Thursday, August 25, 2011

Salon writer absolutely nails the most likely reason that Sarah Palin will NEVER throw her hat in the ring.

"Oh hell no, I'm not jumping in! I'm just screwing with you people!"
Courtesy of Salon:

The safe bet remains that Sarah Palin is simply engaged in a long and tiresome tease. Every few weeks comes some new sign of her supposedly imminent entry into the GOP presidential race, but nothing ever seems to happen. 

For the latest flurry of speculation, we can thank Karl Rove, who used several television appearances last weekend to argue that "I think she gets in" and to suggest that Palin's scheduled appearance at a Sept. 3 Tea Party event in Iowa might double as a campaign launch. Like each one that's come before it, chances are that this eruption will soon die down without amounting to anything. Rove may just have been trying to spoil the campaign rollout of his old nemesis, Rick Perry, and Palin is now tamping down the speculation. 

Which is sort of a shame. Because if you're tired of all of this, and if you're tired of all of the media oxygen that the former half-term Alaska governor still manages to consume, then you really should be hoping that Palin actually does get into the race: It may be the best way of making her disappear for good. 

Why? Because a presidential campaign would almost certainly end in defeat for Palin. And not just any kind of defeat -- epic, humiliating defeat, the sort of disaster that might once and for all convince the political and media worlds that the empress has no clothes. 

If she jumped in, polls would initially show her in contention, but she'd be running a structure- and discipline-free campaign with no support from GOP opinion-shapers and on a message that really isn't unique. Republican voters who haven't yet figured it out would realize she's not a viable option and abandon her for a candidate who seems to have a better chance. If she were to then suffer humiliating defeats in Iowa and New Hampshire, Palin might suddenly find that the media isn't nearly as interested in her every tweet and Facebook post as it once was. 

In other words, those who just want her to go away should consider a Palin presidential campaign an investment: You'd have to deal with a few weeks (or maybe even months) of saturation coverage, but there'd be a good chance it would all end with Palin's presence in our lives severely and permanently diminished.

Brilliant!  This is EXACTLY what I have been thinking for quite some time now.

I do not give Ms. Palin too much credit for her intelligence, but I DO believe she has good instincts when it comes to keeping her brand alive and understanding the reality of her limitations.

Sister Sarah KNOWS she cannot stand on the stage and debate the other GOP hopefuls. And she knows that doing so will reveal her complete lack of knowledge about the things a President needs to know, and forever remove her ability to bullshit her followers into thinking she has what it takes to do that job.

And once the political fantasies of the Palin-bots have been crushed under the heavy heel of reality, why would they pay ANY attention to her ever again?

Essentially, just like this article states, Palin would be "permanently diminished," in a way that perhaps even Joe, or Levi, or Fred's books could never fully accomplish. Remember this would be MILLIONS of Americans watching her grasping for facts, failing to adequately understand the question, and sweating like a Sumo wrestler while her whole world crumbled around her.

It might make for some of the most compelling political theater we have seen in decades, but it is VERY unlikely to EVER happen.


  1. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Waiting for Palin to announce that she is going to run is like waiting for the Great Pumpkin.

  2. Anonymous3:28 AM

    It is sad to say that many people watched her inability to debate in real time during 2008 and yet still people voted for McCain and Palin. She will always be attractive to some aspect of the right and they would vote for her if she killed and ate a baby on live TV. They are just that lost to reality when it comes to Palin. I think they have invested so much of their lives in hers that to disassociate themselves from her would literally kill some of the or drive them to do harm to themselves or others.

  3. Sarah Palin = Lying Grifter3:38 AM

    "And once the political fantasies of the Palin-bots have been crushed under the heavy heel of reality, why would they pay ANY attention to her ever again?"

    ....or send her one more cent to fund her tour bus, plastic surgeries, harassment campaigns, Trig warehousing, AIP connections, hidden grandchildren, shopping sprees, or Arizona mansion?

  4. Anonymous3:39 AM


    That photo makes her look EXACTLY like a new Lucille Ball!

  5. Anonymous3:45 AM

    She won't run, she knows she is a dork and not up to it. Also, all the skeletons
    in her closet are piling up and starting to plow through that closet door.

    Bristol has stated that her mother has made a decision. Once she pulls out of the race her crazy bots are going to realize that they have been played for suckers. And that is not going to be pretty. I can't wait.

    If on the other hand, I am wrong and the crazy bitch decides to run, it is going to be hilarious. Rove demolished her last night on GVS and that is only the start of it!

    Plus, September is shaping up to be a good month. All those books, cutting room floor bombshells and the film are going to have some impact on the bitch.

    Bring it on!

  6. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Political tease or candidate?
    Substance or no substance?
    Truthful or liar?
    Building a campaign war chest or just a grifter?

    Only Sarah Palin and her God can answer those questions for now. But, soon enough we will all be able to answer those questions.

    If she does not run, she will FOREVER be known as a lying, teasing, grifting liar.

    She will become the most hated woman in America.

  7. OT, but a fun fact: Bristol's "book":
    Amazon Bestsellers Rank: #34,382 in Books

  8. I was thinking that Rove was trying to get Sarah to commit. Whatever somebody says she's going to do, she's stupid enough to do the opposite. She thinks that shows she's mavericky and independent; instead it just makes her more easily manipulated.

    But the author is right. She can't possibly run a campaign. She couldn't even run IN a campaign that was reasonably well structured and managed by people who knew political campaigning without falling apart; she'd be massively stupid to try it on her own- but she is massively stupid and egotistical to boot.

  9. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Steve Forbes just said on CSPAN the half term governor certainly has the staff to run for President and is a formidable candidate. "Staff", what is he talking about? Could he be looking for a puppet?


  10. BREAKING NEWS -- Yesterday's earthquake on the east coast was so unusual, even scientist can't agree on the origin. Seismologists are saying that the quake centered not far from Washington, DC was not caused by a fault line, but from our founding fathers rolling over in their graves. Meanwhile, President Obama interrupted his Martha's Vineyard golfing to announce that the earthquake occurred on an obscure fault line that runs under the White House, known as "Bush's Fault."

  11. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Sarah Palin has no intelligence, only an opinion. And, there is a big difference in the two.

  12. TNbluedot4:34 AM

    Kornaki did an excellent job!

    My fav: "Palin is now saddled with a truly poisonous level of unpopularity among all voters who aren't conservative Republicans. And even within that group, her image isn't what it used to be."

    I disagree with his suggestion in the last paragraph for a campaign investment, however. Let the bots throw their $$ behind their queen.

  13. Anonymous4:36 AM

    This pseudo presidency run is all bs. I think she is looking down the road and a senatorial race in AZ.

    One thing Gertie forgets is the vast number of Hispanics who vote. Believe me Gertie they got your number. Also, too no one in AZ will forget what you did with the cross hairs poster. At every campaign stop you would see pictures of Gaby Gifford and Christina Taylor Green. The signs would say you are an accessory to MURDER and Assault. Own it bitch. You are done, no matter how you try to throw fairy dust and glitter all over your raggedy ass, you are done.

    O/T quitty pants will be in my neck of the woods Oct 7th. I dare you to show up Gertie. Wash. U students will take you down a peg just as they did your useless daughter.


  14. When you have a Govenor that says, " If I die, politically speaking, so be it." I doubt that the line fo thinking here has any merit.

    Perhaps for those that Marco Rubio has experienced in the Senate, this would apply.

    Maybe Salon would be better served by checking out those folks that we have elected, that have a few of service to the Country meaning, " How can I best get re-elected."

  15. Nancy In New York4:58 AM

    Well, she does have an enormously bloated ego (Sarah: "Do people not understand why McCain chose ME?" We the people: "Because the viagra hadn't worn off yet?"), so I still believe that as crazy as it may seem to normal people, she'll throw her hat in the ring just to soothe her narcissistic longings.

    Rove (the clever little canned ham that he is) is trying to smoke her out of her fox facebook hole because he wants to be rid of her (and her party splitting ways) once and for all, so he can groom the next Manchurian candidate he has warming up behind the curtain. (After he gets the hook for Granny Grifter and yanks her off the stage of course).

  16. Anonymous5:03 AM

    She seriously wants to be VP - that is her dream - wait for her to offer her "supporters" to the GOP challenger - who surely will say "thanks but no thanks"

  17. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Sarah why are you delaying the inevitable? You know the truth is coming about your "little shit" (Sarah's words) Trig. Why not just reveal the hoax yourself? It will be much easier on you that way. You can spin it anyway you want and "get in front of the story" as they like to say. Its time to woman up and do it. Time is running out. Unless you're a coward?

  18. Anonymous5:12 AM

    That is a photo of Sarah at the time in 2008 when Bristol told her she was pregnant with her second child..

    Or when she told of her third pregnancy ..

  19. jadez5:14 AM

    maybe its brilliant or not...but i posted the exact same thing over at joes site 2 weeks ago....but since he has turned into something i dont like..i left his site.

  20. Anonymous5:18 AM

    I was listening to that socialist indoctrinating NPR this morning on citizens celebrating in Libya, the downfall of a tyrant.

    With or without interpreters, these men were better able to articulate what their freedom from Gaddafi rule meant more so than Sarah has been able to articulate her 'energy expertise,' or patriotism for that matter.

    When asked why they were out shooting guns and even anti-aircraft weapons into the air from Gaddafi's luxurious compound in Tripoli, one man simply stated soberly, "Forty-two years, forty-two years, forty-two years."

    Sarah is a pleasing distraction for a bigoted lot in this country, but she doesn't have what it takes to take on MSM and discriminating voters of national proportions.

  21. Anonymous5:25 AM

    "And once the political fantasies of the Palin-bots have been crushed under the heavy heel of reality, why would they pay ANY attention to her ever again?"

    Gryphen, you're talking about a group of people with an industrial strength case of cognitive dissonance re Sarah Palin.

    So if she runs, and then goes down in flames (which she will) during primary season, not only would they continue paying attention to her, they would double down on it.

    They would blame everyone else for it, not Palin. In their eyes she'll NEVER be able to do any wrong.

  22. Anonymous5:26 AM

    She's not going to run for President, but she sure is fortifying her position in being able to wag the RNC dog during the primaries.

    Nevermind Obama, Sarah's going to be the foil to the most trenchant GOP candidates, having all their real, hard work (Sarah's favorite describers for herself and her family) reduced to rubble when they level nasty, desperate barbs against each other.

    They would be wise to start an offensive against her now, so that they won't have to fire frantically from a corner when courting those precious votes at the convention. She gets to enjoy the comfort of criticism against real candidates from her non-candidate perch.

    Must be nice, to hold that party hostage without being a meaningful contributor of the movement.

  23. Anonymous5:37 AM

    @bill- Forbes is an idiot.

    However, what we're witnessing is an "inside job" re: Palin & the GOP. Rove rang the bell & others are calling her out.

  24. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Sarah Palin will never throw her hat into the presidential ring:

    1) Palin's toes are all fucked up.
    2) Sarah needs to stay home and keep Willow from getting pregnant.
    3) Sarah needs to stay home to keep Brokeback Todd from wandering and experimenting over onto the other pasture.
    4) Sarah needs to stay home to keep Piper from ....

  25. Anonymous5:40 AM

    I find it absolutely mind boggling that these "serious" people never mention the fact that Palin is supremely UNQUALIFIED for the job!!They treat her like a serious contender, yet they HAVE to know she is underqualified for the job of president or VP. Had she been a democratic politician, she would have been ignored from day one, or mocked, yet not one of them will tell the truth about this vile woman.

  26. Anonymous5:45 AM

    I think it would be hilarious if she gets in and her approval rating stays flatlined. She's going to jump in there and the polls will have her coming in with Newt-like numbers.

    Then what does she do?

  27. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Sarah will never throw her hat in the ring because she can't find her ring. Last time Sarah seen her wedding rings is when she tossed them into Dead Lake Lucille after fighting with Tawd. Damn polluted lake is full of Todd and Sarah's wedding rings.

  28. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark!

    I've been saying all along that she knows that she could only stay in a campaign for a short time before she'd have to...gasp!...Q U I T.


    Most of her fans, and even some of the more oblivious media, bought the excuses she gave for quitting the last time. However, it would be a much harder sell this time, no matter what excuse she used. Even if she tried to blame Trig for needing her at home, there would be enormous skepticism. First off, she's been on the road more than she's been home recently, which apparently has not been a problem, AND she should have anticipated that he would 'need her at home' before she even threw her hat in the ring. Either way makes her look like she's got poor decision making abilities.

    More importantly, the only thing that Sarah values more than 'Sarah' is $$$. Officially becoming a candidate means she has to give up her cushy Faux job and the dependable salary for something she KNOWS will only be short term. Too much to give up for a questionable, and likely negative, return.

    She may not be intelligent, but she's got a certain amount of animal smarts and can figure out that it's a bad choice, and potentially lethal to her grifting career.

    Now I would not be at all surprised if the big announcement is that she won't run next year because of her 'slavish devotion to Trig' but would consider a run in 2016. Still leaves the hope alive for her C4Pee-ers AND gives her at least 4 more years of grifting before she's got to disappoint them.


  29. Anonymous5:53 AM

    As much as I detest Rove, it is good to see someone take up the cause of calling Palin out. Since most of the other pundits who gave creedence to the freak show that is Sarah Palin in 2008, have dimissed her and McCain aka Dr Frankenstein seems unable to admit any fault in the disaster that has plagued us since the last election, God Bless Karl Rove. Excuse me, I have to go hurl.....

  30. Anonymous6:01 AM

    It's like Nicole Wallace predicted; something of the effect that SP eventually does damage to herself.

    She can't help herself. I believe the one motivating factor of SP is spite. It may come from a personality disorder, or a strong character trait, but spite is what drives her. And that's why it eventually destroys her chances at success.

    So maybe for the first time we are witnessing a woman who had immense potential, but one nasty little trait threw it all away. She touched the tape of the finish line with her toe, but then tripped; not because of outside interferences, or the "lamestream" media, but because
    of her uncontrollable tongue, malice and spite.

  31. Anonymous6:06 AM

    On Wednesday night Rove said, "I'm mystified. Look, she is all upset about this, saying I'm somehow trying to sabotage her -- sabotage her in some way and that how dare I speculate on her future. Look, if she doesn't want to be speculated about as a potential presidential candidate, there's an easy way to end the speculation. Simply say, 'I'm not running.'"


    Sarah are you accusing Carl Rove of sabotaging you?

    Sarah, how do you explain your actions when you miraculously appear within miles of fellow GOPers announcing their candidacy for POTUS or when they give a speech? Was it a coincidence that Sarah just happened to appear at the Iowa State Fair with the GOP presidential candidates?

    Oh I forgot Sarah Palin does not believe in coincidences.

  32. I still think she'll run. Why? She doesn't think like a normal, sane person. The tease act can only go so far. Once people catch on, then she'll be done. But, throw her hat in to the ring, the surge of attention will be huge. Yes, there will be a fallout, but there's still attention. That's what she wants. Doesn't matter if it's good or bad. Palin then can use the 'victim defense' in all of this and, amazingly, the media will eat it up. When she loses in the primaries, she will then be able to be called, instead of 'former half term governor' or former VP candidate,' she can be called 'former presidential candidate.' Which one sounds more prestigious? She'll make more $$$ off the FPC title the media will give her, when she 'writes' another book, or has another reality TV series, etc, etc, etc.

  33. Anon @ 3:28a:

    Remember, also, too, that 30% of Delaware voters voted for Christine O'Donnell.

    If people voted their self-interests, 95% would vote Democratic. But, as Bill Maher often says, "We are a stupid country."

  34. Anonymous6:23 AM

    My money is on Palin faking her own death to avoid humiliation and to strengthen her brand, James Dean style.

    Then she'll secretly retire as "Jane Doe" on the "consulting fees" she'll be paid by SarahMemorialPAC.

  35. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Yes but those are "reasons". We all know Quittypants is motivated by:
    1. Attention
    2. Money
    3. Delusional levels of entitlement

    I STILL think she will run - if only for ten minutes.

  36. JayKen Knotstirred6:56 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

  37. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Steve Forbes is a GOP hack, even with all his millions he could not run for President and win.So lets take his words with a grain of salt.A failed movie,book tour, bus tour,depleted support and that is powerful,he is GOP after all.My take is that Perry suprised her and jumped in. I think if "The Undefeated" had done well she would have jumped in already. I think she is looking for events like Iowa to get media attention,now that she has competition. If she jumps in now all the questions about the books and movie will cause her to have to answer questions.They have always said it is about the brand and we know there is no service there unless it says money.

  38. Anonymous7:16 AM

    @anon 3:39

    Please, don't insult the late great Lucille Ball that way!
    She'd be rolling over in her grave.


  39. Anonymous7:17 AM

    In other news, Fox is reporting.g that Hurricane Irene is Obama's fault, and Sarah Palin will tell us why in a special feature on Hannity tonight.

    Hell they blame everything else on him, why not this.

  40. Anonymous7:18 AM

    We all know that Sarah is a big tease.

    Look what happened to her earlier, she teased, got fucked, got pregnant and had to elope.

    That's the Palin and Heath family tradition that goes back farther than 3 generations!

    What else is new?

  41. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Palin has fenced her self in. Give her enough rope and she'll hang her self.

  42. laprofesora7:49 AM

    Remember, Scarah doesn't need facts to be in a debate. She has her old standby arsenal: meanness, pettiness and hatefulness. It's served her well up til now.

  43. Anonymous8:02 AM

    That screen capture speaks volumes about her: The over-expressive juvenile twat whose mannerisms are more suitable for between-class gossip sessions in the school cafeteria than intelligent debates on the national state.

    She really is nothing more than a teenager in peri-menopausal women's clothing, isn't she?

    What a dick.

  44. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Hey Sarah,
    I know you and Brisket read this. Many of us aree anxiously awaiting for the release of your medical records. I am personally interested in seeing ALL those appts with prenatal high risk specialist that a good mother would have gone to see, along with all those extra ultrasounds and those appts with a geneticist for Trig's inutero diagnoses of DS.
    We are waiting.

    PS Brisket, Mercede is Hawt, you're Nawt.

  45. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I can hardly wait until she announces she is not RUNNING. Her psychotic 'Bots will turn on her.

  46. Anonymous9:04 AM

    After reading Frank Bailey's book, I am not quite sure if voters would care if she couldn't grapple with facts or issues during the debates.

    Look, people in Alaska watched her fact-free debate performance during the 2006 gubernatorial election for more than two dozens times, they still didn't care as long as the sound bites suited them.

    Even Bailey himself knew that his candidate did not have much substance, he didn't care either because he believed that she can learn on the job and her "common sense" would prevail. They don't realize that a lot of common sense is based on knowledge. He fully supported her knowing all her faults and nastiness and did not turn on her until he was fully thrown under the bus.

    I will say, don't underestimate how far a group of deluded people will persist on pursuing.

  47. Poor bots, sad to be the last to know huh......... I believe they 'know' in their hearts that she lacks credibility or gravitas for the office but their hatred of all things Obama keeps their blinders in place.

    Along with millions I have watched this freak show with horror and had begun to lose faith in a system that would allow such frivolous contenders to have even a small place in the dialogue. As I waited for the Palin books to bring her down it never occurred to me that all it would take is a minor Rovian intervention to accomplish the task. I imagine he has worse in mind for us but I will be thankful to never have to hear her screechy voice or watch her ghost-scripted smarmy, snarky takedowns of the President again.

  48. Always laughable theater... The Flying Monkey Squad buzzing around in circles running into each other, getting up and doing the same thing over and over.. Come to think of it, isn't that the definition of complete LUNACY ??

    Does this idiocy surprise anyone??

  49. Anonymous10:54 AM

    This is totaly random, but dontcha just ((((((love)))))) Sarah's girl crush, Greta Van Mushmouth's insistance on calling the quitter "Goblerner Plalin"? And as much as I despise Carl Rove, he's been turning up the heat under Sarah's butt for the past three days, and it's obviously working. The Repugs can always be counted on eating their own.

    Stay tuned, Sarah's boil is about too burst on Facebook!

  50. Anonymous10:59 AM

    OM DAWG! That photo looks like she just sat on a deepfried corndog! love love love it.
    Salon hit it out of the ballpark, she's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't, can't wait for her followers to realize they've been fleeced, oh, somewhere arount the third year of Obama's second term sound about right.... they're slow learners.

  51. I think this is right on the money.

    But it does overlook one thing. The thing that foist her on us in the first place.

    McCain picked her from out of no where. She didn't have to go through the candidate vetting process. She may think she can just do it again. Once a G NO P candidate is chosen she can just go to the head of the line and be the VP pick. Yes, in her dreams, but if Palin still has her eyes on the White House, that is how she'll see her path. That rogue path to the White House. No campaigning, no debates, none of that. Just get on the ticket and win the votes.

    So I look for Sarah P-rick teasing her way to VP.

    Now I think the G NO P would be stupid to choose Perry because you don't want to take any chance on a president with such an unfortunate nickname. Nor will it be Bachmann. They're just not ready for a woman and get real, they *know* she's batshit crazy.

    It will be Romney. And they might just put Palin (or Bachmann) on the VP side for the sex appeal (I know, gag me) and to appease the whacko baggers. At least Romney is younger and healthier and the VP is unlikely to do anything besides a few photo ops. It's not like Romney would fall dead of a heart attach leaving the country President Palin.

    Eeeeewww. Now I have to go scrub my hands.

  52. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Anon @ 7:17-
    "In other news, Fox is reporting that Hurricane Irene is Obama's fault...
    Hell they blame everything else on him, why not this."

    Apparently, they were incensed that he was still on vacation when the earthquake hit. Clearly, he should have been able to predict when an earthquake was going to occur in a place that hasn't had one that big he was born. Hundreds of seismologists around the world were surprised, but the President should have known it was going to happen. Do they realize just how ridiculous they sound?

    There were 770 earthquakes within the US in the last 7 days, nearly 80 of them JUST TODAY and the day isn't nearly finished yet! Is he not supposed to ever leave the White House???

  53. Anonymous1:01 PM

    C'mon Sarah, take off that smelly old pink Discovery Channel tee shirt already. With your talent for raking in the cash, surely you have an expensive, if truly tacky, wardrobe of casual clothes from which to choose. As for your entering the 2012 race, I ask only this: what do you bring to the table besides a tongue flick, a flash good legs, veiled sexual imagery and NOTHING UPSTAIRS? Real commonsense solutions, devotion to the constitution, yadda, yadda yadda.

  54. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Sunshine 1970:
    I think the same, it's all about how and where she can make the most.

  55. FloridaDem2:40 PM

    Here's another reason for you: She doesn't want to compete with Michelle Bachmann. She's much more comfortable using her victimhood against older males. Michelle doesn't fit the profile, and she won't have that wedge against her, (and has already said she doesn't want to get in a catfight). Michelle imo, basically took Palin's spot, when it was quietly understood Palin wouldn't run.

    That's why she's so peed at Rove, because he's hyping up the expectation again, after she's been trying to dampen it down.

  56. sunnyskies3:07 PM

    I just came to the conclusion that I don't care whether or not she runs for POTUS or dog catcher. We've got much bigger problems on the horizon than this ditzy dame. Whatever she decides to do, she is a side show at the circus. She does have entertainment value though so I will continue to follow IM for my day to day fix. Go Gryph!

  57. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Sarah sure is good at the tease thing. No wonder Todd found extracurricular interests.

  58. Remember the extensive work McCains campaign people had to do to get Sarah ready for that VP debate against Biden? No way does she want to go through that much work again, ha! Her brain was probably ready to explode after all that studying; I bet Sarah never had to work that hard before and this was just a vp debate. I don't think too many heavyweight Gop people would be prepared to work that hard for Palin this time around.


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