Thursday, August 25, 2011

More fun with Photoshop.

Gee with his cranium shaped like that it kind of helps to make Perry's new nickname, P-Rick, seem even MORE appropriate.

I am just saying.

Now if you will excuse me for a moment, I have to go consume mass quantities.

(Thanks again to the creative mind of Mark.)


  1. London Bridges5:44 AM


    You used the word cranium inappropriately in reference to Perry. The cranium is that part of the skull which encompasses the brain. In leetle Ricky's case there is no brain, thus it it is not a cranium.

  2. The "anonymous" insider telling tales on your blog says SarahPAC pays $7500/month for Trig's caregivers. Someone should file a complaint. This is not "clerical work."

    Anon says Trig bonded with Todd, and Todd wants to care for him, but Sarah won't let him, just to be mean to Todd. Sad beyond words.

    Time to be a hero, Levi. If your name was ever and is still on that birth certificate, see if you can sign some rights over to Todd and let him and Bristol work it out.

  3. Can't wait for Beldar's comments.

    Funny poster. Mark is very creative.

  4. Who woulda thought the humorless Rethuglicons could provide us with even more fun after PINO Shrub?

  5. Anonymous6:27 AM

    From Playboy interview:

    Sadie: "if everybody who truly knows the Palin's would speak up, people would not still think Sarah's a good person"

    Sadie... you and Levi need to take that statement to heart and SPEAK UP!

    It is time to end Sarah's political career... you and Levi have the facts info to do it.

  6. @Anonymous 6:27. Sarah appears to be tanking her own career, but the Johnstons should speak up for Trig's sake. (And for Tripp, being taught to sneer at his aunt's picture. Children raised by children.)

    So as not to be totally off topic, Gryph, I confess to owning a plastic conehead, used at Halloweens past.

  7. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Actually, the cone appendages make them look kind of attractive--all botoxed and smooth.


  8. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Please--from an old lady--it's getting harder to control these coughing fits when you do this shit.

    : )

  9. Anonymous8:30 AM

    What's with giving Newt such a thin face?

  10. Mark Sumpter8:39 AM

    I also confess to having a cone head for me and my cat both... It was fun doing this image but it was not really up to my liking because the real people are so pasty and hard to match skin tones to the actors faces (you decide which is which). Any suggestions for the next PS compilation?

  11. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Send the whole damn bunch back to Remulac.

  12. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Brilliant satire piece!

    I had a little trouble at first figuring out who was who--only to realize all three are known for their HAIR!

    (and not much else, really)

  13. Mark Sumpter10:51 AM

    Anonymous said...
    What's with giving Newt such a thin face?
    8:30 AM

    Putting a fat old bastards face like Newts in that of a teen age girl aint easy now give me some slack it is akin to tucking an elephant into a size 3 pair of jeans. LOL

  14. Mark,your pictures have been great! And I am even more impressed if you were able to get your cat to wear a conehead.

    It wouldn't be funny, but would be instructive, if you could Photoshop a 7 mos. pregnant belly under Sarah's clothes in that March 14 flat belly photo (w/Sean & Sandy) and then put the two pics side by side.

  15. Beldar Fiberglass Conehead2:53 PM

    Gryphen, I'm speechless...

    I'm not a huge fan of pornography - and when I need to get my forehead burnished I prefer visiting - but this... this... this image... it's perhaps the single most intensely erotic artwork I've ever seen.

    I hope your talented contributor follows this quintessentially conehead "scene" to its natural Remulakian conclusion where the somewhat female-like conehead - on the right - lovingly beats the older genderless conehead (on the left) to death with a large prendilcaj while the one we call Prick or "the handsome idiot" - in the middle - happily chugs a disgusting bucket full of putrified clarge nurgles. (It makes a lot more sense on Remulak, I assure you)

    Keep up the good work!

  16. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Mark @ 10:51:

    That's the second time you've made me laugh out loud today!
    Thanks for answering my question. He is a fat, old bastard, that's for sure.

  17. Grouchodawg1:34 PM

    P-Rick, what a great moniker. I will forever use it when talking about him...even better than Scary Perry!!!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.