Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Stephen Colbert does his best to make sense out of Sarah Palin's version of Paul Revere's ride. Absolutely Hilarious!

I am not ashamed to admit that I laughed so hard at this that I was almost crying.


  1. Anonymous11:07 AM

    last nite ,Katie Couric on The Quitter:

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I think I have just developed a new fetish! Can that man ride, or what? Look at the size of his musket!

  3. Anonymous11:08 AM

    'Conan': Sarah Palin Clears Up Paul Revere Story

  4. Anonymous11:13 AM

    That was perfect. When I saw it last night I tried to capture it, but with no luck. I couldn't of put it any better than Colbert. Sarah has to be fuming today. Gotta love it.

  5. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Kathy Griffin touches upon Bristol Palin's new chin.

  6. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Other things to look forward to include Paylin's historic interpretations of:

    The Battle of Little Big Horn,
    The Lousianna Purchase,
    The Mexican/American War,
    and the German bombing at Pearl Harbor.

    Professor Paylin, you're on!

  7. Anonymous11:33 AM

    He is great. He seemed to have a hard time keeping a straight face with this skit.

    Pat Padrnos

  8. Anonymous11:33 AM

    G- Can't agree with you more. Crying I was laughing so damn hard at this. SC certainly outdid himself with this one.

  9. Anonymous11:35 AM

    HAHAHA!! It's not often Stephen Colbert cracks a smile at his own skits, but I had the feeling he was having a marvelous time pointing out how completely absurd SP's version of events was.

    Also, I'm glad to hear that the moderators at Wikipedia finally stepped in and and shut down the nonsense.

  10. I had the same reaction, Gryphen... Laughing so hard tears were falling! Hilarious, indeed!

  11. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Thanks Gryph. Tears still running down my cheeks! They just don't make history like they used to!

    Mrs Gunka

  12. Anonymous11:47 AM

    LOVE how he showed two clips of Granny's ridiculous answer and her refusing to admit she made a mistake about it.

    Kind of sums up how she handles herself when caught screwing up.

  13. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:48 AM

    OT--Just reported, didn't see it on other threads: Margaret Thatcher will definitely NOT be meeting with Mistress Sarah this summer. A quote from one of Thatcher's aides:

    "Lady Thatcher will not be seeing Sarah Palin. That would be belittling for Margaret. Sarah Palin is nuts."

    In addition, her allies don't feel SP is WORTHY of meeting Thatcher as Sarah is "frivolous." Remember how important this meeting was to the Queen of the Idiots?

    Spin this, Bots and HuffPo!


  14. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Last night:The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
    Sarah Palin's Folksy Word Salad

  15. Me too. Hope hubby seeing client doesn't come out to see what his office manager is cracking up about. (Actually I have two closed doors between my office and his.)

  16. Anonymous11:56 AM

    The Alaska Purchase: Palin E-mails a Bargain at Three Cents Apiece

    Years from now, when President Palin recalls the story of the Alaska Purchase, she’ll tell a restaurant full of press:

    “That, the, um, Alaska Purchase is when the great state of Alaska, in this great nation of ours, was going to warn the lamestream media—gotcha journalism—that they were not going to be puchasin’ my personal property and would have to pay a steep price for an, um, infringement on our great American … freedom. So the press couldn’t purchase those e-mails, but then Alaska said, ‘Hey, you know what? We got nothin’ to hide, let’s let ’em purchase those documents for nothing—for almost free. Because this is the land of the free’ [winks].”

  17. Anonymous12:01 PM


    BTW- Sarah is tweetless... nothing since Friday??

  18. Eppito12:21 PM

    I almost wet myself! That was totally wonderful. God bless Colbert.

  19. Anonymous12:25 PM

    If you do take Sarah literally, this is exactly what she said; horse ridin', gun shootin', bells a-ringin'...But if you put what she said in context, and in her own words a "gotcha" question, she comes off as desperate to answer. This was no addressing obscure facts, this was, again, taken in context, a panicked reply.

  20. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Sarah is happy she did not say Paul Revere was riding a dinosaur or riding a snow machine.

    She is proud that she got the horse part correct.

    She thinks she aced that answer.

  21. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I try to watch every night, Stephen and Jon are great! comedy gold...

  22. Anonymous12:41 PM

    truly hilarious!

  23. Anonymous12:53 PM

    You probably already know this, but there have been some interesting developments over at Laura's, esp. heating up today.

    from God's little helper, 12:09:

    "Please do bear in mind though, that you're going to get a story of the faked pregnancy but you're not going to get the whole sordid shit. That's for another day. My other little helper will be lettin ya know on that one."

  24. My 11 year old son (who was a pupil of Chuck Heath, Jr.) and I laughed out loud at this. So funny!

  25. Anonymous1:21 PM

    That is funny, funny, funny!

  26. Anonymous1:22 PM

    It Takes A Woman: Michele Bachmann’s Strategy Against Sarah Palin

    Sometimes it takes a woman, and in the case of Sarah Palin, no man – conservative or liberal, has been able to deal with her effectively (save President Obama, who was able to stay above the fray and let her self-destruct like a wise man would). That is to say, no one has been able to fire any return shots at the Lady of Perpetual Victimhood. Most of her victims lie bloodied in the road panting an apology after a nation of rabid dogs have slandered them as pedophiles without cause.

    Enter Michele Bachmann.

    No, I’m not going down the Rollins road today, though his criticism of Palin in his capacity of Bachmann’s newly hired political adviser as “not serious” was noteworthy. Bachmann spoke at the Ralph Reed fest last weekend and revealed her very pro-life, Christian, good mommy jab strategy at Palin. This is something only a conservative woman could get away with, but since it dovetails with their value system, it’s going to be hard to combat.

    Bachmann suggested that she was ready to be President because all of her children have graduated high school, and so she is now ready and able to serve in a different capacity. This implies, of course, that a woman with younger children (Sarah Palin) can’t and shouldn’t be thinking of running for President.

    Courtesy of Dump Bachmann:


  27. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Adding to my 12:53 PM about what's going on over at Laura's blog... It seems that there is some difficulty in deciphering the validity of some comments there, so, if hadn't already, take what I said @ 12:53 with a grain of salt. Usually I try to be more careful than that, but sometimes it's too easy to get caught up in thinking that this may be it.

  28. Bang bang...Colbert shot her down!
    What a laugh I got out of his skit!

  29. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Chris Matthews just highlighted this AND how the flying monkeys keep changing the Paul Revere Wikipedia page while others keep changing it back. Hahha.

  30. Anonymous1:39 PM

    ...Colbert for Presiden !

  31. So funny, really. He was really working to handle all the bells, guns, etc. And, did you notice, he managed them all without holding any reins to control that horse? Paul Rever must have been a true magician to be able handle all of that as well as the reins for a live horse?

  32. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Wow, he really made her look stupid...wasn't hard to do though....

  33. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I liked how Jon Stewart ridiculed that silly bling-y cross she was wearing, too--he asked if it was stolen from the Vatican or whether she was marrying Jesus in Las Vegas.

    But hIs best line was something like, "It's not a gotcha' question just because it GOT YA'."

    Which one of her handlers should write on her palm.

    With this episode, she and her followers made themselves mock-worthy on a whole new level.

  34. Anonymous4:19 PM

    SC nailed the idiocy of Sarah's version of Paul's wild ride. I remember watching a movie "Cobra" (Sylvester Stallone) in a scene where he's being pursued by bad guys, he's in this car speeding down the highway then does a 180 degree turn, car careening backwards, and Cobra can still control the wheel AND spray a machine gun at the bad guys at the same time.

    Looks like Paul Revere and Cobra are related.

  35. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I had to stop and replay the last part I was laughing so hard.

  36. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I generally don't watch Colbert because of the late hour.
    But, this clip is hilarious-I may have to start DVRing his show.
    Colbert captures what Palin said perfectly.
    SNL must be so frustrated that they are on hiatus.

  37. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Can't you just see Barack and Michelle tucked away in their White House bedroom just laughing their asses off.

  38. Anonymous8:52 PM

    The quittard will never admit wrongdoing. It's not part of her sociopathic makeup.

  39. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Colbert & Jon were both FABULOUS last night! I rarely ever see Colbert unable to control the giggs, but he had them last night!

    My favorite moments-

    Jon Stewart saying "It's not a GOTCHA question just because it got...cha!"

    And the British guy who was quizzing people about being "inside her"...the Palinbot wingnuts are thinking he's talking about the BUS...but of course he's talking about Sarah.

    Him: I bet if you get inside 'er it's just REALLY roomy!

    Palinbot wingnut: Oh, YEAH!

    I could say "classic", "priceless", etc etc...but truthfully there are (as Julia O'Palinbot would say) JUST. NO. WORDS.


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