Friday, August 19, 2011

Sarah Palin pops up to satisfy her contractual obligation to Fox News.

I have been noticing lately that Palin has started cramming two or three interviews with Fox News into one day about two or three times a month.  To me this appears to be an indication that she is really not terribly interested in doing them anymore (Except for the paycheck), and that they are not terribly interested in having her do them (No more ratings boost for them like the old days.)

So yesterday Klondike Kardashian heated up her old leftover talking points in her microwave and sat down to pull a train of Fox News interviews one after the other.

First up the feisty Megyn Kelly, newly returned from birthing a future bubble-headed Fox News commentator.

Now I was going to go through the interview and pick it apart, but there are three of these damn things and I just don't have that kind of time. (If you are absolutely determined to subject yourself to what Palin vomited forth, just click the image and it will take you to the You Tube of the interview.)

Besides I had a REALLY hard time listening to her drone on about how the President is screwing up this country, and that all we need are "common sense" solutions, because I swear that whatever that is on her head flipped its tail and hissed at me, which completely threw me off my game.

Now this interview was broadcast about 9:00 Alaska time.

Just one hour later Snowdrift Snooki shows up on Fox's "I don't know anything about business" channel with Lou Dobbs.

Do you see it too?

Yep she is still sitting in front of the same backdrop, but whatever had taken up residence on her head seems to have made its escape. (I called the Wasilla PD and told them to be on the lookout for a psychologically wounded, possibly rabid, furry creature racing through the woods screaming in agony. My advice was to shoot on sight.)

Palin also changed out of her Nancy Reagan brand red blazer from Sears, and changed into whatever the hell that outfit is. You will notice she also changed her necklace, but kept the flag pin. (Because as we know seeing Sarah Palin without a flag pin might make the Fox News viewers believe she is a Socialist.)

Now eight hours later Sarah Palin popped up again in her last interview of the day with Greta Van Susteren.

As you can see, though he she had plenty of time, Palin did not bother to change for Greta essentially giving her Lou Dobbs' sloppy seconds.

You will also notice that she is no longer sitting in front of the fake fireplace set, but is now sitting in front of the window overlooking the dead lake next to her house.  But do you want to know something odd? (Yes, I know that everything about this crazy bitch is "odd' but just bear with me.) I live less than an hour away from where Palin was giving this interview, but when I turned and looked out of MY window, though it was overcast, there was substantially more light streaming in than can be seen outside of HER Wasilla window.

In fact Greta even asked her about why it was so dark in the second half of the interview, and Palin made some halfhearted mention of fall coming and a nip in the air. However I find it hard to believe that Fall is coming faster to Wasilla than to Anchorage.

Which of course once again makes me consider whether or not she is sitting in front of a fake backdrop instead of an actual window. But who knows, perhaps her presence also sucks all of the light and heat out of the room just like it sucks all of the oxygen out.

So there you have Palin's contractual Fox News appearances crammed together in one day, each featuring the same tired old talking points and viscous attacks on the President, but each distinguished by different hair, changes in attire, or simply the movement of her chair.

Watching Palin's lazy ass approach to these interviews kind of reminds me of an old married couple where the husband finally convinces the wife to have sex with him but she stipulates that he not take very long, not mess up her hair, and not block her view of the TV.

Just imagine how thrilled Fox News is that Palin has NOT thrown her hat in the ring to run for President, and is still making them honor their part of the contract they made with her lo those many, many months ago when they actually thought she was worth a million plus dollars.

Serves them right, don't you think?

(Just a reminder that if you want to watch the interviews, just click the images to be taken to You Tube.)


  1. Anonymous9:03 AM

    What's with the (R) next to her name???? Don't you just use that for pols in office?

  2. "I swear that whatever that is on her head flipped its tail and hissed at me"...

    that may just be the funniest thing you have ever written! well played, sir!

  3. Anonymous9:06 AM

    She sure has aged in three years! It's amazing. The pressure is getting to her - no longer being adored by the citizens in the lower 48.

    She's fading both physically and mentally.

    Can hardly wait to read and see the books and movie coming out in September that are not going to be kind to her.

    She deserves every bit of crud that will be coming her way....she's dished it out all these years and 'what goes around comes around'.

  4. How much longer is Sarah Palin's contract with FOX? WHo wants to bet they don't renew. She is not drawing the viewers and she's not running. Michelle Bachmann has the crazy right-wing dingbat franchise sewn up at this point.

  5. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I wonder if they will just give her the money and say "thanks but no thanks" until the contract runs out.

  6. Anonymous9:13 AM

    I wonder if they will just give her the money and say "thanks but no thanks" until the contract runs out.

  7. Anonymous9:16 AM

    She was slagging the Pres for taking a vacation. Hello, dipshit. YOU QUIT.

    Obama has taken 60 vacation days in his term. Bush had taken 180 by this point. So do the math, you braindead magpie.

  8. Anonymous9:24 AM

    "...because I swear that whatever that is on her head flipped its tail and hissed at me, which completely threw me off my game."

    Gryph, I have come to count on your humor every single day, but some days are better than others!

    This reminded me of Hunter Thompson's Fear and Loathing books (Las Vegas, Campaign Trail): no hallucinogens for you, my friend! She's just too damn scary straight.

  9. Anonymous9:26 AM

    In the Megyn Kelly interview, I wasn't sure if I was watching Palin or Greta. They had a striking facial resemblance about a minute and a half into the interview.

    Same plastic surgeon?? Surgeon working from the same facial 'blueprint' or 'wrong file'??? LOL

  10. Anonymous9:30 AM

    My Dog Sarah looks horrible. She is aging faster than a rotten banana.

  11. Beldar Compassionate Conehead9:38 AM

    "I called the Wasilla PD and told them to be on the lookout for a psychologically wounded, possibly rabid, furry creature racing through the woods screaming in agony. My advice was to shoot on sight."

    C'mon, Gryphen, are you SURE that's what you saw? I'm don't know about Alaska, but most states explicitly prohibit the "public display of living wildlife worn as clothing, wiggery or accessories". Perhaps what you saw was a trained domesticated Black-Footed Amer'kin Merkin Weasel that's bred specifically to ride atop the patchy pates of severely balding men and women.

    Why do you feel the need to sensationalize and criticize what are simply very, very poor fashion choices by a distracted, hostile, ill-informed, failing, thin-skinned, ungracious former political wannabe whose only crime is wanting to line her pockets with the hard-earned money of her naive and dwindling corps of supporters? (ok, maybe not her ONLY crime, but work with me here, man! Work with me!!)

    How about a little compassion for the screechy wretch(tm) who stands before us a hideous, withered and decaying shadow of her former semi-attractive self?

    Remember, there but for the grace of Zeus go you....

  12. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I remember that the first "show" idea she pitched to Fox was "Great American Stories" that she would simply provide narration for. "This is story is about Sam, blah blah blah.."

    Just her reading off a prepared script. Something that she could literally phone in, while wearing her pajamas.

  13. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Ha Ha! Love the "thing on her head must have made it's escape".

    If she were a man, it would be rather funny to see her with a rug on her head doing interview, then 2 hours later, without it. I mean, what's the point of having the extra fake hair, if one doesn't wear it all the time.

    Guess she thinks hair pieces are like hats.

  14. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Gryph - regarding the light coming in the window..........somebody on another board mentioned that it looks like a tinting has been put on that window to keep out the light. that we can't see the Teleprompter reflecting in her glasses. However, it's not fool proof (of course), as when her head is in a certain spot, you can still see the Teleprompter. FAIL AGAIN, Scarah Payme.

  15. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I recall last spring(?) SP was doing a Fox interview, with the usual Lake Lucille backdrop behind her, and lo and behold a dog's outline appears walking across the backdrop behind her.

    It wasn't between her and the supposed "window". It was a shadow of a dog seemingly behind some sort of screen; the shadow of a dog walked across her background. It was the strangest thing.

    Will try to find that.

  16. Anonymous9:52 AM

    "pull a train" . . . Really?

    I have been reading your blog for several years, and I enjoy the wit and snark that you imbed in your views. But I have noticed lately that sexual innuendo or outright sexist commentary is popping up in an all too regular frequency (at least for me).

    Maybe I only notice this because I am female, but it is now so blatant that I feel obligated to comment.

    I applaud you for going after politicians, and especially Sarah Palin. And I enjoy the humor you used to use to do it.

    But the jokes (for me) have gone over the edge of good taste, or even common courtesy. I am not to the place where I have stopped reading your blog, but it is no longer the place I go to first. And it is almost to the point of no longer wanting to look at all.

    Palin and Bachman need to be held accountable for what they do and what they say. But going after them with this type of language only serves to lower the discourse.

    I think you are better than this. Let me rephrase that, I know you are better than this.

    Please think about this. The women in this country deserve to be treated better. Even the ones we despise. Every time we use this type of rhetoric about a public figure, it makes it OK for this language to be used against the general female population.

    Our mothers, sisters, aunts and daughters deserve better.

  17. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Despite her inevitable demise, news that they need a larger venue for Palin's tea party address is just damn depressing...|head

  18. JayKen Knotstirred10:17 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

  19. Anonymous10:18 AM

    @9:54 - of course they need a bigger venue. The Koch Bros. spend millions to bus folks in to make it look like it's real! The Koch Bros. have already contracted to bus more "TParty" folks in than could be fit in the original place. Contracts must be met!

  20. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Good lord Sarah, what the hell woman? Do you really not give a shit anymore?

    I mean honestly you are sporting the I'm just going to drop the kids at the door look that only happens early in the morning before it gets light enough for people to really make you out in the car.

    You should get your ass fired for being so damn lazy. You can't even be bothered to wash your nasty hair!

  21. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Autumn IS coming to MatSu faster this year, but I don't know how Anchorage looks.

  22. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I'm think Anon 9:49 has it right. They've used some kind of scrim to on the window to prevent a reflection. Amateur hour.

  23. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Anon 9:52

    As another woman, let me just tell you -- Get you're bible out of your ass or you'll 'back up'.

    If you want to 'control' a blog -- write your own. Note -- this blog is not your's to control.

    I'll also add that I wouldn't think twice about referring to either Snowdrift or Brisket as SlutSnowdrift or Slut Brisket -- they've made their own beds and they lie in them -- as in posture position and the bullshit that spews from their hateful mouths.

    Your 'feminism' references -- grow up. You, like Palin take us back 50 years. 'Oh, we're the Victims'.

  24. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I read the article. It does not say that there is a definite need for a larger crowd, but that they want to be prepared. They should prepare to be disappointed. SP has become an EPIC FAIL!
    On a snarkier note: Sarah's porn star pale lipstick is so 60's man. Well, it is fitting isn't it? She is as faded out as her lips. What a shame! bwahahahahahahahaha

  25. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Mrs. Palin famously quipped in 2008 that the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull is lipstick. Mr. Obama subsequently noted that a pig with lipstick “is still a pig.” Since then, Mrs. Palin has constantly pursued celebrity over credible politics in a time of national crisis. Hence, the biggest pig in the room with lipstick on it turned out to be the half-term governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin.


  26. Anonymous10:37 AM

    SP ain't lookin' so good. And what's with the hair? Skanky.

  27. Anonymous10:37 AM

    @ Anon 9:52, what the hell does "pull a train" mean to you? I assume it means do one interview after another like the cars of a train in this context. I'd google the term but I'm afraid what might pop up. Jesus, could you at least not pull us into the gutter with you? All I'm saying is maybe Gryphen is not the one with the problem. Just sayin'.

  28. Nancy In New York10:38 AM

    Isn't that the 'blood libel' video back drop? Minus the stadium size American flag of course.

    Sorry, Gryph, I can't, can't can't watch her. That jutting chin, that self assured smug look across her face and her continual non stop vicious jabs at the President, I literally can't take it anymore. And don't get me started on her voice. I'd rather chew glass and wash it down with rusty nails than ever willingly listen to that wretched screech again.

  29. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Gryphen, O/T

    Just went back to read your blog post of April 14, 2011 - Shawn Christy.

    It's very interesting to read and moreso read some of the comments. One comment of particular interest was posted at 10:38am.

    A 2005 Court case between Christy 7 Palin?
    Christy's Alaskan connection?

    Makes one wonder whether there is some truth in this and if so, how deep? Hmmm

  30. I've noticed that, when she's using the mountain/dead lake backdrop, it's never a bright sunny day. Always overcast, very little blue sky. Now, I've seen pictures on several AK blogs that show bright sunny days. I've seen pictures over at the flats that show mountains with little to no cloud cover. I've seen pictures of bright sunny summer evenings. But, over by SP's place? Always cloudy. If it's real and not a backdrop? That is what she should take it as a sign.

  31. Anonymous10:52 AM

    First of all you should reedit your intro to this piece--SP does not CHOOSE whether she goes on or not. It is in her contract. There will be a very specific number of times that she goes on to fulfill her contract. And it's the producers who choose to put her on, not her choosing whether or not she will do it. They can ask her to do more than the minimum--which they clearly have stopped doing. But while they are paying her the big bucks, they clearly are only using her for the minimum they are required to. The producers, and possibly the presenters (Hannity, O'Reilly) will determine whether they want her on or not, and when. The fact that she did so many in one day and has been silent for weeks at a time these past few months says that Fox no longer wants to use her and is ONLY doing the minimum per the contract. And they are trying to cake it in all in one swipe. The big question is, when does her contract end and will they renew? Seems like not.

  32. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I'm wondering if they have the same backdrops available for appearances from AZ and AK. Interchangeable.

    The fireplace was the backdrop of her 'blood libel' hateful spew which was when she was in AZ. It may have also been when she was interviewed by Greta when she was on her book tour whil Bristle was slutting herself on DWTS.

    The fact that Palin spends mounds of money to condom wrap her bus, why wouldn't she just have fake backdrops made to -- but then, she'd charge Faux for those as they're required for her appearances on Faux and it was Faux that built the studio in AK and I'm sure installed the equipment in AZ too.

    Palin, in her small pee-brain, thinks it's a way to keep people guessing where she is.

  33. Anonymous11:05 AM

    "However I find it hard to believe that Fall is coming faster to Wasilla than to Anchorage."

    ...unless, of course, the fall is Sarah's. :-D

  34. Anonymous11:07 AM

    @10:28 AM

    10:28: As another woman, let me just tell you -- Get you're bible out of your ass or you'll 'back up'.

    RESP: I'm not clear on where your reference to the bible comes from and why you assume someone is speaking from a biblical perpective.

    10:28: If you want to 'control' a blog -- write your own.

    RESP; I don't get where you see the writer trying to "control." I see the writer as perhaps trying to influence, definitely trying to share her thoughts and feelings, but I've heard nothing to suggest the writer was trying to control. Where did see that?

    10:28: Note -- this blog is not your's to control.

    Again, what did you read to suggest control?

    10:28: I'll also add that I wouldn't think twice about referring to either Snowdrift or Brisket as SlutSnowdrift or Slut Brisket -- they've made their own beds and they lie in them -- as in posture position and the bullshit that spews from their hateful mouths.

    RESP: And it seems that Gryph is willing/content to allow you to do so I'm not sure why this is pertinent. If your point is that because you think it's okay, it should be okay, then you back up the reasoning that if another reader things something is offensive, they have a right to say that also.

    10:28 Your 'feminism' references -- grow up. You, like Palin take us back 50 years. 'Oh, we're the Victims'.

    RESP: Again, I'm not clear how you made the jump from being offended/uncomfortable with certain language, to being a victim. Is there no language that anyone should find offensive/uncomfortable? If not, what are the parameters for when people can share their discomfort with language, and when they can't.

    GENERAL COMMENTS: I found your response full of assumptions and derogatory comments aimed to stop discussion. Perhaps I am in error, and you didn't intend to stop discussion.

  35. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Sarah Palin's miseries are America's enjoyment.

    -Paul Revere

  36. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Faces of Meth. Enough said.

  37. Anonymous11:13 AM

    @10:37: All I'm saying is maybe Gryphen is not the one with the problem. Just sayin'.

    RESP: If Gryphen doesn't care about what readers in general, or 9:52 in particular, think, or how they react to his language, then Gryphen doesn't have a problem. Doesn't matter what anyone else things.

    If Gryphen does care, he has been given information to consider, along with whatever other information he wishes to consider. I heard no demand that Gryphen change.

    The writer admitted she had a problem with some of the language, so telling her she has a problem isn't news, and doesn't advance the conversation. IN fact, it appears to be a conversation stopper, as if you don't like this thread of thought.

    I would be most curious to understand why you support the language found uncomfortable by 9:52.


  38. Anonymous11:20 AM

    anon at (:52
    Save your fake outrage. As a woman, a duaghter, sister, aunt, mother and grandma, I am not offended.

  39. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Grandma Sarah hates being called grandma.

    Can't wait, in 12 years we can call Grandma Sarah... Drum roll paleazzzee

    "Great Grandma Sarah" :)

    Her "Great Grandma" days are coming courtesy of Trig and Tripp. Those Palins breeds like rats in a sewer.

  40. Anonymous11:23 AM

    she's probably not really in front of the window, it's probably a green screen. Maybe the fire place is too.

  41. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Anonymous said...

    She was slagging the Pres for taking a vacation. Hello, dipshit. YOU QUIT.

    Obama has taken 60 vacation days in his term. Bush had taken 180 by this point. So do the math, you braindead magpie.

    9:16 AM

    Sarah and Piper has problems with anything over 10 toes and 10 fingers. Todd may be the brightest, they say he can count to 21!

  42. Anonymous11:27 AM

    When is Sarah's contract with Fox over? I wish they would pay her off and get her off the news.

  43. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Anonymous said...

    What's with the (R) next to her name???? Don't you just use that for pols in office?

    9:03 AM

    You must not be from Alaska! Everybody in Alaska knows that "R" next to a Palin name means "RETARDED".

  44. Anonymous11:29 AM

    @9:52 is that what you read into it? Something sexual? U must be a repressed rethug as they see sex in everything. Get out of the gutter.

  45. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Being from the same generation as you, Gryphen, I know exactly what "pulling a train," means, and I laughed out loud when I read that. How pricelessly apt. (I asked my 20-something daughters if they'd ever heard the expression, and they were clueless.)

    Oh, and Anon at 9:52, I'm female, too. Jeez.

  46. thank you for allowing your readers to watch the $PAYLIN interviews on fox simply by clicking the picture of her on your website. I am just not able to watch her say anything anymore. I simply cannot stand to listen to her or any of them. Although I adore reading common sense critiques of their interviews.

    I am a firm believer in "you will rise to the level of your own incompetence", I've seen it so many times before. It IS facinating to watch them try to overcome THEMSELVES.

    As for $arah, I believe she is well aware of what is coming out about her, between the books, the movie and the playboy interview. I take it the movie, Sarah Palin, You Betcha!!! is a go and there was absolutely no problem finding the $$$ the producers needed to go forward??? How long did that take once the word got out??? A couple of hours, If that? I thought so.

    Yes, her political career must be over based on certain findings which have not yet been made public. Why else would the films' producer have asked her the question "is your political career over??", during one of her sideshow public interviews. Why would the producer put it in his movie and let us see it beforehand??? I hope it is at the end of the movie...... and I can't wait to find out

  47. Anonymous11:35 AM

    The TV station can insert ANY fake backdrop they want if she is sitting in front of a white backdrop. So she could be in Arizona and be pretending to be in Alaska. And they can also insert film behind her. So if trees are blowing it could be a film footage backdrop, not her real window showing her real outside.

  48. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Why is she wearing an eskimo jacket inside???
    Time for her to visit Bighair saloon she is a mess.

  49. Anonymous11:43 AM

    anon 9:52
    i don't know what pull atrain means, but figured Gryphen meant doing back to back to bavk interviews. you are the one with a problem re a sexual connotation. Don't come here and read then and certainly don't tell the blog owner how or what ot write.
    Really, your energy could be better spent writing YOUR OWN BLOG that calls Palin to task for all her sexual innuendos: limp, impotent, weak, cojones, etc .
    I just skipped over most of your comment, a skill you could perhaps embrace.

  50. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I agree with 9:52. I didn't catch the "pull a train." However, I have felt the same way about the posts. She gave a careful critique to Gryphen of her opinion. I applaud it because I feel the same about the sexual innuendo. When I come across what I feel is in poor taste, I leave the blog.

    I'm not sure why another poster attacked 9:52. She has a right to her opinion, as do you. I saw nothing in the post that suggested she was a right-wing religious Bible carrier. I am not either.

  51. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Bwahahahahaha...Sarah Palin was called into work!

    She dodged jury duty, but she knows who signs her checks, she's not bright, but she's greedy as hell.

  52. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Believe it or not there was a panel of three women on Fox today. They all agreed Piers was right and Christine was wrong. It was fair game for him to ask her questions on things she put in the book. She walked off two shows this week. Also, commentators on Fox are starting to not agree with Sarah. Something is happening here.

  53. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Anon@952 I am also a woman and I take no offense what so ever to Gryphen's posts. If you find them offensive, I suggest you don't read them. The likes of SP her skanky daughters, the idiot O'Donnell and crazy Bachmann deserve everything they get. They show their poor taste and ignorance everyday and I am tired of women like this making all woman look stupid, vain and crazy. To Anon@10:28 you said it well, totally agree with you. Gryphen, I absolutely love your posts, and yours is the first one I read.

    Sue in Kansas

  54. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Holy shit did u all see her new video release titled “Iowa Passion”-Highlighting Iowa trip ???

  55. Anonymous11:51 AM

    @ 11:20: anon at (:52 Save your fake outrage. As a woman, a duaghter, sister, aunt, mother and grandma, I am not offended.11:20 AM

    RESP: I don't remember hearing 9:52 say she was outraged. Why exaggerate what she says? Or did I miss something?

    Supporting Gryphen by saying you aren't outraged seems pertinent. However, if you are entitled to express your opinion (not outraged), so is 9:52 entitled to express her opinion (which was not "outraged").

    I am amazed at the number of people who have responded in ways which seem to wish to clamp down on 9:52's opinion, rather than engage. Which one is entitled to do - but I'm curious as to why. But perhaps I am mistaken and there is a desire to discuss the issue.

  56. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Remember, she signed a "multi-year" contract to be a "regular" commentator and to be the host of "Real America" or whatever the flop of a show that was that was cancelled. I wonder if she is being paid the same amount now for the minimum and without her "show." Maybe there were different tiers they use for income depending on the amount of work. They also built her house/airplane hanger/studio next to her house. I'm sure Fox put an "out" clause in there to get out of it. They are only showing her this week because of this weekend. They have to take advantage of the "buzz."

  57. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Bristol Palin and her reality show cast mates as they take a trip to Pink's Famous Hot Dogs

    who eats a hotdog using knife/fork, i guess it will be Trump and Palins!

  58. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Bill Maher New Rules on Bachmann and Palin

  59. Anonymous12:08 PM

    What time did you look out of your window? Sunset was at 9:49PM last night. I have a cabin on Lake Lucille and when you are next to a lake it tends to be brighter than other places because of the complete lack of trees on the lake side of your house.

    Maybe she was in Arizona and the light bulb in her fake background projector burned out and Todd wasn't around to change it.

  60. Anonymous12:09 PM

    ANONYMOUS @ 9:03

    The (R) is for reject.

  61. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Google photos has the inside of her studio shown here, complete with camera with teleprompter attached.
    The window is tinted -- see the side windows are lighter.

  62. JayKen Wannabe12:15 PM

    @ JayKen Knotstirred. . .

    I believe she keeps it under the rug on her head. . .

  63. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Like some of the other commenters, I "also, too" cannot stand to listen to SP speak. Or should I say "screech." Watched a minute or so of the Greta interview, about President Obama--gasp--taking a vacation (how dare he be so arrogant, so entitled?) and the minute the Quitter started spewing her crap about how "now's not a good time" for the Pres to be taking time off, it was all I could do not to scream at my computer. Can. Not. Listen. To. Sarah Palin's shit.

  64. Anonymous12:24 PM

    What a phony Palin is! Always bashing President Obama, while offering no REAL solutions to America's problems. Of course that's because she has no solutions! She's slick, but so many have been finally realizing what she is all about. She looks old and haggard, but at least seemed more "alert" in this interview. Guess she realized she better clean up her act more because people were noticing how far downhill she already has gone.

  65. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Lucy at 11:51 - you got some explaining to do, especially if your ip address originates in Wassilla AK.

    Sorry Gryph I didn't watch the videos. I don't want my ears to bleed...


  66. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Does anyone else think we have a new kind of troll visiting this comment threads? eg:The people criticizing Gryphen for topics or his his jokes, followed by criticisms of anyone defending him?

    Has the "Fairy Tale/ Big Happy Family" troll been replaced?

  67. Anonymous12:35 PM

    GENERAL COMMENTS: I found your response full of assumptions and derogatory comments aimed to stop discussion. Perhaps I am in error, and you didn't intend to stop discussion.

    11:07 AM

    Pot,meet kettle.

  68. Anonymous12:37 PM

    HAHAHAHAHAHA! That was funnnny. You have that insufferable bitch down pat. she will lie about every fucking thing. she is one evil old ugly skanky stupid ho.

    Old uninvited simpleass is crashing onto OPM-Other People's Memories.

    She isn't wanted and her dicwad toad is there sucking it up as if thousands came out to see them. HA

    Let's see how many people will attend her oil show with crybaby becky boy. Two racist, washed-up, clowns for the price of one.

    they will have to have one hell of a celebrity headlining or many celebrities. HAHAHAHAHA

    People want to talk to people not get talked to.


  69. Anonymous12:39 PM


    You're name wouldnt be "Sarah Lucy" would it?

    Your intent seems to be sowing seeds of distrust and dissent within the IM community. If you don't like it here the door is that way ~~~>>>>

  70. WOW!

    O/T but here's a Perry clip. I knew he was dangerous, but I had NO. Idea. how. incredibly. stupid he is. Absolutely gobsmacked!

    <a href=">DUMBASS HICK</a>

  71. Beldar Buffalo Conehead12:46 PM

    @Anonymous 11:46 AM
    "Something is happening here."

    Yes, you're right, but what it is, aint exactly clear, is it? For example, there's a man with a gun over there tellin' me, I got to beware. Seriously, I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. I mean, for heaven's sake, there's battle lines being drawn! And nobody's right if everybody's wrong. Young people speakin' their minds gettin' so much resistance from behind.
    I think it's time we stop, hey, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down.

    Ya know what I mean?

  72. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Funny stuff Gryphen!
    I can always count on you for an attitude adjustment.
    I am very appreciative of the work that you do.

  73. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I am mystified at the attacks on 9:52 for expressing her opinion. I thought she was respectful in the way she said things. She called no one any names - not Gryphen, and not readers of the blog.

    IN response, I found most of the responses to 9:52 to be mean-spirited, full of name-calling and unwarranted assumptions.

    9:52 was clear that while she was uncomfortable, and her desire to read the blog was diminished, she still appreciated many things about Gryphen's blog and still visited.

    It seems that unpopular or critical opinions are not wanted by many people on this blog. That reminds me of other places I've heard of. Gryphen clearly accepts such posts, or else he would censor them.

    perhaps I am mistaken and more people are in support of 9:52 (at least accepting of her opinion, if not in support of her opinion).

  74. Anonymous12:52 PM

    But the jokes (for me) have gone over the edge of good taste, or even common courtesy. I am not to the place where I have stopped reading your blog, but it is no longer the place I go to first. And it is almost to the point of no longer wanting to look at all.
    Who cares? Don't read it then. Like one little voice is going to make him stop writing certain things. I know you are better than that? Grow up.

  75. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Dammit Gryphen I know what you meant when you said "Pops Up" in the haadline!!!

    You have offended every man over the age of 50 who has erectile dysfunction. I hope you are proud of yourself, and feel lucky that I still come to your blog


  76. Anonymous12:53 PM

    martin bashir - palin - silenced everybody:

  77. Is that a cuckoo clock on the wall?
    Do you suppose it pops out from time to time and says "cuckoo"?

  78. Anonymous1:02 PM

    "...Which of course once again makes me consider whether or not she is sitting in front of a fake backdrop instead of an actual window...."

    That should be easy to check: You have older pics of her sitting in front of that background, I assume, so you can check if the pics are the same or not, and if EVER there is a breeze seen in that tree... :)

  79. Hi Lucy.

    I'll weigh in.

    I think a lot of readers are tired of other readers jumping on the comment section to tell Gryphen that they didn't like something and he is getting: sexist, ugly, vulgar, tasteless...even misogynistic!

    All incredibly nasty things to say to someone who does an incredible amount of work for you to peruse, for FREE. F.R.E.E.

    Many, many readers feel that we sort of "know" Gryphen through his posts and profile - he is incredibly open.

    I would venture to say that we frequent this blog IN NO SMALL PART because of Gryphen, his analysis and his sense of humor.
    Most of us would probably not frequent a blog of someone we truly found distasteful.

    So, I for one continue to enjoy Gryphen's blog, every day, numerous times a day. As someone wrote during the Corndog .gif/gaffe, this blog makes me "laugh and cry. It makes me think".

    Thank you, Gryphen.

    Thank you.

    I'm gonna send a few bucks your way, dude. You've earned it! ;)

  80. And I tried one of those "newfangled" hyperlinks for the Rick Perry is a Moron clip.

    My comment hasn't loaded yet, so if I messed up the hyperlink, here goes:!

  81. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Anon 12:02
    who eats a hotdog using knife/fork, i guess it will be Trump and Palins!

    Brisket must have read the blog of Bachmann/Perry to know what fun it would be when a pic of her showed up with a hotdog stuffed in her yap!!

  82. Anonymous1:28 PM


    Thanks for that link to her studio. She finally gets to play "newscaster" again, just like when she was our local "sportscaster" for a moment. You kind of hit the nail on the head with this "studio" photo, because all Palin wants to be is a talking head, not a politician.

  83. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Her people SAY they need a bigger venue. Who's to know?|head

  84. Anonymous1:30 PM

    12:02 Anon

    Brisket must have left Pink's starving as it seems for camera appearances, she downsized her order!!

  85. Anonymous1:32 PM

    The big question is, when does her contract end and will they renew? Seems like not.

    10:52 AM


    I believe she signed something in March 2011. Don't know if it was for a year. My suspicion is that she's told Fox she won't declare for POTUS--until her contract is up. Then who knows. A loose(r) cannon.

  86. Anonymous1:37 PM

    NancyDrew strikes again with her feminist outrage regarding "pulling a train". I just read a comment from her on another blog, and well, she went to Catholic school, and apparently has never gotten over it.

    I of course have no proof that the outraged commenter is the same mentioned above, but she really busted a nut over the Bachmann/Perry corndog photo, so I'll just assume it is her.

    I must honestly say though, that "pulling a train" did not take me to a nasty place. It didn't even register on my "nasty" radar. Perhaps I'm jaded, I don't know, but wow, people shouldn't read things that upset them, or stir their loins in an uncomfortable way. There's a big wide internet out there just waiting for your to find your comfort zone. Please, just stop ruining it for those more progressive, or less sensitive than yourself.

    I'd have thought that more people took issue with the reference to older married women not wanting to put out any longer, but that's just me.

  87. Anonymous1:41 PM

    OT, but it looks like somebody's obsession with the president just got elevated to a new level. They say imitation is the best form of flattery, I'm thinking someone took a play out of President Obama's 2008 campaign playbook. Copycat, anyone? Sarah, do you have an original idea, EVER? Really, get over yourself, bitch! America hates you!

  88. Anonymous1:42 PM

    She needs to be let go from FOX. HAve you seen her new SarahPAC video. It's a campaign video and she cannot deny that its not.

    How much trouble can FOX get in for continuing to keep her on while she goes on the campaign trail(Iowa), puts out campaign videos, but pretends she doesn't know what she's gonna do yet.

    Bullshit, they should fire her ass now.

  89. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Maybe they have to "strike while the iron is hot" so to speak. Film these segments while she is medicated and lucid?

  90. Anonymous1:46 PM

    REgardless of the state of the GOP, I really wish mainstream America would wake up and see that everything that was predicted of Obama has come true.

    He has made multiple industries and banks dependent on him, and they're crashing.

    3 years ago people predicted this admin would purposefully work to kill the economy

    Remember when Obama was photographed carrying the book "life in a post-american world" or something like that? Yeah, how's that rah rah obama workin for ya? to use Sarah's phrase.

  91. Anonymous1:52 PM

    @10:28, what is the point of attacking anon 9:52 for expressing herself? I don't agree with her, but who cares if she's offended? It seems that you're mortally offended that someone else was offended and so you're going on offense? Calm down.

  92. Anonymous2:00 PM

    If you look at the bitch's hair in the bottom two pictures with the same outfit with different backgrounds, her hair is draped over her right shoulder the same way as if she never moved from that spot.

  93. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Scarah knocking Gloria Steinham? That woman is not fit to speak Steinham's same.Saying her brand of feminism is passe' . From what I've read about how insecure "paylin"is about smart, successful woman You can see why she'd be intimidated by Steinham . By the way scarah looks like hell. Back from her latest fiasco whenever she ventures out.I want her to stfu.

  94. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Her newest PAC "campaign ad" has got be illegal.

    She can not use her PAC to fund campaign ads.

    How does she get away with this shit

  95. Anonymous2:30 PM

    "Pull a train" is absolutely derogatory, no matter what innocent thing you think it means. Google it if you're that naive.

  96. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Here she comes!!!

  97. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Thank you but no~not clicking on anything. I watched that first interview yesterday and that was more than enough. She is such a bitch.


  98. Busy couple days for $P, she just released the video from that glorious, historically hysterical, family vacay, not sure if it's a campaign trek, kardashian style PR sojurn thru the corn belt. Watch as her adoring acolytes reach out to touch their queen, watch the other GOP/TP candidates quiver and quake when they realize the rogue moose has landed in their midst, watch as she punches the golden cash register just one more time.

  99. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I'm surprised that Palin hasn't condom wrapped her compound houses yet like the RV!!!

    As she's always looking for the 'attention', she might think that it can be seen from space and satellite!!

  100. Hey, 9:52 am, 10:28 am, 11:07 am, Lucy and all you others. Take your cat fight somewhere else.

  101. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Anon 1:52

    You say calm down -- I say FOff

  102. Definitely a new kind of troll. Gryph, can't wait for your take on the iowa video. Love when the camera pulls back and we can see the crowd is mostly press.

  103. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Palin’s exclusive contract with Fox News. She makes $1 million annually as a contributor in a three-year deal set to go through 2012.
    One more year to go!

  104. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Sarah Palin has more damage to the standing of preofessional women in America that the most sexist commentary imaginable could ever do. Period.

  105. Anonymous3:11 PM

    @Jaye: Lucy at 11:51 - you got some explaining to do, especially if your ip address originates in Wassilla AK.

    What would you like to know? have explained?

  106. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Sarah Palin’s Pretend Presidential Campaign Releases Iowa Video

    Sarah Palin escalated her pretend presidential campaign today by releasing a video that claimed contrary to all the evidence presented via videos and polls that Iowa loves Sarah Palin.

    Of course the reaction of Sean Hannity’s instantaneous Iowa State Fair poll question, do you want Sarah Palin to get into this race tells the real story:

    ...Another key indicator of how much distaste there is for a Palin presidential run in Iowa was the We Ask America poll that asked Iowa Republicans who they least wanted to see win the GOP nomination. The person who Iowa Republicans least wanted to see win the 2012 nomination was Sarah Palin at 25%. Newt Gingrich was second with 16%. John Huntsman was third at 14%, and Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann were tied for fourth at 12%.

    The same poll also asked Iowa Republicans who they wanted to see win the nomination. Rick Perry was first at 29%. He was followed by Michele Bachmann at 17% and Mitt Romney at 15%. Sarah Palin finished third from the bottom with 7%. Only Rick Santorum (4%) and Jon Huntsman (1%) had less support.

    Despite what Sarah Palin’s propaganda video is trying to sell you, the crowd reaction and polling data suggest that Iowa Republicans want no part of a Palin 2012 campaign. Republicans may like Sarah Palin, but they don’t want to see her run for president or win the nomination. Palin’s Iowa video really wasn’t about running for president anyway. The video was made to keep the tease going. Sarah Palin is trying to milk every last dime out of her fans, because she knows that her cash cow will flee to greener pastures as soon as she doesn’t run for president.

    Sarah Palin can release all the videos she wants. It doesn’t change the fact that she still has no money, no campaign organization, and no campaign staff. Palin is still taking speaking engagements into October. Sarah Palin’s September 3rd tea party event did have to be moved to a bigger venue in Iowa, but don’t confuse people who will go see her for free with actual supporters who would vote for her.

    Sarah Palin stopped being taken seriously as a politician when she quit on Alaska, but in our celebrity obsessed culture people will often turn out to get a free eyeful of someone famous. The scam is over, Sarah. She can preen and posture all she wants, but without running a serious political campaign, Sarah Palin is nothing more than a relic of failed elections past.

  107. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Run Sarah Run the hair dresser.

    Seriously, when I was little I thought I was queen of everything, and I would dream of making a commercial for myself so everyone could see how wonderful I am, and then everyone would say, O my goodness, you should be President of the United States! Then I turned five. Sarah Palin clearly needs to do the same...did you see her latest Sarahpac video? Oh. My. God.

  108. Anonymous3:14 PM

    @12:29: Does anyone else think we have a new kind of troll visiting this comment threads? eg:The people criticizing Gryphen for topics or his his jokes, followed by criticisms of anyone defending him?

    RESP: The logical conclusion to your argument seems to be that no one should criticize Gryphen or fellow bloggers. Is that what you are saying? Or have I hear you wrong?

  109. Anonymous3:17 PM

    @12:35: Pot,meet kettle.

    Please clarify for me what I did to stop conversation as that was not my intention? thank you.

  110. Anonymous3:21 PM

    @ 12:39 Your intent seems to be sowing seeds of distrust and dissent within the IM community. If you don't like it here the door is that way ~~~>>>>

    My intent was to support a fellow poster who voiced discomfort with some of the language. I haven't even taken a position on whether I agree with her. I just thought she did a nice job of stating her thoughts and feelings as her own and letting Gryphen know them. Gryphen obviously didn't feel a need to censor her comments.

    Is it your position that there should be no criticism of Gryphen (a position Gryphen obviously does not agree with.)

    Why do you think I am trying to sow seeds of distrust? What did I do?

  111. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Palin's September 3rd event that she was attending as I believe as keynote speaker has changed location to Indianola, Iowa.

    That sounds strange and totally disorganized.

  112. Anonymous3:24 PM

    "because I swear that whatever that is on her head flipped its tail and hissed at me" ..
    I c a n ' t s t o p
    l a u g h i n g,


    Gryphen . luv you just the way you are.

  113. Anonymous3:30 PM

    @1:03 - Gryphen is very blessed to have loyal readers like you. I can understand your position.

    If I understand you correctly, the comment section is no place to give Gryphen feedback about his blog, or to discuss the issue of language used to talk about SP?

    Perhaps I have misunderstood you, as Gryphen obviously doesn't hold that position or he would censor them.

    I also don't agree with you, but I recognize your right to say it on the board, and find your post free of the name-calling etc that puts a stop to discussion. You were very clear about what you liked and wanted and I appreciate your honest answer.

  114. LisaB25953:31 PM


    Gryphen does say things that, IMO, are hateful and hurtful, sometimes sexist and misogynistic as well. You are not alone in noticing it. I have commented on it before.

    As you can see from the comments, some people think any amount of vitriol too little in regards to Palin. Failure to go "all-in" on insulting Palin is likely to get you branded as unpatriotic as our president was for not going "all-in" with the Tea-Partier's definition of "American exceptionalism."

    Teh internets was not made for subtle discernment of ideas. It was made pwning, owning and otherwise dismissing any opinion but your own. Interestingly, the tag line to these rebuttals is often "grow up," the irony of which I have ceased to enjoy.

  115. Anonymous3:31 PM

    "Now it’s back to Alaska for the start of the school year. (And, of course, our annual visit to our own state fair where Piper looks forward to clogging on the Blue Bonnet Stage"

    From a post on the bus tour site from a few days ago.

    Will we be getting pics of Palin??? Corn dog eating pics!!! LOL

  116. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Palin's contract with Fox ends at the end of 2012.

  117. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:36 PM

    Even before reading the first few comments, I was thinking that Gryph is quickly becoming our own Hunter Thompson. The Thing On Her Head had me spewing a Slurpee, which isn't an easy task. Great post!!

  118. Anonymous3:39 PM

    "Pull a train" is absolutely derogatory, no matter what innocent thing you think it means. Google it if you're that naive.

    2:30 PM


    Googled it; not necessarily derogatory. If a woman wants to have sex with more than one man at a time, that is her choice. Sounds like a good time to me. They get done pretty fast, men that is, and we women take a little longer. It's nice to have a few backups on board to make certain that we women get our pleasure as well. Take that and stuff it in your repressed sexual outlook!

  119. Anonymous3:50 PM

    From the Des Moines Register site about Palin's keynote speaking event Sept 3rd:

    "Sarah Palin's Sept. 3 event has been relocated from Waukee to Indianola to better accommodate a larger crowd, organizers said"

    "The event was originally scheduled at Hawkeye Antique Acres in Waukee. The event is now scheduled from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the National Balloon Classic field, east of Indianola."

    One of the comments was good:

    "Palin moves from antique facility to [Hot Air] Balloon facility- coincidence?"

    Hearing all the 'NOs' on Hannity's show about Palin, sounds to me more like a $$ issue and a total disorganization issue as in maybe someone forgot to book the venue!!! More people attending - highly doubt that.

  120. Anonymous3:51 PM

    From the Des Moines Register site about Palin's keynote speaking event Sept 3rd:

    "Sarah Palin's Sept. 3 event has been relocated from Waukee to Indianola to better accommodate a larger crowd, organizers said"

    "The event was originally scheduled at Hawkeye Antique Acres in Waukee. The event is now scheduled from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the National Balloon Classic field, east of Indianola."

    One of the comments was good:

    "Palin moves from antique facility to [Hot Air] Balloon facility- coincidence?"

    Hearing all the 'NOs' on Hannity's show about Palin, sounds to me more like a $$ issue and a total disorganization issue as in maybe someone forgot to book the venue!!! More people attending - highly doubt that.

  121. Anonymous3:51 PM

    @Anonymous 1:43

    Palin lucid?? Surely you jest!

  122. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I hope Alaskans like the back drop and the lighting. They paid for it, after all.

  123. Anonymous3:53 PM

    What is that smell? Eau de Troll?

    I can't help but wonder what kind of person goes to an establish blogger's comment section to try and cause friction and dissent. CP4 mouth breathers perhaps?

    Let the little girls/boys keep talking to themselves. It's pretty amusing.

    Ms. Palin (Heath?) and her panty sniffers are getting very nervous. Get ready sniffers; the best is yet to come September 20th.


  124. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Hi Sarah!

    Quick Question.

    What happened to the Fairy Tale Troll?

  125. Anonymous4:05 PM

    O/T - As i was making dinner, one of the rag-mag shows was on the TV in the background.

    Why is it that these 'reality' 'stars' believe themselves to be compared to or equal to royalty?

    I ask this in that the Kardashian wedding is being compared to the Royal Wedding - WTF??

    She's 'famous' for being what? No different than Palin on her show and Bristol. Kardashian's father was one of the low ranking lawyers of OJ. Bristol was preggers.

    The continuation of dumbing down America.

  126. Anonymous4:05 PM

    9:54, I wouldn't feel depressed. I think there is more interest because there is renewed speculation that Sarah may announce her bid at that event. Were it not for that, there would be no need to change the venue, unless it was to a "cozier" location. I suspect they are making room for the large groups of national press who would want to be there for such an announcement.

  127. Anonymous4:10 PM

    3:03 I agree, Sarah Palin is the least professional of any woman I've seen. Look at women who are professioanl in government and the private sector. She has no clue what the word even means!

    Sarah, go back to is where you belong! We don't want you on the national scene, in media, in print, or wherever you think you are important. We are sick of you and your antics.

  128. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I love this blog. Read it EVERYDAY. But could we not all jump on each other when someone expresses an opinion that sexism doesn't really advance our cause. Sarah is an idiot. Whether or not she's a "skank" is irrelevant. And smugly dismissing "feminist outrage" isn't going to help the feminists who despise everything that Scarah stands for come to this site and help keep the pressure on her. Please think twice before attacking.

  129. Anonymous5:04 PM

    bristol- hotdog/tattoo

  130. "My Dog Sarah looks horrible. She is aging faster than a rotten banana."

    You won't last long, don't buy green bananas.

  131. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Here I was, all settled in with a cup of hot tea,for my night of blog reading,then i read this post. Needless to say, I had to got back downstairs and make another cup of tea.
    Thanks a lot Gryph, u own me a laptop, next time please issue a warning.

  132. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Christine O'Donnell is on the Joy Behar show tonight. Behar is on holidays and someone else is filling in.

    Another segment of BS.

  133. 1Doubter6:06 PM

    Well, I see that she STILL is using the condom-wrap (thanks, whoever named it like that! :) )for her bus. I thought there was a trademark lawsuit going on about her using the 'One Nation' slogan? Whatever became of that? Anybody know?

  134. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I'm a woman and have no problem with Gryphen's choice of language, sense of humor, world view, writing style, personal integrity, his thurst for truth and his journlaistic style. I know some of it can be offensive, but I've honestly seen worse on other blogs.

    My take on the sudden resurgence of The Wonk Eyed (tm) bard of wasilla on Fox News is the fact that President Obama took a ten day vacation on Martha's Vinard, you know, the real kind where you don't plaster the constitution on the side of a bus and crash other people's bbq's while taking footage for a faux campaign commercial.

    What struck me most (Sorry, I can't click the photos and see and hear her voice), was while I was reading this piece, footage of Palin and Couric played on tv. The change in her appearance is just stunning (and not in a good way). She's too cheap to hire a stylist or make-up person, and it seems she's not taking care of her health at all. I don't know if it's the result of the hate in her heart, an eating disorder, or medication of some kind, but she just looks like a shadow of her former self.

    I wonder how paranoid she must be, when other commenters at fox seem to look the same on a consitant level, and even they don't seem happy with her. She even makes Beck look sane, and that says a lot!

    Can't wait for the books and movies to come out, especially Joe's. She'll really come unhinged.

  135. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Bruce Bartlett: Rick Perry Is 'An Idiot' For Comments About Ben Bernanke , Palin name is also thrown in with Perry, both are Idiots acc. to Bartlett:

  136. Anonymous5:07 AM

    I just visited Joe McGinniss' blog.

    I've noticed the same thing. The internet seems to somehow support/encourage the polar extremes to talk. That's been my experience.
    The only antidotes I know are
    1. benevolent and enlightened censorship,- which has it's own set of problems.
    2. approved membership - which has it's own set of problems
    3. members speaking up and out in protection/support of unpopular ideas to be voiced
    4. members creating a culture that discourages gratuitous swipes at others (be it SP, BP, or other posters.) and encourages discussion of issues.

  137. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Another story from the "possible fake background" department:

  138. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Something fishy in Kansas City:
    "She wrote on her SarahPAC Facebook page — that’s her big political action committee — that she spent a “very moving day” in Kansas City, “where it’s easy to remember what really matters, because here we have the National World War I Museum.”

    Palin wrote that she stood in the rain reading many of the memorial inscriptions that proved to be a “somber and humbling reminder of the sacrifices young Americans made nearly a century ago.”

    She posted a picture of her daughter Piper and a niece with the Liberty Memorial in the background. I checked it out, and it’s clearly a photo from a room in the Westin Crown Center hotel. You can tell by the railing behind the two little girls.

    But no one at the museum saw her inside. And word would have spread like wildfire if they had, a spokesman said.

    And no one I could find at the hotel — and I talked to doormen and front-desk types — saw her.

    Read more:"

    H/T Anon 8:29

  139. Am cleaning up after my disparaged reputation here. Anonymous (oh yeah, that anonymous.) No, I did not go to Catholic school and "has apparently not gotten over it." But even were that the case, what might that demonstrate?

  140. also i have never heard the expression 'pulling a train' and have absolutely no opinion about it. too. also.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.