Sunday, September 25, 2011

Reality show co-star Kye Massey ALSO thinks the confrontation in the bar between Bristol Palin and a "liberal hater" was staged.

Courtesy of TMZ:

Palin got into it with a guy named Stephen Hanks at a bar on the Sunset Strip Thursday night. Hanks told us it was NOT a setup, but we're told Massey doesn't buy it. 

According to our sources, Massey -- who is starring with Bristol in a reality show for the BIO Channel -- feels it was a little too convenient that so many cameras were there to catch the confrontation. 

Our sources say Massey feels the producers of the show were behind it all, but that Bristol had NO part in it. We're told Kyle feels that Bristol would never have agreed to something like that and that Bristol has been nothing but genuine and honest with Kyle so far. 

According to our sources, Massey is not happy with the direction the show has taken. We're told Massey feels the show is now "sleazy" and thought he was signing on for a scripted show ... and not a reality show. 

Well this is what I have been saying since it first happened.

 I am well aware that reality shows are completely phony and that all of the conflicts are staged for the camera. That's why I don't watch the damn things!

Besides my daughter has worked on a few reality shows as well and I have heard what kinds of things the producers fake in an attempt to make them interesting. And yes, the participants are almost always in on the plan.  Especially since it often requires more than one take to get it right.

Of course Massey is foolish to believe this about Bristol: Kyle feels that Bristol would never have agreed to something like that and that Bristol has been nothing but genuine and honest with Kyle so far. 

Yeah buddy there is an ex-hockey player in Wasilla who used to feel that EXACT same way.

Here, go ahead and watch it again and tell me if you don't agree that Kyle and I are right.

Bristol can be a nasty piece of work, that is for sure. But she does NOT get into people's faces like that unless she has protection.  And if that guy were an unknown person she would have no idea whether or not he might hit or injure her.And there is nobody close enough to stop him if he did.

Bristol is like her mother, she either sends others to do her dirty work, or makes nasty comments from the safety of Facebook or text messsages.

I know, I've seen them.


  1. Anonymous4:08 PM

    In other words, Kyle & Bristol's producers realized they f-ed up and no one's buying the "confrontation" was spontaneous, so they sent Kyle out to do damage control and at least try and make Bristol look innocent and sympathetic.

    Kyle's statement is just the latest scripted moment in this whole scripted "drama."

  2. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Seems as though EVERYTHING a Palin touches turns out badly. Kyle should have been aware of this episode if it is going to be shown on the show. Bristles looks awful in that photo with Kyle, by the way.

  3. Anonymous4:16 PM

    This is a SMASHING review of The Rogue!
    In the case of Sarah Palin, the portrait is one of narcissism disguised as selfless public service, serious multigenerational family dysfunction disguised as family honor and values, and self-deceiving religious conviction as a call to political power.

    McGinniss begins his book with an explanation of how he came to live next door to the Palin family. Trying to find a place to rent for several months while he conducted his research, he planned to get a temporary place in Anchorage. As luck would have it, a property owner in Wasilla (not among the Palin supporters) who was acquainted with McGinniss from a previous visit to the area contacted him about the availability of the property next door to Palin on Lake Lucille. It had previously been inhabited by a halfway house run amok in which the basement had been temporarily converted to a meth lab.

    Within the confines of the halfway house were men who had served prison time for a variety of crimes, not exactly the kind of next door neighbors one would choose, though the Palins seemed to get along with them just fine. Later, when McGinniss had moved in to the vacant house, Sarah Palin, now in the glare of the national public spotlight day after day, took to her Facebook page to claim McGinniss was peering over the fence into her young daughter's bedroom, something she had not previously complained about when the next door neighbors may have had such a history. McGinniss thoroughly discredits this claim in his book.

    The ploy of Palin's claim on Facebook worked to perfection as she endeared herself even more deeply to her national audience with the aid of Fox News' Glenn Beck as well as the mainstream media. But, while the national audience was being whipped into a frenzy, Wasillans were rolling their eyes and concluding, "that's just the Palins."

    The Rogue is the story of an ordinary person with average intelligence, motivated by a narcissistic vision, empowered by family bullies willing to dispose of personal integrity, who achieves a meteoric rise in popularity due to a naive and bone-headed political calculation by her political party's presidential nominee. Packaged with outward beauty and possessing the "Mean Girl" experience to know how to use it, the portrait of Sarah Palin is one to admire from a distance. The closer you get, the feeling is not one of attraction but one of revulsion, if not pity.

    The polarization which marks the life of Sarah Palin as she performs on the national stage is not narrowed by this book. It will add to that polarization, not by fabrication or biased authorship, but by McGinniss lifting the veil behind which both the Palin supporters and her opponents view her performance presently. Those who oppose her now will oppose her more. Those who support her now will continue to build a Palin apologetic that will serve their own self-deception further. Some of the supporters will quietly move to the other side because rationality will require it. Some will remain in her camp but would be relieved if she would simply "go away" from the spotlight. Others will stand firm in their support because of their admiration of her style, rather than her substance. Still others will stand firm in their support of her because she represents a blended ideology of religion and political power that does not normally reach this level of notoriety before it dies under the weight of human ethics and the undeniability of American pluralism.


  4. Anonymous4:20 PM

    'MeAgain' has more posts!

    In answer to the question of whether Sarah is running:

    'If I knew the answer to that question, I would definitely share it. The only stuff I've heard about will she/won't she is that she wanted Todd to hold off on registering for a race because she felt if people saw Todd wasn't going to be there at such a crucial time for candidates, then people might assume she wasn't running.

    Todd didn't think she should drag it out like this--he felt it might alienate the small base they have left. (it is NOT care or concern which drives him to think that way, it's the worry that the biggest well will run dry...he certainly enjoys his PAC funded debit card) She thinks if she shows up on fox occasionally and spouts a talking point or two, she is still "in the game".

    For all the times she mentions this and other blogs, picks apart Joe and other writers...for as much as she mentions the most mundane things...she NEVER mentions running for president. (insofar as I have been told by my source and have observed for myself via the portion of her emails that I've seen)

    It's the proverbial "elephant in the room".


    8:45 AM
    Anonymous said...

    Oh, I almost forgot to mention something of the utmost importance...I noticed yesterday someone had posted a comment about wanting to send me donations. Let's pull a Deputy Fife right now and say NIP IT! Nip it in THE BUD!
    (I'm probably dating myself horribly)'s a very nice thought but please let's have no more talk of that. I'm blessed to work in a field I both adore and excel at. I may not have "Bristol Palin Getting Pregnant With The Stars" money, but I am comfortable.

    So please, no more mention of that little issue...and if you've got money just burning a hole in your pocket and you want to do something for me...donate to the Special Olympics in honor of Trig.

    (Gryphen, I sacked out watching SNL last night, but I will be contacting you privately tonight so you can have a look-see at some of the emails and stuff I thought you'd be most interested in)


  5. ManxMamma4:21 PM

    Wow. She really can act!

  6. Anonymous4:22 PM

    This family is so, so, SO classless. Keep right on going, Bristol. You're making your family look even more ridiculous.

  7. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Funny, Bristol uses protection when she is looking to bully someone. Bristol does not use any protection for sexual activities.

    Hope Bristol had that HPV vaccine when she was in middle school. We're talking about a 50 to 80% rate of HPV among sexually active teens. Bristol, I know you don't understand this, but that means you probably got it girlfriend. The HPV I mean.

  8. The way she grabs her breasts makes me think she is preggers.


    I watched it again just to watch her fall off in slo-mo -- that is way funnier than any clown-car thing her mother can do.

  9. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I guess he did not learn from the DWTS fiasco that everything the Palin's are involved with turns to shit, a very big pile of bullshit!

    I also think this was Sarah's idea and she will use it as one of her excuses for why she can't run for president.


  10. Anonymous4:32 PM

    OMG! Bristol is looking like Octomom in that picture with Massey. She has just totally destroyed her face, her mouth...just tragic. She used to be so pretty and fresh looking. Now she looks hard and unappealing. She's lost any sense of human softness that was once there. Sad. I'd even go so far as to say both her and her mother are looking like trannies.

  11. Anonymous4:36 PM

    kyle brisket all of them get paid during this time.
    then, they get paid more If it airs.

    its all just 'show'.

  12. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Not only is it staged (including the "fall" off the bull) but that's some pretty poor acting. She needs more than this stunt to get this show to sell. Her LA days are numbered.

  13. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Well, you KNOW any minute now she's gonna go on Greta or Sean for a 'MamaGrizzly' moment where she will carry on about how poor Bristol is being attacked by those big, bad liberals and that it just makes her want to 'rear up on her hind legs' and 'teach them a lesson' for going after her daughter. LOL, she's just soooooooo predicable.

  14. Anonymous4:47 PM

    O/T: It doesn't matter what SP says at the "The 12th World Knowledge Forum" in Korea. We know she is billed as a media attention clown. Her presentation and interview in India were hilarious. The fine people of India "got her" sublimely and she didn't even know it.

  15. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Here is OUR GUY! Listen.

    Obama/Biden 2012 FIRED UP!

  16. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I don't know, when Bristol was having fun with her rainbow and unicorn friends in the magical world of Juneau, she was blunt and not afraid of life. She always defended her family, even if they were whores or has sex with prostitutes or were horrible Governors or whatnot.

    Bristol is having too much fun not being afraid of life and being blunt and hanging out with her Juneau friends and having manicures with Tripp and Aunt Willow and whatnot to worry about the haters. People should just mind their own business when Bristol is out shooting her reality tv show and whatnot. Bristol is a private person who isn't afraid to go out with no makeup and her facial reconstructive dental work.

    You shouldn't judge people you don't know, you horrible, terrible people I don't know.

  17. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I wasn't so sure at first, but after watching it again I have to agree. She knows exactly what is going to happen (or thinks she does) as she saunters up to him. However, I do think that towards the end, his comments went beyond what she was expecting and she couldn't handle it very well at that point.

    Pretty sleazy of the producers to do this, but not surprising.

  18. Anonymous4:54 PM

    she's not 21. the drinking age or to even BE in a bar in CA is 21.

    Yea, it's staged.

  19. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Honestly, I think the show would have been fine with just the Alaskan scenes. Kyle and his family had such fun up there. I'm shocked Bristol moved back to LA. She hates it there. She was back in AK at the beginning of the month.

  20. PalinsHoax4:58 PM

    Sorry Kyle, I just don’y buy it that Bri$tol was unaware of the set up at the bar.

    Remember, this is Bri$tol “Big Middle Finger to America” Palin, who gave her classless, undignified, uncalled for retort on national television during DWTS.

    I do not believe that she has the presence of mind, the quickness of mind to confront someone and use polite terminology in her accusations. I believe Bri$tol automatically and naturally gravitates towards vulgar and cruel expressions. She gave herself away, of being in on this silly bar display, when she used the words homosexual and African American.

    Isn’t it interesting though, that when Bri$tol repeated the heckler’s reference to her mother $arah, Bri$tol used his term: whore. Now what does THAT tell you ?!?

  21. Anonymous5:05 PM

    There's so much that points to it NOT being staged though. Bristol's facebook comments both public and private. Bristol doesn't bring on drama. And I doubt a staging would have included the line about Rice.

    Trust me I've seen too much to believe Bristol would approve of something like this.

    Bristol was hurt at the man's ignorance and immaturity. Like she was hurt at the Johnston's same behavior.

  22. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I am an acting teacher. Many of my students (and I) have appeared on "reality TV programs" They are ALL scripted.

  23. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Her show will tank and they will try and sleaze it up every week to get ratings. I mean really, just how many shows can be about Brisket feeding her pie hole while Tripp sucks on a pacifier?
    I think it was scripted, but even then she had the CHOICE to say or not to say any of the words she said.

  24. Anonymous5:15 PM

    When they first told us she was going to LA to make a (un)Reality Show, we were told it was for a charity. Any word on who that charity is?

    Kyle must be totally stupid to now see through that fake grifter and see the greed oozing out of every pore. Nothing about her is real and honest. Ever. It's a genetic impossibility for her to tell the truth.

    One of the other (un)Reality of the "Housewife of" group had a husband commit suicide recently and he had told his friends how it destroyed their marriage and their lives...that every minute of the show was scripted and planned out to the last detail. I feel absolutely sure this show is exactly the same and that scene in the bar was completely and totally set up. Nothing about it had any appearance of "reality".

    Seems Sarah's admonition to Bristol to do something to make sure that show wasn't a flop is being taken seriously. I don't think this little episode is going to save the show.

  25. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Why is Bristol getting the bad rap here?

    SHE handled herself with grace and maturity.

    HE was a middle aged, immature douche who was way out of line.

    If you don't confront people like him, they will keep being unnecessarily malicious.

    But people's defense of him here doesnt surprise me. You say just as hateful things on a daily basis, about people you don't know. SAD. God bless Bristol.

  26. Anonymous5:22 PM

    OMG....the chin shot at the still of the first video. She used to be so naturally pretty. Not anymore.

  27. emrysa5:25 PM

    poor kyle. I really like that kid, but it seems that he hasn't yet figured out how things actually work. maybe this show is will be the lesson for him - after this, he'll KNOW not to get involved with people like the skanky palins. that said, these deals are often made between managers and the "talent" has no say-so in what they are obligated to do.

    still love ya kyle! I'll be on the lookout for your next gig. this current one... not so much. sorry about the company you have been forced to keep, but you're still young and you should consider it a good lesson learned. better to learn now, then 10 years from now.

  28. Anonymous5:25 PM

    This sounds like one of those false stories that were put out during DWTS. Most of the gossip crap that comes from hollywood sites are false.

    Gryphen, YOU should know that by now. Kyle recently wrote on twitter:

    15 Sep Favorite Retweet Reply

  29. JayKen Knotstirred5:27 PM

    Hi Bristol, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's your "Godson"?

  30. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Andrew Brietbart on Steve`Bannons radio show totally raking Gryphen and McGinnis over the coals right now.

    Brietbart is such a pompass ass

  31. Kyle just ruin his little career. Say bye-bye.

    And bustol is a known liar and he is a fool to believe otherwise, the sellout.

    It's one thing to be desperate for a acting job and another thing to be stupid.

    Kyle knew it was reality show and now he's feeling the palin curse.

  32. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Sleazy and the Palins ???
    I'm shocked.....
    Kyle's mother Sarah was absolutely right when she expressed her reservations about TripptoMom
    associating with her sons.
    She knew that the saying " When you lie down with dogs , you get up with fleas "
    applies to those who foolishly
    ally with the Palins.
    Run Kyle and take Christopher with you before it's too late and you are forever
    covered in Palin poo.

  33. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Have you learning NOTHING about hollywood gossips??? How many stories came true last years? NONE.

    Hollywood gossip sites are worse than blogs. It's all for clicks.

    Kyle wrote a week ago very enthusiastically about their show.

  34. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Willow was not with her. Two friends in town were. Today she went to visit another friend in Cali.

  35. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Or course reality shows are scripted. If they weren't there'd by CHAOS. Only truly talented people can make an unscripted show work, and even then, they have a basic plan.

    The scene wasn't staged. Bristol would never invite such disgusting drama into her life and the producers would never put her in that position.

  36. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Dude, are you retarded? Even the heckler said it wasn't staged. I am now officially never coming to this blog again. And not just because you routinely get stories wrong.

  37. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Thanks 4:20 for the updates! What a great month it's turned out to be, and can't wait for what unfolds next! I appreciate your updates!
    So, basically, this is proof the show is a total yawn fest, doomed to tank in the ratings. I think the only ones who can save face are Kyle, his brother, and the main attraction- Ta Da.... drum roll please......

    Tripp Johnston The only one in the bunch with brains and acting ability.

    Pathetic, isn't it?

  38. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Well, duh! Of course it was staged. And sorry, Kyle, but of course Bristol's response was scripted. That's why she asked the heckler if he was a homosexual instead of the word she normally uses, faggot.

    Note to the paid trolls: Keep it up! You are not fooling anybody. But you're parting Palin from her money, so it's all good.

  39. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I absolutely refuse to read one more thing about Bristol Palin. She is a no talent fame whore who is not going to take up one more minute of my time. I won't watch her show, read her book, or read any post on my favorite blog if it's about her. For craps sake, she's a Paris Hilton wanna be.

  40. Anonymous5:53 PM

    All that DWTS good will and this is Kyle's next gig? Slumming with Bristol Palin? He should fire his agent immediately.

    Watch out, Kyle. Bristol will drag you down into the gutter that is her very public private life.

  41. MC30315:59 PM

    @4:50PM - you just gave me the best laugh of the night. I love you.

    "You shouldn't judge people you don't know, you horrible, terrible people I don't know."

  42. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Stubble's show is on the Freekin BIO CHANNEL???


  43. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Are Kyle and Bristol an item?

  44. Anonymous6:01 PM

    @4:50 (#1): more, please.

  45. Anonymous6:01 PM

    When you see "a source close to..." it means squat.

    You don't know this YET?

  46. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Hey Bristol- This is how you handle a heckler. See Chelsea Clinton's defense of her mother after an inappropriate question was asked of her.

    Go to college, get a degree, a job and a life.....all in that order. You will thank me for it later.

  47. Of course his comments are part of the script. This is reality TV. It isn't real. I have never watched any reality television except the first and second season of Survivor. Then I knew better than to waste my precious time.

  48. Hi Bristol!

    Who is your "godson" and who are his parents?
    Why do you have him?

  49. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Interesting that TMZ's informant named Kyle Massey as saying it was staged. I have always believed TMZ is on the SarahPac payroll. What I think happened: Bristol and producers set it up, Bristol knew about it but the guy really was drunk and went further than anticipated. People start to say its staged. So Palin camp/producers throw Massey under the bus with this planted story having him talking crap about the show, but save Bristol as not knowing about it. Shout out to Massey - we tried to tell you everything the Palins touch turns to shit.

  50. Are the trolls just getting more and more stupid or am I just more annoyed than usual at them?

  51. Anonymous6:12 PM

    G, You may NOT want to call people nasty names when you only have one side to the story. Justsayin

  52. Anonymous6:14 PM

    How did she know who made the comments. She is trying to hang on to the bull which is facing the opposite direction in a crowded bar; but she b-lines directly to him.

  53. " Anonymous said...
    Dude, are you retarded? Even the heckler said it wasn't staged. I am now officially never coming to this blog again. And not just because you routinely get stories wrong.

    5:38 PM"

    You are anonymous you retard.

  54. Anonymous6:23 PM

    This is exactly like those false reports about Mark Ballas.

    Mark loves Bristol, as does Kyle. You would too if you didn't judge her based on lies and false rumors.

  55. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Anon 4:08 - you got it.

  56. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Kyle has several projects coming out soon. He is a busy lad.

  57. Anonymous6:25 PM

    It's called not judging people you've never met and not believing things written anonymously on the internet. GOD when are you gonna learn this concept?

    Where were your parents when you were drinking hatin koolaid?

  58. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Brisdul was so upset when she ran out of this bar into the bar next door which had a stripper's pole (or was that poll) where she got some respect from the straight guys puttin' $$$$ in her g-string.

  59. Anonymous6:30 PM

    i just don't understand...the lack of common sense is puzzling to me. how many bridges to nowhere are they going to burn, anyway?

  60. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Anon 5:34 only people from AK and AZ call it "Cali."

  61. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Does Kyle think that is Bristol's natural chin or an implant?

  62. Anonymous6:34 PM

    If these two children really want to drum up an audience, how about inviting Glenn Rice for the show and grill him on his "affair" with Bristol's mom. That's cool! "and so yeah, then, ok, did you like do it with my mom, then, ok, huh, duh, um."

  63. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I'm not the first to say this, but.......

    the facial similarity between Bristol and the Octomom are quite striking....and that is NOT a compliment!!!

    Truly ironic how a certain style of ugliness can only be accomplished through very expensive plastic surgery.

  64. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I just assume that anyone involved with "reality" TV lies whenever it is convenient. But it is interesting that these people have no clue how boring they are.

    It is unfortunate that Tripp is in an environment entirely populated by people that do not have a child's best interests in mind.

    A mother stupid enough to think her ride on a mechanical bull is TV-worthy is probably too stupid to take advice on rearing her child. Tripp's future looks dim.

  65. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Anon sources and "source close to someone" means "we at _______ are desperate for page clicks, don't care about truth, and don't care who gets hurt"

  66. o/t, and true confession that I am w-a-a-y behind on reading comments, but I gather comments have been attacking the grammar police. That could be me since I pointed out a typo in the excerpt from Fred's book, but I think typos in books (as opposed to blog posts) make the text less convincing.

  67. @Anonymous5:21. "God bless Bristol."

    Surely Sarah has already seen to that since God is her doorman. (Thanks to Joe for that great expression.)

  68. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Joe has a few words for us. Seems he's being SERIOUSLY threatened so as not to pre-announce his appearances.

    Hey, nobody is more sorry than I am that the National Enquirer snagged a copy of THE ROGUE before publication and trumpeted a few “sensational” stories from it.

    That led the New York Times to break their agreement to run a review the day before the Sept. 20 publication, and instead run it on Sept. 15.

    That one review was blistering. Maybe the worst I’ve ever had, going back twelve books and forty-two years. (Don’t have time to pull out my scrapbooks and check.)

    But National Enquirer + that one review gave MSM an excuse to dismiss THE ROGUE, rather than consider my criticisms of mainstream lack of coverage of the real Sarah Palin.

    Suckups to power such as Howie Kurtz of Daily Beast and CNN pontificated on panel shows a week ago that THE ROGUE was not worth reading. Not that he’d read it.

    By the time I started doing interviews last week, the MSM had its meme: THE ROGUE is tabloid trash that relies on anonymous sources who tell salacious stories about Sarah.

    Nobody pointed out that if all the items National Enquirer turned into headlines were put together, they would take up only about three pages in a 320-page book.

    All in all, it made for a long week as Piers Morgan, the women of The View, Joy Behar, Martin Bashir, etc. etc. came at me with fangs bared.

    That was fine. I’ve been dealing with hostile interviewers since 1969, when many in the MSM of the time attacked me for having had the gall to write disparaging things about the man who was then President: Richard Nixon.

    I was slightly annoyed that the cowardly lion Keith Olbermann, after bashing my book and me on the Bill Maher show–even while admitting that he hadn’t read it–canceled my scheduled appearance with him last week, apparently afraid to confront me face to face.

    Rachel Maddow and Terry Gross of Fresh Air wouldn’t even schedule me.

    “Morning Joe” also canceled.

    I must have committed a truly egregious crime in order to turn MSNBC hosts into clones of those at Fox News.

    What do they have in common?

    Fear of Sarah Palin.

    Even though she holds no office, nor ever will again, MSM cowers in anticipation of her lash.

    And they don’t like being told they didn’t do their job in 2008 and haven’t done it since, having made no effort to see the grotesque face that lies behind the snazzy mask.

    I got behind the mask. I did find the real Sarah Palin.

    But it’s a whole lot easier to try to kill the messenger than it is to read the message.

    Nonetheless, ebb is turning to flow as reviewers beyond the beltway/NYTimes axis read the book.

    This, for example, from Toronto.

    And from Seattle, today, we have this.

    Two more weeks of publicity coming up.

    Unfortunately, given threats I’ve recently received, I’ve been advised not to announce in advance where I’ll be appearing, or when.

    The attempts at intimidation go on, from the bilious slurs of Breitbart to the crazed rantings of a blogger soliciting donations to SarahPAC for “Todd’s legal defense fund” to pay his lawyers after he gets arrested for assaulting me so badly that I am hospitalized because of the injuries he will inflict.

    I’m serious. There are people out there spewing stuff like that.

    Especially after Tucson, they can’t be ignored.

    But if you’d like to get a longer view and larger perspective, please read this Sam Tanenhaus story
    in last Sunday’s NYTimes Sunday Review section. (Note, although Mr. Tanenhaus is the editor in chief of the New York Times Book Review, this piece ran on the front page of the separate Sunday Review section, which treats matters and people of cultural, social and political importance, going well beyond books and authors.)

    “The Political Provocateur?”

    To that, I gladly plead guilty.

    --Links are active on his blog page--.

  69. Anonymous6:43 PM


    A 5/24/2010 profile in The New Yorker titled "Rage Machine" profiles Breitbart and states that Stephen Bannon provides/provided free
    office space to Breitbart. So Breitbart is a complete ass who has a monetary interest in pushing Palin and Bannon--probably even more so than some who don't get free office rent.

  70. jadez6:44 PM

    of course it was staged and of course for the reason you mentioned( he might become violent) brisdull was obviously in on it.

    2 things are happening here...
    first they didn't get the play and positive attention they hoped for and secondly but most important and as i commented earlier in an ironic post...once this comes out that it was staged people are going to ask "what type of a girl would agree to calling her mother a fuckin whore just to get attention?"

    and THATS the damage this guy is now trying to control as more and more people must be behind the scene emailing and letting those involved with this scam know how bad it makes brisdull look.

  71. Anonymous6:45 PM

    "Trust me I've seen too much to believe Bristol would approve of something like this."

    Bristol is a two bit player in this, not the director, not the producer. She doesn't get to approve anything that isn't directly covered in her contract.

  72. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Suggest you go look in a mirror to see who is IQ challenged. The "heckler" owns a talent management agency.

    Then go and do penance to the Voice of Vitriol - she wont' like your use of the word retarded. Bad, bot, down boy, down.

  73. Anonymous6:56 PM

    "Or course reality shows are scripted. If they weren't there'd by CHAOS."

    Chaos isn't the danger - boring is. Very few people are actually, naturally interesting on a weekly basis - Robin Williams might be an exception to that rule. But as a rule, it also takes intelligence to BE interesting - and we are well aware that that is one thing Brisdull lacks.

  74. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Bristol, I will give you a Big Mac, bag of fries and a large chocolate shake if you take a lie detector test proving you knew nothing about this bar mechanical bull confrontation setup!

    Two all beef patties, special sauce, pickles... Wait a minute, is that the ingredients to a big mac or Bristol's current threesome sex setup in Los Angeles?

  75. Anonymous7:02 PM

    5:38 "Dude... I am now officially never coming to this blog again."

    So our "Dude man" is never coming back? If we could only be so lucky. You might want to drop the "dude" next time you comment, just to help with your charade.

  76. Anonymous7:03 PM

    briskets face looks ridiculous.
    if she cant 'see' that imagine how everything else is distorted.

  77. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Anonymous 5:05 or "Trust Me, I'm Anonymous"...

    Here is what is the real kicker here, whether she knew this was going to take place or not: When the guy made the comment, WHY would she ask him "Are you a Homosexual?" What does that have to do with anything? How does her gaydar even play into this scenario? What a Loser.

  78. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I thought Bristol was supposed to be in college????????? Big announcement about that when she moved to AZ. Not that I was ever convinced she'd go to a single class. I mean why, when she can be on the Z-list of Hollywood for a few bucks.

    In a couple of years she'll be in & out of rehab, Levi will get custody. She's had no good role models. None of them have ever had a REAL mum who's been THERE being a mum. Forced to look after her siblings at far to young an age. Willow & Piper? Oh geez, will make Bristol look like a saint. Piper may still have a chance.


  79. Anonymous7:29 PM

    One word: tawdry

  80. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Terry Gross/Fresh Air fan? Contact her to say that you're disappointed she won't host Joe McGinness. It's a simple form email. Please be polite.

  81. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Jesus Harold Christ in crutches, just what part of these hicks' lives ISN'T staged?

  82. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Bristol, aka The Chin, is such a phoney wearing a sweatshirt emblazoned with a cross on it.

    When is the last time she (or any of the cowardly Palins) has been seen in a church or praying or doing anything that is not feeding her ego? Pathetic ...

  83. Anonymous7:43 PM

    from Joe: "And they don’t like being told they didn’t do their job in 2008 and haven’t done it since,..."

    sp counts on the fact that No One in Pol arena expects much from women and that 99% of men go "ICK" when it comes to women and female functions.
    she played the 'virgin-whore' card
    and the cowardly msm folded.
    like weenies.

    they did much the same during nixon-gate.

  84. Anonymous7:46 PM

    AnOn 4:50, I sooooo agrees with you about Bristol!
    She's a strong girl whose always smiling and looking at the brighter side of life. Nothing bothers her. She pays no mind to the haters because they don't even know her family and the family that prays together, stays together.
    I think the show will be a big hit and of course this is publicity and so on, but who cares. You people are just jealous because Bristols making so much money and you aren't. Plus she's got a famous mom. Your talking about them strengthens them.
    All those Palin women just love babies and family comes first anyhow. This blog is wasting time I'm it's attacks. Maybe you dont like Sarah because she is pretty AND she has God on her side AND she birthed beautiful Trig.
    You liberals drink too much Koolaid given to you by this socialist, spendthrift Obama and his carrot eating wife and whatnot. Just chill on the Palins because you don't know them and there hearts are pure and good!

  85. Anonymous7:52 PM

    My grandfather used to think that professional wrestlers were for real. He would be sucked right in. WWF was the origin "reality tv" and this looks like the same type of thing.

  86. icstraights7:54 PM

    Thank you Joe: Good Luck!

    The TRUTH shall set us free (from this circus freak show that is paylinland)...

    AND SHAME on you, you pathetic excuses of so-called journalist on TV!

    ARE YOU really that scared of ol scawee scarahntoad? They are nothing but two-bit school yard bullies! Stand up for yourselves and your principles. Grow a pair (like Joe)!!!

  87. Anonymous7:55 PM

    First, she is in LA to FILM a show so people can LOOK at HER and she can be paid MONEY. She NEEDS people to look at her in order to make MONEY. She might not have known exactly what the set up was, but she was in on it.

    Second, when young pretty girls in their Jesus tee shirts go bull riding in a bar where people go to drink alcohol they should not expect to be treated as if they are in church.

  88. Sally in MI7:56 PM

    What gives it away for me is that Bristol controlled her itchy trigger finger. She was perfectly fine a year ago to 'give the finger' on network TV to all of us who weren't jamming the phone lines to vote for her inspired strip/dancing. And now she's in a bar arguing (not vehemently, either, just talking) with a drunk guy, a big drunk guy, and she touches him several times, but never gives him the finger. Totally planned. This show will tank...and maybe, at last, no Palin will ever be hired as entertainment again.

  89. Anonymous7:57 PM

    5:21 you are so right! God bless Bristol AND her babies!
    She's a good Christian girl and a fine role model and example to other girls! Young teen girls worship Bristol and you all cut her down.
    I KNOW Bristol, this I know is true, and she would never stick ro a script (like this). Never! Everything Bristol does is spur of the moment and you haters don't get her or her family understandably because you are so judgmental and jealous.

  90. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Go to college, get a degree, a job and a life.....all in that order. You will thank me for it later.

    6:02 PM"

    First she has to finish high school, then go to remedial classes, next attend a community college. And for gawd sake don't go to 5 or 6 colleges and not graduate like your insufferable mother.

    If she capable of doing all that I will eat a pound of salt.

    I ain't worried.

  91. Anonymous7:58 PM

    5:36 PM
    Or course reality shows are scripted. If they weren't there'd by CHAOS. Only truly talented people can make an unscripted show work, and even then, they have a basic plan.

    The scene wasn't staged. Bristol would never invite such disgusting drama into her life and the producers would never put her in that position.

    Your second paragraph is ironic, right? Otherwise you've totally contradicted yourself. Reality shows are scripted but the scene wasn't staged? How does that work?

    Bristol has invited all kinds of "disgusting drama" into her life. Private people don't plaster their relationships all over magazine covers, write and conduct interviews about losing their virginity, or MAKE REALITY SHOWS!

  92. Anonymous8:00 PM

    5:53 PM
    Watch out, Kyle. Bristol will drag you down into the gutter that is her very public private life.

    I would like to add: "her very PUBIC private life." Hehehe.

  93. Anonymous8:02 PM


    Hearing Joe talk about being shunned by the likes of Olbermann and Maddow don't surprise me. The far left treat those two like they are some sort of higher power, when in fact, they are "bought and sold" just like the rest of the MSM. They have whatever agenda their bosses tell them to. Same with O'Donnell.

    At least Olbermann has been banished to the media outlands (even further outland than MSNBC, if that's possible!) Couldn't happen to a nicer person.

  94. anjaak8:08 PM

    I can't believe Levi is letting his child be involved with this nonsense.

    I was so mad that in all of his interviews about his book, he was asked about not paying child support. He shouldn't be paying child support! Bristol is making way more that him. If he is so apathetic about it, I guess he deserves it. Why did he wait this long to get a family law lawyer? (he mentioned in the book that he was getting one) He could have had his payments stopped a year ago.

    He needs to get his child back in Alaska & he needs to fight for himself. That's if he truly wants to. Arggg! Poor boy!

  95. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Breitbart is being paid by Sarah ( her PAC)
    He's pure scum with no morals ( and a little dick) yes it's true so don't ask me how I know. He has no morals or scruples and will do anything for a buck. I can't figure why Sarah chose him because no one believes him but a small loony tunes group. Sarah must really be desperate. If she thinks his blather will convince anyone, she is even dumber than I thought! What a coward Sarah is.

  96. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Gryphen I think the time for you to pony up and get out any info you claim to have. Don't string us along any longer. We already have someone doing that to the American public.

  97. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Bristol's Mom seems to have quit on deciding whether or not to run for Prez.

  98. Anonymous8:19 PM

    "And they don’t like being told they didn’t do their job in 2008 and haven’t done it since,"

    keep in mind, this is the very same msm who never asked a question about fake intel that drove the US into a fake war in the ME. think theyll ask questions about palin. ha.

    they are useless. in it for the fast cheap high paying salaries. if not for bloggers we'd prolly never know about the fake wmd.

    stuff it msm. you got nuthin.

  99. I think it would be appropriate for everyone who appreciates what Joe McGinniss has done to attempt to write some of the more liberal people in the news(not many of those left!) to let them know what we think of Sarah Palin. They evidently are being inundated with lies from the tea party paid off crazies.

  100. Anonymous8:31 PM

    It looks like Bristols friend, the paid troll is on her work shift again tonight. She is so bad at what she does; obvious, fake and clueless. Oh and methinks she has some copy cats making fun of her with their posts.
    Bristol handled the fake heckler with grace????
    Hajahahaha And Bristol wouldn't let drama into her life.
    Girlfriend, Sarah PAC overpays you!

  101. Gasman8:48 PM

    EVERYTHING about the Palins is scripted bullshit. This isn't any different. If there is a bigger pack of liars on the planet, I haven't seen them.

    There was a time when I was prepared to cut Bristol some slack because of the pair of assholes she has as parents. No more. She has willingly taken on the family business of lying, bullying, and grifting proving that she is just another Palin asshole.

    She is just so much tasteless, tacky, nouveau riche Wasilla white trash. Damn her and go to hell.

  102. Anonymous9:02 PM

    O/T, but I just had to share this people who will also laugh out loud when they read it. This is from Vicki at C4P:

    "Given what is happening, you have to believe one of two things. Either Governor Palin is DEFINITELY running, or she is one of the most narcissistic human beings on the planet. Seriously, who would knowingly let people spend this much of their own time and money organizing a campaign for her/him, only to glibly say 'no go'? And to what end? I just cannot see any value in stringing people along like this. The theory that she's 'selling her brand' is just absurd. There would be some really angry folks."

    This is exactly why I can't decide what will be more fun to watch at C4P: if Sarah doesn't run and the rending of garments and tearing of hair begins; or if she does run and then gets her ass kicked by real Real Americans.

    I'd feel a little sorry for them if not for the treasonous things they routinely say about the president.

  103. Anonymous9:09 PM

    To meagain,

    I realize you're busy reviewing massive amounts of SP emails but how 'bout sending IM an example, sorta a "proof of life" verification of your real existence.

  104. We cancelled our subscription to the ADN, but they keep bringing it. I'm gong to call on Monday and tell them to stop throwing their trash in our driveway.

    When journalist start doing their jobs, I may decide to resubscribe.

  105. Anonymous9:25 PM

    7:46 PM

    You are so delusional that I don't have pity for your ignorance, I laugh at fools like you.

    bustol is busted and her corny, tacky, sad show will be off the air before we know it.

  106. Kyle Massey is sweet and naive. I've no doubt he thinks well of Bristol.

    And folks, I know she's been an opportunistic, obnoxious little turd, but after having read Joe's book, I have a lot of empathy for her. She really is very young, yet, and has time for self-awareness.

    I cried when I read about Track, Bristol, and Willow, all under 10, scrounging around an empty fridge and pantry for food,while Mama Grizz enjoyed her skinny latte after a morning workout, unconcerned that her kids were hungry. Sharing a bag of Ramen for dinner. (My kid eats that as an occasional snack, not a meal!)Yeah, that last week before dad was back from the slope and able to get groceries sure was a desperate time for those neglected kids. Not like Grandma Heath would be much help: she was another neglectful mother.

    The girls didn't even have a dresser to put their clothes. It was all piled up on the ground. Geez, with Sarah getting a gov paycheck and Todd pulling a nice mgmt salary on the slope, they had enough money for a Walmart dresser, at least.

    Just sad. No wonder those kids acted out. I'm not surprised by the girls' promiscuity, either.

    Speaking of....can we quit the comments about Bristol having sex with the Massey brothers? You know that's not happening, so it can only be some cheap thrill to post such filth.

  107. The self-serving main stream media will try to report itself out of the corner into which Joe has them painted.

    Personally ~ i'm not having it...

  108. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Oh Brisket riding a cow is SO brave with all her film crew and security team behind her. I'd just LOVE to see her on "Bad Girls" reality tv show. She wouldn't last ONE DAY lol!

  109. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Oh and I thought her hypocritical big heavy sweatshirt (in hot weather while sweating on a cow) with a christian cross and "extremist" on it was a nice hypocritical touch to wear in a bar. Oh wait it said "empowerment". She pulled a Sarah Trick with the rhinestone cross belt buckle thingy. Brisket you ain't foolin' no one! Keep trying though & pimping that baby out. Your name is mud.

  110. Anonymous10:32 PM

    And another thing miss Brisket. One day you will be thanking God that you didn't get your wish in changing Tripp's last name to Palin. He will be thanking you too after he reads all the trash you wrote!

  111. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Sorry - worked in bars for years and there should have been at least 2 bouncers between her and the heckler before she even got off the floor. There's no way club employees would have allowed Bristol to get that close to someone who was screaming obscenities because the club would have been liable for any harm coming to any customer caught in an ensuing fight.

    Had that been a real confrontation the bartenders would have leaped across the bar and every bouncer/doorman in earshot would have descended on the guy - and at least one would have prevented Bristol from getting in his face.

    And if that was 'scripted' and not 'ad lib' - what awful writers they have on her show!

  112. Anonymous11:17 PM

    He needs to get his child back in Alaska & he needs to fight for himself. That's if he truly wants to. Arggg! Poor boy!
    8:08 PM

    I cannot figured out either why. Remember in the beginning Levi said in an interview that he knew something that would take Sarah down for good?

    Then there was the fake re-engagement on the cover of People. I think the Palins tricked him into signing something so he could get to see his son and that's still why he can't say what it is. Hell hath no fury like a Sarah/Bristol's wrath. They got Todd and Levi both by the balls.

    Did I miss it or wasn't Gryphen supposed to fill in the blanks?

    Bristol is making kajillions but yet the LSM reports that Levi is not paying child support of $1,700 a month. How can he? Much less chase Bristol around the lower 48 to get to see his son.

    I don't care for the Dr. Phil show but at least he read out loud the stipulations in the child support agreement that the parents were not to disparage the other parent especially in public. Bristol has taken every single opportunity she can find (because it makes her $$) to publicly call Levi names, belittle him etc. She is becoming a man-hater just like Mommy. The very worst thing of all is that she is CONSCIOUSLY doing it.

    Yeah Sarah/Bristol has Levi's balls in a vice and Willow has her dad's ball in a vice reportedly. Bristol got an on-line high school degree really? Appears on tabloid front cover in cap & gown with baby. 16 yr. old gay-bashing Willow is having a great time in L.A. not going to school.

    I hope Bristol's show FAILS big time. Even worse than Limbaugh, Fox & the GOP hopes Obama and America fails at ANY cost to millions of hard working citizens.

    I will NEVER forgive Sarah Palin for bringing HATRED and DISRESPECT to our country. She single-handedly made the KKK popular again.

    Too bad Joe McGinniss is taking such hard hits from the MSM. Sarah was right about one thing - they truly ARE lamestream and covering their asses for not vetting Sarah Palin. What cowards they are now! I don't care about the in-fighting over who's book got leaked and all that bullshit. It's BULLSHIT!

    The lamestream media is just that - afraid of Sarah Palin and she knows it! I'm very disappointed in Olberman & others. That is the only card she has left to play.

    Think about it. It's her last card to play and the LSM does what she says because they have egg on their face and have turned into cowards. REading McGinnis's post on his blog - now THAT made me just about cry. He is the ONLY person to visibly be out in the public and he's the one getting ALL the hits for it. Put your petty concerns aside. The Queen of Turd and Lies must be stopped - whatever it takes for all our sakes. Take action and don't stop taking action if you agree that Sarah needs to be taken down for good - just like that caribou on her reality TV show.

  113. Anonymous12:05 AM

    ""Why is Bristol getting the bad rap here?

    SHE handled herself with grace and maturity.

    HE was a middle aged, immature douche who was way out of line.""

    He was a middle aged man in a bar who had too much to drink .

    She was an underage girl in a bar where she did not belong.If Bristol did not break the law and go in the bar,no story here.

  114. Anonymous12:08 AM

    ""The scene wasn't staged. Bristol would never invite such disgusting drama into her life and the producers would never put her in that position.""

    Bristol invited the drama by being underage in a bar.

  115. ""This is exactly like those false reports about Mark Ballas.

    Mark loves Bristol, as does Kyle. You would too if you didn't judge her based on lies and false rumors.

    6:23 PM""

    Are you really that stupid? Mark Ballas would ahave a short career on DWTS if he did not claim and appear to "love" all of his partners.Kyle Massey would be not much of an actor and not a candidate for an actor on the Brisdull reality show if he did not claim and appear to love her.

  116. Anonymous12:21 AM

    ""You liberals drink too much Koolaid given to you by this socialist, spendthrift Obama and his carrot eating wife and whatnot. Just chill on the Palins because you don't know them and there hearts are pure and good!""

    Brisdull!! As soon as you start up with the "whatnot" crap,we know its you.You really need to get some edumacation and learn some new words.

  117. Anonymous1:59 AM


    SarahPac wants you to send them your best donation to convince Sarah to to run!

    What's going on, either Sarah wants the job or not?

    Why do you have to pay her to convince her?

    Bristol told America that her mom made up her mind already.

  118. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Dude, are you retarded? Even the heckler said it wasn't staged. I am now officially never coming to this blog again. And not just because you routinely get stories wrong.

    5:38 PM


    The 'heckler' was in on it, dummy. And it was also scripted that he say 'he wasn't in on it.

    God, there are some stupid people on here. You probably think Survivor is all real too. I can't believe THAT farce of a show has lasted this long.

  119. Anonymous2:12 AM

    Joe McGinniss said: I was slightly annoyed that the cowardly lion Keith Olbermann, after bashing my book and me on the Bill Maher show–even while admitting that he hadn’t read it–canceled my scheduled appearance with him last week, apparently afraid to confront me face to face.

    Rachel Maddow and Terry Gross of Fresh Air wouldn’t even schedule me.


    If that's the case, then I'm done with Keith and Rachel.

    She's become a bit of a joke anyway, when she starts a story, it takes her 10 minutes before she gets to the point of it, always going off on several tangents that have nothing to do with the original story.

    And Keith is never there on his own show. He uses more 'substitute guest hosts' than Johnny Carson did.

  120. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Kyle, I'm guessing you are not so naive as people here are saying. But really, this is backfiring and not good for your career. Call your agent. Get off this show. Parents will not take their kids to Beethoven if they don't approve of you.

  121. Anonymous3:27 AM

    Bristol looks horrible, she looks like a drugged robot.

  122. [quote from] Anonymous said...
    I wasn't so sure at first, but after watching it again I have to agree. She knows exactly what is going to happen (or thinks she does) as she saunters up to him. However, I do think that towards the end, his comments went beyond what she was expecting and she couldn't handle it very well at that point.

    Pretty sleazy of the producers to do this, but not surprising.

    4:50 PM

    I too was unsure at 1st, especially after the "interview" with the heckler. So I watched the video 3-4 more times. I should know better since I used to work in video production. Duh! :) I DO believe she was fully aware of the "set-up" as she would NEVER use the term "homosexual", she would gladly say "faggot" instead, in real life.

  123. Anonymous3:57 AM

    OH MY God..I did not realize that she had used Octomom as her idol until I saw that picture. Do you think she took a pictured of her to the plastic surgeon...I mean orthodontist...and asked to look just like her?

    They have kindred souls...grifters through and through, so guess it's only right they look like twins.

    Really really sad!

  124. Anonymous4:15 AM

    4:50 - so funny, thanks! Love it!


  125. Anonymous5:07 AM

    The juxtaposition of the two posts is stunning: the First Couple, a portrait of intelligence and class...and the Wasilla Hillbilly First Daughter...

  126. The guy who hates Sarah was probably there at the invitation of the show producers, but I'm not so sure that Bristol knew what was coming. I find the argument that since the guy was drunk, he may have been more extreme than expected, credible. In other words, Kyle might be right.

  127. Anonymous5:39 AM

    anon @ 12:21, that was a parody. Very well done.

  128. Anonymous5:40 AM

    BTW, who says "dude" anymore?

  129. lol at the trolls. Making me laugh this morning. And anon@6:30, the Cali comment made me laugh. I'm a Californian, and an Alaskan, and an Arizonan (born in CA, lived frequently in all three states). I hadn't really noticed that my tendency to use "Cali" started after the last time I lived in AZ. lol.

  130. Anonymous6:01 AM

    The tipoff to me that it's staged is the fact that she knew exactly who to go up to, despite the fact that he was not in her sight when he first yelled out. She didn't even bother to look around first - she went like a laser beam for the guy.

    Totally staged.

  131. Anonymous6:08 AM

    I'm sure since when drisdull was on DWTS everyone had to sign those non disiscloure forms, that Kyle and his brother and everyone that works on this show has to also. So Kyle will never tell the truth. Some christians!, can't let the truth come out ever. Who is Kyle trying to hoodwink? it has always been a reality show even before DWTS , Brisdull and Levi were shopping one, (no go) then it became a show with the Massey Bros. Ppl should just boo her until she goes back home for good.

  132. Anonymous6:37 AM

    So let me get this straight: the reality show producers are using set-ups like this to frame Sarah as the poor victimized mother of poor little Bristol riding the bull in the most boring way possible? (Just an aside, but drunken Bristol sex must be the biggest snooze on the planet - ugh!) This show is really in trouble. Geez. It will go the way of the hairstylist show: here and gone. Blip.

  133. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Just noticed the fist emblem on Kyle's vest/shirt. Is that the Black Power emblem? Is it something that Sarah would have a 10 minute rant about if a progressive, Obama supporters wore it?

    I do not question his right to wear it. I question him being given a pass by Mommy Dearest and just who Bristol is palling around with.

  134. Anonymous7:02 AM

    I don't think the confrontation was staged, but what I do believe is that Bristol showed her and her families true colors by asking if he was gay. It was one of the first things out of her mouth and she was using it to make a judgement about him. Obviously if he's gay, he wouldn't find Sarah attractive and be one of her followers. To me that says gays are discussed negatively in their household. I'm surprized I didn't hear a lot of others expressing the same view point.

  135. Anonymous7:07 AM

    The idea of Bristol having her own TV show is laughable. She has no talent, no charm and she doesn't even look like Bristol Palin any more.

    The only way that she (and the producers) can call attention to the lame show that they are trying to put together is with shameless publicity stunts.

    The other part of the show that is truly sad is what we see of Tripp, being dragged along with his mother, pacifier in his mouth and an unhappy expression on his face. Oh, the trolls will say what a great mother Bristol is. We can see how well Bristol was parented, and having no good example to follow, she is making the same mistake of exploiting her child. In fact, if it wasn't for Tripp, Bristol would be just kid, acting out and looking for attention. What a waste.

  136. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Bristol was told that her reality show wasn't even going to make it to air. They literally had NO usable footage. Mama placed a call, and producers rallied around to try to film one "interesting" scene, which would then be used to essentially re-pitch the show to the higher-ups. But with Bristol coming off as a homophobic idiot, it's not exactly winning over the execs, since so many of them are gay.

    This show will never make it to air.

  137. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I can always tell when Gryphen picks a topic that gets under the Palins' thin skin. The trolls come out. "Bristol handled it with grace and maturity." Saying that the guy hated Sarah Palin because he was a homosexual is neither mature nor graceful. It is the response of a girl who wanted to win to give the middle finger to America. We know what she and Willow wrote on the Facebook in response to a kid who didn't like "Sarah Palin's Alaska." They called him a fag, oh, and he's fat, too. (Bristol shouldn't be throwing that insult around).

  138. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Wonder how Bristol feels about the fact that the only interest anyone has in her is as her mother's daughter, her boyfriend's ex, or as her child's mother. Otherwise, she's just a pudgy 20-year-old with little visible personalty, no education, no real job or job skills, nothing but parasitic or dysfunctional family relationships. Oh, and that chin. That's all there is to Bristol, poor dull girl. She might just be the least interesting young woman on the planet. The lights are on but nobody's home. Which might be a little bit pathetic if she wasn't such a lazy, vengeful, nasty piece of work. Hollywood doesn't keep losers liker her around very long. She's got nothing special, just the reality trash-of-the-week spot, famously short-lived.

  139. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Bristol really is her mother's daughter: when handed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, she gets busy with all the perks and entitlements but puts forth the least possible effort to actually do anything other than present herself as she-who-will-be-adored. Neither one has any concept, or ever even bothered to try to understand, about how competitive and cut throat the celebrity business is for those without real talent, work ethic, or incredible youthful beauty. They will both by lucky to make Kathy Griffin's D-list by this time next year.

  140. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Spot on, Anon 4:50 PM. I think you have captured the essence of our Fairy Tale troll. Kudos.

  141. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Oz Mudflats has a really funny take on this whole episode.

    He addresses it from a different angle, saying that no bartender would allow this to happen.

    Worth reading.

    (Thanks for having the link on your blog roll, Gryph!)

  142. Anonymous8:35 AM

    The tipoff to me that it's staged is the fact that she knew exactly who to go up to, despite the fact that he was not in her sight when he first yelled out. She didn't even bother to look around first - she went like a laser beam for the guy.

    Totally staged.

    6:01 AM


    She somehow know who to talk to when she is spinning around & riding a bull in a dark bar in a room full of people? Also, the lights were on her, so the crowd would have just been a huge black void.

  143. Anonymous8:39 AM

    She's got a totally Octomom look going on.


    If she would just lose the fake hair & fake hair color, that would help.

    I don't know what would help the rest of her, though.

  144. @11:17 "I will NEVER forgive Sarah Palin for bringing HATRED and DISRESPECT to our country. She single-handedly made the KKK popular again."

    I sure do agree with you there. It's the absolute worst thing that came out of Sarah's appearance on the national stage.

  145. PalinsHoax12:38 PM

    Anonymous @ 7:02 am said...
    "I don't think the confrontation was staged, but what I do believe is that Bristol showed her and her families true colors by asking if he was gay. It was one of the first things out of her mouth ..."


    See, the thing is Bri$tol DID NOT ask the heckler if he was gay. She asked him if he was a "homosexual".

    Do you seriously believe that Bri$tol, in a state of anger and confrontation, would use the term "homosexual"?

    Don't you think that more derogatory terms would have automatically come from Bri$tol's mouth if this scenario had been happenstance?

    That's why I think it was STAGED. Bri$tol used terminology that is not a natural part of her vocabulary.

  146. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Bristol looks exactly like Octomom!

  147. Anonymous8:14 PM

    According to our sources, LOL!!!

    Is there a direct quote from Massey? If not, I don't believe a word.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.