Saturday, August 27, 2011

Eric Cantor will withhold federal disaster funding to states impacted by Hurricane Irene unless Democrats agree to spending cuts.

From Business Insider:

A spokesperson for House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) said that if there is any damage caused by Hurricane Irene requiring federal disaster funding, the money would have to be balanced out by spending cuts elsewhere in government. 

"We aren't going to speculate on damage before it happens, period," his spokesperson Laena Fallon told TalkingPointsMemo. "But, as you know, Eric has consistently said that additional funds for federal disaster relief ought to be offset with spending cuts." 

Already states from North Carolina to New York have declared states of emergency in preparation for the storm.

You know I wish Eric Cantor were MY Congressman.  So I could punch him right in the ball sack!

What kind of cowardly piece of bull feces holds victims of a disaster hostage so that he can earn a couple of political points with the tiny minority of Teabaggers currently holding the GOP hostage?

Oh yeah, THIS cowardly piece of bull feces.

I certainly hope the people of Virginia keep this incident in mind the next time Snidely Whiplash here is up for reelection.

By the way if you are from Virginia, forget about punching Cantor in the scrotum. He would have to actually have balls for you to punch him IN them.


  1. Compasionate Conservatism at its finest... I hope this A-hole's home gets flooded and or flattened.

  2. Gray Lensman6:30 PM

    Smarmy, overcompensating piece of shit.

    The male palin. And I use both terms loosely, as the deserve.

  3. Anonymous6:31 PM

    For the first time in a long time, I'm not sorry I left Virginia. And him with nuclear power plants in his district.

  4. Sweet anny6:33 PM

    He has small man's syndrome.

    Really... who elects these orcs?

  5. Anonymous6:35 PM

    'Nuff said.

  6. WakeUpAmerica6:48 PM

    Snidely Whiplash is a perfect moniker for him. Asshole. I take that back. Assholes have a function. Hemorrhoid!

  7. Anonymous6:49 PM

    I've been paying attention to where Irene is moving through his District. It appears his District has recieved some of the high winds and rain. I'm going to assume there may be some major damage in his District. If there is, it'll be interesting to see if he holds to his "spending cuts" or goes and hide someplace where there are no reporters.

  8. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I really dislike him. I'm in NC, and we had 4 deaths from Irene. The slow moving storms cause the most damage. I hope his constituents read him the riot act. He's a jerk!

    And even before this, there's always been something about him that kind of creeps me out. He looks like a scary dude.

  9. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:52 PM

    I'm convinced the Tuesday quake centered in Mineral, VA (Cantor's district) was simply Mother Nature trying to shake this creep off the face of the earth. Or to shake the little turd off her butt. Would Li'l Eric deny Big Gubmint assistance to his buddies in Bagger territory should they ever need it?

  10. Olivia6:53 PM

    F*cking A$$h*le.I can't wait till they catch that dickhead in a sex scandal. It is only a matter of time.

  11. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Stick that in an ad and run it 5X a day in his district! A-Hole

  12. grasshopper7:03 PM

    This sub-human cries about federal help, well let the fucker use his own state's money to bail his ass out. Don't give him a dime and when his people ask why, roll tape. His (political) days are numbered.

  13. emrysa7:06 PM

    'hey americans, I am going to withhold EMERGENCY funds from you because playing political games is more important to me than your emergencies.'

  14. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Yeah he's kind of a dick. BUT they need to cut unnecessary spending, without withholding aid in dire situations.

  15. I live in his district. I saw him at the Richmond airport refraining from a confrontation.

    I thought my house was going to collapse when the quake hit 40 miles from the epicenter.

    I wonder if Cantor will with hold restoration of electricity, power lines, transformers that blew up in my neighbor's yard until we bend over to his wishes?

    I lost cable, then power around 3:30 pm.
    The hospital I work at is on generator.

    I hear sirens from my house. Let us remember medical and emergency personnel who risk their lives working while we can seek safety.

  16. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Thank the higher power of your choice that we have a president that actually pays attention and is on top of a developing national disaster.

  17. Enjay in E MT7:20 PM

    Hasn't Joplin MO (tonado)federal assistance been held up by the House because "we don't have the money"?

    Guess we should admire the fact he isn't going to ask for funds for HIS district while denying it for others.

  18. Erica from Dallas7:23 PM

    Could these leaders really believe the stuff they are spewing?
    When they are old or sick and look over their perverted lives,I wonder if they will grieve over their lack of integrity.
    Remember Lee Atwater? Right before he died of cancer he said he was sorry for all the lives he ruined.

  19. Anonymous7:27 PM

    "But, as you know, Eric has consistently said that additional funds for federal disaster relief ought to be offset with spending cuts."

    When the Joplin tornado killed 159 and caused $Billions in damage Cantor had the same things to say.

    House Majority Leader Eric Cantor caused quite a stir Monday with a stunningly heartless statement that any help for Joplin would have to be offset by cuts elsewhere in federal spending. Mind you, Cantor didn’t simply refrain from waiting until the search for missing people was over to say this: His cruelty came less than 24 hours after the tragedy, at a point when rescue workers were just beginning to search the rubble for survivors.

    This evoked some pretty colorful responses.

    Traditionally, the immediate aftermath of tragedies are politics-free zones, but Cantor’s commitment to his anti-spending dogma outweighed any concern there might be for the messy little details of the carnage and suffering a thousand miles from his district.

    What these zealots have in mind for the nation was made perfectly clear by Ron Paul just this week. He was speaking about Hurricane Irene.

    Taking his anti-government ideology to its logical extreme, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) told NBC News’ Jo Ling Kent today that there should be no national response to Hurricane Irene, and that government responses should revert back to how they were over 100 years ago. “We should be like 1900, we should be like 1940 1950 1960,” he said. “I live on the gulf coast, we deal with hurricanes all the time.” Of course, the Gulf Coast sometimes deals with them less well thanks to a botched national response. Paul, who has called for abolishing FEMA, dismissed the organization because it is “a great contribution to deficit financing.”

    If our nation keeps electing people like this to office, then our nation can indeed regress a hundred years.

  20. This person is the most selfish, self-centered, and nasty person I've heard. There is not anything about him that is kind, or thoughtful, or caring, or Christian!

    I hope his karma comes soon - and is unforgiving to him as he is to everyone not in his special circle.

  21. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Believe it or not, Cantor is Jewish.
    Most Jews do not claim him!

  22. ibwilliamsi7:51 PM

    GROW A SPINE, Democrats!

  23. Ratfish8:01 PM

    But he would send aid ti Israel with no spending cuts if there was a disaster there.

    What a sick puppy- and poor excuse for a compassionate observant Jewish man.

  24. Rene said, "Let us remember medical and emergency personnel who risk their lives working while we can seek safety."
    They don't just risk their lives, they are at work during the disaster and not at home protecting their families and property. It is very stressful for them worrying what is happening at home, especially when the phones go out.

  25. Anonymous8:08 PM

    They must have planned it! They knew those states would eventually be hit with hurricanes. They've had it up their sleeve.

    Wow. Good to be American these days. Almost as good as being Russian in the 70s.

  26. Can't we get a small beginning by clipping the salaries and benefit packages of members of Congress??? Might not make a substantial impact on the huge debt but it would serve as a vote of confidence that they are willing to be a part of the solution for a change.

    Eric Cantor is among the worst of the heartless bastards who have been using this tact to further feather their nests while protecting the existing substantial wealth they have earned from long years on the government payroll.

  27. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Olivia @6:53

    Who in their right mind would have sex with that smarmy little man? ;)

  28. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Just like Midge "No Chin" McConnell claimed after the mess involving the debt ceiling, now that Republicans saw how successful they were at getting their way by acting like terrorists, they now plan on using that tactic ALL THE TIME.

    Holding the country hostage, like this prick Cantor is up to with this disaster relief ploy, is the next example of such a rotten thing to do to the voters.

    Because Fox channel will not report on such things, most of the feebleminded will know nothing about all this.

  29. Anonymous9:14 PM

    How about making sure the spending cuts come from money allocated to Cantor's district?

    That way he can beat his chest that he held out for spending cuts, and then explain why his district won't be rebuilding either.

    Kinda like how he was opposed to TARP, but the private bank his wife works for was happy to take TARP money.

  30. Anonymous9:30 PM

    I refer to him as sniveling rat bastard...looks like one anyway.

    Totally heartless and self absorbed man.I am not sure he would be easily dislodged from his seat, but if we could give the gavel back to Pelosi, we could diminish his impact. Boehner should also watch his back, snively is as much his enemy as he is his ally.

  31. Gasman9:34 PM

    Let's see how well his hurricane ravaged fellow Virginians feel about his holding their suffering hostage so he can engage in his little pissing contest. I'd say that pulling this kind of bullshit might damn well make Cantor vulnerable come 2012. The best way to shake up the GOP bullies would be to toss out some of their leaders out on their asses. If you want to put an abrupt end to this kind of crap, vote out Cantor and Boner. Poof! The teabaggers are gone!

    I seriously don't see how Cantor thinks this is going to play out in his favor.

    What a miserly, odious little turd he is.

  32. It amazes me over and over again why these horrible people have no shame. They do not care if they show the entire world how selfish and inhumane they are. How embarrassing and how sad. He is disgusting and yes, very, very, creepy. I hope he pays for what he is.

  33. Anonymous9:43 PM

    One writer pegged it exactly: Fox Noise will 'report it' as though it were Obama, not Cantor, who was holding up the funding. Can't we all just hear it now?

    Does anyone else remember last year, when Cantor lied about a 'gunfire attack' on his Richmond office, claiming his life was at risk, and the Richmond police investigated and responded by saying, 'nuh-uh; didn't happen, it was a randomly-fired bullet.' At the time, Cantor had argued that democrats were "dangerously fanning the flames" of violence. Projection much?

    I hope Virginians will do a re-call.

  34. Anonymous9:54 PM

    I've said essentially this same thing elsewhere today..

    Michele Bachmann thinks we should lower the minimum wage to remain competive with overseas labor. I think we should reset the salaries and benefits of our Congress people, and base it on her minimum wage formula. Republicans have taken it upon themselves to interfere with governance,they work a 3.5 day work week, are on 2 weeks than off. They are refusing to meet with constituents, putting them on watch lists for raising complaints, confiscating cameras, and camera phones, and best of all charging service fees for the privilege of face time. They have signed pledges of allegiance to powerful lobbies, Norquist and AlEC, outside of their oath of duty to the Constitution and their constituents. The lack of productivity of the 112th Congress is a matter of record, and its abysmal....and they continue to give the middle finger to America in their zealotry to interfere with governing and their obsessive desire to reclaim power, and drag America into a new system of government. Theocracy, oligarchy, fascism...whatever it is, it does not resemble Democracy. At @ $175,000 a year and benefits, I think they owe us not just an answer, but a refund.

  35. Anonymous10:00 PM

    All I have to say to these republicans is Karma. What goes around comes around. Your day will come. As my mother used to say..God don't like Ugly!!

  36. This scumbag is Boner's lapdog.

    The two of them, together, are the Apocalypse for the poor, the minorities, the unemployed, the needy, the victims of natural disaster, the proponents of education/healthcare/small-business.

    These cloven-hooved creatures send chills through me.

  37. Now, the Tea Party does not take hostages. I have been corrected on this issue many times. However, they will not release the hostages they did not take unless you do what they want.

  38. 'hey americans, I am going to withhold EMERGENCY funds from you because playing political games is more important to me than your emergencies.'

    7:06 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Yeah he's kind of a dick. BUT they need to cut unnecessary spending, without withholding aid in dire situations.

    7:08 PM

    "KIND OF???" a dick??!?!?1

    There are some non-negotiables in life. Assisting people in time of an emergency, i.e. TO SAVE LIVES/LIFE is of the UTMOST importance.

    Again, if these were ALL pregnant women THREATENING to have ABORTIONS, Cantor and his "ill-k" would RUN TO THE AIRWAVES to say HOW PRECIOUS LIFE IS!!!!!!!!!

    Precious until the baby takes a breath, apparently.

    Anyway. I love to hear y'all talk about "unnecessary spending". Why don't YOU tell us what that spending is, and we'll tell you whether or not you think it's "unnecessary".

    Also, just curious, were you THIS concerned about our spending when we were UNDER Bush? Reagan? Ya know, the guys who FORCED OUR NATION INTO DEBT AND UNDER CHINA'S MONETARY THUMB?

    Were you?

  39. Punkinbugg10:38 PM

    Hey Eric! While you are looking for spending cuts to offset disaster relief, how 'bout attaching that federal disaster relief to retiring a few of the Bush tax cuts?

    Let's say for every state affected, a millionaire loses a percentage point of tax benefits... or a Big Oil company loses a tax subsidy... until all the victims are back in their homes? Sounds like a plan!!

  40. Anonymous10:50 PM

    No missive from Sarah telling Pres. Obama how to manage the hurricane support efforts??? She must be waiting for her talking points to tell him what she thinks he did wrong when it is over...

  41. Anonymous10:50 PM

    This guy gives me the creeps...hope he goes in next election cycle. No wonder the Republican party in Congress is so disliked...he isn't helping them one bit!

  42. Who the eff votes for these sorry excuses for human beings?! Compassionate Conservative? Where? I'm all about reining in government spending, but why would you look to cut programs that help actual people instead of bullshit tax dodgers and corporations? Oh, right. Never mind.


  43. Firecracker11:13 PM

    He has pulled this before but I didn't think he would pull it with his own state. He said the same thing when Joplin, Missouri got hit with the tornado. I do hope his constituents vote him out of office.

  44. Anonymous2:13 AM

    "Eric Cantor will withhold disaster funding" ----- since when can one man claim thet HE will do something this drastic ?

    What, should we call him Dictator Canton now ?? Or perhaps King Cantor ? Is Eric Canbtor sudddenly the High Commander of the United States ?

    I thought this was a democracy ?

  45. barney2:41 AM

    Yes, I live in Virginia and old Eric is a complete ass.

    He and Glenn Beck are two of a kind, both idiots and assholes.

    The reason I mention Glenn Beck is because everyone knows who he is and how totally un-american he is; well Eric Cantor is just as wing nuttery as old Glenn. I hope Eric never gets elected dog catcher or elected ever again.

  46. barney2:49 AM

    I forgot to add that millions in Virginia have no electricity due to Irene.

    We have power here where I live and we only got a little rain here in southwest Virginia where I live.

  47. Anonymous3:12 AM

    He should sue the dentist who gave him those HORSE teeth. Time for Cantor to get a real job, stop taking his tax-funded salary and health care. THAT would save money.

  48. ManxMamma3:33 AM

    I certainly hope that he has enjoyed the full brunt of the storm and that there is a worse one to come for him.

  49. Anonymous3:45 AM

    These idiot Republicans supported Bush's two wars at the same time as cutting taxes for the wealthiest Americans. No new taxes to pay for war! That was their mantra; we'll do it on the cheap. That's how fiscally unsound they are. That's what caused our problems today and now they refuse to reinstate the tax level for those super-rich Americans (think Kardashian $10 million wedding) and they refuse to make corporations pay their share of the tax burden. We can't displease our tea bagging masters!

    At the same time people should suffer and die in natural disasters without any aid from the federal government. Well, I say let's eliminate any pension, benefit and salary from the Republicans in Congress. They have not earned it. Use that money to help offset costs of this latest natural disaster to the national government. It won't cover much but it will be symbolic. And Rand Paul is a jerk; all his whining about too much government - well he has benefitted from it for long enough. And remember Cantor's hysteria when a bullet went through the window of his office in Virginia. But never have any kind of gun control!

    By the way, complaints that Bill Keller's NYT column as the cause of Hurricane Irene's wrath in the northeast will be coming forth from these Republican nincompoops any minute now.

  50. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Can some one start a facebook page or a petition to reduce congressional salaries in the name of reducing government spending? I would but I am not on facebook.

  51. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Unfortunately he is my congressman and he is lucky I have not have the unfortunate opportunity to be within yelling distance of him-----yet! I leave nasty msggs on his office line all the time, but for some reason the inbox is always at capacity--I wonder why? He is the lowest life form.

  52. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Let's start offsetting it by taking away every penny of federal money that goes into Cantor's district.

  53. Anonymous said...
    Yeah he's kind of a dick. BUT they need to cut unnecessary spending, without withholding aid in dire situations.
    7:08 PM
    Except that his whole point, and the point of this post, is that he will tie spending cuts to providing aid in dire/emergency situations.

    Spending cuts should not even be in a discussion of providing emergency aid.

    Spending cuts should not have one. single. thing. to do with providing aid in an emergency.

    Just as proposed spending cuts should not have had one. single. thing. to do with providing the funds to pay debts already incurred via spending authorized by Congress.

    He's not kind of a dick, he's a total dick. He knowingly made investments that would pay off in the event of a default and then did everything he could to ensure that a default would occur. For that alone, he should be fully investigated and in the meantime stripped of all committee positions.

  54. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Gryphen: "What kind of cowardly piece of bull feces holds victims of a disaster hostage so that he can earn a couple of political points with the tiny minority of Teabaggers currently holding the GOP hostage?"

    Just about every Republican in office, at every level. Here in North Carolina, the Republican-dominated state legislator held unemployment checks hostage unless Governor Perdue agreed to their draconian budget. She didn't negotiate. Instead, she issued an executive order to send out the checks. Unfortunately, she's probably going to lose the next election because this state is turning red again. It makes me sick to my stomach. This state is full of struggling people, and they just don't seem to get that today's Republican not only doesn't care, they actually put all the blame on those that are struggling.

  55. Anonymous said.
    Taking his anti-government ideology to its logical extreme, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) told NBC News’ Jo Ling Kent today that there should be no national response to Hurricane Irene, and that government responses should revert back to how they were over 100 years ago. “We should be like 1900, we should be like 1940 1950 1960,” he said. “I live on the gulf coast, we deal with hurricanes all the time.” Of course, the Gulf Coast sometimes deals with them less well thanks to a botched national response. Paul, who has called for abolishing FEMA, dismissed the organization because it is “a great contribution to deficit financing.”

    If our nation keeps electing people like this to office, then our nation can indeed regress a hundred years.
    7:27 PM
    Really, Ron Paul? Really? We should deal with hurricanes as we dealt with them in 1900?

    Go ahead, anyone, Google Galveston hurricane 1900 and see what comes up.

  56. To Anon at 6:51, I live in NC, too. The Outer Banks got heavy flooding and damage. But you know what bothers me? Guys like Cantor can screw little people like the poor High Tiders in their flooded out trailers all day long, but in the end those poor conservatives will still support the Republicans because they've been told it's the Christian things to do.

  57. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Fuck you, Cantor, you slimy piece of shit. Go straight to hell.

  58. Anonymous5:43 AM

    All of those republcans who have pledged to the oath of Grover Nordquist should be recalled in a recall election. That pledge is BS. They raised their right hand and took an oath when sworn into office to do whats best for the United States of America. You cannot searve two Gods. You either serve one or the other. Vote or recall them out of office just like they did in Wisconsin.

  59. Randall6:06 AM

    This is what happens when you elect the wealthy son of a rich man.

    He knows no compassion.

    He only knows money.

    It's all he's ever known or cared about.

  60. Anonymous6:07 AM

    This is par for the republibagger course these days. They'll use any crisis as an opportunity to forward their backwards thinking agenda (UI extension/shrub tax cut extension). Hell, they'll even drum up a crisis if they think it can create a hostage situation, as was evidenced in the debt ceiling bullshit. Anyone who votes for these fucking douchebags is out of their mind.

    Oh, I almost forgot. FUCK YOU, CANTOR!!! May a tree fall on your house and crush your Barbie doll collection.

  61. Randall6:13 AM

    It would be something for some website to run non-stop the photographs of the mansions our leaders live in.

    Romney's house (sub title: we need to cut spending)
    Cantor's mansion (no disaster relief for YOU)
    McCain's mansion. McCain's other mansion, McCain's OTHER mansion, etc.


    Perhaps a scroll of their net worth as well.

    I think it would be stunning.

    And maybe game-changing for many voters.

  62. Anonymous6:16 AM

    We could cut the money we give Cantor's paisans in Israel. They're hardly needy- they have universal 'big gubmint' healthcare.

  63. Anonymous6:18 AM

    LoveandKissesfromBrooklyn ,love you thought process. Was sort of thinking the same, only with Pat Robertson in the hot seat.

  64. Anonymous6:41 AM

    This is what repubaggers call "common sense."


  65. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Morgan, I'm anon 6:51 responding back to your post. I hear you about how North Carolina voters will continue to elect these phonies because they claim to be Christians. But if these voters who say this is important to them were truly studying Scripture and taking it to heart, they'd be able to clearly see what wolves in sheep's clothing the Republicans are. So maybe the whole damn lot of them are phonies, too.

  66. Anonymous6:47 AM

    "And even before this, there's always been something about him that kind of creeps me out. He looks like a scary dude.

    6:51 PM"

    Maybe it's his sneaking and using his clout at a britney spears concert when he was suppose to be in his district or in Washington.


  67. It is pretty interesting watching Eric Cantor suck up to the Tea Party. The buzz is he wants to be Speaker. He is also Jewish.

    To be speaker he would need the Tea Partiers and the fundies to support him. If that happens, it will be interesting to hear what sort of rationalizations we get from the "Christian nation" crowd that they support a guy who rejects Jesus as lord.

    Set cognitive dissonance to 11, and enjoy the show.

  68. Anonymous7:15 AM

    First, and above all, I hope everyone came through the storm with little if any damage. We got hit hard, and when I called my home owner's insurance, they tried to pull the "Act of God" bullshit, I have no flood insurance becuase the closest flood zone is 70 miles away, and it hasn't flooded there since 1942. My husband is fit to be tied, I hope he doesn't get sick over it.
    I'm not backing down until everythings fixed.

    And the same goes for this amoebic, pablum puking idiot. Works two weeks, gets off two weeks, not to mention the perks.

    Democrats better oust these people, or we're all screwed. After Bush's Katrina response, Obama showed what true leadership and compassion are.

    This is America, dammit, and American's are better than this. Cut funding from the poor and disabled to fund disaster relief.

    I agree, this is one turd that has no balls nor conscience.

    Christie was on tv all day, with his cold sores and stretch marks, thanking everyone but the President and Federal Funds that poured into his state, he's another Cantor, all mouth and no nutzzz.
    When these guys call for a state of emergency, they get funds from whom? The federal government and FEMA.

    Thank the President and the Federal Government, workers and taxpayers instead of bloviating and doing the rooster walk for the camera.

    Can you tell I'm pissed?

    Four more years for President Obama.

  69. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Tell me cantor the king, if you want only citizens to help in disasters, how would this be coordinated? Where would the experts and equipment come from? How would you know the good guy from the bad?

    How about a pandemic happens, then what, you myopic ignorant creepy fool?


  70. Anonymous7:55 AM

    @6:46 am responding that YOU are 6:51 in NC..... not sure what you're doing or if it was a mistake, but you are not 6:51, I am.

    I guess I'll just let it go, but if you're playing games, please stop it.

    I agree with other posters that care about emergency services and the teams who are out in the storm trying to help restore power, get people to safety, etc. One of the deaths was a child who was in a car that was hit in the middle of an intersection because the power was out. I am just sick about that.

    So please 6:46, don't speak for me.

  71. emrysa8:01 AM

    Nefer quotes Ron Paul @ 5:29 am:

    "Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) told NBC News’ Jo Ling Kent today that there should be no national response to Hurricane Irene, and that government responses should revert back to how they were over 100 years ago. “We should be like 1900, we should be like 1940 1950 1960,” he said.

    and there you have it... people have said for years that ron paul wants to take the country back decades, and now he finally admits it. in this piece he specifies "government response to hurricanes," but his 'taking the country back decades' is a central theme in his policies that is not specific to any one issue.

  72. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Anon at 7:55 am: "@6:46 am responding that YOU are 6:51 in NC..... not sure what you're doing or if it was a mistake, but you are not 6:51, I am.

    I guess I'll just let it go, but if you're playing games, please stop it."

    It WAS a mistake, I should have said I was poster 5:19, but I automatically (without scrolling up to read all the prior posts) assumed the poster who said "I'm from NC, too" was referring to me, because as I mentioned in my post, I'm in NC, as well. As are you, apparently. So there are three of us in NC who are disgusted with GOP policies, great! No need to get so touchy as I didn't say anything in my post that seemed much different from your own.

  73. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Once again, Cantor has shown that he doesn't give a rat's butt about middle class Americans. He demands CUTS while he fiercely protects tax breaks for the very wealthiest and corporations. Hopefully this petty individual will be voted out when he comes up for re-election.

  74. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Start with your salary, Eric.

  75. DetroitSam10:21 AM

    To Barney in Virginia: can you please explaine how it is tat Cantor and people like him are continually elected to office?

    I ask this question about a lot of the politicians like Cantor, but have never seen an explanation.

  76. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Eric Cantor, terrorist extraordinaire. We can only hope that some competent other run against this giant nincompoop.

  77. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Wouldn't it be sweet if God did a little avenging against this big ole piece of crap?

  78. Cricket11:46 AM

    Unfortunately, he's my congressperson. I can't stand him. When W was president, you can bet he didn't demand that this stuff had to be paid for. The Repubs were too busy making sure that Florida got all the emergency/disaster help they needed, to keep the Florida Republican voters happy.

  79. Olivia2:01 PM

    Anonymous @10:38. I think God is already doing his avenging on these pieces of crap only they think he is avenging the other side. All the disasters that are happening are God punishing people for all the money grubbing phoney Christian garbage they are pushing in Washington and throughout the country. I'm just waiting for Pat Robertson to be struck by lighting and a big booming female voice comes from the sky and says "Take that, you lying, scamming son of a bitch!, I'll show you who's in charge!"

  80. Anonymous10:26 PM

    OK, I feel a lot better knowing that so many people agree that Eric Cantor is a piece of shit! (I just saw him on TV and Googled "Eric Cantor is a piece of". Very cheering how many hits I got!

  81. Anonymous8:22 PM

    The Jewish supremacist pig Cantor is not unique for being a rich, rotten, racist, union-hating "fiscally conservative" Southern Jewish politician. Another that comes to mind was Henry Loeb, who was elected mayor of Memphis a few months before Martin Luther King was assassinated with the collusion of elements of Loeb's Memphis Police Department and the U.S. government, with an assist from organized crime.


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