Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Lawmakers puzzled by last minute SarahPAC donations. "Uh, thanks?" Update!

"Dear (fill in the blank), thank you for being a common sense patriot, that ignores silly distractions like logic or facts. Here's some money."
Courtesy of The Hill:

The 13 lawmakers who received campaign donations from former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) have one thing in common — none of them got advance notice the checks were coming.

Palin distributed $65,000 to candidates during the first half of this year, according to a Federal Election Commission (FEC) filing this month by Sarah PAC, Palin's political action committee.

But the lawmakers who received donations said they never heard from the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee — and possible 2012 presidential candidate — or her representatives about the money.

"The check showed up; there was no discussion ahead of time," said a spokesman for the campaign of Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.), one of 11 House Republicans and two GOP senators to receive donations.
The contributions were unsolicited and unheralded, according to the lawmakers who received the donations and their campaign committees.

Palin doled out the maximum $5,000 to 13 incumbent Republicans: Sens. Bob Corker (Tenn.) and Roger Wicker (Miss.) both received donations, as did Reps. Lou Barletta (Pa.), Larry Bucshon (Ind.), Ann Marie Buerkle (N.Y.), Francisco "Quico" Canseco (Texas), Mike Coffman (Colo.), Sean Duffy (Wis.), Renee Ellmers (N.C.), Mike Fitzpatrick (Pa.), Martha Roby (Ala.), Allen West (Fla.) and Hartzler.

The contributions were all made on the penultimate day of the second quarter, June 29, with the exception of one sent to Coffman, which was a debt retirement check sent Jan. 31.

You know I hate to be negative, but it KIND of seems that the super sharp accountants running SarahPAC were completely caught off guard by the fact that it was the end of the quarter, and time to quickly dole out some money to politicians in order to continue the facade that they are a political action committee, and not just a tax free pool of readily available money that Sarah Palin can use for things like bus tours, baby nannies, road kill inspired fright wigs, and of course monetary gifts for those who troll the internet leaving nasty remarks on liberal blogs on Palin's behalf. (You don't expect Bristol, Willow, and Piper to get real jobs do you?)

And what makes me think it was last minute?

In the cases of Corker and Wicker, Palin's contributions are especially head-scratching for political observers because of the ire both members have drawn from the right. Wicker has long been known as an advocate of so-called pork projects, and conservatives bristled at Corker's work with then-Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) last year on Wall Street reform legislation. (Corker eventually bailed from talks.)

"Wicker and Corker in particular make exciting prospects for the Tea Party movement," wrote Erick Erickson, the head of the influential conservative blog RedState, the day after last fall's election.

Hmm, it sort of looks like WHOEVER made the decision as to which lawmakers were to receive this $65,000 did their research by simply visiting Redstate and reading that old article, and did not bother to find out if the individuals named were STILL embracing teabagger ideals.  Doesn't it?

Well perhaps I am being too much of a cynic (I do that sometimes), surely the people of SarahPAC would be happy to clear this up.

A spokesman for Sarah PAC did not respond to emails seeking an explanation as to the former governor's contributions.

Or then again, perhaps not. 

You know maybe if the little SarahPAC elves were to follow their Queen's example, and write on their hands that they needed to make a few political donations BEFORE the end of the quarter, they might not look like such complete amateurs.

No your eyes are not deceiving you, the moron is STILL writing notes on her hand.
After all, look how intelligent it makes her appear!

Update: Just to rub salt in this wound, I now have learned that many of the lawmakers who received donations from SarahPAC also voted to RAISE THE DEBT CEILING.

Sens. Bob Corker Tennessee and Roger Wicker of Mississippi both voted for the compromise and had already received $5,000 donations from SarahPAC this year. So did Reps. Lou Barletta of Pennsylvania, Larry Bucshon of Indiana, Francisco "Quico" Canseco of Texas, Mike Coffman of Colorado (whose check was not designated for his 2012 race, but was instead donated to help retire his 2008 debt), Sean Duffy of Wisconsin, Renee Ellmers of North Carolina, Mike Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania and Allen West of Florida.

If you will excuse me I think I will try to be a little helpful for a change, make a call to Sears, and put a new refrigerator on layaway for the Palins.  Somehow I think they are going to need one.


  1. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Stoned on national tv...again. Did she really fark on an earlier show and no one cut the sound? That is rich!

  2. Beldar Phil Abuster Conehead6:10 PM

    Yeah, if someone like THAT became president, the country would do everything, such as raising the arbitrary debt ceiling, at the last minute. Think how much disruption and market uncertainty that would cause....

  3. angela6:12 PM

    I believe the idiots have done this before. Didn't she squeeze out a grand for a DS foundation on the last day of the quarter?

    Its just SarahPAC as Sarah's personal ATM—until they remember its not supposed to be.

  4. wakeUpAmerica6:20 PM

    And writing on her hillbilly hand is better than a teleprompter how? Not to mention she always uses a teleprompter as well. Hypocrite much, Sarah? Here's your sign

  5. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Sarah, write on your hand, "Shut the fuck up!" When you are tempted to speak, refer to your hand with the writing on it. Read the written instructions on your hand. Do what the instructions say. Repeat these steps as needed...forever.


  6. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Hahaha! So pathetic. Sarah, use your PAC money to buy a fucking clue.
    Thanks for a great end to my day Gryph - you rock!

  7. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Click here to support SarahPAC with a financial contribution. We're dedicated to building America's future by supporting RINO's of all stripes.

  8. Anonymous6:27 PM

    "He's my baby!" "My grandson!" "My baby!" "My grandson!" slap-slap-slap! Time to tell the truth, Quitter! (With apologies to Faye Dunnaway in the great movie, "Chinatown.")

  9. Anonymous6:35 PM

    More amateur night from Cross Hairs Palin.
    This is why running for POTUS would be so legally perilous for Palin.
    Once she would declare, all kinds of extremely complex and stringent federal rules and regulations kick in.
    Rules and regulations that must be
    scrupulously adhered to.
    See John Edwards...
    Palin had the professional and experienced McCain organization behind her when
    they foolishly picked her as their Veep candidate.
    Now she's got Todd ,
    Bristol ,Hannity and Piper.
    If she doesn't properly and truthfully
    cross every t and dot every i-she could wind up in an orange jumpsuit.
    See Martha Stewart...
    Plus, if she thought the ethics complaints were so frivolous in Alaska,
    wait till the media ,
    the Democrats, other Republicans
    and the FEC and the DOJ and
    their legal teams go over
    all her filings with a fine tooth comb.
    Ignorance and stupidity might
    be a resume enhancer for FOX News
    and the Tea Party , but ,
    she can't use that excuse with the FEC .
    When she screws up her filings
    as we all know she will,
    screaming that the FEC and the DOJ
    are jealous of her and everyone on their staff is either
    gay , a pal of terrorists,
    a RINO and a socialist
    will not keep her out of a federal penitentiary.
    Even God won't be able to help her.
    Plus, the only time she'll get to see her wigs
    is when Todd wears, brings
    them on visiting days.

  10. laprofesora6:35 PM

    Now that I'm certain Paylin has no chance of getting anywhere near the WH, the only thing left to do is sit back and enjoy the show. Will she melt down on O'Reilly's show, smearing her make-up and tearing off her wig? Or will the stress of babygate, the upcoming film and several books cause her to hide under the bed in a fetal position, clutching a dried up Crunchwrap Supreme she found on the floor? No matter how she goes down, it's all good.

  11. laprofesora6:55 PM

    Hey, Gryph, nice idea about the fridge, but I'll bet the Paylins have a standing order at Sears to deliver a new one every month.

  12. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Oh shit, a PAC is for what again? Not just like my private fund trust? How much OPM can I have? And why do I have to be open, transparent and accountable? Didn't I give up that damn job?

  13. Anonymous7:04 PM

    She and her staff must have put surveyor's marks all over Congressional Districts and threw darts at the last minute to arbitrarily fulfill a PAC's obligations other than to pay for her flights of fancy. . .

  14. Anonymous7:05 PM

    What a dithering fool.

  15. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Wonder if Sarah will want her money back from the 10 out of 13 who voted for the bill.

  16. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Hey Retard! What happened to the rest of the Palin Family SarahPac Summer Vacation?

    Summer is over and I'm going back to school and all I learned was Paul Revere rode through town warning the British. I need more info! Your SarahPac website is still asking for money for your tour. Is this another one of your scams?

  17. Anonymous7:24 PM

    I may have to start watching her live appearances just to make sure I see her flame out. She'll veer off message somewhere, then totally blow it trying to over correct and get back on script, then that jaw clenching and chin jut action and we'll be off to the races! Once she starts spewing that venom she will NOT be interrupted, redirected or otherwise saved from her own meltdown...they'll have to cut to commercial.

    So much fun. Sucks to be her.

  18. Anonymous7:25 PM

    MOM! I need more cramp pills. Can I use my SarahPac debit card for my refills like I did before?


  19. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I'm waiting for the crooked wig to slide sideways, the meds to dampen her inhibitions, and her to cut loose with all the vilest language and ideas she's held back, like some B movie horror flick with flecks of toxic spittle flying from her glossy lips.

    Reading this, Sarah? Next time you see the light come on the camera, just remember that your time's coming, and we'll all be watching.

  20. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Ha, and I bet she will find all this out by reading IM. :)>

  21. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I'm sending my check back to that Biotch. Sarah can't buy me.


  22. Anonymous7:41 PM

    She most likely jots things on her hand in case her teleprompter goes down. One can see it reflected in her glasses when she tilts her chin up. She just can't seem to remember to keep it down.

  23. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Another one for your blog

  24. Dinty7:50 PM

    @Anonymous 6:10

    Sorta sounded like it, but it can't be,since I managed to get a screencap of the notes she had written in her hand for the appearance:

  25. Anonymous8:02 PM

    It is fitting that Broomfield's Palin documentry will be shown at the well respected Toronto Film Festival. While the rest of the the world saw Palin for what she is,a stupid, vile racist bigot the lamestream media here was propping her up.

    Let us see how she tries to fill sarahpac.

  26. Anonymous8:16 PM

    You know the people at Fox News in NY are laughing about the crazy lady in her home studio ranting like an over-medicated old aunt. She gets more incoherent and disheveled with each appearance. She's clearly traversed into Onion territory at this point.

  27. Anonymous8:23 PM

    What an idiot...I did suffer through the video just to determine if I could hear her fart and I heard it. What a fine professional woman she isn't. She makes me literally want to barf all over her!

    Stay in Alaska, Palin, even though the residents don't want you there either.

  28. Gasman8:26 PM

    Palin's operation is a ship of fools. She is such an incompetent shithead that she cannot attract serious seasoned professionals to work for her, so she is left with a motley crew of misfits and fuckups who couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel. This kind of idiocy is exactly what I would suspect from any organization that has even a tangential connection with the simpering moron cow.

    Man, a Palin POTUS campaign would be nothing but comedic gold from start to finish.

    Come on Sarah, you narcissistic ignoramus, you KNOW you want to run. We could all use some good belly laughs.

  29. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Does Shailey Tripp get a monthly check from SarahPac?

    If not you better put her on your monthly payroll to hush her up like you do Todd's other prostitutes and Trig's mom.

  30. AJ Billings9:20 PM

    KIDS< just in from FOX NEWS>, the Fox's The Five Show.

    Some of their talking heads
    (Greg Gutfeld and Bob Beckel) admit ON CAMERA that they pull their "punches with Palin" since they are her co-workers.
    Literally admitting for the world to see that they don't ask tough questions, and when she screws up or gets answers wrong, the just say "Oh, that was right"

    DAMN!!.. Gryphen, folks! This needs to captured before Murdoch or Palin see it and pull that video!!


    Full URL
    get captured

  31. Anonymous9:22 PM

    If you don't feel good about 2012, this might make you feel better.

    "Obama’s New Talking Point

    The debt deal raises additional hurdles for Republican presidential candidates, argues Ed Kilgore in The New Republic.

    "The big debt limit vote in Congress, it is increasingly obvious, is just an appetizer for the divisive, voter-alienating struggles it has built into the schedule at key points during the 2012 presidential campaign, making an eventual GOP presidential nominee’s efforts to “pivot to the center” an athletic feat, at best. And as Tea Party activists and other conservatives have made clear in their reactions to the deal just signed, their efforts to force everyone in the GOP to join in future hostage-taking exercises aimed at middle-class entitlements and other targets beloved of voters have just begun."

    There's more and the entire article is worth the read.

  32. Hi Gryphen: an O/T suggestion

    Have you heard about the latest voter suppression scheme by the Kock brothers and their front group, AFP? See here:

    North Hudson (WI) Man Files Voter Suppression Complaint Against Americans For Prosperity

    When Charles Shultz received an absentee ballot application form in the mail on Thursday, July 28, it didn't take long before he found something fishy with it.

    The mailer, sent by conservative advocacy group Americans For Prosperity (AFP) to his North Hudson home, included directions to mail the application to Madison instead of his village clerk.

    "It seems to me like it was an effort by this organization to delay the process or make the process more complicated," Shultz said. "And, of course the date of when it should be returned was wrong."

    That set off red flags for Shultz.

    Read more:

    I'd say you need a post about this deceitful mailer, headlined by a pic of Palin at that May rally in Wisconsin, standing at the podium behind an 'I am AFP' sign.

  33. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Sarah is not running for POTUS.

    Nobody is going to hire her to speak since she scammed everybody into thinking she is running for POTUS.

    What's left for Sarah to do is reality tv like the other uneducated unskilled Palin... Bristol.

    How come Fortune 500 companies are not clawing at Sarah to be there CEO since Sarah claims to be Alaska's CEO?

  34. Anonymous9:55 PM

    omg, off topic but so hilarious....Palin must be getting in a panic that her supporters excitedly believe she's going to announce at that rally in the tractor field. She sent her two minions in Iowa to post a letter on c4p admonishing the bots not to come to the event if that's what they're hoping for.

    "But we have no expectation that the Governor is going to announce on September 3. We counsel you against coming to Waukee on September 3, and rallying other people to do likewise, if that is your reason for coming. You will only be disappointed if she does not announce, and may miss what is going to be a deeply meaningful event."

    You just know the twenty people who were going just rushed to their phones to see if they could get airline refunds!

  35. JayKen Knotstirred11:04 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

  36. Anonymous11:26 PM

    I'm really getting sick and tired of Palin and all the other Satanic fools of the Republibagger set, continually giving their reason to vote for them as:

    Obama's a turd, so vote for ME!

    Even worse, is how frighteningly believable it is, that the easily duped American public, just may vote in someone whose only qualification is that they aren't Obama.

  37. It's nearly sad watching her rapid decline but she set herself up for it. Boasting recently that she could beat Obama and that she has more 'executive'/CEO experience and that she knows more about energy and foreign affiars than he...yada, yada yada. Better family values, more patriotic, truer religion --- gag me with a set of moose antlers.

    I'm betting she announces that she is "not running" due to continuing 'librul victimization' in early Sept sealing her irrelevancy in a desperate attempt to tank the sales of pending books and movies once she finally reaches 'who cares' status. We also know how she hates people making money off her and not giving her a cut (lol).

  38. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Hi Sarah!

    Quick question.

    Whatever happened to Ruffles?

  39. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Do you think it's in her contract with Fox that she write on her hand, sort of a brand image? If she cut her hair and stopped wearing her glasses, she wouldn't be the same. That hand-writing is partof her image, too.

  40. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Did the paid agitator misplace her commonsense again? And what? Stop the presses. No sharing of the grifter's spoils with her sister, Michelle. Where's the love? Where's that servant's heart? Where's that 'doing it for the cause' financial support?

  41. Anonymous2:57 AM

    That's part of her threat... "Do what I want or I'll show public support for you!"

  42. Anonymous3:20 AM

    She looks seriously drugged-up. Considering the fact that she probably does NOTHING but self-promotion by Twitter and Facebook and seems to have no household or mothering responsibilities, why is she so tired- looking. Methinks it's her happy (and/or calming) pills. Get this know nothing witch off the air. This country has enough negativity and ignorance, thank you.

  43. Anonymous3:26 AM

    With all the spanking she is getting, this Gina Gershon video never gets old:

  44. Anonymous3:51 AM

    The fart heard round the world by $arah Failin, how embarassing and on TV.

  45. Anonymous3:52 AM

    I really really hope she runs. Scrutiny will surely be the end of Palin, and hopefully hasten the diminishment (demise is too much to hope for) of Palin Era politics.

  46. Anonymous3:53 AM

    9:26 pm. The first "fishy" thing about the absentee ballot application is that it should come from your city, not from a private organization. If either of us receives such a "fake application," you can believe that we will immediately contact our City Clerk.

    I don't doubt that the Koch Brothers cover group, Americans for Prosperity, will be pulling such stunts but everyone will have to be very wary of their nastiness. This is a seriously dangerous organization that would like to take over the country just as they are taking over the Republican Party.

  47. Anonymous3:54 AM

    The whole Pac is just a scam for spending money for the Palins, it's their bread and butter. Bristol & Willow have been rewarded too for posting comments, you betcha.

    Scammer, that's $arah! Chuck got paid bunches for old photos too. The whole family is in on the game.

  48. Anonymous3:58 AM

    It must really irk $carah to part with money that belongs to HER. That money was given to HER by admiring fans, doncha know. There appears to be a serious mental problem with the woman, her eyes slowly open and close. Is she getting into Willow's "stash" again? Her speech pattern is very strange, the way she pronounces words as though they are all new to her and she thinks others may not know them, either. Het $carah, tell Toad we all said "Hi" to Shailey, hope she is doing well.

  49. Anonymous4:04 AM

    And the award goes to

    cue music

    $arah Paylin - Lifetime achievement award - Bestest Faker - Bestest Scammer - Bestest Grifter


  50. Anonymous4:13 AM

    "...Wearing road kill inspired fright wigs..." Spot on, Gryphen!

    Those wigs have gone beyond ratty-tatty to ghastly.

  51. Anonymous4:22 AM

    A bit OT ... so what ever happened to jury duty?

  52. Anonymous4:55 AM

    G -
    There is an item on Politico by Burgess Everett entitled, "Fox analyst pulls punches on Palin".

  53. Anonymous5:19 AM

    the insufferable bitch paid herself first then she randomly, without vetting, handed out small sympathy checks to the top idiots.

    It's shady because that whole dysfunctional family is shady No doubt about it.

    Piss or get off the pot ya old bat. I know you won't run, because your shady dealingS would come to play. MORE UGLY UGLY FACTS!


    Check out the hash tag #womanup on twitter it's funny as hell. rotf

  54. Anonymous5:29 AM

    O/T in a way, but relevant to Gertie Grifter's "style".

    Two of our local FUX station's women news readers (I don't call them journalists)are wearing Gertie Grifter glasses and hairstyles. Naturally that station will not be watched in this household again. What a bunch of fools. Soon Gertie will be in jail and the readers and their management will look like fools.

    BTW Gertie, I know you're reading this. Don't get all rhapsodic about your local "fans". Your time is up; Murdoch and Ailes will soon order their goons to release all the dirt they have on you. Your downfall will be delightful and satisfying to 80% of rill 'merikuns.


  55. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Thanks for the note about the scam ballots here in Hudson, WI. This is not the first set of "typo errors" on ballots; that what the A-For-P is claiming. My mother also received a similiarly misdated absentee ballot from a Right to Life outfit from Milwaukee, offering to get her vote in, if she would send it all the way to Milwaukee, from Hudson, so they would send it back by 4 days AFTER the election. Since she will be in town, decided no to do it, but she CONSIDERED IT until I pointed the error on the date.
    Yes, they love unborn babies, but screw 'em once they are born, HYPOCRITES.
    You can read another version of this story and our tight recall election here at
    welcome to town "joe the plumber' party on Friday, I think I'll attend and ask Joe if he was ever in a plumbers union..hahaha


  56. Anonymous6:04 AM

    "What an idiot...I did suffer through the video just to determine if I could hear her fart and I heard it. What a fine professional woman she isn't. She makes me literally want to barf all over her!"

    What vid?

  57. Beldar Hairclub Conehead6:43 AM

    Gryphen, can you find out if the wig in the thumbs-up shot is human hair? And if so, is it hair from a living donor or shaved off a cadaver? The cadaver hair wigs are a terrific value - pricewuse - but the tradeoff is that strong odor of decomposition that wafts off the wearer's head. Perhaps this could explain that stench of failure and decay that follows her everywhere she goes?

    OT: Happy Birthday, Mr. President!

  58. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Anon 6.04

    You'll find the farting video here.

  59. Sorry - I'm going to be petty here - but I am SO enjoying the fact that Palin is going bald and laughing my ass off at her choice of wigs. Does she think we don't notice that her hair style changes so much each time she's on television that it could ONLY be a wig?? Oh yeah, I forgot. She didn't think we'd notice the big coats and scarves hiding her flat belly and the sudden growth of her tummy within a few weeks of Trig's "birth". Yeah, Sarah. We're all stupid!! LOL!!

  60. Anonymous11:15 AM

    "But we have no expectation that the Governor is going to announce on September 3. We counsel you against coming to Waukee on September 3, and rallying other people to do likewise, if that is your reason for coming. You will only be disappointed if she does not announce, and may miss what is going to be a deeply meaningful event."

    Sounds like some must think she will be a no show; maybe extended jury duty

  61. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Sarah lecturing others on keeping their promise------REALLY?

  62. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Baahahahah...stupid little bitch. Almost as dumb as giving a fundraising speech at a hospital here in Canada (i.e., "socialized medicine") that provides abortions...

    ...hello, sarah?

    (That's right, you don't even deserve to have the first letter of your name capitalized).

  63. Anonymous2:14 PM

    was the PAC the mystery donator to Romney's campaign. He just got an influx of BIG cash.

  64. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Somebody cut them damn fringe-y bangs off the front of her head before I scream. Reminds me of some hippie gift store with beads in the doorway.

  65. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Sorry, Sarah, but you've been caught yet again being totally irresposnible and unprofessional.

    First of all, doctors generally recommend PAP smears, not PAC smears, and supporting people at the last minute without vetting their records to see if they "jibe" with yours is sympomatic of an ill educated grifter who only follows the bare minimum required to keep the PAC "legal"

    Second, there's this product sold over the counter, it's called Beano, use the damn stuff, Incontinentia Buttocks was funny on Monty Python, on you it's an embarrassment. And if you think Fox couldn't cut out that fart sound, your wrong, they left it in on purpose

    Third, change your meds, seriously. Wearing roadkill and synthetic wigs, "Twin Peaks" grand titon inflatable push up bras is unbecoming of a person your age who believes she can beat President Obama.

    Fourth, where's Trig's birth certificate? Come on Granmom Grizzly, stop being a racist, palling around with terrorists, and woman up for once.

    Fifth, you sure is ugly, and getting uglier every day.


    Happy Birthday, MR President! Give my regards to your beautiful, brilliant wife and your wonderful family!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.