Saturday, July 02, 2011

Everything you ever needed to know about Michele Bachmann contained on one poster.

You know the sad part is that for the demographic that wants her to run, NOTHING on this poster will bother them in the least.

In fact all it did was make them want her even more!


  1. Anonymous4:19 AM

    PoliticusUSA has a MUST read article on Bachmann and the half term governor skank.


  2. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Hey Big Juicy,

    Sure looks like your friend Michelle has taken your hard-earned reputation as the nation's leading WHACK JOB. Bummer. Maybe you should get pregnant again, sic, and give birth to a halibut. Now that would makes some news.

    Have a CRAZY day.

  3. Anonymous4:44 AM

    You prove there's bias in the media, MSM and illegit blogs by continuously providing sexist content. You assume all conservatives are "stupid, racist, crazy, whatever." Now, W is a bad example because he is not the most eloquent person in the world (he used to be however) but you CONTINUE to give Obama passes on things you'd lambast conservatives on. Admit it, the man is a bumbling idiot without his script. He has a nasty temper when under stress or things aren't following his plan, he does make wardrobe errors and public embarrassments too. (see umbrella moment or jacketbuttoning problem.)

    Case in point, everyone is human. I personally know 20 yr olds with more professional and life experience than Obama. Some of these 20 yr olds are excellent orators and know their shit. It's always a good idea to ask oneself the question, "Why am I voting for this person? " Real reasons, not just "Because I don't wanna be seen as racist"

    btw, lefties are the only ones who race bait. No one cares about color. We care about the skyrocketing numbers of welfare recipients and job losses.

  4. CanadianObserver4:47 AM

    OT, but wanted to throw this out there ... Gryphen,

    The following excerpt is from Chris Christy's facebook page, Thursday at 11:04am:

    Palin will now cry the victim once again and say our group,Stand Strong Shawn Christy was harassing her in Minnesota,and by this she will attempt to steal support from Michele Bachmann,take money from these new supporters and still not run for President because she is divorced and she has to explain 7-3-09,when she announced she was leaving office so she would not be charged with sexting Shawn,only 17 at the time.

    Divorced? Is this some sort of crazed rant of a scorned supporter (yes, I know he's not a happy camper), or is there some inconspicuous truth to this allegation?

  5. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Well... if/when... SP leaves the stage.. there will be someone else who will be haunting us.

  6. Anonymous5:58 AM

    I had to pull this from the DWTS people were mean to Bristol and I am a fearful young mother running from my partier boyfriend comment on the last thread:
    "A mother has fears, especially is she had a previous child who didn't make it." Is that you Bristol slipping up because this week sucked for you (nice book signing & sales!) or one of your "friends" giving us a clue on what happened to Ruffles?

  7. Anonymous6:01 AM

    It's their mantra!

  8. Gryphen, remember Bachmann's teenybopper-like death grip on George W. Bush after the 2007 State of the Union Address? (Warning, this link comes from the late, unlamented Tucker Carlson show.)

  9. Beldar Twitch Conehead6:03 AM

    Gryphen, it's starting to look like you may have fortuitously stumbled upon on a niche - twitchy & scratchy ultra-right wing female candidates grasping at elected office far, far, far beyond their very, very, very modest capabilities - that could keep you mired in blissful bloggery for rest of your natural. Buckle up, it's going to be a rocky ride. d upon on a niche - twitchy & scratchy ultra-right wing female candidates grasping at elected office far, far, far beyond their very, very, very modest capabilities - that could keep you mired in blissful bloggery for rest of your natural. Buckle up, it's going to be a rocky ride.

  10. angela6:08 AM

    Anon 4:44

    In the spirit of July 4th and my love of all things patriotic and wonderful I'm about to waste bandwidth on a troll--again. I say this with the conviction I feel that the modern day GOP is loaded with sexist, racist and homophobes--you are a moron.

    And by the way you blithering idiot--people's votes are private. If someone didn't want to vote for Obama--they would have pushed the idiot button (McCain-Palin) and just said that they'd voted for the President. Get it?

    Really-- is this the best you can do? Claim the president has a temper and misbuttoned something?Stop humping the stupid pole and STFU. . . . . Really, its great you post as Anon as you are embarrassing
    and prove what I've always known, brothers and sisters should not marry each other . . . .

  11. Dinty6:31 AM

    I knew she reminded me of somebody:

  12. Anonymous6:37 AM

    She is absolutely ALL of those things! She is one seriously messed up broad.

    Y'all heard the dumb bitch thinks our Founding Fathers worked "tirelessly" to END SLAVERY!!!!

    Holy FUUUUCK!!!!!

    And you want to be the fucking PRESIDENT of this country???

    You have such CONTEMPT for this country you apparently can NOT be BOTHERED to EDUCATE yourself on its FASCINATING HISTORY!

    Thee is no need to lie our embellish her record. America's, that is. It may not always be pretty, but it is from those ugliest days that the VISION, the HOPE that IS America, formed.

    Like a child growing, there are ugly stumbles, falls, and episodes rather forgotten...

    But it is exactly those experiences which mold the amazing adult that we all wish to be.

    And so it is with America.

    So don't you DARE take my country' s history and sanitize it to suit your needs.

    How does your pathetic brain remember to breathe???

  13. Anonymous6:38 AM

    What bothers me the most is that the majority of people are completely unaware of the real goals of the dominionist movement. My parents are good examples. They don't support Bachmann, but don't see her and her ilk as particularly dangerous to democracy. They think she's a nice Christian lady who is just a little extreme. If you criticize her religious practices, they assume you are critical of Christianity in general and are not able to make the distinction (for now) between traditional religion and the insidious, ugly, UN-Christian manipulation of fact and faith personality-disordered individuals like Bachmann and Palin represent.

  14. Amazing lack of insight-into-self exhibited in Anon@4:44 AM's comment.

    He/she evidently has no idea what being "sexist" means, and uses the term the same way the Bobblehead Twins do -- to fit their "victimhood" schtick.

    He/she makes a sweeping statement about what he/she thinks you feel about "ALL conservatives -- as if he/she is able to read mens' minds and discern their innermost private thoughts.

    And he/she is obviously as obsessed about President Obama as Hooter Palin is. I'm surprised neither of them have had the Secret Service at their door saying "knock it off".

    And there's the projection onto "lefties" about racebaiting, and the faux "care...about welfare recipients".

    I've seen on Palin's FB page how her fans feel about "color" and poor folks. On right wing sites like, too. That's where you'll find some really ugly racist comments.

  15. GBIllinois7:06 AM

    Did Bachmann just sit on a broomstick in that pic or what?

  16. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Gryphen, Maybe you can use this for a comparison photo.

  17. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Iḿ a conservative, too. Some people here are not comfortable being as ¨down and dirty mean¨ as one has to be in politics. They are ¨soft.¨ I get called out for not being ¨classy¨ all the time.

    Btw, don´t you agree Bristol´s neck is fatter than Rebecca´s?

  18. The GOP is so bereft of reasonable candidates that people like Michelle Bachmann look good to them. There are many smart, capable Republican women who could wipe the floor with the likes of Palin and Bachmann but they are in the corner, hiding, afraid to confront their party that has gone over to the far, far right. Hopefully for us all, Obama and other Democrats and moderates will be elected in 2012 and this nightmare will be over.

  19. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Foster children story very murky!!

    Good story on Huff yesterday. She was only licensed from 1992 to 2000. CEO of private company has 'come out' to provide info. This type of story has to be hammered at in the media, in ads. Get this CEO stating facts in ads!!!

  20. Oh, no, my library copy of Blind Allegiance has come in, and the library is closed for a 4-day weekend!

  21. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann Give Birth to Hooters Democracy

    What you just heard was the sound of Republican politics this year. That was Michele’s return fire for Bristol’s attacks on her and a not too subtle way of asserting her sexuality as on par with Palin’s. Because, you know, the presidency is all about the sexy.

    Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin are bringing out the worst in the American public, once again, and dragging women back further into the Hooters’ cave than I could have imagined when Palin first graced us with her beauty pageant demands that we not be sexist by calling out her diminished intellectual capacity. We had to give her special rules at the debate and then pretend she was viable VP material, even though she never responded to the questions asked. Ironically, she was largely successful in doing this because of the overly sexualized way she presented herself, taking refuge in her white knighting GOP daddies whose war on working Americans and general awareness she was all too happy to parrot.

    To say that many women were enraged by this double standard, backstabbing insult is to put it mildly. We are, after all, most of us members of the working class and some of us have been ducking the overly presumptuous grabs of male authority figures our entire working lives, and here was Sarah Palin telling us to not only like it, but use it. Cock-tease your way to the top, ladies! It’s the new American way.

  22. What's up Gryphen! Glad I found your blog! I love it.:)

  23. Anonymous8:00 AM

    If you're sick to your stomach after watching Brittle Pistol lie her way to hell, here's some really uplifting moments in our amazing presidency!

  24. Anonymous10:33 AM

    To 6:38

    What I have been telling people for years about these super conservative Christians is that they are NOT Christian in any real sense of the word.

    What they are practicing is NOT Christianity. It's a knock-off - a NEW religion based on their selective and very literal interpretations of various pieces and parts of the Bible -- randomly mixing bits of Old and New Testaments as if they had all been written at the same time, cohesively, like a novel or something -- with Jesus as the centerpiece. Although they use the same words, and claim the same holy book, it's important to not confuse their values with the values and principles taught by Jesus himself.

    This is a fact and I wish people (like your parents and some friends of mine) would get it. Just using the name "Jesus" doesn't mean they are actual Christians - if one defines a Christian (as I was taught to) as one who not only believes Jesus was God, but who tries to live by the principles that he taught.

  25. Anita Winecooler8:44 PM

    Anon @ 4:44
    Yeah, we're all human, we all make mistakes. You thought you were on a pro conservative blog, that's forgiveable.

    Palin and Bachman's mistakes were opening their mouths, acting like they're serious candidates.

    Can you give me the blog url's or Wiki links of those 20 year olds you know with more life experience than Obama? Surely they're famous and recognized.

    What books they've written? What Law Journals they've reviewed and edited? Which Terrorists they've given the order to eradicate off the face of the earth? Are they married with children? Did they graduate from college? Can they show their birth certificate?

    Are they two in tents for Wiki?

    Crickets Chirping....

  26. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Love the photo! All that, AND she's looking at the camera, also, too!

    Brilliant, Grypen!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.