Saturday, June 18, 2011

The New York Post has more interesting bits of information about Bristol's book, many of which conflict with earlier reports. Update!

Courtesy of the New York Post:

Bristol Palin was so drunk on wine coolers the night she first slept with boyfriend Levi Johnston that she couldn’t recall losing her virginity at the tender age of 15 — and he was nowhere to be found the hazy morning after to refresh her memory.

"Levi wasn’t even there to help me process — or even confirm my greatly feared suspicions," she writes in a new revenge tome disguised as a memoir. "Instead of waking up in his arms, I awakened in a cold tent alone."

Despite the guilt she felt after that night she spent camping with her friends and boyfriend in the woods of Point MacKenzie 2006 she continued to have sex with the 16-year-old hockey-playing hunk. They used condoms, she claims, but she still got pregnant.

This sounds more like the version of their relationship that I have heard, except for the using condoms part, I have no idea where the idea about her taking the pill came from.

"I wasn’t drunk, it wasn’t an accident, and I did it on purpose," she writes about the subsequent sleepovers.

Yes she did it on purpose and was actively TRYING to get pregnant, a fact that she conveniently leaves out.

One of the first night back from the hospital, Palin found a text message in Johnston’s phone from his sister. It said, "She had fun and wants to hook up with you again."

I am not positive about this part of the story yet, but "hooking up" does not always mean to have sex with somebody. I know that Bristol was VERY jealous and may have taken it the wrong way.

He cheated on her openly, she claims in the book "Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far" (William Morrow) out Tuesday. Even coming home with hickeys on his neck from drunken, late-night encounters, she writes.

They were on and off again for the length of their baby’s toddler years. While Palin was raising Tripp, Johnston was posing for GQ and Playgirl using their own son as currency.

Does she mean to "use him as currency" like THIS?

Or this?

Or this?

And isn't Tripp featured prominently in her upcoming reality show as well?

Before her "Dancing with the Stars" debut, Bristol reunited with Johnston in July 2010, posing on the cover of US Weekly announcing their plans for marriage. As a result, her parents, who she said always disliked Johnston, cut her out of the reality TV show "Sarah Palin’s Alaska."

You know THIS part might be true, I did hear something similar. However she and Sarah clearly made up as Bristol WAS on the show more than a few times. And like all of the kids, she was paid for her contribution as well. (The Palins don't do ANYTHING without monetary compensation.)

That evening Johnston arrived with news.

"I might’ve gotten someone pregnant," he said.

The baby was due in two weeks. Later, she learned that Johnston named the baby Bentley, a name she had first wanted to name Tripp. This was the final straw, she writes.

I highly doubt that Levi has another child out there with anybody else, as Mercede would be spending ALL of her time with that baby.  Besides this whole thing was based on some bad reporting by the National Enquirer about Levi and Lanesia Garcia, and Sadie cleared all of it up way back in July of 2010.

By the way for those who are still clinging to the belief that Bristol and her mother are not getting along, take a gander at this portion.

For all the vitriol against her ex, Bristol goes soft on her mother, who is portrayed as a supportive and down-to-earth "cool" mom who stood by her even when her bad-boy babydaddy was harming the family’s image. That the former Alaska governor signed on to be Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s running mate without consulting her pregnant teenage daughter first is barely mentioned.

This entire book deal was put together by Sarah's lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, and trust me there was NEVER any chance that Bristol was going to reveal any truth, or expose any of her mother's lies.

BTW I have finally made contact with Mercede and she is getting ready to address the lies concerning her brother that have been revealed so far.  I don't know when they will be ready, as it takes her a long time to write her thoughts down, but I will provide a link as soon as it is up on her blog. So stay tuned.

Update: As somebody noted on another thread the Daily Beast interview with Bristol's ex Ben Barber has been removed. However you can still find a portion of it here.

It looks like Shushannah Walshe received her orders to clean up some of Bristol's mess from the Grizzled Mama, and like a good little Palin-bot she jumped when told how high.

Update 2: My friend Dennis found a working link to the Daily Beast story on the Wayback Machine.


  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    She's basically saying she was date raped. Sounds Palinesque to me! Blame someone else. Cash in. I wouldn't expect anything less!. Good job Bristol.

  2. Anonymous10:33 AM

    sounds like she was the "go to girl" when someone better was not available!! Tripp looks exactly like grandpa Chuckles, unfortunately. When will Levi get a DNA test? When will the other hockey players come forward to tell what they know about "virginal, pure Bristol"?? They could make some $$$ also, too.

  3. Anonymous10:36 AM

    looking at this timeline easy to understand, Tripp is #2 baby.

  4. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Why would Bristol lie about her mother just to satisfy you? She's not Levi.

  5. Anonymous10:43 AM

    But I thought Sarah had her family blessing over running for VP?

    This book was such a stupid move on Bristol's part, it's gonna come back to bite her. She must think like her mamma griz, any publicity is good publicity.

  6. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Ha, the original leak Bristol's camp put out were shown to be bogus on fact so now they are releasing new versions?

    BTW, Levi statement about condoms being used, not so much.

    Remember this, what happened B.Palin, fame?

    "Bristol's focus will remain on raising Tripp, completing her education, and advocating abstinence," the statement continues. "It is unfortunate that Levi finds it more appealing to exploit his previous relationship with Bristol than to contribute to the well being of the child."

    "Bristol realizes now that she made a mistake in her relationship and is the one taking responsibility for their actions."

  7. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Bristol doesn't bs around. She owns up to mistakes. Will Levi do the same or play the victim card? Levi - you are not a victim. You're a douche.

  8. Anonymous10:45 AM

    it is clear from the visible bits of fictional-prose that brisket did NONE of the actual writing of this 'tome'.
    yes brisket, look that word up.

    ONLY a professional paid writer can do what is presented.

  9. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Wait a second. She says she got pregnant in 2007. Tripp was supposedly born in December of 2008. She says he impregnated her when she was only 15. At the time of her revealed pregnancy at the RNC convention, she was 17 years old. She seems to prove by her own book that the Tripp we have seen is her second child.

    One more reason I could not believe she is referring to Tripp (assuming there is any truth, whatsoever, in her story), is that she claims to have been impregnated in a tent. If Tripp was truly born at the end December, he would have to have been conceived in early to mid March. MARCH? In a TENT? In ALASKA? A GROUP TEEN CAMP-OUT IN MARCH IN ALASKA??? Are you kidding me?? Come on, I've got a bridge to Nowhere to sell you if you're swallowing that one. Will the book's sequel claim that he was conceived on an ice floe?

    One more thing. Where is parental supervision, at all, in the Palin family? Allowing your 15-year old daughter to go camping with a group of teens, unsupervised??? How many parents out there are allowing THIS to occur at ANY time of year, let alone in March, in Alaska?????

  10. Anonymous10:54 AM

    There's more truth to that one article than any Johnston has ever written.

  11. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Bristol is still madly in love with Levi. That is why she endured painful plastic surgery. Bristol wanted to have the exact same chin as her heartthrob Levi´s chin. The top photo is proof.

    Poor Levi. He is being stalked by an insanely jealous Bristol, who tells lies about him to get his attention.

    sarah is acting as Bristol´s enabler. sarah is heart broken Levi is out of her life. The high point of sarah´s day was staring at Levi while he sweated over the palin´s smoking BBQ grill. To this day, sarah longs for the taste of Levi´s perspiration on her grilled chicken wings.

  12. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Its starting to make sense why Bristol wants to Trademark her name. Bristol wants to patent and sell her chin extensions as a medical protective device for trailer park girls. It prevent damage to their adams apple from the boys klick klacks pounding on them after the boys take advantage of the girls. You know, after a couple wine coolers.

  13. Anonymous11:05 AM

    wait, and so this 'guy' who 'took advantage' of blah blah....was also living IN the palin house.
    yeh, whatever brisket.

    and this same 'guy' was dragged off some mt shoved into a fancy suit and flown to TX for four days of RNC hoohah.

    "though Palin notes that when she got pregnant she was on birth control pills prescribed to treat her cramps."

    "she continued to have sex with the 16-year-old hockey-playing hunk. They used condoms, she claims"

    so, wait, her 'cramps' got better after having sex? that what her ghostwriter(S) claim? rof.

    btw....the 'branding' trademarking of the 'name' is about the numerous ghostwriters
    involved in these 'written' pieces.
    it legally prevents any of them from saying a thing after the fact.

  14. Well, it is no secret that Levi's a deadbeat. It's also no secret that Sarah is considered a "cool mom"

  15. Anonymous11:08 AM

    These quotes from earlier today do not match up with the new version being passed around.

    I guess unless Bristol is stating she had a 2 year pregnancy with Tripp or they got married so they could do it cause she said she was happy Levi said they would not do it again until they were married and ya know there is Tripp being born in 2008.

  16. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Where do people get date raped from? Its common to be confused esp when so young. You people think the worst. Bristol's a good girl. Levi's grown a lot. They both have supportive families and are currently happy. Isn't that all that matters?

  17. FloridaDem11:09 AM

    Is this crap all to drum up interest in the book? Sex sells, right?

    I'm interested to hear what Levi has to say about the time he spent with her.

    Look, I'm more than willing to give this girl the benefit of a doubt, but commentators on your blog are saying she wasn't even a virgin when she hooked up with Levi. Camping? You sort of expect to have sex. And ok, I feel for her, a girl wants the first time to be special, she woke up disappointed and feeling alone. But she chose that.

    If she's telling the truth and she honestly didn't even know if they did it or not, she must have really been knocked out. But then know, the very FIRST time, it hurts. It's not fun. You'd get sober fast in the middle of that. And she'd be sore, and possibly bled. And you'd remember. How can you not? I just don't get it.

    My guess is that she lost her virginity the way the rest of us did, in a bedroom or in a car, with no one there but you and your boyfriend. (What girl wants a crowd?) Then later on, I can see her doing the camping thing. That's for close friends who are coupled up, and comfortable around each other. But maybe she can't was gone, and Levi and I were in my bedroom and did it. That would embarrass her parents.

  18. Anonymous11:09 AM

    sarah would hide little ¨gifts¨ around her home for Levi to find. These ¨gifts¨ were fresh tins of Copenhagen snuff. sarah would secretly dig Levi´s empty and discarded Copenhagen tins out of her wastebasket. She carried the empty tins around in her purse during the day and put them under her pillow at night.

  19. Anonymous11:10 AM

    By the way, without a DNA test, if she was so drunk that she didn't know she was having sex at the time, and she was with a WHOLE GROUP of teens, how on earth does she know that Levi is the father of this child??????

  20. Anonymous11:11 AM

    And that professional writer is mentioned on the cover as well as publicity. Bristol doesn't hide that. Is Levi's ghostwriter (s) mentioned on the cover? NOPE or Not yet. huh

  21. Anonymous11:14 AM

    What was that Bristol said her mom was understanding, supportive, whatever?

    On tape, she said she gave her Hell. The fact Bristol was kicked out, had her cell phone taken, cut off does not seem very supportive to me.

    VAN SUSTEREN: Did you give her hell or were you -- at first? I mean, what...

    SARAH PALIN: Yes, I kind of did. I mean, I was...

    BRISTOL: We were all surprised.

    SARAH PALIN: We were all surprised. Let me put it this way. And this is -- I think Bristol's kind of an example of, truly, it can happen to anybody. Bristol, great athlete, great student, great aspirations that she had for herself, plans that didn't include a baby, of course, but it did happen to her and now again, less than ideal circumstances, but we make the most of it. She, I think, of all of her friends even, can handle it perhaps better than some of for friends would have handled it. But still an absolute shock that it happened.,2933,494205,00.html#ixzz1PelaQJsG

  22. Anonymous11:15 AM

    OT but isnt this interesting-
    I am working on a project, something which Brad Scharlott's posters inspired me to do. Anyway, my research for this project has led me to virtually every photo of Trig online, I think.

    Today I came upon this one, and once again it is what Sarah does NOT say that is the big issue.

    Here is the URL, and the photo in question is the top one.

    HERE is the text written by the blogger...I will bold the portion which strikes me as interesting:

    The first day we got to see the start of the race in downtown Anchorage and I bumped in to Gov. Sarah Palin!  When she was campaigning in Florida she made a campaign stop at Fantasy of Flight compliments of the Republican Party. I happened to autograph a Gee Bee Book for her son Trig and gave it to one of her helpers to pass on.  After she officially started the Iditerod Race by cutting the ribbon she happened to walk towards me holding a baby.  I asked if it was Trig and she thanked me for the book and introduced me to her husband, who likes to fly.

    Now WHO on earth replies "Dis my husband. He likes fly!" when asked "is this your baby?"

    More indications of Trig switching.

    BTW, I need help with my project. Have any of you ever personally seen a TODDLER's eyes change from blue to brown or vice versa? NOT a baby - I know their eyes change. I'm talking about 18+ months of age. Thank you!

  23. wakeUpAmerica11:16 AM

    Poor Bristol. She was obviously devastated at being date-raped by Johnston!!

    Wait...what? I don't know a single female who would continue to date and have a sexual relationship with someone who had gotten her drunk and raped her.

    Bristol!! You got some 'splainin' to do!

    That little fishpicker's story smells like a bucket of rotten mackerel to me.

  24. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Let's NOT jump to conclusions. This was an excerpts. There' sno context. In this article, she wasn't talking about getting pregnant at 15. Can any of you read and process?

    What's weird is, when she was in Juneau for the first 5 mos of 2007, she never mentioned Levi. I guess that was one of their breaks.

  25. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I never read anything about the incident in the tent as being where she got pregnant. It says they continued to have sex. Read before you comment sheesh!

  26. Anonymous11:19 AM

    that is quite the amazing pic of brisket, with levi.
    look at the black dress.
    look at the way it snugs right up under her inflated boobs.
    look at the right shoulder...and the outline of some sort of thing she wears beneath the dress.
    look at how the dress is snagged
    vertically beneath the boobs, like a 'form-fitting-suit' would catch fabric on fabric.
    look also at the bulge beneath the hair extension(s) on the left boob.

    this girl was wearing moms faux-preg outfit to the RNC.
    someone blew the boob-part up too much giving her that gross highly inflated appearance, everyone then saw.

    nice pic catch gryphen.

  27. Anonymous11:21 AM

    It really pisses me off when people say they resent Bristol going down this road. Those same people applauded Levi for announcing a book containing lies about her son's family. That's despicable. Tripp is wellloved. Bristol is a sweet, sassy girl who leads, not follows. One good thing about her is she has guidance and familial support from the beginning. Levi has a pimp and shitty lawyer.

  28. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Wow, perhaps this "straight A student" can go to college and start her thesis with...

    "haha im a slut!"
    "you're a fa**ot if you don't like my mom"

    I bet Levi is pissed, but I bet SADIE is absolutely out for blood.

  29. What ever happened to the "don't disparage the other parent thing" from the judge?

    The kids in this family are DOOOOOOMED!

  30. Anonymous11:22 AM

    so basically, neither sp's baby story nor briskets baby stories hold water.
    so where do they get these babies from.
    cuz im now convinced they hid brisket to they Could concoct the baby stories. all of them.

  31. Anonymous11:25 AM

    im more inclined to believe Levi has no clue whether he is or is not the father of whomever these babies are.
    he was a convenient rube.

    however, these babies are coming from somewhere...

  32. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Mall Of America event is going to get interesting. There are about twenty women gearing up with signs to met Miss. Virginity. This ought to be fabulous. They are planning to flood the line so when one gets booted distracting security the rest pepper Bristol with real questions.

    Bristol has no clue what she is in for.

  33. Anonymous11:29 AM

    @11:19 AM:

    the inflated boob stuff was prolly attempt to hide the outline of the faxu preg suit.
    it did not work.

  34. Anonymous11:29 AM

    A 15 year-old girl having sex? Isn't this considered underage? Is this grounds for a 16 year-old boy breaking the law?

  35. Anonymous11:31 AM

    The article talked about her telling her mom on the night of mom's baby shower (Trig). Did SP have a baby shower besides the one Kristen Cole held for her?

  36. Anonymous11:32 AM

    These families are just made for a Jerry Springer 2-hour, pay-per-view special!

    I can see it now; Palins and Heaths on one side of the stage; Levi, Shailey, et al, on the other side; Man, the fur would fly!

  37. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Oh for pete's sake, Bristol...GO AWAY.

    Why don't you go pose on a tabloid cover with Tripp and then bitch to the media that Levi is the one exploiting him?

    Why don't you go give a speech about abstinence and then go home and bone Gino while you count your speech money?

    Why don't you go get a tummy tuck and then tell the media your stomach is only so flat because you had to have your bellybutton re-set from all your pregnancies?

    On second thought, I stand by my original suggestion--

    Go. Away.

  38. Anonymous11:35 AM

    "There's more truth to that one article than any Johnston has ever written."

    I think that's Levi's cue to tell the truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the truth.

    Is that what you meant?

  39. Sweet anny11:36 AM

    So sad. She used to be kinda pretty. In the old pictures she looked healthy and friendly. Wholesome, sort of.

    Now all we see is plastic, poorly done, on the outside, and mean girl ugliness on the inside.

    The real surprise here is that I'm surprised by it all. She's (probably) her mother's daughter after all.

  40. Anonymous11:39 AM

    There is PLENTY of evidence that Bristol had a boyfriend AND was sexually active before Levi/2007. See how she talks to Johnny C. on MySpace, as she makes hearts, complains that her mom thinks she is pregnant, proclaims "I am a slut," and nervously/anxiously awaits Johnny's calls:

  41. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Anon 10:45 "Bristol doesn't bs around. She owns up to mistakes. Will Levi do the same or play the victim card? Levi - you are not a victim. You're a douche."

    He zombie troll, Levi has not made any bad a comments about Bristol or played a victim. We haven't heard from Levi in months, because he knows Tripp is not his. Since the makeup breakup saga last year, Levi hasn't made any comments about the trailer trash Palins.

  42. Tyroanee11:41 AM

    "Levi wasn’t even there to help me process — or even confirm my greatly feared suspicions," she writes in a new revenge tome disguised as a memoir.

    Now shouldn't this read:
    "Levi screwed me and left me in the tent without even a thank you"
    Because as we all know Bristol is incapable of writing such words.

    Can Hardly wait for the *NEW* wine cooler named after Bristol:
    "Knocked-up & Left Cold in my Levi's"

  43. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Levi is the only one who hasn't whored himself out in this whole Palin saga....these women (and yes, I'm also including Willow and even Piper) are the worst role models for girls out there. They exhibit classlessness, petulance and hypocrisy whenever they get the opportunity. They're on the same par as Snooki or some of the Real Housewives, and that ain't sayin' much!

  44. Anonymous11:43 AM

    "perhaps this "straight A student" can go to college and start her thesis with..."

    Don't forget the DWTS big middle finger to America!

  45. Anonymous11:43 AM

    "Not Afraid" of what? Going against court orders and writing a book solely for the purpose of slamming Levi? Just like mommy dearest "I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can't."

    Brisket has the NERVE and the GALL her mommy has by claiming Kathy Griffin was mean to her. Bristol said, “I hope people didn't have to pay money to hear her negativity and criticisms.” Well missy Brisket, we hope people aren't wasting money on your trashy book to hear all about your made-up cooch history and negativity/criticisms i.e. claims of rape against Levi.

    BTW I guess you won't be going after Kathy for a "botched botox" job again will you? You look older than your mother!

  46. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Bet she neglected to mention her comments on her 'Myspace' page about pregnancy.

    I'm sure someone has a screenshot of it which Gryphen should include

  47. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Fuck off bots. Brisdull has just ruined her Mama's chances.

  48. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Is this Lanesia Garcia's first son? Nice Carharts. Tripp's hand me down?

    This must be the baby Lanesia had that was gossiped being Levi's.

    Those boys sure are cute.

  49. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Gryphen -

    If there were ever a case that proves money won't buy class, this is it. Class is something you either have or you don't. And these people are classless goobers.

    Do you know what you call a goober with a million dollars?

    A goober.

  50. Anonymous11:51 AM

    From everything I have read about Bristol's behavior in high school, it would appear that she was she was date-raped a lot.

    What did Bill Shakespeare say about protesting too much?

  51. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Is this another one of those Palin educational moment thingys? First American History by her distortions and now state laws pertaining to sexual abuse? They are true patriots laying themselves out like fools for the rest of us to learn from.

    Here it is from the Alaska State Government web site:

    Sec. 11.41.434. Sexual abuse of a minor in the first degree.

    (a) An offender commits the crime of sexual abuse of a minor in the first degree if

    (1) being 16 years of age or older, the offender engages in sexual penetration with a person who is under 13 years of age or aids, induces, causes, or encourages a person who is under 13 years of age to engage in sexual penetration with another person;

    Sec. 11.41.436. Sexual abuse of a minor in the second degree.

    (2) being 16 years of age or older, the offender engages in sexual contact with a person who is under 13 years of age or aids, induces, causes, or encourages a person under 13 years of age to engage in sexual contact with another person;

  52. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Did the judge say neither party could disparage the other? This book will be around fr many years to come and a constant message to Tripp focusing on negatives only. Sounds like Levi needs to go back to court.

    It all makes Bristol sound just as she is.....a vengeful twit with poor judgment and no self control.

    In her attempt to make Levi the bad guy she is merely proving herself to be a slut with a nasty attitude.

  53. Is this a True Confessions book; a Harlequin Romance ... what? So if I am reading the latest "excerpts" she lost her virginity to Levi at 15 (2006?); they continued to sleep together using condoms (sometimes) but she got pregnant. When? It was two years later 2008 when she was "pregnant with Tripp." She turned 18 in October the night her Mom was on SNL and was supposedly pregnant with Tripp. I am confused. Their relationship lasted three years? Didn't Sarah at one point (during the RNC) say in an interview they had dated maybe a year ... she hardly knew Levi, but then Todd talked about Levi being at the house. My head hurts!

  54. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Hm, conflicting info. I wonder what the book actually says. Because I can tell you one thing. We haven't heardthe truth from anyone yet.

  55. Anonymous12:04 PM

    It would be super cool if you could post the fee Bristol received for each of those magazine spreads. You know, like Vanity Fair - $200,000; People - $250,000 etc. :) Because absolutely she has used Tripp as currency since day one of his life. Hard cold cash. That's his only use.

  56. Anonymous12:05 PM


    It's sad that people are THAT immature. I thought the only immature people trashed people they've never met on blogs. I was wrong.

  57. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Hid Bristol? When has she ever hidden? EVER?

  58. Anonymous12:06 PM

    If her mother or father spent five minutes out of their own self absorbed lives to teach her something I do believe (A) student even Bristol could have figured out the odds of getting knocked up. Especially if she were trying.

    "According to the Associated Press, which obtained an early copy of 'Not Afraid,' Palin has fond memories of childhood in Alaska. But she seems to have nothing but anger toward her ex-boyfriend, accusing him of "constantly spreading false accusations against our family." The two met in seventh grade, when the self-described straight-A student could never have predicted someday breaking the news to Johnston about her pregnancy"

  59. Anonymous12:07 PM

    @11:15, most information I've found says babies' eyes change in the first nine months to a year. I did find one source that said they can change color several times before a first birthday, and another said they can change in the first three years of life.

  60. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Is she now saying she was using pills?

    Todd says he never talked with Bristol about sex or birth control. "She had enough information out there and enough examples out there. If she had questions, they would be answered." Bristol herself says she knew about birth control—"I was definitely educated"—but won't say if she used any.,,20282000,00.html

  61. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Exactly how many wine coolers does it take to make you blackout Bristol?

  62. Ratfish12:11 PM

    I heard that Bristol's comments have caused Levi to rename his book to "Nailin' Palin."

  63. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Now that Sarah is out and Michelle is in there is nothing stopping the questions that will be shouted out at Bristol during her public appearances. No more protection from the good old boys playing footsie with mama.

    The lies Bristol has told in the few leaks from the book have enough people riled there are groups planning on visiting her when she goes out in the public.

    Payback is a bitch.

    I do not think Bristol has any idea what is about to happen to her.

  64. Anonymous12:24 PM

    "cool mom" = Palinbot for let's kids have sex under same roof and lies about it for them later after outng them to public to be humiliated forever as trailer park trash who couldn't keep their legs closed. too bad the girls weren't raised by a non cool mom.

    You know, the kind who teach a girl to respect themselves and love them enough to have rules.

  65. Anonymous12:25 PM

    One day the msm will catch up with the rest of us and realize the Palins are Poison .

  66. Anonymous12:26 PM

    @ 11:21 who claims, "Bristol is a sweet, sassy girl who leads, not follows."

    Bristol follows:

    The money. Dangle a money carrot in front of her face and she will change her mind and say anything for it.

    In her mother's footsteps by being vindictive.

    The Money.

    Hollywood. By going on DWTS, getting plastic surgery to change her looks and following Kyle and his brother on a new reality show.

    The Money.

    Her mother's lawyer.

    The Money.

  67. Anon 11:31 AM 'telling her mom on the night of mom's baby shower (Trig).'

    That jives with Levi's story:

    “Bristol and I told her that we were pregnant, on May 4, 2008, the day after my 18th birthday." -Vanity Fair Oct 2009

  68. OT:

    Remember Devo? I do …lol Well….they’re back.

    It’s been 38 years since Devo first played at Kent State University and, if you believe the band, humankind has been devolving ever since. But while their message in the ’70s sounded alien and disturbing, their music is now oddly close to the mainstream. Last year’s ‘Something for Everybody,’ their first album in 20 years, is very much in keeping with today’s electronic pop.

    What do you make of Sarah Palin’s bus tour across America to historic sites?

    Casale: Say no more. We rest our case. We’ve often said this, but if somebody in 1980 with a crystal ball had showed you the world in 2011, you would have thought it was a cheap, B-movie sci-fi dystopia that would in fact never happen, and dismissed it. Now it’s here, in all of its horror. You talk about stupid, you can’t beat Sarah Palin!

  69. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Know what gets me? There are like 3 slightly different versions of this book so far. Are these online journalists that stupid that they can't review a book? I mean, it's understandable for a blogger to distort things, as bloggers have agendas and arebiased at heart. But a journalist's job is to take facts and report them. How hard is it to read a short book and write a review?

    We know Levi's a vain douchebag. We know Bristol is enjoying her new found career. We know there are separate support groups for each teen. Thing is, we haven't heard any truth yet from anyone. Wait to actually read the book before you review it. DUH

  70. Virginia Voter12:34 PM

    Oh, for fuck's sake, you Bristol Fairy Tale Trolls have been at it since 5 am Alaska time saying the same shit, over, and over, and over....please go stalk Bristol on Facebook or whatever and get some new material already.

    When I read the first post this morning I was laughing my ass off, it's so awesome to wake up to Palin schadenfreude on a Saturday morning. But now this has become a cringeworthy cluster fuck. I am sad for innocent little Tripp....he doesn't deserve this as his legacy. If Levi is his father, he needs to get this child away from Bristol ASAP.She is raising him in a family I would not trust my dogs with.

    On another note, I cannot for the life of me figure out who the target audience of this book is. The blue haired tea bagging Grannies and the fundies will keel over if they read this (not a bad thing), and I doubt Brisket has much appeal with the majority of teens and adults.

  71. Anonymous12:37 PM

    As the mother of teens girls, I am just happy Bristol publicly admits her mistake with Levi. It appears she doesn't sugarcoat. They were rocky from the start and were rocky even immediately after conception of Tripp. I'm glad she is repenting all this.

  72. Anonymous12:38 PM

    LMAO, after hours of coverage on the net and blogs with sex and lies Bristol is still ranking at a mere #11,533 on Amazon Bestsellers after bulk buying.

    On B and N the truer Sales Rank is 148,710

    At the official Harper Collin;s she is not even on the front page of new releases and better yet there is going to be soundbites galore if she is the one gum smacking her way through the reading of the pages for an audio version.

    And, for those readying to meet up with Miss. Palin she will also be
    promoting Monday, June 27, 2011 with Extra Tabloid tv with most likely Mario Lopez at The Grove Stop by and throw out a few shout outs.

    Need some questions those here please submit some you would like answered for any one going to ask.

    Bristol's people cannot control the public access area. It will be a free for all.

  73. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous 11:29

    A 15 year-old girl having sex? Isn't this considered underage? Is this grounds for a 16 year-old boy breaking the law?

    Ususlly there has to be an age difference of more than a yr, they are held to the same standard when the ages are about the same. In fact Brisket could be the one in trouble with the law--in most states age of consent is 15 r 16 for a women and 18 for a male--which means Brisket is considered the "adult" or closer to age of consent than Levi. Since Brisket was actually IN her 16th yr and Levi was still 2 yrs away from the age of consent, Levi may have a case against HER for stautory rape--lets all hope he is too nice to do so.


    Brisket openly discusses her sex life and the 'bots are somehow outraged at US for it.
    Sounds like Brisket was spreading those legs pretty young, but the sad part is SHE made it public for her son to read about in the future. Money will never buy any Palin any class that's for sure.

  74. Anonymous12:44 PM

    What kind of parent allows their daughter to be gone overnight without contacting other parents to make sure they are chaperoned???????
    I guess Twd and Sarah were too busy pimping out Tawds hookers to worry about their children.

  75. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Bet she blamed the 'birth control pills' didn't work, the condom broke.

    Taking the 'pill' but standing infront of people getting PAID to put out the Candie's message.

    She has class - not the class you want. She's a CLASS 'A' friggin tramp hypocrite -- just like her friggin UGLY mother.

    Just think of the walls on the boy's washroom -- Think of all the 'marks' of who 'DID BRISTLE'!! So many that they ran out of space to chalk up the 'marks'.

    She always walks like she's been riding a horse!

  76. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Exactly how many wine coolers does it take to make you blackout Bristol?

    12:11 PM

    With her girth I say 3 wine coolers and 2 to 3 bottles of Jack should about do it.

  77. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Anon said: "Is this Lanesia Garcia's first son? Nice Carharts. Tripp's hand me down?

    This must be the baby Lanesia had that was gossiped being Levi's."

    Are these more fake Palin accounts set up to deceive? Perhaps those are Tripp's hand-me-downs on a sibling Bristol had post DWTS. I'm sure she wouldn't hand anything over to Levi for another woman's baby.

  78. Anonymous1:00 PM

    All I can think of is poor poor Tripp. That boy doesn't stand a chance in hell with these "roll models"

  79. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Dear Bristol:

    Thank GOD your family will never see the White House. I can only imagine how you would defile my bedroom.

    Your Mom's pal Abe

  80. Anonymous1:01 PM

    If you are screwing at 15 then there's plenty of time to pop out one baby before turning up pregnant at the RNC, Bristol. In fact, Bristol, you were screwing well before 15, weren't you? And the drinking and other drugging started before 15 too. The chances are good that your memories are of your early teens are just a drunken haze.

    Fortunately, little Tripp has yielded an impressive steady income, so you can purchase essentials like plastic surgery. You've done very well for a school drop-out. So maybe you should sit down and shut up before someone exposes you for the liar you are.

    Are you smart enough, Bristol, to keep out of the slime the rest of the family will be trudging through soon? Probably not. But you really should give it a try... for your children's (plural)sake.

  81. Anonymous1:04 PM

    FYI Bristol's never been the jealous type. She was definitely the mature one of the relationship. I also doubt quite believe she and Levi were serious until 07.

  82. I hope Frank Bailey reads Bristol's account of telling her mother about her Tripp pregnancy on May 4 so he realizes the extent of Sarah's manipulation on Aug. 16.

    'Blind Allegiance', pp 249-250: (recounting an Aug. 16 telephone conversation with Sarah following an earlier one where Sarah was crying to hard to speak)
    “‘Bristol.’” “‘Bristol,’ she began again. ‘She’s pregnant.’”
    “Of the pregnancy, Sarah said that only Neen and I, along with Kris Perry and Sharon Leighow knew. ‘I left the decision to her,’ Sarah explained, ‘and Bristol wants to keep the baby.’”

  83. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Hoping someday I can give Bristol Palin the big middle finger she so lovingly referenced during her DWTS phase.

  84. Anonymous1:08 PM

    "Her parents were far more supportive. She and Johnston told her parents on the night of her mother’s own baby shower."

    These lies are going to be the unraveling of the Palin's once and forever. Hope Levi sues the crap and gets custody also too.

    Pics from Trig's baby shower do not show a concerned Sarah or Todd in the least being told "Shocking" news Bristol was having sex & knocked up.

    VAN SUSTEREN: Take me back to a year ago, when you first discovered you were going to be a mother. You -- I imagine you had to tell your parents.

    BRISTOL: Yes, which was, like, harder than labor.

    VAN SUSTEREN: OK, where -- when did you tell them?

    BRISTOL: Well, we were sitting on the couch, my best friend and Levi, and we had my parents come and sit on the couch, too. And we had my sisters go upstairs. And we just sat them down, and I just -- I couldn't even say it. I was just sick to my stomach. And so finally, my best friend just, like, blurted it out. And it was just, like -- I don't even remember it because it was just, like, something I don't want to remember.

    VAN SUSTEREN: Levi was there, as well?

    BRISTOL: Yes.

    VAN SUSTEREN: What was the reaction of your mother and your father?

    BRISTOL: They were scared just because I have to -- I had to grow up a lot faster than they ever would have imagined.,2933,494205,00.html#ixzz1PfD8MkTe

  85. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Well Gryph,

    You've gone and done it. You seem to have every shape and form of bot here today, the delusional dreamy, the legal beagle, the victim lover, the "she's such a good girl and Levi is scum, the yellers and accusers. She must have called them all in for the day so it's clear the nerve has been touched. This is going to come slamming down on them. The initial flurry will pass, and like the emails, some reasoned thought and connecting the dots are going to out her in ways she can't even imagine.

    BTW - if the BCP's aren't in the book it's possible she was just saying she was on them at the direction of the Abstinence group as a way to "prove" the ineffectiveness of BCP. Meaning? She never used BCP so the menstrual cramps would be another lie.

    These people - Borderline Personalities one and all. Very scary it went from mother to daughter.

  86. Anonymous1:11 PM

    11:08 AM ...They both have supportive families and are currently happy.

    er, publishing a book disparaging your child's father doesn't indicate "currently happy", it indicates "vindictive harpy".

  87. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Legal Beagle is posting about under 13 years of age, that's rape because of age. There is that other kind of rape, the one where one party does not consent, or is too drunk to consent. That is not age dependent. So he might be off the hook on rape of a minor but that doesn't let him off the hook from the Yahoo account that said she had sex and didn't know she did. That's my good attorney is rape, and if that isn't how it happened then if I'm Levi, I'm looking for some retraction.

  88. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Good Lord this family is nuts and trashy.

  89. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Wow, the trolls are out.

    This one has got them nervous.

    Seems like people have come up with many solid inconsistencies already in her story.

    Nice try, Bristol, but as in everything you all do it's only going to make things worse.

    A real family tradition.

  90. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Don't believe Tripp belongs to Levi, more like Chuck Sr, Chuck Jr or Todd. I think Levi was just a name Bristol used in her book and is making big bucks off it.

  91. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Bristol, lies are becoming your whole life. You have become a disgrace just like your mama.

  92. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Sometimes the ads under your stories are hysterical. Mine is "Pregnant and need help?"


  93. Anonymous1:30 PM

    She just keeps digging the hole deeper doesn't she?

    And the whole family is overtly obsessed with rape. That is just bizarre.

    Why would any guy be "faithful" to a girl with no morals, Bristol?
    Geeze, get a grip on reality.

  94. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Why hasn't Sarah tweeted any support promoting Bristol's piece of work?

  95. Anonymous1:31 PM

    The Tale Of How Bristol Palin Lost Her Virginity

  96. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Um anon 10:31 AM, Bristol doesn't basically say anything but that she lost her virginity and it confused her. Where do you get this?

  97. Anonymous1:37 PM

    This book won't be good for Sarah's image. If SP is as image conscious as it's been reported, the floor fell through for her.

    Only the hypnotized bots will defend her. Others who have reasoning skills will see that the Palins weren't good parents. Most parents would ask the "where, what, who, when, how" of parenting when their 15 year-old daughter is going away overnight with friends. They'd call the parent or chaperone involved where the overnight plans are all about and where they're staying, with who, and what's involved. They'd have phone numbers at the ready. How could a girl at this age get under the radar and go camping with her peers without any parents knowing? It's BS.

    What the story shows is a couple who were more concerned with themselves at every level and parenting is something other people do. Look at the responsible parenting during the vacation bus tour and how poor Piper had to block reporters to get away from her mom that she so desperately needs attention from.

  98. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Bristol, this book is a big mistake. You are really making yourself look much worse. How many pregnancies have you had and how many partners have you had?

  99. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Bristol had a baby before Sarah was picked for VP. Guess she had this book written to confirm it.

  100. Anonymous1:46 PM

    What happened to the agreement I thought they Levi/Bristol had not to speak ill of the other? wasnt in a custody agreement? or does it work only one way bristol can levi cant?

  101. Anonymous1:53 PM

    HD Pics.

  102. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Are condoms included with Bristol's sex booklet? Does she name all the dudes she has had sex with or is she just pretending it was just Levi?

  103. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Per link's I found how can she get away with this book in which she is bashing / saying crap about levi?

    Bristol and Levi reach custody agreement
    Alaska Dispatch | Aug 16, 2010
    According to CBS News, Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin have reached a custody agreement. According to the document submitted to Superior Court in Anchorage, Palin will retain primary custody of their son, Tripp, and Johnston will be allowed twice-weekly visitation (on Wednesdays from noon to 6 p.m., and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.). The court also set the financial basis for determining Johnston's future child-support payments at $72,000 per year. The agreement also contains language prohibiting the parents from saying negative things about each other, either to the press or in front of Tripp. According to CBS, the document stipulates that "the parties agree that the child shall receive positive reinforcement about each party and that the child has the right to be free of negative comments by one parent about the other."


  104. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Malia's going after APD, will the fun never cease.

    RE: MOA and the potential for disruption there when Brisket shows for her book signing. We may be MN nice but we also know how to run a good protest. Let her come, we'll give her her due.

    Just remember Tpaw and the most recent glittering. We learn quick up here. Wonder if we can get a middle finger out of her?

  105. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Bristol is as good at lying as Sarah Palin. Is the whole Palin family liars, or which one lies the best and the most?

  106. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Whoever has this video (Ya know it is true the Palin's never denied it) is going to make a sht load of money.

    The video footage allegedly features a 15-year-old Bristol smoking marijuana during a drunken teen party.

  107. Is a book not speaking badly of someone? How can she get away with this except lets face Levi hasnt fought them on anything yet why would this be any different

    Per their custody agreement

    Other terms of the agreement include a clause in which the parties agree not to “speak badly about the other parent in front of the child … or allow anyone else to speak badly about the other parent or members of their family in front of the child. Additionally, Palin and Johnston agreed “that they shall not allow the child to visit with, or interact with, any family member who publicly … or in front of the child, criticizes the other parent or the other parent’s family.”

  108. Is a book not speaking badly of someone? How can she get away with this except lets face Levi hasnt fought them on anything yet why would this be any different

    Per their custody agreement

    Other terms of the agreement include a clause in which the parties agree not to “speak badly about the other parent in front of the child … or allow anyone else to speak badly about the other parent or members of their family in front of the child. Additionally, Palin and Johnston agreed “that they shall not allow the child to visit with, or interact with, any family member who publicly … or in front of the child, criticizes the other parent or the other parent’s family.”

  109. Anonymous2:13 PM

    The precious baby "Trig" could very well be the husbands but by another woman.

    Just adding my two cents.

  110. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Ugh, God, can we talk about that idiot Shushanna Walshe and the fact that she sounds EXACTLY like Palin when she's interviewed? She is AWFUL.

  111. Anonymous2:19 PM

    For those who feel the need to throw myspace comments into the equation, please remember that immediately following the "my mom thinks im pregnant" and "my phone was taken away", Bristol wrote, "but I didn't do anything".

    This is why one-sided convos and random comments are not examples of evidence.

  112. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Ever who told Bristol this was a good idea for a book should be hung from a skyscraper.

    Bet you it was Sarah and it is all about revenge and making big dollars. Sarah knew this would make Bristol look horrible and Sarah endorsed it all the way cause she is jealous of Bristol.

    What a horrible thing to do to encourage this book, Bristol is going to simply hate herself even more.

    The Palin trash family just consumes it's own children.

  113. Anonymous2:23 PM

    If only Paul Revere was there to wake Bristol up and warn her that Levi was a comin'.

  114. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Remember in the olden days when girls under the age of 18 didnt go camping with boys without a chaperone. These Palin girls are tarts like their Mom and Grandma. Its in the genes.

  115. Anonymous3:04 PM

    The Palins: Not Afraid to Lie

  116. Anonymous3:04 PM

    This reads more like reality, not the Palin spin. LOL.

  117. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Straight A student my ass! Like Sarah was a straight A student, ha! ha! with all of those scholarships (not). That family just took up place in the classroom. For the Palins and Heaths, school was about screwing around, literally.

  118. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I have to say - I love the trolls - you guys make my day. Although it's VERY troubling to think that you might actually be able to drive, parent and vote, you make me laugh, laugh, laugh!

  119. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Mall Of America event is going to get interesting. There are about twenty women gearing up with signs to met Miss. Virginity. This ought to be fabulous. They are planning to flood the line so when one gets booted distracting security the rest pepper Bristol with real questions.

    Bristol has no clue what she is in for.

    11:28 AM

    Go Go Go!!!!
    Some of you be nice an discreet though, Get right up to the front table and then pepper her with quetions, smiling all the while sweetly, saintly, virginally!! Also, there are pens you can buy that will video or audio record.
    So excited for you!!! For US!

  120. 2:19 PM said...
    "For those who feel the need to throw myspace comments into the equation, please remember that immediately following the "my mom thinks im pregnant" and "my phone was taken away", Bristol wrote, "but I didn't do anything".

    This is why one-sided convos and random comments are not examples of evidence"


    Hi Brooklyn!!

    You've posted that same comment on various blogs today..

    Your a very busy palinbot today

  121. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Anonymous said...
    As the mother of teens girls, I am just happy Bristol publicly admits her mistake with Levi. It appears she doesn't sugarcoat. They were rocky from the start and were rocky even immediately after conception of Tripp. I'm glad she is repenting all this.

    12:37 PM


    Oh yes, holy jeebus, repent and you shall be saved and enter that kingdom of heaven regardless of how much you lie or fornicate or covet or exhibit greedy tendencies. You fundies have it all figured out, don't you ;-)

  122. Anon 1:08 - 'on the night of her own shower' could mean the Palins got the big news AFTER the shower.

  123. Anonymous3:30 PM

    so if bristol had gotten pregnant from Barber before they broke up in March, then she would have delivered in January. That would be horrible to have to babies and two baby daddies. Getting engaged in June/July when you found out would probably be a good cover.

    But what would you do with the baby? Maybe buy a fortress so no one finds out.

  124. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Hey SeaO'Piss Bots and paylins!

    White Trash does NOT make it to the White House!

    But you bots, please give every last cent to these loons. I love how Scarah is conning you out every last cent with her fake campaign.

    Go broke then go on welfare from supporting your queen idiot and ilk.

    Evolution at it finest hour.

  125. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Hey, Bristol, do you think it is ironic (you an look up that word) that you son Tripp is the spitting image of his grandpa Chuck, who, in that grand Palin/Heath tradition impregnated Sally before marriage.

    I'm sure when Tripp gets older he'll want to know if Great-Grandpa Chuck date-raped Sally in a tent just like his daddy Levi date-raped you.

    And Brisket, do ya think it is ironic (or flippinunbelievable as it might be called in Palin speak) that your ma Sarah was knocked up with Track prior to marriage. Have you asked her if it was Todd or Curtis Menard Jr. ('ya know that one who met his unfortunate death in a plane accident) who date-raped her in a tent?

    Flippinunbelievable three generations of fundie trailer trash.

  126. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I do not understand why she was drinking underage and sleeping with a guy, where were her parents? oops Sorry, that is my world.. the Palin world is different...since Chucky's time.

    God, what did Chucky have to do to get Ma Palin knocked up? Did they have roofies back then? Who would sleep with that nasty thing.

    Hey Chuck, stop masterbating to Sarah's picture or sniffing the kids underwear (and Sarah's) for a moment and weigh in on this.

    If I found out you were my daughter's substitute teacher, there would be hell to pay. You dont even have a degree, you old lech.

  127. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Where did Bristol say she did nothing wrong in her MySpace posts. She said just the opposite actually.

    And obviously by her own admission of having sex often with Levi during this time period she did do something.

  128. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Hahaha 10:58, great post. Do you think the bots recognize how idiotic their fairy tale posts are?

  129. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Boy, this certainly points to the poor parenting in the Palin household, oldest son a vandal along with drugs and an alcohol problem. Brisket staying overnight with boys at age 15 drinking and doing drugs. Willow involved in vandalism drugs and drinking.
    This reflects badly on BOTH parents. No wonder their children are all failures.
    Sarah can't run her family she certainly would never be able to run a country. In fact she couldn't run a state ...she quit.

  130. Anonymous3:39 PM

    1. Raping Willow and Bristol-- From Going Rogue: "In that first year, I was alerted to threats against Willow by students at her Juneau school, one particularly disturbing. Someone posted a note on an Internet site threatening to gang-RAPE her at school. I never felt safe for her after that. Later, the same thing happened to Bristol."

    2. Threat to Rape Willow

    3. Threat to Piper: Last year Sarah Palin suggested that Joe McGinniss would get a kick out of peering through Piper bedroom window and watching her children swimming in Lake Lucille

    4. Threat to Bristol: Bristol Palin, in the witness box at the David Kernell trial:

    “There was one [text message] that really scared me,” Bristol Palin testified in federal court. She said she was concerned when a bunch of boys called, claiming they were at her front door and needed to be let in.

    “We live in the middle of nowhere in Alaska … in the middle of the woods.”

    5. Threat to Rape her daughters: Sarah Palin has obtained a new restraining order against the stalker who's been terrorizing her family -- after the man allegedly made several disturbing threats ... including raping Sarah's daughter.

    6. Bristol claims to be date raped by levi

    WOW anyone see a pattern.

  131. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I swear I read something here today from a commenter who talked about how SARA bought little tins of Copenhagen for LEVI and left them under his pillow and then dug them out of the trash later and kept them around?

    Was I hallucinating? Did those naughty mushrooms come full circle after 30 dormant years?

    Please help me out here. What would Sara be doing putting little gifts under Levi's pillow? Where was Levi's pillow anyway? At Sara's house? I don't know....


  132. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Gryphen you forgot to post my favorite photo of B&T, Vanity Fair "homemaker"!

  133. Anonymous3:49 PM do not match up with the new version being passed around.

    That post has been pulled.

    Interesting indeed, the long tentacles of Palin reach far and deep pulling the unwary to the briny deep

  134. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Lol, Bots are going over to Amazon pre-ordering in masses Bristol's Lie All to jump her sales ranking. They expect to cancel day before release without getting charged on different accounts they created. Would be hilarious if Amazon bills early hitting their cards.

    Heads up, you all have to also go buy at Barnes And Noble & Borders to make the rank at least seem legit.

  135. Anonymous3:50 PM

    How many copies of Bristol's book do you think SarahPAC are buying up?

  136. Anonymous3:51 PM

    "Her parents were far more supportive. She and Johnston told her parents on the night of her mother’s own baby shower."

    The baby shower at the 'gun range'?

  137. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Someday, granted that Tripp is not home schooled by a Palin, he will learn to read, and he will eventually read his mothers trash talk book probably in early teens. Nice legacy to leave your son Bristol, not. We will see how much Bristol uses her son in the reality show and seeing that Sarah taught her to use the kids as props I am guessing alot.

  138. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Bristol Palin: 5 Secrets from Her New Memoir

    4. The morning her mother was announced as Sen. John McCain’s running mate, Palin and her siblings were awoken by their father and told they were going on a surprise trip. They ended up in Dayton, Ohio, where McCain made the announcement.

    Hold up in an interview Sarah said she sat down with the children asking their opinion and vote on whether she should accept the vice president nod with McCain before she said yes.

    Which one is lying?

  139. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Are any of you folks paying attention to the fact we've not heard a word from Levi in months and months. It is the Palins who bash him constatntly.

    I like Levi and many in the Valley do. He has been made to be the bad ass in all of this per the Palins. Ms. Bristol is the one who was "free" in her high school years and certainly was NOT an A student.

    I cannot believe how the Palin family lies about everything and seems to get away with it on the national scene. We in Alaska know much better.

    Levi needs to have a DNA test done as to whether he is truly the father of that child. Perhaps that is the reason we don't see him standing up and fighting for his rights 'as a true father' for the little guy. God, I hate to think of that child growing up and reading all the stuff in print about him - especially from his horrid mother and grandmother - Bristol and Sarah. He will need therapy as do all the Palin family members.

  140. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Curiouser: I had forgotten about that! But I wondered about that part of Bailey's book in the context of another discussion here, specifically, that the reaction Bailey describes -- Palin so distraught she could hardly speak -- struck me as over the top. So I wondered, what else could have happened at that time to send Palin over the edge? Could Ruffles have died at this time? So far as I know he is last seen in photographs in June (photo in Bailey's book); by the RNC we see Round Ear Trig.
    The disappearance of Ruffles has always really bothered me. With such a distinctive deformity, you'd think he would have been noticed if were alive & well somewhere even remotely connected to the Palin clan.

  141. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Shoulda kept his Johnson in his Levis.

  142. What mother lets her 15 (going on 16) daughter go camping with her boyfriend, and a bunch of their other friends? Oh, a mother who has quit her job as mother to run for governor.

    I think it's about time we start referring to Sarah as a womb-donor instead of a mother, 'cause there sure doesn't seem to have been much mothering going on.

  143. Anonymous4:16 PM

    So Bristol was an A student in sex in how to hold them and in how to fold them.

  144. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Hey anon 11:28 your plan sounds great so you may not want to post it here. Bristols probably already been told about it.

  145. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Way to go, Bristol, Way.To.Go. Congrats, girl.

    You must be proud you have outdone your famous mother. YOU became a lying conning bitch at the age of 20. SHE, on the other hand, was a failure as she didn't get this pedigree until she was in her 30's.


  146. Anonymous4:28 PM

    She told her parents May 4 and she was 6 wks pregnant so is she telling us she went camping in the middle of March..the medium temps are 30 degrees in March at Point MacKenzie or was the tent trip the summer before when she lost her virginity and got pregnant with the first baby???

  147. Anonymous4:31 PM

    It's really sad so many people feel the need to comment on someone's personal life. Both parties are living happily.

    But I have one question. The Ben B interview wasn't even bad. It showed everyone pretty fairly and in their true light. Levi's a slacker, Bristol likes her life now, People were disappointed in the reunion, Todd's an awesome dude, Sarah likes HER life now. What was bad?

  148. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Anyone who thinks it's a great plan to treat Bristol like 1128 described needs therapy. Grow up.

  149. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Levi's been out camping and chillin in AK. For those who wish to know. I assume he's busy feeding his ghostwriters some bullshit to match Bristol's.

    Why can't people just say, "Hey I was young dumb and fucked up" Oh THATS right. Bristol did that.

  150. Anonymous4:37 PM

    How do you think Tripp will feel when he sees what his father has said about his grandma? NO DIFFERENT. Trash talk is trash talk. All Bristol said was Levi was basically a normal teen boy. If Levi says any different in his book THATS a lie. All he can do is give his reasoning.

  151. Anonymous4:43 PM

    That way back machine does wonders when idiots want to hide their idiocy, doesn't it?

  152. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Re 3:39 p.m., you forgot this gem from the recent email release where Palin says she has to keep Brisket away from Republican state representative Ray Ramras, who presumably might want to rape Bristol:

    "Maybe Jay's missing his little lady and feels frustrated lately. I'll have to keep him away from Bristol."

    And by the way, Gryph, that particular email is so outrageous it deserves its own post.

    I have to wonder if Sarah was a victim of childhood sexual abuse and is just trying to recreate what she knows.

    Hate to say it, but Sally Heath looks like a dazed dumbshit who wouldn't protect her kids.

  153. Anonymous4:46 PM

    How is what I say "fairy tale" when I can back it up?

  154. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Yup, Sarah's got competition if she thinks she is going to take Scottsdale. Malcolm is running on about the same wave length...lmao, he Tweets he is r now going to be a politician. He'd still beat her.

    Now, the onetime teen star has cast himself in an entirely new role, tweeting: "I'm going to be a politician. I'm running for public office. I will be announcing soon."

    Muniz, 25, resides in Scottsdale, Ariz. -- about 40 miles from Maricopa, where Bristol Palin recently bought a home (sparking rumors that she, too, might dabble in local politics). But nobody knows yet how Muniz will kick off his new career.

  155. Anonymous4:53 PM

    "for those who are still clinging to the belief that Bristol and her mother are not getting along..."

    What follows is meant to be taken as proof that they "get along"?
    Don't be so naive!
    Bristol may be dim, but I'm sure she's no so stupid as to badmouth her RICH mother in print.
    Gotta plan for the future, you know!

  156. Anonymous4:55 PM

    "leu2500 said...What mother lets her 15 (going on 16) daughter go camping with her boyfriend"

    Same one that let her 15 year old go to prom with that piece of degeneracy.

  157. Anonymous4:55 PM

    What happened to those teens who told Mercede on myspace in Nov 08 that they knew Bristol was pregnant but they didnt know it was Levi's? Man I wish I saved those shots and got names. There were several people who said stuff like that.

  158. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Who really cares about Bristol Palin, a girl who got pregnant several times and never got married and had many lovers?

    She is just an uneducated girl who got paid big dollars to be on dwts cause some right winger with money did Sarah Palin a favor because Sarah trashed the president for the right wingers. Bristol couldn't dance and she lumbered around in her pregnancy state and just looked pitiful. Her Mom got her fans to rig the polls to keep her on and the whole thing was a complete disaster.

    Bristol knows the truth about herself and she hates herself so much that she went under the knife to hide that stupid girl that she still is now. Bristol is messed up mentally just like her mama and I believe it has to do with incest and not Levi.

  159. Anonymous4:57 PM

    OT- But-- C4P just put up a post about a letter sent out by Sarapac saying that everyone has to see movie Undefeated and for the small gift of $100.00 you can receive your own personal DVD. Grifter!!

  160. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Eight pregnancy tests. Eight. Really.

    "Palin has always vowed to her parents, Sarah and Todd, that she would remain a virgin until marriage. But Palin and Johnston remained intimate until she became pregnant with their son, Tripp, 2. She took eight pregnancy tests because she was in such shock."

    Sure reads like she was trying to get knocked up. Straight A student yet she was surprised she got pregnant after having sex, often. What are the bench marks up there in Alaska for stupid anyway?

  161. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Good Lord.

    Bristol goes on to say Levi cheated on her constantly, coming home drunk, with hickeys on his neck. She says she finally ended things when Levi told her he got another girl pregnant and that Levi named the child Bentley, which was her first choice when they were naming Tripp.

  162. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Midol. A very simple and easy solution for cramps.

    But for Bristol? No, she decided, her mom agreed, that she would go on the pill instead. Hmmm.

  163. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Next story Bristol will be promoting is that she is gay and still a virgin. She and her idiot mother have no problem with making up lies. Both of them are a disgrace to women everywhere.

  164. Anonymous5:10 PM

    HEY HEY HEY she said Levi would COME HOME drunk. Aha so he did LIVE WITH THE PALIN'S. Keep talking Bristol, let it all come to light.

    "Bristol goes on to say Levi cheated on her constantly, coming home drunk, with hickeys on his neck.

    Such liars, frauds, dumbasses.

    "Levi has never lived under the same roof as Bristol or any of the Palins," Palin spokeswoman Meghan Stapleton told CNN."

  165. Anonymous5:20 PM

    So, if Tripp looks like Grandpa, maybe pantysniffing Grandpa Chuck is the daddy. He is creepy. He couldnt hold a job and had to come to Alaska to find a way to earn a living on the pipeline. I think he just ended up being supported by his wife, who worked as a secretary for the school system. And, then, became a small town bully.

    I wonder how Todd feels about being a surrogate father to a bastard and kowtowing to the old letch.

    Sally, Sally, Sally, what have you wrought?

  166. Anonymous5:24 PM


    Saw that one coming, see the movie and buy the DVD. A hundred bucks? God almighty, how many will actually hand that over? They see the movie and then have to buy the DVD? I'd love a racket like that.

  167. Anonymous5:25 PM

    If so serious, why did Bristol attend homecoming activities in fall 07 with girlfriends and not Levi? In Juneau she was living a single life.

    Wouldnt the fall have been their primetime? Levi may not have been in school but he was playing hockey. Did he watch Bristol play football?

  168. Anonymous5:28 PM

    In response to 4:17 PM.

    That is alright she can bone up on her answers instead of her security detail. Save another unwanted child from being conceived.

  169. Anon 3:39 - fascinating and disgusting list. There are two more incidents from the recent email dump, writing about AK Rep. Jay Ramras.

    Oct 5 07 email - Maybe Jay's missing his little lady and feels frustrated lately. I'll have to keep him away from Bristol.

    Oct 21 '07 - "Sheeesh... He's basically just announced I'm not around HIM enough! Doesn't he know why? I have two teenaged daughters, everyone knows gotta' keep the young 'uns away from the likes of Jay."

    That noted, I think it's premature to say that Bristol's book is accusing Levi of 'date rape'. It's interesting, though, that so many are reading that into the book reviews.

  170. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Following in the footsteps of her idiotic mother....

    Bristol, you will look back at this time in your life with many, many regrets. I especially feel for your son....your are becoming a poor, poor excuse as a mother - much the same as who taught you your horrid skills!

    I hope Levi is around to pick up the pieces of his son - if he is, in fact, his son.

  171. Anonymous5:44 PM

    "Anyone who thinks it's a great plan to treat Bristol like 1128 described needs therapy. Grow up."

    Ha, Bristol is calling her baby's daddy a gnat. Who needs to grow up? That would be Bristol for you slower lurkers.

    Bristol is the one choosing to continue her circus of stupidity and lies. I am willing to pay the $20 admission to her freak show at Barnes and Noble but for it I expect to be entertained.

  172. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I don't get it. Do some of you have trouble reading? Why do many of you keep saying that the camping trip was the date that she got pregnant? Why do you keep figuring the date of the camping trip as nine months before Tripp's birth and saying it's a lie because no one goes camping in April in AK?

    Please carefully read the story that Gryphen posted. It says that she HAD SEX for the first time on the camping trip. However, she CONTINUED to sleep with Levi, and got pregnant LATER.

    "Despite the guilt she felt after that night she spent camping with her friends and boyfriend in the woods of Point MacKenzie 2006 she continued to have sex with the 16-year-old hockey-playing hunk. They used condoms, she claims, but she still got pregnant."

  173. Anonymous5:59 PM

    How exactly is this stupid book supposed to help the Palin cause?

    Even if it's all lies, to make Bristle the innocent victim, it insults the reader. Once again, they do more harm to themselves in trying to control the damage rather than leaving it alone. Stupid.

  174. Anonymous5:59 PM

    The entire Palin clan is nothing but fcktards.

  175. FloridaDem5:59 PM

    OMG that D-List link that someone put on here is hilarious. They're all talking about Bristol's fantasy story. After reading that, and the myspace link, I feel like an idiot halfway believing her. Oh well, probably because I'm older.

    They also asked what I brought up do you blackout from wine coolers? Here's another pretty good comment:

    "The abstinence only campaign hurts people. It leads girls who had consensual sex to have shame induced regrets and subsequent justifications - including fuzzy pseudo-rape allegations. It's also a huge slap in the face to actual date rape victims. Oh, and these abstinence only adherents are less likely to use birth control when they inevitably have sex, so - surprise, surprise - little Twig or whatever the hell his name is, is born."

  176. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Seriously, how hypocritical can people BE? Where were you all when Levi was trashing his inlaws? Tripp could see all that one day. (maybe not as youtube videos could be deleted over time). But anything negative he writes in a book will no doubt get read. How can you put down Bristol for the tame things she's written and WANT Levi to write a tell all?

    That is horrible and what is wrong with the country. People treat dems different from Reps, girls different from boys.

    SAD state of affairs.

  177. Anonymous6:06 PM

    To the person asking about "is this breaking the law" a 16 boy having sex with a 15 yr girl- no it is not a crime (unfortunately) I know of the situation where a friend of mine's 15 year old daugther was raped by a 16 yr old boy - in his room while his parents were home! Of course when the girl reported it to her parents and was taken to ER that night - the boy denied it and the parents got angry - any way - the hospital confirmed that there was tearing (andshe had been a virgin prior to the intercourse) and "rough" sex had taken place - but it is a case of he said she said - he said it was consentsul she said it was not - but because HE was also under age no "crime" actually occured and even if her parents had insisted on pressing charges the police said all that would happen is their daughter would have been dragged through the mud and nothing could be proven in court - even though she was under age and even if she had said YES (which she didn't) it would not be "rape" be caue the boy was under age - only IF the male was an adult would it be rape.

    Totally screwed up legal system - but that is the way it is. Fortunately - the girl is in counseling and at least there were no long term physical affects and hopefully her spirit and heart will heal in time.

    The only recourse would be "sue" in civil court the parents - since they were responsible for allowing their son to go to his room with a girl and close the door - physical harm occured under their roof - no different then if someone fell on their property and broke a leg - however the pain and emotional scars from a civil lawsuiit would be devasting since of course the boys parents would then trash the girl and her family to every one in the neighborhood - so the main focuse has been to help the girl recover rather then seek "revenge" since getting justice is impossible.

    On top of all that the boy went to school next day and spread it all around that the girl is slut and when ever she has to see him in the hall - his friends snicker and try to grab her breasts - the school does nothing, and refuses to move the boy to another school saying if she can't handle it - she is the one that has change school.

    Another point - if a girl is "date" raped - they do not continue to date and have sex with the boy - Bristol may have to drunk to remember and regretted her "first" time - if it was her first time - but I would not say what happened to her was rape - what did she think would happen getting drunk and going to sleep with a boy in a tent - I am definitely not one to "blame the victim" - but using Bristol's own description of that night and what happened afterwards it does not sound like rape - did she tell her parents? did she go to the hospital for an exam? did she seek counseling? was she afarid of boy afterwards? was the incident reported? did she call a hot line to seek anonymous support or help? did she do anything all that indicates she was "victim"?

  178. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Wow, if Bristol is reading the world wide web (And we know she is) I do believe she is getting a dose of reality she never expected thinking she was America's sweetheart or something.

    OMIGod I do believe she will be in need of a few comfort surgeries after she gets some first person on the street feedback.

    Famewhoring your children is so 2008 Bristol.

  179. Anonymous6:13 PM

    "Where were you all when Levi was trashing his inlaws?"

    What specifically did Levi say about his, "Inlaws", worse than they said about him first?

    Please provide links.

  180. FEDUP!!!6:15 PM

    BTW, Gryphen: You forgot to put her book cover as one of the 'using him as currency' pictures. She is holding Tripp in that pic, also, too!

  181. Anonymous6:26 PM

    "Please carefully read the story that Gryphen posted. It says that she HAD SEX for the first time on the camping trip. However, she CONTINUED to sleep with Levi, and got pregnant LATER."

    Why the mix-up because in the earlier version Bristol's camp released this morning the claim was she only had sex once demanding Levi wait until marriage before porking her again.

    The I am still kind of a virgin because I do not remember because I was drunk did not float well.

    Problemo with that lie other than it was so retarded is Track is on record calling her a slut, saying their parents do not trust her along with Ben screwing her, Gino shaking up with her that is after Levi went back for seconds.

    Bristol must have some serious rug burns on her fat ass btw.

  182. Anonymous6:27 PM

    So Levi "openly cheated" on Bristol even though she was pregnant with his baby (supposedly). And it also, too, sounds like he date raped her. The "Palins never liked Levi" (with apparently good reason if all of that is true) yet when McCain tapped Queen Esther, Levi was introduced to the world as the baby daddy and fiancee of Bristol? Is that the story?

    What kind of sleazy mother and father would force their daughter to marry a boy like that? The world is now supposed to feel sorry for "straight A virgin student" Bristle but Mommy Dearest showed no pity for their 16 year old daughter when they humiliated her before the entire country?

    That family cannot open their mouths without making themselves look worse and worse. Who advises those stupid people? Geez.


  183. FEDUP!!!6:27 PM

    OK, so she SAYS in her book that Levi was 16 when she got pregnant. THAT makes HER FIFTEEN (she is somewhat less than a year younger than him, I believe) - and THAT again makes Tripp to be AT LEAST her SECOND baby, and Trig (or Ruffles!) her first one!
    (BTW: It seems that Ruffles was at least on ONE of the bus tours - the one where a blond woman feeds him the breast-milk bottle. Ruffles in that picture is also wearing glasses. You can see them faintly when you enlarge the picture.)

  184. Anonymous6:31 PM

    "As for his much-publicized semi-nude Playgirl spread, she was not impressed. "Puke!" she says"

    Still she looked.

    I'd think when she passes a mirror these days she vomits.

  185. Her mama must be sooooo Proud of her. Ugh! I would be too embarrassed to even show my face if my sons acted like her. At least my two turned out to be fine, decent young men.

    By the way Gryphen, tell your daughter I wish her a joyous gay pride week. Our pride fest in Ohio is happening this weekend and i'm missing a the fun because I have to work. :(

  186. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Wasn't the old bear, you know, the old bear who can do it all, the governor while her young teen daughter, spent the night drinking, and having sex? Where was the supervision? Was she holed up in her bed room reading hollywood gossip rags? As reported, by her almost son in law.

  187. Anonymous6:44 PM


    You need to be married to have inlaws, or is that another Palin secret that's being kept for now?

  188. Anonymous6:45 PM

    She is getting ripped apart. Welcome to the real world Miss. Palin.

    From Dlisted
    "I see she is as stupid, delusional and dishonest as her mother. BC pills are never written to relieve cramps......and if it takes you 8 tries to get a P-test right, might want to consider a psych eval for competency. In other words...she is just plain STOOOPID."

  189. Anonymous6:51 PM


    Oops. There we go, very hard to blend two lies, they tend to grate against each other.

  190. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Gryphen, I just saw this on one of the emails. At first I thought this fourteen year old kid was just mistaken. But then I thought...what if his mom is a nurse or his dad is an adoption lawyer...maybe they were talking about Sarah "getting" the baby during the first week of march?

    I decided to post it in case the last name is familiar to you.

    From: []

    Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 9:15 PM

    To: Governor Sarah Palin (GOV sponsored)

    Subject: Elections

    Web mail from: Mr. Christian McWorkman

    address: 12065 Woodchase Cr. Anchorage AK 99516



    I put down "Mr." as the prefix of my name, even though I'm fourteen years old. Nevermind
    that. This night, I heard from my parents that when you gave birth in Wasilla to your
    third son, you delivered on Monday, and on Tuesday you were back in the office. I
    recognize that as a major sign of ultimate integrity. Which makes me want to say, "YOU
    ROCK!" And so I think you ought to run for president. I think that you would do a great
    job at stopping inflation, and even reversing it, and get our American Dollar back its
    value. I think that you will help get our slowing economy back on its feet and running
    again. SO. That's what I think.


    Christian R. McWorkman

  191. Anonymous7:03 PM

    to anyone: what is the judge's name who ordered "The parties agree that they shall not allow the child to visit with, or interact with, any family member who publicly ... or in front of the child, criticizes the other parent or the other parent's family."

    I'd really like to email the judge & family court in AK who are letting Bristol off scott free.

    Palinbots put out concerted unified efforts to email their complaints. It's about time WE do!

  192. Anonymous7:03 PM

    " All Bristol said was Levi was basically a normal teen boy. If Levi says any different in his book THATS a lie. All he can do is give his reasoning."

    After raising a teen boy I can tell you that's not true. And it's really irritaing when you keep bullying Levi about telling his side of the story as though only Bristol's side should be believed. Who do you think you are that you try to dictate what people write and believe?

  193. Anonymous7:05 PM

    That magazine cover with sarah, brisdull, trig and tripp "we chose life". Unwed teen moms cost america 11 billion a year. we paid for how many children of brisdull? .Now that she has grifted so much money will she pay any back to reduce the national debt?

  194. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Attention: Ruport Murdoch owns the NYpost.

  195. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Gryphen you said, "I can tell you right now that the Alaska courts do not take it lightly when somebody defies a court ordered visitation agreement."

    Was part of the agreement that Bristol be allowed to move Tripp all around the lower 48 far away from Levi? Will the judge take lightly the fact that Bristol I-Can-Do-Whatever-I-Want-To-Until-The-Courts-Tell-Me-I-Can't "writes" an entire book to make money off Tripp and to publicly imply that Levi raped her?

    I guess this remains to be seen if this judge was bought off by sarah's constituencies. I want this judges NAME and the family court!

    Thank you.

  196. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Look, if Palin's die hard flying monkeys that are left can email corporations, senators, etc. and effect a change....SO CAN WE!

  197. Anonymous7:15 PM

    In my family we all make an effort to get along, come together for the child parties, don't talk shit about the other side in front of the child, and we all tend to focus on what's best for the child.We want the child to feel a part of both families. I would never talk like this to my children about their fathers, let alone write a book about it. I don't consider myself above others, but this trashing of baby-daddy in print is tasteless. This child will read this someday. Wow, just wow, money over your child. This is some low-life shit.

  198. Anonymous7:17 PM

    The Palins-Always Keepin It Classy.
    What kind of parents encourage their unwed 20 year old daughter to reveal to the world
    intimate details that shouldn't
    be shared with anyone ?
    Oh wait...
    Did the world need to know that Bristol had menstrual cramps at 15 ?
    Did the world need to know she was
    on birth control pills ?
    Did the world need to know the particulars of how she spread her legs in a tent
    and elsewhere ?
    TMI .
    This is one step removed from a sex tape
    and the way this family operates,
    that could very well be next.
    When Bristol was on DWTS ,
    a conservative columnist for the Washington Post wrote a scathing column
    excoriating the Palin family values.
    Mona Charen didn't think having an unwed teen age mother
    dressed like a Hoochie Mama
    and shaking her ta tas on national tv was an example of good family values.
    I'm sure she's going to love this ....
    The Palins are shameless.
    They revel in showcasing their severe dysfunction
    and disturbed family dynamics
    for money .

  199. Ratfish7:18 PM

    He cheated on her openly, she claims in the book "Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far" (William Morrow) out Tuesday. Even coming home with hickeys on his neck from drunken, late-night encounters, she writes.

    Coming home? To the Palins? To her condo? What home?

  200. Anonymous7:23 PM

    @ Anon 1:22 ~

    I'd have to agree that lil' Tripp's resemblance to creepy Chuckie is rather uncanny . . .

    What a strange family, with ultra-strange family dynamics.


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