Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bill Maher dissects Marcus and Michele Bachmann's (The indoor Palins) hypocrisy.

"Marcus hates government employees because sailors are so rough."

I loved that line.


  1. Randall5:01 AM

    LOL - "...indoor Palins..." ROFL

  2. jadez5:21 AM

    it was a direct hit against her husband."a closeted lover of big government"......"you have to lie to yourself"

  3. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Should a man as hypocritical as Bill Maher really be calling others hypocritical?

  4. Anonymous5:42 AM

    The Outhouse Palin's have lived off of Sarah's 'servant's heart' for over twenty years. She's been living off of public money longer than she's lived without.

    Having access to Trust Fund and PAC money makes all that piddly grifting pale in comparison - no wonder she won't run for office, this no accountability / transparency free money is addicting.

    All this power without a title involves NO homework and NO responsibility, nice work if you can get it.

  5. like the joke about marcus thinking sailors are too rough, these are assertions that marcus is a homosexual

    one has also seen such assertions against rick perry, governor of texas, who seems to be the more probable "anyone but romney" candidate now

  6. Anonymous6:19 AM

    All this talk about the debt ceiling and all this face time for the Bachmans are making you Democrats stronger and stronger. You are the grown ups in the room.

    Some of you comment about being apprehensive about 2012, and some of you express fear.

    Do you think we are all palinbots? Do you think we are blind? The Republicans in congress will not even follow their own Republican leadership. How the fuck is that back on President Obama?

    Believe me, he is a lock for 2012. Stop worrying about your lethargic base. Conservatives like me will take up the slack,

    Count on it.

  7. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I love Bill Maher!

    Also, totally agree w/him about our 'christian' society in the U.S.A. The majority of them are total hypocrites in that they are continually proven to lie, cheat, steal, screw someone elses wife or husband, hide being homosexuals (because of the fear the pastors have put in their heads). And, many do not even attend church on a regular basis, but are more than happy to tell us of their christian beliefs to the point that it makes us want to barf!

    Just tell me you are 'christian' and my alert signals immediately go up.

  8. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Should a woman as hyopocritical as Michelle Bachman really be calling others hypocrytical?

  9. Anonymous6:46 PM

    I don't get it- does "indoor Palin" mean Marcus and Michelle know how to use a litter box and lick their own genitals? Then I agree, Bill Maher definately has a point there.


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