Sunday, July 31, 2011

It is possible that some of the Palin-bots have started to lose faith in their Queen?

Courtesy of Des Moines Register:

The grass-roots group Organize4Palin isn't organizing a campaign for Iowans to write in Sarah Palin's name on their straw poll ballots.

Peter Singleton, the Iowa leader of the grass-roots group, which is unaffiliated with the former Alaska governor, told the blog Conservatives4Palin: "We are not even sending an email out to our mailing list in the state encouraging people to do so. We are simply not focused on this."

Singleton said the Aug. 13 straw poll isn't a priority because Palin isn't a declared candidate. But the group predicts she will announce soon that she's running for president, so Organize4Palin's attention is on the Feb. 6 Iowa caucuses.

"At that point, the campaign will begin in earnest for Governor Palin's grass-roots supporters in this state, and we will be ready when that moment comes."

This sounds like another rationalization to me.

It is hard to believe that a group of people that would pimp Palin's propaganda film as hard as they did (Only to fail in their effort to make it some sort of sleeper hit by the way) would allow this straw poll to pass without putting out SOME effort to get Palin's name on it, unless they realized that it would once again be another example of their idol returning to her usual place on the bottom of the list of GOP Presidential hopefuls.

And it is not like they don't turn somersaults every time Palin miraculously does well on a poll, because they do. So why skip this one? Especially since many of her supporters are under the impression that Palin will announce her candidacy during her big Teabagger speech in Iowa this September.

Could it be that they are starting to fear that WE have been  right about Palin all along? Because eventually they will have to admit, at least to themselves, that we have.


  1. Anonymous2:45 AM

    I think they are not mounting a campaign for a write-in vote because they know they will lose and their Queen must remain "Undefeated".

  2. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Eh, her name hasn't been included in polls before and they ignored it. Polls don't mean too much at this point. But they are just like palinhaters who game the polls not in sarahs favor.

    I do know sarah was recently making personal calls again to known palin supporters. One girl posted a pic of her phone with sarahs home # calling it. The "bots" I know of still support her and her family. Good humans support good humans. That's how it goes. Once you meet them, its impossible not to like them. You know, if you're a good person who doesn't judge people you've never personally met. ;)

  3. Anonymous4:07 AM

    You're right in that they are afraid to pimp her out for a poll she will lose. However, I would go a step further and ask if the few people who are currently the spokespeople O4P aren't in cahoots with her to simply pimp out her movie - knowing full well she isn't running. You didn't hear a peep about this group until the movie came out.

    Also, look at their website. Once again, it has ALL the hallmarks of a group put together solely to promote a specific Palin event, with a similar website design as other rightwing groups. Most of the supposed state chapter pages take you to a "No results" page or a Twitter link, or as in the case of the Get Involved page, an "under construction" message.

  4. London Bridges4:12 AM

    Palin's strategy is to wait as long as possible. She wants the other candidates to bloody themselves. Then she will be lowered from the sky and shout out" "I'm here to save the day! I'm god'l mighty Sarah!"

  5. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Oh, and to add to my comments about how the O4P website looks like a front group put together to pimp her movie out...there's also another likely reason this website is there, and that is to collect email addresses over time. The professional for-profit rightwing movement in this country makes big time money selling email lists back and forth to each other.

  6. Beldar Nostradamos Conehead4:44 AM

    She wasnt good enough before, she isnt good enough now and she'll never, ever, never be good good enough in the future.

    Is that adult enough fer ya?

  7. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Buy futures in grape Kool-Aid

  8. Anonymous5:10 AM

    ¨Could it be they are starting to fear that WE have been right about Palin all along?¨

    sarah proves we have been right about her every time she opens her mouth. She cannot hide her stupidity, and her attempts to sound informed amuse the world.

    sarah´s deteriorating physical presence and deteriorating speaking abilities no longer energize her palinbots in any way. Not even begging the palinbots works. Wait, on second thought, sarah does energize one emotion in her supporters: Pity.

  9. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Why would they if she's not a candidate?

    When she doesn't announce a run, will you officially be as irrelevant as her?

  10. Anonymous5:29 AM

    They're just waiting under the rocks---like the other snakes--to bite when no one is looking.

    Sarah can't handle a campaign...she only wants a coronation.

  11. Gryph - I think the bots are so afraid that their Queen may not fare so well in the straw poll (despite the allowance of write-in votes) that this post was just a CYA one. As one commenter mentioned, this is apparently a brilliant strategy on the part of O4P: If Palin happens to do well in the straw poll as a write-in candidate, they can claim that they did nothing to solicit support for her and the results just show that "rill Amuricans" want her to run. On the other hand, if she has a poor write-in vote count, then that's ok because no effort was made to GOTV. Win-win as far as they're concerned! (BTW I'm paraphrasing since I really don't want to go back there to find the exact quote - I *just* took a shower!)

  12. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Perry may win the straw poll as a write-in and will certainly beat the half term skank governor. She would even look worse as a write-in if there were a push to write her in. She may have told them to back off.


  13. If they put forth obvious effort to get her in as a write in and she is dead last,they would look like utter fools.
    Wait,what am I saying?They already look like fools.

  14. Anonymous5:55 AM

    @4:00 a.m. Anon
    Son of Sam, the pedophile next door, the charming salesperson- yup, there are a lot of people we meet, who seem like good people. Those of you Palin supporters who keep clinging on have all the information in the world at your fingertips about the real Sarah Palin including a revelatory book, Blind Allegiance by her trusted insider, Frank Bailey. We everyday people in Alaska have met and/or know the real Sarah Palin, and she is not a "good human" as you state. More important, she does not have any qualifications to be a presidential candidate. Her record/resume is a sham. She is a Koch puppet and you are buying into the sham at the expense of your country and children's future.

  15. They had a poll asking about who the readers are at Sea of Pee and now the results are in.They are shocked and surprised to find out that the majority of the Sarah Palin supporters there are males over 60!!

    Are they deaf dumb,and blind?Who didn't know that?

  16. Anon said: Once you meet them, its impossible not to like them. You know, if you're a good person who doesn't judge people you've never personally met. 4:00 AM ;)

    I see that "Stupid Bot" is here again. Hey, Bot, if we didn't judge people we've never personally met, we'd never be able to function in, say, business or voting or religion or, hell, just life in general. We "look" at what people say. We "look" at what people do. Then we judge. And the Palins - by their own words and actions - are 100 percent pure trailer trash. We DON'T NEED to meet them personally (and, on the whole, would rather not).

    All you're proving here is that YOU are a total IDIOT.

  17. at c4p they are organizing charter buses from texas to waukee, iowa for the september 3 speech by sarah to the tea party of america

    some expect her to declare her candidacy then. others argue that it may be a few days earlier

  18. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Remember how Sarah took John McCain's call at the State Fair and didn't blink, didn't hesitate to accept his offer to be his running mate? She could not ignore her self-promoting "gutteral" instinct.

    Of course she lied about it and said she consulted her family first, which is at the very least, a normal courtesy, but Sarah's not normal. She is an impulsive, selfish, egocentric whack-job desiring anything to make her more than an ordinary Wasilla housewife. If hot-button social issues that have no place in a town hall or national discourse was a means to get her name in the paper and voter support on superficial platforms of no substance, she found her niche to 'progress' her sellability.

    Here we are, all these years later, she knows this is as good as it gets, and teases the conservative pricks with her POTUS pole-dance; however, she knows she doesn't have what it takes to ever make it beyond the fluke of a Gubernatorial and running-mate selection.

    So even though she told Charlie Gibson that she was wired in a way to accept important jobs, we all know she can't pull off another voter victory. So she dithers with her limp, impotent and pathetic pajama clad body in the name of SarahPAC.

  19. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Hey, freakshow at 4 a.m. with that tired meme about judging strangers that are supposed to be the Palin's? How us 'voters' aren't allowed to have an opinion on a woman and a family who have shoved themselves down for our consumption over the past three years with every single facet of their personal life and hateful screeds?

    Sarah judges 70% of this country as not patriotic, faithful or pro-life enough for her standard. And we get to do the same with her hateful, vindictive, trashy ass and family.

    You think you have a pure heart? You think you are better than us? Must be nice to be so superior, being in bed with a loser.

  20. Olivia6:04 AM

    She is supposed to make a big speech in Iowa, hmmm? Any bets going around that she doesn't show up? Could be kind of embarrassing with her poll numbers so bad, her movie failing as predicted and the one more example of no abstinence in the family rearing its ugly head.

  21. Anonymous6:11 AM

    As before, Sarah Palin remains over. She cannot & will not put together a nat'l organization--doesn't have a plan, doesn't know how, & won't pay for it.

  22. Anonymous6:14 AM

    The reason SP wouldn't announce until 2012 is because she thinks she could just sail in and not do anything normal candidates do. Let's face it she can't talk to the press without making an ass of herself. She can't be questioned on TV by anyone other than Faux News or Barbara Walters. She can't debate.

    Let's face it she is only good at giving a speech (using the evil teleprompter) when she can talk about being a pitbull with lipstick and rousing hate & fear among people just like her [you know rich & famous NOT the little people;)]. We all know she is NOT like Joe the dumb idiotic plumber.

    Anon @ 4AM - Hah! If her bots were still supporting her then they would have been FLOCKING to see her infomercial. They couldn't even rile up enough people to fill one theater. The reason "good" people aren't surrounding Palin is because she ISN'T "good" people. She may have fooled some people but it wasn't for long. If she is such good people it makes you wonder why there wasn't a showing in AK? Hmmmmmmmmm.........

  23. Anonymous said...
    You know, if you're a good person who doesn't judge people you've never personally met. ;)
    4:00 AM
    Of course one can make an accurate judgment of someone they haven't met. Just like you just judged people you haven't met as not being good people.

    For you to say otherwise is stupid and wrong.

    And how can the many Palin cult followers who haven't met her judge her?

    We can accurately judge Palin on all the things she has said, done, and written. She is a vile, despicable, anti-American, anti-Christian excuse for a human being.

  24. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Sarah Palin is still clueless in Wasilla, & so are her bots: " clueless in nat'l politics. She quit her elected job halfway thru. Game over.

  25. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Anon @ 4:00am
    Your logic is skewed. Humans are wired to make judgement all the time in all manner of our lives. It's how we make sense of our world. There is no way we can know every human on the planet, yet we, (and yes, you , too) make judgements about other people every single day. We take facts, perceptions, and emotions and make judgments. I do not personally know Sarah Palin. I do not know Pres. Obama. For the record, I don't know any politician personally. Yet I am supposed to decide who is best suited to represent me. I can only base my decisions on what I've observed and perceived. According to your logic, I can not judge any of them, because I don't know them. How am I supposed to make a decision then? I have not formed a good opinion of Sarah Palin. From what I have incurred, she is a lazy, unintelligent, fame seeking, coward, who loves to pull the victim card at every opportunity. I have judged her to be very unsuited to represent me.
    Being her friend on Face Book would not change my mind, either ;)

  26. Anonymous6:35 AM

    4:00 "You know if you are a good person who doesn't judge ..." How about $carah constantly judging President Obama? How about Bristles wanting to "give the big middle finger" to anyone who doesn't like her or her Momma? Face reality, this entire family are GRIFTERS. They are akin to gypsies who travel the country scamming people. It sure beats WORKING for a living, eh? Is Toad still gainfully UN employed, living off his ex-wife?

  27. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Sarah Palin, the Newsweek pin-up with the the push-up bra doesn't care about her supporters.

    If she did, she would have announced her run for POTUS months ago. Instead, she is running this political teasing and fleecing scam.

    Bots, you have been PUNK'd by the best!

  28. Anonymous6:48 AM

    4:00..there you go don't have to personally meet someone to know they are not good people, they are phonies and liars. I can judge Casey Anthony and I've never personally meet her!
    She makes personal phone calls to supporters..BIG ASS DEAL..and if the c4p'ers gamed the polls in her favor you'd never hear the end of it at the Pee Pond. Dumb humans support dumb humans...same BS different day!!!

  29. Anonymous6:50 AM

    If her followers are having a charter bus froim Texas t Iowa for her big speech, I would advise the bus company and hotel people to get paid UP FRONT. The TP's left a load of debt behind in Las Vegas. Maybe the Koch brothers are paying for the trip, then the bus will be filled. Seems the TPers love free stuff. I don't think many will be in attendance, after all the big rally in DC had - what - 55 people?

  30. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Suppose "all" the people who bought Bristle's book, plus $carah's books showed up in Iowa, there would STILL be room for a large gathering of another group at the venue.

  31. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Folks, don't be surprised if Sarah Palin backs out of her run for POTUS at the last minute, and says that she will support and campaign for Michele Bachmann. Playing the one mama grizzly supporting another card.

  32. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I don't need to meet her personally to know she's a QUITTER and a 2 faced, hateful, vindictive excuse for a women..and a bold face liar also too! And Bristol is following in her footsteps..Mini Me Lair #2

  33. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I don't think it's rationalization, I think it's a shot across $arah's bow.

    They're making it clear that after she really made no effort at all to support them and promote the movie, and the constant dodging of the presidential run question, they are now sitting on their hands until she does something, ANYTHING to justify further effort on their part.

    Good for them!

    If $arah doesn't announce her fake campaign soon, she's going to have a mob of former Sea of Pee'ers armed with torches and pitchforks outside her house, and she knows it. THAT is why she will "announce" her spurious campaign (that I'm betting may even last slightly longer than the "vacation" tour before she quits).

    Man, can you imagine the embarrassment if she announces and only Newt levels of donations trickle in? If Palin announces and doesn't immediately blow Bachmann's fundraising away, she might as well smush the pie in her OWN face.

  34. Olivia8:21 AM

    So we aren't supposed to make judgements because we don't know these people personally?? So does that mean judgement goes out the window for everyone?? How do you make decisions about fitness for public office without making a judgement? Are you saying we are only allowed to decide who we want to vote for by reading and listening to their propaganda? That would then go for every single person running for office. You can only make a decision to vote for someone based on what they have put out there for you to know. No judgements allowed on past or present performance, personal history(legal or illegal) or personally witnessed behavior. How asinine! There is much evidence that Palin and her family are criminals, seditionists and lying immoral trash and wise people will make judgements based on this. If this family should slink back under the slimy wet rocks where they belong and no longer pander for money from the public, nor sell themselves for publicity or run for public office; if they will quit the quest for power and influence, then we can no longer make judgement on their behavior.

  35. Anonymous8:24 AM

    If Sarah Palin shows up in Iowa with her entire family including, Trig; she's announcing.

    If it's just her, Todd, and RAM, it'll be more word salads,President Obama bashing, and more of the same ole' same ole.

    She's become a one-trick pony, hasn't she?

  36. emrysa8:36 AM

    gryphen I think you are right - the reason that they're not working to get her name on the ballot is because they are worried it might show just how little support she has. at that point, she will obviously be dead in the water. I think they're just trying to drag things out for as long as they can, hoping for some miracle that all-of-a-sudden she's going to gain a ton of support. they're delusional. the woman is done.

  37. Anonymous8:44 AM

    @4:00 - Without meeting you, I can judge your IQ. LOW.

  38. emrysa8:47 AM

    lol @ 4:00 am. no matter what you do, you FAIL. this recent meme of 'not judging others because you haven't met them' is a real riot. I guess no one should vote then, since we cant make a judgement on those we have never met. FAIL.

  39. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Sarah Palin doesn't have the guts to run as a regular candidate in the straw poll, much less to really roll the dice and organize a write-in effort. She just doesn't have Lisa Murkowski's steel spine!

  40. Anonymous9:09 AM

    4:00 am Eh, her name hasn't been included in polls before and they ignored it. .......

    Is this the crazy Ivy Frye, Rebecca Mansewer, or Aunt Heather idiot? People that know them hate them cause they are trailer trash. Are you trailer trash?

  41. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Palin supporters are old, impotent white men who cannot get it up. There. I said it.

    And that's a metaphor for her "campaign," by the way.

  42. Anonymous10:37 AM

    A normal person of any political persuasion would objectively look at the movie flop,
    the Pella flop,
    the Bristol book flop,
    the Mall of America flop,
    the bus tour flop,
    the horrendous polling
    and the shockingly awful PAC report and would be so humiliated
    that they would run and hide.
    Palin is obviously not normal.
    It seems like the worse the news is for her ,
    the more she doubles down.
    Its called ringing the cowbell.
    Doing the same failed things
    over and over-only louder.
    Perry will have announced by Labor Day and
    everyone from Barack Obama to Ron Paul
    will be holding big organized and
    heavily attended events
    that weekend.
    With diverse crowds.
    Her little picnic in Iowa will seem like such small potatoes
    in comparison ,
    especially when the majority of the attendees
    are extremely frail and elderly.
    Poligrip Palin should never have agreed
    to attend this podunk , sketchy group's event
    in the first place.
    It makes her look desperate and
    the fact that they have to bus people in from a couple of states away
    shows how little enthusiasm
    there actually is for her in Iowa.
    If she's smart , she'll cancel.
    It's obvious that Palin loves the smell of flop sweat in the morning
    and she's not smart, so she'll go.
    And fall on her plastic face yet again.

  43. Anonymous10:44 AM

    You know, it really is interesting how a basically attractive person who behaves in a dishonest and hateful way actually destroys her looks. Queen Sarah can spend her grifted funds on all the Botox and plastic surgery she wants, buy somewhat (?) fashionable business suits at Nordy's, prance around on 5 -inch Manolo's, have her hair (er, WIG) and make-up done professionally, etc. etc. and YET... she looks mean, hard-edged, unkempt, desperate and clueless. What is on the inside DOES, indeed, seep out for all to see.

  44. Beldar Todo Conehead12:24 PM

    Gryphen, it's like the never-seen uncensored version of The Wizard of Oz. When the Munchkin-bots realize the Quitter Wizard is a fraud they start a horrifying sequence of mass suicide by extremely gruesome and "grizzly" methods, also, too. In the original movie, apparently Dorothy shrugs her shoulders disdainfully, steps over the still spurting bodies of several dying Munchkin-bots and enters the balloon basket to leave Oz. This was too dark an ending for 1939 focus group test audiences - just getting their first real images of WWII horrors in Nazi-occupied Europe - and that version was shelved.

    Hopefully no hideous deaths will occur in the current screechy wretch situation, but I'm sure there will be much crying of sour bot tears, beating of doughy chests and rending of ill-fitting polyester garments when her bots realize that behind her curtain was an angry, wrinkled, balding, thin-skinned, twitchy, semi-stoopid grifter just after their money.

  45. Anonymous12:51 PM

    She's holding off declaring as long as possible so she can maximize her SarahPAC funds, is my guess. Once she declares, all but $5000 will become off limits.

    She'll have to start fundraising all over again. . .which also might explain the delay. Perhaps she has put feelers out, but is not finding funding sources; perhaps not enough big money is committing itself to her beforehand.

    One can only hope.


  46. Anonymous1:51 PM

    mommom - I could not believe that they even gave the results on their poll. It was so funny that I was reading it to my family. We were cracking up. All we kept saying is why did they have to do this poll we could have told them;)

    I can't even believe they think that more women like her than men (not in this poll but they were saying in general). That and the fact that they (people who made the poll up) made such a big deal out of being so much younger (20's & 30's) than the people who took the poll. Who bets they aren't 20 or 30 somethings. Clearly they know that there are FEW people under 50 that would ever support SP.

    The other poll done recently (not on c4idiots) showed that their income and education levels were beyond poor.

    Funny, funny, funny!

  47. Anonymous2:30 PM

    4 am . The Palins are NOT good people. Even some relatives say that. You are a sick person. Posting on here at 4 am. You live and breathe the Palins more than any person who reads here. Get a grip for Gods sake. Do you sleep with this web page own read to pounce? Nuts!

  48. Anon 4:00 AM (sounds like you're up early even with timezone differences): So, you have met all of us personally? Or are you not a "good person" by your own standards?

  49. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Just saying. . .I'm not sure that the time listed on the posts is Alaska time or EST or whatever. Might not be the actual time that someone else in a different time period (ie, 4am) is posting.

    Maybe Gryph can clear this up. (Not that it is so important, but we shouldn't make fun of someone posting at 4am unless they are actually posting at 4am.


  50. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Think about it, can the average palin bot actually spell the name "Sarah Palin", let alone write it in that small spot allotted for it?
    Her target audience is the illiterate, ill educated fox news viewer. "Faith" can only get you so far when you're willfully ignorant and proud of it.

  51. Anonymous8:11 PM

    4:36 a.m. So true! Never ever press a Newsmax ad to vote in any of their polls. You will never get rid of them. They are a right-wing crazy Palin support group that came into existence big time when she was running as McCain's bimbo.


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