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Sarah: "What, they're not afraid?" Todd: "I told you that wouldn't work stupid!" |
A publisher is standing behind a book about Sarah Palin, a day after Palin's attorney threatened to sue over it. Crown Publishers spokesman Stuart Applebaum says the company is confident the reporting in Joe McGinniss' book is "solid, reliable, and well-substantiated."
Applebaum says Crown stands behind McGinniss and the book, "The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin."
Never a doubt in my mind they would call the bluff of Palin's attorneys. Bunch of fucking amateurs!
By the way I guess I should share with all of you one of things about my interactions with Sister Sarah that I think used to make Joe kind of envious.
I was the recipient of a letter from Thomas Van Flein threatening to sue me.
Well I guess he can now cross THAT off his bucket list.
By the way it is only about seven more hours until Palin makes her appearance on the Greta Van "Damn it sucks to be Sarah's bitch" show where we will get to see Sarah demonstrate what this bullshit letter from her lawyers was really all about, by refusing to answer any questions about Joe's book due to "impending legal action."
Of course there is NO "impending legal action," so if Greta was not a pathetic excuse for an interviewer she would bring that up and press her for a response. But we all know that won't happen!
And this, boys and girls, is why we don't see Palin making anymore appearances on The Factor. I am pretty confident that O'Reilly would NOT let her get away with that kind of response and would probably tear her a new one, while Roger Ailes chuckled and rubbed his prodigious belly behind the scenes.
Johnny boy.. it is now your move.
ReplyDeleteCrown Publishing just politely told you to fuck off and die.
Put your big boy pants on and file the lawsuit!
ReplyDeleteBall's in Sarah's court now.
I wonder when she'll back down when she realizes she'll have to begin to show proof?
Oh, and Joe's book is now down to #85 on Amazon's list.
I'll bet the Palin household has got a new fridge on order already...(lol)
Sorry this is a little OT, but did you notice during "The View" when Joe Mc was being interviewed, Barbara Walters kept reciting the book title as "The Rogue - The real Sarah Palin". loved it.
ReplyDeleteToday started off good and it is getting better and better.
ReplyDeleteThe book has climbed back to #85 at Amazon. If it was McGinniss who leaked the email, he is a genius!
In July 2009 via twitter, Sarah Palin threatened to sue the internet. July 6 2009..."See letter from my attorney on Baseless allegations of past 24 hours"
ReplyDeleteWonkette did a writeup. Insane Sarah Palin on July 4, Threatens to Sue Internet, Via Twitter.
Writer Ken Layne.
$arah is only appearing on Greta's show because of her contractual obligation with FOX. And $arah gets to dictate what questions can or cannot be asked. Of course, her BFF Greta will lob softballs to the Quitter anyway. So fair and balanced!
ReplyDeleteIt would have been a really smart marketing move for Joe to send that letter to the publishers himself pretending to be the lawyer. He couldn't have purchased better publicity for this book. I think sales are headed up since the "lawsuit" was threatened.
ReplyDeleteThey overplayed their hand....as if they ever had one to play. Who does this woman think she is? It STILL boggles my mind.
ReplyDeleteThank you Gryph....again.
Please, please, please sue Random House. Come on Granny Tranny we all want you to offer FACTS and INFO and PROOF you gave birth. Come on Saree we want to read the transcript about when young Mr. Rice was "taken advantage of" by a sports reporter and then "stalked" by the same sports reporter.
goes to Joe and Random House
BTW is there anyone Saree hasn't threatened to sue?
Thin skin, glass jaw, sharp elbows and a breeder simply for the purpose of shielding herself from criticism.
ReplyDeleteIs SarahPAC readying their newest begathon to raise money for this dithering on legal action hand in hand with your indecision to run for 2012?
Sarah you tranny, you are such a pussy for a dick.
Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!
ReplyDeleteQuick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?
Where is Sarah? Isn't she supposed to let us know this week if she's in or if she's out.
ReplyDeleteKind of think we already know that answer. LOL
When Sarah can prove that both her ghostwritten books were solid, reliable and well-substantiated, I'll finally buy them.
ReplyDeleteCould you give your personal opinion on Joe being threatened with a lawsuit by one of his friend Roger Ailes employees? As an employer , I personally, can't think of a more retarded thing for an employee to do.Do you think Saree wants to have her contract yanked from under her Tundra Tranny ass?
Little Rabbit
It's no coincidence that the author of a devastating Palin biography that shows her in all her ugly glory considers Roger Ailes a close friend.
ReplyDeleteThat decision to make the Blood Libel video against the explicit direction of Ailes looks like the iceberg that sank the SS Palin. She pissed off the wrong elephant.
Blathering idiot. Always has been, always will be. Never underestimate Palin....she will always self destruct sooner or later. Too bad for us it wasn't sooner.
Oh No!!! How will pee pond folks report this news?
ReplyDeleteAll you little bots... you are soon to find out your fearless pit bull has no teeth.
The threat of having to take DNA tests, will make Sarah tuck tail and hide.
You librul h8trz got another thing comin if you think Mama Grizzly's gonna back down from a fight with the evil socialist Crown Books who is secretly funded by the corrupt Chicago political gangsters Axelrod and Obama!
ReplyDeletePraise be Sister Sarah is the only one that can save us from the Nazi fascist socialist government that is ruining our country!
Obama and the DNC is paying Joe McGinnis and Andrew Breitart has the emails to prove it!
Bible Spice will never appear on O'Reilly because O'Reilly will never be able to erase Glen Rice from his falafel addled mind.
ReplyDeleteSlightly off topic:
ReplyDeleteI truly wish the book, Joe's book or any of them, all of them....would have researched a bit more into the connection between Chuck Heath and the child molester protector that he helped protest for and protect. They both were from Idaho and both moved to Alaska. Did they move to AK during the same time period? Were there further "connections" in Idaho?
Inquiring minds want to know.
ReplyDeleteIf FOX was smart, they would definitely push the issue. The only thing that could make watching Sarah on TV interesting is to address the elephant in the room since everyone's tired of guessing about her run. Many will tune in tonight to see how drugged up she is and which hair piece she uses. FOX should take advantage of that and do something that will boost ratings, and it's not asking her policy questions or bash that president. We all saw how bored Hannity was with that old routine.
ReplyDeletePalin is such an idiot. The fact she can't get away w/much from her Alaskan crowd is what cracks me up.
ReplyDeleteWe are so use to her bullshit!
She doesn't have a leg to stand on against Joe McGinniss..in fact, she helped increase his sales.
The publishers and Joe would have known this to be a possibility, if not a probablity.
ReplyDeleteThey planned for this way back.
ReplyDeleteWe're screwed now! We don't get
shit and they're gonna kill her!
We're fucked, Walter!
Dude, nothing is fucked. Come on.
You're being very unDude. They'll
call back. Look, she kidnapped her--
The phone chirps.
Ya see? Nothing is fucked up here,
Dude. Nothing is fucked. These
guys are fucking amateurs--
Shutup, Walter! Don't fucking say
peep when I'm doing business here.
Okay Dude. Have it your way.
The Dude unclips the phone from the battery pack.
But they're amateurs.
The Dude glares at Walter.
the Big Lebowski.
It's relevant to EVERYTHING!
Sarah vs. Sarah
Greta is an attorney- became known by her stints on CNN during the Simpson trial- so it'll be criminal if Greta does not call Palin out on the 'threat' to McGinniss' publisher.
ReplyDeletePerhaps this will be Sarah's last outing on Fox news? She needs to be gone to run for prez, and Greta getting tough with her is all the excuse she needs to leave.
Well that's what Sarah will say after Ailes tells her to leave!
Do not be surprised when Palin dumps Fox news- the C4P cult have been down on Fox for quite some time now!
Sarah won't even mention the book. She will attack the President for the Jobs bill; Perry for not standing up for Israel enough; Mitt for being Mitt; and anyone else who enters her peabrain. She will not talk about Bristol in a gay bar, Joe, the lawyers, or anything else that anyone who was a real journalist would ask her to respond to. Instead, she will spout her nonsense and tease about running yet one more time (it IS almost the end of September Sarah baby...you proMISED.) Wonder how askew her wig will be this evening.
ReplyDeleteI bought Joe's book today mainly because of Palin's threat of legal action.
ReplyDeleteInteresting that idiot Palin didn't threaten Geoffrey Dunn and Levi because of their books. They said many of the same things that Joe McGinniss did about sister Sarah. Me thinks Palin doth protest too much.
ReplyDeleteShe is a proven liar and fraud!!
This lawsuit threat is nothing more than an attempt to undermine Joe's credibility.
ReplyDeleteShe will go on every media outlet possible with Joe's e-mail, even if it is several months before the book was printed, and say that Joe knew that what he was saying was untrue and that Joe knew it and wrote it anyway.
I have a feeling it will start tonight on Fox with Greta.
Kristol, of course, is the yeast behind the intellectual ferment that has produced, in order, Dan Quayle, George W. Bush, and Sarah Palin. A sane country party would be wondering at this point about a party that takes this person seriously as a political thinker and a public intellectual. If Bill Kristol went to the track, he'd bet on the fucking starting gate. Nevertheless, he is what passes for a wise man in a party that has surrendered utterly to its intellectual Id.
ReplyDeleteRead more: http://www.esquire.com/blogs/politics/florida-straw-poll-6496075#ixzz1ZBcRijpq
Well, I'm jealous too.
ReplyDeleteHow can I get one of those 'I'm threatening to sue' letters sent to me?
If I were Joe I would sue the pants off of the Palins. There is plenty of proof (including reality show) of lies and slander against him. AND publisher should now sue as well since they slandered them as well. Could have done a counter suit if they were really going to sue. I would love to see Joe and the publishers take the Palins to court and make them prove that he is lying...
ReplyDeleteSo Pathetic Sarah just couldn't resist responding to us here on the blogs saying "If the book's not true, why doesn't she sue?" Now she has found herself trapped in Joe and Jesse's web like the fool she is. She walked right into it. Check and mate.
ReplyDeleteThe threat of a lawsuit sure was a great boon for Joe's book on amazon! he went from overall #135 or so yesterday to #78 today!
ReplyDeleteamazon is not showing the real sales rank of the book and hasnt since its been published.
ReplyDeletegoing to be interesting what excuse she gives the flying monkeys about why she wont sue and why she wont run.
shes a real joke now and if anyone here doesnt yet have the book...buy it cause what it reveals about the palin and todds families goes a long way in understanding the crazy sarah...
OMG! That is why she's gone dark for the past ten days, so she didn't have to answer questions. So she found a way out her hidy hole and got her attorney to make up a fake reason.
ReplyDeleteKinda smart actually, maybe all that cocaine didn't kill all her brain cells
I just went to C4P and saw this little gem. Sarah your bots are getting restless and fighting!
ReplyDelete"I was absent from this site for only a week and found that several commenters have left, almost all them saying that they wouldn't be back until Sarah announced.
I find this appalling because this site is about supporting Sarah and not about how soon she should make the announcement to relieve us of the stress of waiting. The anxiety had reached a feverish pitch that an alternate site was set up by a former editor to coral the disaffected Palinistas who couldn't take the stress anymore of having to wait longer for Sarah's announcement.
There was no way I could console them by giving them the many reasons why Sarah had delayed her announcement because rationality wouldn't work with them. It was all emotion, raw emotion and a lot of shouting.
My advice to those who want to walk out on us is that they do so quietly. No need to say we'll be back only after Sarah announces which I find pretty demoralizing. So if you want to go, just go and stop drawing attention to yourself.
It is sad because there are definitely lies in The Rogue, and little mistakes Joe should have caught.
ReplyDeleteFor once, I respect Keith O's characterization of someone. That book shouldn't have been written. Dunn's books, if you take out the lies told by Y B, is policy and politics driven.
Writing slam books isn't mature or professional. There's a reason Joe is slammed by those mature enough to realize that.
But - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and the Palins are living proof of that. GUARANTEED.
One star review on Amazon by Navy Bean -
ReplyDelete"Sarah Palin is a good woman. Why this author felt like he could tarnish her reputation by saying she had intimate relations with a minority NBA star is preposterous. Everyone knows she doesn't even like minorities! And she won't even eat rice! What the heck.
I just can't get over the idea of a young Sarah committing crimes against God with a man like that. There were some allegations that he was known for his three pointer. Well I am sure I don't know what "three pointer" means but it sounds disgusting and if any of the woman in my church group would hear about something so vile they may just ... well, I'm sure I don't even know what they'd do. Some of those NBA players are in such good shape though, it makes you wonder what they did get up to and if he showed her some of his penetration skills. And did she leave her glasses on? Because I kind of like that.
Sarah must have really gotten an earful from him. Because I feel like she is getting the shaft here and there. Sarah is an excellent orator and even though she doesn't have a law degree I bet she's up to date on the penal code and can orally debate for hours.
I had a dream where Sarah came to me in a dream and she was wearing a robe and it fell to the floor and there was nothing between us and man what a figure she has. And I asked her if I could kiss her and she said, "you betcha" and I know you want to ask if anything else happened after that and the answer is "you betcha" but I don't kiss and tell. "
Anon @ 11:59 asked a question I would like to know more about also - concerning Chuck Heath and the child molester situation at school.
ReplyDeletePat Padrnos
Gryphen, I think we should stop watching every time Sarah is on any show, we are just pushing the ratings, wait until later and see the video. By the way Joe's book is now #78 on Amazon, Joe owes Sarah flowers, by Sunday it will be in the top ten.
ReplyDeletePalin is going to be on Greta tonight! Get ur popcorn ready.
Gawker commenters, get yer asses over to Jezebel where they attempt to eviscerate both Joe and Jesse:
Somebody needs to explain a few things to them. Like, everything.
Sarah has NEVER had to answer for her bullying and as a result her ego is inflated to the point that she thinks that she is untouchable. Woe be to her and her two bit penny ante family lawyers when they take her apart, because they will. The big guns will take her down in a heartbeat.
ReplyDeleteDon't be surprised to see little 'leaks' start to come out about her and her lies and 'anonymous' stories from people she has screwed, destroyed, retaliated against. They are getting stronger and stronger, secretly watching for a moment to step in and step up, just the way that 'MeAgain' is doing, bless her heart. At least I believe it's a her.
The more that Sarah is publically weakened, the more bold people who were heretofore frightened or hesitant to come forward, will.
Once Nick's movie hits the screens, it will become more magnified for the locals, since they are the ones in the movie. They will see in living color the Palin family at their worst, in their town, in their neighborhood, in their state, and it will spur them on to take a stand. Never underestimate the power of a visual image to get people up and motivated. Words are one thing, but the mind can filter them into the appropriate belief slot, but with a visual image, it's instantaneous and leaves and imprint that lasts and gets beyond the typical defenses that people parrot. They will find themselves responding emotionally in a much more visceral way and they will say 'I've had enough, I have to speak NOW'! And they will. In droves.
And when BABYGATE is on full display to the world, which is only a matter of a short time, there won't be enough popcorn on the planet to fill the bowls of those of us who have seen her as the heinous, vicious, lying tramp that she is and always has been. No amount of clothes, makeup, glasses, plastic surgery, push up bras, botox and artificially inflated polls and articles will save her sorry ass. Sarah you are DONE.
So, Sarah, get ready, because you are about to be politically beheaded and it will be a glorious thing to behold.
I would bet that if she goes forward with it, some of those confidential sources would come forward to be identified and testify. Sucker her in, then bust her nuts.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteOn a tip from a friend, I downloaded, It's Classified by Nicole Wallace. Wallace was one of Palin's handlers during her VP run. She promised to speak out if Sarah ever announced her bid for president. Seems she laid most of the madness in this fictional tale which gives a possible glimpse of what a bullet we dodged. In the book, her fictional character "Tara" has a mental breakdown upon starting office as the VP, complete with canceling meetings and events, occasionally going catatonic, fighting an eating disorder, neglecting her child, and on and on. I will have to enjoy the fiction until the non- fiction reality comes to pass...another lawsuit may be being contemplated....
9:43 AM
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteLet's talk about how realistic a threat that letter from Sarah's lawyer to the publishers at Crown Books. Another blog discovered that the number to which the lawyer's letter was faxed was a fax line for submissions. The standard form for a business letter is to address the person, followed by a colon. In the lawyer's letter, the name of the publisher is followed by a comma. Some of the trolls here have trouble with their punctuation, too, just saying.
The letter is more for show than it is a real letter from a lawyer seeking some kind of action. A real letter from a lawyer is sent by registered mail, return receipt requested, or by UPS or FedEX, again with signature required. This letter is about publicity for the poor victim, Sarah, who still reacts before thinking. As MA told us, it will take 3 days for Sarah to figure out that she ended up helping Joe's book sales and brought attention to his book, where some media outlets had canceled their interview with him.
The other thing that Sarah really can't do is face up to proving the lies in court. The publisher's lawyers will want to see Trig's birth certificate and request a DNA test for Sarah, Todd and Trig. I don't think that is what Sarah in mind. Crown Publishers' lawyers vetted the book. There are tapes of people giving the information to Joe. He is reporting on what they said.
The letter may have secondary value in addition to making Sarah feel a little better about Joe's book. It paints her as a victim to her loyal fans. She can appeal for donations to a legal defense fund because she won't spend her own money on this so-called lawsuit. They will donate because they love a good fight, and they see Sarah as a real pit bull.
10:44 AM
Here's the way I see it. IF $arah did indeed give birth to Trig she has the documentation to prove it to the world once and for all. And IF she did prove it she would crush her opponents (bloggers, authors, filmmakers, etc) in a single blow. They would be instantly discredited and she would be propped up on a pedestal for the fundie right, perfectly poised for a presidential run. And we all know damned well that she would do it if she could.
ReplyDeleteBut she can't. She never gave birth to Trig. And she doesn't have the documentation to prove it. Nor can she prove those allegations aren't true.
All she has are empty volleys, shots across the bow, to say (without actually saying) that the 'lies and innuendo' in Joe's books are just that. This is all just so much empty posturing.
It's all she can do.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteIt is sad because there are definitely lies in The Rogue, and little mistakes Joe should have caught.
For once, I respect Keith O's characterization of someone. That book shouldn't have been written. Dunn's books, if you take out the lies told by Y B, is policy and politics driven.
Writing slam books isn't mature or professional. There's a reason Joe is slammed by those mature enough to realize that.
But - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and the Palins are living proof of that. GUARANTEED.
12:37 PM
Sarah fucked a black man that she had just met on a work assignment while dating Tawd, get over it. Your quitter queen is far from what she pretends to be.
I'll believe Roger Ailes when hell freezes over. Hate is where the money is folks and what makes up 99% of the Faux viewers base, who is he trying to kid.
ReplyDeleteShow me he means it by having Greta asked some 'rill' hard questions, and getting some honest answers instead of letting the Snowdrift Snooki spew her lies.
well, since he seems to be the schoolyard bully and she does a great mean girl....they didn't ruin 2 good families!
ReplyDeleteIs there really any point to all this ridiculous stalking and gossiping? I mean, if you remember middle school, the gossips and backstabbers (people who talk to journalists to settle scores) are not liked. THAT is why they don't go public. They would be treated like the writer/journalist and rightly so.
ReplyDeleteBut back to my question. Is there a point to it all? Generally speaking, we as humans can't know someone without meeting them, engaging in conversation, getting to know them.
While I'm aware all this petty behavior is from a small segment of society (who obviously is lacking fulfillment. Am I wrong?), It's sad that it happens and always has happened.
You are so closed minded and hateful that you can't see the hypocrisy in your own behavior. You can't see the REAL and honest criticisms of the current administration in DC. That is likely the SADDEST part of all the backstabbing and lie telling that is floating around.
You're obsessing over someone who isn't even in a race, who's not even one of the most powerful people in the country let alone world, and who isn't even in the top 1000 most dangerous people in the world. You obsess over her all the while ignoring extremely important things that are currently affecting your futures and your kids' futures.
If it weren't for the act of distortion or exaggeration, you'd have no stories to spread around. Sadly, you all seem to have huge God complexes, all the while finger pointing, saying, "She thinks she's queen of all. Off with her-"
Heck even the blog I'm commenting on is written by a blogger who admits to manipulating (or trying) other people.
So depressing. And yet, still, after 3 years, you have NO idea who Sarah Palin is. And it's all because you're so closed minded and will believe anything any sucker says. And you call "Palinbots" drones and intellectually incapable koolaid drinkers.
Sarah is quiet because she is looking at the offers coming in for future gigs. DWTS with Sarah Palin and Glen Rice. Amazing Race with a Rice/Palin team. Moving the Desperate Housewives to Wasilla with Sarah having a role. Spot on the Good Wife where the Good Wife defends the Bad Wife. Fox Sports co-anchors Palin and Rice. Family appearance on Jerry Springer.
ReplyDeleteEmily Pollifax
"Why is Sarah Palin being so selective in her threats to sue for defamation? She didn't like Joe McGinniss's book about her and said the whole book is based on malicious lies. That's a bit much, as not all the sources were anonymous.
ReplyDeleteHow come she's not going after the National Enquirer as well? Or the several bloggers who have been writing about her in the past three years? Does it mean that some people can "defame" her and Joe McGinniss can't?"
Sarah... show us how dumb you really are... sue Joe!
ReplyDeleteI will be outside court with signs,
12:37 pm sez;
ReplyDelete"It is sad because there are definitely lies in The Rogue,"
yeah yeah you've said this before. what you haven't said is just what those lies are, and how you personally know they're lies.
I just bought yet ANOTHER copy of THE ROGUE and it's #72 on Amazon! Go Joe!! Maybe Sarah could sue Levi to help his book sales, also too.
ReplyDeleteAnon 12:05 I am ROFL reading your comment about people tuning in to see which hair piece Palin is wearing.
ReplyDeleteYour name says it all.
Will you give your Queen your last dollar?
Is this a photo after Todd knocked Sarah's teeth out?
ReplyDeleteI am sure he was pissed about Glen, but punching all her teeth out was cruel.
I think we should all file a Class Action lawsuit against Stephen K Bannon AND $arah Palin for the lies and deception perpetrated on the American public with the movie "Undefeated'.
ReplyDeleteGeez, McGinnis ought to pay Palin a commission on the increase in book sales. She truly is dumber than a rock.
ReplyDelete12:38 PM
ReplyDeleteI just wet myself and it's your fault.
Thank you.
Joe McGinniss is taking hits from all sides for his Sarah Palin exposé. But he’s been through this sort of thing before.
ReplyDelete...What in his research surprised him the most? “It was how intensely she was disliked in Alaska,’’ he says, despite her high approval rating among conservatives nationwide. “I found the people who knew her best liked her least, and the people who had known her the longest trusted her the least and feared her the most. I didn’t expect that.’’
If journalists are criticizing McGinniss, in “The Rogue’’ he aims plenty of his own vitriol at the press, writing that journalists have been “reduced to a level of helpless codependency’’ with Palin, who “practices politics as lap dance.’’
“This is a woman who is a charter member of the Dominionist Christians who want America to become a theocracy,’’ he says. “She has said she expects Jesus to return to earth during her lifetime. And someone who believes these things . . . and came within a few votes of being a heartbeat away from the presidency has gotten a free pass from the mainstream media.’’
Source of controversy
ReplyDeleteJoe McGinniss is taking hits from all sides for his Sarah Palin exposé. But he’s been through this sort of thing before.
When you check on C4pee, be sure to check on palin4america-Sheya's new site. It seems C4pee ran off some regular posters who had the audacity to question their queen.
ReplyDeleteAfter Keith Olbermanns spiel last night and reading about this threat to sue I had to buy copy of this book!
ReplyDeleteTara = Sarah? ("It's Classified" by Nicolle Wallace)
"Tara" as described by someone currently reading the book:
Blurting out inexplicable answers to their relatively simple questions.
Increasingly erratic behavior.
Her husband is the unofficial enforcer of her secret.
Holing up in her room watching "Project Runway" and reading romance novels instead of working.
Personal hygiene issues.
"She will go on every media outlet possible with Joe's e-mail, even if it is several months before the book was printed, and say that Joe knew that what he was saying was untrue and that Joe knew it and wrote it anyway."
ReplyDelete- 12:18
Uh, no she won't "go on every media outlet possible" - ever. Sarah Palin is too chicken shit to go on any network other than Fox News, and even there she sticks to 2 or 3 shows that treat her with kid gloves.
"IF $arah did indeed give birth to Trig she has the documentation to prove it to the world once and for all. And IF she did prove it she would crush her opponents (bloggers, authors, filmmakers, etc) in a single blow."
ReplyDeleteNo. Most people who despise what she's all about have never even thought about whether Trig is hers. They still despise her.
It was all a bullshit threat to get Palin's name back in the media circus. For all Sarah's whining about the lamestream media she desperately craves their fawning.
ReplyDeleteThreatening to sue? Oh please, Griftitia, your threats are as empty as your head. Let's see, how much did that letter cost you in billable hours? HAHAHAHAHA Threats like this-C & D (cease and desist) letters are fodder for a lawyer telling a client you have no case BUT for $X I'll send a bullshit letter.
Sarah won't/can't sue a pork chop. She'd have to sit for questions and THIS time she would be called on her perjury. Oh and good luck ya silly Wasillan since ya made yourself a PUBLIC figure ya opened yourself up to criticism and commentary, you betcha. Don't want to hear it? Tough beans snowblower lips.
Once again, Sarah, THANKS for selling MORE of Joe's book! Did ya really think people would suddenly not buy his book the minute you and that purse mangler Todd bleated? Pffft. Your comeuppance is approaching. I shall wave to you on the way down! Smirk! }: >~
ReplyDeleteDoes Palin have anything planned for Friday -- September 30th -- last day of September -- end of the month??
I ask as it would be her standard attempt to suck the air of the media to deflect attention in that doesn't Broomfield's movie start screening in NY & LA on Friday??
"Anon @ 11:59 asked a question I would like to know more about also - concerning Chuck Heath and the child molester situation at school."
ReplyDeletePat Padrnos
It's in Joe's book. There was a teacher at the Wasilla elementary school who molested 16 or 17 girls and had many complaints against him but the principal wouldn't fire him. Finally the teacher was either arrested or the board demanded that he be fired (I believe he did end up in jail - I read so fast I can't recall for sure), and the board also fired the principal, who was a friend of Chuckles. Chuckles then assembled a lynch mob to protest the firing of the principal. So, he was supporting a guy who refused to fire a child molester, but not directly supporting the molester. Which makes him total scum in my book, but the protests were not specifically in support of the molesting teacher.
11:58 - get a dictionary, check an encyclopedia - "fascist socialist" good grief. Get your terms right.
ReplyDeleteDo you not realize that fascist has to do with corporations merging with the government? Isn't that what you Tea Baggers and bots want?
Is your mantra truly "blessed be the corporations?" Gag.
Read some history. See how that's worked out in recent times, kiddo.
I say let the world shred Sarah apart until all that remains of her is an unkept wig.
ReplyDeleteI think Sarah had her lawyer draft the letter just so she could appear on the air and state that she cannot speak about Joe's book because there is pending litigation.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing pending in my mind is when FOX is going to cut her from the gravy train. She doesn't drive the ratings like she once did because most people are fairly sick of hearing her. The woman is nothing but drama; and not good drama.
My ten year old grandson knows more than Sarah Palin.
Wouldn't it be hysterical if Joe showed/gave it to Roger who somehow got it into Breitbart's slimy little hands because he (Roger) knew that this would be the idiot's knee jerk reaction but also knew that book was well-documented in order to finally bring the curtain down on Palin and her hillbully horrors? Sorry for the run-on sentence. It was my first attempt at a conspiracy theory.
ReplyDeletePoor Roger! Beck, Palin, the Tea Baggots! Oh, well, you reap what you sow.
By the way, does Greta get hazardous duty pay for having to interview the Idiot from Wasilla all the time?
How is bully Todd going to arrange to fire Crown Publisher's spokesman Stuart Applebaum and all those who buck the Palins? The small-time Palins better back off, and stay in their little pond.
ReplyDeleteGreta is a lawyer. So, how low will she go? Will she pretend she doesn't understand the letter, that there is no cease and desist, just "we might sue you know, yeah, we just might."
ReplyDeleteI hope Sarah knows that the publicity department at Random House/Crown is shitting their pants today. Not because they're scared of a lawsuit, but because she just made their jobs so much easier. I wonder how many more copies of The Rogue they'll sell now...
ReplyDeleteGeoff Dunn has written an excellent review of The Rogue and scathing take down of that first reviewer at the NYT. Very, very good piece.
Lilly Anne at 1.06 writes almost the exact same thing at Palingates where she is Lilly St Regis.
ReplyDeleteHaven't bothered to check any other blogs, but I'm sure she is all over the joint.
Paid by the word I am assuming.
She sure isn't me.
Lilly lily
Sarah's probably strategizin' since this is just a game to her. However unlikely, if Sarah did give birth to Trig then she might think this fact is her secret weapon to turn things around. Next move: Produce a valid Trig birth certificate at just the right time to propel her into the presidential race as the blessed candidate aka "Supreme Right-to-Lifter / Victim Extraordinaire / Mother Superior". Yep, slingshot herself right to the top of the conservative heap.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't work though. She'd just be proving that she willingly endangered her special needs son and that she's still using family members for political gain.
She's so toast.
Anon 1:48 PM said -
ReplyDelete11:58 - get a dictionary, check an encyclopedia - "fascist socialist" good grief. Get your terms right.
Mmm, I think you'll find 11:58 is joking......
Just ordered "It's Classified" from the library. Such a juicy month!
ReplyDelete12:37pm I think is the real troll but so close to parody it's hard to tell :-D
ReplyDeleteOh look, it's the "how can you talk about someone you don't even know" troll @ 1:06 and today her name is Lilly Anne. Hey, Lilly Anne, why don't you ask Sarah the same thing about all the nasty stuff she says about the President?
ReplyDeleteI have an idea, how about YOU quit obsessing over how well we know or don't know Sarah? 'kay? And tell her thanks for pumping up the sales of Joe's book. It's doing great. I expect Fred's will too.
I have a bad feeling about both Shannyn Moore and Jeanne Devon.
ReplyDeleteJust look at their history.
Both women have worked hard to hide comments and avoid reporting on the Trig controversy. They completely avoided coverage of any of the other underaged / unmarried Palin pregnancies. This is bizarre and unconscionable.
These hot stories speak directly to the hypocrisy of the Palin "abstinence" brand, a brand which in turn affects political discourse in this country since Palin has such rabid followers on the extreme "No sex before marriage" Right. Why NO reports about this stuff? Does Bristol have to get pregnant twenty times and have three more babies (or whatever her current abortion to full term pregnancy ratio is) before these women get that these issues DO speak to Palin's attempts at having a political future? The silence has been absolutely deafening from both of them. (I know Jeanne made some recent posts about the Trig stuff, but it seemed desperate and calculated so many years after the fact.)
How could TWO Alaskan women right in the heart of things who claim to want to be seen as "real" reporters in the mainstream media miss these huge stories?
There are so many issues related to these stories that both women could have covered if they were real writers. Topics related to women's rights, reproductive rights, sex education, even special needs advocacy from the point of watching a famous ex-Governor constantly parading her Down's child around but, at the same time, maintaining an odd silence about his therapies.
All of these are hot topics which these women should have been covering.
Why the conspiracy? The lack of "curiosity" from both women is in itself curious.
Then someone like Joe, hardened reporter that he is, takes the gloves off and ventures into writing about some of the muck and nastiness that the Palins live in, and he is left relatively alone out there in the mainstream media (except for Andrew Sullivan, bless his heart) in covering these issues. So then, since these ladies dropped the ball big-time, it's like Joe's research is all this huge surprise to the rest of the world. A lot of people express disbelief about what he uncovered. And that's because two Alaskan women with the power to have their articles regularly published at places like the Huffington Post continued to purposefully drop the ball on the serious stories.
I think both of them were warned off and/or paid off, long ago.
And I think they leaked Joe's email request to Jesse in which Joe asked Jesse to help verify his research.
I think Jesse very innocently asked Shannyn and Jeanne to help Joe. Jesse emailed them and perhaps pasted Joe's email to HIM within that email. Joe's email was passionate and urgent. It would have been simple for Jesse to just cut and paste that into an email and say, "See, Joe needs our help. Can you assist with this?"
But instead of helping, one or both of those women leaked Jesse's email in an attempt to discredit him. But they edited out Jesse's part on purpose to make Joe look as bad as possible.
Both women have huge grudges against Joe. One of them or both did this in an attempt to destroy his book.
The good news? In weeks and years to come, nobody will remember or care about either woman as a writer, much less their writing about Alaska - since they missed so many big stories and have proven to have zero talent for reporting. You don't get credibility as a reporter on the Alaskan "beat" if you fail to cover the biggest stories that state has produced in decades.
Joe, on the other hand? He has another bestseller, a brave book that helps reduce an incompetent and dangerous wannabe politician to her actual, miniscule, size.
Too bad the Alaskan women writers weren't willing to do the real work and had to leave real men like Jesse and Joe to get the important stories out.
Geoffrey Dunn looks at The Rogue and the insane media coverage, most specifically Janet Maslin's NY Times hit piece, at Firedoglake:
"Janet Maslin would know nothing of these peculiar Alaska dynamics from the sanctity of Pleansantville, where, her Wiki bio duly notes, she serves as President of the Board of the Jacob Burns Film Center. The Jacob Burns Film Center! No, you cannot see Sarah Palin from there! Moreover I cannot imagine Maslin at the Mug Shot Saloon or A-1 Pawn and Gun Loans in Wasilla. And without going there, she could never understand fully the woman that John McCain irresponsibly selected to be his running mate in August of 2008. No author could."
The whole thing's worth the read.
Sarah Palin's wig will appear tonight on Greta Van Suck-up after Chris Christie's speech at 9:00 p.m. where he may throw his considerable girth into the ring. Sarah's Wig is waiting to be begged to enter the race when the present Republican field has self-destructed. She hopes to waltz in, debate-free and grab the nomination.
ReplyDeleteAnd she will wreak revenge on those writers who dared to point out her lies.
Wonder if James O'Keefe handles strategy for Sarah? They seem to think alike. "Political & Legal Strategy for Idiots".
ReplyDeleteOne more time for the slow folks in the room. (I'm talking about you Anonymous 2:48.)
ReplyDeleteI did NOT leak the e-mail, and NOBODY got hacked.
Everybody caught up now?
Yes, I know how it got out, but the person who told me absolutely does NOT want it to go any further, and I ALWAYS respect my sources.
You are free to speculate if you wish, but it does no good to keep inferring that something happened which I have already explained did not happen.
ReplyDeleteAnon 1;01: the Palins aren't stronger. What a joke and a lie. Todd and Sarah are getting divorced. Sarahs falling apart mentally and physically. And Bristol has ruined her face and has a flop show and no future in Hollywood.
ReplyDeleteHow much are you paid to write such boring posts with the same stupid things in them. Zzzzzz
12:37PM - Shouldn't you be over at
ReplyDeletec4p commiserating with your fellow bots about your dwindling members?
Sharon TN
Oh, anon@2:48, get over yourself. Shannon and Jeanne have every right to choose what to write or not write about on their own blogs. Don't go making a conspiracy theory about it.
ReplyDelete'Lilly Anne' - do you have any idea who Palin, or more accurately
ReplyDeletewhat she is? If anyone is drinking
koolade for suckers, it's you.
No one here is 'stalking' anyone.
We're discussing a dysfunctional but sly, conniving & unethical
ex-elected official who has gotten away with far too much, partly because of people like you who just don't want to hear the truth.
Sharon TN
Open just a little wider, baby... this ain't Todd you're blowing here.
ReplyDeleteDamn, Juicy! We just love it when you take your dentures out!
--- G. Rice, B. Hanson, and friends
"Lilly Anne" is that what you're calling yourself today? I call you racist troll attempting to sound smart and failing miserably. Trying to sound all reasonable and philosophical then it just turns into a deranged rant. It all sounds so familiar. I'm gonna call you deranged racist troll from now on.
ReplyDeleteLarry has on "You betcha" film maker and reads a review saying This film may well be the next best thing since "The Omen"
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love it!
This has been a great week for Larry O!
Rachael kind of redeemded herself, she interviewed Nicholle Walsh and Steve Schmidt- they have a hearty laugh when Palin is tossed into the narrative by Rachael, She (nicholle) chuckles and says "Don't think she'd hire US if she DID want to run"
Gonna sue Nick now? Sarah?
ReplyDeleteWhy are you obsessed with what people on a blog say? And why waste your time?
Sarah could have put a stop to all this a long time ago (am I right?) if she was TRULY innocent, then she has nothing to hide.
She brought this on herself and now has to deal with the lives she's ruined, the hate she's fomented, and the ill gotten gains by portaying herself as someone she truly isn't.
Have you met any of us? Have you met Gryphen? Have you met President Obama? Have you met Joe McGinnis? Have you met, seen, lived with, broke bread with, and worshipped with any of them?
My guess would be "ummm no", and yet I'm sure you have derision, judgement and prejudice about someone you never met. (And none were chosen to be a running mate which would have been a disaster of epic proportion had it came to be) And that, my friend, is your answer.
It's a pot/kettle/black thing.
"...we will get to see Sarah demonstrate what this bullshit letter from her lawyers was really all about, by refusing to answer any questions about Joe's book due to "impending legal action."
ReplyDeleteHammer - meet Nail Head.
I hope that they will counter-sue...
ReplyDeleteSarah, Sarah, Sarah!!! The eternal victim, martyr.... she'll self flaggellate herself publicly, whine and kvetch till the cows come home. "Why ME!? Why oh Why did this man write lies?" I'm the victim here.... etc etc. etc.
ReplyDeleteJoe had done the entire country a huge favor, and the more Sarah plays the victim card over this book, the more popular this book will get.
We've seen her do this time and time again, and the outcome is always the same. She was forced to pixillate the footage of Joe in her unreality show and that chafed her celluite ridden thighs. If she thinks this is payback for that, she's obviously sicker than we thought.
Joe's not a novice, he's thick skinned, wise, and prepared for whatever the Palin Corporation throws his way, the fact that the publishers are on his side speaks volumes.
Remember her "More applause..more contractions" comment?
Change that to "More Whining...more book sales". This pseudo threat is her way of cowering to avoid having to tell the truth, the fact that it's a fake threat is just laughable.
Next Palin Attention Tease:
Eating a corndog that doesn't exist
"Both women have worked hard to hide comments and avoid reporting on the Trig controversy. They completely avoided coverage of any of the other underaged / unmarried Palin pregnancies. This is bizarre and unconscionable."
ReplyDeleteI don't think their failure to report was unconscionable--I'd say cowardly, and self-serving, and ignorant-- but what I think is unconscionable is the way they attacked other people who wanted to talk about the story. They were taking Mean Girls lessons from Sarah on this issue.
Buzz 5:46 PM