Saturday, August 27, 2011

Is Rebecca "RAM" Mansour getting married? Update: No!

And before you start, NO I don't think this is the person RAM is marrying.
I had a visitor e-mail me this link of recent marriage licenses issued in Michigan.

Look whose name is on the list:

Rebecca Mansour of Lansing and Laurence M. Oversmith Jr. of Jackson

Yeah I know!  I was pretty flabbergasted too!

I KNEW she got heaved under the Palin bus pretty hard, but I had no idea it would turn her straight.

Unless of course she was straight all along. (I have always been a little fuzzy about that.)

Now currently THIS is the only evidence we have about these potential nuptials, so we certainly cannot be sure that this is THE famous Rebecca Mansour that was Sarah Palin's number one fan and most vicious protector.

However she DID grow up and attend school in Michigan:

An article in the March 17 Section A about Rebecca Mansour, an aide to Sarah Palin, said she grew up in Madison Heights, Mich. She grew up in Royal Oak, Mich., but attended high school in Madison Heights.

It is not much to go on, but perhaps as the days pass we will dig up some more information that will confirm my suspicions.  Or perhaps not, You never can tell.

BTW, I am going to ask that we demonstrate a little restraint and NOT simply slam RAM on her appearance.  I know, it will take every ounce of control that some of you have, but I just think this thread will devolve into a really ugly example of internet abuse if I allow it.

Having said that, I think that her sycophantic allegiance to the Grizzled Mama, her Twitter attacks on Bristol, and her penchant for spreading lies and misinformation are TOTALLY fair game.

Update:  Ops it looks like the Rebecca Mansour getting married is NOT the Rebecca Mansour who was once Sarah Palin's number one fan, before she met the undercarriage of Palin's giant bus to future anonymity.

Well that is too bad, I think it would be great if RAM had something positive going on in her life.

Perhaps she could find something else to drain the Palin poison from her soul.  I don't know, perhaps a couple of interviews, or a book deal, or maybe even having a sit down with a fellow blogger to share some stories about the trials and tribulation of writing about this nasty bitch poor misunderstood political superstar?

You know where to find me Becky.


  1. I am still not clear....does Rebecca still participate in Palin's world?

  2. Anonymous3:40 AM

    found a Rebecca B Mansour on Facebook. This one has worked for 27 years for Xerox and is engaged to Larry Oversmith.

    I'm sure she's just lovely, and it's not her fault she shares a name with RAM.

    Congratulations to the *real* Becky Mansour.

  3. Anonymous3:45 AM

    re: Facebook. On Rebecca B Mansour's wall, there are some shots of the Xerox party. DEFINITELY not the same person.

    Besides, this Becky seems to be quite a compassionate person.

  4. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Hmm. She's marrying a square dance caller?

    Wrong Rebecca Mansour, for sure.

  5. Anonymous3:52 AM

    The funny thing is before she fell in love with Sarah she tried to volunteer for our President as he was racing towards the White House...& for some reason she was rejected!
    So this doesn't suggest someone that is real firm in her convictions.


  6. angela3:55 AM

    Here's hoping Rebecca finds someone to snog for life. If that license is indeed for Sarah's RAM, maybe it will lessen her vitriolic whining for the grifter. Probably not, but maybe.

    Anyway; anyone who works for Sarah needs to find love. Working in such a toxic atmosphere without real love in your life breeds serial killers.

  7. Anonymous4:01 AM

    I thought Becky and Tammy Bruce were an item, maybe not now.

    I'd love for Becky to throw Sarah under the bus, I think she made Becky worse.

    Hope Becky buys a clue and gets a good life free of Grandma Grizzley and Tammy Bruce.

  8. Anonymous4:14 AM

    If so, best wishes to her. A lot of people sweeten up after marriage. Maybe RAM will too.

  9. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Larry Oversmith is 69 years old.

    He appears to be a square dance caller, unless that is Larry Merritt Oversmith, Jr.

    Why is this picture not computing?

  10. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Personally, I'm going to wish her well. She does not strike me as one who has lived a very happy life. That may well explain quite a lot about her and her actions. Maybe getting away from that whole Palin circle (assuming she's made a real break) might just make for a very different Rebecca Mansour. One can hope.

  11. Anonymous4:39 AM

    RAM is a nasty ugly person on the INSIDE...

    Just imagine all the dirty secrets she knows about Sarah.

  12. Anonymous4:41 AM

    You've missed the point about commenting on Mansour's appearance, Gryphen. You see, her exterior ugliness is only exacerbated BECAUSE of the ugly, despicable words she's disseminated, and BECAUSE of the lack of compassion she's exhibited as Sarah's mouthpiece. It goes hand in hand. I see people from the inside-out. This is a VERY, VERY ugly human being, and it's a shame. But then, I see Sarah Palin as someone more grotesque (and I sincerely mean this) than the Hunchback of Notre Dame! HE at least had a heart.

  13. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Hm, I've never assumed she was a lesbian. Having a girl crush on your boss is just filling a void of some kind. High school related? family issues? I had a huge crush on my dance teacher in college.


    I do know that I had a super amazing teacher in high school who makes RAM look like Ms America. This woman was literally the best teacher anyone could ever have, and the best friend a person could have at school. It was easy to look past her untraditional appearance and see the heart of gold.

    People "attacked" RAM because she attacked others for speaking their mind. While I would defend some her of statements, other statements were immature.

    However, I don't know her and cannot comment on anything about her personally.

  14. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Doesn't she live in LA, unless that is her work address.

    Why would she get a marriage license in a state she doesn't live in? Maybe a change in careers? She screwed herself over with her job as Sarah's bitch, by proving herself disloyal. I hope future employers either ignore or are ignorant of that predicament. It could bite her in the ass one day. If she did it to a Clinton or even Obama, shed probably never work again ie Lewinsky style.

  15. London Bridges5:01 AM

    This could be part of Sarah's presidential campaign strategy!

    Family values ya know!

  16. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Perhaps this will be a good thing for her. Marriage can change people's outlook on life, especially if your back is covered with tire marks from the bus Sara threw her under. I actually kind of wish her the best and hope she uses this to get out from under the spell of the kool-aid she was drinking so long. Yet another "inner" circle person who seems to have moved on. From budding Presidential Press Secretary to the wife of a man in Michigan, a step up or down?

  17. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Two (2) Wasillas in the house - 2 waves!

  18. Anonymous5:08 AM

    I wish Becky happiness, I really do. I hope in the years to come, she will look back and and be able to put together her own "My tumultuous years with SP" reflecting how she was caught up in this unstable, manipulative woman's orbit..

    Becky, if you are reading this, please consider that if SP had followed the rules, been transparent, and told the truth all along, she wouldn't always be on the verge of a meltdown or afraid of being "exposed".

  19. Anonymous5:13 AM

    I don't know the extent of RAMs twitter messages to Toki, but what T released wasn't that bad. It actually just confirmed what I know to have gone done last year. I think the worst one was her calling Bristol young and dumb for getting reengaged. But - Bristol calls herself dumb for last summer's events. That's not to say that Sarah shouldn't be pissed at RAM for what she did. I'd fire her. A close aide who shows disloyalty? I'd hope anyone would fire that person.

    It was funny that RAM randomly told him inane information though. But I think it worked to our disadvantage because NOW Sarah has even more license not to trust people around her.

  20. Anonymous5:15 AM

    It is with a heavy heart and requiring every ounce of self-control not to pound her appearance. I weighed the pros and cons, hefting my first inclination, and instead choosing a substantially more restrained high road.

    Although widely viewed as a massive supporter of Palin, she deserves giant kudos for this immensely important day, and a large round of applause.

    Through thick and thin, surplus and deprivation, may she wallow in nuptial bliss.

  21. Anonymous5:18 AM

    He's just as shy as Becky! His photo is from an old high school yearbook.

  22. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Oh and it is the right RAM. Her facebook page is a pic of a tinyyy engagement ring.

  23. Balzafiar5:21 AM

    Just because she's getting married does not mean she's straight. I used to work with several lesbians, among whom one married a man with the full intention of divorcing him once she delivered a baby. She wanted the baby to have a legal name plus get all the child support.

    Without attempting to hide it from me, they used to joke about and laugh at the "sap", the "clueless jerk" as they called him, that the woman married and about what a "victory" it was for for the sisterhood of lesbians.

    All of that left me with a permanent dislike of that group of lesbians. Perhaps lesbians are not all like that, but I don't have any others to compare them to. I also know I would never want to work with that group again.

    That being said, it doesn't make RAM any more of a lesbian than she already is -- or not.

  24. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Stop! Scratch my previous post. Wrong Rebecca. It's Rebecca B. Mansour. I went to Larry's facebook page, found Rebecca B. Mansour, the one who is engaged.

  25. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Not on her appearance really, but wearing that scarf on a summer day? Is she hiding a pregnancy the stealth Palin way?

  26. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Gryph, please post an update. It's not fair that the wrong Becky gets slammed.

  27. Virginia Voter5:52 AM

    Oooh, goody, the I don't know fairy tale troll is baaaack.

    More proof that the fairy tale troll is more than likely the battering RAM herself.

    Unfortunately the wrong Becky....looks like the Michigan one is a stable person with a real job and real friends.

  28. Anonymous6:08 AM

    I don't feel sorry for that handsome man. he has written many hate filled rants about people who didn't do shit to him.

    he was punk'd because he's desperate for any attention. Now he doesn't have anything left but his stinkin lying posts.

    I hope this fine man finally gets some on his wedding day.


  29. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I know a Lesbian who married a gay man, way back before people were willing to be out of the closet. The arrangement worked well for that family. I don't know if it would work today.

    In any event, let's hope RAM doesn't have a non-disclosure agreement, because then some day, we might get the full story.

    Poor Granny LuLu. So many grandchildren, so few friends.

  30. Anonymous7:40 AM

    There's not enough alcohol in the world.......

  31. I think the only license RAM should get are oversize vehicle plates front and back. Probably should be fitted with a back-up alarm as well,

  32. Anonymous8:02 AM

    There are a number of Rebecca Mansour's around the country. In addition to our favorite ghost writer, there are Rebecca Mansour's in Santa Rosa, CA
    Windermere, FL
    Lansing, MI
    Simpsonville, SC
    Lansing, MI

    Mansour is a common Arabic name, and there is a large Lebanese population around Detroit and Toledo. (RAM grew up in a Detroit suburb).

    Sarah Palin gets attention because of her looks. If she was not photogenic, provocative and sensational, no one would pay much attention to her. To put it bluntly, if Sarah looked like Rebecca, it's doubtful that McCain would have chosen her to be his VP candidate. Looks matter.

    Even Bristol knew that looks matter. She changed her appearance so that she looks like a Kardashian clone for her reality TV show.

    By the same token, we should not be judging Rebecca A Mansour by her looks. But, we can judge her by the nasty, angry words that she put in Sarah's mouth, Facebook and speeches. If Rebecca wants to take credit for surveyors symbols and blood libel, then she should be judged for those terrible remarks. We don't have to dwell on the superficial.

    This is the weekend that they were supposed to dedicate the MLK memorial. Remember that it was King who asked that people not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. We don't have to stoop to insulting Rebecca's appearance. We should judge her by what she wrote for Sarah and how she polarized the country.

  33. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Gryphen - I'm confused. I thought RAM's comments about Bristol came out before the preview of The Undefeated - an event where Becky was clearly in attendance as part of Sarah's entourage. So, did something else happen since then to silence RAM? Can you or another commenter help clear up this confusion?

  34. Oh NO!!! It's another swarm of flying monkeys headed toward your house!!??!?

    I saw Nicole Wallace on with Rachel last week and as biased and anti-everything that democrats have ever thought or dreamed or spoke of, ever, even she could manage to say Monkey Mama could still get in but it may be like Monkey Mama's visit to the turkey shredder last year... except it would be Monkey Burgers coming out !! Har... Har.... Har....

  35. honeybabe9:26 AM

    i say prayers of love and compassion for all those people who are so full of hate, anger and fear. that path has not accomplished anything positive. my subversive way of helping them come out of the dark cloud they are in.

  36. Anonymous9:45 AM

    When you first posted that picture of RAM my heart went out to her. I just went through the hardest year in my life; stress from school and work, family, a strained relationship, and big health problems were taking a big toll on my body. Mentally, I thought I was loosing my mind. Medically, I was literally blowing up. Inflammation from food allergies, hormone changes, old back trauma, and stress were making me sick. I was way over weight, pale, and had kinky hair and bulging eyes. I'm not saying all obesity has these sort of underlying causes- but many, many cases do. No diet in the world would have help me loose weight. I was actually starving myself, but not shrinking in size. I saw myself in RAM. Since changing my diet and going through physical therapy to release painful restrictions gained from a rough childhood and an adolescence with horses, I'm starting to see me in the mirror again. Instead of feeling twice my age getting out of bed in the morning, I'm able to wake up and look forward to the day. RAM, get medical treatment. Find a doctor who will test you for food intolerances. I, too, was obsessed with SP- I just came at it from the other side. The pain made me angry, and the inflammation effected my brain chemistry. There is life and happiness with healing. Vitamin D3 is huge and cod liver oil helps bring back the sanity. No one deserves to be miserable. Best of luck RAM.

  37. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Holy Lord, Rebecca is spending toooooo much time in front of her PC.
    Girl, you need to MOVE, seriously.

  38. Anonymous6:21 PM

    While I'm not much in the "looks" department, I do look presentable, work out, and have a stable family life and a few good friends.

    I believe there's a lid for every pot, and I'm sure someone will come along and sweep you off your feet. Have you considered being pen pals with prisoners?

    That biological clock is ticking, you know!

  39. I could't care less what happens to this P.O.S. ~ I was curious to see what people wrote.

    Of all things, I find this post out of place.

    Based on what we KnOW of Scarah, RAM is NO way, NO how ,NO part of Scarah's circle. Not now. Not Ever Again.

    RAM broke TWO CARDINAL RULES of Pay-land:

    1) You do NOT speak of Pay-land OUTSIDE of Pay-land.

    2) You do NOT speak ill of ANY Palin OR Heath family member.

    RAM will NEVER. EVER. be a part of Scarah's scary world again.

    She was just an employee, nothing more, nothing less. Like all those who came before her, unless she comes forward to dish some dirt (with Proof preferably!) on Pay-land, well...I don't need to see her face or read her name.

    **Congratulations to the Rebecca Mansour getting married. Much happiness!**

  40. I thought RAM's comments about Bristol came out before the preview of The Undefeated - an event where Becky was clearly in attendance as part of Sarah's entourage.

    Nothing indicated that RAM was still part of SP's "entourage". There is not a single photo of the two of them even sharing a word. She went there to show the Gassy Grandma she still loooovvveeed her, but GG is totally over RAM.

    T.O.T.A.L.L.Y. over RAM.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.