Friday, July 01, 2011

Judge rules to protect Alaskan polar bears, choosing science over the objections of Sarah Palin.

From Think Progress:

In 2008, the U.S. government placed the polar bear on the threatened species list because of the rapid decline in Arctic sea ice, becoming “the first to be designated as threatened because of global warming.”

But in 2008, media mega-star Sarah Palin was still the governor of Alaska. Fearing that protecting the polar bear would “cripple oil and gas development” off Alaska’s coasts, Palin — a well-worn climate science denier — sued the government to remove the species from the list. Palin pointed to the high population of polar bears in 2008 and dismissed climate models that predict continued loss of sea ice as “unreliable,” “uncertain,” and “unproven.”

But U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan backed the government scientists’ finding this week “that global warming is threatening the survival of the polar bear.” In a 116-page opinion, Sullivan dismissed Palin and hunting groups’ arguments as “nothing more than competing views about policy and science” and ruled on the side of science:

"Notwithstanding a handful of references to uncertainty that appear in record documents, Joint Plaintiffs have failed to persuade this Court that FWS [U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service] implemented the ESA [Endangered Species Act] “haphazardly.” Accordingly, the Court concludes that FWS did not act arbitrarily in relying on and drawing reasonable conclusions from the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] reports and climate models in making its listing determination for the polar bear."

Hard to believe that almost two years to the day that the batshit crazy loon quit her job, we are still cleaning up after the mess she left behind. Gee, I wonder how much THIS frivolous lawsuit cost my state?

I am very glad that at least judges can understand basic science, even if politicians subsidized by the oil companies cannot.

(By the way, this case is actually rather historic here at IM, as it is over Palin's response to the Federal governments decision to put the polar bears on the Endangered Species List that angered me enough to write my first post criticising her.  And I have not looked back since.)


  1. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Undefeated, my ass.

  2. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Yet another defeat for Sarah Palin, the "undefeated."

  3. Sigh, but whoot.

  4. angela1:52 PM

    Jeez Gryphen, were you prescient or what?
    Its almost like you were the Grifter Whisperer . . . .

  5. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Good for you, Gryph! Who knew that the polar bear issue was just the tip of the iceberg--pun intended?

  6. HOO RAY !!!

    EVERYTHING that blue-water bitch-bag tries to dismiss because it takes more than three brain cells firing at once to understand the rational behind the argument, is now FORMALLY AND FOREVER DISMISSED AS COMPLETE AND UTTER CRAP... No other term fits.. just CRAP.

    Oh to be a fly on the cabin wall last night as the goon-squad from Lake Hoggie-with-meat-balls flew home in Grahams' private Gulf Stream, to hear the rag-a-muffin squad bitch about the attendance, or lack there of, at the family book burning yesterday at the Minnesoter (now officially SHUT DOWN AS A STATE) crumbling Mall of 'Mere-cer... HA!

  7. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I am just surprised she did not accuse the polar bears of wanting to rape her daughters.

  8. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Wow, you've come a looong way since then Gryph!!

    Nice to see science win this time...

  9. Sweet anny2:02 PM

    Ahhh... at last! I knew there was SOME damn thing I could thank her for...somewhere. This got you started.

    Thanks again, Gryphen, for all you do.

  10. Palin.....defeated.....again.

  11. Beldar Chopper Conehead2:14 PM

    Oh my... This isnt good news... But the Screechy Wretch will still be able to shoot wolves from helicopters and slow-kill caribou to fill her Arizona meat locker, right?

  12. Anonymous2:43 PM

    It doesn't matter whether the bears are endangered, threatened or given any other status regarding their precarious position in this new warming climate. They are simply doomed at this point, regardless of what we do the "change our ways" in the next 50 years. The polar bear is suffering from a 100+ year accumulation of greenhouse gases combined with a natural warming cycle. I hope some of them can learn to hunt terrestrial mammals rather than rely on seals on the ice. Some may make it, but many are just living on borrowed time. There have been accounts of northern grizzlies breeding with polar bears and creating a hybrid. This may be the best news on the horizon; a hybrid that can perpetuate at least a small part of the genetic history of the polar bears.

  13. Anonymous2:44 PM


    "I am just surprised she did not accuse the polar bears of wanting to rape her daughters."

    If I had been drinking soda, it would have come out of my nose.

  14. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I am not a troll, but you are an idiot. The last polar bear to be killed in Alaska was not done by a bullet but was killed by a bow and arrow. You are (according to you) an educated person, but I know the person that did it and really you should learn something before you speak, write or whatever. Please educate youserself. The ban of polar bear hunting has been in place for since 1972. Sarah Palin was 8 at the time and is no longer the governor. So blame someone else.

  15. O/T but does anyone else check out the live feed? I'm always curious when I see Wasilla, if its one of the Palin wenches checking to see if Scarah's secret is finally

  16. You have the patience of Job, my friend.

  17. Hey Anonymous 2:52, did you even read the article?

    Because I think you might have missed a little something.

  18. Anonymous3:09 PM

    anon @ 2:52

    it must be fun being a happy idiot eh ?

  19. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Her 2012 "Indecision" Looks Like Palin's Latest Lie

  20. Your first Palin-critical post was an important one and you've more than made up for the period of giving her a 'pass'. Thanks for paying attention and not looking back.

  21. Anon 2:52

    Is that you Creepy Chuckie? Decided to take a break from kiddie porn to troll over here?

    C'mon Chuck, where's Trig? You can tell us...we promise not to tell......(many)

  22. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Is this the assman handshake guy? Palin sure looks like she is intentionally not touching his hand.

  23. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Didn't Parnell continue the fight about this issue against the feds? He and Palin have been in 'cahoots' on many occasions - many of which we probably don't even know about as yet!

    Why wouldn't people just basically see and understand that the ice is melting quickly up there and the bears have needs for it that encompass many reasons which assist in keeping them alive.

  24. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Off topic: Palin was rebuffed by Lady Thatcher, but a meet up between her preceived arch rival Mitt Romney and Lady Thatcher may just be in the making.

  25. Dinty3:35 PM

    O/T Again, I'm still going to need more than just pictures to bring me into full-on Trig-Birther, but this one - there's no way she can be 6 or 7 months pregnant here:

  26. A fan of Beldar's many names4:06 PM

    If you liked the polar bear fiasco then you'll love this latest Parnell decree.

    Political test may apply to health research By RICHARD MAUER Published: 06/27/11

    Another department in the Parnell administration is applying a political and policy test to the work that its scientists and researchers are permitted to do.

    This time, the rule affects public health and governs manuscripts, data presentations and "ideas" that could lead to publications. The rule was issued June 10 as an internal policy and procedure by Dr. Ward Hurlburt, the state's director of public health and its chief medical officer.

    Just like the Beluga Whale researchers, you can serve science or politics, but not both. An interesting what if is asked by a critic of this new policy.

    The possibility that the June 10 department rule would allow politics to interfere with public health "is a bit disturbing," said Dr. Jodyne Butto, president of the Alaska chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

    "Scientific data doesn't always align itself with the political winds," Butto said. "Particularly in terms of pediatrics, this is very concerning, in that, depending on the milieu of the time, someone's agenda can actually have a deleterious effect if scientific data and research is essentially squashed."

    Using a hypothetical example, she said, suppose a risk survey of adolescents found they were having unprotected sex in increasing numbers, but state policy only favored promoting sexual abstinence. Would that mean, she wondered, that the state public health department couldn't encourage condom use to reduce the spread of sexually transmitted diseases?

    Hurlburt, who was appointed by Parnell to run the division in September 2009, said that wasn't why he pushed for the new policy.

    This is yet another example of how rebiblican governmint bends the truth to make it's preconceived notions fit reality.

  27. More Joe the Teabagger Fail4:30 PM

    The vaguely bearded failed Senate candidate makes a deal! Not doing the paperwork correctly again. FEC SNAFU fixed up with amended filings by Joe Miller.

    Joe Miller's U.S. Senate campaign has settled with the Federal Election Commission over allegations Miller violated rules for flying on a private aircraft.

    The complaint was filed by Andree McLeod, who said her review of then-candidate Miller's FEC filings suggested Miller paid for only fuel for campaign flights on a private plane. McLeod alleged Miller violated regulations requiring he pay charter rate for a comparable plane when flying privately.

    Andree wins again.

    Joe loses again.

    Joe is still the only LOSER to a write in candidate for the U.S. Senate from Alaska. Is there a federal subsidy for owning private airplanes? Joe probably knows the answer.

  28. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I swear Her Heinous would kill the neighborhood cat if there was a nickel in it for her. Probably already has. Dominionist bitch.

  29. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Brisket is upset over this. Brisket can't sleep at night because she is afraid the icky polar bears will crawl over her bed when she sleeps.

  30. Anonymous5:30 PM

    There is NO WAY she if five months pregnant here.

    NO WAY NO WAY she is near 6 months here.

    Why in the Hell are these official unfuzzy pictures not the ones being used to show Palin's pregnancy hoax?

  31. Beldar Grateful Conehead5:48 PM

    Hey, Gryphen, your're doing Thor's work. Keep it up.

  32. Another "d e f e a t" for the Tundra tart.

    Thank goodness for our three-brained governmental system. Executive, legislative, and judicial.

  33. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Now that is what I call a frivolous lawsuit.olous lawsuit.

  34. The polar bear situation was also the first time that I took notice of her.

    Before, I paid no attention at all to her. Now, I wish the box had never been open, I wish I could go back to never noticing...

  35. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Beaten by one of her own kind...priceless!

  36. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Glad the Polar Bears won this round.

  37. Anonymous7:30 PM

    OT, Bristol grifting on the 700 Club

    My 16 year old daughter came in the kitchen and collapsed on the floor after listening to the whining, lying and screeching.

  38. Dinty7:42 PM

    Anonymous @ 5:30

    Those pics are from after Trig was born, that's why they aren't at issue. Trig was born April 18, 2008.

    The open house photo was from Dec 2008, and the 50th anniversary pic is from 2009

  39. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Too Funny! Check out Bill Maher's New Rules on Bristol Palin's new book, "Not Afraid of Life, working title 'Woops, there's a dick in me.'"

  40. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Gryphen, are you willing to touch 911? All those fake Osama pics, it's as obvious as Sarah's abdomen. I guess delusion has it's boundries. The Sarah shit is diversion from the 911 truth, right?

  41. Anonymous8:07 PM

    You has been quitter ex gov, don't worry about any shit outside of your four walls. Just worry about keeping your wine cooler drinking ho's from getting pregnant. Worry about educating those retarded kids of yours. Every once in a while give Todd some tail so that he does not have to pay for action. Like Bristol said about Levi, he has needs and so does Sweet Todd.


  42. Anonymous8:07 PM

    You has been quitter ex gov, don't worry about any shit outside of your four walls. Just worry about keeping your wine cooler drinking ho's from getting pregnant. Worry about educating those retarded kids of yours. Every once in a while give Todd some tail so that he does not have to pay for action. Like Bristol said about Levi, he has needs and so does Sweet Todd.


  43. BAustin8:25 PM

    Well...whatever the date, those pants are TRAGIC!

  44. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Vote for Bachmann...or anyone other than SP. The bots are really trying to scam this poll.

  45. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Wow, Bristol has fire in her belly too! (there are lots of good nuggets in this video)

  46. Anonymous8:30 PM

    You telling me a polar bear defeated a grizzly bear?

  47. Enjay in E MT8:32 PM

    Sarah Jones @ politicususa has a fantastic piece.
    snip] Both women bring out the worst in our culture. Both appeal to the lurking sexism, hooking it with a wink and bringing all women down into the mud with them if we dare call them out on it. Yes, if we dare say a word, we are then labeled ugly haters or “fat”. It’s as if we are back in Junior High, only I never knew anyone so shameless and tawdry as either of these two women in Junior High. It offends me to even address their vulgar cries for attention via their sexuality [end snip

    read more @

  48. Anonymous8:48 PM

    O/T, but look at this dynamite comment from politucusa:

    "OK, everyone, take out your book "The Lies of Sarah Palin" by Geoffrey Dunn, and turn to Chapter Three, "Hail Mary" (Think about that chapter title for a few minutes).

    Then, turn to pages 157 -161. Take out your most fluorescent highlighter and highlight every mention of the names "Paxson," "Iseman," "McCain," "New York Times," and "Palin."

    Now, turn to page 142, and highlight anything to do with "Gary Wheeler" and "Palin."

    To connect the dots...

    when Palin went to DC and met with McCain on Feb. 23, 2008, McCain was involved in a very dangerous game of chicken with his former Right Wing (Dominionist, head of Christian Broadcasting) "friend,"Lowell "Bud" Paxson who was essentially blackmailing McCain over the relationship McCain had allegedly had with Paxson's "employee," Vicki Iseman.

    The first installment of this potentially lethal expose had just been printed in the NY Times, and more was on the way.

    McCain gave in and decided to "play ball" with Paxson and his fellow Fundies who were threatening to destroy McCain's presidential hopes, life, and career.

    McCain, at that point, secretly agreed to take on Palin as VP.

    And the New York Times stories mysteriously and very weirdly halted, because the previous informants had shut down on them.

    Palin then announced her "pregnancy" on March 5th, the day after it became conclusive that McCain won the nomination.

    Now, go to Google.... enter the names "Paxson," "iseman," "New York Times," and "McCain." And see what you can find."

    And now my suggestions: let's find out if or when Paxson traveled to Alaska, if or when Sarah traveled to South Florida (where Paxson lives), where Sarah actually met with Paxson (if she did), and when the back-and-forth phone-calls were made between the two of them (if indeed they were made). Then, I think we may have some very interesting "coincidences". Somehow, I think Sarah may have vigorously 'marketed' herself to Paxson, in order to be marketed to McCain, via Paxson, behind the scenes.

  49. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Who came up with the stupid name Undefeated??
    It is ridiculous!!!!

  50. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Oh my God!! That anon screaming at Gryphen is looney tunes !!

  51. A J BIllings9:53 PM

    OMG, anonymous @8:48 PM if some enterprising journalist could possibly prove that and break THAT story open, it would DESTROY PAYlin's chances politically forever.

    Blackmailing McCain into picking a know-nothing ignorant narcissistic lazy grifter like Palin, all in service of so called "Christian truth" or whatever??

    That's at least a Pulitzer just waiting to be handed down.

  52. Anonymous9:57 PM

    @8:48 - great comment. Thanks for bringing it here. And isn't Paxson one of Trig's names?

  53. scarlet/oregon11:31 PM

    off topic....
    Interesting comment at Amazon re Bristol & $arah's booksigning at B&N.

    "Nancy it is marketing but I believe this type of marketing is barred by the anti-trust laws. If I recall from my business school days, you can't tie two products together. You can't require customers to buy xyz milk in order to buy xyz butter. If a customer wants to buy a signed book by Sarah Palin, you can't require them to buy a book by Bristol Palin. The penalty for violating the anti-trust rules is treble damages."

  54. scarlet/oregon11:38 PM

    Anon at 9:57...answer is Yes.

    Trig Paxson Van Palin

  55. BAustin2:02 AM

    So Palin says there are no addition to Tripp & Shailey Tripp, we've got Trig & tri-G AND Trig Paxson & Lowell Paxson???

  56. I guess it was as good a time as any to start a movement against this evil woman as any.

    You've done well, my man... But no slowing down now, though.

    But at least Sarah's been consistent--- She's been wrong about everything since then, also, too. I can't wait until her Lt.Parnell finally admits her O&G inexperience cost AK jobs and stifled its future economy bc of her short-sighted, ill-informed legislation.

    Then he can finally take his place under the bus with everyone else who ever supported Palin in her political career.

  57. Anonymous said...
    Gryphen, are you willing to touch 911? All those fake Osama pics, it's as obvious as Sarah's abdomen. I guess delusion has it's boundries. The Sarah shit is diversion from the 911 truth, right?
    8:07 PM
    Nice try. Start yourself your own 9/11 (not nine-one-one, sheesh) blog if you like. Gryphen has pretty well established the purposes of his blog.

    You do realize that it is 100% illogical to say that if situation A is a crackpot conspiracy, then situation B must be a crackpot conspiracy? No? I didn't think so.

  58. ManxMamma6:49 AM

    This is the best news I've heard in a while. There is so much we have to do to save our planet. But this is a good start. And I'm glad it's this issue that got you writing because you just get better and better all the time.

  59. emrysa7:00 AM

    this is good news! every now-and-then sanity prevails.

  60. Anonymous7:05 AM

    That picture gets me every time. Thanks for this post. Now off to read your first post.

    R in NC

  61. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Gryphen, I am just about finished with Blind Allegiance, and I was wondering if people up there are doing anything about some of the revelations, especially Frank's admission that personal issues were handled on the taxpayer dime and very little work was done, also the backdoor deals, outrageous handling of Beth Kerrtula's appointment, etc.

    I'm finding it hard to get through the book partly because it's so disheartening. I'd be furious if that were my governor, and I'd be ready to get some people together to file a lawsuit for not doing her job.

    Also, the wine bottle that was auctioned off with her signature for a fund raiser, but it was actually Kris Perry's signature.... stuff like that.... is anything being done up there, and are people talking about recourse?

    Thanks G, for all that you do. You are a good man!

    R in NC


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