Saturday, August 27, 2011

Meeting President Obama blows this young man's mind!

Okay this guy is pretty young, and perhaps he overreacts just a tad, but I have to say that his unbridled enthusiasm got me kind of giddy right along with him.

(Click here if the video will not play for you.)


  1. THAT is why he is OUR President !

    His charisma is phenomenal and just seeps out of the video.

    I am grateful.


  2. Anonymous5:36 AM

    I loved this by the same young man, also. Makes my day!

  3. Anonymous5:38 AM

    This is he information o the video:

    'So me, my brother, and my pops went golfing at Mink Meadows golf course on Martha's Vineyard and it just so happened that the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama teed off not too long after us. So at the turn of the 9th hole we took a break to wait and see Obama and try and get a handshake or some pictures or something. We got both. FYI he's a really good golfer and I saw him in his car in my last video and thought he was huge but he's actually around my size. A little bit bigger. Enjoy.'

  4. Anonymous5:58 AM

    O/T but this guy really made me laugh. His take on Sarah is brilliant.


    I'm vastly entertained by the prospect of the formal entry into the GOP race of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (trailing Obama by 21 points in a head-to-head McClatchy-Marist poll earlier this month; by 14 points in a CNN/Opinion Research poll). She’s slated to speak at a tea party rally in Iowa a week from Saturday, Sept. 3, and rumors of a “major announcement” are flying.

    She will not be our next president. But unlike some other hopefuls who also will not be our next president, she has the political wattage to shift the terms of the debate within her own party and nudge it even further to the right.

    That wattage is already diminished. The vacuum that her provocative tweets and pugnacious posts filled during the campaigning lull has been filled by actual candidates, causing our interest in Hamlette of the Tundra to wane.

    Her battle to stave off the obscurity and irrelevance that inevitably awaits her will keep us amused, with luck, all the way until Super Tuesday (March 6, 2012).

  5. Anonymous6:17 AM

    That was cute. Worth the watch. There was a moment when I think he was about to cry and that made me cry. But it was all good.

    Thanks Gryphen!

  6. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Tears here. Glad I watched it.

  7. Anonymous7:49 AM

    That was really cute. I'm glad that the Obama family managed to have a nice vacation despite the right-wing hysteria about his going away for 10 days. The boy who did the filming did a great job! Thanks so much to him and to Gryphen for sharing it with us.

  8. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I'll bet this just PISSES Sarah Palin off. Just to know that people love, respect and support our Chief Executive - a man we full knew as Hawaiian-born, Christian, half-black and appreciative off all walks of life in our country and throughout the world.

  9. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I think President Obama will win re-election. However, if one of the current Republican crazies defeat him it will prove that our country does not have the intelligence, character, or ability to continue as the great country we once were.


  10. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:20 AM

    When a kid can't find the words to snark, he's totally AWESTRUCK. Great video!

  11. Anonymous10:32 AM

    So, so sweet.

    Our President obviously engenders a very positive reaction in many people. I think that's the truth of the matter, and I think there are many citizens of our country who like him, who trust him, and who will vote for him in 2012 so he can continue his work for one more term.

    He needs more time, and we need him where he is. As we all know, our Constitution only allows Presidents 8 years in office - let's make the most of this opportunity.

    Unraveling the mess of the Bush era was not going to be possible in one short term. He won't even accomplish everything with one more. Someone else will need to step up at that point and continue where he left off.

  12. Anonymous10:40 AM

    ...and Your Heinous $arah? OUR President does NOT need your paltry advice. M'kay? Are we clear on that?

  13. His joy brought tears to my eyes too.

  14. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I've never seen a President connect in such a real way with everyone, especially the young, that he meets.
    We volunteer for OFA, and the entusiasm young people have is mind blowing!

    I think I'd be giddy myself if he shook my hand!


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