Wednesday, August 03, 2011

"Sarah Palin--You Betcha!" Nick Broomfield's Palin documentary will premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Here is the press release courtesy of

Sarah Palin – You Betcha! Nick Broomfield and Joan Churchill, United Kingdom

World Premiere

Nick Broomfield's quest for the real Sarah Palin involves battling the icy snows of Alaska in mid-winter to speak to the school friends, family, and Republican colleagues that in previous days gave their heart, soul and belief to the charismatic, charming, intoxicating ex-hockey mom. But it's not all plain sailing. People are frightened to talk; Wasilla makes Twin Peaks look like a walk in the park. It's a devout evangelical community – 76 churches with a population of only 6 thousand, and the Crystal meth capital of Alaska. Broomfield brings his celebrated wit and determination to cracking her story.

Well I have to say I'm intrigued, even though I already I know most of this stuff.

I really enjoyed getting to meet, and hang out with Nick and Joan, and I KNOW they were able to get access to some very knowledgeable people when it came to Sarah Palin, so the film will be far more revealing, and informative, than that ridiculous piece of propaganda by Stephen Bannon. That I can promise.

I don't know if any of my IM visitors are living near Toronto but the 36th Toronto International Film Festival runs September 8 to 18, 2011, so if you get the chance to see the documentary I would LOVE to get a short review.

You know if you would not mind.

P.S. Nick's documentary is not the ONLY Palin related thing that now has a title. I spoke to the authors of the "babygate" book yesterday and they have narrowed their choice down to a handful of possibilities.  I will let you know what is decided just as soon as they are ready to release that information.


  1. laprofesora1:32 PM

    September: Joe's book, Levi's book, film at Toronto film festival.

    September will be Scarah's no good, very bad, very unhappy month.


  2. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Now that's a movie I would pay good money to see, ya betcha. Hope it plays in Alaska.

  3. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Gryphen, in the email you posted on Monday, "Fred" said that they had picked a title for the book but were not sharing it...

  4. Wasilla has 76 churches? That explains a lot.

    In my mind it's the place to load up on fast food before heading off to Denali National Park. Not much more than that.

  5. Yes I guess Fred DID say they had a title didn't he?

    Well they certainly were not firm on that choice because for the last two days we have been bandying around about two or three different ideas, and only fairly late yesterday evening did they seem to have narrowed it down.

    I only helped a little.

  6. Anonymous1:50 PM

    From Toronto- I'll see if I can drag my husband (for sanity support)

  7. Anonymous1:57 PM

    O/T Fox News reporters qre scared to pull punches with co-worker Palin

  8. Anonymous1:59 PM

    There are some great people who live in Wasilla, but for the most part, it is like a "pit stop" for travelers and people who have nice weekend homes on the various lakes nearby. - I didn't know there were 76 churches, how many bars?

  9. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Now that's impressive - the Toronto International Film Festival! Must be a well done documentary. But I'm sure it would have been better had it included the truth about SP's fake pregnancy.

  10. I love that it's opening at an INTERNATIONAL film festival in TORONTO...sure beats Pella, IA any day of the week! LOL! Sarah can't do ANYTHING right!

  11. ManxMamma2:11 PM

    This is fabulous news! Thank you Gryphen.

  12. Anonymous2:14 PM

    OT, but I keep reading a HuffPo headline that says "Pain-Free Birth" as "Palin-Free Birth." Kinda funny, imo.

  13. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Jumpin' on the "where's TRig's birthcert bandwagon:
    Sarah, why did you name Tri-G after his extra chromosome?

  14. dominicastar2:23 PM

    Hey quick question; have anyone seen this photo of Sarah Palin on March 1st 2008; bending over touching a dog in some coat; tummy in view clearly not pregnant.

    Please have a look your self.

  15. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Let's all buy tickets for at least five friends. T-shirts for those who do! And get your name on the special Wal-Mart edition DVD if you get ten friends to go! Or else!!!!

    More seriously, I suspect this will sell better than "The Unwatched". It will be interesting to see.

  16. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I hope Nick Broomfield's film does well, but honestly I hope it is available as a DVD soon.

    Steve Bannon lost his shirt in trying to make "The Oft-Defeated" a big theatrical hit, and I want to see Nick make a good profit.

    I would be glad to go on Amazon, and pay a good price for his DVD. Heck, I would be glad to go to his website and pay him and his production company directly.

  17. angela2:27 PM

    Seventy-six churches and the meth capital of Alaska?
    Truly, we now know how a Sarah Palin could have been created out of the ooze of fundamentalism and an environment of rampant drug use.

    Seems to me, having watched the quickly devolving lunatic the last few weeks, she's currently straddling both worlds.

  18. melissa2:28 PM

    Lol have you played the SP interview in this blog post? There's an audible fart at the 2:25 mark. Ewwwwww!

  19. WTF? Bannon is going to be on Bill Maher this Friday.

  20. Teutonic132:32 PM

    Hi Guys-

    A little OT but is relevant to the Economy.

    The economy of an 8th grader trying to start a business that is. He's my wife's best friends little brother, and he makes XtremeSurvivor Bracelets. (6 feet of parachute cord- can hold up to 400 Lbs).

    The design is awesome and I helped him set up a sales blog of his own.

    They don't have a lot of money or anything- so this is pretty cool for him to do.

    How about dropping by and at least give him some encouragement- or hell- buy a bracelet? They are awesome- and anyone that spends any time outdoors could use one.

    This ain't for me guys- but you could make a difference for him-


    Viva la Bracelets !

  21. Anonymous2:40 PM

    1:32 Don't forget the 'false' prenancy book too that the sly fox played on the nation for votes. Cannot help but hope she rots in hell. She needs to attend church on a regular basis and pray for her soul. She is a disgrace to other 'christians'.

  22. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Extreme survivor bracelets you gave the wrong URL

  23. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Palin finally gets some real international exposure.


    There is something delicious about a town with such a high concentration of "Christian" churches that coincide with high drug use.

    Maybe there needs to be a learning moment for those churches and exactly what messages they are sending their congregation. 'Cause sompin' ain't workin' right.

    One thing I know for sure they ain't teachin' the Beatitudes or the last words from the cross.

  24. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Broomfield is no slouch. I'm sure those with a vested interest in brand Palin are wee weeing in their unmentionables.

    Whereas The Undefeated was a embarrassing dud this movie has the potential to catch fire.

  25. OMG, you guys, this is pretty darn funny.

    Mash-up of telling Palin to "Bow Out" of the 2008 campaign.

    They make a Palin Kick-line of her in that horrible blue silky skirt and black silky'll know it when you see it; freaking hilarious.

  26. This article popped up in my Google Alert earlier today. Seems that you were correct about the Palins splitting up, Gryphen. Is that why she has been so quiet recently?

  27. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Hey there Sare,

    It's harvest time . . . and you will certainly reap what you have sown.

    It's an unavoidable principle, saith the Lord, but a "rill" Christian would already know that.


  28. OT - I guess Sarah's threats to the Tea Partiers were too little, too late! Hey Sarah, don't retreat, just reload!!

    Most SarahPAC recipients voted FOR debt ceiling increase!

  29. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I'm in Toronto I go to tiff every year it's a huge festival! There's usually a q&a with the director/cast after the movie. I'll see about getting tickets and doing a review!

  30. Beldar Beldar Conehead Conehead3:22 PM

    k 210pm said it so perfectly it bears repeating:

    (the screechy wretch) can't do ANYTHING right!

    and once more, just because it's true:

    (the screechy wretch) can't do ANYTHING right!

  31. Anonymous3:23 PM

    O/T ADN has a story about Malia's ethics complaint being dismissed (big surprise, eh?)
    The bots are defending the queen against those lower forty-eighters who dare speak out. See Malia's blog for the real story.

  32. Anonymous3:26 PM


    I could bend over like that when I was pregnant--just not with my legs together like that. No way is there a kid under the coat.

  33. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Unfortunately, however, Bromfield is a sensationalistic and somewhat sleazy filmmaker. I saw his Kurt and Courtney doc, in which he basically accuses Courtney of murdering Kurt. So even though I'd like to believe anything he says about Scarah, I'd be suspicious.

  34. FEDUP!!!3:40 PM

    76 churches for 6,000 people, and the Meth capital of the US...
    Makes sense to me!

    September is a chock-full-of- great news, it seems! (Not for $arah, but for us, it seems! :P) VERY much looking forward to it!

  35. FEDUP!!!3:44 PM

    Re that Fox Noise report (1:57pm): "...if I say something bad and I see her in the hallway,..."

    I thought she has her OWN studio in her OWN HOME??? Since when is she going into the studio in NY?

  36. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I live in Toronto - if I can get a ticket I'm willing to 'take one for the team'and send in a review. Saw the notice in today's paper here that this documentary was playing at TIFF - the festival is a really big deal here so the film should get a lot of press.

    Been a fan of IM for a few years.. can't wait to see Sarah's fake pregnancy exposed - keep up the good work Gryph!

  37. Gryphen-Look at Mercede's Facebook wall. She says she needs a really good attorney immediately. Some asshole said Rex Butler.

  38. Anonymous4:05 PM


    Did you notice the list of movie titles under the press release? There is a movie called 'Undefeated'.

    NO it's not the garbage one!!

    Reading about tickets - single tickets don't go on sale until Sept 3. Packages are already on sale. The schedule is not being released until Aug 23. So there is no way of knowing what date it will be shown yet.

    I do notice there is someone (Anon 1:50) that has posted they are in Toronto.

  39. Gryphen,

    You are really pissing in $arah's corn flakes 3 times a day, I bet she is completely freaking out. The bitch looks like a dead ole hag with a cheap ass wig on, no offense to hags of course.

    Toad just can't get no satisfaction with the hookers cause hes having to visit $arah's part of the compound to help medicate her.

  40. Chenagrrl4:10 PM

    For those of you who think that the dear hearts and gentle people financed Sarah Palin(TM)'s run for governor. Think again. Take a look at how the tea party is financed, state by state.

  41. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Sarah Jones just nailed Grifter to the wall!

    TicketSinker™: Sarah Palin May Have Just Handed Her Crown to Bachmann

    "...picture this: A worn looking Palin, sporting an ode to Jen Aniston-circa-1990’s hair do, pops up on Hannity’s pitch-black rabbit hole where facts go to hide last night"

  42. Anonymous4:13 PM


    Don't cross Palin or she might have a ghostwriter write means things about you on her FB page.

  43. Anonymous4:17 PM

  44. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Gyalist - are you Bristol's publicist?

  45. Anonymous4:41 PM

    (Jumpin' on the "Where's Trig's birthcert" bandwagon also,too.)

    Hi Sarah!

    Quick question.

    Whatever happened to Ruffles?

  46. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sarah Jones just nailed Grifter to the wall!


    My dog has a better comb-out than her!!

  47. Anonymous5:04 PM

    It seems as if $arah is going to endorse Bachmann, $arah might finally be seeing the writing on the wall. I wonder how long before Toad, the AIP dude, moves out of the compound.

  48. Anonymous5:15 PM

    This morning on Cafferty file:Are Sarah Palin & Donald Trump The Answer To The Country's Problems?

  49. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Yello sarah,

    I have a 2-part question fer ya?

    How does it feel to be rollin' around in all that dough . . . and was it really worth selling your soul for?


    I can't speak for "Trig's Creator," but surely satan must be pleased.

  50. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Crosshair Sare~

    Sorry to take your mind of the impending documentary -- but I'm curious as to how you convinced your parents to go along with this hoax, and did Tawd's folks not want to have anything to do with it?

    The TRUTH will set you free, though the consequences are a different story altogether.

  51. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I hope it will be shown here. I will definitely pay to go see that one. Any news about it showing in the US?

  52. Anonymous5:53 PM

    GRYPHEN AND OTHERS - Did you see what is going on at Malia's blog ? I hope you will read and comment about it Gryphen. The article on the ADN does not say much opinion wise..of course because it is from the AP.

  53. authors? is it more than one "Fred"?

  54. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Hi Sarah!

    Quick question.

    Come across Trig's birth certificate yet? Just asking, like everybody else with basic shit detectiing equipment.

    (In solidarity w/ original quick question poster...I love you)

  55. Anonymous5:58 PM

    2:23 - that photo is something! And she had a baby like 6 or 7 weeks later ? I don't think so!

  56. Smiling6:01 PM

    To reiterate what another poster said, TIFF is a major deal. I'm a daily reader and could do well in a Sarah Palin trivia/l contest. I'll look into availability of "You Betcha" tickets and could post.

  57. Splitsville6:35 PM

    Wasilla has 76 churches for 6,000 people?

    What a waste. A beauty shop, a massage parlor, a VD treatment clinic and a psych MD are really all the Palins require.

    Oh, and someplace to buy canned goods and replacement refrigerators, also too.

  58. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I love the idea of this film being featured at the international film festival in Toronto! To quote a great democrat, "this is a big fucking deal!"

    Sarah's gonna be under the sheets, in a dark room, with crunch wrap rappers strewn on the slimey carpet for a month!

    LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  59. emrysa7:58 PM

    well there's no doubt that it's going to do better than the UnAttended! hahahaa man it's going to be pretty sad for the quitter when more people go see broomfield's film than the film that she commissioned.

    so where is the fairy tale troll talking about how someone from the quitter's high school days lied to broomfield?

  60. Holy Crap! I knew we had a LOT of churches, but I didn't realize there were there were 76 of them! Now I feel even more surrounded by idiots than I did yesterday.

  61. Anonymous9:09 PM

    I knew there were a LOT of churches, but 76???? There is one long ROW of churches on Bogard Road, lined up like little boxes on the hillside (for those who remember that folk song.

    Religion is the opiate of the masses.

  62. Anonymous10:08 PM

    ....the film, which has yet to find a U.S. distributor

  63. JayKen Knotstirred11:14 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

  64. Beldar Board Screw Conehead3:41 AM

    I don't usually offer compliments to the screechy wretch, but I have to reluctantly admit she looks like a "carpenter's dream' in that photo.

  65. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I'm in Toronto and will do everything in my power to be your at the premier. I can't imagine many things more fulfilling than a 2 hour film exposing the fraud of Sarah Palin. Anything you need - review, pictures, video, crowd reaction - I'm your man.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.