Sunday, August 21, 2011

Bristol Palin is filmed eating a hot dog for her new reality show. I guess they already filmed her doing her laundry and brushing her teeth. So exciting!

Courtesy of the Daily Mail:

The three friends were spotted at a hotdog stand, Bristol smiling as she ordered her chilli dog. Bristol tried to eat the snack nicely with a knife and fork but it became difficult and she picked it up with her hands. (You can see video of the segment here.)

I don't think it is any mystery as to WHY Bristol was using a knife and fork to eat her hot dog.

I am guessing her mother warned her NOT to put anything phallic anywhere near her mouth. Good call mom.

She recently sparked internet rumours of plastic surgery, with observers nothing her jawline appearing more angular and cheekbones more pronounced. 

 She has battled with her weight since giving birth to Tripp in December, 2008. 

Bristol battled to lose weight while competing in DWTS, a show credited with helped several celebrities she pounds. 

She told Access Hollywood: 'I haven't really noticed a change in [my body]. 

'I think most people lose weight [on the show] because they're too stressed out to eat. I haven't had that problem.'

 Jesus how "unstressed" was she?

You know I did some checking into this meme that keeps popping up, usually from concern trolls, that Bristol was "always battling her weight" as a teenager. 

You know what I learned?  You guessed it, total bullshit.

In fact Bristol was a pretty active teenager who engaged in sports both in school, and out of school.

However it was also recently confirmed that somewhere around the end of 2007 Bristol started to wear sweatshirts, and sweaters constantly.

Of course that was just when people actually saw her.  Which around that time was apparently quite rare.

And I was also told that "Because of her round face, the sweatshirts always made her look kind of heavy, but you really could not tell if she was gaining weight or not."

For reasons I hope to explain later, I found that VERY, VERY interesting.

P.S. According to People magazine Bristol also recently got the letter "T" tattooed on the top of her foot.

Budding reality star Bristol Palin, 20, had a cursive "T" inked on the top of her right foot – and her rep tells PEOPLE that "T is for Tripp, Trig, Track and Todd," her son, two brothers and father,respectively.

WTF? That may be one of the strangest reasons for getting a tattoo I have ever heard.


  1. Anonymous3:13 AM

    The fat skank being 20 years of age turns 21 soon and will start hitting the clubs in LA. This will be another chapter in the end of of any class in the US.


  2. FloridaDem3:25 AM

    How about NOT ordering a hot dog to begin with, Bristol? Eating it with a fork is ridiculous! What, no burgers, wraps, salads, chicken sandwiches, or chicken tenders on the menu?

    Sigh...but honestly the whole phallic thing is ridiculous. I feel for us women, that we have to think about what looks like a dick when we eat lunch. I mean, except for that corn dog. But normal foods like hot dogs should not bring out such sophomoric, south-park, adolescent, jackassery behavior. But that's how moronic and sexist our culture is.

  3. Anonymous3:35 AM

    Maybe it's a cursive "L", so she can keep straight her left and right feet. . .

  4. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Your links don't work.

  5. Anonymous4:11 AM

    hmm, about the tat, She DID write on facebook around April "The only men who matter in my life are Tripp, Todd, Track and Trig"

    At least her tat means something to her.

  6. Anonymous4:13 AM

    My daughter has her deceased father's initials tattooed on her wrist.

  7. Anonymous4:13 AM

    I can't comment on the sweatshirt thing as I don't know her, but from about 06 on, her weight has fluctuated. Think just prior to the inauguration or even May 07 when she was quite porky (at the memorial day Gov event, wearing jeans, a black top and those red wedges Sarah wears)

    She wore hoodies in Juneau the whole family lives in hoodies.

    I don't know if I agree with your post.

  8. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Remember the pics from the picnics in summer 07? The roundest face ever and chunky chunky waist. How can you say her weight has never been an issue when earlier pictures prove it? Esp when she is one of many family members, young and older, who struggle with weight.

  9. Anonymous4:17 AM

    It's LOS Angeles, not Las. I make the same mistake all the time, considering it's technically pronounced incorrectly.

  10. Sorry Gryphen, OT~ But Joe McGuinness is trashing you in the comment section of his blog.
    I wrote a few comments and he has censored me.
    One comment I made was;
    "Isn't it true that ALL people are innocent until proven guilty in the Country?? Or did they change that, too?"
    For that, I was censored. Yesterday he charged that all his loyal readers were being juvenile because they stated some facts about Sarah. Then most of them threw his own words right back at him!!
    Keep an eye out. This is not the first time that Joe has acted like the opportunist he is!! I was warned by some one who knows him about a year or so ago.

  11. Anonymous4:18 AM


    This is off topic but you might want to check out the author Joe's blog, he has wrote some comments about you as a blogger.

  12. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Considering this girl jokingly calls herself a "fat girl for life" when she and her friends joke about past events or restaurants moments, I'm not sure the sweatshirt thing is a "thing" worth pursuing. She likes sweatshirts. So does Willow, Sarah, Todd, and Piper. I see the same sweatshirts on all of them.Levi likes camo, Sadie likes Northface, I like cardigans.

    Considering how excited Britta looked holding up a mini hoodie and seeing practically every Alaskan constantly wear them, this post puzzles me.

    Think back to the trl video. Shes wearing what looks like a black jean tight skirt and a button down top. When she sits, legs together and pretty easily, she doesn't look uncomfortable. I find it interesting that you think wearing hoodies in winter months is weird.

    Think back to the emails. Ivy Frye pretty regularly talks of doing this or that with any one of the kids. In dec 07, she said she wanted to take the girls to the movies. Just putting things out there that are documented.

  13. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Bristle didn't have a weight problem til she started getting serially pregnant at age 16. In fact she was quite thin and had nice smallish perky breasts, not big ole veritable milk factories.The picture evidence of what I write is abundant to back this up.

  14. It is HOT in LA right now!

    WTH is she doing in JEANS AND a SWEATSHIRT?!?

    Are all the Payliars just totally fa-cocked in the head?

    Brisdull is so. gross.

  15. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Sorry, Bristol but your attempts to improve your looks with plastic surgery have failed and, guess what? your never needed it in the first place! But then with the Palins it's all about the buzz- did she or didn't she? will she or won't she? You are a cure for insomnia, Bristol. You may be snarky but you are definitely not interesting or entertaining. God knows what you're going to do for laughs on your new reality show. Oh, I know, speak your mind. Ha, ha, ha, ha...

  16. SWT? (Seriously, what the?)




    (Um, oh yeah, and Piper, too. Well, Brisdull didn't see the need to include her either...)

  17. Anonymous5:09 AM

    I do have it in writing where Frank Bailey states the following: "I saw [Bristol] probably 10 times between late summer 2007 and the spring of 2008 and absolutely no indication that she was pregnant of hiding anything." He also answered "Yes" to another question "Did you see Bristol around the holidays in 07?"

    Take it for what it's worth.

  18. Anonymous5:10 AM

    What a wonderful gift it would be if 2012 brought silence from the Palin clan. I am so very tired of them, one and all.

    BTW, I agree - what an odd reason for a tat. However, they are an odd family.

  19. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Remember the email thread between Sarah and Erika in Nov 07, where they discuss Erika's son meeting up withBristol in Hawaii (think trip for the wedding)

    Alex was in Hawaii and he is pretty great friends with Bristol. My point is, there's as much evidence to defend nothing was awry as there is to defend something was awry.

  20. Anonymous5:15 AM

    SHE is a "budding reality star"?? There must be hundreds of thousands of girls in Hollyowwd who are more talented and prettier than her. Want to bet this show tanks? It will be the equivalent of watching paint dry. She has nothing to add to a conversation, and seems her acting talents are non-existant. Maybe by the end of this show she will add another baby to the clan?

  21. A hot dog is all she can afford.
    Bristol's "book":
    Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #18,764 in Books

  22. Anonymous5:23 AM

    She looks so rough. Did she dye her hair black. She doesn't look Hollywood, she looks trash.

  23. Thenorwegianblue5:26 AM

    Good to see that full post-op temporomandibular mobility has been regained.

  24. Anonymous5:27 AM

    The Bachmann dummies swallow sausages.

  25. rick hill5:59 AM

    That photo of bachmann looks like some tired old pron starting work on her fiftieth mile of cock.

  26. Virginia Voter5:59 AM

    Look, y'all know where I stand on the Trig pregnancy and the biology defying DWTS weight, but to be fair, thinking back to when I was between the ages of 17 and 20, most womens bodies and metabolism do change. When I went away to college, and then into my early twenties, I gained a lot of weight from too many happy hours, bad eating, and no exercise. Life consisted of going to work, and spending every Thursday, Friday, & Saturday night drinking and eating what was ever cheapest. Fun, but bad for the waistline. I changed my eating and drinking habits, and the weight came off in my late twenties.

    Cutting Bristol some slack on that point, the fact that she
    was very thin a few months post Tripp pregnancy, then ballooned up on DWTS remains a mystery . It defies biology...there have been many heavier celebs on that show like Kelly Osbourne, Wendy Williams, Kirstie Alley, even Kyle Massey himself whom lost anywhere from 10-40 pounds on that show, even football players who claimed DWTS was more grueling than training camp! Why was
    Bristol the only one who looked like she just got back from
    a month at the all you can eat buffet?

    I digress. Bristol's show looks like a giant borefest, and that face of hers is a hot mess. It looks like it is painful for her to laugh. I cringed when I saw this picture.

    Cue the Bristol Facebook Stalker Fairy Tale Troll who will regale us with stories of what an awesome time the strong, confident Bristol is having.....YAWN.

  27. Anonymous6:04 AM

    HEY!! The "I don't know" troll is learning!

    Congrats on putting it at the END of your comment this time.

  28. Anonymous6:11 AM

    I think even those Amish kids in the city in that reality show gimmick showed more style than Bristol is capable of.

    I don't think I can stand looking at the Palin women's dowdy lack of fashion sense in this contrived reality show, grasping for topical interest and social value.

    How many sweatshirts can we stand to see on her chunky body?

  29. Anonymous6:12 AM

    That's how imaginative the Palin's are, a lower case "t" to mark her foot for life so that she doesn't forget the thugs and thugs-to-be in her life.

  30. Virginia Voter6:24 AM

    Sarah v Sarah...all summer Bristol has been photographed wearing tons of clothes. Jeans, blazers, knee high boots, long sleeved shirts in 90 + degree weather all over the country, including Arizona and Texas. Bizarre, right especially for an Alaskan girl!

    My theory? Bristol has extensive liposuction or even the lipo dissolve injections, and is wearing those compression bands to shrink herself. That's the only rational explanation, cause no one wears that much clothing in the heat unless you're a Hassidic Jew.

  31. Anonymous6:27 AM

    That tattoo is NOT a letter 'T'.

    Two ways to see it - if you rotate the picture 90 degrees right.

    If you can't rotate picture, then tilt your head to your left shoulder and look at the picture.

    That tattoo is a SNAKE with 2 eyes!!!

  32. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Once again Bill proves he's a bot in training. Grow up.

  33. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Hey FLdem, how about NOT picking fights over inane things. There's nothing wrong with hotdogs or eating lunch with friends. Their show is their show.

    If some of the things Bristol has discussed via facebook make the final cut, there will be some adorable moments.

  34. Anonymous6:35 AM

    re:4:16... know...if some of the conspiracies are true, you do understand that summer '07 would be juuuuust about when she was in the early stages of a, thanks for proving my own theory of where Trig REALLU came from.

  35. Anonymous6:37 AM

    WTF? The skank struggled to lose weight on DWTS? I thought she was previously just SO active and only gained weight because dancing for hours a day was LESS strenuous than her normal, active lifestyle. Isn't that what we "learned" from her "book"?

  36. Anonymous6:37 AM

    To everyone mentioned Joe M, Joe is a professional (not thought not without fault as all of us are) who typically takes the high road and thinks before he writes. While Gryphen has come out with some interesting things, some of which I am sure is well-proved, he relies on rumors and outrageous claims that probably aren't true for blog attention.

  37. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Sarah Vs. Sarah said...
    SWT? (Seriously, what the?)




    (Um, oh yeah, and Piper, too. Well, Brisdull didn't see the need to include her either...)

    5:00 AM


    Maybe Todd and Track are the fathers of Trig and Tripp ?? That's why she tattooed a "T" on her foot ??

  38. Anonymous6:45 AM

    As I remember, any of the photos
    of Bristol in regular clothes -
    not sweatshirts or hoodies, she always had a pot belly & an oversized bust. She dresses oddly
    in clothes that don't fit her. None of those girls ever look pretty, even Piper. Guess they think dangly earrings & tatoos
    are all it takes to look nice.
    Bristol really needs to whittle
    down that non-existent waist,
    it's only gonna get bigger as she ages.

    Sharon TN

  39. Nan C6:49 AM

    I'm no fan of the Palin clan, but gotta say, I would eat a chili dog with a fork, too. That's what it looks like in that first picture, anyway. Apparently the sloppy factor had been conquered by the time of the 2nd hot dog picture as she was finishing it off without the fork.

    I'll bash 'em along with the rest of us, but we might as well do it for something that counts. (I have no fondness for Bachman either, but how the heck else do you eat a corn dog, anyway? maybe it just says more about the folks looking for something to criticise - besides, I LOVE corndogs and don't wanna worry about who's thinking what when I do. sigh)

    As for the sweatshirt in hot LA? They were 'em here in Missouri, too. I think they're nuts - or trying for a heat stroke. Crazy.

  40. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Wow. Note to above commenters, Joe DID NOT trash Gryphen. He pointed out that the ridiculous Steve Menard post was devoid of all logic and maturity.

    If you think THAT is trashing, I hate to hear what you think of Bill who commented first on this post, or most of GRyphen's other commenters. Or do you consider anyone who spews hateful words toward/about Sarah the pinnacle of maturity.

  41. Anonymous7:04 AM

    If it was a chili dog, they do eat them with knife and fork on the East Coast many times.

    And don't call me a troll. It's stupid.

    Facts are facts, inconvenient to our cause or not.

  42. Anonymous7:05 AM

    . . . sons, brother, and father respectively. There! Fixed that!

  43. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Why no S W or P? Don't the women in her life mean anything to her? Why must women brand their bodies to pay tribute to the men in their lives, but it is enough just to have a relationship with the women (no branding required)

  44. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Interesting group of palinista's today. it seems you have achieved the perfect marriage of Palinbots, Brisketbots and people trying to start a feud between you and Joe. I think the latter is at the end of his rope with the comment feature on his blog. He's a writer and his book is coming out so he's not as much a torch carrier for all things Palin like the rest of the AK bloggers.

    Keep it up. The more you rattle their cages the more they come out from under the rock. She's staggering now, trying to protect her empire, franchise, daughter's career and the emerging truth of her web of lies.

  45. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I just love the look on Tripp''s face while eating his first iconic "Pink's" hotdog. When we visited, my kids loved it! Oh wait, where's Tripp? Yooo Hooo!, Paging Bristol, where's your kid?????

    I watched the clip and I think this scene will get an academy award! Not since "When Harry met Sally" has there been such an enthusiastic dining scene.

    I'd cut Bristol a little slack on the weight thing, but she's so obssessed with her looks, yet does nothing to help herself. My daughter always had weight issues, and we didn't make a big deal of it, but once she made up her mind, she started exercising, eating better (not starving herself nor getting plastic surgery), but then she wasn't a teen mother (not that there's anything WRONG with that).

    Gryph, don't want to start a pissing match between anyone, but when someone first shows you their true self, believe them the first time.
    I would let this one slide, be the better person- namaste, my friend.

  46. Anonymous7:27 AM

    The photo of Bristol and Mercede together reminds me of a question that really has never been answered.

    Why, if Bristol was only barely pregnant with Tripp, did she sit out prom? It just doesn't make sense to me. When was prom that year? By Tripp's supposed birth date, conception likely occurred in early April. I'm sure someone has hashed all this out before, but I'm still not convinced she was barely pregnant with Tripp at that time. Just my 2 cents, fwiw.

  47. Anonymous7:40 AM

    She's just practicing that abstinence thingie with a surrogate...

  48. Anonymous7:46 AM

    her profile looks awful.
    she ruined her face.

    why isnt this girl eating a salad.
    she's prolly the only girl in LA to eat a chili dog. along with the massey bro's who are not the epitome of healthy bod either.

    brisket is wearing her belly body suit again.

  49. Anonymous7:47 AM

    its summer in LA.
    no one in their correct mind wears longs sleeves and long pants.

  50. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Why can't people just get it that some women put on weight after kids and have a heck of a time keeping it off?

    As for Bristol, she can afford a trainer, or buy body toning and building equipment and may be using it, so what we see are the best results she can achieve. But listening to comments here makes one want to run into a cave and never ever show oneself to the world if we have any extra weight or imperfections.

    Why does she have to be skinny? If her metabolism is what it is, why do we care? It's not her body that offends, but things she's said that are offensive. Anyway, the show will no doubt be a dud. I feel bad for Kyle and his brother that they hooked up with Bristol who has issues and will no doubt hurt their good record.

    I say this not because Bristol could not be a nice person. But because her associations with the most hateful mother in politics will always haunt her. But her weight problems are the least of her worries.

  51. Anonymous8:13 AM

    T for YRAMP

  52. Anonymous8:13 AM

    She is here in LA filming, its so darn HOT and she is in jacket? As u can see in that video all are in shorts and shirt. For its HOT.
    She has put on few pounds she is trying to hid it behind that jacket?

  53. Anonymous8:15 AM

    "Think back to the trl video. Shes wearing what looks like a black jean tight skirt and a button down top. When she sits, legs together and pretty easily, she doesn't look uncomfortable. I find it interesting that you think wearing hoodies in winter months is weird."

    In winter months - no problem, even in fall or early spring - likely late spring too, in AK.

    In a summer heat wave in L.A.? frickin' weird is correct

  54. Anonymous8:16 AM

    A reality show where she sits and eats? That is more realistic than expecting her to practice and dance. This might prove to be as "successful" as her book.

  55. Anonymous8:45 AM

    ""If it was a chili dog, they do eat them with knife and fork on the East Coast many times.

    And don't call me a troll. It's stupid.

    Facts are facts, inconvenient to our cause or not.

    7:04 A"""

    Have you ever been to the "East Coast"?? Quit being stupid,the east coast is the home of Coney Island,Boardwalks,and hot dog carts in the big cities.No knife and fork available.Perhaps you mean the East coast of Wasilla??

  56. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Hey quit blasting Ol' Brisket for her weight gain every 9 months out of twelve.
    I have many heifers that drop a calf every yr too. And of course they gain weight during the gestation process.

    And also too, it doesn't seem to affect Brisket as much as it affects my heifers when the calves are removed from their care.

    And if any of you haven't figured this post out, it is SNARK.

  57. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Okay, so they went to Pink's. I'd eat one of their chili dogs with a knife and fork too - you can't pick it up, it's too messy.

    Going to Pinks's for the reality show - how lame and touristy is that?

    Her hair looks awful. Inky black fake and limp.

  58. Anonymous9:16 AM

    The Brisket Defense Fairy Tale Troll has lost its "oomph."

  59. Anonymous9:24 AM

    The People article says "Bristol debuted the new tattoo at a lunch date at Pink's hot dogs in West Hollywood."


  60. Anonymous10:04 AM

    OT Here's a pic of Bristol I'd never seen before:

    The more I think I know about these people, the crazier I get

  61. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Anonymous said...
    hmm, about the tat, She DID write on facebook around April "The only men who matter in my life are Tripp, Todd, Track and Trig"

    At least her tat means something to her.

    4:11 AM

    "T" for her daddy's mistress Shailey "T"ripp?

    Might as well since she named her son after Shailey.

  62. Anonymous10:55 AM

    So now along with the facial mutilation she has fake hair coloring.

    Does she realize how much she is publicizing her self hatred.

  63. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Her face wasn't round. So there goes another lie.

    Bristol,even in polite society, finger food is to be eaten with the fingers. It is gauche,or ignr'nt to do other wise.

    You do not take a knife and fork to your petit four, or for that matter to fried chicken, hamburgers,or any sandwich.
    Nor do you drink from your crystal stemware with a straw.

  64. I believe the "T" stands for her
    two sons, Trig and Tripp.

    I believe she added the BS about Todd and Track b/c the Payliars just HAVE to be over. the. top. LIARS. about. HOW. CLOSE. their family is.

    So, I think it's literally a "half-truth". It's for her two sons - not her dad and brother (who called her a "pothead and slut". Yup, those kids are SUPER close...awww.)

    I bet she got the idea to add Toady and Tractor from dear old Granny P.

    Also, the "corndog" thing got such major play b/c she could have picked fifteen different things to eat IN FRONT OF FIFTY REPORTERS. There's no way Michelle was not playing into EXACTLY what everyone said. She gets ALL the attention but can cite EVERYONE else for their sexism, discrimination, blah blah blah.

    She learned a few things from Payliar.

  65. Anonymous11:30 AM

    There's good old Anonymous again posting pro-Palin remarks all in a row.... hey Bristol! Isn't your attention span good enough so that you can spread out your comments and not make it so obvious that you're just firing off feeble defenses in a few minutes, before you hit some other site?

  66. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Re: Joe, my impression is that someone convinced him that there was a rich vein of interest to be tapped among the blogger community, but from the beginning his he's struggled to hide his disdain for the scene. Maybe well established writers tend to look down their noses at "mere" bloggers and those who comment on blogs, I don't know. (Oops does that make me a troll?) As the pub date of the book draws closer I see clear attempts to stoke the fires: the endless will-she-or-won't-she (run) discussion ("Look! Jack well-placed Schmo says she's going to run!"), and more recently stirring the pot at different well established blogs. Color me unimpressed by the crap, including the underhanded stunt he pulled on Frank Bailey, and his bad-mouthing of Levi. I hope his book delivers on its promise, but I won't be pre-ordering it like I did Dunn's and Bailey's books, and I won't be reading his blog any more.

  67. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Stonekettle Station new post is recommended. Some of this post is NSFW.

  68. Anonymous11:41 AM

    "For reasons I hope to explain later, I found that VERY VERY interesting"?
    G, you seem to have backed away from babygate in recent months. I've been hoping fervently that you Know Something, and don't want to steal the thunder of a story that is about to break. Levi's book? The babygate book that is due out soon? (Now there's a book I would preorder...if I could! Intriguing, the extent to which it is being kept under wraps.)

  69. Anonymous1:14 PM

    11:36 am Re: Joe

    Very observant, I'll drink to that.

  70. Beldar Oscar Mayer Conehead1:17 PM

    Ok, Gryphen, this time you are flat out wrong! Why do you have to bag on Bristle even when something wonderful and exciting is happening in her life? (the life she isnt afraid of, by the way...)

    I bet if your daughter discovered she had a talent for something, say, tying her shoelaces or figuring out how to open a door that didnt say "push" or "pull" on it, you'd be so proud you'd be running for national public office!

    Remember, this is a daughter that The Screechy Wretch(tm) was afraid would never amount to anything because she had no skills, education or talent, also, too. But now there's THIS!

    And you can bet there are great big smiles all across wherever the fuck it is that they're living now. To quote the Rev. Jesse Jackson: "I AM.. SOMEBODY!!"

    Once you discover a talent for eating hot dogs, the sky's the limit: There's the professional competitive hot dog eating circuit and... well, ok, maybe the sky isnt the limit, but there is the professional competitive hot dog eating circuit.

    Anyway, I just wanted to chasten you for always seeing the negative side of their amazing achievements. In the future, please keep an open-mind about reporting more mundane and banal tasks that members of that family can execute for our edu-tainment and, of course, the ridicule.

  71. keep shoveling that food in girl..maybe they can lipo your cheeks next

  72. GBIllinois1:48 PM

    Anonymous v@ 7:15 said:

    Interesting group of palinista's today.
    BINGO!! I was thinking the same thing both to the number of baots and the sowers of discourse.

    Let's all let the Joe M. thing go huh? Take your problems with him to his blog. There is nothing positive to gain by this, UNLESS you want to give SP some satisfaction in thinking she's found a wedge to drive us apart.

  73. Anonymous1:52 PM


    East coast of Lake Lucille?

  74. Anonymous2:03 PM

    wow, bristol knows a black person? i bet her mom is calling everyday or made sure she got those tubes tied...cuz you know she can't stay off her back and i'm sure is curious about the rumors. Lol

  75. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Either McGinniss has dirt on Palin or he doesn't. But his current job is to SELL the book. His blog is pure, simple, boring MARKETING.

    Instead of luring readers with a blurb on the dust jacket, the modern publisher trots the author out to the internet to SELL, SELL, SELL.

    I only read the comments over there. Some interesting ideas but much misinformation.

  76. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Well, she IS abstinent now. RME. One addiction substituted for another?

  77. Anonymous3:00 PM


    YOU watch then and keep sending those welfare checks to SarahPAC.

  78. sunnyskies3:02 PM

    Mary B 4: 17

    I wrote a comment to McGinniss that I felt used; that he allowed the comments to roll on, with only occasional replies, and in the process he has used the comments he received, I believe, to prepare for what is to come on his book tours. After he gets all he info needed, he lectures his commenters on his blog about their incivility. He never posted my comment.

    So I am saying it here. I feel used by McGinniss, offended at his holier=than-thou lecture on civility, and I do not hate Palin enough to buy his book.

  79. ibwilliamsi3:08 PM

    Is she pregnant again? She looks pregnant to me.

  80. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Hey, back when I used to eat meat and had a whopping big chili dog drowning in that chili I had to eat the wonderful mess with a knife and fork, so don't knock her too hard for that. Some of the best chili dogs are a delicious mess you know.
    M. from MD

  81. Anonymous4:34 PM

    As G says, Bristol was an active and thin (quite thin) teen until her perpetual pregnancy days. Girl's bodies mature, yes, but at the age of 20* it's possible she's had as many as four pregnancies: green-sweater pregnancy, Trig, Tripp, DWTS baby. She might not have had a weight and/or self-image problem at 15, but I could believe she has one now.
    *I've heard rumblings that Bristol's birth year got magically pushed back a year, from '91 to '90, to make the (acknowledged) pregnancy a little less disreputable. Anyone got the straight dirt on that?

  82. This is probably just coincidence, but in Bristol's pic with Sadie she is wearing a hoodie sweatshirt that looks like it says "Arizona", 1985

    Also, being from SoCal, I know that in August, girls her age do not wear pants and long sleeved, heavy-material-looking shirts in the daytime.

    Bristol has enough money to get comfortable clothes for the climate, and/or she has enough money to hire a personal shopper, and/or she has enough money to hire a stylist.

    So apparently she is choosing to look that way. For whatever reason. It can't be she is so body shy - she went on DWTS and showed more skin than that, plenty of leg and why not? So why doesn't she dress more comfortably for the hot SoCal weather?

  83. Anonymous4:51 PM

    A 'T' on the top of her foot? What's next- an 'F' on top of her hand so she can remember where her her toes and fingers are? (Does she not know her mother just uses pen ink?)

  84. @FloridaDem 3:25 am
    Pinks is a hot dog stand. Can't order much else from there.

    @Anonymous 7:47 am
    SoCal has been blessed with an unusually cool Spring & Summer this year. Only a handful of days have been over 80 degrees this Summer. The high most days have been room temperature or slightly above.

    highest temp was 76 degrees on Aug 1

    highest temp was 78 degrees on Jul 5

  85. arapaho, here is what it was in LA from same source:

    More than a few days over 80 degrees, even 84 degrees. Granted, not the higher Inland Empire temperatures, but hardly 'cold' enough to warrant wearing sweaters in summer! Bristol comes from a place where it is cold. My experience with people from colder climes is that they run out in shorts and T-shirts when I would be wearing pants and jackets, because to them it feels 'warmer' than I feel it. It's a question of what we are used to.

    So ... what's your point?

  86. @MarvinM 6:11 pm

    Not trying to start an argument, I promise.

    I'm a lifelong Southern California, and this is, by far, the coolest Spring and Summer I've ever experienced. Most mornings and evening have been chilly (it's 66 degrees where I am now, at 7:45 pm PDT). In the mornings it's in the low 50s.

    The July and August monthly temps I referred to were for the Beverly Hills zip code, not downtown LA. As you get closer to the coast, it's cooler. Pinks is closer to Beverly Hills than downtown LA.

    I only posted the temperature information for those who think the record high temps in the middle of the country applied to the west coast as well. Several people commented that it's hot in LA now, which isn't true. (BTW, I received an error message when I cut & pasted your link in my browser, so I'm assuming the monthly temps were for downtown LA.)

  87. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Here's my two cents.

    Whether Bristol is dressed appropriately for the weather or not, if she really wanted to look thinner, she wouldn't be out wearing all white! Maybe she just doesn't care how big she looks.

    A lot of people around here eat chili dogs with their hands. I usually eat mine with a fork to avoid getting sauce on my shirt....and since B. was wearing a white top during this filming, that would seem like the logical choice.

  88. Several people commented that it's hot in LA now, which isn't true.

    Ummm, yes it is...who do you think you are?

    We've already seen Brisdull photographed in the San Fernando Valley (which has been over 100 many, many days this summer).

    Pink's is right over the hill from the Valley...and she's obviously not eating the chili dog for breakfast.

  89. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I love your website, read it regularly and have made a very small donation to it, so please note that I am not a palinbot.
    I'm upset with your comment "Jesus how "unstressed" was she?" under a picture of Bristol, a normal looking woman. Girls and women of all ages struggle with self-esteem issues due to society's insistence that we need to be super skinny in order to be worthwhile. Please consider refraining from future attacks of Bristol's (or any other female's) body unless it pertains to Trig's mystery birth. Thank you.

  90. Anonymous2:54 PM

    This show will be the 3's Company for 2011 instead of Jack having to work overtime to ensure that none of Chrisie or Janet's dates do onto them what Jack does to his dates, this show will have 2 brothers watching over the recycled virginity of Bristol - I wonder if they will have a Mr. Roper character also too.


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