Thursday, September 15, 2011

Jimmy Kimmel asks "Would you sleep with Sarah Palin?"

That is hysterical!

I loved the guy that said he would sleep with her, but not vote for her.

This kind of goes hand in hand with this article from the New York Daily News which claims that Palin is now nothing more than an x-rated punchline. (Seriously? Was she ever REALLY anything more than that?):

The allegation about Rice, of course, is just one more swinging strike against Palin, who has become the world's most famous hypocrite/talk-show host/Presidential wannabe in a land of tarnished political souls on both sides of the aisle. Palin was a non-running joke before this material surfaced. She is now an X-rated punch line. 

If Joe McGinniss's book does nothing else (And I am quite confident it will do quite a lot more), just the fact alone that it has now made it completely impossible for Palin to get the support from her base to even start a fake temporary political campaign, should make Americans everywhere feel forever in his debt.


  1. Anonymous10:36 AM

    "a snortin' and a cheatin' and a humpin'" He has her pegged!

  2. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I wouldn't sleep with that. I would build a tall fence to keep her the hell away from me.

  3. Yes, that was funny as hell! I got an incoming call as I was trying type my comment last night, thus the near duplicate post.

  4. I'll bet she is lousy in the rack.

  5. JayKen Knotstirred10:42 AM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, How many Affairs have you had?

    Two documented...

    And NO! I would not, could not, NEVER Rice her up!

  6. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Well - it will certainly give her an out concerning running. Her faithful fans will totally understand how she has been mistreated and will continue to fund her life style. Poor fools.
    At this moment I would bet almost anything she is drugged up, in bed, crying, swearing, screaming at anyone within earshot. I hope this is truly the beginning of the end. I am tired of her, I have even had dreams about this woman!! Now that is scary!!
    If you have given an update concerning Fred's book - I missed it. What is going on there? I must have misunderstood - I thought it was coming out the first part of this month.
    Thank you for your incredible work.
    Pat Padrnos

  7. FEDUP!!!10:44 AM

    I can't stop laughing at the last guys comment - NOPE - He's a man, ain't he?

  8. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Sarah Palin is the biggest farce in the U.S. of A! If she hadn't tried to be someone she isn't/wasn't she wouldn't be in all this trouble today.

    She deserves everything that is now coming her way. Like I've said before - there is a place in hell awaiting her.

  9. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Your last paragraph doesn't make sense logically.

    To those who can spot the lies and distortions, no matter how small, I think the book will be big for a week, then die down like everything else. Anon sources can't definitively cause real change.

  10. Anonymous10:49 AM

    This was inevitable.

    Once people start laughing at you, you have no chance in being taken seriously.

    Well done - the clip, the post, and the condition of Sarah Palin's chances of running.

  11. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Why did Bristol name her son after Todd's prostitute? Weird.

  12. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Sarah I know you're reading here and probably frantically typing out comments as we speak. Quick question. Where is Trig's birth certificate? Why won't you show it? What do you have to hide? Hmmmmm.

  13. Virginia Voter11:02 AM

    Hear that Sarah? You still got it, even in Crenshaw.Of course those dudes would sleep with her, but as the one guy said, so astutely, "I wouldn't vote for her, but I'd do her". See Todd, maybe Joe wasn't interested, but Sarah is very hot in the hood.

    THAT was the best eva. Well played, Jimmy.

  14. Anonymous11:04 AM

    OT, but Gryph, this article about emotional manipulation is very interesting and, I think, pointedly useful when considering the vanilla from wasilla.

    It's aimed at women being targeted by men, but in reality it is about anyone who is marginalized by a bully in order to make them feel like they can't trust their own judgement and feelings.

    It's called 'gaslighting', and it's used by manipulators to make their target question themselves and it makes them vulnerable to deception and manipulation.

  15. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Where's Sarah's college records? Why won't she show them? What is she hiding?

  16. Off topic, but last night I watched the premier of "H8R" on the CW Network. In each segment a "celebrity" confronts a hater and tries to win them over. Anyway, Levi will be in an upcoming episode! Should be fun.

  17. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I wouldn't screw that shrew with Rush Limbaugh's d*ck.

  18. Oh that was funny! I love those guys they interviewed.

  19. Basic and always true Palin formula - the OPPOSITE of whatever she says about herself and her family is the truth!

    She says she knows about teh journalisms?? Slept with basketball player she was covering while working as sports reporter.

    Says she and her kids are all about abstinence? Slept with a man she wasn't married to while she was still unmarried. Daughter gives birth out of wedlock, known to be promiscuous who then goes on national TV to bump and grind her way thru DWTS....

    Says she loves God and is a woman of faith? Committed adultery at least once, if not twice, thereby breaking one of the Ten Commandments. Also - lies ALL the time.

    Says she runs all the time? No evidence whatsoever except a pair of suspect photos at some marathon in Iowa...

    Says she loves America? Poses ON the flag in her running shorts and the flag of America becoming some sort of weird prop in her oddly sexual pose...

    Says everyone is sexualising her and her daughters? Poses seductively in a series of shots for a magazine...

    Says Trig is special and much loved? Drags the poor child all over the country at all hours and in all kinds of weather...while not bothering to make sure he is getting therapy he needs....

    Says she's all about family values and keeping their privacy intact? Films reality show with camera crew following anyone with last name Palin every where they go...

    Says she's not a quitter & has a heart to serve? Quits Governor position half way thru first term because she'd rather make lots of $$$ on Fox and because she couldn't take the scrutiny.

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      absolute fraud but then again all pot smoking draft dodging bed hopping republicans are

  20. Check the link to New York Daily News..MOST READ/MOST DISCUSSED/MOST E-MAILED...

    1.) Sarah Palin had sex with basketball player, snorted cocaine and cheated on husband, book claims

  21. Anonymous11:31 AM

    G, Got the book yet? How's chap. 19?

  22. But won't they just make excuses for her? I couldn't care less who she slept with...ever...but the whole hypocritical, holier than thou thing is what I object to. And preaching abstinence to teens, also too?

  23. Anonymous11:42 AM

    I would rather fuck a warm snake hole... less chance of catching something I did not want.

  24. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Mr. Morrow has given an interview explaining his reason for this add. He states in the interview that Rick Perry is a “rampant bisexual adulterer”

  25. Gandhi11:48 AM

    I wouldn't screw that with Ann Coulter's dick!

  26. Anonymous11:48 AM

    LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Thanks for the laugh I really needed that today!
    That 2nd to last guy had me rolling!!!

  27. Anonymous11:53 AM

  28. Anonymous11:55 AM

    A post today from C4P:

    "We, the GOOD People of America, Completely TRUST Sarah Palin....

    Sarah Palin DOES NOT LIE...."

    Comedy Gold.

  29. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Nice summary, Victoria Paige. I love it when people put it all in one messy poop bag.

  30. Anonymous12:01 PM

    If Joe McGinniss's book does nothing else (And I am quite confident it will do quite a lot more), just the fact alone that it has now made it completely impossible for Palin to get the support from her base to even start a fake temporary political campaign, should make Americans everywhere feel forever in his debt.

  31. Anonymous12:01 PM

    sleep with palin ?!?
    how's that axiom go, NOT JUST NO, BUT HELL NO

    not only is $he probably a lifeless lay but the baaad hygiene would gag a maggot

  32. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Those 3 nasty Palin hoes, they know who they are, needs to be checked for AIDS and other STDs.

    Levi, Glen Rice, Ben, Gino and the others were smart to cut their ties.

    I hope Kyle and his brother are each wearing at least two condoms when they pork Miss Piggy.

  33. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I would have preferred that some of the more serious revelations in the book (Dominionism, Dairygate, etc.) had been leaked but, as usual, sex (and drugs) sells.

    I don't think she's been waiting to find out what's IN Joe's book before deciding whether to run. I think she was waiting to USE Joe's book as an excuse not to.

    Unfortunately for her, some of the "lamestream media" that I'm assuming she was counting on to crow about the book seem to be defending her instead (NYT & WaPo.)

    I definitely agree that the book and all the punchlines it's providing will deep six any POTUS chance she had. But she never wanted that job anyway. Alas, I fear Joe's book allows her to keep her favorite job of all-- victim.

  34. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I’ve been saving these funny nicknames for a couple years now and it’s time for a tribute to all things
    Sarah or Scara or
    ho of babbleon
    Sarah or Scara or
    granny grifter
    swag hag
    WGE-(hats off the the gal from Homer!)
    who’s your mama?
    and we could add in also who’s your daddy?
    ex ½ gov
    muskrat love
    the strumpet in a bumpit
    todd’s bitch
    valley trash
    water bra wonder
    the bumpit bimbo
    the wonky eyed wonder
    the immaculate deception
    tundra tart
    da bus driver
    Wasilly hillbilly
    wild rider
    saint sarah
    bible spice
    quitter mcword salad
    costco queen
    the bumpit bimbo
    ‘mansour’in candidate
    half baked Alaskan
    lying sack of shit
    a rill American
    the flirt in a skirt
    spare-me palin
    the woman who shall not be named
    simple sarah
    ‘Sybil Sarah’, but that one is kind of mean
    pure punk waterass white trash
    white on rice
    plain old freakin’ scary
    the latest and almost funniest: Vanilla from Wasilla
    I gotta say, it’s been an interesting three + years, and now it comes to this, Sarah, I hardly knew ya!! (the real you, that is!)

  35. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Anonymous at 10:48 said: "Anon sources can't definitively cause real change."

    You're kidding, right? Do the words "deep" and "throat" mean anything to you?

  36. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Ewwww. Think about the STDs she probably has. Gross.

  37. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Screw her, no way. Maybe a bj, that way I wouldn't have to hear her voice.

  38. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Sarah is the biggest fool of all, I bet Roger Ailes is laughing at her now and saying good job, Joe.

  39. Smirnonn12:54 PM

    "If Joe McGinniss's book does nothing else (And I am quite confident it will do quite a lot more), just the fact alone that it has now made it completely impossible for Palin to get the support from her base to even start a fake temporary political campaign, should make Americans everywhere feel forever in his debt."

    Cosign. Thank you, Joe McGinniss!! Can't wait to get the book. Btw, if you pop in here, I really enjoyed "The Last Brother." I'd be honored to have you sign it and "The Rogue" when I get it.

    And a huge thanks to you, Jesse! You've been diligently on the front lines of the anti-Palin, (pro-common sense) movement for years now and have most definitely contributed to the crumbling of her facade, which we're all thankfully now watching.

    Such delicious schadenfreude!!!!!! :)

  40. G, this is off topic, but check out Kirstie Alley, one who LOST weight on DWTS:

    " clearly thrilled with her new look and insists she's not tempted follow up with a nip and tuck.

    'I haven't had plastic surgery but here's the reason: People do plastic surgery to make you look younger,' says the former Jenny Craig spokesperson, who is now following her own diet regime.

    'I don't think it makes you look younger. I like it can make you look weirder."

    Read more:

  41. Smirnonn1:07 PM

    @Gandhi said...
    I wouldn't screw that with Ann Coulter's dick!

    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Fuck, I just spit coffee for the second time today..... gotta put the mug down before I read IM comments!!! :) Hilarious post, Ghandi!!

  42. Anonymous1:18 PM

    OT here but Gov Scott Walker (R) Wisconsin top aide is being investigated by the FBI. This is almost a carbon copy of what Palin's staff did so Sarah might get indicted also too.

    Politicususa on blog roll -

  43. Smirnonn1:22 PM

    Btw, everyone:

    I really feel that this is the beginning of the end of the "phenomenon" that is Sarah Palin. Thankfully!! This is just as devastating as Anthony Wiener's sexting.

    Snowdrift Snookie's "holier than thou" and "rill Americun" meme is now completely gutted. And the fundie, racist xtians in her base will jump ship immediately. There will be a segment of the truly ignorant, knuckle dragging mouth breathers that will not believe any of this and try to find a way to blame all of it on Obama and Soros(YEAH, RIGHT!!). But in the end, our little $error is TOAST.

    Aside: I'd never EVER do her. Not even with Ann Coulter's dick (H/T to @Ghandi).

  44. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Your last paragraph doesn't make sense logically.

    To those who can spot the lies and distortions, no matter how small, I think the book will be big for a week, then die down like everything else. Anon sources can't definitively cause real change.

    You assume Joe's books is completely anonymous sources. I'm sure there are some, but we already know that Glen Rice is on the record. I'm sure there are others.

  45. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I just wanted to say that I am glad that Whoopi spoke of the extreme difficulty of suing someone for defamation or lies or whatever. ESPECIALLY if it's a "this person said this" or a he said/she said.

    While I personally know there are anon sources out there rewriting Sarah's childhood and teen years, is it really worth the strife and effort to sue? We're talking YEARS upon YEARS. Sarah's cheap. Aside from donating to charities in Wasilla and elsewhere (which I know she does since I know the proprietors of the charities), she doesn't let go of money easily. I Laugh when Gryphen says she pays hush money.

    Books come and go. Writers will always grift off celebs and well known figures. What can you do? People in public life know how it is. If they were scared, they would go home.

  46. DominionistEscapee1:32 PM

    10:48 AM: Anon sources can't definitively cause real change.

    So Nixon's impeachment wasn't real change? Numerous members of his staff being sentenced to prison didn't cause real change?

    Please read "All the President's Men." Edumacate yourself about exactly what anonymous sources can do.

  47. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Ghandi 10:48am said...

    "I wouldn't screw that with Ann Coulter's dick!"

  48. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Sarah, you'd look mighty white in an orange jail jumpsuit but just think of all the free sex you'd have at the jail.

    It could happen, just sayin!

  49. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Has anyone seen limp, impotent Todd? He is such a pussy.

  50. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I foresee Granny LuLu's next career move as Dancing with the Stars!

  51. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I wouldn't sleep with any Palin, but I'd sleep with Glen Rice. But only with a condom--I mean, he slept with Sarah Palin!

  52. Anonymous2:28 PM

    The Republican National Committee has no rules about how many primaries or caucuses candidates are obligated to compete in; they just have to win enough delegates to capture the nomination at the fall convention.

    Though the primary calendar is still in flux, perhaps the best guide for Palin's drop-dead date to jump into the race was provided by columnist Jim Geraghty of the conservative National Review.

    Since the winner of the South Carolina primary has always gone on to win the GOP nomination, Geraghty has written, Palin has to get in by Nov. 1, the filing deadline for the Palmetto State contest.

    That means Palin has a good six weeks to continue to tease about her intentions.

  53. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I hate to bring this up again. For one, I know people are sick of it and for two, I get accused of trolletry. But this has always driven me crazy and today I saw something which made me even less sure it's a non issue.

    So, no fruit throwing please.

    The green sweater pics. When were they taken? Did ADN say 2006 just to cover for Sarah?

    I was looking thru an image archive today and saw a series of photos. These were on gettyimages and ALL of the sequentially numbered images on that site are part of sets. I emailed to ask.

    But then you have these 3 of Sarah/family. The photo ID numbers are sequential and yet 2 say 2006 but the one we're less familiar with says 2007. Furthermore, I looked up photos from the event in 2007 at the native health center, and there are multiple photos documenting the natives giving Sarah gifts, including a bracelet which to ME looks like the one she is wearing in the "2006" photos.

    I don't think her hair and glasses could look THAT identical, not to mention her clothes..

    Is it just me? Am I chasing smoke here? Were these photos ever TRULY truly authenticated or was the date "confirmed" by saying well ADN says it's 2006 so we can put that to bed.

    I would really like to know once and for all. I think Bristol is pregnant here no matter what. But which pregnancy is the key. In fact the more people and photos I see (which reflect a 2-3 month pregnancy) I am certain Bristol was pregnant in this green sweater pic.

    If I am wrong about all this I apologize in advance. But really who can look at that series of 3 images on and not think something is up? If the photos were from different years and different events what are the odds that she would be wearing the same vest AND that the pictures would show up next to each other?
    Also, other photos are grouped by year, then photographer. So these should not be next to each other. Unless someone went in (say the photog) and changed 2007 to 2006 AFTER the photos had already been sequentially numbered.

  54. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Anyone know if $arah/Quitter/Liar/Loser is still going to make a big speech on 'world economics' in So.Korea??


  55. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Should be interesting tonight.

    Daily Show

    I bet she's been 'burning' the wires to book herself for Hannity or maybe Greta tonight.

  56. Anonymous2:47 PM

    FROM POLITICUSA.COM article: "A note to Walker aids, Sarah Palin’s previous government employees, and all government employees: Just because they didn’t arrest you when you wrote that fake letter to the editor on the taxpayer dime or spent your time online using government equipment leaving propaganda on websites doesn’t mean they won’t later. It is against the law, and employees of unethical politicians stand to have their careers and lives derailed if discovered. It can happen, it does happen, and it’s happening now in Wisconsin."

  57. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Joy Behar: Republican Women Are 'Hos' (VIDEO)

  58. Crystal Sage2:50 PM

    Groupies of Glen Rice claim he has an 11 inch dick that is "as thick as a can of Red Bull." Is that why it's Sarah's beverage of choice?

  59. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Charles Barkley has a crush on Sarah Palin

  60. Anonymous2:57 PM

    "Writers will always grift off celebs and well known figures."
    You can always tell $carah fans. Their ignorance of what it takes to be literate always shows through in their dismissal of demanding intellectual work and the fawning at the poseur propaganda that $carah engages in.

  61. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Here grisly, grisly, grisly . . .

    Don't RETREAT!@$


  62. Anonymous3:06 PM

    LOL! It's the lead story on The Insider right now!!!! See ya Sarah...tick tock....

    I figured it was about over when a hard core republican neighbor who voted for ya in 2008 told me the other night that you're a joke now that you quit the office the people elected you to.

    See, you needed people like my neighbor to remain relevant but you knew they were starting to figure you out so you pander to your hard core mouth breathers like my teaturd brother who slaps his monkey to your RNC photos.

    But then this is the same guy who threatens to take an automatic weapon into his job if they should ever try to fire him...sounds exactly like what you inspire in most people.

  63. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Well, I read where one of Sarah's idiot followers is running an ad to send money for a defense fund for Todd to Sarahpac so Todd can whup Joe;s ass. These idiot people who like palin are crazy and promoting violence.

  64. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Q: Why did Sarah send Todd out so that Todd can say the book is a bunch of lies?

    A: Because Sarah does not want to be on record saying the book is a bunch of lies because it can be proven true. She does not want to go there.

    Pretty simple Sarah, since facebook and tweeting is your media of choice, don't send Todd out there to do the job of a momma grizzly, just start typing and deny the sex with Glen Rice allegation and deny the cocaine and each allegation separately on facebook.

    Let your followers and the American people hear from you that you do not use cocaine or have one night stands.

    Why so quiet?

  65. Anonymous3:18 PM

    These lastest developments should provide some good PR for Bristle's (pun intended) new flub w/ the TWO brothas.

    Hey Sayrah . . . great job "training 'em up in the way that they should go."

  66. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I just wanted to say that I am glad that Whoopi spoke of the extreme difficulty of suing someone for defamation or lies or whatever. ESPECIALLY if it's a "this person said this" or a he said/she said.

    While I personally know there are anon sources out there rewriting Sarah's childhood and teen years, is it really worth the strife and effort to sue? We're talking YEARS upon YEARS. Sarah's cheap. Aside from donating to charities in Wasilla and elsewhere (which I know she does since I know the proprietors of the charities), she doesn't let go of money easily. I Laugh when Gryphen says she pays hush money.

    Books come and go. Writers will always grift off celebs and well known figures. What can you do? People in public life know how it is. If they were scared, they would go home.

    1:28 PM

    Sarah does not want to sue?

    How about Sarah going on record herself to deny she uses cocaine or does one night stands?

    Very simple, just use facebook like she does to bad mouth the Obamas and everybody else she hates.

    Sarah you've sent Todd out there, but how come you do not want to go on record yourself?

    There is a reason for you hiding and staying silent about it.

    When people accused you of not knowing the history of Paul Revere, you stuck your chin and chest out there and professed that you know your history. You told it on FOX and everybody else who would listen to you.

    But not now.... you are very quiet.

    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      She is finished because she slept with a black man. Just think a fling in her sisters dorm room with Gleen Rice-I'm sure the rebulicans will love that. In the end she is just a typical Republican hyprocrite fraud who doesn't practice what she preaches. Thank God this book was written to expose this phoney

  67. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Screw her, no way. Maybe a bj, that way I wouldn't have to hear her voice.

    12:28 PM

    one word - HERPES

    no cure....

  68. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Crystal Sage said...
    Groupies of Glen Rice claim he has an 11 inch dick that is "as thick as a can of Red Bull." Is that why it's Sarah's beverage of choice?

    2:50 PM

    LOL, I want some of that, I'm going to Compton tonight.
    -Bristol Palin

  69. Olivia3:46 PM

    "Writers will always grift off celebs and well known figures."

    Isn't it just precious that the bots and fairy tale trolls are learning to use new words and phrases by copying the words and phrases we have been using to describe Sarah for so long? Someday they might learn to spell and punctuate also, too, as well.

  70. Anonymous3:47 PM

    How come people say Sarah Palin hates Asians?

    It is all over the internet that Sarah loves to eat and swallow Rice.

  71. Anonymous3:50 PM

    So what's the official title?


  72. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Bristol, Willow, Piper, Brita, and Todd....

    by her actions, Sarah says it is okay to do the deed with African American men... time to party in Wasilla!

  73. To Anonymous @2:29 PM:

    I've always suspected that Bristol was pregnant in the green sweater picture, but your information about the bracelet is very interesting news to me. I think you're on to something there.

    Gryphen, what do you think?

  74. Anonymous6:18 PM

    A full 36 hours after yesterday's bombshell about Palin putting lipstick on a Wolverine *-
    the bots in Sea of Pee are in total denial.
    One posted she " dated " a black man,
    what's the big deal ?
    The hysterical response -
    " She DID NOT "sleep with a black guy."
    Please stop with this line of reason! "

    * When Palin wrapped her lips around Rice,
    he was playing for the University of Michigan-
    the Wolverines.
    Guess we know what Palin's " jobs " bill would entail.

  75. Isn't really a swinging dick?

  76. Anonymous12:41 AM


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.