Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Daily Mail claims that Todd and Sarah Palin are headed for divorce over revelations in Joe McGinniss book. I don't think they have ever NOT been heading for divorce!

Courtesy of the Daily Mail:

Sarah Palin could be set to lose both her marriage and her political career after the release of the explosive biography on the Tea Party darling. 

Friends close to the politician and her husband Todd say he is 'fed up' with the constant scandals that have plagued their marriage ever since she ran for vice president and is ready to file for a divorce. 

As well as kissing goodbye to her marriage, it has also been alleged that her advisers have told her to kiss goodbye to the White House fearing a bid would be 'political suicide'.

Well I don't really know how valid the Daily Mail's sources are, but I CAN say that I have been hearing about the Palins preparing for divorce for over two years now.

My guess is that Todd will not leave Sarah as long as it is financial lucrative for him to stay with her.

However as a man I cannot imagine how much all of this information about her affairs with Glen Rice and Brad Hanson being discussed all over television and the internet are affecting him right now.  After all a guy can only take so much, and it would be conceivable that Todd is just about at his limit.

I also agree with the rest of this article's claim that Palin is being told to forget any hopes of ever making it to the White House.

By the way I just finished Levi's book and will be writing about it sometime later this week, with some added information provided by his mom Sherry.


  1. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Bought Joe's book. Can't wait to read it.

    Palinbots & esp. the Fairy Tale Troll, the following comment is for you: I know you feel. You see, I gave $ to John Edwards (mainly because of his "positions" on poverty and healthcare, etc., etc., whatever). At any rate, I made a bad judgement call; he is/was a fraud. I'd even like to have my money back, as I'm quite broke at the moment. You need to face your own bad judgement about "candidate" Palin. It's okay. It's human to err about someone's character. We all do it. It's part of the human experience. But the truth is coming to light about her. Face it. She is a fraud. You'll feel better soon if you do.

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    If Todd did not know about Glen Rice he has to be beyond pissed.

    Todd... now you know why you had to strap a board across your ass to keep from falling in... it was Glen "the womb shifter". LMAO

  3. Anonymous9:18 AM

    y'know, bill and hillary never divorced

  4. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Wow! The Daily Mail story is actually decent, in a Brit sort of way, and has the Belmont boobs pic which "says a lot in one look" about Sarah's personal taste (tacky) and style (trashy). Also, and not to be unkind, but the photo of her brother shows the family wonky eye, doesn't it?

  5. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Oh no no no, they are stuck with each other. They stick with each other not for each other, but because of each other. And they'd rather prove everyone wrong about their dysfunction by staying by each other's side than let anyone be satisfied that they split.

    None of us would blame Todd for leaving Sarah, or Sarah for leaving Todd, but no matter how this turns out, the perpetual victim, Sarah Palin will only win sympathy.

    It's confounding, that such horrible partner's in crime that wreak destruction and devastation in their wake, can still count on a legion of freaks to support them through thick and thin.

  6. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Great article... maybe Sullivan will post it also.

    What a happy, happy, strong family!

  7. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Married in name only, for a long time, to be sure.

  8. Anonymous9:22 AM


    At this point, the only way to get your self-respect, reputation, and manhood back is to divorce. You should be able to sue for spousal support, because you were the ONLY one taking care of your children, while your wife avoided doing the job she was elected for. And you obviously gave up your own career to support hers.

    But more importantly, once you are divorced you can take better care of your children (aware from your wife's sorry influence), and make a fortune writing a tell-all book of your own. Tell the truth, the whole truth, and with the money that would generate you will be set for life. Sarah has just used you, the same way she uses everyone else.

  9. What I read in The Rogue about the Palins' child neglect--especially when Todd wasn't around--haunts me.

    Who'd get the kids?

  10. Anonymous9:24 AM

    The late night comics are one thing, but Tawd catching grief from his fellow 'Dawgers is something else entirely. Especially after that Alaska Dispatch article. That's gotta sting.

  11. I have to say that I was pretty impressed with the interview done on Dr. Phil's show yesterday and he seemed quite impressed with Levi's book. I was also a bit shocked that Dr. Phil didn't jump in and defend Sarah and Bristol like most of the media does. I don't think Todd will leave Sarah because of money but then again if he would write his own book (tell the truth and nothing but the truth) he would probably have more money and fame then Sarah. Not to mention freedom from the Ice Queen!

  12. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Just saw the headline on Yahoo News, "Could divorce trigger hair loss in women?"

  13. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I find myself humming the death march as I'm reading "The Rogue." Very entertaining. Very.

  14. Anonymous9:32 AM

    As part of their divorce decree Sarah has to give Todd his balls back.

  15. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I've been reading Joes book too. I wonder why he did not cover Sarahs affair with Curtis Menard.

  16. If someone waved a book deal in front of Todd - say 7 or 8 million - I bet he would take it and get out!

  17. HuffPost: You write that Bristol wanted to get pregnant.
    Johnston: Bristol was on birth control for a long time. She got off it soon after Trig [Sarah Palin's son] was born.

    So on April 19 she goes off birth control and by May 1 she knows she's pregnant? Or is Levi admitting Trig was born earlier? I'm missing something.

  18. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Joe did a great job on the view. Ironically, I was just starting to read chapters 18 and 19. Joe came across as loveable, friendly, and assured in his statements.
    Liz Hagglebutt thought it was fine though , that Joe and his family recieved death threats. I will be emailing the view about that!

    IMO< Tawd is shrewd enough NOT to divorce Granny Lulu until they have spent all the PAC money she has collected. He has spent yrs in an unhappy marriage and has done what he wants (except when he is on duty for purse carrying duty).

  19. @9:11AM
    Are you sure the Fairy Tale Troll is not Sarah herself?

    On topic: I do not trust Daily Mail much. Didn't they claim that Bristol had fights with Sarah due to her newly formed liberal views(supporting the gays, etc.) from living in L.A.? What a joke! Bristol has compassion for anyone? Really?

  20. angela9:35 AM

    Gryphen. They will never divorce because they have to spite you for telling the real truth about their divorce years ago. You have doomed them to each other for all eternity.

    I never believe anything on the Daily Mail site.
    These are the same people who claimed Bristol was "liberal" and Sarah was upset her daughter had her own grift going on with her new reality horror show.

    Its true Bristol is probably constantly pissing her mother off and Todd can't stand the ground Sarah walks on, but . . . . I don't see Todd going anywhere now that the money is coming in. Half is half. Since he has his own apartment at the compound I'm sure he doesn't even have to smell Sarah.

    Why leave? Marriage never hindered his sex life with other people. Nor did it hinder Sarah's for that matter, either.

  21. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Agree with you, Gryphen. It it all about the money.

    I expect her to bribe him through the 2012 election cycle, and turn him loose in 2013.

    Meanwhile, I bet she is casting around for some fresh (old) Sugar Daddy so she can have a big wedding and keep that spotlight on her.

    I don't see her doing well on her own. She needs an enabler.

  22. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Amen, 9:11AM! As humans, none of us enjoy being duped but it happens. That's why I'm so appreciative of Gryph, bloggers, and authors who step up to the task of investigating and reporting for us. You the media should be doing?!?!?!

    As for Tawd, I'm sure he's only hanging on for the bucks. What self-respecting man would allow being reduced to purse holder? No one that I know of!

  23. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Watching 'The View' with Joe on discussing the books and the women went right into attack mode. I wanted to sneer at the idiotic comment from Sherry that 'She's a mother! I don't believe any mother won't feed her children' What planet is this woman (Sherry) living on? Mother's abuse their children all the time. Pathetic.

  24. Todd's off to find that "pink nipple girl" in Dillingham ;-)

  25. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I suspect the Palins will take full advantage of the book release to cement their victimhood for their followers.

    It'll be a great excuse to admit the long failed marriage and maybe some other stuff, while making themselves look like the hurt victims of it all.

    And of course, the Peebots will never ask themselves how it is that pretty nearly every other person in public life is able to weather this sort of thing, but the poor, poor Palins will be so devastated.

  26. johnie2xs9:40 AM

    Wouldn't it be just great if Sarah so pisses off Todd that he turns on her completely and starts the greatest information dump of all times. It would be amazing to hear her try to deny information coming from the horse whipped former hubby.

    Now that's a book I'd buy.

  27. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Daily Mail story doesn't mention Babygate

  28. It was my theory that she has already divorced him when she went to Haiti. With Greta as a witness?

    This beautiful, Caribbean country, is less than 2 hours from the continental United States. In Haiti you can obtain a divorce with or without the consent of your spouse.
    In two-party cases (both husband and wife signing) divorce is final in just one business day. Where one spouse cannot or will not sign the divorce does not become final for 21 days. For a Haitian divorce an actual appearance in Court is necessary.
    Although it is possible to schedule an appearance in the Haitian Divorce Court without an overnight stay we recommend that clients spend one or more nights in Haiti as a fun, interesting interlude.

  29. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Maybe they already are but Todd might want to go public now to save face. He may even get out of payments that they made as a couple.

  30. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Anonymous said...

    y'know, bill and hillary never divorced

    9:18 AM
    Neither have I ever been divorced. So what's your point.

  31. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Anonymous 9:11, I hear you. I supported Edwards too for a time. I keep assuring my conservative friends and family that I will support them emotionally when they experience the inevitable similar let-down from Palin and Perry....even though they only laughed at me when Edwards crashed and burned.

  32. If that's true I am hoping that after he is clear of that woman he will explain Track's paternity.

  33. Anonymous9:43 AM

    rsTarquinBiscuitbarrel said...

    What I read in The Rogue about the Palins' child neglect--especially when Todd wasn't around--haunts me.

    Who'd get the kids?

    9:22 AM
    Maybe the courts could track down their bio fathers and give them custody?

  34. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Weeks ago it was reported that Bristol was trying to save her parent's marriage. Since he has been sleeping on the couch for years, what is there left to "save"?? He could divorce her and make a fortune of his own by writing a tell-all. Either that, or (horrors) get a JOB.

  35. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Joe did excellent interview on the View and covered babygate quite well.

    More people will now know...

  36. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Anonymous said...

    The late night comics are one thing, but Tawd catching grief from his fellow 'Dawgers is something else entirely. Especially after that Alaska Dispatch article. That's gotta sting.

    9:24 AM
    I missed that one, I must be too busy reading Joe's book. Do you have a link??

    Little Rabbit

  37. Anonymous9:45 AM

    So much for good ol' 17th Century values...

  38. Anonymous9:49 AM

    SarahPAC asking for handouts again. Also again dangling the tantalizing carrot that she might run, if only her supporters will send her money.

  39. Anonymous9:50 AM

    y'know, bill and hillary never divorced

    9:18 AM


    Yup. And Chelsea went to college, works, and wasn't a teenage mom. Howz those conservative values working for ya, Palinbots?

  40. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Todd will or will not divorce. But it's not like the guy needed the Rice revelation to have a reason for wanting out of the marriage. Who would want to be married to "all things Palin".

    But a divorce won't make a difference to Sarah Palin's career anyway. Newt gets divorced every week, doesn't seem to bother anyone.

  41. Grey Lensman9:50 AM

    With that bunch, it's all about the money..

    "Leave Sarah? Just a sec...let's see what's left in her purse, or my purse, or wtf-ever's purse I've been carrying all this time.:

  42. Anonymous9:52 AM

    The most publicly emasculated man in America today is Todd Palin.
    When they appear together ,he floats along
    in her wake, sometimes
    carrying her purse.
    They never look like a couple , happy or otherwise.
    Just a boss and her employee.
    Sarah is clearly
    the Alpha male in that relationship.
    Todd has been further publicly humiliated by the revelations that
    he got the sloppy seconds.
    Or thirds.
    Her remarks in a recent interview bitching that Todd spent $ 2.00 on beef jerky at a gas station
    illustrates that she gives him
    an allowance.
    Todd had one chance to break his financial dependence on Sarah.
    He could have written the ultimate tell all -
    before Joe or Dunn
    and all the others.
    His advance would have been enormous.
    He might have been able to regain
    his self esteem and manhood.
    It's probably too late now.
    Todd is either too complicit in her corruption
    or too weak and scared
    to do anything , but,
    continue as Sarah's handmaiden.
    Forever known as the First Douche.

  43. Watching and Waiting9:53 AM

    Yeah.... being married to someone who has just become the most popular dirty joke on Sports Center... that's gotta be tough.

    Is the money worth it? He could walk away now with plenty and be done with her. If he is smart he will.

  44. Anonymous9:55 AM

    thought they got divorced a couple years ago - Sarah Heath has been going by her maiden name for more than a year now.

    All the court paperwork with Shawn Christy lists her as Sarah Heath, not Sarah Palin.

  45. Anonymous9:58 AM

    @ 9:22

    if the rumors that abound about Todd are true, then he is just as much trash as Sarah is.

    The stories indicate he has children all over the valley - he is a drug pusher and maker and runs a prostitution ring.

    If they stick together it's because they are scared of the truth being revealed by each other.

  46. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I'm on Chapter 4 of The Rogue. Freaking FAbulous read!!!! this from someone who has a hard time fiinding books that hold my interest. I cant wait to get back out on my porch on this glorious day and continue reading "THE ROGUE". btw: Saw Joe on THE VIEW and they treated him right!!!! yeahhhh and everyone in the audience got a book, and Babbs says it was a good read. GO JOE, GO!!!!!!!! luv ya gryphen..... it's a happy time

  47. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Someone will report shortly about the family being strong, laughing about all this while at Appleby's. Right?? I STILL feel that McCain should get heat about this fiasco. He tried to put this dysfunctional family in high office.

  48. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Kyle Massey was interviewed on DWTS last night. Bristles was nowhere in sight. Couldn't find a babysitter for all the kids?

  49. McGinniss on The View. Barbara Walters brought up babygate. The discussion was devastating and McGinniss made a big point about the media failure to investigate what may be the biggest hoax every played on the American public. I'm looking forward to Joy Behar's interview later today.

    My book just arrived. Only three chapters read but I can say it's exceptionally well-written and definitely not the tabloid piece as so many in the media are claiming. It's not specific salacious accusations that are devastating but the overall picture of the real Palins. It's sickening that she was ever elected Governor or picked for a national ticket.

  50. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Todd and Sarah are headed for a divorce?

    1. I guess that means Trig is going back to his father Todd. Sarah won't have any more use for somebody else's baby.

    2. Will Brad Hanson and Sarah hook up again?

    3. Will Sarah run bacK to her first love Glen Rice.

    4. Will Todd get spousal support since the deadbeat unemployable bully doesn't have a J.O.B.???

    5. Will Todd hook up with the mother of his child Trig? Mother Bristol or Molly?

    6. They were broke before marriage, does that mean there is no prenup?

    7.Is Todd happy, he can now have unprotected sex with Shailey Tripp?

    8. The divorce is almost finalized. Todd is still arguing because he wants possession of his testicles.

    9. Todd is thrilled because he can now come out of the closet.

    10. This is a first! Divorce paper reveals Sarah does not want the kids, Todd does not want the kids, the kids do not want Sarah or Todd and the State of Alaska does not want the kids... That means Glen Rice, Curt Menard, Brad Hanson and Bristol will have to come forward and claim their children.

  51. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Maybe this could be a good time to revisit the rumors that Track is more closely related to the Mendard family than he is to the Palin side of the family. After all, Sarah was already pregnant when she and Todd had that quickie marriage, just like Sally and Chuck. (Must run in the family). Didn't Todd ever stop and wonder, just once, if Sarah had other possible candidates who might not have wanted to get married at that point in their life.

    At some point, all the money in the world can't buy self respect. It can buy snow machines, airplanes, boats and give you the power to throw your weight around. However, carrying Sarah's purse can be humiliating. Sarah's star is fading, and she really cannot be a serious candidate for an entire year. She could hardly handle two months. Is it worth it?

  52. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Joe McG just said on The View "I wish I never had to hear the name Sarah Palin again" (paraphrase). Maybe Todd feels the same way. I know I do. Perry is our real threat now.

  53. Anonymous10:08 AM

    He fucks hookers! He's probably happy as a clam that he doesn't have to feel guilty about it.

  54. honeybabe10:10 AM

    hard to feel bad for the palins who have said and done so many nasty things but.....if i were todd there would be a dna test in my future to check on the "kids".

  55. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Todd finally figured out why his girlfriend Sarah had terrible breath after the Alaska basketball tournament. Just think Sarah almost got away with telling Todd she must of drank curled milk.

  56. Anonymous10:13 AM

    He enjoys carrying her purse and cleaning the table after her (TLC Alaska video could someone pl. UL this clip)He will not divorce.

  57. Anonymous10:15 AM

    love this clip from Fox and friends about how they can't beleave a woman would take a long distance flight just one week from giving birth. wonder what they would say about SP wild ride?

  58. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Laughing as our resident troll tries their old tired diversionary tactic.

    Okay...fairy tale troll..just tell me how Bill and Hillary are relevant to this discussion?

    First of all..they are two extremely bright, articulate people. Not even in the same hemisphere intelligently with Tawd and Sarah. Neither of them is a seriously psychotic pathological liar.

    They both have also, too, exhibited how deeply they care for their only child, doing everything in their power to protect her at all times. Again...nothing like the grifters.

    Yes, the Clinton marriage took a big hit. But they obviously worked through it and have stayed together as have many other marriages over the years. But how many marriages do you know who have survived the non-stop never-ending barrage of truths that are coming out about Sarah on a hourly basis?

    But, that's okay, as I understand that you get your money just for posting...not for what you post.

  59. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I wonder if Todd realizes he could get a high six figure amount for selling the REAL Trig/Tripp story to People or another high profile weekly? He doesn't even have to ghostwrite a book. He can just work with a reporter for a few days and collect half a mlion dollars.

    It's not the SarahPAC millions but damn, what is the price of your freedom, Todd?

  60. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Sarah is divorcing Todd and is hoping that Barack divorces Michelle so that they can be co-president.

  61. Gasman10:19 AM

    Toad emerges as the last one standing in a knock down drag out fight between those two. He is CLEARLY the brainier of the two - a left handed compliment to be sure - AND he has enough dirt on Sarah to sink her, even to implicate her in felonies that probably wouldn't touch him.

    However, since Palin can't back away from even the most insignificant of slights, there is no way in hell that she would not go at Toad tooth and nail. Full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes, ridin' through town shootin' off guns and ringin' those bells as she warns the British.

    If Palin's "advisers have told her to kiss goodbye to the White House fearing a bid would be 'political suicide,' " what Palin hears is, "NOW is the time to declare your candidacy."

    Palin is a fucking moron who shoots from the hip in desperation. I doubt if there has ever been a time when she has been more desperate, so look for some wild ass shots from her. And what could be wilder than a run for POTUS?

    If it makes no sense, count on Palin to do it.

    I STILL say that she will run - hell, given that she's been ridin' around in a shrink wrapped bus in Iowa and NH, she already HAS been running in a legally undeclared manner.

    Remember, Palin believes that dinosaurs and people both roamed the earth within the last 6,000 years. If she can believe THAT nonsense, why would she be troubled by anything that she didn't want to hear from her advisors?

  62. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Revelations in Joe's book may have gained Todd his freedom. I think Todd owes Joe.

  63. Anonymous10:22 AM

    What are you talking about? Every revelation of Sarah craving some BBC, doing coke of oil drums and being basically insane has only made them stronger! So have the revelations of Todd's peeping tom behaviour, hitting on other women and sleeping with prostitutes.

    This I know. I saw them at Applebee's and they were all very happy and strong.

  64. Love of Chair10:22 AM

    11. And what about Naomi?

  65. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Today, Joe McGinniss gave a huge shout-out to those who have stated for the longest that Sarah Palin did not give birth to Trig Palin. On live television McGinniss stated in detail how it was impossible for Sarah Palin to give birth according to her story of the birth. McGinniss had four women seated who gave birth and neither one could cast doubt to the story because as mothers they know the life the child is the most important thing that matters. Giving a stupid speech means nothing when a baby is on the way.

    That said, I'm surprised a number of bloggers never questioned the story through the persona of Todd Palin. According to McGinniss, Todd was more of the parent when he was home so he does love his children. So, playing the role of Todd Palin you accompany your wife to Texas and the morning of the speech, your wife wakes up and tells you her water broke. As a father, you know the lives of your children is the most important thing and your unborn child may be coming a bit early. Your wife fuss that she can handle it but you know your wife is in her 40's and the baby has DS so both lives could be in jeopardy. As the man who suppose to wear the pants, you are going to put your foot down because when it comes to your baby you take no chances. You, the wife and baby are all making a trip to the hospital because it is what the father would do to ensure everyone is okay despite what the wife says.

    Sarah's story makes Todd Palin the butt of all jokes because I cannot imagine any father would allow his wife to take such a risk in flying home knowing that the baby could come during flight. At least, he would have taken her to the hospital to get her checked out, to get cleared to fly....unless he was in the gag to convince everyone that Sarah Palin who just announced that she was seven months pregnant that she just delivered a baby after returning to Texas. The story could have fallen apart years ago if people would challenged Todd Palin instead of probing Sarah and her off the wall story.

  66. Anonymous10:28 AM

    If and when Todd divorces Sarah, she will play the victim card to the end of her days. She won't blame her affairs or the way she treats the children or what kind of wife she's been - she will blame Joe McGinniss. It looks like many in the media will take advantage of that right along with her. Our mainstream media is totally broken and untrustworthy.

    Joe's book was fair to Sarah Palin. His background on how Sally and Chuck Heath treated their son, Chuckie, as well as Heather, Sarah and Molly is sad. Apparently Sally neglected the children and Chuck Heath was cruel to them.

    I can imagine how Todd would feel to have Sarah's infidelities spread all over the news. Like you said, Gryphen, how much can one man take? But I don't feel sorry for Todd - he may have been a better parent than Sarah but he's a cruel man. And, he'd walk out the door, go back to the slope and leave the kids to shift for themselves knowing that Sarah wouldn't take care of them while he was gone. Bad. Bad.

    I watched Sarah's interview on Hannity. It didn't matter what Sarah said - what stunned me was that she had the gall to appear on national TV after the release of that book. The woman has no shame! I haven't bought Levi's book because I can't afford it yet but I will buy it.

    Sarah's video-taped, public actions have given us more than glimpses of her personality so what Sarah is really like wasn't a surprise. What does continue to shock and what the book emphasizes is that McCain and the other "king-makers" and the "churches", would count on none of this coming out just so they could put someone like Sarah Palin one heart-beat away from the presidency. If they did it once, they'll do it again. Hello Rick Perry.

    Everybody in the country should read The Rogue.


  67. Anonymous10:31 AM


    Can you please post Yesterday Dr, Phil- Levi/Sister interview clip? It was good interview.

  68. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Like the word "abstinence", I think the word "divorce" means something in Alaska. In Alaska, "abstinence" clearly means "have lots of sex without protection". "Divorce" probably means "separate lives, joint bank accounts". Right?

  69. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Funny, if Todd was to divorce Sarah, he would probably make more off a book than Dunn, Bailey, Levi and McGinnis combined, and would probably make more money than sticking around and holding Sarah's purse (not to mention half of what's in that purse).

    Freedom is just a filing away, Todd...

  70. Anonymous10:32 AM

    >>I missed that one, I must be too busy reading Joe's book. Do you have a link??

    Little Rabbit

    ,,,And this is how a guy who's suffered a frostbitten face and broken arm racing a snowmachine for days across the wildest country left in North America now talks. I don't think so. That snowmachine racer guy says, "Joe McGinniss is the jackass who moved in next door to spend a summer spying on us. And now he's illustrated he's an even bigger jackass than I first thought."

    Iron Doggers don't engage in silliness about a guy with a "creepy obsession with my wife." Hello, Todd? Sarah suckered you into doing the goofy reality show "Sarah Palin's Alaska." You're not really one to be talking about an "obsession with my wife" after that.The whole idea of that show was to market the American obsession with your wife. Why do you think the show was called "Sarah Palin's Alaska" instead of "Todd Palin's Alaska"?

  71. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Someone mentioned this down thread: As soon as Todd ties up his book deal, he's gone. And she can play the victim card like she always does.

  72. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Is Todd any better than Sarah? Spousal cheating from both. It's not a question of who had more illicit affairs,they both tossed away their marriage vows.

  73. Todd DAMMIT!10:37 AM

    Glen Rice? I knew I couldn't trust your skank ass!

  74. Anonymous10:39 AM

    RAM, this would be a great time to start working on your book about the Palins.

  75. Anonymous10:41 AM

    For all the negative comments about Levi and his book about the gaps, etc. - you have to remember a few things.

    Firstly, his age when this was happening. What teenage boy digests and remembers so many facts and the 'little things' that we've had time to expose etc. Hell -- my significant other who is decades older is still 'devoid' of the small things and facts. Ask him what he had for lunch yesterday and he looks at me like an idiot. 'I don't know -- food' would be his common response.

    You also have to remember, when this was going on and Levi was a teen, he had no knowledge that there was a scam going on. He truly was a deer in the headlights -- not realizing he was being used and soon to be thrown under the bus by Scarah/Toad. He was screwing the mayor/governor's daughter -- not as a person privy to the inside info of what's to come as the VP candidate, etc.

    As an adult, it would be a lot to digest. A teen, not looking for it or the clues, would be even more to not understand.

  76. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Sarah Palin: "Mark my word, it is going to be an unconventional type of divorce process.”

  77. Anonymous10:43 AM

    It should go without saying that envy over your mother's pregnancy is never a good reason to get knocked up yourself. But that's what motivated Bristol Palin, writes her ex-boyfriend, Levi Johnston, in his blithely named memoir, Deer in the Headlights: My Life in Sarah Palin's Crosshairs, which comes out Tuesday.

    Johnston writes that Bristol was so peeved that her mother, former Alaska Gov. and will-she-won't-she presidential contender Sarah Palin, was expecting a son that she finagled a way to get preggers too, at 17, with her very own baby boy — and with Johnston, now 21, as her allegedly oblivious co-conspirator, according to the Associated Press, which tracked down a copy of the book last week.

    "Let's get pregnant," Bristol urged him in March 2008, according to Johnston, who says he was "too dumb" to use contraception; having a baby of her own was exactly "what she wanted," he writes. Tripp was born in December 2008.

    The book was inspired by Johnston's desire to fess up and "tell the truth about my close relationship with the Palins," he said in a statement released by his publisher several months ago. "My sense of Sarah and my perplexing fall from grace — how I feel and what I've learned. I'm doing this for me, for my boy Tripp and for the country."

    Read more:

  78. It's me again said, in the last comment made, that
    Todd did NOT know about Rice!
    The piece in the Alaska paper that ripped Todds manhood was great to read by not by Todd I guess. Wow, how much can a guy take!
    Sarah is in charge of sending the AP & ABC & NBC these "statements" from Todd, Hanson, Levi, but it's not from them, it's from her & her ghostwriters.
    The maniac is in charge of the asylum.

  79. Anonymous10:45 AM

    From The Atlantic: The worst television idea ever debuts tonight. “Big Hair Alaska” debuts on TLC.

    “The client that really put me on the map was Sarah Palin,” Steele says in the premiere, explaining that she created the updo “so that those earrings didn’t get stuck in her hair when people give her hugs and stuff. And it just kind of evolved into her classic look.”

    Have you ever been to Wasilla? Have you ever seen a person with good hair in Wasilla? I’ve personally never seen more skank-do’s, mullets, beehives, and bumpits in one town in the world than Wasilla, Alaska. Below is a collection of Wasilla’s finest losers. Good luck on fixing that crap!

  80. Anonymous10:47 AM

    When John McCain introduced his running-mate in the summer of 2008, Sarah Palin faced the world for the first time. She emerged onstage with her hair pulled back in an updo, her bangs curled over her forehead, looking like a beauty queen—which, as it turned out, she was.

    Palin had big hair. But as Melanie Griffith taught us in Working Girl, "If you want to be taken seriously, you need serious hair." Palin had been going to the same beauty salon for years, long before her ascent in politics and tabloids. She and her hair learned a thing or two along the way, and together, tried to be taken seriously. Jessica Steele, the owner of Wasilla's Beehive Beauty Shop, wielded the scissors and comb behind the scenes, sculpting Palin's do as it evolved over the course of her career. Steele will now step out into the spotlight with a reality show to premiere tonight on TLC—the network behind the season-long run of Sarah Palin's Alaska. The title of Steele's program has a familiar ring to it: Big Hair Alaska.

    "The client that really put me on the map was Sarah Palin," Steele says in the premiere, explaining that she created the updo "so that those earrings didn't get stuck in her hair when people give her hugs and stuff. And it just kind of evolved into her classic look."

    The first episode opens with a series of three shots: a stream rolling over a rocky path, a grizzly bear, and Steele's salon. Out of context, a viewer might think that one of these images is not like the other, and the salon does not belong with the other two. Not so, in Wasilla, Alaska, as we soon learn from a distraught client, Julia, who arrives at the Beehive with news involving her 15-year-old son and an angry bear. This type of storytelling is commonplace in beauty shops everywhere, but the details of the tale are distinctly Alaskan.

  81. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Their marriage is obviously a sham and I'm surprised they have not divorced already.

    The woman has brought everything on herself and I feel no sympathy for her at all. Doubt many folks will.

    Todd is a liar and fraud too and shares in the responsibility of their take down.

  82. Anonymous10:48 AM

    In one of Bristol's MySpace she wrote her dad was going to give, "Fat Cheddar", to her & friends to paint HER MOTHER'S bedroom as a surprise.

    Very strange wording and also too strange if Todd wanted to paint SARAH'S BEDROOM why he did not do it himself.

    Bristol did not ask for help painting her parents bedroom, she was clear it was her mothers. Read to me as though Todd wanted to get some brownie points from Sarah but would have got kicked in the balls if he were the one who was in HER ROOM.

  83. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Todd and Sarah have very serious marital problems. Neither one of them has apparently been "faithful" to each other, and are totally dysfunctional and who suffers the most from it all?

  84. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Trust me, Perry won't have a girlfriend appear....


    Well, maybe somebody will appear, but it won't be female.

  85. Anonymous10:49 AM person stands out as having helped Sarah pile up her several dubious successes. No, not Tawd! Sheesh. I’m talking about Jessica Beehive, the Queen of Bumpiteering, the scissors-wielding Wizardess of Wasilla. Yup, Jessica is behind that trademark rat’s nest on Sarah’s head. And now she’s getting her own reality show. Just what everybody needs. More made-up drama amidst snipped locks, body creams, and piled tresses. And the Desperate Hicks of Wasilla are all atwitter about having their hair done at the Beehive. They KNOW the producers will pick them to star with Jessica, because, after all, Wasilla is not just the duct tape capitol of the world, but also the center of the made-up drama universe. The Palins have turned made-up drama into Wasilla’s leading export.

    So, on a warm fall day, Jessica’s Beehive is buzzing with queen bees who want to look their best when the film crew arrives.

  86. Anonymous10:50 AM

    IF they got a divorce will the peebots also add Toad the un-first dude to their hate list?

    I'm sure if they did/do, Sarah's lawyers had Toad sign something that he will never ever speak/write/give interviews about her for all eternity. Probably like she had her lawyers do to Levi.

  87. The Toad has become "John Gosselin" of the political world...and we all know how that turned out!

  88. Anonymous10:54 AM

    When WAS the last time Quitter Queen was seen with her wedding ring? I don't believe the lake story, or that someone would buy a 1.2M dollar home in Arizona, and not buy a new wedding band. She's must think everyone is dumb like her

  89. One of Sarah's defenders on The View blog:

    "god this man is such a liar and joy know it all lies but she hate palin and that why she will never be a true
    journalist i hope gov palin sues him and the view shame on your ladies"

    Well with supporters like these, who needs xanax?

  90. Anonymous10:58 AM

    With the story of Rice being the 'talk of the town' -- Todd's problem is his 'manhood' being laughed at. His 'manhood pride'!!!!

    Todd doesn't do well when his 'manhood' is the ongoing joke everywhere.

    Wonder who's busting the most furniture & crap now?? Anyone getting face time with Todd -- be careful but be sure to have vid ready!! His personality -- he's a time-bomb ready to explode.

  91. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Todd: Leave Sarah? Have you SEEN Sarah's bank balance?

  92. Anonymous11:00 AM

    These people are so dysfunctional. They are in no way an "inspiration" to people in America who really care about family values. They are a perfect example of "dysfunctional" and are an embarrassment to the people of Alaska. If elected as POTUS, ole Sarah would truly bring the Jerry Springer Show into the White House.

    How long is she going to continue to "decide" if she will run for POTUS? Are her loyal and adoring fans still continuing to contribute to her PAC? After all, isn't it MONEY that Sarah is all about?

  93. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I hope the McGinniss book was sent to asshole John McCain. His entire family should read it.

    He should be publicly ridiculed for bringing Palin on the national scene w/o vetting her.

    How much do you want to bet that he was very involved with 'cover up' as to Palin's background (and the baby hoax)as things came to their attention during the campaign?

  94. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I think Sarah needs Todd more than Todd needing Sarah...who will take care of the kids? And I bet the kids would rather stay with Todd. The marriage is a business arrangement, IMO, and as long as Sarah lets Todd get all the massages he wants and needs, I think Todd will stay in this marriage.

  95. Anonymous11:03 AM

    The Alaska Dispatch article about Todd Palin and his fellow Iron Doggers is here. Craig Medred thinks something has happened to Todd. Maybe too many private jets and manicures have softened the old racer.

    "Real men don't quote the New York Times"

    First point-

    Forget former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for a moment, and ask yourself this: What has the life of politics and celebrity done to former Iron Dog snowmachine race champion Todd Palin?

    He used to be a man's man. Now he needs the New York Times to validate his belief that a book written by an effete East Coast author has insulted his wife?

    Better point:

    Iron Doggers don't engage in silliness about a guy with a "creepy obsession with my wife." Hello, Todd? Sarah suckered you into doing the goofy reality show "Sarah Palin's Alaska." You're not really one to be talking about an "obsession with my wife" after that.The whole idea of that show was to market the American obsession with your wife. Why do you think the show was called "Sarah Palin's Alaska" instead of "Todd Palin's Alaska"?

    And as for "creepy," inviting filmmakers into your home to record the boyfriend of your daughter sneaking upstairs into her room with the suggestion there might be some hanky-panky going on there; well, that was "creepy." Especially against the backdrop of your bad luck in having another unmarried teenage daughter get pregnant. There's some "innuendo" in that "Sarah Palin's Alaska" segment, in case you didn't notice, and positive innuendo it isn't.

  96. Erlene11:11 AM

    From 'Mountain' over at Cash 4 Palin:

    Respectfully, I disagree with SarahPAC's choice of words, "on the VERGE of making her decision."

    Sarah Palin is an honest person who can't STAND users. Consequently, she would NEVER praise 04P and C4P (as she did in Iowa) or allow such work to continue, if she had not ALREADY made her decision to run, ages ago, imho: she wouldn't USE us to sell her books, keep her media presence alive, etc. Nope! Sarah is merely deciding WHEN is best to announce a decision to run that she made LONG ago.

    Thank GOD she is running! We call down all heaven's help as we on earth join to fight WITH her against the evil Marxism that is choking our nation's economy and trying to destroy our US Constitution. May God richly bless her and her family, and help her WIN!!!!!!


    Anybody else hear Patsy Cline singing 'Crazy' right now?

  97. Anonymous11:15 AM

    With all the Palin family "secrets' being exposed, Screech has no need to keep paying Toad to keep quiet. :)

  98. one simple point here.....joe is a lifetime friend od roger ailes.

    he would not be saying thses things about the birth hoax unless he knew for sure that it was a hoax because like i have said a million times...everything palin has done is well known to the insiders like ailes..

    so..he may not be able to say right out because getting proof may even be illegal....(medical papers etc etc).

    but its my opinion joe knows the birth is a hoax and would not put his butt on the line otherwise.

  99. Anon @ 10:03a:

    Have you seen the photos of Track and the Menards? If there was ever any doubt, those photos blow away any and all doubt. Guaranteed!

    They can be found at Audrey's blog, and other places, also, too, I think. The one of TP and Curtis Menard, Sr's brother, taken when both were early teens, is astonishing. It looks like two photos of the same person.

    There is also one of CM, Sr, as an older man and TP as a youngster that looks like two shots of the same person, years apart.

    Mebbe our sainted blogmaster will do a post with those pics. Though, since TP is staying out of the spotlight, it could be considered intrusive.

    They could be incorporated into a larger idea, perhaps. Along with Piper and the Menards?

  100. Anonymous11:18 AM

    But the worst thing, to me, that you said was that the Downs Syndrome child, Trig, may not be hers. You said — you don’t believe this yourself but you printed it because — you said she flew back from Texas to Alaska with the amniotic fluid dripping and she didn’t look pregnant and, therefore, in your mind you raise the fact that this may not be her child.

  101. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Why no dump the grifter? That cash cow is starting to look mighty anorexic.

  102. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Well, if he gets a GOOD lawyer (not one like Rex and Tank...:/), then a divorce can be VERY profitable for him - provided he does not have to sign a non-disclosure statement.

  103. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I don't care if Todd and Sarah divorce. What I want to see is America divorce this entire wretched family.

    I'm sick of their non-reality reality. They do not represent "rill" Americans and Sarah doesn't know jack about those of us that live here in the Midwest. Sorry, wench, but a bus tour and dropping in on my state's state fair does not make you intimate with life here.

    I'm sick of Palin's ignorant remarks spouting catchy phrases with her latest being crony capitalism. What? Did Frank Luntz give her a call and say don't worry what it means just spew it over and over and over again.

    I'm sick of her ignorant daughters pretending to be marvelous examples to America. Sure if you want to exemplify ill-educated, slime-throwing, no-accomplishment kids.

    So yeah, I'm sick of Sarah Palin and her entire I'm-the-victim-of-everyone family. This twisted relationship with America needs to end. I want a divorce!

  104. Chickadee11:27 AM

    So now Toad has figured out he is a laughing stock? Now? Not too quick on the uptake, is he?

  105. She pandered to racism and that same racism will destroy her... funny how that works.

  106. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Hey Tawd as your friend I was afraid to ask you but are you bisexual?

    We were talking one day and your breath smelled like penis so I thought maybe you just had a gay sexual encounter then I read about Sarah has been cheating on you. Then I thought maybe you just finished kissing Sarah after she hooked up with one of her boyfriends.

  107. Punkinbugg11:42 AM

    The Wild Ride! On The View! In other words, National Television! HOW can it be ignored now? Very thorough - enough to make people Google it, I hope.

    His only faux pas was saying "Barbara, you've been in labor..." AWK-ward! Barbara said well I've had two miscarriages. (Her daughter is adopted.)

    Joe could have said, "According to her book, Sarah Palin has also had two miscarriages. EVEN MORE proof she was at risk."

    All in all, an exciting interview!

  108. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Gryphen: Maybe you can get together with Toad and tell/show him what advantages he would get from a real divorce.
    Wonder if they already are divorced (since, in so many documents lately, she is using her maiden name.
    Also wonder if Alaska is a community property state - i.e. that they would have to at least split everything 50/50, and on top of that, that he could/should get perpetual alimony for having given up his beloved job on the slopes, and for all the sh*t he had to go through the last few years.
    Wonder (also, too) if he will demand DNA proof from ALL his kids.

  109. Anonymous11:47 AM


    Leave her, take your children with you. Don't worry about finances as once you pen the "tell all to end all tell alls" you'll be set for life as will your children.

    Life is short. This isn't a dress rehearsal.

  110. Anonymous11:51 AM

    To which Todd replied, "Have you seen Sarah?"

  111. Punkinbugg11:55 AM

    Oh but now... if she states that she is /not/ running for President ... Sarah, Todd and the flying monkeys have somebody to BLAME. The lies of Joe McGinnis.

    Just like she blamed those pesky ethics charges for quitting the governorship.

    Ah yes, I can just smell it.

  112. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I think that the fact that Todd has been emasculated in public will be a bigger factor in initiating a divorce than the allegations about Sarah's indiscretions. He is probably very uncomfortable with an empty nut sack.

  113. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Looks like Todd was okay with Sarah doing Brad Hanson and Curt Menard but finding out Sarah did big black guys was the straw that broke the moose's back.

    He can't face his racist buddies in Alaska.

  114. Anonymous12:15 PM

    If Todd leaves Sarah will he be found over at Shailey's?

  115. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Does Sarah Palin Cause, or Attract, Bigots?

    Yesterday, in response to this post, that had nothing to do with religion, “Pete” lodged an anti-Semitic attack. Pete said:

    “Hey Malia and similar Nazi-Talmudists…start thinking about that one-way ticket to Israel…or maybe some of you are going to be shoved inside a forced-labour camp

    Love you Jews…but only if you are in Israel! Have a nice day”

    “Emily” inquired about why would I allow this kind of hateful comment to appear on this blog? It seemed necessary to demonstrate the extent of the bigotry that is associated with Sarah Palin. Whether Palin causes people to become bigots, or whether she simply attracts bigots is not the issue. Either way, Sarah Palin should be ashamed of her bigoted attitudes and those of her supporters. Palin appears to be indiscriminate in her discrimination.

    1. Asians: Her dad said that she left school in Hawaii because she was uncomfortable around all those Asians.

    2. Blacks: Palin defended Dr. Laura’s repeated use of the “N” word. Then there is the report that Palin referred to President Obama as “Sambo”. There was also a public outcry by African Americans as a result of exclusion in the Palin administration while she was Governor.

    3. Hispanics: When Arizona passed its law allowing racial profiling targeting Hispanics, Sarah Palin supported the law.

    4. Homosexuals: The book Palin tried to ban from the Wasilla library was Daddy’s Roommate.

    Palin opposes same sex marriage and even opposes extending federal rights and benefits to same-sex couples . Palin also endorsed the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy.

    5. Muslims: Sarah Palin objected to Muslim Americans practicing their freedom of religion to worship on property they owned in New York.

    6. Jews: Although Sarah Palin has advertised herself as a supporter of Israel, that is different than promoting freedom of religion and respect for Jews.As illustrated by the “Key of David” she wore on her trip to Israel, it appears she thinks SHE will be the person to convince the Jews of Israel of the error in their ways, and embrace Jesus as the savior.

    Over one year ago, I posted this article warning about the bigotry that Palin and her supporters had toward Jews. When Gabby Giffords became the victim of a mentally ill shooter, Palin suggested that Sarah Palin was the victim of a “Blood Libel” a term used to attack Jews. As time has gone by, Palin has demonstrated that if you are not white, conservative, and Christian you shouldn’t have the same rights that she enjoys. Consider what Palin, and her supporters, fail to recognize about Jews in this country:

    so much more here---

  116. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Anonymous said...

    To which Todd replied, "Have you seen Sarah?"

    11:51 AM

    Yup, Sarah is screwing every Bubba, Tank and Denzel she could find in Alaska.

  117. Anonymous12:44 PM

    My Enemy's Enemy Is My Friend!

    Translation is:

    Levi is now Todd's best friend!

  118. I think there's a chance someone will 'talk Todd down' and they'll try to continue the charade for awhile longer. But the gig is just about up and will be rocky going the next several months if it doesn't implode now. It will be surprising if they can hold it together past March '12.

    It looks like Breitbart(sp?) wants to come to Sarah's aid. He's sending tweets to McGinniss that foreshadow an attempted smear.

  119. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Can you imagine the flying monkeys going after Todd?

    He thinks his life is hell now with Sarah?

    Imagine her Legion hounding him, painting him hideous and abusive and whatnot forever and ever. He knows what he'd be in for, he's employed the Palin tactic for decades.

  120. Does anyone have a link to the last comment from Anon238?
    I have missed the last two or three and I LOVE reading them!!
    If anyone does have a link, I thank you in advance!!

  121. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Todd, you could make a mint with a tell-all. You will already walk away with a very decent chunk of change. Go for it!

  122. Virginia Voter1:17 PM

    Todd and Sarah have no prenup...they had nothing when they married, if anything Todd came into the marriage with a lot more assets, his Dillingham fishing site is very lucrative. If they divorce, he gets half.

    Todd, get DNA tests dude, on all those kids. True story I heard last night. Friend of a friend who we lost touch with for many years finally revealed that her 13 year old daughter was not fathered by her husband at the time. She was having two simultaneous affairs at the time of her daughters conception as well as having sex with her husband. Their marriage was rocky from the start, and her husband began to get suspicious when the daughter was a toddler, and looked NOTHING like him. He is a very good looking dark Latino, wife was Jewish, and the little girl had no Latino features. He did a DNA test on his own, and revealed the results Jerry Springer style to his wife and her entire family, so she couldn't twist the story around in her favor. Dude was actually willing to try to stay together and be a father to the daughter, but their marriage could not withstand the deception once it all came out. Sad, huh? This child was put in a terrible situation...her last name, even her birth certificate have the name of a man she no longer even has a relationship with.

    My point being, Todd, don't do this to your kids. They have suffered enough. Get out and give those kids some dignity. Come clean about who fathered who. Your family is a mess.

  123. Anonymous1:55 PM

    9:18 am says Ya now Bill & Hillary never divorced

    But was Hilliary screwing Glen Rice, a black man? Didn't think so.

    But was Hilliary or Bill snorting cocaine? No, no no.

    No comparisions at all, Rebecca Mansour.

  124. Anonymous2:02 PM

    todd might ought'a be careful as $carah the $kank might put water in his airplane fuel tank...

    now wouldn't that be the shits

  125. Anonymous2:08 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    y'know, bill and hillary never divorced

    9:18 AM"

    Surely you can't be that ignorant as to suggest that the Clinton's marriage and the palin's marriage are comparable. GTFOH


  126. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Okay, "Love of Chair" who is Naomi? Do you have a story to tell us?

  127. Anonymous3:08 PM

    hmmm, I just can't believe that they would build that massive new construction if they were headed for divorce. The land was purchased In June 09 no?

    Due to the propensity for wild and untrue rumors to fly in Wasilla, I personally wouldn't believe much.

  128. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Thing is, Todd is said to be a bigger cheater than Sarah. As we know it, the only extramarital affair Sarah had was Brad.

    I don't know if Todd so much as cares for these rumors. They're pretty much all spectacle for most of the country.

  129. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Oh I think Bill and Hillary's marriage is identical to Sarah and Todd's.

  130. Eppito3:43 PM

    It looks like the fat lady is about to sing her ass off! The coming crash and burn is going to be magnificent. Todd is probably measuring his options in his skull as we post. The stress, the massive embarrassment, the disgust – all of it must be twisting him like a kite on a clothesline in a strong wind.

    As many of you have stated, he could cut and run and write a tell all that would torpedo his shrew and bloat his bank account, as well as take care of his girls, and God knows they need looking after. After almost half a decade doom looms! Oh how sweet the sound! Right now it absolutely sucks to be him, but if he plays his cards right he could end up free and clear of the idiot and rolling in the dough. Don’t get me wrong, I think he’s as disgusting as his wonkey eyed wench, but to see them implode, mother of God – what a treat that would be.

  131. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Looks like Alaska is an op in community property law state.

    If the Dud files now, and if they opted in when they got married, then the Dud walks away with a bunch of money. Sarah's shelf life as a big earner is nearing its end, unless she runs for and wins an office somewhere or gets a major appointment to head a department in a Republican state of the US if the Repos win.

    After all the Dud quit his job to support Sarah, and stayed home totake care of the kids,while she was raking in the public appearances, earning all her big bucks, so she would owe him big time.

  132. Anonymous3:50 PM

    @Love of Chair Thanks for the Naomi reference! I haven't thought about Love of Chair for... oh, 30 years? Probably funnier for grownups than for kids.

  133. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Well Gryphen, you would think by now people would start listening to you, you have been calling this for quite some time. Now, will the real babies mother please stand up.

  134. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Hi Todd, Nin here. Listen bud, "alimony" is something you could get quite used to. You betcha, wink!

  135. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Todd will never talk because he is as dirty as she is. HOWEVER, he will most likely divorce her rather than have to face the in-your-face laughter of all his AIP friends.

    And you know what? Karma IS A BITCH, because like Sarah and Bristol made Levi pay $1600 a month in child support, Todd will have Sarah paying him even MORE in spousal support. Levi can stop when Tripp turns 18, Sarah will have to pay Todd FOR LIFE.

    That thought just made my day.

    I think Todd is an asshole, but Sarah is an even bigger asshole.

  136. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Anon 9:18 AM said:

    "It's confounding, that such horrible partners in crime that wreak destruction and devastation in their wake, can still count on a legion of freaks to support them through thick and thin."

    That's not a very nice way to talk about the Palins and Heaths!!

  137. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Anonymous said...

    As part of their divorce decree Sarah has to give Todd his balls back.

    9:32 AM

    Does he get to keep the purse??

  138. Anonymous4:54 PM

    10. This is a first! Divorce paper reveals Sarah does not want the kids, Todd does not want the kids, the kids do not want Sarah or Todd and the State of Alaska does not want the kids... That means Glen Rice, Curt Menard, Brad Hanson and Bristol will have to come forward and claim their children.

    10:03 AM

    Well, it's definitely not gonna happen with Curtis Jr. He was murdered years ago.

  139. to "it's me again" anon 238

    quoting YOU:

    "Don't despair, however; upon my return I'm sitting down with the person who has showed me all the photos and emails and shared so much information and they are helping me fill in blanks of dates and places. We thought it might be fun to get on the phone in the next day or two and discuss some details and emails we thought would give you the most "mileage", info-wise...and try and have at least a small (but detailed!) missive to share on special reason for that date, naturally...;)"

    Ummmm.... some of us ARE still waiting...

    and it's WAAAAAY past 9/3...

    where is that valentine pic?

    Where is all that you promised?

    Are you just dicking us around?

    maybe you should PUT UP or shut up...

  140. Anonymous6:05 PM

    LIZ "it's me again" anon 238...Ummmm.... some of us ARE still waiting...and it's WAAAAAY past 9/3...

    Where have you been LIZ? Me Again has posted several times since 9/3 and most recently posted a couple of days ago.

  141. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Blogger mary b @1:05 PM said...

    Does anyone have a link to the last comment from Anon238?

    Here ya go, luv:

  142. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Thing is, Todd is said to be a bigger cheater than Sarah. As we know it, the only extramarital affair Sarah had was Brad.

    'scuse must not consider one night stands as extramarital affairs. Let's not forget, there was a barstool named after Sarah. She was free and EZ. Sadly herpes has become an epidemic thanks to barstool.

  143. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Love of Chair @10:22 AM: LOL. That was brilliant!

  144. Anonymous7:49 PM

    While any marriage ending in divorce is no laughing matter, considering the farce these two people have been perpetrating, I seriously doubt they're really "married" in any sense of the word.

    According to Sarah, they eloped to spare her dad a huge expense, and announced it by leaving a note in the gargage. Since when did Sarah give a shit about other people's money? Especially Chuckie? Isn't that what every father wants to provide for their daughter? What did he do with the money he saved? Taxidermied a few varmints, collected more bones? pfffft.

    In this case, I'm not surprised, and I'm happy for both of them. If the kids go into the system, they'll get more structure, education, discipline, and real love than they've gotten with Sarah and Todd.

    And the troll asking about Bill and Hillary not getting divorced. STFU, they never used their child as a prop, human shield, or exploited her for money. They're both well educated, obvioulsy love each other enough to work on saving their marriage.

    Sarah and Todd deserve each other. Who wants either of them now? They're done.

  145. Not sure why so many feel bad for Todd or worry that he my be getting a bad shake from screech. I doubt anyone will feel much pity for this small town raging bull after they read The Rogue. They've each made their own deal with the devil and now must accept the consequences of their collective actions. I despised $P before I read Joe's book having read Dunn's but now can't find words suitable to adequately describe this poor excuse for a human. She is beyond possessed and surrounded by enablers willing to drink the blood and life force she sucks out of anyone in her sights.

    I was surprised that there are so many like her in Wasilla, not sure how any of the other sane folks in that town stick around with all the religious fanatics as evidenced by the number of extreme evangelical churches in such a small town.

  146. Just a thought:

    If B n L were discussing getting married before B got pregnant with Trig,

    and then SP "stole" the baby from them,

    Why didn't B n L get married then?

    Then they could have kept their babies.

    I guess marriage seemed like a risky proposition. Much better to "just" have another baby.

    As teens.

  147. Marleycat6:05 AM

    Sarah and Todd divorce? Naw - they're co-dependent!

  148. Marleycat6:21 AM

    Oh yes - this thought just crossed my mind - if they don't divorce and she does win the PRESIDENCY - the US (and the World) for the first time in history will have a wannabe Hooker for President and a PIMP for First "Lady"! How exciting and inspirational. All the while preaching from the Good Book, enacting laws based on the "Christian" Bible and taking away our rights as normal human beings.

  149. Olivia7:06 AM

    Mr. G, you know you were probably responsible for them not getting a divorce a couple of years ago when they stayed married just to "show you". Now if you say they probably won't get a divorce, they will have to do it, just to "show you".


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.