Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Did you see Rachel Maddow on Letterman last night? Updated to full video.

(No you are NOT seeing things I replaced the short clip with the full You Tube video of the interview,)


  1. Anonymous11:35 AM


    Here is a YT link for Rachel's full segment on Letterman.

    I so enjoyed her McCain 'zing' too!!

  2. Sally in MI11:40 AM

    Damn. Rachel is good!

  3. Anonymous11:47 AM

    This is why the dailymail is no better than the enquirer.

  4. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Had the McCain-
    Palin ticket been elected,the first Impeachment for a sitting President involving strangulation would have been mounted by the first year mark.......

  5. Actually, Rachel is wrong when she said "we'd have vice-president Palin"

    Nope, we'd have PRESIDENT Palin, because she'd have had him knocked off within three days of his inauguration.

  6. Anonymous1:27 PM

    OT- who's baby girl is Bristol holding in the photo posted at Palingates???

  7. Anonymous1:30 PM

    OT- Someone posted a picture of Bristol holding a baby girl..does anyone know who's baby that is?? Looks like it was taken before "the chin". ruffles??

  8. Rachel Maddow: The smartest political pundit on TV.

  9. That is just so lovingly funny! Yep, she got McCain and Palin.

  10. She is really something! Very intelligent news report and does excellent research on various topics in the news so that we, the viewer, get it! McCain and Palin would have yanked the government down in the first 6 months! What a joke they are!

  11. Anonymous2:19 PM

    White-Hot GOP Race Down To Two Mentally Ill People, Person Who Lost Nomination Last Time,21196/

  12. Anonymous2:26 PM

    She is so awesome. I wish every news station had 10 of her - we might not have this insanely un/misinformed electorate. You rock too Gryph - IM has been especially awesome lately.

  13. "Baby girl" photo looks post-chin to me…

  14. Wow, just wow.

    Thanks for posting, Gryph.

    This should be required viewing for all Americans.

    I will watch the #MaddowEngeldoc (twitter hashtag per @richardengel), but I doubt if I will be able to in a single sitting. The tragedy that the Supreme Court inflicted on the country in 2000 just can't be absorbed without explosive anger.

    What Palin enabled is for less-informed and rural (or rural wannabes) to proudly assert their ignorance and be happily supported by the uberrich conservative pundits. These are the very people who need to know that the toppling of Saddam's statue was staged by Americans; that the GOP is 100% against tax cuts, EXCEPT for those cuts that help working Americans. They say "Hell yes, extend Bush tax cuts" but "Hell no, don't extend Obama's payroll tax cuts."

    I am so frustrated that the "impartial" media don't hammer this home to Americans. I am not someone who calls Tea Partiers names because for the most part they are the "salt of earth" who may be uninformed, but that in and of itself is not an unpardonable offense. And calling people names is unlikely to change anyone's mind.

    Here's a better description of the GOP tax hypocrisy by a former Carter speechwriter who is renowned for his impeccable civility:

  15. Sorry for two posts in same thread, but:

    1) Why do only comedians (Letterman, Stewart, Colbert) have the balls to speak truth to power while the MSM rolls over and plays lapdog to the GOP?

    2) I firmly place the blame in making it acceptable for the MSM not to challenge those GOPers who celebrate ignorance and ignore facts on Palin's shoulders. Like I said earlier, this video need to be required viewing by all Americans.

  16. Anonymous5:08 PM

    And I am so glad you did. Swap out the short one and put in the long one. What a good conversation! I would have missed this if you hadn't posted it. Thank you, G-man.

  17. Anonymous5:11 PM

    phoebes in santa fe @12:51 -- I agree, it would have been puppet president Palin-Hitler, with Koch/Murdoch managing the puppet.

    Loved Rachel's answer, though.

  18. Olivia6:02 PM

    I cannot say it often enough. I LLOOVVEE Rachael Maddow! She is beautiful, she is brilliant and she is funny.

  19. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Rachel is one woman I'd love to invite over for dinner and have a long conversation with. She's smart, engaging, eloquent, and comfortable in her own skin. She knows her stuff inside out, upside down and every way imaginable, and her answers and snark are well belanced.

    I, too, am baffled the MSM doesn't take her lead and ask the pertinant questions from the right people.

    Thanks for binging this to my attention, I'd have missed it otherwise. And I will watch her documentary.

  20. I love Rachel.


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