Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Levi Johnston is not running for Mayor of Wasilla. Not exactly shocking news now is it?

Courtesy of AP:

Levi Johnston won't be mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, anytime soon. 

Johnston, who toyed with running as part of a reality show, isn't an official candidate for the Oct. 4 election. His attorney, Rex Butler, says Johnston is too busy to run. Butler declined to give specifics but says Johnston has a book coming out next month and plans a tour. 

This should not exactly be news to anybody sine there has been virtually NO mention of this for many months, and the whole thing was contingent on Levi getting a reality show deal that never really got off the ground.

Besides that I talked to the current Wasilla mayor, Verne Rupright, and he pretty much told me that there was no way that Levi would be allowed to run.

And while we are on the subject of things that will probably not amount to anything, I know that a lot of you are very excited about this picture of Bristol and an unidentified baby, but I suggest that we not go off half cocked about it right now.

Don't forget that Bristol has a number of friends in the Valley who have had babies and there is NO indication that this one is Bristol's, or any other member of the Palin family. So until we learn more let us not start referring to it as a "smoking gun."

I tend to reserve that term for much more explosive evidence than picture provides.


  1. Anonymous2:44 PM

    On the one hand, this entire Palin Family Flckr collection is just too darn cosy. Specially the two in the SP section that show her "at college." Right.

    But there is something hilarious about the "Little Girl" photo. Bristol's post-partum fat rolls. The hideous clothes on that poor child (is this how AKers dress their babies?) and the formality of the photo. It does not look like a casual shot. So who has a posed shot with somebody else's daughter? (ooops. that's right. Sarah Palin!)

    Maybe it's Bristol's new baby from Haiti? wink, wink.

  2. Anonymous2:52 PM

    That is a weird picture. Why would Bristol be wearing clothing that still had the tags on it? WTF.

  3. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I believe that is her best friend's daughter who was born last year. That first appeared last summer.

  4. Anonymous3:00 PM

    In the Bristol picture...what is with the giant bags under that kid's eyes??? And who holds a baby that way, in the crotch. It's worse than the Trig Sack Of Potatoes technique that Mrs.Todd Palin uses.Does anybody in this family have a fucking clue how to deal with children?

  5. Anonymous3:02 PM

    I wish Levi good luck with his new book. He is a good guy and has been badly beaten down by the Palin group.

    Have fun on your tour, Levi!

  6. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Ha! Wasilla in the house, wave!!!

  7. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Please remove the link to that picture. This is one of my close friend's baby. She is one of Bristol's best friends.

  8. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Gryphen, are you going to comment on the anon commenter's revelations that started on the Broomfield post and continued into the Menard post. The freshest comments on the Broomfield post are fascinating and ring true.

    Agree that the baby girl is very likely the infant of one of the posse.

  9. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Sorry, but that is one homely baby. Poor thing. As usual, Bristol is displaying the typical Palin affection for Ari.

    And it is one skinny Bristol. Is that a price tag on the shorts she is wearing?

  10. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Could be Track's little girl.

  11. C4LEVI3:14 PM

    I think Levi is following Sarah's lead. He'll be throwing his hat into the GOP presidential race in October.

  12. Anonymous3:16 PM

    No big surprise there although if Scarah was qualified to be mayor, Levi is equally as qualified if not more.

    That pic of Brisdull says it was taken last summer. What is really funny about it is the stupid cow didn't even clip her price tag off of her shirt.

  13. Anonymous3:18 PM

    It's a sad statement on our society when even a naive, uneducated 21 yr old boy uses political office to garner more publicity.

    Let's PLEASE elect a non-celeb in 2012. What ever happened to qualified candidates who have actual experience in life, business and leadership.

  14. Anonymous3:21 PM

    That photo is old. It is her best friend Marissa from Juneau's child. Her Facebook as pictures of this baby and Tripp together.

    It can be seen in her friends Profile Picture as well.

  15. Allowed to run? Allowed?

    Since when does the Mayor of Wasilla have the right to dictate who can and cannot run for mayor?

    Who does he think he is? Sarah Palin?

  16. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I used to respect this blog, but I don't understand how you think its okay to post pictures of other peoples children and then let commenters bash and ridicule an innocent defenseless baby. Absolutely disgusting.

  17. Anonymous3:28 PM

    There was a comment under the picture of brisdull with the baby in the album that said 2010, Ali's baby.

  18. Comment under picture:
    B with baby Ari summer 10

    Gryphen, Sadie would know if it is the child of a friend. Please ask.

  19. Dis Gusted3:31 PM

    it's a very weird picture. Who is Ari? Why is her photo in Palin "family pictures"? The photo is dated August that correct?

    The ears DO look weird, but there is not enough detail to see if they are ruffled.

    "And it is one skinny Bristol. Is that a price tag on the shorts she is wearing?"

    yes, price tags are on the shorts so it's a dressing room shot. As far as being skinny, you're joking right? She has a spare tire hanging over those shorts. She is NOT skinny by any stretch of the imagination. Compare her belly to Mercede - that's skinny and what a teenager should look like.

  20. Why does everyone post on this site as anonymous? I have never seen anything like it.

  21. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Whose Flickr album is this?

  22. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Can't wait to read "media insider"'s recent tale of fiction she has for us today.

    Note to all readers: when an anon poster is extremely detailed in their description of something, it's probably not true.

  23. Anonymous3:46 PM

    looking through all 145 pictures at the link - one thing is painfully clear

    The best SP has ever looked is when she was nominated by McCain. She didn't look that good when she was younger and she has lost those looks in just 3 short years. She is a shadow of herself in 2008. She looks absolutely horrible - and much older than 50.

  24. Dis Gusted3:57 PM

    Never thought Levi was really running for mayor - his attitude was if "she can do it, anybody can" and he's right.

    Maybe if he sold his sex appeal, he'd get in office easy. He is a very good looking man and I wish him all the best.

    Hope he decides to run later after his celebrity success.

  25. London Bridges4:11 PM

    Laura Novak's blog has a screen shot of Merede's Playboy article. The thing that struck me was the header: Palin sister-in-law! Really?

  26. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I agree. Just because a random online album is there doesn't mean we should link to a girl's baby and then discuss her.

    And anyone who speaks disparagingly is a nasty person indeed.

  27. Watching and Waiting4:16 PM

    Well putting a hot pic of Levi is one sure way to drive Sarah ape shit when she checks the blog. You just know that she wanted a piece of that when he was living there.

    He is really good looking. Makes Toad look like a skeevy troll in comparison.

    The mayor thing was lame anyway. Hopefully he has something interesting to say in his book.

  28. Anonymous4:24 PM

    That is a weird picture - a younger Bri$tol with a baby, and the tags still on Bri$tol's clothes...

  29. Olivia4:27 PM

    re: Note to all readers: when an anon poster is extremely detailed in their description of something, it's probably not true.

    Such as Sarah's detailed report of the day of the wild ride?

  30. Anonymous4:31 PM

    She's holding that kid the same way she used to hold Levi.

  31. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Levi is really a very handsome man!

  32. Barney4:39 PM

    3:28 pm anomys said - I used to respect this blog

    Dear above reader,

    Mr. Gryphen did not post any baby pictures on this article, he even cautioned readers that were making comments before to not go off without proof.

    The baby is sweet, lovely and innocent.

  33. Anonymous4:41 PM

    3:44, not real sure what logical basis you are using...

    If someone knows things, they may very well know a lot of details, also.

    Nice try, though.

    Maybe the poster on an earlier thread is fake, and maybe they are genuine.

    I'll say one thing: the fact you are saying that on this particular thread, at least 3 posts up from a thread that had a seemingly knowledgeable visitor, shows me you are worried about the details that are showing up on Gryphen's blog.

    Funny you brought up Media Insider, too. That person had a few things to say, especially about Bristol's time on DWTS...

    Thanks for that confirmation that we might be getting too close to the truth for some people's comfort ;-).

  34. Tyroanee4:43 PM

    Well let's face facts, this child isn't named something like Toaster Strudel, or Remington Steel... so NO it's not a Palin off shoot.

  35. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I find the picture quite charming. In fact all of them are really. ...But then that's what you get with family photos, a rosy all smiles version of the past. A moment in time. No one takes a photo during the boring bits, or the sad bits, or the angry bits. ...Anyway a nice set of family photos, but now the important question: Who posted them and why?

    Any ideas?

    At first I thought it was a publicity seeking thing by Bristol, then I began to wonder if it was to get media attention ahead of this Iowa event. Finally I was wondering if it was part of the publicity for Joe McGinniss' book. I don't see how he would have access to most of them though. I suppose the most likely scenario is they came from Bristol. Promo for her reality programme maybe? ...I suppose you have to feed the tabloid beast if you want to do that for a living.

  36. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Note to the people who put the baby pictures in an online album..... Why the heck didn't you make it a PRIVATE album so no one else can see it and make disparaging remarks?? To the people complaining about the comments, if you are friends with this person, tell them to make it private. It only takes a click. God, some people are so dense!

  37. Anonymous5:01 PM

    John Myste, because I certainly don't know who you are, and so my anonymous is the equivalent. It really doesn't matter whether someone uses a funny name, their real name, or anon. Why do you care?

    Unless you like to keep track of who is saying what so you can have a conversation and/or debate with them. I am not interested in that myself, so I am quite content to be one of many anonymous's.

    We have been over all of this before, you must have missed the memo.

  38. Sorry I couldn't resist...from Seinfeld episode called "The Hamptons"...

    "Is it me, or was that the ugliest baby you have ever seen?"
    "I couldn't look. It was like a Pekinese."
    "Boy, a little too much chlorine in that gene pool."
    - Jerry and Elaine, in "The Hamptons"

  39. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Sometimes when you mention an item you've spied, like a picture from an anonymous online album that suddenly appeared, I wonder if you are giving the Palins a heads-up to stock pile some canned goods. Because someone is posting some pretty interesting stuff - like the museum photos - almost saying "I know what the hell you've been doing - and everyone else is about to find out". The clue from the family album isn't babies or ears - just that the photos are suddenly online anonymously. Haha Sarah, your skeletons are coming!

  40. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Before people start assuming and commenting, the baby does not belong to MArissa Morlock.

  41. Anon,

    I know, everybody’s head turned, even though I was trying to get the attention of only one of you.

    “Haae, I’m Larry. This is the my brother Darrel, and this is m’other brother Darrel.”

    Anon, if you name all your pets Sparky, they will all come when you only want Sparky to come, get it?

    Additionally, I have seen people post hostile anonymous postings in the same thread where they are having a non-anonymous debate.

    John Myste, because I certainly don't know who you are, and so my anonymous is the equivalent. Not so. When you said John Myste, only my head turned and it was clear that you were talking to me.

    It really doesn't matter whether someone uses a funny name, their real name, or anon. Why do you care? For reasons mentioned above.

    Unless you like to keep track of who is saying what so you can have a conversation and/or debate with them. I am not interested in that myself, so I am quite content to be one of many anonymous's. It makes no sense to participate in a group conversation where we have no way to address each other.

    We have been over all of this before, you must have missed the memo. I am pissed about not getting the memos. Are they only reserved for our precious anonymous personnel?

  42. Anonymous6:02 PM
    same as:

  43. Anonymous6:03 PM

    If he changes his mind, I think Levi could win the Wasilla mayoral election, assuming he's eligible. Wasilla deserves him.

  44. emrysa6:05 PM

    well I am glad levi is not running for mayor. this is a good move. maybe down the road it will work, but right now his publicist? lawyer? handler? is right... no need to make a joke out of it.

    this is a good pic of levi. he's a handsome young man, too bad the mother of his child(ren?) is a skank and he got dragged into skankville. he's young, he's got plenty of time to turn it around. I wish him good luck.

  45. emrysa6:20 PM

    anon @ 3:44 pm sez:

    "Can't wait to read "media insider"'s recent tale of fiction she has for us today.

    Note to all readers: when an anon poster is extremely detailed in their description of something, it's probably not true."

    you and I are thinking along the exact same lines. we should have some beers together.

  46. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Is that Sally Heath and Willow with the fabulous Marcus Bachmann...where is that ...why are they together?

    Maybe Sally is a big ol' lesbian and Marcus is trying to get her to covert her.

  47. Anonymous6:59 PM

    These were carefully placed there. I wonder for who? Sarah or Bristol? Bristol has a reality show coming out, could this be a pre-show prop?

  48. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Geez, you go away for 2 days and all heck breaks loose...
    The photos in question have apparently been taken off the flickr site(?) Did people do screengrabs? I can get back to a cached snapshot of the photo of Bristol holding a baby, and also have to wonder if his isn't the "adopted baby from Haiti," aka the DWTS baby. (I did a screen grab of the shot, but it's low-res) The timing fits, assuming the older child is Tripp. The anon posts claiming that it's an old photo, or known to be of someone else's baby, are the ones that strike me as massively suspect. But I can't get to the other photo at all, the one that shows Piper with her "first nephew."
    All of which does beg the question, if there's no story, why did the photos get yanked so fast?

  49. Anonymous7:13 PM

    The photo album is fascinating.

  50. Anonymous7:15 PM

    O c'mon @ 3:16 - and the rest of you. I'm no $carah fan. that looks like a photo taken in a dressing room. Bristol goes shopping with a friend, they try on clothes - she's holding the baby so the friend can try something on, or text or something and the friend then snaps a photo of Bitchtol.

    It's the same kid as the one in the most recently uploaded one of Bristol and Trig in the car with the Inuit/Asian looking girl.

  51. Anonymous7:15 PM

    It makes me sad to see that Levi is still be controlled by that shyster Rex Butler. He is NOT your friend, Levi. He is obviously being paid off by Sarah to make you look bad. Do yourself a huge favor and dump him and find a real lawyer who is really interested in what is best for you and your future.

    For instance...there are clearly defined visitation guidelines in your agreement with Bitchol. She has violated them and any good lawyer would have gone back to court and gotten you the visits you are supposed to have. When I read that she is training your son to hate your sister, it makes me mad at you for not growing some balls and taking them down. The fact that you haven't makes everything you do and say questionable.

    I am "anonymous" because that is as good a name as John Myst(ery?) Who knows who you are and what your real name is.

  52. Anonymous7:16 PM

    emrysa, thank you for seeing that as well. I hope more realize that that poster is probably the author of every lengthy tale of woe or critique.

  53. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Wow John Myste, you have an attitude problem, don't you? Why so prickly?

    WHO ARE YOU? haha, just kidding. I don't care. I did see you write elsewhere online and don't give much info about yourself there, however. Absolutely not a problem, but don't some around here and go on the offense about all of we anons you can't sort out. Sorry if we are driving you up a wall!

    I must say, there are some self-"identified" (relative term, to say the least) posters coming 'round who seem mighty testy, Gryphen. It's not an accident.

    Those who support the poster who is basically warning everyone off recent detailed postings are in the same category as the person doing the warning, imo.

    Happens every time we get too close to some truth.

    On the chance that these latest postings are not legit, well, it could also be that Mr. Karl Rove and his friends are playing some sort of game and starting the process of damaging whatever shred of Sarah's reputation is left at this point. Who knows?

    Either way, I am not ignoring any of it, and I am going to proudly continue to use my family name, Anonymous.

  54. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Can't wait to read "media insider"'s recent tale of fiction she has for us today.

    Note to all readers: when an anon poster is extremely detailed in their description of something, it's probably not true.

    On the contrary. As a long time fan of The Peoples Court and watching court shows on TV, the witness is usually considered credible if they remember if they remember details. What's more important, when questioned, they remember the same details in the same order and the same way.

    There is a problem with someone from Alaska who has told different stories-- about an important event that most of us would remember to the finest detail, and always the same way. Sarah has given different versions of Trig's arrival: 8 months gestation and arriving at MatSu or 7 1/2 months in Anchorage. Anyone who has given birth remembers the details better than that.

    Sarah has given inaccurate versions of her Wild Ride. For example, she claims that she had Todd change their airplane tickets, leaving the event in Texas early (Can't have a fishpicker born in Texas). The records from Sarah's time in office showed that the airplane ticket were bought for an afternoon departure and were never changed. They planned to leave early; there was no last minute change.

    Medical professionals have questioned any doctor telling a woman having labor pains and leaking fluids that it would be fine to give a speech and then fly for 12 hours back home. NO! Every medical professional who has heard that story says the same thing, "Go to the nearest emergency room and get checked out, STAT!"

    Sarah's mantra is to ask the media to stop making things up. I suggest that when it comes to telling a good story, it's Sarah Palin who is making things up. The latest, silly example was when she claimed on Greta's show that it gets dark early in Alsaka and that there was a nip in the air (when the temperatures were between 50-60 degrees and the sun set at 9:45 PM).

  55. I hate to bring up the word (not really), given that Joe is persona non grata this week, but the various anti-Palin comment sections are becoming a combination of fairy tale trolls and obsessives. I have to wade through crap to find the few people who have perspective and a witty sense of humor. I'm glad I'm leaving for a nice vacation. Tired of this bs. Step away from the computer and get a grip.

  56. emrysa7:46 PM

    anon @ 6:59 pm sez:

    "These were carefully placed there."

    yes, they were. thank you for recognizing.

    this "photo album" sure shows a happy, go-lucky carefree family, doesn't it? yeah there's no intention there at all. the whole time I was looking at that, all I could think of was how this was "evidence" of the perfect american family. no nanny changing the dirty diapers, no "real" family shots. so fucking selectively manufactured. will these pics be the reference for the msm, for faux snooze? lol don't be surprised if they are. as I am no stranger to REAL family pics I can say with confidence that these have been put out there to portray a certain image, not reality. the stupid bots will fall for it, but most people will see right through it.

  57. Anonymous7:48 PM

    If you all want to know about John Myste simple click on his name and it will take you to his profile. He has a couple of blogs of his own that are linked there.

  58. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Unless every baby picture ever taken of yourself or your families babies is PERFECT in every way, then it's a little much to be criticizing a baby based on a single photo.

    How would you like it if your darling little Jimmy or sweet little Susie's photo was posted on the web and then mocked for the clothes, etc?

    Kindness is its own reward.

  59. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Blog profiles don't tell much about a person, believe me. They are still fully anonymous for all practical purposes. I respect a desire for privacy, myself.

    Moving on...

    I completely agree that no one should be making comments about babies and their relative attractiveness - hey, many gorgeous people were rather goofy looking as infants - but when folks come on here and act like there has been excessive commenting in that direction, I have to think they aim to characterize what goes on here in a particularly negative light. Hmmm.

    More of the comments have been about other aspects of that photo.

    I guess it has been made private or scrubbed now?

  60. Anonymous8:23 PM

    wow - there were 145 pictures - I snagged them....

    now there are 40 some odd pictures left. TMI for the

  61. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Who cares about the stupid unknown baby picture? Not me.

    This is what I care about. "Has Sarah Palin exhausted the patience of her supporters?"

    People are speculating left & right just exactly what IS Granny going to announce on Sept. 3? Rove had her backed into a corner. Looks like Fixed News is trying to find a way to let her go. But I personally am thinking that she can't wait to "shock & awe" everyone with her announcement that she is going to run for the open senate seat in Arizona & that's why she's horning in trying to take the limelight away from sincere candidates as a built up to that end.

    Think about it and Granny's ties to AZ. The compound she "bought" there, Gov. Jan Brewer's visit with the Palin's in Alalska, and didn't Van Flea move to AZ?

    How about we explore and re-look at all THOSE Arizona ties? Something is afoot and Granny can barely wait to once again take center stage and knock McCain on his butt for not letting her give the concession speech. We know Palin's are jealous of McCains - it's in Brisket's book.

    As usual I expect Granny Grizzly to do the unexpected. She has no intention of giving up the limelight and yearns to give fireworks and work up her hatin' base, you betcha!

    Don't miss this!

    "Will Sarah Palin Run? Yep—Just Not to the White House"

  62. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Levi is a damned good looking young man!! He's good and kind too. I wish him every success in the sale of his book. I truly hope he disclosed things about the Palins that are not already out there.

  63. sleuth19:01 PM

    the Palin Fairy Troll has been VERY busy tonight scrubbing the Flickr account after being called out on another blog. The fairy troll even posted an additional photo of the mystery baby and deleted it within minutes of being called out about it.
    Too bad, so sad.. THAT photo has also been captured.
    You fairy trolls are SUCH amateurs...

  64. Anonymous9:17 PM

    One gets the distinct feeling that Bristol still pines for Levi something fierce.

  65. Anonymous9:37 PM

    I think it's hysterical that people think Sarah would run for a senator or house position. WHY on earth would you think that?? She is bored by details. She knows nothing about legislation. The pay isn't even close to what she is making. And she doesn't like to work that hard! She hated being governor. Sorry, she's not interested in these jobs. Not at all! You will see!

  66. GBIllinois9:40 PM

    PEOPLE!! I am convinced that these pics are a diversion!!

    So is all of this finger pointing and cat fighting. I have been ID'd as some super troll on by the "investigative crew" at that other Palin site. I would hope those of you who have seen me commenting here over the past few months know better. Gryphen should if noone else does as I have e-mailed him several times with links and questions.

    There seems to be a concerted effort to cause a turmoil between us. By who? I don't think that takes too much thinking to figure out. There is fear in the air in La La Land.

  67. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Anonymous said...

    One gets the distinct feeling that Bristol still pines for Levi something fierce.

    9:17 PM

    Yes indeedy we all know that Bristol the Moaner still "PINES" for Levi' "WOODY".

  68. @ 7:23pm

    "Sarah has given inaccurate versions of her Wild Ride. For example, she claims that she had Todd change their airplane tickets, leaving the event in Texas early (Can't have a fishpicker born in Texas). The records from Sarah's time in office showed that the airplane ticket were bought for an afternoon departure and were never changed. They planned to leave early; there was no last minute change."

    Where is this most informative record at? The only record of her schedule that i've seen only had her departing flight from Anchorage to Seattle and from Seattle to Texas.
    If you know where this return flight information is you need to post it.

  69. @ 7:23pm

    "Sarah has given inaccurate versions of her Wild Ride. For example, she claims that she had Todd change their airplane tickets, leaving the event in Texas early (Can't have a fishpicker born in Texas). The records from Sarah's time in office showed that the airplane ticket were bought for an afternoon departure and were never changed. They planned to leave early; there was no last minute change."

    Where is this most informative record at? The only record of her schedule that i've seen only had her departing flight from Anchorage to Seattle and from Seattle to Texas.
    If you know where this return flight information is you need to post it.

  70. Anonymous12:54 AM

    From John Myste's blog--

    ""Speaking in Tongues, God Tells Me to Hate Homosexuals""

    ""Neither Black, nor American, nor the President
    Posted by John Myste . . 5/01/2011
    I keep reading blogs where the blogger pretends to be astonished that the birthers are still birthing. They expect them to believe that Barack Hussein Obama is an American just because he produced a birth certificate.""

    ""In recent years, much to my surprise, I have become a strong advocate of the theory of Creationism over Evolution""

  71. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Palin will run, but not just for the GOP nomination for president.

    That is a given. What is less talked about, but I believe more certain, is that Palin, the woman who likes to “not retreat, but reload,” has a well-thought-out Plan B.

    That is, Palin will use the presidential primaries to raise her political profile, revive her supporters’ loyalty and enthusiasm, and guarantee her election to the open U.S. Senate seat in Arizona.

    That is the real prize. She will run for two offices at once. One public. The other one, stealth. And it is a well-thought-out plan.

    See the logic? President Obama is weakest in the southern states. He is a highly polarizing figure in Arizona with the “illegal immigration” and “secure our borders” issues. Add Obamacare and the “death panels” barbs from Palin and you see the divide writ large.

    Palin can spend months throwing these barbs straight at the president’s camp—which would endear her to whomsoever is the eventual GOP nominee—and simultaneously energize her base for a Senate run.

    Palin could also use the free national press and campaign forums to ramp up her attacks on the national debt, on unnecessary taxes and on any efforts to curb Medicare and Social Security. Think again: Arizona retirees.

    Furthermore, she could collect lots of air time (in the debates, if she chooses) or on her bus tour, and simultaneously raise ooodles of money online. Her SarahPAC blog has legions of followers. Her new movie is making the rounds. And she is a prized catch for speaking invitations all over the Midwest. Add state fairs and summer picnics and you can imagine the Norman Rockwell images.

    In short, Palin has become her own political weather system. That is what the press fails to understand. Every moose hunter knows which way the wind blows and has a well-thought-out escape route. Their life depends on it. And Palin plans accordingly.

    Thus, Arizona. Palin recently bought a house there. Her running mate in 2008, Sen. John McCain, lives there. Republican Sen. Jon Kyl is retiring, which leaves the seat open for Palin—should she accept the assignment. And Republicans are not an endangered species there.

    That is my bet on Palin’s ultimate chess move. She takes the presidential stage, retreats gracefully, grabs the U.S. Senate seat, and lives to reload and fight another day. It may seem counterintuitive, but few have guessed her best moves yet.

    In the spirit of full disclosure, I wrote a column that dubbed Palin’s resignation as governor of Alaska a “brilliant political move” at a time when the national media called it a disaster and the death knell for Palin.

    Since then, she has fooled most everyone who predicted her demise. In short order, she became a best-selling author, a multimillionaire, the host of a Discovery Channel series on Alaska, a Fox News contributor, a brand name draw for conservative audiences, crowd-pleaser, and—proud owner of a new home in Arizona.

    Just saying. Think about it.

  72. FloridaDem2:40 AM

    This article of Levi admitting he's not running for mayor will shortly be followed by Sarah admitting she's not running for president. The only difference is, she's better at faking it.

    We're going to soon look back at her and think, why was so much web space devoted to speculation on her potus run, when there's clearly no organization built for it? Maybe the bots can be fooled, but we should have known better. And here's something else...I don't believe Bachmann would ever have declared if she didn't think Sarah would stay out of it.

    By the way, other posters here who complain about infighting on other blogs, can create more harmony by simply not joining in to attack other posters who mean no harm. So there's a piece of advice that would go far for you...treat others with respect. If you've been "id'd" as an asshat on another blog, then who knows, maybe you're an asshat. Makes you wanna go hmmmmmm.

  73. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Yeah I highly doubt anyone on their side pays enough mind to divert a bunch of anti-palin people's attention.

  74. Anonymous4:03 AM

    I Agree, Rex is an imbecile using Levi to make himself a nice bank account. He doesn't care if what Levi says is accurate or not. He doesn't care that Levi has contradicted himself and flatout lied. It's ALL For the money. If Levi truly wanted to be a father, he'd make her honor the custody agreement I'm sure that is in writing.

    They are so transparents, those funny guys Tank and Rex. ALL of this drama they've created was ONLY meant to make his story actually intriguing when in reality, the story of Bristol and Levi is a boring, typical tale of immature teen love with an accidental pregnancy thrown in.

    Levi is using Tripp as much as Bristol is. Neither is respectable.

  75. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Just had a rather jarring thought. What if the pictures in the Flicker account were put up to show happy normal family life...all for Bristols reality show. THEN, they show Bristol reading an "anti-Palin" blog (IM), and all the really cruel remarks about that sweet little baby Bristol is holding in the one picture, and other stupid remarks about the Palin's. It's been said the Palin's read this blog. What better way of gaining sympathy for the Palin's? Some of the comments on the blogs have been over the top. Maybe the heat is getting to some.

  76. Anonymous4:42 AM

    How about we explore and re-look at all THOSE Arizona ties?

    no need - just look for Keith Johnston.

  77. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Hey graph, did you notice that the picture of Todd and Sarah with toddlers Track and Bristol? Track looks just like a young Curtis Menard...exactly like him!

  78. Hugh Dunnit4:54 AM

    Hey some of y'all need to upgrade your humor/snark detector. Someone calling himself John Myste (ry) comments that too many people are anonymous. A few ppl got the joke, but more took it seriously and got their shorts in a bunch. Keep em coming, John!

  79. GBSuperTroll5:59 AM

    @Florida Dem

    If you're one of those "other site" paranoids I won't even try to talk sense to you. If you're not, I suggest you find out what your talking about before making a comment on the subject.

  80. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Hugh Dunnit, if you're saying people aren't allowed to respond to a swipe, I say bs.

    People, there are definitely folks coming around to stir things up and get regular posters, Anonymous or otherwise, distracted and turning on each other.

    Nice try Mr. Dunnit. That you, Sarah? Rebecca? Todd? Paid troll?

    People aren't interested in your snark, and you can't distract us as much as you wish you could.

    Nothing will keep us from the topic at hand, which is Sarah Palin and her family and their many, many, many indiscretions.

    I personally don't care about the Palins' personal lives, except that they are presenting themselves as one thing when they are entirely another. The sooner the American public can be shown the reality that is all things Palin, the better for our country.

    It's gonna happen, and you know it.

  81. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Anon @ 4:42, I have always, always thought that Keith Johnston has some sort of tie to a BIG skeleton in the Palin closet...

    Once upon a time I wondered if Keith could be Trig's father with Bristol his mother.

    Very Peyton place, I realize.

    The anon who put out so much detail the past few days says Trig's real parents could take him back or something like that, so it makes me think it's people in the family circle. I don't think Keith would qualify. You say he's in Arizona, perhaps?

  82. GhostbusterTX6:13 AM

    IN that flickr album there were a few pictures of Sarah interacting with babies - including Trig. First time I had ever seen any evidence of her even looking him in the eye...

    I am truly glad that she is capable of that, both for her children/grandchildren's sakes and for her own.

    But it only sharpens the contrast with her inability to do so when there is an audience, a camera rolling. It is as if she literally cannot shift her focus of attention from the idea of herself being the only thing worth anyone thinking about - she gets stuck in LOOK AT ME! mode.

  83. GhostbusterTX6:22 AM

    Anonymous - yes you! All of you!

    When you post a comment, pick the "name/URL" option and you can simply make up a handle on the spot. No need to provide a URL or valid email or anything else, it is just as private as choosing the "anonymous" option but much less confusing for everyone.

    Unless of course, creating confusion is your goal.

    Thank you - all of you. :-)

  84. @Anon (not you. No, not you. No not you, either. Yes, anon, you):

    Wow John Myste, you have an attitude problem, don't you?

    I suppose. Why else would you have said it?

    Why so prickly?

    Because I have an attitude problem.

    @Anon (no, no, not you again. The comments above were for you. These comments are in response to Anon):

    From John Myste's blog--

    "Speaking in Tongues, God Tells Me to Hate Homosexuals”

    “Neither Black, nor American, nor the President”

    “I keep reading blogs where the blogger pretends to be astonished that the birthers are still birthing. They expect them to believe that Barack Hussein Obama is an American just because he produced a birth certificate.”

    “In recent years, much to my surprise, I have become a strong advocate of the theory of Creationism over Evolution”

    As I am sure is obvious since you visited Mysterious Things, I am an Obama supporting atheist far left liberal. Speaking in Tongues is an argument defending homosexuals and seeks only to attempt to explain why it (or any argument) is inadequate when used on devout literalist Christians.

    As for the statement about Obama and birthers, I am satirizing the birther position, as everyone who read the article realizes. Mysterious Things is mostly satire, as all of those who visit the blog regularly know.

    As for the statement about supporting Creationism, it is the introduction to a long piece satirizing the Creation Story by telling it. As an atheist, I obviously don’t believe in Creationism over the Theory of Evolution, as anyone who actually read the whole article would know. Though the article received a huge amount of attention, I think I am the only living creature that read the whole thing, and I know it was satire, so that means 100% of those who finished the article knew it was in jest. Actually, all but one of the many people who commented without finishing it, knew it was satire, because they know its author.

    I suspect you know all of this already, and were merely defending me, in which case I thank you, but I am just clarifying for anyone who does not really that these cherry-picked lines were written in jest.

    @Anon – Yes, don’t think I forgot about your comment, Anon:

    You seem a little annoyed with me. Was it something I said?

    @Anon (no, not you again, Anon, you egomaniac!):

    You said: Hugh Dunnit, if you're saying people aren't allowed to respond to a swipe, I say bs.

    People, there are definitely folks coming around to stir things up and get regular posters, Anonymous or otherwise, distracted and turning on each other.

    I intended to stir nothing up or to troll, and though I don’t comment very often, I am also a regular visitor. I read every single post and have for a long time. I finally commented on the unusually high number of anonymous comments and for some reason that was perceived as an attack. Put aware your weapons. I come in peace.

    @Hugh Dunnit,

    Hey some of y'all need to upgrade your humor/snark detector. Someone calling himself John Myste (ry) comments that too many people are anonymous. A few ppl got the joke, but more took it seriously and got their shorts in a bunch. Keep em coming, John!

    Thanks for being the voice of reason. While Anon was unexpectedly aggressive, Anon simply commented and Anon was pretty civil. I think I just annoyed Anon, probably more because he felt personally attacked than for any other reason.

    I did not intend to annoy you, Anon, and I apologize if I unwittingly had that effect. Yes, Anon, I am talking to you

  85. telah7:37 AM

    I have posted as Anonymous on this blog for about 10 months, and as "Anon" on Joe's blog since it started. I sometimes post on Laura's blog, too. I don't use a moniker because I have encountered pissing matches either because I was misunderstood or because certain posters who claim to be one thing are actually another and things get twisted around. But, in an effort to not be confused with the new anonymous who seems to have a lot to say, and several others who have come and gone, I will post with a moniker from here out.

  86. telah7:56 AM

    So can you please drop it. People post as they please. If you are a regular reader you know who is whom for the most part though it does become difficult to identify a Wendy Waitress or RN or other bombshell poster, which is why I personally am "outing" myself by using my dog's name :)

  87. @Telah,

    But, in an effort to not be confused with the new anonymous who seems to have a lot to say, and several others who have come and gone, I will post with a moniker from here out.

    If I had anything, and I do mean anything, to do with this, this is a proud day in the Myste household.

    If you are one of the anonymous posters I just responded to, I take it all back, unless what I said was good, in which case I want to emphasize that I meant every word.

  88. @Telah,

    So can you please drop it.

    Telah, I dropped it after the very first comment I left. Anon, and now you, keep picking it back up again. I have said my peace and I consider the matter dropped. However, once someone picks up a milk they dropped on the floor, it is no longer dropped, but back in service.

    At this point, I certainly will not bring this up again, just as I have not done after the first time. Everyone's position is known and there should really be nothing more to say.

  89. LMAO @ the whole damn thread....especially the "anonymous" folks!

  90. Anonymous8:51 AM

    PS You must realize, Mr. Myste, that the timing of your mini-skirmish over one silly response to your original comment makes everyone here wonder what your deal is. We have seen this kind of thing before when potentially sensitive information has come to light. We have people come around to derail/disrupt the thread, and that is exactly what you accomplished - temporarily.

    I suspect you just didn't like the response to your comment. You didn't anticipate someone taking issue with it, so you kept it up perhaps longer than you intended. I doubt you are a troll or an agitator.

    As a rule, people don't enjoy having their comments critiqued. Debate the points being made, the ideas, but not the style, and you'll have better luck.

  91. telah8:57 AM

    No, I actually hadn't posted on this thread at all, so I am not an offended party. I was concerned, however, that this topic would get everyone on the board picking on one another when we have much more important topics to talk about.

    An explanation on why I think some people post as anonymous, at least from my perspective--I tend to be a somewhat objective observer, as I am a former reporter. I will often question things that don't sound right, will post comments critical of Gryphen on occasion if I think something has crossed a line of decency or will call out another commenter who is flame-throwing. I have been called a troll in the past, which I am not, usually by flame-throwers. Perhaps having a moniker would have helped but I'm not sure.

  92. Anonymous9:10 AM

    anon @ 6:03

    Yes, busted, I am Sarah. And Rebecca. Oh, and Todd. Also a paid troll. You forgot Chuckie.

    And I am shocked, shocked that there is snarking in this establishment (oh, thank you very much).

  93. @John Myste - I think our posts are getting crossed in the internets. I was trying to add levity ("outing myself with my dog's name" get it, haha?) not picking a fight. We're cool.

    I think it's easier to be anonymous...

    Anyway, Gryphen, might you be working on a post regarding our recent tipster? Any more texts from Mercedes to speak of?

  94. Anon (the one who said PS, as that is the only comment I want to answer that followed mine):

    PS You must realize, Mr. Myste, that the timing of your mini-skirmish over one silly response to your original comment makes everyone here wonder what your deal is.

    P.S. I did not intend to have a skirmish. I made a comment. It’s like everyone is discussing market, and suddenly someone realizes that a gust of wind blew a paper he laid down away. He says: “Damn, that’s a lot of wind, how odd.” Suddenly the discussion becomes about the wind and everyone wants to know why he could not stick to the topic of the stock market. “IT WAS THE GUST OF WIND that drew my attention way, stock market people.”

    As a rule, people don't enjoy having their comments critiqued. Debate the points being made, the ideas, but not the style, and you'll have better luck.

    It is hard to debate or discuss anything when Anonymous is all talking at once. I am not as smart as the rest of you and I get lost.

  95. Anonymous11:45 AM

    John Myste - I've wondered about
    the 'anon' thing, too. Can't they make up a name & stick to it?
    anon-anon-anon, it's like one
    individual with 'alters' they keep
    switching to.

    Sharon TN

  96. My dear Mr. Myste, did it ever occur to you that your back and forth on the issue of identities is a gust of wind?

  97. My dear Mr. Myste, did it ever occur to you that your back and forth on the issue of identities is a gust of wind?

    Actually, no. That is a very good point.

  98. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Anon 7:15PM - What's the difference what someone's real name is? Use a screen name - make one up. It's so much easier to
    find a comment you might want to re-read if the commenter has a
    'name,' rather than try & recall
    what time it was posted or have to go through all the posts again.
    What's so terrifying about posting under a screen name?? Some people are so touchy.

    Sharon TN

  99. FloridaDem2:13 PM

    LOL this is all pretty funny. To John Myste or whoever, I guess the point you're making is that people should pick a name and make it easier. I agree, that's why I picked a name after being Anon for so long. I think the reason most people, including myself originally, didn't bother, was because this isn't a threaded discussion board and you can basically jump in saying your 2 cents and the posts are stacked vertically.

    To GBTrollwhatever...take a pill. Borrow one from Sarah if you have to.

  100. swe1232:47 PM

    Okay Mr. Myste, I agree you are a very funny person and I will also start using a name I've used in the past.

    My only reason for not doing so was pure laziness!

    Anyway, thanks for the laughs!

  101. telah5:26 PM

    If I had anything, and I do mean anything, to do with this, this is a proud day in the Myste household.

    Gee Mr. Myste, you must be doubly proud to have brought out another Anon-er.... cheers!

  102. Holy Henry, I am the bestest troll ever!

  103. tinybrain9:12 PM

    So are the pictures posted anywhere else?

  104. Anonymous1:50 PM

    "Thanks for being the voice of reason. While Anon was unexpectedly aggressive, Anon simply commented and Anon was pretty civil. I think I just annoyed Anon, probably more because he felt personally attacked than for any other reason. I did not intend to annoy you, Anon, and I apologize if I unwittingly had that effect. Yes, Anon, I am talking to you."

    Hahahahahahahahahaa!!! Snort!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.