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Rep. Phillip Hinkle fondles his bullwhip. |
An Indiana state Representative, who recently voted for a constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage, has been accused of using Craigslist to offer an 18-year old male $80 for "a couple hours of your time tonight" plus a tip "for a really good time."
The Indianapolis Star obtained e-mails sent from Rep. Phillip Hinkle's (R) publicly listed personal address, responding to a Craigslist posting by Kameryn Gibson that said "I need a sugga daddy." Gibson told the Star that the post was in the "Casual Encounters" section under m4m, or men for men. He used his sister Megan's e-mail address -- and she later sent the e-mails to the Star.
"Cannot be a long time sugar daddy," says the e-mail response from what is allegedly Hinkle's address, "but can for tonight. Would you be interested in keeping me company for a while tonight?"
"I am an in shape married professional, 5'8", fit 170 lbs, and love getting and staying naked," the e-mail says.
Another e-mail says: "If u want to consider spending night u might tell ur sis so she won't worry. Would have u back before 11 tomorrow. No extra cash just free breakfast and maybe late night snack."
You know I think it is just precious that Rep. Hinkle does not want the family of his boy-toy to worry while he defiles him for money, and that he also wants to make sure his nutritional needs are met before he delivers him back to his sister's house in the morning. Pure class!
I believe that Rep. Hinkle sounds like a fairly reasonable gentleman living a life of quiet desperation, as he pretends to despise the very lifestyle that he wishes he could embrace openly. (Update: Well fairly reasonable that is until he told this kid he could not leave the hotel until "we do what we need to do," and then had his wife offer the boy and his sister $10,000 to keep quiet about the incident.)
It is just too bad that according to the belief system of the party that he has sworn his allegiance to he will now have to burn in the fiery pits of hell for his sinful nature. Sucks to be gay in the Grand Old Party.
I cannot tell you how amazing I find it that these powerful men, with everything to lose, openly respond to advertisement on Craiglist. You would think that after the Rep. Chris Lee scandal that NOBODY in Congress would even log into Craiglist.
"It's not for me to say [whether Hinkle should resign]," Daniels said. "It's for him and his constituents. It's just a personal family tragedy."
Really, it's between him and his constituents? Funny, it wasn't like that for Anthony Weiner, and Weiner never pretended to be anti heterosexual.
What no comment about this old man going after an 18 year old? Yet, there was an issue about the age difference between Weiner and his email buddies, which there was a lower age difference.
It really does seem that Democrats have the higher morals when they won't let this kind of behavior slip through the cracks, but the Republicans always let them stay in office.
He's anti gay marriage not anti gay.
ReplyDeleteCan you not discern the difference?
After the stinking hypocrisy of it all, I was chiefly struck by what a cheap "sugga daddy" Rep. Hinkle is.
ReplyDeleteI think I know why he went to Craig's List, rather than an escort service. He wanted his thrills as cheaply as possible. "No extra cash" - just breakfast for half the next morning?
Wow, he is totally wringing every cent of value from some desperate 18 year old. You know, maybe Rep. Hinkle is displaying TRUE Republican "values"!
The frantic hypocrisy is tragic, really. Anyone who thinks that Republicans are devoid of homosexuals in their ranks is completely delusional. Your remark about logging onto Craigslist is spot on. It boggles my mind that so many public figures have a flat learning curve when it comes to sex and learning from other idiots' mistakes. I was particularly stunned by the stupidity of the Weiner weener story. I had really given him credit for much more intelligence than he displayed while tweeting.
ReplyDeleteDid you hear Chris Hayes on The Last Word last night? He didn't mention any names, he just said "don't use Craiglist." Very amusing.
ReplyDeleteI actually do feel sorry for these guys who must hate themselves. So sad really...
What are the chances he will just leave quietly, or will the good old boys circle the wagons? Will Faux News cover this story endlessly 24/7 like they did with Anthony Weiner? Anybody want to lay down a wager?
ReplyDeleteo/t but did anyone see others there with Sarah? Mckinley was with PIper. no surprise. Fairs are for family.
ReplyDeleteoh, Bristol updated her public facebook with a pic from their time with the Massey bros in AK. THe whole M fam was there.
An 18 year old is perilously close to a 17 year old. Given how unscrupulous this married, anti-gay hypocrite is, I have to wonder how he would have known that this young man was really of an age to consent?
ReplyDeletehahahaha!! That, my friends, is called poetic justice.
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with these conservative hypocrites in power anyway? They like nothing better than to stick their noses in everyone else's personal business (while waving a dusty bible at us) and then are caught with their pants literally down doing exactly what they say everyone else shouldn't be doing! Talk about compartmentalizing hypocritical assholes!
I'm sure no republicans will even speak publicly about this. The slime ball will come up with a press release saying he's going to to rehab, he's asking his wife, family and God for forgiveness (in that order) and will blame his trespasses on his blinding loyalty to his country and his despair over the woes America is suffering at the hands of Obama.
And Wiener shows his junk to some women on twitter and is forced to resign! Why are republicans such raging hypocrites?
Icky-poo... what a hypocritical perv. Love the photo caption, Gryphen. Hope this goes viral. Looking forward to some of the juicy details of Rick Perry's hypocrisy one of these days. I know he must have many, many enemies in Austin and hope they will talk!
ReplyDeleteIt is so disgusting that he would be soliciting sex from an 18 year old.
ReplyDeleteHow can his wife stand by him after learning about it? She rather offer the teen's sister $10,000 to keep their marital secret that her husband pays for sex with young men. How desparate is the wife to keep up the charade of having a "happy" marriage.
$80. You know that's from a cheap-ass Hoosier Republican - not only is he sitting in the closet in denial, but while he's there, he's scrounging pennies to pay for his "sugar boy."
ReplyDeleteIndiana - the bible belt of the midwest.
Off topic but I have a feelings the P family is all in AZ this weekend. just a hunch
ReplyDeleteRep. Hinkle was probably just doing research on the subject because he maybe plans on entering a bill which would further restrict the rights of the GLBT community. To do that he must stay informed.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention that it made him feel really good and relaxed afterwards. So much stress being a lawmaker causes a man to need an outlet. Also too.
Then again it may be nothing more than the fact that he is just another closeted, hypocritical bastard who in reality loves nothing more than another big dick stuck up his ass.
Now THERE'S a picture that the internet is gonna have fun with...
I first read this over on Daily Kos or Huffpo (can't remember which), although you've got a good deal more detail.
ReplyDeleteThe more conservative and radically the right swings, the more they manifest sure signs of schizophrenia.
The Repugs are just drowning in hypocrisy.
So, is it finally safe to assume the loudest voices against gay-marriage actually belong to the most closeted gay folks? I'm beginning to think so. Just kidding, I've actually thought that all along, but each day another story like this breaks confirms my suspicions about them. Not that there's anything wrong with that :)
ReplyDeleteWhat the . . . is he holding? I am normally sympathetic to the closeted, especially closeted older gays and lesbians. To have lived most of their lives in fear and denial is terrible.
ReplyDeleteBut in Indiana (where I have family) the anti-gay, anti-union, anti-workingclass movement is in full bloom. It is one of the test kitchens for the Koch brothers.
There's a good chance the GOP will bring back the dunking stool for this dude.
Whatta cheap b-tard! $80? Tip, right! This sugar-daddy seeker would be at serious risk of being, uh, stiffed?
Sarah Palin says she is still considering a run for president because she says it’s time for this country be put back on the right track. That being said she welcomes Rick Perry into the race as she believes that voters deserve a good debate and, as she always says, the more the merrier.
ReplyDeleteOn the debate last night, she said she was proud of Newt for standing his ground and calling out the moderators on what she said was a question about superficial issues that don’t really matter, especially given the difficult times we are in. She was also glad to see more candidates duking it out.
There’s much more to the interview, including a few one liners that could show up as slogans in a future campaign (full clip below):
Well, in the self-hating, closet-case's defense, he only wants to keep gay people from marrying!
ReplyDeletePaying for a good time with someone of the same sex is something entirely different Uncle G.!
The hypocrisy is mindblowing with these 'people'...
A persistent Don Lemon got a lot of ‘Sarah time’ today at the Iowa State fair ground, giving us what amounts to a great interview. The one thing that surprised me was that when she was asked about the ‘submission’ question last night from the debate, she said that she thought it was fair game and that Bachmann handled it very well. Directly after that she was asked if Todd told her not to run for president, would she submit. Her answer to that ended up being rather cute, noting that Todd would never order her to do anything like that and then she ended up thanking him directly for basically being a loving husband that didn’t try and order her around.
ReplyDeleteThey also talk about Bachmann, the downgrade, Obama, Congress, the media not vetting Obama in 2008, and her having grandkids. It’s a very fun interview:
He doesn't look particularly fit to me, but maybe he looks in a magic mirror. I suppose it's possible somebody knowing his e-mail address could have set him up? I'm trying to be kind, tho I don't know why. Must need more caffeine.
ReplyDeleteAs an openly gay man I pains me to say that we are indeed sometimes our own worst enemy. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteSo will the Republicans insist that he retire?
ReplyDeleteProbably not he is a republican. Only Democrates are required to have morals.
Actually, I don't believe it's hypocrisy. I believe it's a uniquely conservative pathological need to make sex bad and wrong because that's what thrills them about it.
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly what Republican Gomorrah by Max Blumenthal explains so clearly. Recommended reading, imho. Costs only $0.01 (used)! And worth it at full price.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @ 4:20 am said...
ReplyDelete"He's anti gay marriage not anti gay. Can you not discern the difference?"
There is NO difference!
So a GOP rep PAID a teenager (yup an 18 yr old is still e teen) to have sex, gay sex at that and this is being treated quietly?!
ReplyDeleteOh Maaarcus...Got a patient for ya. Send Hinkle to Marcus Bachmann so he can repent on his sins and get properly de-gayed.
ReplyDeleteLet the de-gaying commence!!
Now he should be "out."
ReplyDeleteInteresting that Mrs. Right Wing offered rent-a-boy $10.000 for this to go away.
He says the rent boy has ruined him. He doesn't even acknowledge he has ruined himself. Now he's pleading that this was an actual "shake down" and he is the victim. People never learn. I bet there's a lot of GOPers clutching their pearls and taking the vapors.
I don't like the way he's pointing that finger....
ReplyDeleteGryphen, you're so quick to declare "hypocrite!" when closer - tho not TOO close - examination reveals no such claim is warranted.
Yes, the Honorable Philip Tinkle opposes gay marriage while also cavorting sans Sans-a-Belt trousers as a delightfully energetic elder statesman of the highly successful 'Larry "Wide Stance" Craig' chapter of the ultra-conservative, closeted homer-sexual community in Indiana.
But there is no hypocrisy here.
Can't you see from his point of view, that allowing The Gheys to marry could potentially reduce the number of gay hustlers operating in the seamy shadows of Craigslist?
The part of his story I find the most amusing is that the sturdy, studly 18 year old in question claims to have become so frightened during the motel room encounter that he had to call his sister to come pick him up and help him relieve the upstanding Rep. Tinkle of his cellphone, wallet and iPad.... D'oh!!!
Damn! I mistyped Hinkle as Tinkle... Sorry about that....
Guess what: Now that he has been caught red-handed, he will resign, just like any Democrat has so far, right? YEAH, RIGHT! He will get off scottfree, JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHER REPUKELICANS HAVE!
ReplyDeleteI hope to hear Obama calling for his resignation. If he doesn't, I can only assume the repugs have him wrapped around their dirty fingers.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he can claim he was just trying to stimulate the economy.
ReplyDeleteForget the "consentual sex" angle - I read the story, and Hinkle should be out on his ass, pronto.
ReplyDeleteFirst, there was no sex, the boy got spooked and said "No". Hinkle said he would not drive the boy back to the house he shared with his sister until he got want he wanted. Major abusive vibe!
Then when the boy called sis to pick him up at the motel, and she gave Hinkle an earful, Hinkle offered her his iPhone, iPad and $100 cash to shut them both up.
He had promised $80 for a couple of hours of hanging out naked, and a tip of $50 or $60 for a "really" good time. Yet all the cash he had on him was $100.
Yes, this wretched old man was planning to rip off the boy. This goes beyond "gay" or "straight". I see also that "a couple of hours" is suddenly spending the night and half of the next morning.
If this shabby, dishonest, chiseling two-bit behavior is just the way this guy handles his life, then he does not deserve to have any authority, at ALL in any public office.
Late night snack for the young man, now how should I read that? Hmmmmm
ReplyDeleteStrikes me the Bachmann photo(shopped) would be far more appropriate here as innuendo target practice, and the two face hypocrite deserves all the nasty comments and puns that would come his way.
ReplyDeleteGOP must really stand for Gay Old Perverts.
Remember when (80's) the National Endowment for the Arts was de-funded because of an uproar surrounding Robert Mapplethorpe's photography? The most prominent photos were of a young man with a bullwhip (....yes, there....).
ReplyDeleteNo wonder that caused such a flurry- Republicans' knee-jerk reaction to the images brought up the tease and terror of desire and blackmail. All art must be censored, in case they're in the pix, although sitting in one' office holding a bullwhip seems like just another fab photo-op.
A (not necessarily leather-clad) Wild Tortoise
Gee, he and Todd Palin would have a great time.
ReplyDeleteThing morally about this nasty lad is that he's a promiscuous whoremonger and not only that, but a slanderer too--a role into which he slipped all too easily:
ReplyDelete"[State Rep. Hinkle] did not deny the e-mails in response to [the newspaper's] request for comment, but said: 'I am aware of a shakedown taking place.' He did not elaborate on what 'shakedown' meant, nor did his attorney."
I guess it's not for nothing we must call it the Repugnantilican Party.
Norma Desmond wannabe Bachman getting "sloppy seconds." ROFLMAO
ReplyDeleteThis is an excellent story and just when it's needed most. It's always those who oppose gayness the most who will get outed. And it's those who dwell on the issue the most, like you jesse that turn out to be in the closet too. It's time to come out now dahling.
ReplyDeleteStrange that a wife would offer money to silence them from outing her gay husband, instead of her demanding money from her husband to keep her from doing it herself.
ReplyDeleteI heard his BFF is Michele Bachmann's husband.
ReplyDeletenonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI hope to hear Obama calling for his resignation. If he doesn't, I can only assume the repugs have him wrapped around their dirty fingers.
7:50 AM
He is a STATE representative, it would be up to the STATE party leaders and governor of that STATE to ask for him to step down, not the President. Get real.
Oh Noes! Does this mean there'll be a public apology introduced by andyboy breitbart, just like Congressman Weiner? Nah, I didn't think so either.
ReplyDeleteThe republicans will find a way to explain away the gay, it was obviously a trap set up by the 18 year old rent boy looking for a sugar daddy. He sensed that a republican would respond, and that said republican's wife would offer 10 grand to "pray the gay away".
He's anti gay marriage, but pro gay if they're republican and closeted while married to a sumbissive wife.
The bullwhip says it all, this guy is beyond gay, he's into SandM as well. No wonder the teenager got scared.
At least this guy was sticking to his fiscal conservatism! what a cheapskate.
ReplyDeleteHuman irrationality at its finest!
ReplyDeleteThere's an important book called The Hidden Hitler. It makes quite a good case that Hitler was gay, and a self-hating one.
I know how we can solve this. Just have Dinkle go to the Bachman's for treatment.
ReplyDeleteTell me again how Weiner had to resign for just sending pictures of his junk but this guy is going to STAY in his position because he is a Republican.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Bachmann will offer her husband's services for free as a professional courtesy.
Gee, that didn't quite come out the way I intended.
(tee hee)