Saturday, June 18, 2011

"Yee Haw! Jesus Take the Wheel!" Bill Maher delivers must see New Rule about Rick Perry.

The video is not embeddable so the best I can do is direct you to click here so you can watch it over on Maher's Facebook page. But believe me it is well worth the effort.

Maher rips Perry, and the Evangelical Right, for praying to God to help solve our nation's problems, slams Perry for wanting to secede from the union, and compares the Governor of Texas to Sissy Spacek's mom in "Carrie."

Personally I found last night's show to be one of the best in quite awhile.


  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Thanks for watching TV for us and telling us what you see. This site has some of the best top-notch reporting I've ever seen.

  2. laprofesora7:35 AM

    That was excellent! He's so right, why don't we have any politicians who have the balls to tell it like it is?

    Thanks, Gryph.

  3. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Bill Maher needs to be an equal-opportunity critic when it comes to religion and its impact on the world.

    He does a little in the name of neutrality, but not enough.

    When he finally gets honest about the total picture, I will care about what he has to say.

  4. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Though Mr. Maher is a self-avowed atheist, if I have understood correctly, this piece looks at an area that inexplicably receives a free pass from him, imo.

    I know he skewered the far right Jewish community in his film on religion, but by and large he holds his fire when it comes to the impact of groups like AIPAC.

    I would be delighted if someone can prove me mistaken on this, btw.

  5. He nailed it. Except for the comment that Perry's "come and take it" cowboy boots sounded "kind of gay". That phrase is a reference to the first military engagement of the Texas Revolution in 1835. We come to you and other Alaskans for Alaska stuff. Likewise, Maher should have checked with a Texan before using that line.

  6. nogravity7:59 AM

    We need a calculator.

  7. Anonymous9:05 AM

    JiminTexas, I think Bill said "kind ofgay" about the boots is because apparently there have been rumors about him being in the closet. Just a guess on my part though.

  8. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I love Bill Mahar. He is my "Friday Night Special." I also think he is the most honest and smartest talk host out there. I just wish he was on EVERY night.

  9. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I was appalled at how a preacher at a Baptist church bragged of how they've pushed away all liberals and educated know-it-alls, from his congregation--and could not get away from that den of Anti-Christs, quickly enough.

    My first exposure to this stupid cracker from Texas, was him sounding eerily like that "preacher," bragging about doing the same for the entire state of Texas.

    "We only want dumb people here" is not exactly what I'd want to hear from the governor of a state I might be considering expanding my business to include.

  10. Anne In DC1:54 PM

    The most ridiculous aspect of Perry's proposed prayers is that he is praying for solutions to problems that he and his ilk have stupidly caused in this country through their blind, unresasoning ideology. With his sorry record as Texas governor, he is one of the LAST people anyone should consider for dogcatcher, let alone president.

  11. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Watched his show, as I do all the time and he was perfect as to Perry and Texas. Chris Matthews was cracking up too.

    Perry is creepy, but I like the governor/obese guy...he says what he thinks and doesn't give a crap how it comes across. But, if he ran for President of the U.S. would not vote for he is a heart attack waiting to happen and not a good example to the American public.

  12. joeymac5:10 PM

    Breaking: Obama solves world hunger.

  13. Anonymous7:30 PM

    When it is our darkest hour, comedians like Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Tina Fey and Stephen Colbert shine a light.


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