Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bringing dignity to the office.

President and Mrs. Obama make a striking couple during an appearance before the Congressional Black Caucus.

In fact whether you agree with his policy decisions or not, it simply cannot be argued that the President and First Lady have ever been ANYTHING except dignified and respectful of the office of the Presidency, since they day Obama was sworn in.

Which makes images like THIS one..

...e-mailed to friends by Los Alamitos Mayor Dean Grose, back in February of 2009, even more odious and disrespectful of the Presidency, and the man that the people of this country elected to hold that office.


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    The glaring racism & homophobia of the Republicans/Tea Party--
    they only shame ~themselves~


  2. JayKen Knotstirred10:12 AM

    Unfortunately, my Mom is a Tea Bagger. She has forwarded every single one of these racist emails to her entire distribution list, me included.

    You'll NEVER convince me otherwise, Tea Baggers ARE racist!

    Thankfully, we have a President who has the strength of character to rise above Sarah and her motley crew of C4P mouth breathers!

  3. If the skank family were in the WH how many run-ins would the skank children have had in the DC bars by now? How many broken down snow mobiles would be on the WH lawn? How would Piper and Willow avoid attending school without media attention? There would be numerous teevee reality shows based on their escapades in the WH. It would not be pretty.

  4. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Tea Party = Openly Racist in GOP. The rest of the GOP are racist "in secret."

  5. Anonymous10:16 AM

    What a great photo.

    How does this create jobs?

  6. Anonymous10:20 AM

    This reminds me if the Fixed Noise spoke models refusing to say "President Obama". They refer to him as "Me. Obama". Can't imagine them behaving the same way toward a white president. I could go on and on. But I won't. Clearly racist.

  7. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I find that as offensive as images of radical Islamic fundamentalists burning an American flag.

    As a registered Republican I encourage citizens to disagree with their elected politicians. I also demand they treat my President with honor and respect.

    I am so tired of these ¨Republicans¨ fucking with my President and my country. There is absolutely no other way to look at it.

  8. The ignorance and blatant bigotry of these elected officials is stunning. Did he send it from his mayoral e-mail account too? Who votes for these idiots?!

  9. Anonymous10:29 AM

    i think that reposting of those images just perpetuate the problem.

  10. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Isn't jealousy a cancer of the worst sort?

    The Obama's are such a lovely, elegant couple with great goals that reach out to every one willing to benefit from their mentoring and offerings.

    How different, from the hate-filled uglies, are the minds, hearts and plans of a family so well oriented to the goodness to be reaped from both their efforts and examples for forging ahead to benefit others, like the children eating healthfully.

    Michelle Obama leads by example. It just consumes the minds of those opposed to her goodness. How many school gardens have sprung up nation-wide since her WH garden and harvesting by the children? Lots that I know of in our county, alone.

    What would our nation be like if the majority of our inhabitants had the purity of motive that Michelle Obama sports every day? She "walks the talk" and no arrogant, skin head (yes the hate-filled right are akin to the skin heads, they just hide some of their vitriol better) can handle someone filled with goodness and kindness who reaches out to others.

    Sad world when the love of money is the root of the evil that possesses the Teapee-rs and REthugs.

    Hail to the Chief and his wonderful, caring spouse, Michelle.

    Thanks to everyone who supported and voted for him. Let's do it again! 2012 belongs to the admirable couple living in the WH!

  11. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I am as proud of President and Mrs. Obama as I can possibly be. They are a lovely couple and both are doing wonderful jobs in representing ALL of us. (Whether the extreme right likes it or not!)

    He will have my vote again!

  12. Anonymous11:10 AM

    God how despicable.

    These racists are so less evolved than most human beings. They are living in a hell of their own making and they don't even know it. Too stupid. Truly dim-witted. Working for the Devil him/her/it/self.

    Our President and his beautiful life partner (inside and out) have endured more slings and arrows than we can imagine, and yet they never complain about it. Can you imagine what self-control that requires? I could never be as poised in the face of such adversity.

    Yet they don't feel sorry for themselves, they don't give in to a desire to fight back against this particular type of poison - they simply get on with it and do the best they can. They are remarkable people. Truly great human beings.

  13. Anonymous11:16 AM

    President Obama and his lovely wife Michele are not only dignified, they're beautiful people--inside and out. President Obama 2012!

  14. Anonymous11:25 AM

    They are racists alright. And what I love is that the POTUS and FLOTUS always rise above their ugly bigotry, revealing a level of class this country has NEVER seen from a single GOPer, with maybe the exception of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Ike. Today's repubs have no compass, no ideas and no class.

  15. Anonymous11:27 AM

    In an email from McGinniss to Jesse Griffin (the author of an obscure, low-rent, and now-defunct anti-Palin blog that obsessed over Trig Palin's maternity-claiming, without any evidence, that Sarah Palin was not Trig's mother),

    hope my post goes thru on a now defunct blog! Can any of these Scarah supporters tell the truth??

  16. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Disgusting, ugly photo.

    Obama just arrived here for a fundraiser. As people hustled out to the plane with their umbrellas, to protect them from the rain and wind on this dark dreary day, a funny thing happened. Just as the doors opened and Obama was to depart from the plane............the sky turned blue and the sun came out. :-)

  17. Anonymous11:32 AM

    They reflect sanity in this world where the Palin klan certainly doesn't.

    What fine examples President and Mrs. Obama set for the rest of us. Kindness in thought, word and deed as well as love and respect!

  18. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Wow! Mrs. Obama has a smokin' hot body! She is gorgeous in that dress and the president's reaction says it all, how much in love they are with each other.

  19. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I'm such a dork!! I saw the picture and I said to myself. Wow the WH garden is doing really well!! It wasn't until after I read the rest of G's comment that I got it. I grew up in a house where the Nword was used often by my father and even now my older sister spews that trash every once in awhile. Some how I was able to know better. And just for the record I absolutely call out people if they are talking racist trash in my presence. I'll never forget when my ex was stationed at Fort Hood Texas (I grew up in New England)the nasty neighbor next door was blaming the high price of car insurance on "nigras and oreintals" and I just told her that I didn't like her language and she looked at me like I had two heads. My point is you really got to call these people out on their behavior otherwise your almost as guilty by association.

  20. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Annon 10:16 - Just can't leave it alone for a minute can you?

    How many jobs have you created today?

  21. They make me proud to be American. Not only are they brainy, well-educated, worldly, and dignified--they're almost supernaturally beautiful.

    Regina at Palingates is right. We have to be sure to re-elect Obama by a landslide, in order to prevent the "unconventional" election Palin predicted on Hannity recently. We must be vigilant and proactive.

    The GOP no doubt has all kinds of dirty tricks up their sleeves, along with their redistricting, photo ID requirements, and other ploys designed to keep working classes and minorities from voting.

    President Obama has shown great integrity and dedication under terrible circumstances. Having him in office for a second term is our country's best hope for digging ourselves out of the mess left by Bush, Cheney, and their corporate cronies.

  22. Anonymous12:00 PM


    I have never understood why the tea party continuely trash Mrs. Obama by calling her heavy etc...she looks fantastic!

  23. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Wowwwwwwwwwwwww! I am stunned by Michele's gorgeous figure!

  24. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Somebody posted somewhere on one of these blogs that McCain gave a speech in the past couple of days on C-Span and had some sort of lump on his face right where he had his previous cancer taken out.

    Maybe its nothing but what a FRIGHTENING thought that would be if he and Quitter had one in 2008. Just FRIGHTENING that she was a heartbeat away from President !

  25. Anonymous12:05 PM

    That's what a loving marriage looks like.

  26. Anonymous12:08 PM

    You can't stereotype all tea partiers. They are people sick of the deceptions of DC and lies of the President.

  27. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Like the scene from "The Help", when Skeeter has the townsfolk deliver unwanted toilets the Hilly's front lawn, it would be poetic justice for folks all over Los Alimitos to deliver watermelons to the mayors front lawn, with the photo attacked. They stink awfully when they rot....

  28. Anonymous12:38 PM

    What is ironically stupid of the far-right is there consistent call for upholding the Constitution, and their GOP candidates can't even quote it right. President Obama was a professor who taught the Constitution! They, TeaParty & SP, think they are experts. Too funny!

  29. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    President Obama and his lovely wife Michele are not only dignified, they're beautiful people--inside and out. President Obama 2012!

    11:16 AM


    And, they can go out in public with good looking hair, and no food stains on their clothes !!

    Has sarah ever done that ??

    Obama 2012 !!!

  30. Anonymous1:06 PM

    They are a beautiful couple, on the outside as well as inside. Both are intelligent, wise, mature and very dignified. They are excellent parents, and their family is something all Americans can be very proud of.

    Yes, the Baggers are definitely racist, and they are appalling! What shallow, ignorant people they are.

  31. Anon @10:16,
    Why not ask Boehner that question? The GOP have fought ever job bill, and have yet to come up with one.

  32. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Yeah, I recall Bush using that tag line in his acceptance speech, something about "Resoring dignity to the White House"

    Shame we had to endure eight years of wreckless spending, socialist torture tactics used on prisoners, er let's call them "Enemy Combatants", Tanking economy that got us where we are.

    But just look at that photo! The President and First Lady are the epitome of grace, substance, brains, poise, and unconditional love.

    I'm so glad he wrote a children's book, so the teabaggers can follow along while holding their place with their index finger, nose, chin, whatever they want.

    Shows President Obama really cares for all Americans, even the really racist stupid ones.

  33. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Bravo/Brava! 10:22

    Great attitude, and I wholeheartedly agree. As much as I was against Bush's doctrine and tactics, I still respected the office he and his wife held.

    He's the President of the United States, not the President of a political party.

  34. Anonymous1:36 PM

    @12:08 - Name a lie told by our President that's hurting your life. Name one.
    Go ahead. Name it, racist.

  35. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Despite all of the disgusting garbage that has been strewn their way, the President and First Lady remain the epitome of grace and class.

    I am SO proud to have them represent me and my country.

    And I only wish I had someone look at me the way they look at each other.

  36. Anonymous2:09 PM

    12:08 Oh yes you can. The truth about just who has grown the government and been irresponsible about spending is there for all to see. Anyone who thinks it just happened after 1/20/09 is deeply delusional.

    The extreme reaction by the teabaggers is not to the "government" it is to the black man in office. What they refuse to admit is that he is cleaning up the mess that was left behind by the spending orgy, deficits don't matter republicans.

  37. Anonymous2:11 PM


    I don't know if Gryphen was planning on putting this in a post or not but here is Joe McGinniss' Book Review video from C-SPAN.

    Here we finally get to listen to a interview with Joe talking uninterrupted!!
    The video is 34 min. long.

    It sure is frightening what could have happened with the Palin's in WH.



  38. I LOVE our President and First Lady! Pure class. I became a citizen in 2010 (after moving to the States from England as a child)just so I could vote for this amazing man in 2012. Thanks for posting this, Gryphen! You prove, every day, that real Patriotism is much more than a garish, over-sized flag pin.

    And I'm honored to live in Hawaii where President Obama is revered and deeply-loved as the hometown kid who rose to the highest heights. Bless You, Mr. President! We've got your back in 2012. Peace and Aloha.

  39. Anonymous2:21 PM

    @11:51am Anonymous said...
    I'm such a dork!! I saw the picture and I said to myself. Wow the WH garden is doing really well!!

    That's hilarious! Thanks for the laugh!


  40. Anonymous2:32 PM

    My husband is a lifelong Republican and, after three years of never saying a bad word about Obama, actually admitted to me last night that he likes him and considers him to be very presidential. I think he would gladly vote for Mitt, but he thinks it is ridiculous that the highest wage earners aren't taxed more (and this category includes my husband!)

    I was floored. I doubt he will vote for Obama but he said he would be willing to listen. And he is a loyal Republican - more of the Resgan variety, but still. This is how far off the rails the GOP has gone. If this is what my husband is saying, I have to believe the independents will be on Obama's side.

    I love Obama but realize he is flawed. Frankly my big issue is that the GOP does not deserve power. And yes this all goes back to Sarah Palin.

    John McCain ... What an a-hole that guy is. Amazing how he cannot live up to his reckless mistake.

  41. ...I share the pride of so many here, in being represented by these two people !

    Also, I cant help but think that so much of President Obama's life has prepared him for this role. His interracial, international, multi-denominational outlook (or at least, exposure) is what our provincial nation needs at this time.

    ..and, then... I realize that these are the very types of experiences for which he has been attacked by the 'right.'


  42. Anonymous2:47 PM

    @12:08 PM Anonymous said...
    You can't stereotype all tea partiers. They are people sick of the deceptions of DC and lies of the President.

    Quick Questions:

    What lies? Do you have any links or sources for these said lies?

    And where was the tea party when Bush was in office?

    The silence during the Bush admin. was deafening.


  43. Anonymous2:54 PM

    It makes you wonder just how long the common American citizen will continue to let himself be duped by the ruling class, and to show they've learned NOTHING by hating their own President.

    When I'm channel surfing and pause at Fox "News" it hits me that anyone who lets that shit flow into their mind, is going to be fooled.

    So, if the Republicans DO manage to get some witch or goblin or racist crazy person voted in as President, just what will the Fox channel DO, with all that time? Air infomercials that promise to burn away 20 pounds a day, by taking a little pill?

    Everything about that network is constant whining about the current administration...blaming Obama for earthquakes, hurricanes, credit downgrades, Original Sin, etc.

    Will everyone stop watching it?

  44. Anonymous3:02 PM

    “The future rewards those who press on. With patient and firm determination we will press on. I don’t know about you CBC, but the future rewards those who press on. With patient and firm determination, I’m going to press on for jobs. I’m going to press on for equality. I’m going to press on for the sake of our children. I’m going to press on for the sake of all those families who are struggling right now. I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself. I don’t have time to complain. I’m going to press on. I expect all of you to march with me, and press on. Take off your bedroom slippers, put on your marching shoes, shake it off, stop complaining, stop grumbling, stop crying, we are going to press on, we’ve got work to do.”

    Fired up? Ready to go?

  45. You can't stereotype all tea partiers. They are people sick of the deceptions of DC and lies of the President.


    So WHY didn't they raise HOLY HELL under Bush?

    Because he was the "Right" color.

  46. sally in MI3:16 PM

    Nightmare scenario: Palins in the White House. State Dinner.
    Menu: moose burgers, moose chili, cornbread, canned chocolate pudding, and beer.
    Entertainment: Bristol and Mark Ballas recreate their classy dancing. Piper gives some Prime Minister the finger. Willow trashes the kitchen looking for doritos and more beer. Todd refuses to attend when told that he should wear a tuxedo. Sarah wears a slinky lowcut black dress with her animal print open toes. Her toenails have not had a pedicure, but she has them painted in the flags of every country represented at the dinner. All participants vow never to return to the US until Palin is thrown out of office. She whines on Fox about the lamestream media and how they hate smart conservative women.
    Back in reality, the Obamas enjoy their 7th year in the White House and world leaders are lining up to hear opera, jazz from Wynton Marsalis, the NYC Ballet, and classy comedy. America has recovered and is thriving again. Elizabeth Warren is weighing running in 2016...the DNC is ecstatic, and so is the country over the possibility of such a classy woman being the first female in the White House.

  47. anjaak3:19 PM

    Money can't buy you love. They are a truly classy looking couple. No dented refrigerators in this White-house!

    (But money can buy you purple velvet knee high boots & blingy-cross belt buckles!)

  48. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Read an article recently that pointed out the President is HALF WHITE, but when racial reference is made to him it's almost always to his other half, black. imagine, if you will, in a galaxy far, far away, that he is referred to as "our first white president."

  49. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Beautiful dress. Stunning couple.

  50. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Annon 10:16 - Just can't leave it alone for a minute can you?

    How many jobs have you created today?

    Get over the photo ops.

    This blogger fawns all over Obama.

    When he gets a grip on reality I may let up.

    Don't let the free speech thing get you all mad.

  51. I also love my President and First Lady, can you imagine what could get done for our country if the Gop would work with him instead of against him?

  52. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I LOVE My First Family! CLASS personified.

    11:51 and the WH garden: LOL. Imagine the Palin Family there. Garden replaced by square clotheslines FULL spinning in the wind. She IS the energy "expert" after all.....

  53. A dear and close friend of mine, a well-educated liberal no less, forwards these disgusting and despicable emails to me and his other contacts. I've challenged him on it and he maintains that he doesn't like to censor the emails he receives from his other friends. Hah! I told him that I felt he was no better than a gossip spreading backyard lies and abetting these fools and that he obviously needs to find some new 'friends'.

    As much as I detest most of the GOP/TP leaders, I choose not to forward any of the ugly jokes about them as well. I fully support legitimate political cartoons but there is a line to be drawn and we all need to have a little blue pencil in our head.

  54. Anonymous4:41 PM

    You can't stereotype all tea partiers. They are people sick of the deceptions of DC and lies of the President.....

    No, only of this current elected President.
    Admit it, you hate to see somebody other than a lily white ass in the White House.
    Where were you when shrub was invading Iraq based on

  55. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Isn't it INTERESTING that when you compare The Obamas' pics from 2008 with the Palin's of the same year that the Obama's look much the same, our President greying as presidents do through the problems he has to take on 24/7/365.

    Then there's Sarah. Compare 08-present. and what exactly HAS she done the last three years except spew venom? NOTHING, and HAGGARD as the day is long.

    Speaks volumes to ME! Your family looks in shambles, Sarah. God's "slammed your door" so many times. You know it, we all know it.

  56. DobieTracker5:46 PM

    The picturae of the watermelons on the lawn was obviously createds by a YANKEE ! ! ! ! !

    I was born and raised in Tennessee and real southerners know that EVERYBODY in the south likes watermelon NO MATTER WHAT THEIR COLOR ! ! !

    And that goes for fried chicken and collard greens, also, too. Only a DAMN YANKEE would think that only blacks loved watermelon.

    Hell, I even know a few yankees who understand and love watermelon, fried chicken and greens.

    What a stupid way to express racist attitudes, but then you can't expect a racist to be intelligent.

    Ohhhhhh and don't forget BarbBQ--if it isn't smoked at least 8 hours it's just pork with sauce. In the south we ( white and black and other colors also, too ) KNOW our bar b q !

    Damn Yankees :)

  57. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Talk about dignity! This just made my day, week, month and year. Dare you to watch it and not shed a tear. Our First Lady is truly grace embodied. Don't miss the video of this life changing moment for our vets. THIS is how it's done.

  58. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Michele is incredible beautiful in that dress. Wow. Along with her husband, they bring CLASS to the Presidency.

    Now, imagine what Sarah and Todd would bring. Oh, never mind. You already know.

  59. Anonymous9:47 PM

    >>Anonymous said...

    The recent revelations about Sarah and Glenn Rice completely explain her irrational hatred and attacks on President Obama. With her 'fetish' for black men she wants him to want her, but deep down inside she knows that no gel bras or bumpits will distract his attention away from his gorgeous, brilliant, glamourous, caring, amazing wife (who is everything Sarah isn't). So she spews vile, ignorant lies about him to get back at him for ignoring her and she spurs hateful, racist attacks on him to demean him as lesser to retaliate for her not being good enough. That's right Sarah, you're not good enough for Barack Obama, you're not good enough for America, and you never will be.

    7:28 PM

    I gotta say that is one of the most succinct, precise, flawless, stunningly accurate assessments I have read of Sarah that really nails all her viciousness and over the top vile remarks for exactly what they are. Thank you for that. And you're absolutely correct, Sarah you will NEVER be good enough.

    The South Koreans (yes that's right SOUTH not NORTH)are bringing you over for comic relief. They saw what a fool you were made of by the very intelligent Indian people, and it went right over your head. SK has heard about all of your scandals. While you're up there vomiting your word salad du jour, they'll be laughing at you, talking amongst themselves, making fun of you in a language you'll never understand. Of course, that is IF you even keep the appointment, and not drop out at the last minute, because by then that Babygate site will be up, that movie will be fully released, that darn Joe will have had TWO MORE WEEKS of publicity for The Rogue, Jesse will have uncovered some new tantalizing tidbits that he'll share with us, 'MeAgain' and Jesse will be teaming up to get more information out from the emails you couldn't redact, Bristol's show will have tanked, Shailey Tripp could easily throw something in the pot, as well as other bloggers who are onto your lies and power grabs and moneylaundering and murder. Youand Todd will be getting busted all over the place for your lies. Yep, by mid October, which is when the conference is, you will most likely be balled up in a corner, with what's left of your patchy hair, your scrawny, haggard face and body and your snarling demeanor being spoon fed psychopharmaceutical agents of all sorts and kinds. Doped up and done in. That's our Sarah!

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