Wednesday, August 24, 2011

President Obama explains the relevance of the Constitution to children. Perhaps the Teabaggers should pay attention as well. They might learn something.

I would like to see ANY of these so-called Tea Party Republicans answer these questions with the same clarity and confidence with which President Obama is answering them. I have little doubt they would fail miserably. You can see more of these wonderful interviews by clicking here.


  1. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Compare that to Sarah Palin's third attempt at trying to figure out exactly, what the Vice President does.

    Sarah Palin has no common sense, she's just painfully and destructively stupid.

  2. Anonymous5:52 AM

    o/t but someone had some free time to put over 100 pics in chronological order.

  3. Oh, this president is sooooo good.
    I still revel in the fact that we have a SMART president this time around. What a joy.

  4. ...To add to Anon @ 5:33 AM's thought, Sarah Palin's view of the 1st Amendment is 180 degrees opposite from that of President Obama (and every other person who learned about the Constitution in grade school).

    "If [the media] convince enough voters that that is negative campaigning, for me to call Barack Obama out on his associations, then I don't know what the future of our country would be in terms of First Amendment rights and our ability to ask questions without fear of attacks by the mainstream media."

    That was the FIRST time she displayed her ignorance about the 1st Amendment publicly. There's more.

  5. Anonymous6:21 AM

    The teabaggers are racists who hate America, hate non-white people and hate the Constitution. They are domestic terrorists and the enemy of the people of the United States. They are low-life scum with no common sense, no morals and no intelligence. These are the facts.

  6. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Dry your eyes, citizens of Wasilla. Levi Johnston will definitely not be your next mayor.

    The AP reported Tuesday that Johnston, Bristol Palin’s former fiancĂ©, “isn't an official candidate for the Oct. 4 election.”

    Considering Johnston was declared the most unpopular person in politics by Alaskans last year, this news shouldn't break too many hearts.

    Johnston’s first book, “Deer in the Headlights: My Life in Sarah Palin's Crosshairs,” is scheduled for release next month. He has a book tour planned but his lawyer, Rex Butler, didn’t cite the book as the reason he isn't seeking office. He said Johnston is just “too busy to run.”

  7. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Poll Of Early Insiders Has Rotten News For Palin

    And while Sarah Palin is gearing up for a major speech in Iowa, just 8 percent want her to run.

  8. I love hearing him speak. You can see the joy in his eyes when he hears these kids questions. I bet he was a great teacher!

    Benjamin Franklin was also my favorite founding father for all of the reasons that President Obama listed. Thomas Jefferson was a close second, but if I could actually talk with one of them, it would be Benjamin Franklin.

  9. BAustin7:19 AM

    and compare that with creepy Rick Perry telling the little boy about evolution and creationism.

  10. Anonymous8:14 AM

    President Obama is a special person for our times. It is refreshing to hear him speak. Sad to see his aging before our eyes. He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. We really really need to help him by educating people, house by house, block by block, city by city, state by state- community organization...

  11. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Obama wouldn't like to sit down with ALL of the founding fathers? What is he, a terrorist? What is he hiding from America?

  12. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Anonymous 12:05

    You wouldnt have wanted to sit down with ALL the founding fathers either. Only some of them were racist rednecks like yourself. Thomas Jefferson would undoubtedly been a socialist liberal unamerican in your eyes.

  13. GBIllinois3:10 PM

    Just a thought. . .

    This new baby pic of Bristol turns up the day after the "insider" comments. . .can anyone tell when that pic was uploaded to Flickr?

    A red herring maybe?

  14. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Anonymous at 1:04, I believe that Anonymous at 12:05 was being Snarky.

    >>> Tom

  15. Anonymous5:38 PM

    1:04, calm down. I think 12:05 was making fun of SP's "all of them" response when asked who her favorite founding father was. If s/he was a real racist redneck, s/he would have said "Some of US are immigrants? That PROVES he's a muzlim terrist."

  16. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Sad that the bagger's will never see what we see because of their blind hatred.
    The connection and humanity this man has for all people, especially cildren, is profound and genuine. Notice he treats each with respect and speaks directly to them on their level.

    Not quite the same as bush reading books to kids, nothing near Sarah explaining to Jason, the "job description" she envisioned (made up) of someone who works with the house and senate as a team member and helps them pass laws that effect Jason and his family and neighbors. Paraphrasing from memory- can't be bothered to listen to her bullshit nor look up the actual clip.

  17. ibwilliamsi8:52 PM

    Yay! He chose Benj. Franklin! A couple of Renaissance men!

  18. I LOVE him!

    I LOVE that he doesn't "talk down" to those kids.

    As for meeting President Obama,
    I would poop my pants!

    If I met Sarah Palin, I would poop my pants...and throw it at her. =)

    (sorry for the imagery, but I thought the "funny" was worth it!)


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