Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wasting no time, the Democrats use the first Republican debate to ridicule them.

(H/T to Politicususa.)

I watched a little of this last night, and after it was over I had to wonder if they all left in separate vehicles or if they all climbed into the same clown car together, and careened off into the sunset.

None of these losers is any competition for President Obama.  His only competition is job growth.


  1. Anonymous11:59 AM

    the clown car comment was great! made me laugh..

  2. Anonymous12:20 PM

    It is unbelievable and extremely troubling that any of these people are even being considered as candidates for president. How could anybody think about voting for any of them? None of them presented any clear cut answers or solutions to the problems facing this nation. They reminded me of plastic dolls standing up there yapping about the usual CON talking points--which are mostly garbage!

    If they didn't leave together in a clown car, they certainly should have.

  3. "...they all climbed into the same clown car together, and careened off into the sunset."
    Gryphen, you do have a way with words! I can see the tiny car cornering on two wheels now, with lots of hair pulling and did not/did too going on inside!

    I needed a chuckle after watching that pack of soulless, lying, weasels last night.

  4. Anonymous12:27 PM

    If only Sistah Sarah had also, too, ridden in on a Harley, ringing bells and flicking her tongue.


  5. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Check out OZMUD on this topic:


  6. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Idk. I have faith that there are still intelligent journalists out there who will actually vet Obama properly this time. And maybe we will learn more of his motives. This is no FDR and this country is in a worse place than ever. There are plenty of republicans who could nail a debate with obama, using obamas actual past statements as propellers. But you do have one thing right. Pres incumbents rarely are voted out, no matter who it is.

    Come on media. Treat candidates fairly for once.

  7. Anonymous12:41 PM

    This is for 12:27: THANK YOU for putting me in the BEST mood. Your short comment NAILED it! They were absolutely pathetic, each and every one of them.

  8. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Didn't seem like a 'debate' to me..all commentary was against President Obama.

    With 7 Republican candidates - shouldn't they be debating each other for the primary?

    What a boring group! President Obama will win folks!

  9. hedgewytch12:49 PM

    If the DNC stays in offensive mode and doesn't get caught in the same trap of falling for distracting straw man arguments then this next election will be a cake walk for the Dems.

    The union busting of this year will be remembered, the attempts to get rid of medicare/medicade and SS, are all going to be considered - you betcha - at the booths.

  10. Anonymous12:53 PM

    12:39 pm idk

    You sure don't know, you ignorant uneducated puffer. You still think it's great that the republicans are all for the rich people and want to give them more tax breaks; you think republicans gutting social security and medicare is still great. You think republicans lying and pretending that others are terrorists is great.

    You think that Sarah and Todd Palin belonging to the AIP is great; you think that Sarah Palin putting crosshairs on people and getting them almost assassinated is great.

    You don't know - exactly - you are stupid and uneducated and hate this country if you think the republicans give a good damn about this country. They only want power to be able to run it like a business with people working for nothing and the rich getting richer.

  11. Anonymous12:54 PM

    "...they all climbed into the same clown car together, and careened off into the sunset."

    HA!! Can't you just hear the Warner Bros. music??? Da dadada da da da da dah.....LOL!!!!

  12. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Anonymous 12:39

    Why would President Obama need to be vetted after campaigning for two years and then serving a term in office?


  13. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Who made the better choice of VP for the 2008 presidential campaign?

    They actually asked this dumb question?

  14. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Major disappointment for significant other...he thinks Bachmann is so crazy she is really fun (I don't share this belief) & son of a gun if she didn't act sort of sane. She did manage to tell us she had 23 foster children about 5 times & that marriage is between a man & a woman. Thinking if I had a seriously gayish spouse I'd have been careful with that question. This could hardly be called a debate, just a ship of fools. No Perry, Huntsman or Johnson & of course no Palin.

  15. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I agree with 12:53 and just want add a fuck you yo 12:39.

  16. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Too bad Pres. Obama is achieving the Republican agenda faster than G. W. Bush could ever have done.

  17. Virginia Voter1:04 PM

    Ooh, goody, Granny Lulu's back @ 12:39. What's up girl, you didn't have anything to say on the last thread with all that icky talk about labor and delivery?

    The only one with a chance in a general election is Huntsman, if the establishment gets behind him in a primary, and destroys everyone else.

    As for the rest of them- Newt obviously does not live in the reality based world.

    Romney hasn't had a job since 2006, he's been running for president for the last 5 years.

    Pawlenty just put the nail in his own coffin with that Sarah Palin comment. 65% of the country thinks shes an idiot. He's boring as fuck and also has been running for president for the last 4 years.

    Herman Cain also hasn't held a job in years, and Ron Paul and Michelle Bachmann are just too wacky. They can come off ok with 1 minute answers, but will eventually implode,as they always do.

    They talk abortion, Obamacare, men on the moon, and cutting taxes. They are all useless.

  18. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Whenever I see a comment that starts "IDK," I prepare myself for whatever idiocy follows. Our "unknowing" friend certainly doesn't know much.

  19. hey Anonymous at 11:59 AM beat me to my comment .... loved the clown car image - how fitting! We need one of the illustrators who sometimes do drawings for these blogs to do that one! Send this idea to AKM Gryphen; she knows an illustrator!

  20. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Major disappointment for significant other...he thinks Bachmann is so crazy she is really fun (I don't share this belief) & son of a gun if she didn't act sort of sane. She did manage to tell us she had 23 foster children about 5 times & that marriage is between a man & a woman. Thinking if I had a seriously gayish spouse I'd have been careful with that question. This could hardly be called a debate, just a ship of fools. No Perry, Huntsman or Johnson & of course no Palin.

  21. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Off topic but

    Andree McLeod is on another mission - MISSING emails - too bad the lame stream media don't give a rat's ass.

  22. Olivia1:50 PM

    The president's only competition is job growth and the Republicans will do anything and everything to make sure there is no job growth even if they have to destroy the country to do it. This has been the agenda from day one.

  23. Anonymous1:56 PM

    This was a "debate"?? sounds more like a "slam President Obama" even though you know you would not be able to do any better with the mess he inherited. Sounds as though Gingrich could be in trouble with all his "tax exempt" charities. Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

  24. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Sharon 1943 be careful don't give Lou Sarah any good idea's.. god forbid..and 12:39 Idk all that can be said is ha ha ha ha ha you need a ride in the clown car to...

  25. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I watched about 30 minutes, and got too depressed. Not just thinking that one of them could be president--horrors!--but because the impression they left about the state of things and the future of our country was just way more negative than I see it. Not "Morning in America" at all! (Not that I'd ever want to see that has-been actor again!)

  26. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Look asshole, are you too fucking stupid to understand that this wasn't a Republican debate? This was a bagger, also ran debate that will have not the slightest chance of being taken seriously when election time comes around. How in fuck can I make you understand that Palin is out of it now? Some Dems are just thicker than can be imagined!

  27. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Yes, they are clowns, although that's an insult to clowns, creepy as they are, because real clowns don't pretend to be anything BUT clowns. But the description of the current lineup of Repug candidates climbing back in the clown car after the "debate" is just too funny. I don't think a small enough car exists that wouldn't dwarf these ugly-spirited tiny-souled Bozos.

    Still, Obama has been a huge disappointment, pandering to the likes of this type of ring-winger, following way too closely in the footsteps of his predecessor, and if he doesn't start showing some real leadership and stand up for ordinary working people against profit-hungry corporations, union busters, and social program slashers, one of these clowns (or worse) WILL be the next president.

    Because too many American voters are clowns too, and won't examine too closely who they're voting for as long as it's somebody different from the LAST big disappointment, even if they end up with somebody even worse.

  28. Enjay in E MT2:23 PM

    Aww -- looks like some emails may been missed by Palin & Assoc.

    (I see Andree is on the case too)

    snip) Perez said Palin gave the state a CD with emails from her Yahoo account so they could be included as part of the state's archive, and other employees were asked to review their private accounts for emails related to state business and to send those to their state accounts. (end snip


  29. Anonymous2:28 PM

    @12:53 - Bravo!

  30. Anonymous2:47 PM

    "Whenever I see a comment that starts "IDK," I prepare myself for whatever idiocy follows. Our "unknowing" friend certainly doesn't know much."

    I know! Every time I see IDK or "I dunno" (which annoys me as much as "preggers" - sorry, preggers users!), I know what's up.

    Do they teach this tactic in GOP Troll School?

  31. Anonymous3:07 PM

    OT, but I caught this interesting email showcasing Sarah bitching in March 2008 about how security caught her daughter sneaking a puppy into the capitol building. She attempts to justify it (I'm assuming they have a 'no animals' rule there) by seems to be saying since Cowdery was a member of the CBC (Corrupt Bastards Club) then it's okay if her daughter breaks rules too. Why am I not surprised that she uses this kind of logic?
    Here are a few threads from this exchange:

    "Funny thing for the day - my office got a Security Report Reprimand ( bc of Willow sneaking
    in Indi )... it came from COWDERY ! Cracked me up- a reprimand regarding what ' s right or
    wrong action in the Capitol Building coming from him?! Sheeeeesh . Doesn't pack much punch
    coming from a CBC leader and knowing what he allows to go on on the 1st , 2nd, 4th, and 5th floor inside these four walls. I told Willow she has permission to tell Cowdery (if he ever confronted her) that when they committ to stop the boozing in the building, she'll committ to never sneak in her
    three-pound puppy dog after hours. (Not really- she's bringing it back to Wasilla with her tonight where she and the pup will stay with Todd as they finish out the school semestersince we 're not having sp session here until after school lets out.) Funny though.

    And Later (responding to Frank Bailey)...

    I read the report. It's so funny because it's so official... "Willow Palin was observed sneaking the puppy in... She was observed leaving the building at 1635..." (Which is after hours considering state employees are "off" after 4:30pm) but I don't want anyone to
    request the official report because according to it, Willow had a flippant response - like
    "So?". (That's my girl! Nah... but I don't want that part advertised.)
    It is an Ear item if Shelia "gets is"... Cowdey telling a kid what's acceptable and what isn't inside these four walls??? Puleeeze. A three-pound puppy vs all the CBC crap that he helped dumped around here? And the security report attaches Capitol Building policies
    that include no booze, and smoking only far away from this building- both things violated regularly on Cowdery's watch on every other floor besides this third floor."

    Yup, that's our $arah! Seems like she's proud to teach her kids that it's OK to thumb your nose at authority when you don't get your way.

  32. Anonymous3:34 PM

    3:07 pm Puppy - Willow

    Need a link for that email!

  33. hedgewytch3:45 PM

    @ 3:07, it's obvious that God never told Sarah that two wrongs don't make a right.

  34. Anonymous3:55 PM

    RAM at 2:15 - do you kiss Sarah with that mouth?

  35. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Sorry - Sarah's cardboard cutout...

  36. FEDUP!!!5:30 PM

    A sign of times to come - no more 'stupid public edjamacation', so keep the masses dumb and dumber so we can control all of them. Oh, and keep the women not only dumb, but also barefoot and pregnant!


  37. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Amazing how one, very pertianant and timely ad that uses their own words to showcase their stupidity brings out the concern "idk" troll.

    I watched the clownshow and saw little or no debate on real issues. I dare any of them, right now, unscripted, do a one on one debate with President Obama on the issues.
    I think there's a clownbus somewhere that would be more fitting. No clown car can fit these people, their egos, and collective hate for President Obama.

  38. Anonymous6:51 PM

    All day today I've heard the fawning over Michelle Bachman. All day long. I can't help but wonder what Granny Lou thinks about Bachman completely owning her ass. Since I'm a Democrat, this is all the more funny to me.

  39. ibwilliamsi7:51 PM

    Count on it that they will do all they can to stifle job growth.

  40. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I agree with 12:20. Troubling, and the reason being is this economy is going DOWN. No one has any solutions, just talking points.

    A little lesson in government: Executive, legislative, judicial. Three parts, remember? These people get up and say if "I" am President, "I" will. Not when there's Congress that's so overrun with corporate interests and lobbyists lining their pockets with no interest in any of us.

    Rights taken away....Texas, Wisconsin. No one has heard fron Her Heinous lately? There's a reason. She's got that stack of 3X5 cards in front of her again that she STILL can't comprehend and she KNOWS people are closing in on Trig lest she EVEN try it.

    OHHHH...the mirth is seeing her handlers in my mind.

  41. Beldar Cynical Conehead8:47 PM

    So, all the patriotic captains of industry have to do to get rid of Obama is sit on their collective trillions in corporate cash reserves - while letting millions of unemployed suffer in silence - and wait for his GOP replacement to start 2013 with a huge tax cut for the wealthy?

    FINALLY, a economic recovery plan the oft-neglected RICH PEOPLE can believe in!!!

    They really do think we're stupid and I'm starting to believe they're right.

    The GOP 'hopefuls' all mouth the word 'jobs' without any intention of ever doing a damn thing about unemployment. if low taxes and lax regulation were the motivators of job growth, why did employment collapse during the Bush years? But since we're stupid, few will bother to ask and most people will believe the GOP-led congress is the entity best equipped to solve our economic woes. We're just idiots...


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.