Sunday, September 25, 2011

SNL starts its new season with a bang.

This is an absolutely hysterical parody of the GOP debates.


  1. They were all good but Bachmann was the best in my opinion.

  2. haha!

    ... how PERFECTLY nuanced and hilarious!

    Thank you, SNL, for salvaging SOMETHING from the debates.

  3. What fun! Made my day.

    Would love to see the reactions of the candidates if they see this.

  4. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Loving our President and MAN the first Lady is STUNNING!!!

  5. Anonymous7:18 AM

  6. I just watched the opening @rawstory ... still laughing my butt off ... LOL

  7. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I love it!

    Once in awhile, SNL really hits one out of the ballpark, and THIS was fantastic.

    Rick Santorum had me in stitches, but the woman doing Bachmann made my day!

    Thanks for the obama diary links in the comments! Michelle is on home makeover supporting our troops, compassionate, radiant, smart, eloquent, and beautiful as usual.

    Obama 2012! Yes we Will!

  8. emrysa8:00 AM

    hahhaaa that was good!

  9. Anonymous8:29 AM


    This isn't, though. PoliticusUsa has been hacked by a Bangladeshi going by the name of "Tiger-M@te", the same guy who hacked Google, allegedly.

  10. angela8:38 AM

    Actually, the skit made them seem only a third as crazy as they all are.

  11. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I laughed so hard when I watched this. My only criticism would be the bat sh-- crazy on Bachmann and the slick, but dumb cowboy routine from Perry wasn't as strong as stated.

  12. Anonymous8:55 AM

    My favorite parts were when Shep talks about the puppies making a whining noise with bows and then Perry's piece at the end.

  13. Anonymous9:00 AM

    How utterly embarrassing for our country when it's hard to tell the difference between a SNL parody and the actual debates.

    On second thought, the actors in the parody make more sense AND they make me laugh.

    Is this field of candidates REALLY the best we can do???

  14. Anonymous9:03 AM

    6:57am. Thank you so very much. Among the stupidity of the GOP, it is wonderful seeing our class act of a President. I don't think Michelle has ever looked more stunning. What a knockout!

  15. Bahahahaha! It really helps when we can laugh!

    And on a related and also funny note, Fox a-hole Brit Hume said of Perry in the debate, "Perry really did throw up all over himself...."


    When they eat their own, it's just so rich!

  16. Michelle looks like she in on the Red Carpet on Oscar night! Stunning!


  17. This is a stupid question, but since I don't watch SNL much anymore, can you tell me who played Santorum, Paul, and Huntsman? I couldn't find any cast lists. I know the others - including Alec Baldwin - but not those three. And I swear Huntsman looked like Brad Pitt.

  18. Anonymous10:25 AM


    Gryph, AnonMeAgain seems to be stringing you along and reminds me of MediaInsider...I know, I know she's denied it. Again, last night she "fell asleep" watching SNL so didn't contact you. Have you figured out if she's legit yet?

  19. Anonymous12:27 PM

    @10:25 - I'm with you. I would love to say that on some other blogs but they are so eager to label anyone as a "troll" if you're not a true believer. If/when Gryph. says it's all real, then I'll begin to read the posts as worthwhile. They are EXACTLY the same writing pattern and post-defensive posturing w/little actionable info as MI exhibited. I hope I'm wrong. But I doubt I am.

  20. Anonymous1:39 PM

    AND anon@12:27 some of the anon posters praising her in the Bloomfield thread have similar writing styles.

    She keeps stating that Gryph can verify she's posting from Wasilla but that can easily be manipulated.

    I'm placing less and less stock in her as the days go by.

  21. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Sarah Palin Impersonator, Fake George W. Bush Crash Conservative Gathering (VIDEO)

  22. Anonymous3:25 PM


    Video of Lady Gaga dedicated song for a 14 year old boy who committed suicide because of bullying.

    I cried every time I play this song. How can any mother or father in the GOP tolerate the evils of hateful speech spew, the booing for gay soldiers...

    where is the Christian love for all their brothers and sisters?

  23. Anonymous4:11 PM


    Gryph, AnonMeAgain seems to be stringing you along and reminds me of MediaInsider...I know, I know she's denied it. Again, last night she "fell asleep" watching SNL so didn't contact you. Have you figured out if she's legit yet?

    10:25 AM

    10:25 AM
    Anonymous said...

    @10:25 - I'm with you. They are EXACTLY the same writing pattern and post-defensive posturing w/little actionable info as MI exhibited. I hope I'm wrong. But I doubt I am.

    12:27 PM
    Anonymous said...

    I'm placing less and less stock in her as the days go by.

    1:39 PM

    You know AnonMeAgain said that we could expect a big campaign to discredit them and here it is...

    One after another, acting as if they are a number of people, but for anyone who can READ for god's sake, it's the same lame approach.

    What the hell business is it of yours whether or not they contact Gryphen and when, you're just looking for trouble. I absolutely believe that they are legit and if you would get your head out of your ASS little troll, you would be able to HEAR the truth when it hits you in the face.

    From the MOMENT I read their first post, it was 100% clear for me that they were for real. They are NOT media insider, as MI has stated themselves. And why this sudden concern for Gryphen being led on...I think ANYONE who has read this blog and has come to know Gryphen KNOWS that he can take care of himself and has a PHENOMENAL Bullshit meter that has to sludge through all the crap that I am SURE he gets everyday in his email and on his blog.

    You're a trouble maker. Take your doubt and fake outrage and suck on it. And if you are NOT a troll, then shame on you for bringing your negative vibe. Do you think anyone here cares if you believe something or not? Nope, we don't. So in the words of a wise man: FUCK OFF!

    'MeAgain' if you're reading here, just ignore these assholes that are questioning you. I fell asleep during SNL last night, so I DO BELIEVE you. We are on the lookout for jerks that Sarah has called up from the Flying Monkey crew to do all they can to discredit you, Joe, Jesse and everyone who is bringing the hammer down on her. So, take your time, don't let anyone on this blog bully you or challenge you. It's just a ploy to get you to take your eye off the ball. We've got your back. Keep those posts coming, we trust you.

  24. Anonymous4:32 PM

    @4:11 - Wow. Breathe, hon, breathe. I wrote one of those comments, not both. So there is more than one person who question this. I did not tell Gryphen what to do; read again. I said I would wait until he verified the comments before I found them to be worthwhile. Breathe in, breathe out. Calm down. If "Me Again" is real, s/he said she welcomes skeptics. Didn't you read what she wrote?

  25. Anonymous4:35 PM

    LOL! @4:11 This is becoming hysterical. You are MI and MeAgain. I have full faith in Gryph's bullshit meter and know that he will take, with a grain of salt, anyone who claims to have knowledge of the "inner circle" as suspect. They have been working to discredit him for years!

    Nice distraction tho! :)

  26. Anonymous4:38 PM

    >>So, take your time, don't let anyone on this blog bully you or challenge you. It's just a ploy to get you to take your eye off the ball. We've got your back. Keep those posts coming, we trust you.

    HELL YEAH! I am so with you on that Anon 4:11pm. You said it as well as anyone has. Ferreting out these little trolls has become a full time job for those of us who have been reading this blog for years now. Whenever G gets close to a sore subject, they come flying out of the woodwork with this nonsense.

    'MeAgain', you are so welcome here, and we so want to hear what you have to say and I am OVER THE MOON excited to see what it is that you and G will put together.

    But, like others have said, do BE SAFE. These people are really sick, twisted, psychopathic creatures and when they get cornered, it's gonna get even uglier.

    Thank you and bless you 'MeAgain'. I KNOW you're for real, if that counts for anything. I KNOW.

  27. Anonymous4:54 PM

    @4:35 - I totally agree with you! That poster is channeling both MI and MeA: Hilarious and obvious. You don't have to be a forensic linguist to see it, either.

  28. Anonymous4:56 PM

    The internet allows game playing individuals to play easily into peoples "desires". I can't believe how some are so easily duped.

  29. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Here's a Texas blog that has a local take on Rick Perry. There's more Dems in TX than we knew. Enjoy.



Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.