Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Palin family friend, Steve Menard, apologizes for wetting the bed and claims to be in rehab program, as City of Wasilla yanks away his travel privileges.

Courtesy of ADN:

The Wasilla City Council is requiring Menard to pay the city back the entire cost of his trip to Sitka and forbidding him from any more travel on city business until his term expires in October 2013. 

Menard was staying at the Westmark in Sitka earlier this month for a meeting of the Alaska Municipal League. The hotel reported that damage to his room included urine on two mattresses and a chair, vomit on the carpet, ruined bedding, and a burned mattress. It's not clear exactly how it was burned but the hotel bill said there had been smoking in what was a non-smoking room. 

The Wasilla City Council met in a closed session at the end of its regular meeting Monday night to decide what to do about it. Before the session began, Menard gave a brief statement, according to an audio recording provided by the city. 

"I would like to start off by ..." he began, followed by a long pause. When he resumed his voice was breaking slightly. "Apologizing publicly for my actions in Sitka. The City of Wasilla, my friends and family, I'm truly embarrassed and sorry, truly sorry." 

"I sit here before you a humbled man 11 days sober and working a program. And only through the grace of God I will redeem myself. And I thank you," he said. 

Menard is a member of one of the best known and most influential families in the Mat-Su. His mother, Linda Menard, is a state senator who represents Wasilla. His father, Curt Menard, was a longtime state legislator and friend of the Palin family who was serving as the Matanuska-Susitna Borough mayor when he died in 2009 after an extended battle with cancer. 

Then-Gov. Sarah Palin appointed Steve Menard to fill out his father's term on the Alaska Railroad's board of directors. He is no longer on the railroad board but Gov. Sean Parnell last year appointed him to a public seat on the Alaska Royalty Oil and Gas Development Advisory Board for a term that expires in 2015.

It appears that everybody wants to give Menard the benefit of the doubt here, including Anne Kilkenny, but part of me is absolutely certain that if this guy's last name was not "Menard," and he was not best chums with the Palins, that he would be out on his keister.

According to the spokesperson for the Westmark Sitka, they actually "went light on the charges," which also makes me wonder who was pressuring whom.

I guess I find this story a little frustrating because in my efforts, and the efforts of others, to get people in Wasilla to go on the record with what they know about the Palins, we have been told over and over again that people in that town are intimidated because if they say anything Sarah and Todd's friends will make their life hell.

I have always felt that the Menards were part of this, "Wasilla Mafia" if you will, that are still actively protecting the Palins. (Steve Menard is even mentioned in an e-mail by Sarah back in 2005 when she was trying to get her ex-brother-in-law Mike Wooten fired from the State Troopers.)

Anyhow I do hope that Steve Menard gets his life back together, because everybody deserves a second chance. However this is it, and if there are any other similar incidents I expect him to be treated much more firmly, and to lose his seat on the Wasilla city council, as well as his seat on the Alaska Royalty Oil and Gas Advisory Board

Whether he is a Palin family friend or not.


  1. Ratfish7:04 AM

    And why isn!t he reimbursing the Sitka hotel for the full damages, including loss of room rental revenues?

    Republicans believe in personal responsibility, don't they?

  2. Anonymous7:08 AM

    IMO, the very influential and monied Menards helped and guided Sarah inot different public service jobs because she kept her mouth shut about Track. I would not even doubt that part of their lifestyle before the governorship, was financed by the Menards.
    If he can't travel on city business, he should lose his position, but it seems that anyone involved in politics in AK, at any level, is above the law.

  3. Anonymous7:11 AM

    He needs to join the "Hair Club"

    hope he can stay sober.

  4. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Great comment on Wonkette about Sarah...

    Why doesn't this cheesy, phony-patriotic carnival act just cut to the chase and ask her fans to stuff dollar bills in her g-string? It would be more honest.

  5. Where did Anne Kilkenny weigh in? Thanks so much

  6. Anonymous7:34 AM

    You neglected to inform everyone Gryph, that this loser still lives at home with his Mommy. That little fact must be getting rather embarrassing for the "Godmother" as she has stated recently she is looking into buying him his own house. Perhaps she's just fed up with always having to pick up his toys and cover his tracks. Keepin' it classy as always with the Menards

  7. nevermind, I found Anne's statement in the original ADN article...

  8. Maybe Sarah, out of a spirit of friendship and Christian charity, and perhaps nudged by Joe McG's suggestion, offered Menard help without fanfare.

  9. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Its not like he got drunk and stumbled around a bit.This clown has the right to a second chance,but not on the taxpayers dime.He should be fired in disgrace.

  10. Okay guys, need your help, cuz I'm confused...

    Are Steve and his mom, Senator Linda Menard REPUBLICAN? I have to assume so since Scarah appointed Steve. I went to Linda's site but could only be bothered to look a few seconds (!) and didn't see it.


    {{Ahem...interesting side note...seems her and Scarah shared "fashion tips" like those BE-YOO-TEA-FULL corsages that could cover a rhino...}}

    {{Oh man, also too...Linda, dear...your picture on your headmast is probably from twenty years ago...just saying...perception of Youth is pretty darn important, isn't it?}}


    In Payliar's "Who Your Daddy" missive, she states Chuck Heath is:

    "the number one fan of one of his best buddies and hunting partners, Dr. Curt Menard , the well-known democrat."

    So...Dr. Menard was a Democrat and his Wife became a Republican Senator?

    Confused please!?!

  11. Anonymous7:47 AM

    This is cut and pasted from the comments from this previous posting. No idea if it's true, but it definitely has a ring of truth as I read it.

    "More about Nick Broomfield's documentary "Sarah Palin-You Betcha!" Including when it will be shown at the Toronto International Film Festival."

    Anonymous said...9:13 AM

    hahhahaha I was just on Bristol's public facebook, and she's totally writing comments on the pictures and addressing people's questions.

    Anonymous said...


    Really, Bristol? As in "ahahahaha my mom thinks im pregnant" and "ahahahaha im a slut"?

    You are the only shit for brains on EARTH who is even dumber and more vapid than your mother.

    By the's been nearly a hundred days since you or your mother has clapped eyes on Trig. I hope the guilt of what you allowed her to do to that child eats away at you. I hear Trig open-handed smacked your mother when she tried to get a photo with him in May. And you just gave him to her. Knowing how bad she would treat him.

    The only saving grace for me is that I know my contempt for you is out measured only by your contempt for yourself. Twenty years old, "engaged" twice, pregnant four times, a mother thrice over and a miscarriage. How ARE you going to unveil your youngest? You can't keep him hidden in that LA condo forever. Sooner or later Tripp is going to say "my brother" to the wrong person.

    Break away, Bristol. Take ALL of your kids and excise your mother from your life, like the cancer she is.

    2:38 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Anon at 2:38pm,

    I hope that we will here more from you. Feel free to chat with Bristol and Sarah here anytime.

    It is really very sad to hear that Trig openhanded Sarah. Toddlers mimic what they know. My heart breaks at the thought that little Trig "knows" this.

    5:31 PM

    Anonymous said...
    You would be sad at the things Trig "knows". He is friendly with most anyone who is kind and genuine...but he doesn't have the parental attachment to anyone. He pines for Todd, who genuinely loves him. But Sarah uses Trig as a pawn. Todd offered to care for him instead of Sarah paying someone $7500 a month. (and I fully expect Gryphen to post about who "someone" is one of these days as it will NOT stay hidden much longer) And Sarah is CHEAP ASS CHEAP so I thought she would jump at the chance. But once she knew Todd actually WANTED Trig...she said no just because she knew it would hurt him.

    When Trig smacked Sarah, she went "you little shit", practically hissing. I used to think she was just "different". After seeing her in action the last two years...I think she's a lunatic.

    I don't know how she will deal with the Trig issue if she runs. She has a birth certificate with February instead of April, and it does not have the "right" names. There was never a formal adoption or even custody agreement. Trig's birth parents COULD just take him and Sarah would have jack shit for recourse.

    WHY this doesn't happen is a mystery to me, even having seen some of this cluster-eff up close. Todd is a totally God complex dickhead...but he is so gentle and tender with Trig...Track seems to HATE Sarah but it's Todd who he directs all his anger at...Willow is all but murdering someone to scream "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!!!!" and it's like Todd and Sarah are trying like hell to end up with another knocked up teenager. I just do not get these people.

    Another thing...during Sarah's epic fail of a photo shoot with Trig...she tried to make him wear sunglasses so people couldn't see how bad his eyes are. He chucked the glasses! I love that kid.

    6:34 PM


  12. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Here's another tidbit worth sharing..

    Bristol talks about Sadie 24/7. Like...Constantly. It's the worst case of projection I have ever seen. She is so jealous of Sadie, she has taught Tripp to go "ewwww" and wrinkle his nose if Bristol shows him a photo of Sadie.

    And Bristol really should mind her self a bit more. Sadie could take that tramp DOWN. The fact she doesn't? Proves to me who really cares most for Tripp. Bristol views him as a pawn and a tool, just like her mother with Trig.

    Bristol and Sarah BOTH load IM on their phones a million times a day. Practically the only times they talk (besides fighting) are too henpeck Gryphen to friggin DEATH.

    6:42 PM

    GBIllinois said...
    @2:38, 6:34, 6:42

    Wow! Just Wow!

    Thanks for the insights.

    Your love for Trig shines through every word you write. Please share your thoughts any time. You are not alone in your concerns for Trig.

    7:07 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks for sharing more. Your behind the scenes reporting paints such a sad and tragic picture of wasted lives.

    Can Trig's eye condition be corrected with appropriate medical intervention? I hope that it is not too late. But, someone has to love him enough to do the best for him.

    I have assumed the caregivers are being paid by SarahPAC and are likely the 2 Wasilla women who are long time Heath/Palin family friends. Maybe they love him too.

    7:19 PM

    Anonymous said...
    OMG 6 :42, I know who you are!!! I can not believe you are posting here. Gurl, you must of borrowed Gryphen's brass balls!

    Lauden told me about Trig's "boxing match"--heard he really packed a wallup, ha!

    7:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Anon at 2:38 (and beyond), thank you for sharing some of what you know - which rings true.

    Also, dont be fooled by any responses that "I know you" or "know who you are" or any of case it is someone just trying to freak you out.

    Please take care of yourself & stay safe...but TELL US MORE.


  13. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Oh I feel safe, don't worry a bit about that. Sarah and Bristol know who I am and they know I am not intimidated by them. Both realize while I might not have all the family secrets, I know enough for them to steer free of pissing me off.

    Trig's eyes CAN be operated on but as I understand it the reason for not doing so at this time is that it's SO bad now, Sarah knows Trig's former ophthalmic specialist would tear her UP for letting it get this way. See, during the time right after the campaign and during Sarah's book tour he had been fitted with glasses and the doc hammered home to Sarah how Trig HAD to wear them for all waking hours during this critical formative time. But Sarah is lazy. Trig fussed over the glasses so instead of patiently teaching him to accept them, Sarah just...didn't. She was told prior to book tour that Trig needed to be seen as often as possible and not be cranky or having fits. I believe the only time Sarah made Trig wear the glasses was when a blogger or reporter called her out publicly. The next day, Sarah is all about Trig's glasses. But as soon as press got photos of him wearing them, it was back to the status quo.

    The reason Trig doesn't see the same eye specialist is because Sarah knows there is no excuse for the condition she has let this child fall into. She told the doctor that Trig was going to be under the care of "the best specialists" in the L48 but in reality she only said that to explain away why Trig wasn't following the prescribed schedule of therapy or office visits.

    I'm not sure of the exact date. I know he was already born on Valentine's day 2008, though. I have not actually seen the birth certificate, only heard discussion by family members as to why they can never show it. Sarah is desperate to get a good fake but scared presenting a fake would be her undoing. She has begged CBJ for help with this, but CBJ has definitely had enough with "helping" Sarah and has refused.
    As for the names on the birth's a convoluted mess as to why I can't just come out and say it...but keep in mind the ONLY people I would protect are those who are innocent here...or at least WERE innocent when all of this happened. I will say this...Sadie has likely done some serious thinking lately and I would not be surprised in the least if her "Levi and Bristol are definitely not parents to any baby besides Tripp" party line has changed.
    Trig was NOT born at MSRMC...period.

    If only it were that easy! I don't have any "proof" which a news org would risk its rep on. I will say the LL house there are photos showing Trig when he was a newborn. An actual newborn, not a chuck & sally ten pound rentababy.

    Re "tell us more" is a funny. Sarah and Bristol both have showed IM to people in attempt to get them to see how horrible Gryphen is. But ALL they have done is win new readers for here!

    4:31 AM

  14. Anonymous7:52 AM

    If he can't travel for the next TWO years then he cannot fulfill the duties of the position he holds, and should resign.

    But, I am having difficulty wrapping my mind around the damage described in that hotel room. I have not led a sheltered life, have been at some pretty wild parties, etc BUT what the hell went on in there? And how many people took part?

    Urine on not one but TWO mattresses. Let's see, that means both queen beds were in play. And a chair too. So what in the world was going on? Literal pissing contests? Groups ex with golden showers?

    The vomit I can understand if someone was that drunk. Likewise, a drunk can piss where he lays. But not on three different places.

    Interesting to wonder who else was in that room. And what they were really doing.

    What is it with Wasilla, for crying out loud?

  15. Anonymous7:53 AM


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ANON238, since you are sharing further, is it possible that you can explain the fragile infant seen in LL kitchen photos-on Levi's birthday? The abnormal right ear deformity was quite significant yet the photos of Trig just a few months later show a normal right ear.

    6:10 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    OMG, all that money spent on plastic surgery, homes, wigs, child care - and she can't have the Trig's basic medical needs met. Shame on her.

    If she were to run, she would have to present Trig at some time. If he is hostile to her and if his eye condition is so apparent, she will face huge criticism. Is the delay in her announcement perhaps related to this concern and maybe she has something scheduled for Trig's eyes?

    6:18 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    4:05 AM: Only like 3 people who are currently friends with Sarah agreed to be interviewed.


    Does Sarah have more than 3 friends these days?

    6:20 AM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anon... Two more questions...
    Who is Ruffles - the baby at the baby shower and the one pictured with Sadie and Sarah and Levi and Sadie? (the baby with the 'ruffled' ears)

    Did she use multiple babies for different events?

    Thank you.

    6:46 AM

  16. Anonymous7:55 AM

    "working a program" I hate that phrase.

  17. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Arrested for Terrorism: The Movie Michele Bachmann Doesn’t Want You to See

    ...A Michele Bachmann presidential campaign “faith organizer” was arrested for terrorism in Uganda and is having a movie made about this event, titled, “The Ultimate Price: The Peter E. Waldron Story”. The gist of the movie seems to be that being arrested for terrorism makes the Bahcmann staffer the ultimate martyr, especially considering that he claims Michele Bachmann has the “anointing of God upon her” and requires an “army”. This, my friends, is going to be no ordinary election season.

    Some things are so bad there really aren’t words. In this case, as someone who has worked in the film industry since I was old enough to work, this is just appalling. Yes, this is even more appalling than the Tea Party propaganda TV series that went straight to DVD and the Sarah Palin propaganda film. It’s that bad.

    Bad production, cliche 1960′s lighting techniques only without film to soften them, zero sound mixing, and the standard mistakes conservatives always make: self-aggrandizing, preachy, melodramatic and ugly. This, too, is some sort of alleged biographical story, made to mythologize the hero — aka, a hagiography in these parts. As perhaps an up depending on your taste, Peter does get a walloping over his bum with a long stick during one scene. Also standard fare for evangelical movies, I hear. Since this was made by “Big Promise Productions”, I see no reason to assume this wasn’t intended.

    This is the story of Peter Waldron, the evangelical organizer arrested in Uganda on charges of terrorism. He was imprisoned for a month and then all charges were dropped after the Bush administration supposedly saved him with a phone call.

  18. Anonymous7:58 AM

    First an Earthquake, Then Keith Olbermann Applauds Sarah Palin

    ...Without realizing it Team Sarah basically exposed the Fox News game plan for all of America to see. Get some high profile conservative celebrities, arm them with talking points, and trot them out on the air to mislead the American people. (Palin herself has been doing this since the day she hot footed it out of Alaska). If Palin does run, it probably won’t be announced at the end of September because she has a paying gig with Glenn Beck on October 7 in Missouri.

    A Palin candidacy will do little beyond being the stake into the heart of Michele Bachmann’s presidential campaign. Sarah Palin has no money, staff, or organization. She isn’t John McCain. She is not a popular candidate, even in the Republican Party. She has never run a presidential primary campaign before. At best Palin will be running as a business strategy. She will be the white, female, Alaskan, Alan Keyes.

    But on one strange day in 2011, the earth shook beneath the feet of millions of East Coasters who had no idea what was going on, and Sarah Palin earned a seven second round of applause from Keith Olbermann.

  19. "I sit here before you a humbled man 11 days sober and working a program. And only through the grace of God I will redeem myself. "

    I hate hearing stuff like this… it's not some supernatural creature's fault that you got drunk and acted like a jerk, and it won't be to a supernatural creature's credit if you stop.

    This is giving UP control that this man badly needs to re-acquire *for himself*.

  20. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Where are all of those comments about Trig coming from? I would love to know what kind of therapy he is getting and how he is doing. From the sound of it, the people who can best afford to take care of him are not the best that they can for him, which is very sad.

  21. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Anonymous 7:47 regarding re-post of comments,


    And, Free Trig! Free Piper!

  22. Anonymous8:24 AM

    How to make Sarah Palin disappear

    The safe bet remains that Sarah Palin is simply engaged in a long and tiresome tease. Every few weeks comes some new sign of her supposedly imminent entry into the GOP presidential race, but nothing ever seems to happen.

    For the latest flurry of speculation, we can thank Karl Rove, who used several television appearances last weekend to argue that "I think she gets in" and to suggest that Palin's scheduled appearance at a Sept. 3 Tea Party event in Iowa might double as a campaign launch. Like each one that's come before it, chances are that this eruption will soon die down without amounting to anything. Rove may just have been trying to spoil the campaign rollout of his old nemesis, Rick Perry, and Palin is now tamping down the speculation.

    Which is sort of a shame. Because if you're tired of all of this, and if you're tired of all of the media oxygen that the former half-term Alaska governor still manages to consume, then you really should be hoping that Palin actually does get into the race: It may be the best way of making her disappear for good.

    Why? Because a presidential campaign would almost certainly end in defeat for Palin. And not just any kind of defeat -- epic, humiliating defeat, the sort of disaster that might once and for all convince the political and media worlds that the empress has no clothes.

    Sure, when her name is included in GOP polling now, she fares well enough. A recent national survey conducted by CNN placed her in a tie for third at 12 percent, just 5 points behind Mitt Romney. And in an Iowa poll released a few days ago, she stood at 10 percent. These numbers are respectable enough, but they're mainly a product of Palin's celebrity, and there's no reason to suspect that they'd do anything but drop if she actually entered the race.

    The main problem for Palin is how profoundly she's alienated the Republican Party's elites -- the elected officials, fundraisers, political professionals, activist group leaders and commentators who help shape mass opinion on the right -- since her 2008 vice presidential campaign. Instead of cultivating them and seeking to use her newfound celebrity to build a genuine national political operation, she pushed them all away, preferring to chart her own erratic course. The result has been a public relations nightmare. Relying on her own instincts, Palin has found herself in one needless, self-induced and no-win controversy after another, with virtually no opinion-shaping elites using their clout to defend her. This was best illustrated in the aftermath of the Gabrielle Giffords shooting in January, which influential conservative commentators took as an opportunity to inflict serious political damage on Palin.

    Palin is now saddled with a truly poisonous level of unpopularity among all voters who aren't conservative Republicans. And even within that group, her image isn't what it used to be. If she were to mount a campaign, she would be entirely on her own, just like she has been since 2008, and that's a recipe for disaster.


  23. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Wow. Tose are some interesting comments pasted from an anonymous source close to Sarah and Bristol.

    Sounds like the dam's about to break. Secrets are easy to keep in the short term, not so much over the long haul. That requires one of three things to be true of those who know the secret: they are all honorable and/or impervious to temptation; keeping the secret has positive consequences or avoids negative ones; there aren't too many who know part of the secret.

    They've got a problem that's growing by the day. Literally. Trig can be home schooled, but as he gets older he can speak out whenever he is examined by a physician, dentist, etc. What to do then?

    The Palins are seriously screwed. These secrets can't last. Simply not enough fear or money in the world to last forever.

    Besides, Sarah is just too nutso, and Bristol is just too mean, dumb and lazy.

    Sarah and Bristol: you should be very afraid. This cannot end well for you. What got you this far will not carry you much further.

    Sucks to be you two.

  24. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I missed those comments. Thanks for reposting them. I have always liked Trig. How could you not? I also believe Trig does exactly what I would do at his age when sarah picks him up: Snatch that wig off her head!

  25. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Anon @7:47 and 7:49, I can't help but wonder if our newly-informative anonymous poster is the woman who owns the house next door, the one that Joe rented? Remember that this woman went out of her way to offer the house to Joe when she heard he was in town and looking for a place. And also, the reports/rumors were that the Palin screwed her over when they were renting the place from her. I wonder if this person, whoever it is, was interviewed by Joe? I hope they are legit!

  26. Anonymous8:42 AM

    LOL I knew Trig hated Sarah! He hits her and she calls him a "little shit"! Wow!! Typical vile nasty evil $arah. And her putting the sunglasses on Trig to hide his cross eyes probably because she doesn't want people to notice her own cross eyes. What a sick deranged mentally ill skank. Totally vain, narcissistic and trashy.

  27. Anonymous8:42 AM

    He should have to step down. Only because he is a "Menard" in Wasilla, Alaska is he staying.

    The man was an embarrassment to his community and to the State of Alaska.

  28. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Hi Sarah we know you're reading here!
    Quick question-
    Where is Trig's DNA test? I don't trust the birth certificate.
    You know you will have to reveal the truth soon. Its the only way for you to stay relevant. You know people are caring less and less about you everyday. Even your followers are getting sick of you! Better tell the truth now, you only have until September before its ALL over. Just think of the attention you'll get. You'll be just like Casey Anthony only more disgusting and evil.

  29. Anonymous8:52 AM

    The inside info I'm reading here pretty much confirms all we've suspected about Sarah. She's a child abuser who doesn't give a shit about Trig. That poor baby. I gotta give him props for doing what the whole country has wanted to: SMACK THAT BITCH! Good boy Trig!! Hahahahaha

  30. Anonymous8:57 AM

    The words of his so-called apology make me sick. When will men learn how to at least make people think they're sorry.

    . . ."I'm embarassed". . .

    No shit. How about, "I'm truly sorry for embarrassing my family and friends" "For hurting others and causing pain" "For misusing public funds and trust" "For the poor maids who had to clean up my mess"

    In AA they'll teach him how to take responsibilty and make amends. And he can also get sober enough to deal with his childhood sexual abuse.

    What is it about Wasilla? The same thing that it is about Alaska. I realize there are some good people there, but where to people go who want to live outside the law? To the frontier. . .

  31. Anonymous9:00 AM

    It sounds like this isn't quite typical behavior for him, that the behavior only escalated to that point. That's pretty typical for an alcoholic. I would imagine the incident struck him and he is making lifelong changes. I can only speak for myself in my experience with alcoholics, but the change has to come from within. Others cannot make the person change or see the light. HE comes from a great family. I have faith he'll be fine.

  32. Anonymous9:00 AM


  33. Just zip it9:02 AM

    ANON 7:08, everyone IS entitled to an opinion. However, typically people makes opinions when they know something about a topic at hand. You obviously know nothing about anything regarding AK.

  34. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Ok, people who repost others' insane, imaginative rants need therapy. Or a better creative writing teacher because the author of those rants stinks at creating fictionalized accounts.

  35. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Do the Palins really have that much clout? Maybe his mother is the one who pressured people. I just do not understand how a dingbat like Sarah Palin could have power over anyone, not even Toad. Her children certainly pay little,if any, attention to her.

  36. Anonymous9:11 AM

    this dude parties like a rock star
    wonder if he likes wine coolers!

  37. Gryphen, hope you can check on this:

    Sadie has likely done some serious thinking lately and I would not be surprised in the least if her "Levi and Bristol are definitely not parents to any baby besides Tripp" party line has changed.

  38. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Obviously, this is a man who is experiencing much pain and who may have been in denial about his problems, but now has hit rock bottom in a very public and humiliating way. No matter if his name is Menard, no matter that there is a link between his family and the Palins, no matter how he may have behaved in the past, he is a human being who deserves our compassion as he attempts to put his life back together. I hope, whether it is family or a professional team, that he has the support he will need in the months to come in order to move forward on the road to recovering and learning to love himself.

  39. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Just a little reminder folks. . .

    When a post hits close top home, the Palin defenders come out in force. . . just sayin

  40. Anonymous9:39 AM

    "It appears that everybody wants to give Menard the benefit of the doubt here, including Anne Kilkenny, but part of me is absolutely certain that if this guy's last name was not "Menard," and he was not best chums with the Palins, that he would be out on his keister."


    If his last name was not Menard he never would have gotten the job in the first place.

  41. Anonymous9:39 AM

    August 24, 2011
    Levi Johnston won’t run for mayor, will focus on book instead

  42. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Poll Has Rotten News For Palin

  43. Dis Gusted9:45 AM


    9:00 AM

    until the mystery of Trig and Tripp's births are answered - Track is part of the equation. For all we know, he is the father. The latest baby born might not be his and Britta's....

    Britta and Track live with mommy dearest in the Wasilla compound - they've lived together for 4 years. They could be the parents of one or all of the babies...Until SP comes clean, nobody can be exempt. When you come screaming onto a blog to defend Track, you raise suspicion.

  44. Wow what a cushy board position. The full article at ADN goes on to say that the Alaska Royalty Oil and Gas Development Advisory Board meets very rarely and in fact has not met since 2004.

    A board that has not had a meeting in 7 years! Wonder how much he gets paid for being on this basically defunct board?

  45. Sally in MI9:51 AM

    Menard's apology sounded like the typical drunk's apology...just enough to get him a pass. I'm betting he remembers nothing of what happened. How did he get home from Sitka? How could he have awakened from a drunken stupor and not noticed that the room was trashed? How could he have driven?
    On a similar note, how could authorities who clocked the race car driver at 128mph in a 40 zone have let him walk? And according to his lawyer, they do it all the time. Does someone have to die before anyone takes responsibility for their actions?
    As for Sarah, if any of this about Trig is true, she should lose that child. Let me guess: the Menards run Family and Children's Services in Wasilla too.

  46. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Bachmann, Palin, and Perry: The False Faces Of The Tea Party Chosen

    If there’s one thing Tea Party Dominionists know how to do, it’s craft an appealing, all-American sounding narrative. While all politicians do this, Tea Party candidates are infamous for the utter lack of credibility in the nevertheless successful narrative.

    Here’s our cast of All-American players:

    Michele Bachmann: Dr, lawyer, and tax litigator in Minnesota, struggling today with gas and food prices for 23 foster children, reluctant candidate, happily married, victim of the evil liberal media, hated for being a conservative woman but never backs down, small town America takes common sense to the big city, cheerleader marries does husband’s bidding and ends up saving America by accident, old fashioned values, has bi-partisan appeal, was drafted into politics by the clamoring of the people against her own will, is attacked for her gaffes but her True Believers know those weren’t gaffes, they are the truth.

    Sarah Palin: Fiercely conservative woman who never backs down even though the left hates her and tries to kill her and her family, victim of the liberal media because she is a servant of God and naturally liberals hate God, brings outsider status to DC, is an ethics reformer and small government conservative, doesn’t believe in taking money from the fed, thinks everyone should balance their budgets like Americans do at home, is happily married mother of five, is sexy but doesn’t care about her looks as proven by the fact that she’s too busy mowing her own lawn and going camping to bother with Hollywood things like stylists, All-American basketball star goes to DC and shakes things up, Mrs Smith goes to Washington and shows the boys how it’s done, quit her job as Governor of Alaska to save the state from the evil lawsuits of Obama supporters because she loves America and the taxpayers, is a fiscal conservative who would never spend someone else’s money, is a reluctant candidate who will be drafted at the last second to save America from the evil socialist dependent agenda.

    Rick Perry: Fiercely independent cowboy rejects DC and says whatever pops into his head because he’s not playing political games, is against taking money from the fed, is a pro-family conservative, will shoot first and ask questions later because that’s how you lead, has made Texas into the promised land, milk and honey flow from the soil since Perry took office, is a job creator, serves God and doesn’t give a damn what you or anyone else thinks of him.

    Taken together you can see that these folks are all playing the same part. Perry is playing the Decider Bush cowboy and the ladies are playing the persecuted Mom hated for her love of her children. If you call them on their hypocrisies, you will be accused of hating them for loving babies. Tough to win that one, eh?


  47. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Why is there such corruption in government throughout Alaska? And, the majority of the jerks are Republicans!

    Alaskans need to pay more attention to their election process and for whom they vote!

    Problems are noted in State government as well as cities and municipalities throughout.

  48. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Just a few notes:

    The council had no binding legal authority to make Menard resign. The public elected him, and only the public may recall him.

    Neither the Menard name nor the Palin name had anything to do with the punishment assigned.

    Council members may fulfill their responsibilities without travel, though going to conferences like AML certainly enhances their abilities. One council member is on the board, others participate on various AML committees. Note other council members did not go on this trip.

    Like many small towns, there are families in Wasilla that have been friends for many years. Such is the case with the Heath and Menard families. There is nothing nefarious about it.

    Council Member Menard does have a home of his own, has taken responsibility for his actions, and is now dealing with his issue. I wish him the best.

    Whether you care for her politics or not, Senator Menard is a very nice person and not deserving of some of the hateful personal comments posted here.

  49. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I can only hope that the trig thing hits the fan and the news outlets take notice.

    Isn't it about time for trig to get his eyes fixed or to wear glasses. His wonky eye was definatly very wonky in the pictures.

    If he whacked her good, I hope she never touches him again, as she did nothing maternal in the photo shoots, but manhandle the little kid.

    No love, only a prop to her, and one she didn't care for.

  50. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Can this be? Is this the secret child? Could this be the 'smoking gun'?

  51. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Pregnant 4 times?!?!?

    4 different sperm donors??

  52. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Wow! That is just fascinating to learn that both Sarah and Bristol dog this blog. That will definitely make me enjoy posting here even more, KNOWING that they are taking it all in. It's very gratifying to see that both of them are fading from the limelight more and more, as it should be.

    Sarah is not looking at all well, haggard and drawn, easily her age and more. She once had a youthful radiance about her, but in just a few years, that has evaporated. It must be all the hate and vileness that she traffics in. It's shocking to see the deterioration.

    It makes me have to revisit the rumours of cocaine, meth and anorexia with a little more open mind when I see her physical state of late. It's obvious she's lost her hair, thus the wigs, and not even quality ones.

    So Sarah, since you ARE reading this, just know that NO ONE escapes Karma and I look forward to seeing Her wave her magic wand and TAKE YOU DOWN, Bitch.

  53. Anonymous10:29 AM

    "working a program"

    Yeah, right. It doesn't sound like he's in a supervised treatment program. Someone who drinks a lot and just stops drinking is at risk of sudden death from alcohol withdrawal. If he's depending on just prayin to Jeebus, he will end up a dry drunk like what Pres GW Bush was proported to be.

  54. Anonymous10:36 AM

    So the Menards and the Palins are top dogs in Wasilla.

    Suprise, suprise. They can do any damn thing they want to. Suprise, suprise.

  55. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Is Steve Menard the uncle of Track? It's all so confusing.

  56. Anonymous11:00 AM

    If this anonymous poster does have all this information it would be very easy to get proof. A few pics, facebook posts, more than one person, etc. Someone to back you up the first time you saw Trig or something.
    All we hear is how low life some of these Alaskan’s are, is there not any one that would take a stand to show the rest of the world that there are caring descent people up there? If you really cared for Trig you would step out of the dark and do something about it. How could anyone just sit back and watch a child being abused and mistreated?

  57. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Sounds like Sarah is guilty of medical neglect (among other things). Poor Trig.

    And Bristol is guilty of being a horrible mother and human being. Needless to say, that apple fell right at the foot of the tree.

  58. Anonymous11:07 AM

    You know, I have resisted mentioning this since $arah came on the scene in the lower 48. I usually post my moniker, but I'm not in this particular instance, because I would not want family to recognize me and be angry for saying out loud what is so obviously true.

    My brother went to AK in 74 - 75 to work on equipment to build the pipeline. I don't want to give the wrong impression but we are a family of Irish/German/Catholic drunks from way back. Well, the Irish/German you can't do anything about but when we get to the "drunk" part, we go full force.

    I remember my brother being on the long shifts and then sitting in the bar in Kenai calling and yacking it up for hours, spending every last cent on booze and snorting the coke off the bar as he talked. He stayed for 20 years then moved to OK for a while because of a particularly bad winter. He's back up there now, working a government job. I doubt that he is of the Republican persuasion, but the last time I saw him he was as insane as ever.

    I had an aunt & hubbie go up, and an Uncle who's there. They're all still there. They were all scrappy belligerent fighting drunks with way too many kids. They all stay for the oil money.

    I'm just sayin', everyone I know has always known that AK was fast money and lot's of drugs and booze and fatherless children. The only time that this has ever been questioned is since $arah showed up and started saying that they were all "like us" and wholesome. We all knew that was a lie. We have always known first about the booze, then the coke, then the meth problem. Why doesn't anyone know this?

    Not that I have any problem with what people do up there. People do it here, too, but not such a large percentage of us. In my own life I just find it easier to not tell so many lies, and certainly not such whoppers.

  59. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I continue to believe that Sarah Palin has no choice but to get in the race. While I am no longer in contact with her or her team after I came out against her running, everything I observed from the "inside" indicated to me that she was very open to running and nothing since then has changed my mind about that.

    Her brand depends on her running because if she doesn't, her followers will feel let down and she will have no apparent next act. Once there are two new nominees on the 2012 ticket, she is old news with no office to change her narrative. By 2016 she would be ancient history with either a Republican president in office or with a brand new crop of highly qualified challengers ready to pounce on what should be the slam dunk of replacing a term-limited Obama.

    My prediction is that she gets in and runs almost exclusively an air war intended to create the appearance of a real primary campaign without any of the hassles. She knows that her vote is pretty much set in stone and it won't be impacted much, if at all, by creating a traditional organization. If she is as smart as I think she is, her goal would be to exceed low expectations and finish a respectable second to Romney and thus use the campaign to change minds about her for the future. In a sense, she would then become a hybrid of Romney and Mike Huckabee after 2008: technically "unemployed" but well known and respected enough to sustain her viability into the future.

    Weirdly, one of the reasons I am convinced Palin will get in is that there is actually a chance she could come "close" to winning the nomination. The spotlight of scrutiny is already directly on Bachmann and Perry and it is possible that one or both could either evaporate or at least wear thin in an era when two months is an eternity.

    If things break her way, she could end up as the last Tea Party Star standing up against Romney (not counting Ron Paul) and it would be possible that Romney would not be popular enough with the base to reach the vote threshold needed to put her away. Still, she could not beat Romney in a protracted battle because, as Obama proved in 2008, winning a delegate battle is still all about organization, an area when Romney would dominate Palin, who frankly may not even want to actually win the nomination.

    In that sense, Palin entering the race would probably be the best development the Romney campaign could hope for. She would immediately split votes from Bachmann and Perry and simultaneously raise the issue of electability to the front burner. Ironically, the fact that she probably helps Romney would be the only genuine excuse Palin could use at this point not to run.


  60. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Anon @ 7:47am said ...
    "He pines for Todd, who genuinely loves him. But Sarah uses Trig as a pawn. Todd offered to care for him instead of Sarah paying someone $7500 a month. (and I fully expect Gryphen to post about who "someone" is one of these days as it will NOT stay hidden much longer) And Sarah is CHEAP ASS CHEAP so I thought she would jump at the chance. But once she knew Todd actually WANTED Trig...she said no just because she knew it would hurt him."

    I'm sure Todd does love Trig. But it seems like Todd's fear of $arah is great than his love for the child, if Todd lets such a wretch of a person as $P abuse his love for Trig and lets $P seemingly abuse what is in the best interest and care for Trig.

    By the way $carah, when you said "you little shit" were you looking in a mirror?

  61. Anonymous11:32 AM

    He should have been publicly thrown off the council. But noooo not in Wasilla, he will be allowed to stay on the cushy jobs he was handed.

    THAT is what's wrong with this country.

  62. Anonymous @ 10:12 AM said...

    Can this be? Is this the secret child? Could this be the 'smoking gun'?

    Where did that photo come from...?

  63. Anonymous11:35 AM

    holy cow, that looks like a fetal 'a' baby to me, and kissy lips like the one Sarah has slung over her shoulder at work (I believe)
    too bad we can't wee the ear, it loos kind of funny.
    and sooo sad, Bristol looks so pretty, and mo def 2-3 years younger than now. Please every bod go look, and heh, bristol, tell us who this poor little soul is...........
    you bitch

  64. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Can this be? Is this the secret child? Could this be the 'smoking gun'?
    THANKS FOR THE PHOTO, wonder if it is a plant?

    wow, look at that hair, the poor little thing, she definitely looks like something is wrong with her, perhaps this is Ruffles?

  65. Anonymous12:00 PM



  66. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Hey Bristol,
    Does it ever bother you for throwing those extra babies away? If it doesn't it should.

  67. Anonymous12:15 PM


    whoa. that is one UGLY smoking gun baby. So which of the four would this be?

    (I guess all those photos of Bristol including Christmas card, green sweater, and inauguration are all pregnant bellies after all!)

    check it out

  68. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Is Bristol's baby girl names Tristan?

  69. To anonymous at 10:12.
    Is this the smoking gun??? dont know.

    I suspect its more likely that you intentionally posted this to plant the pics of happy-family-with-Trig-on-August-21 just to counter the truth that has been leaked here that Trig has not seen Scarah or Bristle.

    oh, and the shot of Scarah smooching him so sweetly at the pool? Its very sweet, but a little too little, too late.

  70. JayKen Knotstirred12:19 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

  71. Anonymous12:22 PM

    If they have the guts to post and know the Palins know they should have some way of showing it is true.

    Naming themselves wouldn't be wise and her bots will make her or his life miserable.

    Also Sarah should be posting loving photo's of herelf and Trig with his glasses on soon in response.

    but child welfare should get involved if he isn't getting his eyes taken care of. Negligence is negligence even if his other physical needs are taken care of.

  72. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Great comment on Wonkette about Sarah...

    Why doesn't this cheesy, phony-patriotic carnival act just cut to the chase and ask her fans to stuff dollar bills in her g-string? It would be more honest.

    7:15 AM

    LOL, but I wouldn't stuff anything south of Sarah's or Bristol's waist lines. I've seen how Sarah takes care of her exposed cruddy, dried, scabby nasty toes and I shudder to think what her unexposed moist areas are covered with. It is obvious hygiene and education is not valued in the Palin household.

    Sarah I've seen Ivanna Trump and you're no Ivanna Trump!

  73. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Someone's been claiming PFDs for Trig for the last few years. Surely they must have presented a birth certificate for the first claim.

  74. OK, Gryph... post this or not as you wish - but given the latest things hitting the blogosphere today can you come out and tell us anything you know with solid documentation?

    Now that I flipped through the photos on Flikr, posted by someone with a nmae like Palin Family Life, in a PUBLIC album...

    I think that maybe Trig -has- been living with Sarah's sister. Then the helpful anon on this blog today would be either her, or one of the cousins, who was just fed up after they dumped him there & then did not see him all summer until -supposedly- Aug. 21st (this week).

    Is something like that true?
    I'm not saying that is who linked to these images today...kind of
    suspicious that they are the work of another sweet fairy tale troll.

    Whatcha thank y'all??

  75. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Can this be? Is this the secret child? Could this be the 'smoking gun'?
    THANKS FOR THE PHOTO, wonder if it is a plant?

    wow, look at that hair, the poor little thing, she definitely looks like something is wrong with her, perhaps this is Ruffles?

    11:39 AM

    Is it just me or are those little golden sandals on the wrong feet?

  76. Anonymous1:13 PM

    There's no way the grifter is paying anyone $7500 a month of her own money to care for Trig. It must be hidden in SarahPAC expenses.

  77. Anonymous1:13 PM

    What is this pic?

  78. Anonymous1:14 PM

    You have to wonder just who would have access to all those photos to place them on Flikr, Someone very, very close. I'm thinking it would have to be a family member. Think this is Willow acting out? Or a resentful sister of Sarah's, tired of the circus of lies?

    See, Sarah, you can't keep these secrets forever. All the babies. All the lies.

  79. Anonymous1:15 PM

    >>SunnyVee said...

    To anonymous at 10:12.
    Is this the smoking gun??? dont know.

    I suspect its more likely that you intentionally posted this to plant the pics of happy-family-with-Trig-on-August-21 just to counter the truth that has been leaked here that Trig has not seen Scarah or Bristle.

    Hey there!

    I am the one who posted the image of Bristol with the baby girl. On another thread, someone posted the Flickr link and I just followed it, and as I was looking through the album, I came across that image. I posted it, having never seen it before, though MOST of the pics on the page I had already seen, this one was new and took me by surprise, so I pulled it out and posted it for the IM community to discuss.

    I can well understand your suspicious thoughts about someone posting here, but please be assured, I'm not a pro Palin fan in the least and cannot wait until she is fully and completely busted for her pathological life. I don't buy their 'happy family' context for a second, no matter how many pictures they leak. They're a sick bunch, starting with that Creepy Chuckie father of hers, ewwwww he just makes my skin crawl when I think of what he did to those girls!

    It's a most satisfying thing that slowly but surely Sarah and family get less and less relevant, which makes me breathe a sigh of relief.

    But, back to the image of that HER baby and if so, WHERE IS IT NOW???

  80. Anonymous2:26 PM

    It says "Piper with her first nephew." So that would this picture BEFORE Tripp because Piper looks awfully little, or is this Trig, or is there yet another nephew--SISTER's Son.

  81. Anon @ 1:15. Right on. thanks.

  82. Anonymous2:37 PM

    TRACK IS part of this story!!! haha
    Scaraha FUCKED CMenardJr. & got knocked up. Toad raised him, w/e...then CMJr. dies in a plane accident. hmmmmm...Toad?
    Methinks TOAD has DIRT on many powerful/$$$ people (Pimping out hookers that will record them in compromising sitches)...So many unexplained situations, fires/deaths/people scared...
    SP has known this the whole time. Linda M. helped her b/c of Track w Toads approval; TOAD & Scarah are MASTER GRIFTER'S!!! They are a hillbilly wasilly mafia but one nontheless...

    I have one word for you people: FBI...
    ...tick-tock...and I am talking to you too BRISTLE!

  83. Anonymous2:37 PM

    @ 10:09

    The criticism of Steve Menard is warranted. If he had any kind of integrity at all, he would resign. If his mother and ANY kind of integrity at all, she would be thoroughly embarrassed and ashamed. But, Ms. Menard supports a hateful and vile family like the Palins. So she gets criticism thrown her way because of this. Rightly so. Palin is vile, racist, hateful, willfully ignorant, vengeful and evil. It shows. Now the Menard son, an elected official no less, pisses a motel room, vomits, stinks it up with smoke, destroys furniture and leaves without paying for the damage. Ms. Menard's son. Sarah Palin. The Menard and Heath families. Birds of a feather flock together. So don't blame us for speaking out about this trash.

  84. "happy-family-with-Trig-on-August-21"

    A LOT of the photos there are tagged with that date, including what seem to be older ones. I assume that it is the upload date, NOT the date the photo was taken.

  85. emrysa2:42 PM

    hmmm... has "wendy waitress" been visiting again?

  86. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Anonymous @7:34: "You neglected to inform everyone Gryph, that this loser still lives at home with his Mommy. That little fact must be getting rather embarrassing for the "Godmother" as she has stated recently she is looking into buying him his own house."


    Let's leave out "that little fact" about Menard's personal life. OK? These days families make their own arrangements (in fact, they probably have always done so).

    Our son, who is around Menard's age, has lived with my husband and me for over three years. He is hardly "a loser." Rather, he's a university professor who's enrolled in seminary, and he has a productive life, which includes a fiancee he plans to marry, that is wholly apart from us. He's living in our home for reasons pertaining to the current bleak economy as well my husband's history of health problems. So, I conjecture that Menard's widowed mother may need a close family member nearby, even in her home. Of course, I have no way of knowing that and, I'd guess, neither do you. It's entirely their business, not ours.

  87. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Who is Tristan Isaac Connor Johnston?

  88. Anonymous3:23 PM

    fyi-for the commenter who is asking who is Tristan Isaac Johnston------I was just guessing that was his name in an earlier post. I have no idea!

  89. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Gryph, I'm dying to know what you think of these photos!

    Something is way, way off about them. Some are private Palin family snapshots we've never seen. And some of them are screen captured from Oprah, news segments, etc.

    Most interesting thing I see so far:

    Piper with her "first" nephew?
    If there was only ONE nephew, it would read "Piper with her new nephew" or just "Piper with her nephew". Saying "her FIRST nephew" just coming right out and admitting there was a second nephew.

    This could be a clue in the "Trig was Tripp before he was Trig" realm.

    So what are the odds that we have a very credible sounding "insider"...and a slew of brand new Palin family photos...on the same day?

  90. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Well, I hope this guy can stay sober, but in another era, he wouldn't have been able to show his face in public.

    There's nothing wrong with feeling some shame when you ruin things for other people.

    Not to demand it is what allows people to get away with these kinds of incidents.

    Are we only sorry anymore simply because we get caught?

  91. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Agree with Gryphen that it sounds like the baby is the daughter of a friend (and a commenter on here is upset at the speculation on this). But, man, Anon, if you're still here... do tell.

    Also, Anon 2:43, please don't be offended. Your son also is not a state senator. No one is ridiculing him. My poor mom has a bank doors on her home because one of her six kids is always moving back home. I haven't needed to in 17 years or so, but if I do...the door's open.

  92. Anonymous5:10 PM

    BTW: The photos are smoke screen for...something!!!
    NICE TRY Paylin$...

    IGnore them people...there is nothing there, just a distraction...

    Crickets from the Trolls. Makes me think there IS something really going on.

  93. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Our new anon bff is still here and the conversation is active over on the Broomfield post. She comments on the baby girl, she knows nothing about this photo and did not post the pics.

  94. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Steve Menard is obviously like all of the other incontinent adults at the Sea of Pee.

  95. "smoking gun" picture is gone, y'all...

  96. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Menard hasn't hit rock bottom, or he'd have lost voted out of his position and/or asked to leave.
    What sickens me the most, is these people are all enabling him, not helping him in any way whatsoever.

    Look, I want this guy to get the help he needs, I wish nothing but the best for him, a few weeks sobriety is a start, but he's got a long row to hoe ahead of him, and his tone sounds like he's clueless.

    It his last name were, oh, let's just pick a random name...... JOHNSON. Does anyone think he'd still be in office?

    The hotel downsized the charges, they took the "smoking in a non smoking room" charge away, well how the F can they tell, when there was a frickin burning mattress?

    I can't believe how corruption at all levels of government always seem to favor republican candidates Why is that?

  97. Anonymous6:51 PM

    @ 12:19 - those were uploaded on 8/21, but taken years earlier. That smooch one was Hawaii, IIRC.

    Interesting that suddenly someone decided to post all these. Looks like a complete family album, no?
    It's a bit of nicely edited red herring. Notice, no pics of $carah previously preggers to compare.

  98. Anonymous6:53 PM

    What happened in that room? Were there other people there? What does that hotel staff have to say? -Inquiring Minds

  99. Anonymous6:59 PM

    @11:17 - meh. Look, a large part of $carah's attraction are her looks which she exploits. But she is agign badly and rapidly - 4 more years and she's what? 52?

    A 52 year old can certainly run- and win. But that would be a 52 y o who has some brains to offer - and that AIN't Snowdrift Snooki. $carah's like an aging hooker's butterfly on the boobs tattoo - it seemed like a good idea at the time, but is now just a wrinkling and sinking reminder of the inescapable aging process. If she keeps pushing it, she'll be as laughable as the bar babe, who now has to be poured out the door at closing time.

  100. emrysa7:01 PM

    anon@ 2:37 pm sez:

    "TRACK IS part of this story!!!"

    ain't that the truth. as another commenter said, it's one thing to not look like the family, it's another thing when you look like the family next door. as we all know, todd was on the slope when the quitter got pregnant and then she moved next door to "godfather" curtis while she was carrying track.

    look I really don't care who track's father is, what I care about is truth. by pictorial and other evidence she lied about the biological parentage of track.

    don't be preachin the "family values" bullshit when the father of your first-born is not the man you're married to. yes I am sorry that track is caught in the middle of this but if his mother was honest, this wouldn't be an issue. the quitter is the problem here, not track.

  101. emrysa7:04 PM

    ps maybe that lying, scheming bitch should have thought about how her lies were going to affect her children before she manufactured the lies for the sake of HER image.

  102. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I always thought Curt or Dr. Menard and Linda were very nice people in spite of their political affiliation. But the Palins BS and the Sons continuous trouble makes one go Hum????? But then we also liked Martin Buser and his wife Kathy until they displayed a whole other side during the 08 campaign now I wont ever speak to them again. They are two faced to say the least.

  103. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Karl Rove Serves Up An Ace With Criticism of Sarah Palin’s Thin Skin

    sarah jones special -- lol:-)

  104. ibwilliamsi9:00 PM

    Did anyone capture the screens on those photos? They are ALL GONE.

  105. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Where did the pictures go? I saw 145 earlier today, and now there are... NONE!

  106. Anonymous5:32 AM

    No way any one of Granny LuLu's relations would have a name as remotely normal as "Tristan Isaac Connor Johnston". "Zamboni Iditrod CCM Johnston", that I would believe.

  107. Anonymous2:00 PM

    from and earlier commenter:

    She's a child abuser who doesn't give a shit about Trig. That poor baby. I gotta give him props for doing what the whole country has wanted to: SMACK THAT BITCH! Good boy Trig!! Hahahahaha


    My money is that the secret squealer is RAM and she deserves to squeal for all the crap she has taken, even though she dished out equal amounts while at the feeding trough.

  108. Calli Pygian6:14 AM

    Now, I am not suggesting that this Menard is Track's ( oh, that name) father ( and "I am not not" suggesting,LOL- oh, Sarah, your grasp on English is astounding ), but I surely would love to see a current photo of offspring #1 against this picture (or any other) of the black sheep Menard.

    Purely for family resemblance, of course.

  109. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Wow, he really looks like Track Palin.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.