy his book.
ReplyDeleteWith that said, after reading the book I find Frank Bailey to be (still) a confused individual. He's in that radical group of anti-abortionists who would kill off Planned Parenthood without a second of consideration over the fact this would cause 300,000+ more abortions every year.
In other words they are anti-abortionists in name only. In the real world their actions are more pro-abortion than even the most rabib pro-choicers.
Yeah, I'll go with confused as an apt description for the whole bunch of them.
Just finishing the Bailey book and came across this on page 214 regarding babygate:
ReplyDelete"The morning of the birth, when escorted behind the hospital double doors, I caught a glimpse of Sarah and hours-old Trig. Dazed, I later joyously snapped a photo of Todd cradling Trig, his sparkling eyes fixed on the infant's face. Todd, for all his faults, unquestionably loves his children deeply."
Why would that photo not be put in the book? And where is that photo now? Anyone? Anyone?
I disagree with this statement at 8:07AM:
ReplyDelete"Gryph- I think a LOT of this headache could have been avoided if you'd called Jeanne after the first COMMENT on this site reflected the UGLY rumor of Bailey and the incest support.
We do count on you for SOME sifting through the facts for us. We don't KNOW Jeanne, Shannyn, never met Bailey or Dunn. "
It is not the blogger's job to be the gatekeeper unless they choose to do so.
The allegation was made by a known blogger. It was then posted and discussed here. If Phil has made an accusation against Bailey that is not supported by fact, that is Phil's doing. The consequences will be his. This was NOT an anonymous rumor when posted and discussed here at IM.
That is one of the reasons that I disagree with this statement:
" I am really surprised that you let it get this out of hand, to the point of handicapping the book's sales."
Seems to me it is NOT the responsibility of Gryphen to do what is suggested here:
"We do count on you for SOME sifting through the facts for us. We don't KNOW Jeanne, Shannyn, never met Bailey or Dunn."
Is this intended to imply vetting all significant statements of fact prior to allowing discussion of them, or just posting all the necessary details on all these other bloggers so that IM participants can be totally informed? Both would be rather time consuming, and essentially limit all posting to what Gryphen already knows.
Either way IMO an apparently unfortunate thing has happened, and it isn't either Gryphen's doing or not doing something that has caused it in any way.
Frank Bailey's media appearances make it very clear that his problem with Sarah Palin is that she is ineffective at advancing the conservative agenda that Frank and many others support. This is because of her faults. His 'awakening' was seeing the faults that get in the way of his and Sarah's supposedly conservative agenda. If Sarah had been more effective (either as Governor or Vice President) at advancing the agenda that Frank supports I doubt we'd be reading this book or seeing these emails.
Maybe Gryphen should ask Frank if he'd have been willing to go to prison to keep the silence IF Sarah had been 'progressing' the state or the nation toward the political and religious goals that Frank supports.
Buying a book where Frank Bailey gets some of the royalties and publicity indirectly supports him and his causes. Buying his book also supports disclosure of what went on in the Palin administration. The only way people should be surprised about Frank Bailey is if they didn't know about Frank's background. It is the responsibility of book buyers to know the author.
Keep in mind that lots of progressives were involved in those Palin campaigns and administrations. /s.
I'm sure Sarah and her minions like nothing better than to see her critics at each other's throats. Frankly, it makes me kind of sick. I know and like everyone involved here...Phil, Jeanne, Shannyn, and I've even met Gryphen a few times. I hate it when any one of them loses their focus.
I have posted from time to time on this blog as a follower of Christ, and I want to do so again here. (although as an African-American and East Coaster, I'm not so sure I count in the Palin's view of "real American.")
ReplyDeleteI debated getting the Bailey book, but did so anyway. I'm almost through it, and there's a fundamental point I haven't seen made: Frank Bailey's sin against God and Alaska didn't start with the fist odd request he fulfilled from Sarah Palin as her staffer.
It started when he went around closed doors several times to get to her. At the beginning of his book he chronicles how many times he attempted to volunteer to serve her to no avail, but he wouldn't let it go. He may not have known Sarah's evil heart, but Jesus did. And several times blocked him from getting into that clique for the good of Bailey's family and Bailey. You can't tell me God sent you into that woman's clutches and pushed you to lie for her.
That's what's burning me up about his book.... the biggest message for Christians goes untouched. The message of discernment. Christian's don't need to know Sarah is evil alone. She can chalk that up to being "human". Christians need to be given the message that we must look for more than emotions. And that's hard.
Gracious God locked the door to the gates of hell for Bailey. And Bailey kept banging on the gate begging satan to let him in. Until God allowed him to get what he wanted. And he's had hell to pay ever since.
The message for the book has to be broader. It's not just about embracing Sarah Palin or not. It's about REAL Christians having the need to take back our religion from the money-grubbing warriors for anti-Christ who blaspheme His name by equating him with evil, money and hatred. Christianity used to be synonymous with the likes of MLK Jr. Now it's synonymous with Sarah Palin?
Bailey's belief in the false Christian spirit of Faux news gives me pause. We deserve accurate representation in media, Frank. I was hoping you'd be among those who get that ball rolling.