Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hey, Rick Perry made it onto the cover of MAD magazine! Or did he?

Nah, it's not real. But it IS real good!

And let me extend a warm thank you to Mark, for using his bout of insomnia to create this wonderful graphic for the folks here at IM.


  1. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Watching Morning Joe this morning and do I see??? Jeb Bush talking about how the current crop of candidates need to knock-off the negativity regarding Obama and start talking about the issues.

    The panel kept drooling over Jeb and "how presidential" he sounded.

    Egads. I'd been worried that the GOP would trot out Jeb at the last moment. Hope he wasn't testing the water.

  2. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Ever heard of copyright infringement?

  3. Anonymous4:07 AM

    it looks real to me. but a santorum smoothie, ewwwwwwww.

  4. Anonymous4:18 AM

    When begging for money, does Rick sign his letters..."with a Texan heart"?

    Maybe Sarah needs to sign her's "With an Arizonan heart"

  5. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Gryphen, I have no idea if my last comment went through.

    I said something like:

    You have a nasty troll problem. I don't mean bot troll, I mean trolls like mediainsider who are unbalanced enough that they go to any blog that will approve comments and create these imaginative stories regarding Sarah and Trig and company .

    The sad part is, they are the ones who appear sad and pitiful. But I'm sad for anyone who has no life and feels fulfillment in slandering other people. Almost as bad as I feel for the people wo believe them.

  6. GBIllinois4:49 AM

    Santorum smoothie!! LMAO!

    I love this place.

  7. Anonymous6:12 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    Ever heard of copyright infringement?
    3:38 AM"

    Ever heard of Asshole?

  8. Anonymous6:24 AM

    3:38am what on earth are you talking about? How does copyright infringement have anything at all to do with this post? do you not understand the concept of satire and parody? Are you a teabagger?

  9. Mark Sumpter6:36 AM

    Thanks Gryphyn for the kudos... My next one is going to be on the theme of 2 republicans and a cup, just looking for the right images but most of the candidates seem shy about eating in public (except Michelle and Sarah but corn dogs wont work in this instance).

    On the subject of copyright infringement most companies use 2 tests to make a case. First of if their intellectual property is being used out of the scope of its purpose, and second if they directly or indirectly are being harmed or losing revenue from the use of their property. Neither is true in this instance. Yes they could issue a DMCA to have it removed but it really isn't worth their time to do so as it would cost more than any damage it might be causing.

  10. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Gads this is excellent:
    Rick and Michelle sharing a corn dog

  11. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Rick Perry is heavily invested in America's largest pornography-producing company.

    His chief of staff was also a lobbyist for Merck during the time when Perry tried to impose mandatory HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccines on 6TH GRADE GIRLS.

    As of 2008, 21 girls had already died from receiving the HPV injection (this number is now obsolete: dozens and dozens of girls have died from the injection), and thousands of adverse reactions have already been reported. The vaccine is not yet even proven to prevent cervical cancer, a disease some believe may be caused by promiscuous sex.

    So much for prayer rallies, 'abstinence', and family values. All hat and no cattle is an understatement for this fraudulent (and apparently amoral) wanna-be.

  12. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Mark, thank you for sharing this delightful cartoon and looking for more to follow.

    If only I could draw ... I would have a caricature of all current repubs presidential candidates dancing in a conga line. Miss Divisive, $aint $arah, would be on her hands and knees throwing banana peels under their feet which reflects her contribution to her political party. Oh I can see Tricky Ricky smoking his corn dog and gold bling bling. Newt wearing with his diamond tiara and diamond bling bling. Miss Submissive B, carrying her ball and chain with the chain being tied around her ankle... all dancing to Jail House Rock. If only I could draw.

  13. Gasman8:39 AM

    P-rick; I LOVE IT! I guess if we spell it "P-Rick" we could say that it's his rap name.

    Anon @ 3:38,
    Ever heard of fair use and parody? There is a long and well established right for artists to parody existing works. This isn't copyright infringement.

  14. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Are we PAYING the artist who designed the parody Mad cover? No.

    Everyone seems to think you can sue someone else, for just pissing you off--as if a judge is going to bang down his gavel and allow you the right to whap your opponent upside the head.

    You have to prove you lost MONEY to form a lawsuit (showing just how our society worships the green, above loss of dignity, or whatever).

  15. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Love It! Especially the santorum smoothie

    Anonymous @ 3:31

    Yeah I caught Morning Joe with Jeb, had pretty much the same reaction. He admonished the current crop of candidates from blaming everything on the vile Black man in the office who can do no right. He was pretending to be a centrist while slamming most of Obama's accomplishments, while telling the others to pull back on laying blame for everything.

    Obama would easily wipe this mans clock if he became a candidate, and he knows it.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.