Saturday, July 02, 2011

What makes you think that Michele Bachmann is trying to steal Sarah Palin's mojo? I mean besides everything?

The idea that Michele Bachmann is ACTIVELY trying to supplant the Grizzled Mama in Teabagger hearts is simply ridiculous.  Bachmann even said so herself a  few days ago.

"They want to see two girls come together and have a mud wrestling fight, and I am not going to give that to them," Bachmann told a voter Wednesday who asked about her relationship with the former Alaska governor.

See media? No mud wrestling! (Even though from a purely male perspective that would be pretty AWESOME! Sorry, had a little testosterone surge there.)

So get over it media.  Just because they sound alike, screw up historical facts alike, and dress alike,

sometimes exactly alike, it does NOT mean that Michele is trying to rip Sarah Palin off.

So just relax and enjoy watching Bachmann launch her Presidential campaign with her bus tour, and....


Oh come on!  ALL candidates have a bus that they ride around on to meet the voters.  Why must we compare Bachmann's bus to....

Wow, they are similar aren't they? Are those even different buses, or did she actually steal Palin's bus and repaint it?

Well forget about the buses, because beyond that they have very little in common. And I am sure that most political observers would agree with me on that.

I'm sorry Sarah Jones, of Politicususa, what is that you are saying?

Both Bachmann and Palin are GOP puppets; religious extremists dressed up, puffed up and pushed out, sold to the highest bidder to put a pretty face on ugly ideas. Both women seem nice enough from afar, both are ostensibly good mothers from afar, both are absolutely hypocritical on almost every issue they purport to stand for and too ignorant to know it. Both are wildly over-confident, in the way that can only come from a small mind that cannot conceive of larger issues beyond the self-aggrandizing, unregulated id that drives them.

Both women bring out the worst in our culture. Both appeal to the lurking sexism, hooking it with a wink and bringing all women down into the mud with them if we dare call them out on it. Yes, if we dare say a word, we are then labeled ugly haters or “fat”. It’s as if we are back in Junior High, only I never knew anyone so shameless and tawdry as either of these two women in Junior High. It offends me to even address their vulgar cries for attention via their sexuality.

Oookay, well perhaps I misspoke. 

Fine, I guess Bristol IS right for once and Bachmann is copying her mother (And doing it better by the way), but SURELY Sarah Palin is a big enough person to let it slide and simply enjoy what she has going for her. 

You know like Bristol's very successful book tour.  Oh that's right.

Well how about her new film?  It's not like her supporters have to fake attendance numbers in order to make it seem more pop...oooh that's going to leave a mark.

Okay well Sarah Palin has "tough skin" so I imagine like any Mama Grizzly whose life is in the shitter she is taking all of this in stride, right?

Did anybody else just lose the feeling in their testicles? (Look away, Gryphen, look away!)

Yeah somehow I think that things might be a little chilly at Casa De Grizzly for he next several weeks.

Now if only no OTHER potential candidates do anything to piss her off, or make her feel like even more of a loser, things might just settle down.

From Politico:

Mitt Romney is slated to have private sit-downs with top officials while he's fundraising in London next week, potentially including Prime Minister David Cameron, per the Globe.

The story raises the possibility of a get-together with Margaret Thatcher, which would be noteworthy on a few levels - including her recent reported refusal to take a meeting with Sarah Palin. (Thatcher's office reportedly denied two British papers' stories that there was an intended snub by the elderly former politician) .

Somewhere in Wasilla a refrigerator just screamed in terror.


  1. They laugh alike, they walk alike, at times they even talk alike

  2. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Somewhere in Wasilla a refrigerator just screamed in terror.

    I had a good old belly laugh when I read that.

  3. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Oh G, you are on a roll this morning! Coffee all over my shirt and my dog is wondering what the hell is going on as I roll off my bed and onto the floor in hysteria. You are just brilliant today and I love it when you combine alot of different images and articles to support a post. It's like going on a little treasure hunt. Happy 4th!

  4. cuppajoe8:21 AM

    Excellent post, and I loved the ending: "Somewhere in Wasilla a refrigerator just screamed in terror.."

  5. To Sarah Jones:

    Perfectly said!

  6. Anonymous8:25 AM

    What strikes me as odd about it (any of it, all of it!) is this: If Palin truly did keep the hoax from even her closest colleagues, and they believed that she gave birth to a baby only 4 days before, were they not curious about how she could humanly pull this off?

    As The Leaky Wheel, who tipped me off to the peculiarities of this particular email said, how much milk do you have to pump to pull this off?

    How much exhaustion can you shake off, how much effluvia can you emit before your body gives out? Before your husband ( says "enough."

    So, you might say, "Well, she wasn't pregnant. And her staff didn't know she wasn't pregnant."

    Then I wonder why there was not the slightest scintilla of doubt in their emails beyond this could be "exhausting." Why there wasn't, "Is she sure she feels up to this? Can she really leave the baby this soon?"

    And if she did give birth, what fear was driving her to not slow down for a second. Perhaps it was the "August is just around the corner; McCain is squarely in my camp" fear.

    Just sayin'.

  7. Ratfish8:26 AM

    Michelle Bachmann is a decent God-fearing Christian who does not call upon Him- like Palin mother and daughter- to give anyone who disagrees with the ex-mama grizzly the Big Middle Finger.

    And Bachmann hasn't felt the need to wear a huge rhinestone crotch-pointing cross, nor wear The Largest Star of David in the Whole Wide World- to prove her religious bona fides or her support for Jewish people.

  8. My understanding is that Lady Thatcher did not refuse to meet Palin. She probably doesn't know who Sarah Palin is, because of her dementia. It was somebody associated with her who said that she'd never meet with Palin, because Palin is crazy.

    Dementia is an awful, awful disease. Much depends on the quality of people providing care, and the dedication of her family. And frankly, I can see a family member explaining that Sarah could certainly come and visit- they'd take a million pictures and release one or two that makes Lady Thatcher look somewhat alert. That's if the family is willing to use Lady Thatcher. I think it's degrading to her, but I've never noticed conservatives have any standards of behavior anyway.

  9. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Here's the Politico link:

  10. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I do not and have never seen the sexual attraction of the half term governor skank. If all women were like her I would check into Mr. Bachmann's clinic and see if he could do a reverse and convert me into being gay.


  11. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I detest them both but I love how much Bachmann is drinking Granny's milkshake.

  12. Anonymous8:48 AM

    A whopping 50 people show up to see Palin's HOUSTON, TEXAS.

  13. Anonymous8:50 AM

    @Amyloo--right back atcha! First thing that popped into my mind, too.

  14. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I am not a Sarah fan, but I will give her credit...

    Sarah dresses better than Cynthia Anthony.

  15. Anonymous9:05 AM

    As a woman I have been waiting many years to see a woman president. Palin is quite a letdown, but what are the odds the next one to come along is her doppelganger? OK, better dressed and more coherent, but essentially just as crazy and ignorant as Palin!!

    Is there a third option coming along? Will I live long enough to see the intelligent women in our government jump up and take the challenge?

  16. Anonymous9:09 AM

    They are both batshitcrazy, but the far far right has replaced Granny Lulu with Michelle. And there is one reason why--Michelle did not QUIT. Lulu did it to herself and no one else had to lift a finger.

  17. Anonymous9:11 AM

    AmyLoo, 8:07 AM, you beat me to it! ALIKE minds.

    Awwww, poor Bristol, weep for your Mommy Dearest and keep giving the finger to those smarter than you. There's a DAMN good reason you Mommy Dearest hasn't declared, ISN'T THERE?

    You po, put upon widdle gwifter. DO something with your life. What a hot mess you've become.

  18. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Hey Bristol Bachmann has been serving as either a state or national representative since 2003.

    In 2003 your mamma served less than year as a political appointee, and quit, on the state level and served a half of her term as Governor of the least populous state in the union, and quit,and before that she was mayor of a hamlet nobody ever heard of.

    So exactly who is copying who?

    I can't stand Bachmann but Sarah is just not in her league, as minor as it truly is.

  19. Anonymous9:18 AM

    So according to Bristol the Pistol, women can no longer wear red jackets cause that fashion statement belongs to Sarah.

    So does that mean that if girls have sex in tents and drink wine coolers then they are copying Bristol, the sex is never enough star?

    I did notice these buses were kinda alike, they had round tires on them that rolled. Aha!

  20. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I just love it, Michelle is going to cause Sarah to have kittens.

  21. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Michele Bachmann Equals Sincere Ignorance Plus Conscientious Stupidity

    Martin Luther King, Jr. once said “nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity,” and Bachmann exemplifies this as no other Presidential candidate today. She is an ideologue who simply has no use for facts, sincere in her ignorance and conscientious in her stupidity. Worse still, her supporters don’t care whether she gets the words right as long as she is humming their tune.

    Bachmann is certainly not alone among her Republican brethren in her disdain of facts and accuracy, but it is her breezy disregard for such that makes her unique. Mitt Romney anguishes publicly over whether his criticism of Obamacare is intellectually honest in view of his own state-run system in Massachusetts. Sarah Palin was shamed into trying to paper over her Paul Revere gaffe by attempting to tweak history to comport with her original misstatement. Bachmann, however, is utterly immune to shame. When confronted with reality, she simply brushes it aside, saying “people make mistakes,” and forges ahead. What is more significant, her supporters consider this praiseworthy.

  22. Olivia9:21 AM

    Wow, Sarah Jones has it pegged perfectly, "Both are wildly over-confident, in the way that can only come from a small mind that cannot conceive of larger issues beyond the self-aggrandizing, unregulated id that drives them."
    And you have brought it all together, Mr.G. in your unmatchable, very funny style!

  23. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Great post, Gryphen ! Don't forget the ahem... similarities between their husbands.
    Palin can't attack Bachmann directly , but she is using Bristol the Pistol as she called her, to do her dirty work for her.
    Bachmann is the candidate McCain thought Palin was.

  24. Anonymous9:31 AM

    One of your best articles yet! Snark in the a.m. is my cuppa tea.

    Bachmann is $palin with a BRAIN. A small one, but still a brain.

  25. Anonymous9:32 AM


    Similar and the Same.

    They lie - They embellish - They're devoid of 'Facts' - The re-write history - the country's and their own!!

    The CEO of the private company that Bachmann was licensed through for fostering children has openly talked as he worked directly with her. Not standing behind an 'Anon'.

    Those 23 foster kids she repeats ad nauseam that they 'raised' -- Not so much!!! They housed, they fed and they indoctrinated them and got PAID for it.

    When you are only licensed for 8 years from 1992 - 2000, the last placement being in 1998 meaning truly just 6 years. It's pretty difficult to squeeze in 23 life long raisings of foster kids!! Most certainly when you are only licensed for 3 at a time and only wanted 'unwed mothers' aka 'pregnant teens'. Guess in her pro-life mind, she counted the pregnant teen as '2'!!!

    To only want pregnant teens - was that to 'indoctrinate' them? That which she and her husband accuss gays of doing to children??

    Huff story is a must read of statements made by CEO, former Bachmann neighbors and church members who stated 'few sightings' of these foster kids.

    You also have to remember, that one of Bachmann's sons joined the Peace Corps - an organization she despises!!

  26. Oops. Sorry I had that Politico link wrong.

    Fixed now!

  27. Anonymous9:34 AM

    That these two whacked-out, fundie MORONS could even be considered for President of the United States is pathetic.
    Advocating anti-science, home-schooling and the "teaching" of Creationism/Intelligent (cough..cough) Design is contributing to the dumbing-down of America. It's actually abuse and handicaps an entire generation of Americans.

  28. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Bachmann is Palin's excuse not to run. She has stated that she would run if there were no candidates that she deemed qualified. Having gone on record praising Michelle Bachmann, she can now continue to bitch from the peanut gallery without having to do any actual, you know, work.

  29. Olivia9:46 AM

    There is a reason the 2 women resemble each other. They are wearing the uniform of the Christian conservative woman. It is designed to make men believe that man is dominant over woman and that they are following biblical guidance in their dress. It is like a signal to others of similar beliefs. It goes along with the deal that as long as you say you are a Christian, you are godly and everyone must trust you even if you are a fucking liar.

  30. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Well, if those two are content with their stupidity, it tickles the sh*i out of me!
    Good post Gryph

  31. wakeUpAmerica9:59 AM

    What makes you think that the Tundra Turd has mojo? I call what she has "skanky, hoochie mama, betcha wanna f--- me" style. Who wants to be known for that (I mean besides Sarah Palin)?

  32. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Fox’s Liz Trotta: Palin And Rep. Bachmann Took Same History Course At ‘Fleabag U’

    Fox’s Saturday commentator Liz Trotta came out swinging this weekend, taking down both Rep. Michele Bachmann and colleague Sarah Palin for their historical inaccuracies. Quoting Ezra Klein and Matt Taibbi, Trotta joked the two shared an alma mater in “Fleabag U,” and that “as far as flubs go, they are leading the field.”
    Trotta didn’t seem surprised that Rep. Bachmann and Palin were being compared: “it’s almost preordained because it seems to be they both took the same american history course, and it may have been at Fleabag U.” She chided them for both their latest gaffes– the Paul Revere comments that sparked controversy from Palin, and Rep. Bachmann’s “Lexington and Concord and in New Hampshire” quip. Using various quotes by Taibbi and Ezra Klein (“Rep. Bachmann is the candidate that Sarah Palin is supposed to be”), she argued that “they can’t get away from these criticisms, and even laughed at Rep. Bachmann’s claim that she has a “scholarly background.” The scathing critique seemed to have left anchor Uma Pemmaraju, who Trotta threw back to, rather speechless.

    The commentary via Fox News below:

  33. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Oh, they do NOT like Michele B at Fox at all!

    Red Eye Panel: Did Michele Bachmann Use A Tom Petty Song To Get Publicity?

    Rep. Michele Bachmann is one prone to some controversy, though the type she found this week was certainly new: musician Tom Petty requested she stop using his song “American Girl” on the campaign trail. It’s neither the first nor last time that a politicians finds themselves in that position, and the fact that it’s common knowledge one needs permission to use songs had last night’s Red Eye panel asking: did Rep. Bachmann spark Petty’s wrath on purpose?
    Host Greg Gutfeld retold the story of how Petty tweeted he wanted nothing to do with Rep. Bachmann, joining Katrina of Katrina and the Waves, who also protested to Rep. Bachmann’s use of “Walking on Sunshine.” The panel agreed that artists should have a say in where their music is played– panelist Joe DeVito put it succinctly: “I think you should be able to decide where your song is being played.” The problem, Gutfeld noted, was that this significantly narrowed down the playlists for conservative politicians to Lynyrd Skynyrd and Ted Nugent, and… that’s about it.

    On his part, Bill Schulz seemed bored by the controversy. “We’ve seen this movie before,” he yawned, noting the dispute between Ronald Reagan and Bruce Springsteen. “When Reagan used Springsteen’s song ‘Uptown Girl?’” Gutfeld interjected, which Schulz replied to affirmatively– “he wrote it for his model girlfriend, Naomi Campbell.” Schulz suggested it was a move “completely and utterly calculated by the Bachmann camp” for publicity, a point Andy Levy later found to have some merit, as campaigns “know they didn’t get permission from the copyright holder” for the music, so the backlash is entirely expected.

    The segment via Fox News below:

  34. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Reposting this:

    Gryphen, I am just about finished with Blind Allegiance, and I was wondering if people up there are doing anything about some of the revelations, especially Frank's admission that personal issues were handled on the taxpayer dime and very little work was done, also the backdoor deals, outrageous handling of Beth Kerrtula's appointment, etc.

    I'm finding it hard to get through the book partly because it's so disheartening. I'd be furious if that were my governor, and I'd be ready to get some people together to file a lawsuit for not doing her job.

    Also, the wine bottle that was auctioned off with her signature for a fund raiser, but it was actually Kris Perry's signature.... stuff like that.... is anything being done up there, and are people talking about recourse?

    Thanks G, for all that you do. You are a good man!

    R in NC

  35. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Fox’s Liz Trotta: Palin And Rep. Bachmann Took Same History Course At ‘Fleabag U’

  36. LOL.

    Well, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, I may be fat but they're both too stupid for words and I can always lose weight.

  37. Anonymous10:14 AM

    The writing is on the wall Sarah, 'shit or get off the pot'!

  38. Anonymous10:17 AM

    8:48 AM A whopping 50 people show up to see Palin's HOUSTON, TEXAS.


    Was that really 50 people or 10 people who each bought 5 tickets?

  39. Bachmann is very cunning. She saw what worked for Palin and co-opted them. Sexy librarian look; rolling thunder bus tour; miscarriage; multiple children; castrated husband; big hair; and Xtreme Xian beliefs.

    Palin will soon be but an asterisk in history. Can't come soon enough for me.

  40. Anonymous10:30 AM

    "They want to see two girls come together"

    Sorry, "girls," that ship sailed about 40 years ago . . .

  41. Anonymous10:39 AM

    The two are very much alike, only Michelle surpasses Sarah in everything -- especially courage. But I like using Sarah as an anchor around Michelle's neck. People HATE Sarah, nobody wants her anywhere near the White House, but not enough people feel that way about Michelle yet. If we can keep stressing how much alike the two are, we can help bring Michelle down faster.

    Oh, one big difference between the two -- we don't know anything about Michelle's kids. We know too much about Sarah's trashy spawn. And that's one of the things that's sunk Sarah so fast.

  42. Sarah Bachmann 2012. Two bodies, shared brain.

  43. Just read the Sarah Jones article. WOW!!

    To repeat what Olivia took:
    "Both are wildly over-confident, in the way that can only come from a small mind that cannot conceive of larger issues beyond the self-aggrandizing, unregulated id that drives them."

    Bingo! Bullseye! Brava! Bravissima!!!

  44. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Keith Olbermann retweet:

    Bristol Palin's book continues it's nose dive. #989 on Amazon & #915 on BN. @KeithOlbermann reported this debacle earlier this week.

  45. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Yes while all candidates have a bus that they ride around on to meet the voters, not every regular citizen uses one to go on a family vacation. Piper mommy punked you a good one didn't she? Kinda like that time you got tricked by your sisters who pushed your face into the cake icing and then the family laughed at you. Sorry.

  46. Anonymous11:04 AM

    There's no way I would ever vote for Michele Bachmann and I would seriously consider moving out of the country if she was elected, but even though on the surface she's like Palin, Bachmann is NOT evil, Palin is. Bachmann reminds me of alot of the women in the church I grew up in, her world is very, very small. She only associates with conservative Christians, only reads Christian or conservative literature and publications, doesn't watch secular television or movies. This is why so many of her "facts" are wrong. She's not malicious, just grossly misinformed with no hope of reading or seeing anything impartial enough to open her mind a little.

    Remember the story of Bachmann screaming in terror, saying she was being threatened when two lesbians came into the restroom she was in to talk with her? She was terrified they could literally convert or defile her if she had to stay there and listen to what they had to say. She's a zealot and a fundamentalist who believes what she says and lives it. She wants to turn America into a theocracy with her god at the head of it (not the real Jesus who is loving and gracious). She has actual principles, even though they are way, way off base.

    Sarah Palin is not a fundamentalist, or a true believer, or a zealot for any cause besides herself. She has no higher principles or values. She doesn't walk the Christian walk in her actual life, or even try to. As long as she can trick people into believing she's a God-fearing woman, that's good enough for her. She wouldn't sacrifice herself or anything she has for a greater purpose. She is a complete fake and a fraud. For Sarah, this is only a game, a performance. She's one of the carnival barkers Obama talked about. She only wants and needs two things, money and worship. This is why she is so threatened by Michele Bachmann, not because she thinks Bachmann is trying to steal her shtick, but because she knows Michele is authentic.

  47. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Bristol Palin: Then and Now

  48. Anonymous11:13 AM

    9:20 you are spot on. The reason Bachman continues on her way when confronted with her mistakes harkens back to the evangelical meme: "People are human, they make mistakes and I will be forgiven in the afterlife if I accept Jesus in my life." Unfortunately, she simply keeps getting it wrong in a lame attempt to push her own agenda and a twisted notion of Christianity. She and her husband have truly lost the way.

  49. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:22 AM

    Amyloo @ 8:07am--

    "...You could lose your mind//When Right Wing loonies//Are two of a kind!"


  50. Anonymous11:28 AM


    Yep, that's EXACTLY what's going on here. Take a GOOD SOLID LOOK in the mirror, Bristol, of plastic surgery gone HORRIBLY wrong to become.....WHAT?

    Good Lord, you USED to be so pretty. Hollywood is what you wanted, Hollywood is what you got. I HIGHLY doubt you're as happy as you say if you have one shred of a conscience. I know "I" wouldn't want to go through life as "Jay Leno II" but is WAS your choice.

    You can't fix stupid.

  51. Anonymous11:42 AM

    At least Bachmann doesn't screech.She's a putrid bitch but doesn't give me the headache palin does.

  52. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Anonymous said...

    As a woman I have been waiting many years to see a woman president. Palin is quite a letdown, but what are the odds the next one to come along is her doppelganger? OK, better dressed and more coherent, but essentially just as crazy and ignorant as Palin!!

    Is there a third option coming along? Will I live long enough to see the intelligent women in our government jump up and take the challenge?

    9:05 AM

    Sarah Palin is a poor excuse for a human being, mother and politician. There was a reason why Todd had to sit in on Sarah's meetings and approve her emails. Sarah Palin is a cluster fuck. The Palins pulled the biggest political scam in America.

  53. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Is Michelle leasing her private rv to her PAC also too?

  54. Anonymous12:06 PM

    The lack of attention at the film events is an indication Palin has lost her audience.

    So long Grifter, you were entertaining while it lasted. But, I am thrilled to see you will never run for office again. Now, remove yourself from the "pundit" world. Your lame and superficial "analysis" gig is up.

    Oh, and now would be the time to be a mother to the kids at home. I hope you have a better outcome with the rest of them.

  55. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Unlike Sarah, Michele ditched the glasses. You never see her wear them anymore. But here is one picture:

    She also worked on a kibbutz in Israel, as opposed to just a drive by tourist stop.

    Sarah confessed to having a miscarriage in "Going Rogue," but Michele really cashed in on the same experience, claiming that is what made her pro-life. (She became a Committed Christian when she was 16 years old. She was pro-life before she was pro-life).

    They both lack the basic knowledge of American History, and the founding of this country. I'll see your Paul Revere and raise you a John Quincy Adams.

    I'll give Michele credit for dressing better than Palin, and so far we haven't seen much of her family. Her son Harrison is a problem: since he signed up to work with AmeriCorps. And, it's interesting that all 23 of the Palin foster children were teen aged girls. Baby sitters? Marcus, what's going on?

  56. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Fox’s Liz Trotta: Palin And Rep. Bachmann Took Same History Course At ‘Fleabag U’

  57. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Anonymous said...

    So according to Bristol the Pistol, women can no longer wear red jackets cause that fashion statement belongs to Sarah.

    So does that mean that if girls have sex in tents and drink wine coolers then they are copying Bristol, the sex is never enough star?

    I did notice these buses were kinda alike, they had round tires on them that rolled. Aha!

    9:18 AM

    Underage ho's that get chin implants, botox and lipo are copying Brisket too.

  58. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Another good book review for Dunn:

    You know that a book with the title The Lies of Sarah Palin isn't going to flatter the former Republican vice-presidential candidate.

    But what's so pleasantly surprising about this biography is the incredible depth of research by the author, Geoffrey Dunn, who has written many articles about Palin in The Huffington Post.

  59. Anonymous12:24 PM

    LATimes on her 'movie':

    "if they can wade through the nonstop imagery of martyrdom: lions feasting on innocent zebras, a knight felled by one of countless arrows (fired by the leftist media, no doubt), a woman's corpse getting dirt thrown in its face," he wrote Friday."----

    did she lose her bus....

  60. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Both of them are hardly girls.

    No woman is if she's of legal age.

    Why do these idiots keep trivializing their adulthood by referring to themselves as "girls"??

    Oh, wait...

  61. How's that expression go? oh yeah: LMAO!

  62. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Sarah is done, she cannot outdo MB.

    I bet Sarah is pissed. MB is getting tons of publicity on all the media and Sarah is getting none. Sarah will have to do something stupid to get in the news again.

  63. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Neither of these dumb bitches have mojo???? Next time some dumb guy walks up to me with a stupid blonde joke I will politely say Palin, Bachmann. Yea their Smart?

  64. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Sarah looks ten years older at least in that photo. I personally never saw this woman as attractive. Her aura has no grace or beauty at all. The fake smile, the clunky walk... Michelle has some genuine femininity and probably really hugs her kids when the cameras aren't on.

  65. Anonymous1:21 PM

    You forgot....they both have gay husbands!!!

  66. Anonymous1:45 PM

    @ R in NC.. Blind Allegiance sure showed the corruption and pettiness in the Palin administration... I am so glad Bailey wrote it; I think it helped open some eyes of thinking followers of SP in the "lower "48"... I cried in the last chapters when Bailey meets a very kind state trooper/fellow parishioner. Well written book IMO. And used SP's actual emails, so it wasn't hearsay! A very timely release!!

  67. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Gryphen--I just love your snark !!

  68. Anonymous1:55 PM

    There's a lot of differences between Bachmann and Palin.

    To name one difference, Sarah cries out that America should respect her kid's privacy.

    Honest to God I'll tell you right now that I cannot pick any of Bachmann's kids in a police line up to save my family's life.

    I cannot tell you if MB's kids had sex, but I can tell you everything about the Palin kids. I can tell you who had sex, with who, where they had it, name their partners, when they lost their virginity and so on. I can tell you that Sarah, her mother Sally, Bristol and Track's wife were all impregnated before marriage. I cannot even tell you MB' husband's name or what kinky stuff he is into but I can tell you about Todd's love for prostitutes and give you names and locations. If you want to know about Sarah and Todd's extramarital affairs, just ask America. America can tell you about the Palin kid's crime sprees, drugs of choice, and their hatred for people who are Gay. America can tell you how ignorant and uneducated the Palins and their kids are without even having to snoop into the Palin's trash. All we have to do is just turn on the TV and watch the Palin's family vacation in Boston or news clips of Sarah Palin's Alaska to find out out how stupid they really are.

  69. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Hey Sarah

    Bristol already told the world that you already made up your mind about running for POTUS. Why do you keep telling the world that you are still thinking about it?

    LOL you must be pissed at your dumbass daughter? Hey don't get mad at us! We didn't raise that low self esteem lying uneducated whore.

  70. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Bachmann can out-crazy Palin. But Palin's spawn is way ahead of Bachmann's in repulsiveness.

    Bachmann's puppet masters are better at programming Bachmann's mental problems. Palin's puppet masters seem to be about to abandon their aging and mentally unstable plaything.

    I suspect Bachmann's monetary demands are substantially less than Palin's, so the men controlling Bachmann will keep her performing for the conservative crazies when Palin has been tossed into the dumpster.

    I cannot WAIT to hear Bachmann running her mouth about Palin's faked pregnancy. At that point, refrigerators will be seen fleeing Wasilla.

  71. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Hey Sarah

    Bristol already told the world that you already made up your mind about running for POTUS. Why do you keep telling the world that you are still thinking about it?

    LOL you must be pissed at your dumbass daughter? Hey don't get mad at us! We didn't raise that low self esteem lying uneducated whore.

    2:05 P

    That's pretty strong! I'm okay with the description of Bristol but why did you have to call Bristol a liar?

    What? Because she is one! Ok I agree with you, go ahead and call her a liar.

  72. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Hey Sarah

    Bristol already told the world that you already made up your mind about running for POTUS. Why do you keep telling the world that you are still thinking about it?

    LOL you must be pissed at your dumbass daughter? Hey don't get mad at us! We didn't raise that low self esteem lying uneducated whore.

    2:05 P

    That's pretty strong! I'm okay with the description of Bristol but why did you have to call Bristol a liar?

    What? Because she is one! Ok I agree with you, go ahead and call her a liar.

  73. Anonymous2:39 PM

    @Anon 12:06 --

    Whatever makes you think the Fabulous Marcus would be interested in teenage *GIRLS*???

    He who proclaims that teh Gay "Barbarians need to be disciplined"? Have you seen him dance?

    *Several* gay bloggers have flat out said he's definitely a closeted queen. Gotta go with their superior insight.

  74. Anonymous2:46 PM

    "Both Bachmann and Palin are GOP puppets; . . . ."

    Absolutely correct. And when they are over, there will be others. Unless of course the Rabid Right succeeds in grabbing all our civil rights and installs itself into complete and total power, as it is succeeding in doing at present: they would love to have a puppet figurehead like either Palin/Bachmann. (Except Palin is a little shy on following instructions well.) Then we could continue a national dialogue in the press that is entirely about clothes, facial surgery, wayward children, dancing shows on TV, sleazy affairs, mammoth bloopers, and all the other sordid et ceteras.

    Instead of the national dialogue we NEED: about education, taxes, social services, war, infrastucture-building, jobs, Wall-Street abuses, people like Thomas on the Supreme Court, and all THOSE other et ceteras.

  75. Let's be careful not to elevate Michele with these comparisons. She is her own kind of ignorant, crazy, intolerant, close-minded scary person.

  76. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I think Palin started copied Bachmann 4 years ago. Don't like Bachmann but I do believe she really is a fundamental Christian. Palin just turns on the religious talk when she needs a base or to make herself appear believable.

    Palin just morphs into whomever people will pay to see. Whether its the GOP, teaparty or Alaskan Independence Party. Palin will say WHATEVER she thinks will make her popular.

  77. Anonymous3:22 PM

    anon at 12:06

    The reason for the Bachmann's to have girls in the house is because Michelle wouldn't have been able to keep Marcus off any teen boys.
    A "rill" journalist couild get pics of Marcus in public park bushes if they followed him just one weekend.

    PSSSSTTTTTTTTTT....Journalists, here's a hint...Loring Park.

  78. Anonymous3:27 PM

    At least Bachmann's husband actually has a JOB.

    Bachmann's children are teachers and doctors.

  79. Anonymous3:48 PM

    1 Timothy 2:11-15
    Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.

  80. Anonymous4:07 PM

    @ Anon 2:39

    hmmm. . . So, if marcus bachmann is gay, maybe Michelle is the one who liked the girls. . . just sayin.

  81. Anon @ 2:39p

    He's not the first gay guy to marry a dominant woman. It often works for the couple.

    His BIG mistake is the cure-teh-gay antics which (in their short sighted, narrow minded, lower-end IQs) are supposed to distract the public, but only serve to reinforce what anyone with a Kool-Aid-free brain can see. A few seconds of Marcus on video and my gaydar goes into overdrive.

    (This Kool-Aid-free brain believes Toad is not gay.)

  82. Anonymous4:42 PM

    What you gotta love about this is, the loonies of the right created Palin, only to realize, many days late and many dollars short, that they had created a monster they couldn't control. I think smarter Peerublicans clued in pretty fast, and maybe even held out fast that McCain would ditch her before the election. Three years later the loonies are peddling a kinder, gentler, less jaw-droppingly stoopid monster, hoping against hope the TeaPartyTwits will embrace her rather than stage an outright revolt & follow their beloved monster Queen. And, yeah, good luck with that.
    (Anybody remember a children's book, "The King, the Mice, and the Cheese"?)

  83. AKRNC5:01 PM

    I don't buy the idea that Bachmann dresses like Palin. She's been in Congress for several years, although any time she spends there is far too long, but she's always been a fairly sharp dresser. The RNC wouldn't have to buy her a wardrobe for her to campaign as V.P., either. I've never seen her with her hair up and haven't seen her with glasses, either. $arah didn't start a trend of any type by wearing red jackets and black skirts, that combination has been around forever. The only people I've seen who dress like Palin are impersonators and Christine O'Donnell. Otherwise, Bristol is dead wrong. Although her speaking out like this proves that Bachmann running for President has really gotten under Palin's allegedly thick skin and for that I have to say, "Thanks, Michelle". She's a nutcase who doesn't belong in the White House just as $arah doesn't but if she drives Palin crazy that is great news. Bristol's talking about her is confirmation.

  84. Col. Beldar Bat Guano Conehead (ret.)5:31 PM

    OT, but the big game changer just occurred: Thaddeus McCotter 2012 Presidential Campaign Launches!!!!

    He's been described by some (me) as "the Merkin Muffley of American politics"... Where do they find these people????

    McCotter/McBachmann 2012!!!!!! (eye roll)

  85. Anonymous5:46 PM

    I'm betting that Palin will announce on July 4th, like any rill 'Merikun would!

  86. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Somehow these pictures remind me of the theme song of the Patty Duke show back in the 60s:

    But they're cousins, identical cousins all the way.

    They laugh alike, they walk alike,
    At times they even talk alike.
    You can lose your mind ...
    When cousins are two of a kind!

  87. TruthSeeker7:22 PM

    Anonymous @ 3:48pm said...
    "1 Timothy 2:11-15
    Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet."

    Is that from the Taliban scriptures?

  88. Anonymous7:56 PM

    As Rhett Butler once said, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!"
    I wanted to see a female president in the White House in my lifetime, but these two wingnuts (who basically cancel each other out) have crazy glued all the cracks in the glass ceiling for at least the next three presidential cycles.

    Both are crazy, but in differnt ways. Their grasp on reality and historical facts makes all women look unelectable.

    Hillary Clinton made some huge mistakes in her campaign, but she is more than qualified to hold the office. She's educated, can think on her feet, and knows how to handle her personal life despite the media and Republican "scorched earth campaign" with the Starr Report.

    Can anyone imagine Palin and Bachman getting this far if they looked like Bella Abzug or RAM? Women Candidates shouldn't be judged on their "eye candy" appeal, but on what's between their ears.

    Trotta definately got it right in her assessment, the fact that Fox aired it gives me hope that Palin Inc. is about to go bankrupt.

    Excellent post, Gryph. That photo of Quittypants is a keeper! She's barely able to keep her inner demon from erupting in that photo, whoever took it captured Sarah's black hole of a soul.

    Wonder if Sarah will do a commemorative kayak ride on a lake on the fourth, those damn tight abs stopped Piper from being a fourth of july baby, dang it!!!

  89. lwtjb8:03 PM

    Anonymous @ 9:32 AM

  90. Dinty8:09 PM

    @ Anonymous 3:22

    This info hasn't been secret. I'm sure the oppo guys from the other Republican primary campaigns already have plenty of pics. They'll come out if she becomes a threat.

  91. indy_girl8:45 PM

    "(Anybody remember a children's book, "The King, the Mice, and the Cheese"?)"

    I had that one in 1969. :-)


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