Saturday, August 13, 2011

Seriously Michele Bachmann, seriously? Update!

Okay now this is supposedly a serious Presidential candidate, trying her best to shrug off the mantle of Tea Party wingnut, she should know better than to allow herself to be photographed like this.

This is the kind of crap that Palin is always pulling. I don't like Bachmann's policies, or essentially anything about her, but I thought she was too professional and self aware to have allowed something like this to happen.

But she did allow it, leaving us with NO choice but to make immature juvenile cracks at her expense.

Here I'll start:

"Oh this is one of those corndog thingies. Fortunately my husband Marcus taught all about how to eat one of these like a lady. Somebody hold my hair."

I did not know that Viagra sponsored a booth at the fair??

Suddenly Sarah Palin realized that Todd had run over to the other side of the fairground and was now carrying Michele Bachmann's purse.

Okay I have a million more, but then I will just have to spend the rest of the day apologizing to the ladies that come here, so I will leave the rest up sick twisted minds of my visitors.  Have fun!

Update: Since so many of you sent me the link to this picture, I guess I really have no choice.

"You don't need to squint Marcus. Nothing is spraying out of this one."

Yes I know I am going to hell. The only question is how close will my seat be to the flames?


  1. OK, Gryph, you've forgotten your coffee-spew warning. Between this and the bullwhip picture, I almost lost it twice.

  2. Anonymous6:05 AM

    I bet she had to blow it a bit to cool it down before it burst into glorious goodness in her throat. HA HA HA I couldn't help it!

  3. Anonymous6:09 AM

    OMG, that is gonna get some big traction on the internets! LOL! I can only imagine the snark and clever commentary that it will generate. And yes, Gryphyen, I agree, she SHOULD know better than to let herself be caught in this moment. But, you know, she's just trying to show she's one of the 'rill amerkins' that chow down on 'porn dogs' at the fair. Just what we want in a leader...NOT.

  4. Nancy In New York6:12 AM

    LOL!!! (How very presidential Michelle, wink, wink).

    She looks positively blissful.

    Perhaps she didn't realize that corn dogs came in such generous portions.

  5. Anonymous6:13 AM

    LOL! The only thing more hilarious would be this pic of Sarah.

  6. Anonymous6:16 AM

    OMG..what will Sarah do to top this???

  7. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Michelle Bachmann doesn’t even need lube …. I mean mustard with that!

  8. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Michelle Bachmann looks like a novice, her eyes looks like they are starting to water up. She needs to take lessons from Bristol Palin.

  9. Anonymous6:21 AM

    At least Michelle Bachmann is not a racist… looks like she is servicing a non white guy.

    I’m not talking about size, but the color of that wiener.

  10. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Michelle O’Bachmann, no teeth please….

  11. Grey Lensman6:21 AM

    Perfect picture of the politics she spews.

    She's not eating, she talking policy.

  12. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Did Marcus eat one of those things? If not, I just KNOW he would love to. I was almost distracted by the huge diamond on her finger. Is it real or cubic zirconium?

  13. Anonymous6:24 AM

    She's probably imagining she finally got GWB's attention

  14. Nancy In New York6:25 AM

    Just reporting back Gryph. The AP wire has released a photo of Corndog Michelle but it's one of her holding the amply endowed corndog upright before actually jamming it in her mouth.

  15. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Mirroring Marcus' favorite pastime?

    Pray, baby, pray - it can be cured

  16. Olivia6:28 AM

    Oh, come on, she is holy and she is married to a gay man so none of that would occur to her. Even if she sees the pic, she won't see anything suggestive about it. Y'know, sometimes a corn dog is just a corn dog.
    But I think if Sarah was eating one, she would definitely be licking it first to excite her fans.

  17. Sadie is losing in the comments:

    As for Bachmann, at least this picture isn't a Newsweek cover.

  18. Actually, Gryph, I was thinking how professional she did look. She's sucking in that big brown thing just like a real pro.

  19. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Sarah Palin aint impressing nobody sucking on a stick of limp butter...

    I'll show her what a real woman can do!

    You watchin' Todd?

  20. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Is she doing audition to star in a porn movie?

  21. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Does that thing come with Magnum Condoms?

  22. Anonymous6:39 AM

    That's called "submitting" !

  23. Anonymous6:41 AM

    This makes me want to bitch slap her. She is an embarrassment to women.

  24. Anonymous6:42 AM

    You really had to be there to appreciate Michelle Bachmann's talents. The picture does not show it but she is servicing 3 corndogs at one time.

  25. Anon at 6:21:
    My thoughts as well. Looks like she's trying to woo the non-white vote.

  26. Anonymous6:43 AM

    "See I told ya I can handle President Obama!"

    Now do you believe me?

  27. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Check out the look on the baby's face that has the unfortunate experience of being held by Sarah. Pretty much sums up how most people feel about her...LOL!

    Guess who's back! Sarah Palin fuels rumours of a 2012 run by stealing the spotlight at the Iowa state fair

  28. Anonymous6:50 AM

    The funniest thing is that Scarah ran all the way to Iowa and is getting very little press.
    Sarah dear, you'll have to go on Faux and admit to faking your pregnancy to get back in the news.

  29. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Totally off topic, but my friend is stuck in Iowa while dropping her daughter off at college this weekend. Her room is across from Ron Paul's. I am creating a Liberal To Do List for her if she spots one of the crazies. So far I have:

    Palin: Shout "Todd sleeps with prostitutes!"

    Bachmann: Throw a corn dog at her

    Paul: Ask why he isn't wearing his white sheet.


  30. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Michelle does Ames, Iowa.

  31. Anonymous6:59 AM

    How about THIS picture of Marcus trying to pretend he wouldn't enjoy a piping-hot footlong:

    Methinks he doth protest too much.

  32. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Between this and Sarah's nasty toes and her tongue thing, what the hell is wrong with these women? Is this what we want our daughters looking up too..disgusting women and the media pushing this in our faces!!!

  33. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Gryphen there are some great pictures of Sarah here. Especially the one where she is showing Bachmann how to prepare her mouth to handle an extra large one.

    Sarah's nasty toes, fucking disgusting.
    Sarah porn tongue.
    Sarah's turkey neck.
    Sarah's leather looking skin.
    Sarah's wrinkly old elbow.
    Sarah's flat chest.
    First picture looks like Sarah is about to swallow something while the men look on.

    Sarah's toes are nasty looking, how can she go out in public like that?

  34. Beldar Cunning Conehead7:09 AM

    Oh, the pictures you post! That's a humdinger. Literally... a humdinger.

    And 'Chele? The eyes rolling back in the head? Nice touch!!

    Frankly, I didnt see anything remarkable about this photo until I noticed the rivulets of foamy mustard oozing down the side of the... um... sausage.

    Ok, enough sophomoric humor!

    This is clearly the work of renowned conservative POLE-ing, research and PR FIRM Phil A. Cheeoe & Associates. They are positioning, her from behind, to be the next America's sweetheart now that Linda Lovelace and Marilyn Chambers are no longer working for reasons of death.

    Let's spitball some adult entertainment industry working names for her in case the politics thing doesnt go so well:

    Crazzy Eyezz
    Michele Backdoor
    Piddles 122nd (first pet, first home address)
    5th Brunette (gangbang scene)

  35. Anonymous7:10 AM

    What is Michelle Bachmann trying to prove?

    Me and my girls can show her a thing or two!

    Momma Sally, Bristol and Willow git on down to Iowa, let's show them what Palin and Heath women can do!

  36. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Just another rethuglican blow job. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

  37. Anonymous7:11 AM

    That aint shit Michelle. Levi is packing more than that.


  38. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Rick Santorum enjoys some man-on-soft-serve action:

    Found here along with the term "deepthroat primary"-- LOL:

  39. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Maybe Michele really, really doesn't know about oral sex, or what it might look like, and how this image so closely resembles it? I mean, how would she, right? I think she might just be that insulated.

  40. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Sarah Palin

    QUILTY!!!!! ....... sort of

    Don't cry for her, SarahPac will pay Sarah's penalties and fines for her.

  41. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I feel another Newsweek cover coming on!

  42. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Governor Sarah Palin yesterday agreed to pay an estimated $6800 for what she charged the state for her children’s travel expenses and related costs since assuming her role as governor.

  43. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Here's Michele sizing up the job. Notice how her eyes are lit up. The only thing missing is her licking her lips.

  44. EX Cat7:28 AM

    Is that a corndog in your hand, or are you just happy to see me?

  45. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Gryphen, as one of your devoted female readers, I must object to your referring to us as "ladies". I'm 72 yrs old, and even to me "ladies" are tea-drinking, pinky lifting, powdered and pearled. The rest of us, the real females in the real world, not afraid to be smart, get dirty or think straight, living fully in, 2011 are WOMEN. Just thought you'd like to know...:-)

  46. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Whoa, will she be able to talk straight after that?!?

  47. A UK Reader7:31 AM


    An article about Bachmann that I think you'll like, pointing out what a grifter she is. (It mentions Palin in that context as well.) The article ran in The Guardian today:

  48. Anonymous7:33 AM

    So socialist indoctrinating State Fairs are shoving those hideous things down our good, strong, free throats?

  49. Anonymous7:34 AM

    It's okay, we've got it covered.....

    Michele is just demonstrating how she "submits" to her husband! :-)

  50. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Sarah was just going to pull a Trump and use a knife and fork on those deep fried fair food, but now she's gonna have to deep throat to get eyes back on her again.

  51. Anonymous7:37 AM

    dangit, now I want a corndog!!! Thanks for fueling my pregnancy cravings!

  52. Anonymous7:38 AM

    "Where Are They Now?"

  53. Anonymous7:39 AM

    6:20 #2 - nailed it!

  54. Sally in MI7:41 AM

    I read somewhere that Sarah, too, had a nice hot corn dog for her lunch pictures? Sarah, you're slipping.

  55. As to the picture of Marcus: it looks as though that reparation therapy sorta worked. He is fighting with all his willpower not to take that corndog and show it how he would treat that barbarian.

    As to the Michelle pic: there are no words. I can't wait to see what the wags and pundits have to say about it. Iowa State Fair will soon be renamed "Insanity Fair."

  56. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I thought Sarah Palin was blowing a dog whistle to her perv-bots with the "I want to eat fried butter on a stick" message, but Michele (Deep Throat) Bachmann took it to a whole new level of vulgarity.

    I know there are show freaks at a fair, but this just takes the cake!

    Reagan must be rolling over in his grave.

  57. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Next time Putin rears his ugly head...

    "Here Mr. Putin, let me diffuse the tensions between our countries... with some teabagger diplomacy... oh yes... I can feel the detente... would you be a dear and put your hand on the back of my head Putie... oh yes... take me Putie... make me submit... ahhhhhhh......"

  58. Anonymous7:54 AM



  59. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I suppose that there's a miniscule chance that Bachmann is so clueless about sex (look at who she's married to) that she didn't realize what that looked like. However, at this point in her campaign I would assume that she has some well-paid and experienced advisors who should be looking out for her best interests. I can't imagine why they would allow her to do something like this.

    If she really wanted to show that she is 'down home' and enjoys the fair experience, there are lots of other typical state fair foods that she could have eaten instead. And if she was so determined to chow down on a corn dog, she could have done in privately where no cameras were around to capture images like this one.

  60. Anonymous8:04 AM

    And poor old Marcus really believed the excuse that she had TMJ!

  61. Anonymous8:13 AM

    LOL, choking on my sandwich, tears in my eyes...haven't laughed that hard in a long time. You're right, though, in thinking that she'd know better. SP had a corn dog, where are those pictures?

  62. Anonymous8:17 AM

    LOL, 8:04! I use that excuse a lot!

  63. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Coulda been worse. Imagine if she had gotten a chocolate-covered banana instead.

  64. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Anonymous @ 8:02 AM said...

    I suppose that there's a miniscule chance that Bachmann is so clueless about sex... that she didn't realize what that looked like.

    I'll wager that Michele Bachmann knows more about sodomy than Linda Lovelace.

  65. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Sorry, 8:02, but I call bullshit. She would have to be inexperienced with eating as well as sex. She's gagging on it and not letting it touch her teeth. Not necessary when innocently eating a corn dog.

  66. Anonymous8:26 AM

    It gets better!

  67. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Beldar said:

    "They are positioning, her from behind"

    You got pics??

  68. Anonymous8:30 AM

    O/T. Sarah Palin is NOT running for president. Last night Cnn interviewed Fred Malek and he said she's not running. He says he hasn't heard from her in awhile, she hasn't contacted him. If Palin were running, Malek is someone she would contact and consult with. It's over! She's not in it!

  69. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Let the woman eat her corndog. Haha now we need obama and palins ice cream moments to complete this pic

  70. Anonymous8:32 AM

    “She came out, after speaking for just a couple minutes,” Lemon said. “There were other reporters and cameras there. And I asked her very respectful questions: ‘How do you think you did in the debate last night?’ and ‘How do you think you’re going to end up in the Ames Straw Poll?’ And her two campaign aides started elbowing me.”

    Lemon continued: “I told them, asked them not to elbow me. And then her husband Marcus started doing the same thing. And then he elbowed me into the cart. And I said, ‘You just pushed me into the cart.’ And he goes, ‘No, you did it yourself.’

    “It was just, I don’t know, why they would choose to do that. We weren’t asking any ‘gotcha’ questions,” Lemon added.

    It’s typical for presidential candidates, especially ones as popular as Bachmann, to wind up in a crush of supporters and reporters at campaign events. But Friday’s episode was unusual.


  71. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Got weiner!

  72. Anon 7:19 Actually, I'm inclined to agree. Oral sex isn't the "missionary position". Where are her staff?

  73. johnie2xs8:39 AM

    If the girth and length, of this phallic delight were not enough, the eyes rolling back in the head is surely the clincher.

  74. Anonymous8:39 AM

    It's days like this when I miss Dirk Diggler.

  75. Anonymous8:40 AM


    I agree. Seriously, how does she expect to bite and swallow the amount of "food" she has in her mouth?

  76. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I gotta say, I've been kinda lukewarm on your blog lately, but that photo... OMG, that just made my day, you've completely redeemed yourself.

  77. Anonymous8:42 AM

    OT, watched Palin's CNN interview on The Right Scoop. Based on the comments (yeah, all 72 of them) I expected a really compelling and fantastic interview, but it was more of the same, boring Palin shtick. Cutesy comments, slams at Obama, but no policy. Funny how she thinks debate is good for the electorate, but so far, she's managed to avoid 3 debates. Will she declare after all the debates are over?

    Same stupid lies about how Obama wasn't vetted (the press didn't report his platform? seriously, nobody knew he was going for health care reform? huh?) and how the S&P downgrade was his fault.

    Of course, more stupid likes about how much Palin herself was vetted. I think she and her love struck fans have confused the MSM with bloggers. The MSM showered her with attention, ignored her record (the silly attention on the bridge to nowhere and the jet on Ebay is NOT shining a light on her records as mayor and governor), and also ignored her ignorance on the campaign trail---unless it was too obvious not to report, ie the Katie Couric moment. Actually, after the Katie Couric interview, I think the MSM wrote her off as a dummy and felt sorry for her. Hence, the kid gloves. It was ONLY the bloggers who did the heavy lifting. And still do.

    FoxNews has a poll (of registered voters in the last few days) asking whether selected candidates would make a good POTUS. The poll shows that 75% say NO to Sarah Palin. Only 19% say yes. No other candidate in the poll has such high negatives.

    If the link doesn't work, here's the tinyurl:

    Face it, the movie was a flop, the second book was a flop, no one but the MSM cared about her bus tour and no one but the MSM cares that she's in Iowa. Why is the MSM continuing this game that Palin matters? Are they that bored?

  78. Anonymous8:43 AM

    For all of the big talk and verbal bullying Bachmann does, since she's been running for POTUS, I think I'm not the only person noticing that she is a coward and hates answering any questions. She's more comfortable with repeating her talking points and moving on as quickly as possible. I hope potential voters are paying attention

  79. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I was almost distracted by the huge diamond on her finger. Is it real or cubic zirconium?

    6:23 AM

    yeah - I noticed that too. Is that her wedding ring?

  80. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Michele Bachman may not know enough about oral sex to have been aware of this image's risk (possible) but I do have to say that is not how a lady - or any normal person - proceeds to eat a large round object of this size. Who does that? You take a nibble off the end, for crying out loud. You don't open wide and shove as much of it as possible to the back of your throat, because if you then brought your teeth together the resulting "bite" would either be too large to chew or be forced down your throat and trigger a gag reflex.

    Stupid or crazy, or maybe taking her cue from Palin, what with the orthopedic f--- me sandals and now the corn dog blow job. Sheesh.

  81. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Oh man, is Saturday Night Live going to have fun with this!

    I cannot wait for their new season!

  82. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Gryphen et al.

    Some things are self evident and do not need to be spoken.

    Some things are better left unsaid.

    Commenting on this photo qualifies for both of the above.

    On the other hand Bachmann was a fool to go there. So I guess she's fair game.

  83. Anonymous8:49 AM

    @8:30 - yeah, I've known Palin is not running for 2 years now. It's obvious--& not just to Fred Malek. She's Ov-uh.

  84. Shouldn't they hold her ears instead of her hair? Just want to make sure they guide head her correctly while she's"eating" her foot long.Just a helpful hint here,because we wouldn't want her to choke or anything.Sweet Jesus-her and that bitch Palin are really trying to set the rest of us women back to the dark ages with their stupidity.They make my female skin crawl!!

  85. Anonymous9:18 AM

    How easy to photoshop is that gonna be?


  86. WHO does the long fingernail thing anymore?!?!? Other than mafia wives!?!?
    That photo....unbelievable.
    But then again,
    It kind makes me sick to my tummy...

  87. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Oh. My. God.

  88. Pfft! Apologize?! If you hadn't have gone there, I would have. As a matter of fact, I already did... AND I'm a lady. Silly, silly Michele.

  89. Chenagrrl9:35 AM

    Anonymous 8:32. Thanks for the post. The pushing incident with Don Lemon of CNN reminded me of the incident with Rand Paul's lunatic supporters who beat down a small woman.

    This is t-party command ops. Ugh!

  90. Smirnonn9:39 AM

    ...and thith ith how I won the midtermth....

  91. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I would never let anyone photograph me eating a 'dog'! But, perhaps the photographer was quite a distance from her and she was not aware? I'll give her that. Huge goof though!

    It's something I'd expect more of Palin, but fully w/purpose.

  92. Anonymous9:42 AM

    while his wife swallows foot longs, her dear-hubby takes wittle bittey bites. and makes big faces.

  93. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Man, I love how anytime a public figure has a normal moment, it is made to be a huge ordeal and mocked for weeks. haha

  94. Anonymous9:45 AM

    How do you delicately eat a hot dog? It would take you all day.

  95. Is she running for President or for an AVN award?

  96. I can't believe no one has mentioned "crazier" eyes looking on...probably what Batshit thinks shes doing to "all the boys" (just like psycho scarah).

    Fantastic example for all the young women out there, you twats.

  97. that a corndog in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

  98. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Marcus doth protest way to much! This is one of the best posts ever, G!!

  99. Anonymous10:24 AM

    It's OK. Don't be too hard on yourself for taking pleasure in this. Letting off some steam once in a while just for a few laughs is vital. They make themselves targets because of hate and intolerance they espouse.

  100. Anonymous10:30 AM

    It never fails to annoy me how women who seek power, authority, or fame usually, at some point, feel that they need to sexualize their image in order to "get ahead." And the female-hating Tea Party women seem to get off on stirring up sexual imagery and suggestive ideas in their "followers," consciously "working" the sex stuff while at the same time promoting abstinence/making sure all your daughters get pregnant early to guys who won't stick around long/oh, look, now I have huge fake boobs, now I don't.

    What the fuck? It's only us women who are allowed to criticize these bitches because when a wonderful and smart guy does it, like Gryphen, the Feminazis usually come out to call him sexist.

    No, it's not sexist to call a horrible, horrible, self-hating woman in the public eye for catering to the lowest common denominator (men's potential erections) in how they are photographed, what they wear, etc.'re not going to hell. If anything, and if an "afterlife" exists, you'll be elevated to a special place where all truth tellers, contrarians, and folks who GET it get to hang out after all the hard work they've done down here on little ole Earth trying to shine a light on hypocrisy and CRAP.

    So, thank you!

  101. indy_girl10:38 AM

    Suddenly that Michelle Bachmann Newsweek cover everyone was criticizing seems really, really flattering.

  102. RayJay WNC10:47 AM

    Notice how Michele subconsciously uses her left thumb and index finger to gently pull back the imaginary foreskin, True tallent I tells ya true tallent.

  103. Anonymous10:50 AM

    But, perhaps the photographer was quite a distance from her and she was not aware?

    Are you kidding? The candidates all go to the Iowa State Fair EXPECTING to be photographed, and posing with fair food and farm animals is par for the course. (Plus the other photos of her show clearly that she is surrounded by cameras.)

    Any candidate visiting the fair unaware of the presence of cameras would be too dumb to run.

    She should have known better. Her staff should have known better. She's a fool.

  104. Tyroanee11:08 AM

    Let's face it people, this is the straightest D O G Michele Bachmann has had in her mouth in years!

  105. Anonymous11:15 AM

    "Frankly, I didnt see anything remarkable about this photo until I noticed the rivulets of foamy mustard oozing down the side of the... um... sausage. "

    Being so close to Ricky at the debate the other day, Michelle just couldn't control her urge for some Santorum on her corndog.

  106. Anonymous11:16 AM

    According to local news sources Michelle showed up to speak at the fair 30 min late. All canditates were allowed 20 min to speak. Michelle spoke for 3 min when someone loudly asked about Marcus's pray away the gay clinic practices when it said" she rapidly and awkwardly left the stage". People groaned as she left the stage. Some had been waiting 90 min or more.

  107. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Anonymous said...
    dangit, now I want a corndog!!! Thanks for fueling my pregnancy cravings!
    7:37 AM

    Is that you Bristol?

  108. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Damn, I betcha Sarah smells fishy. She looks like Levi rode her hard and she was put a way wet.

  109. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Who in the hell sticks out their pinky finger when grabbing a 'corn dog'? The gay is so strong on Marcus.

  110. Yes, Marcus. I know it's hard biting down on that thing. Cue Rick Santorum!

  111. Anonymous12:18 PM

    What's wrong with Michelle Bachmann's husband?

    Todd Palin can show him a thing or two about swallowing large objects.

  112. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Michelle looks kind of squeamish like that big monster is about to spit in her mouth.

    WOMAN UP Michelle Bachmann, You Can Do IT!

  113. Miss Demeanor12:29 PM

    Come sit by me, and we will enjoy the flames together!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks for another great laugh.

  114. Kortney just loves her

  115. I do believe, however, that Michele was totally clueless about how that picture was going to turn out. She's not the savviest light bulb in the box.

  116. Betsy S12:43 PM

    Anybody remember that picture of Michael Dukakis in the tank helmet? This picture will finish Michelle...

  117. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I disagree with 98% of everything Joe says, but sometimes, he is the only one of the talking head Republicans who has a few moments of clarity. Granted, I believe Rick Perry is more dangerous than Bachmann, but his points are well taken. Bachmann is a joke.;recently_viewed

  118. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Thank you Gryphen for this blog!

    I love your sense of humor and wit.

    If we couldn't laugh at these freaks we would be crying.

    Also, just so you know, I like being called a lady!

  119. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Ol' Marcus just can't quite wrap his lips around that corndog, in public anyway.

  120. Pennyspruce1:51 PM

    I mean, really. She just should've known better. Bachmann had no business coming within 10 feet of anything resembling that thing. And the husband.. pinkie finger, and all. hmmp!

  121. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Jesus, that picture of Michelle is a riot.

    So odd how she can be so batshit crazy but she doesn't irk me like Palin does. Palin just seems so much more sinister...

  122. Oh. My. God!!

    I didn't know how Fishy Bachmann was gonna be upstaged...

    But that picture of her "husband" is just like the pictures of Scarah-

    can ANYONE imagine their husbands making THAT face as they ate a corndog? Or, EVER making that face?

    The pictures really need to be Side by Side: it's freaking hilarious to see Michelle take that dog like she is a PRO, and her husband licking it like a BJ virgin.


  123. Anita Corndog2:32 PM

    Remember the seat belt dummy commercials?

    Marcus, you could learn a lot from a dummy!

    Michelle just lost any chance of being taken seriously. There was no need to "go there", and yet she did. I'm a woman, and a hot dog is one food every woman knows not to eat at a photo op.

    If Shailey is correct, and I have no reason to not believe her, I wonder if there's any photos of Sarah and Todd eating vienna sausages? wink wink, lick lick, sniff sniff. Ahhh the scent of Santorum after "Going Rogue"!

    Gryphen, never lose that sense of humor! It's what makes your blog so unique and interesting!

  124. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Bachmann's handlers should be groveling for their jobs because a candidate that is set up for that photo is ENTITLED to fire every single handler in the entourage.

    Bachmann is an idiot for letting herself be photo'd like that. But she is a bigger idiot for having morons for advance people.

  125. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Man that is one really, really, really BAD, bad, BAD picture.

    Methinks its going to excite old Marcus.
    Shelly is gonna be running for the hills tonight!


  126. Anonymous2:50 PM

    OMG, I just can't continue to read the comments on this thread any longer.
    My sides are aching from laughing so hard.


  127. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Now we know how she won the straw poll. Reminds me of a line from "Erin Brockovich".

  128. I guess she won the Iowa Pole.

  129. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Sometimes...I just have to WEEP over the fact that Jon Stewart doesn't do weekends.

  130. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Completely OT:

    Notice in the pictures of winky at the fair --- she nor her accessory hubby are wearing wedding rings.

  131. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Caption for the day;

    "Drop your bible, Marcus, our prayers have been answered!"

  132. Grouchodawg6:02 PM

    This is priceless!! Which one can deep throat better?

  133. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Oh my word!
    Just saw the "Update" and ... well I have no words.

    Only cause I don't want to go to H-E-double-hockey-sticks.


  134. Anonymous7:46 PM

  135. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Oh my, it took a while for me to catch on lol... I didn't know she like black men... Now, I need prayer to get that thought out of my big.... it's all your fault!

  136. onething9:53 PM

    OK THAT picture sets off my gaydar!

  137. Anonymous12:10 AM

    I'm thinking that picture of 'Mickey B.' didn't make the cut for the cover of Newsweek or Hustler...

  138. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Wow! Marcus uses his teeth. I don't think many are going to like his BJs.

  139. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Um, okay, so she likes them big and brown.

  140. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Make it one of those motion pictures - going in and out, in and out.

  141. Lynne said...
    I do believe, however, that Michele was totally clueless about how that picture was going to turn out. She's not the savviest light bulb in the box.
    12:40 PM
    Oh, Lynne, how could you? Way to twist the knife! You know, since ol' Crazy Eyes considers herself the expert on, and savior of, light bulbs! Which would have been more impressive had they um, actually needed saving:

  142. She allowed it to happen? So, let me get this straight - to be President you have to millimetrically measure every word, action, and breath, because the minute you don't, it invalidates your claim to want to be President?


    No. We don't have to make juvenile cracks at her expense. Why? Because they are juvenile!!! How does beating Michele Bachmann down over a suggestive photo of her eating a corn dog somehow make us better than her and all her GOP cronies?

    Seriously, people, get a grip. She should be invalidated as a Presidential for her views and her lack of a coherent and logical policy for operating the U.S. Government. She shouldn't be reduced to a punching bag by the efforts of a few moronic frat-boy photographers. If we can't put her in her place through normal discourse and debate, then we're the kind of nation that deserves a President Bachmann or President Perry.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.