Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Joe McGinniss and "The Rogue" get the Doonesbury treatment. Update.

I am a little intrigued with where this story line might go, in light of what happened with Joe and the authors of "Blind Allegiance." However Joe has been urging people to read Doonesbury, so he must have faith it will not show him in an unfavorable light.

By the way let me just say that I used to be a HUGE fan of Doonesbury!  And I mean HUGE!

I got hooked on them after I bought a bunch of the pocketbooks to read on the plane on my way to college. By the time the plane landed in Hawaii, I was hooked!

Hell I even named my cat "Doonesbury." And as much as I usually shun publicity it would absolutely make my decade if I showed up in one of the strips, unlikely as that may be.

Speaking of showing up in one of the strips, check out Trudeau's evisceration of Palin in this one from Sunday.

And since I brought up the authors of Blind Allegiance, I guess I should probably report that there is still some chance that they are planning to sue McGinniss over the leaked manuscript:

One of the three co-authors of a Sarah Palin tell-all said he's weighing his options -- including whether to sue -- over the unauthorized leak of the book's manuscript. 

Ken Morris said he spent tens of thousands of dollars on attorneys to try to fight the leak -- more than he made from "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin: A Memoir of Our Tumultuous Years." The tell-all by former Palin aide Frank Bailey was also written with blogger Jeanne Devon. The book was eventually published in May though Morris and Devon have said they struggled to find a publisher. 

Rival author Joe McGinniss was accused of helping leak the manuscript in February. McGinniss, a best-selling author, made headlines last year when he moved next door to Palin in Wasilla, Alaska, as he researched his own book, which is due out later this month. 

McGinniss' attorney Dennis Holahan has acknowledged McGinniss sent a copy to media outlets and others in Alaska but said he told them not to reproduce any of it without the authors' permission. A message left for Holahan wasn't immediately returned Friday. 

Bailey's book was published in May though Morris and Devon have said they struggled to find a publisher. Morris said in an interview that he believes tens of thousands of copies of the draft manuscript were downloaded after the leak and said the manuscript became "one of the most Googled stories" in the world. He said he hired attorneys and cease-and-desist orders went to publications and file-share sites.

I know that many of you feel very frustrated at how all of this played out, and yes there is reason to be especially pissed off at certain parties, but I would still discourage any of you from cancelling your pre-orders of "The Rogue."

Joe CAN be a curmudgeonly pain in the ass, but he is ALSO a very fine author, and his book may be perhaps the best, and most damaging, one written about the Grizzled Mama.

Update: It looks like Andrew Sullivan agrees with me about Joe's book.

But having now read Joe McGinniss's "The Rogue," I can safely say that reality is about to re-attach to her. Finally! Some actual, reported, unafraid journalism on this farce of a candidate. Pre-order it now.


  1. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Hmm, idk. I think Joe may be the only mature, level-headed Palin reporter there is. He rightly refuses to substantiate unsubstantiated claims and has no problems calling out the immature ones.

  2. Anonymous11:38 AM

    There was NO non-disclosure agreement! Believe me, I empathize with the co-authors of Blind Allegiance, but they made a very foolish foolish amateur mistake. One any of us might likewise have made without adequate counsel, but we'd merely have to learn from that one bad mistake. I have to wonder if that would not cost them in any legal actions, as well. Joe may be an asshole-- or his role in the leak may be far more benign-- but the fact is they stabbed themselves in the foot.

    I will definitely be reading McGinniss' book. Whether Trudeau ends up skewering him or not in Doonesbury, it is all "good" from the standpoint of building anticipation. He'll be fine. But, I do wish the anti-Palin factions could chill with the circular firing squad tactics.

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I know you like him but the more I read his blog and the more I read about him - the less I like him. I may read "The Rogue" but from the library. I vote with my pocketbook and cannot support anyone who acts like such a creep.

  4. I'll be watching to see how this plays out, and visiting IM several days a day to get your insights.

    Speaking of insight and Joe, anyone who hasn't read "The Journalist and the Murderer" by Janet Malcolm should do so if they are interested in the complex ethical issues journalists face, and how Joe dealt with those issues in the Jeffrey MacDonald case.

    I'm even more excited at the notion of Joe giving TV interviews than I am about reading the book, although I have placed a hold on it at my local library. Even people who adore Palin and people who don't read (and there's lots of overlapping there) will catch some of Joe's TV interviews. He's just as articulate verbally as he is in writing.

    Plus I put a lot of stock in Andrew Sullivan's high opinion of The Rogue. Bad news for Palin. I so look forward to the day when she will have no platform from which to belittle President Obama.

  5. True Blue Girl11:44 AM

    Many of us know at least as much as Joe, or enough anyway to inform our opinions. His book is targeted to a general market, those who are unfamiliar with Palin's lies and overall fraud. I hope those folks buy and read the book; I refuse to give him one dollar of my money to reward his despicable behavior. Not gonna happen. He can go harmonize on kumbaya with Roger Ailes. And I would be surprised if Gary Trudeau gives Joe a free pass.

  6. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I think Frank Bailey may be the only mature one in the entire blogging/writing world. Joe comes second. Yes Frank committed wrongs for whatever reasons, yes he continued to support someone whom he now regrets supporting (supposedly).

    But - how often do you bloggers retract YOUR lies and hateful bias? How often do YOU tell truth without a whole lot of blatant lies thrown in?

    My God, you STILL perpetuate the dwts pregnancy lies AND you expect the Palins to NOT lash out at a book signing YOU attend? If that were me, I would have gladly gone to jail by slapping the shit out of you.

  7. Anonymous11:48 AM

    While I myself never posted anything on McGuiniss' site that would provoke him to admonish me, I see that he has done this to others. I assume the book will be well written, but must say I don't approve of his double standard towards the comments left.

    He insinuated that Palin is ashamed of her new grandchild and then berated others for posting outlandish gossip. He then stops all comments on his blog.

    I see him as using his blog readers and then turning on them when someone called him out on his pettiness.

    I hope the book does turn out to be insightful as to SP's offenses, but at this time, I will not purchase it. There is a fine line between writing about someone's faults and then throwing your own readers under the bus.

  8. Joe McGinniss blew it when he attacked his supporters. I don't mind being attacked, but being accused of things that he had no evidence for was out of line. The problem is not his writing ability it is his unethical-ness which is not a new development.

  9. Enjay in E MT11:56 AM

    I didn't cancel my book, actually ordered a second one for the local library, only fair since I donated a copy of Blind Allegiance.

    Dunn, Frank & am sure Joe's book each deal with different aspect of $arahPalin, her actions in Alaska, campaign trail, pre-governor, etc. I disagree with Joe forwarding the manuscript - as a writer he knows better!

  10. Pre-ordered mine months ago. Read Blind Allegiance and The Lies of Sarah Palin and can't wait for The Rogue to land in my mailbox.

  11. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I have mixed emotions about this issue. And, I am one that has not cancelled my order for Joe's book. I look forward to reading it! Joe is an outstanding investigative author - a determination made by me because I've read some of his previous books.

    I bought and read "Blind Allegiance" as well as the "Lies of Sarah Palin". The latter was better written. I have also ordered, and will read, Levi's book.

    We need to remember that bringing down Sarah Palin is what should be our focus...not a fight between authors.

  12. Anonymous12:06 PM

    OT and chuckle of the day from C4P:

    "Yes, and Happy Birthday to Todd Palin. A shout out to the man that picked this woman out of all the world, and being a role model for husbands and fathers everywhere."

  13. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Just for the record, I came to dislike Joe McG just from reading his posts and his responses to comments. He showed himself to be a sneering, insufferable ass. No surprise that he has long history of unprofessional, unethical and amoral behavior. That said, I hope his book is widely read. But I removed it from my pre-order list a long time ago.

  14. Anonymous12:10 PM

    11:38 - Sorry, but no cigar.
    Intellectual property (any of the arts) is considered copyrighted at the moment of completion. The authors were indeed protected.

    Anyone with any kind of publishing experience would know this. It was foolish of Joe to take it upon himself to distribute the book without consulting the authors and/or their agent first.

    A confidentiality agreement is nice, but not needed to protect their copyright.

    For example, anything Gryphen (Jesse) writes is automatically his property and if you quote long passages of his work without attribution, you are liable for damages, if he wanted to pursue action.

    Personally, I hope Ken teaches Joe a lesson he obviously is in sore need of learning.

  15. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Ha, 11:36 (or, as I like to call you, "idk"), you're not going to like what Joe has to say about Palin, dipshit.

  16. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Gryphen, that you're willing to support him after the nasty things he said about you speaks volumes for the kind of person you are. I'm impressed.

    But I'm still not buying his book, unless I get it used so that he doesn't get a penny out of the sale. Joe is like Sarah--a lying, cheating, unscrupulous user. I hope AKM and Co. sue and win, but assholes like Joe and Sarah always seem to land on their feet. It's enough to make one believe the whole sell-your-soul-to-the-devil tale.

    And to Anon at 11:38, I assume you're trying to say there was no confidentiality agreement sent with the manuscript? In point of fact, there never is--unless you're dealing with an amateur. If Joe gets sued, I suspect Random House will be sued, too, since their editor is the one who sent the manuscript to Joe. And unlike you, I know what I'm talking about; I'm a multi-published author.

  17. I'm amused at all the people who are aghast, AGHAST, at the fact that Joe is an ass! OMG!

    People...how many successful published authors have you known? As someone who married two of 'em, I can assure you, being an ass is frequently part of the package.

    Judge the writing, not the writer.

  18. Anonymous12:17 PM

    While I'm waiting on purchasing Joe's book, just until I find out if there is any new information of interest contained within, I must say that he was well within his rights to call out the "badly behaved" commenters on his blog. I was absolutely astounded at the rudeness displayed toward him. I consider Joe Mc to be a person of esteem and a person with great accomplishments and credentials; in short, a person to be respected.

    Treating a person with respect is a not the same as refusing to disagree with him. Disagree all you want, but in a mature and respectful manner. Things just go really out of hand on his blog. The commenters that attacked Joe did no favors for the cause of keeping Palin from public office, in fact, those few made everyone look bad, including Joe Mc. My parents followed his blog and they were astounded at the behaviour there; my father, who is engaged in all things political, told me during our last phone call that some of these "anti-Palin nuts" are just as crazy as the Tea Partiers. And yes, Dad, they are. Hopefully we are not all painted by the "crazy brush" and some of us are still taken seriously when we tell others how unsuited for public office Palin is.

    But, it's all over now, water under the bridge. I wish Joe the best with his book; I believe his main purpose in publishing this is to touch, not us, the people that visit these blogs, but the people that don't and need to be enlightened. I hope he is able to accomplish that.

  19. Anonymous12:18 PM

    O/T but it looks like some of the media is finally beginning to question the size of suspicious looking baby bumps. (At least in Beyonce's case).


  20. Anonymous said...
    Hmm, idk. I think Joe may be the only mature, level-headed Palin reporter there is. He rightly refuses to substantiate unsubstantiated claims and has no problems calling out the immature ones.
    11:36 AM
    Good old "idk." Heartened by the inter-blog divisions and the sometimes negative opinions of Joe recently expressed here and elsewhere, "idk" apparently believes that Joe's book will present a positive spin on Palin.

    I am pretty sure that "idk" is in for a surprise. You may want to check out Andrew Sullivan's recent remarks regarding the book, dear.

  21. Anonymous12:23 PM

    It would be a mistake to characterize this as a fight between authors. We each make choices about where our individual line will be drawn. Behaviors by bloggers on another site were unacceptable and fell outside my particular line, and I did not follow them to their new site. Don't care what they have to say. Those folks were amateurs compared to the truly smarmy actions some of us have had such a strong reaction to. I don't care if Joe's a complete and total ass to commenters, but I do care that he took the action he did because it revealed a character issue. It's about HIM, not a fight between two authors. I can choose not to support or reward him. Sometimes that's all we can do.

  22. Doesn't bother me. I'll get the book from my local library to read. I very rarely buy books any more. (Trying to keep an eye on finances.)

    I get the sense that many people who are famous are a bit of a pain in the tushie. And I'm okay with that. If their writing/acting/art is something I enjoy, I'll still read/watch/look at it.

    One thing I've been thinking about. Joe did say the closing of the comments was temporary. He wasn't going to have time to moderate them while he was out promoting the book. Once this was done he'd open the comments back up. I'm not sure why this upsets people. My local paper is closing down all commenting on articles while they upgrade their software and those that comment are almost through the roof with anger over this temporary situation. I'm still scratching my head on that one...

  23. OverMountainMan12:30 PM

    I found Joe through this very site and read his blog whenever he updated it, However over the past two weeks I found an arrogance in his words that just turned me off, So I decided to risk asking him about it only to find out that he'd turned his comments section off, I know he said he was going to after the Rouge came out and I know why he made that decision, But to do it early just broke it with me, So Joe I'm not reading your blog anymore ( yeah heartbreaking I know ) But I'm still getting his book

  24. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I was ecstatic when I learned Joe McGinniss was going to do a book on swwnbn. With his background in politics, true crime and the book about Alaska, I could not envision a more perfect author. I will be reading "The Rogue" and I hope it is one of his masterworks.

    I just hate that there is a acrimony between two camps that should be friends, not foes. I do not think Joe had any intention of trying to sabotage another author - Geoffrey Dunn has had no problem with him, right?

    I think that once the early copy of "Blind Allegiance" was out there, so many people begged a copy, it just was leaked everywhere.

    I am buying two copies, one for me and one for the local library.

  25. Anonymous12:34 PM

    is $carah just a little retarded or a lot retarded ?

  26. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Joe's blog marketing adventure seems to have misfired. Sometimes authors should leave their readers ignorant of their charms and foibles.

  27. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I don't really care if Joe McG is an ass. He's not my friend. I most likely will never have any personal contact with him. Many actors are asses. I make it a point to never read or watch any interviews of them. I don't care what their personal lives are. I don't care what their political views are. I do care if they make good movies. period. same goes for Joe McG. I only care if he writes a tell all book about Palin. I have to agree that some of the regulars that comment on the various Palin blogs make me uncomfortable with what they say, so I quit reading their comments. It's an easy solution.

  28. Anonymous12:43 PM

    11:36AM Hi Bristol! So you think Joe is a "Palin reporter"? ROFL. That's quite sad. Is that what your mom calls him? Only a palin would think the whole world revolves around them.

    PS- Has your mom gotten to a doctor yet? She looks awfully ill. Very unhealthy.

    PPS- Where's Trig?

  29. Anonymous12:48 PM

    11:44AM Hi Bristol again! How's that DWTS baby thingy workin' out for ya? ;-)
    When are you going to reveal him to the world?

    PS- Where's Trig?

  30. Jude said...
    I'll be watching to see how this plays out, and visiting IM several days a day to get your insights.

    Speaking of insight and Joe, anyone who hasn't read "The Journalist and the Murderer" by Janet Malcolm should do so if they are interested in the complex ethical issues journalists face, and how Joe dealt with those issues in the Jeffrey MacDonald case.

    I'm even more excited at the notion of Joe giving TV interviews than I am about reading the book, although I have placed a hold on it at my local library. Even people who adore Palin and people who don't read (and there's lots of overlapping there) will catch some of Joe's TV interviews. He's just as articulate verbally as he is in writing.

    Plus I put a lot of stock in Andrew Sullivan's high opinion of The Rogue. Bad news for Palin. I so look forward to the day when she will have no platform from which to belittle President Obama.

    11:42 AM
    I too am looking forward to reading The Rogue.

    I read Malcolm's book after reading McGinniss' book. Then several years later I re-read the McGinniss book with the added epilogue (regarding the Malcolm book). I must say, I think the whole truth is somewhere between the two, but overall, I found McGinniss' version more credible. I certainly would not suggest to anyone that they read only one of these accounts. I think reading both is more useful.

    As for his blog, he made it clear all along that he started it at the behest of his publisher as part of the marketing plan for the book. I did find some of his later stances inconsistent at best, and certainly cranky and I think, unreasonable at times.

    I also don't know how tired he is with the end in sight of this interminable project (one he never planned to get caught up in) about such a very repellent subject, but with a very active tour planned by the publisher.

    I think everyone is getting tired, not just tired of Palin.

  31. Anonymous12:53 PM

    11:44--"My God, you STILL perpetuate the dwts pregnancy lies AND you expect the Palins to NOT lash out at a book signing YOU attend? If that were me, I would have gladly gone to jail by slapping the shit out of you."

    That's about what I'd like to do every time Palin and her maxi-me daughter perpetuate lies about the POTUS, Levi, themselves, McGinniss, jesus the list is so long. As long as Palin shovels the shit, it will be shoveled back in spades!

  32. Anonymous1:02 PM

    12:17--"The commenters that attacked Joe did no favors for the cause of keeping Palin from public office, in fact, those few made everyone look bad, including Joe Mc. My parents followed his blog and they were astounded at the behaviour there; my father, who is engaged in all things political, told me during our last phone call that some of these "anti-Palin nuts" are just as crazy as the Tea Partiers."

    There was no 'attacking' of Joe on his blog. None. I went everyday. Never did I read any rude comments to him. Quite the opposite--sucking up to him was the rule. Only when he turned into a sneerer did people begin to defend themselves, and even then it wasn't rude, it was defensive. And f.u. if you want to see us as same as Tea Partiers. I advise you and your dad not to visit sites that rankle you.

  33. Joe M was going to shut off comments as of Sept 1st no matter what was going on at the time. His book was coming out in September and, as he stated on his blog at the time, there's a lot of work to get done before the 20th. As for his comments about the comments.....I had wholeheartedly agreed with him. The trouble started, imo, when he blogged about the father/son stalker team getting arrested last month. I couldn't believe some of the comments he allowed to get through and can just imagine what he refused to post. While I believe the Paylins are a bunch of grifting morans, I don't believe anyone deserves the kind of messages and phone calls that were allegedly made to the Paylins and their lawyers. How much she and her family had to do with what happened with the Christies remains to be seen and I will try to keep an open mind until the trial. Though I am not a big believer in coincidences and these incidents seem to become newsworthy when SP needs some of that good old fashioned victim action. That being said, the hateful comments, some saying they deserved anything they get and others wishing them actual harm, were way out of line and I do not blame Joe M for trying to stop them. Do I agree with everything he blogs about - no. Just like I don't always agree with Jesse, AKM, Shannon, Phil, etc. I do however, try to live by Dalton's Rules (roadhouse - great movie). BE NICE

    Dalton: All you have to do is follow three simple rules.
    One, never underestimate your opponent. Expect the unexpected.

    Two, take it outside. Never start anything inside the bar unless it's absolutely necessary.

    And three, be nice. »

    Dalton: I want you to be nice until it's time to not be nice. »

    and that about sums up today's comments from the peanut gallery.

  34. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Trollspotting 101:
    -brings up Levi or Mercede in totally unrelated threads
    -does not understand how to use ' or " marks
    -likes to CAPITALIZE words excessively
    -"destroy her family"
    -"Sarah runs"
    -"happy, strong family"
    -"you can't deny"
    /"there's no denying"
    -"for the record"
    -"think back"
    -"attack a special needs infant"
    -"bristol is happy in LA"
    -horribly flawed logic
    -compares Sarah to President Obama as if they are on the same level

    That's just a start

  35. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Bristol, dear, you could solve the mystery of three of the rumored pregnancies by showing birth certificates for Tripp and Trig. The long-form ones, with the information about the number of pregnancies the mother has had. You know, the one your mother insisted that Obama release because there was something about the color of his skin that she didn't trust.

    That won't clear up the DWTS baby, who has probably been adopted, but it would at least show us something about your relationship between pregnancies and the truth.

    If you want to make some money at the same time, you could surely find a publication willing to pay you big bucks. That's the Palin way!

  36. WakeUpAmerica1:18 PM

    I cancelled my order. If there is anything of importance that we don't already know, it will make its way to the blogs.

  37. grammy971:19 PM

    @11:44 So you'd like to control any of Joe McGinniss' appearances by "slapping the shit out of you" bloggers. You Palins really love violence, don't you?

    "The Lord trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth." Psalm 11:5 You're exceptional people: the God who loves the world hates you.

  38. Anonymous1:19 PM

    OverMountainMan said...
    I found Joe through this very site and read his blog whenever he updated it, However over the past two weeks I found an arrogance in his words that just turned me off, So I decided to risk asking him about it only to find out that he'd turned his comments section off, I know he said he was going to after the Rouge came out and I know why he made that decision, But to do it early just broke it with me, So Joe I'm not reading your blog anymore ( yeah heartbreaking I know ) But I'm still getting his book

    12:30 PM


    Joe had told us in mid-August that his comments would be turned off on 9/1. In fact, because tensions became so high between commenters some said that he should cease comments early, but even with the infighting and those attacking him he kept the comments up thru 9/1, just as he said he would.

  39. FJ Dandy1:21 PM

    Anon: 11:44
    "If that were me, I would have gladly gone to jail by slapping the shit out of you."

    Threatening violence towards someone with whom you dislike/disagree, etc., will get you nowhere.
    In fact, hiding behind 'anonymous' is typical of bullies. Why don't you take your violent threats and go away.

  40. Anonymous1:25 PM

    For those of you that think Joe M shut down comments early here's the McGinniss link re: shutting down comments (excerpt after the link)


    "UPDATE: I am not closing this blog on September 1. I will continue to blog. But I am planning to shut down comments until after I’ve finished doing publicity for THE ROGUE, because I won’t have the time to administer the comment function and to reply to comments that I think warrant a response.

    I’ve deleted or chosen not to post less than one percent of the thousands of comments received here so far. But the time it takes to read them all and to reply to many is time I’m not going to have in September and October.

    To repeat: I am planning to temporarily close down the comment section. I am NOT shutting down the blog.

    And thank you to everyone who has responded to this post with expressions of good wishes."

  41. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I am looking forward to Joe's book. For one thing, I already know he is a fine writer. I know I won't be disappointed with "The Rogue".

    I remember when Bailey's/etal book came out. I couldn't wait to read it. It didn't take long before I was really disappointed in such an amateurish read. Very embarrassing piece of fluff as Bailey's love/lust current with his dream lover palin kept jerking him around. He loved every minute of it. He ignored and sacrificed his wife and children in favor of being near palin and carrying out her commands. Sig Heil!

  42. Anonymous1:28 PM

    11:44AM -

    Slap the shit of, eh? That's Palin and her ilk, all right. Not intellegent or mature enough for civil discourse so they physically lash out.

    Maybe Tripp will let you have one of his pacifiers to sit in a corner with. You might have to fight him for it.

  43. Virginia Voter1:36 PM

    Bottom line, unless Joe has fully vetted, certifiable proof that Sarah did not graduate from college, had a tubal lafter Piper was born, has a documented psychological or mental condition, or has DNA evidence that ANY of her kids are not biologically hers and Todd's together, I'm not buying the book.

    To date, nothing else has brought this bitch down. Anonymous sources won't cut it. I hope Joe has a blockbuster on his hands, but unless he uncovers something like I mentioned above, Sarah will remain the Teflon Don of the Tundra.

  44. Anonymous1:37 PM

    With Joe NcGinniss' track record, he'll be as "immature" in his response to his book's audience as he was to his blog audience.

    Can't see spending cash for a chance to have Joe ream me. There's a lot of books in this world. Joe eliminated himself from my reading list with his attitude. Good luck to him, though. His "journalism" might get him some dough until the real Palin dirt hits MSM.

  45. I'll be hosting Joe McGinniss at the firedoglake Book Salon on Sunday September 25th, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, AK time.

    Come join us. I'm looking forward to it.

  46. JayKen Knotstirred1:41 PM

    Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs birth certificate?

  47. Anonymous1:42 PM

    I got to dislike the man from his blog.

    I'll read his book eventually but don't expect anything new.

    Waiting for Mudflats to post about Palins affair.

  48. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Bristol Palin is the only dancer at DWTS who gained weight. Chaz Bono has been losing a pound a week so far. As for Bristol's appearance, I offer the following photos:



    Would Bristol lie? Was that jaw alignment or plastic surgery? I also believe that Bristol was managing a doctor's office with her questionable high school diploma, while taking care of a new born and going to school.

  49. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Joe who?

  50. Anonymous1:48 PM

    About Joe McGinniss: You really have to separate the work from the person. There are beautiful paintings that hang in museums which were painted by people with a nasty life style. You judge the work, not the personality behind the work.
    When you read the book (if you want to read the book), judge the writing style and question whether the statements are factual. All of this other stuff is the same thing as Sarah Palin's latest marathon (half of a half of a marthon) run. It's a distraction, and it has nothing to do with the substance of the work.

  51. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I've read Joe's books for years and I had planned to read this one. BUT, I've changed my mind. I simply cannot put aside how inappropriately Mudflats was treated with the leaked manuscript. It was wrong. I'm not gonna give him any of my money.

  52. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Gryphen, I totally agree with all you said about Joe McGinniss. I for one knew nothing of the "leaked ms" and bought Bailey's book, which I found to be fairly disappointing. Having read Joe's other works (some of them) it's hard to deny he's an intriguing, captivating writer. I'm not cancelling my order of his book despite all the brouhaha. This is not a good time for divisiveness in the anti-Palin camp.

  53. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Look, Joe may be a complete jerk, but that doesnt mean he cant write a good book.

    I am an avid reader of fiction and non fiction, and generally try to learn as little as possible about my favorite authors. Because it can sometimes ruin the story if I know the author who writes exciting suspense is actually a dweeb, or a member of the religious right.. I just don't want to know..

    So Joe is a jerk, I have read his books, and he is a talented jerk. People are rarely complete saints or sinners..

    I read Baileys book, I read Dunns book, and I will likely read McGinnises book..

  54. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Joe's blog reminds me of Sarah's facebook -- they've both been cleaned and sanitized -- having the appearance of only the good, supportive and those that agree with me need apply.

  55. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Philip Munger said...
    I'll be hosting Joe McGinniss at the firedoglake Book Salon on Sunday September 25th, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, AK time.

    Come join us. I'm looking forward to it.

    1:39 PM
    Will Phil be selecting comments to showcase his disdain on his blog?

    Thanks for the cheery invite to those you characterize as "dysfunctional" commenters. Best laugh I've had all day.

  56. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Phil Munger, you have brass balls to post on this site asking readers to come to yours...after you trashed Gryphen and his posters yesterday.

    And that's not a compliment.

  57. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Joe and Sarah have a lot in common, both are arrogant as hell, both think their shit doesn't stink and both are best buds with Roger Ailes.

    I am not sure that Joe knows anything more about Palin than Gryphen or the Mudflats. We shall see!

  58. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Phil Munger, you have brass balls to post on this site asking readers to come to yours...after you trashed Gryphen and his posters yesterday.

    And that's not a compliment.

  59. Anonymous2:35 PM

    11:44am says "If that were me, I would have gladly gone to jail by slapping the shit out of you."
    You mean kinda like how Trig slapped the shit out of Sarah?

  60. No "in-fighting" is going to sensor what I decide to read. I have been anxiously awaiting Joe's book. I really don't give a rat's ass about the other stuff. I really don't. I enjoy reading Mudflats...and if they feel they have to sue, well, go for it. Whatever. Next time they write a book, I hope they get their ducks in a row. Don't trust ANYONE. What's that ol' saying? "Screw me once? Shame on YOU! Screw me TWICE? Shame on ME." If I sat down and decided NOT TO READ all the books I own, could own, or have access to just because the author may be an asshole....well, I would be reading Dr. Suess 24/7. Personally I feel Ken & Jeanne should have never struck a deal to write with whats-his-face. They couldn't get the truth out anyway in the end. Why did they partner with him? Live and learn I guess. It sucks, yes, but move on.

  61. Anonymous2:46 PM

    it comes down to this -- bailey's book was NOT good -- does he even understand who it is that was going to be buying his book? People like US, that wanted the real inside scoop. I'm sorry Frank & Jeanne but you provided NOTHING to us that wasn't really already known and/or didn't come out in the emails recently.

    They may have given a few hints, which only myself and a handful of people would know mean anything, but overall it was a very disorganized book that seemed to want to focus mostly on wooten and some of the crazy things sarah did or said...

    shrug -- jeanne/frank you know you have more info to dish out, so please do so!

  62. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Well, I see the not so great Phil Munger has just busted through the door here. Hey Phil, how's it feel to be truly an ASS?

  63. Anonymous2:48 PM

    To all of you who were troubled by the "ugly" comments on Joe's blog: odd, because I saw people respectfully disagreeing with his post on the stalking family, and then Joe coming the ugly against not only those commenters who'd dared to disagree with His Highness, but also going on to trash anyone and everyone except the usual gang of suck ups who posted there ten times a day and like to think they're best buds with the big famous author, all the while he is laughing at them and calling them obsessive idiots.

    Joe shut down his comments on September 1 because that was the release date of the article in Truthout that revealed just what a piece of work he was. Yes, there will be a media circus when Joe's book is released, but there was no reason to shut down the comments 3 weeks ahead of time--except for the Truthout article, which he knew was coming because they'd been in contact with his lawyers and publishers.

    And for the record, I never commented on his blog and only went to read it when I heard about the dustup, so I was not personally involved. But I was personally disgusted by his exhibition of sneering arrogance. And please don't try to excuse it by saying he's an author not a blogger; lots of authors blog. And if he's so old he doesn't understand how the Internet works (another common defense I see) then he really shouldn't be writing contemporary nonfiction.

  64. Why should we separate the creator from the creation? Are they unrelated?

  65. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I cancelled my pre-order of Joe's book, but what I plan on doing is order Levi's and Joe's book on 9/21 from Amazon at the same time, so it qualifies for free shipping. I'm really busy and won't have time to read them right away, so I can be patient... Thinking about getting Floyd's book too.

  66. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Sorry, won't be purchasing his book, what he did to Bailey and Morris was unforgivable.

  67. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Why isn't "Bitter Ken Morris" suing the STUPID agent who leaked the manuscript. How strange he isn't going after the source of the leak. It wasn't Joe. How did he get it???

  68. Anonymous3:26 PM

    11:39 boo hoo hoo. Who cares! Do you have to like every author you read? How childish!!

  69. Anonymous3:30 PM

    True Blue Girl, grow up!! You are on such a high horse. I'm sure EVERY one of your associations is as pure as snow. You come across like a child really. How judgmental and narrow minded are you!!! Please don't call yourself true blue if you don't really follow Democratic values of tolerance and respect for different point of views!

  70. Anonymous3:31 PM

    A couple of links to click and read if you care to have a more complete idea of Joe McGinniss re: Jeffery MacDonald
    and re: Jeanne Devon/BA manuscript leak:

    There are crimes committed in cold pre-calculation and then there are crimes of passion.
    The law recognizes the difference between, for example, premeditated, cold-blooded murder of a wife by her husband for insurance money and a murder committed by a husband of his wife when he caught her in bed with another man.
    While both things are wrong, they are not the same.
    Did Jeanne & Co. deserve their manuscript to be leaked? Maybe not. But did Joe leak it in "cold blood"? No, the evidence strongly indicates he "committed a crime of passion" when he discovered Jeanne's months-long betrayal of his trust and his friendship.
    And for those who say "but she HAD to sign a non-disclosure contract!!!" No, she did not HAVE to do that. Was a gun being held to her head? She CHOSE to do that. She could have insisted that that she at least be able to tell Joe, having already at that point become a friend of Joe's and having alot of inside info about his book. OR, she could have just said "no" to becoming a co-author of BA. Or she could have, at the very least, stopped her priveleged conversations with Joe about his book, etc. But she CHOSE to betray him.
    He betrayed her in return, so it seems.
    How is one person worse than the other in this? I don't see it.

  71. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Celia, please! Much of what you write on your own blog is exactly what you are accusing Joe of! How sad for you that you are incapable of HEARING why he was frustrated with your posts. It might have helped you.

  72. @VirginiaVoter

    You nailed it for me --

    "unless Joe has fully vetted, certifiable proof that Sarah did not graduate from college, had a tubal lafter Piper was born, has a documented psychological or mental condition, or has DNA evidence that ANY of her kids are not biologically hers and Todd's together"

    This is no longer a world where a well-written, well-reasoned book means a goddam. I think Joe realized that on the blog and realized how much information had been floating out on the blogs that he wasn't aware of-- that's what made him so cranky. I'm betting he never researched the right stories.

    Yep. It sucks to be old. It sucks to realize that all your great education and writing ability and reputation and journalistic hubris aren't as lucrative as Bristol Palin's vagina.

    God, I hope I'm wrong. I hope he knocks it out of the park, but old guys with cigars and pot bellies who're still chuffing about their past successes-- well. . .just ask King Lear.

  73. Anonymous3:52 PM

    The non-disclosure was implied - and what J.M. wrote in e-mails to Mudflats is all the evidence I need - McGinniss uses people to his own advantage and then discards them. He may be an accomplished writer but he is no better than $Paylin in many respects. I will not be buying his book.

  74. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Anonymous 3:30PM said...
    True Blue Girl, grow up!! You are on such a high horse. I'm sure EVERY one of your associations is as pure as snow. You come across like a child really. How judgmental and narrow minded are you!!! Please don't call yourself true blue if you don't really follow Democratic values of tolerance and respect for different point of views!


    Wow. Issues?

  75. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Well, we have an excellent example of the kind of comment back-and-forth that makes these blogs so lively!

    First, we have this comment:

    True Blue Girl said...
    Many of us know at least as much as Joe, or enough anyway to inform our opinions. His book is targeted to a general market, those who are unfamiliar with Palin's lies and overall fraud. I hope those folks buy and read the book; I refuse to give him one dollar of my money to reward his despicable behavior. Not gonna happen. He can go harmonize on kumbaya with Roger Ailes. And I would be surprised if Gary Trudeau gives Joe a free pass.

    11:44 AM

    And then we have this anonymous reaction to it:

    Anonymous said...
    True Blue Girl, grow up!! You are on such a high horse. I'm sure EVERY one of your associations is as pure as snow. You come across like a child really. How judgmental and narrow minded are you!!! Please don't call yourself true blue if you don't really follow Democratic values of tolerance and respect for different point of views!

    3:30 PM

    If I had to screen these comments I think I might want to take a break too. Gryph, you have my respect for trudging onward through the fog!

  76. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Jeanne may have been good friends with Joe at one point but that certainly did not obligate her to spill the beans on every professional endeavor on her plate at that time, especially to a potential journalistic competitor.

    Having said that, I would wary of any 'friends' who would require me (at the risk of retribution) to disclose all details of my personal projects, of which some may depend on secrecy for success. Who knows what motivated him to disclose details of his upcoming book to Jeanne but that was his choice and he should not have been surprised when Jeanne did not reciprocate due to legal constraints.

  77. Will Phil be selecting comments to showcase his disdain on his blog?

    --- not my blog. I've hosted four other book salons at firedoglake: for authors Riki Ott (Not One Drop), James Carroll (Jerusalem, Jerusalem), Geoffrey Dunn (The Lies of Sarah Palin), and my favorite so far - Jeffrey Ben-Ami (J Street - A New Voice for Israel).

    I will have no control over the comments, nor will Mr. McGinniss.

    Phil Munger, you have brass balls to post on this site...

    Thanks. I do.

    As I wrote at my blog the other day, "Jesse has one of the most remarkable blogs in Alaska history, and some of his posts rank among the best in the country. I've learned from him."

    I stand by that. I also not only stand by what I wrote about some of the commenters here, but some of the comments at Jesse's post I criticized, and at his subsequent response to pressures similar to mine, only serve to prove my point.

  78. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Trudeau and McGinniss are acquainted.

    Devon compromised herself getting involved with Bailey and Morris. It's too bad. Geoffrey Dunn is right that "Blind Allegiance" is more cover-up for Troopergate. Let's hope they are all investigated.

  79. FrostyAK5:26 PM

    Interesting discussion.

    If a book has the potential to actually take down the Tundra Turd, then because people feel personally slighted by the author they won't buy the book. Go figure...

    Or because they see McG as unethical. When the hinted at lawsuit is finished between the Three Blind Allegiencers and McG in court we can make a judgement about what ALL went on with the leaked manuscript. Personally I think the leak HELPED promote the BA book, but am content to wait for the final judgement.

    I have read none of the books. I have lived the horror of $P locally. I have however read reviews of the books, both professional and amateur. On that I have formed my opinions.

    I am hoping that McG hits a home run with The Rogue, not because I want to put money in his pocket but because I want the final FALL of the Wicked Witch of Wasilla to happen this month.

  80. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Phill Munger says
    ...(snip) ...I stand by that. I also not only stand by what I wrote about some of the commenters here, but some of the comments at Jesse's post I criticized, and at his subsequent response to pressures similar to mine, only serve to prove my point.

    4:27 PM
    YES!!!! You are even more dysfunctional than the commenters you highlighted. Hope you get the crowd at firedoglake that you deserve. There must be tons of people just gasping for the chance to have you critique them. Enjoy.

  81. Anonymous6:17 PM

    The people they should be suing is their literary agent--she's the one that sent out 1) a whole manuscript (this is just not done, odd that she did it) and 2) no rules/didn't make NDAs

    Joe may not have done something that was very ethical, but it's actually all the agent's fault.

  82. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Why is anomys slamming True Blue Girl?

    Maybe anomys should take their own advice and quit slamming True Blue for voicing her opinion.

    I swear it seems as if Joe is the one posting as anomys and slamming people who won't kiss his ass!

    Everyone has a right to their opinion even if they do not favor kissing up to Joe, so lay off the nasty comments.

  83. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I have a big problem with Joe McG. Lost a lot of respect for him. I was never going to buy the book in the first place (unless for some reason it was too juicy not to--but probably not). But like other celebs who do obnoxious things, I got a bad taste from the way he attacked his readers--and supporters. He was extremely condescending, rude and mean. Very bad manners at the very least, but also very dumb and speaks to a giant ego.

    I felt the same way when I heard, for instance, that Sean Connery used to beat his wives, same with Jackson Browne who hit Darryl Hannah. Just avoided seeing or hearing their stuff. Same too with little tidbits I've heard about Naomi Campbell (well, her rudeness is well publicized) but also with Anne Hathaway. A photographer once told me how rude she was to them--a condescending diva apparently--and this was 10 years ago when she was barely famous, and I've never liked her since. Just gives me a bad taste in my mouth.

    And funny about Joe M. He seems to think he's a world famous writer. I had never heard of him until all this Palin business. Maybe I vaguely heard the title Fatal Vision but sure couldn't tell you anything about it. And, ha ha, I'm actually a journalist myself--not the same kind as him, but I'm certainly media savvy and have written for major magazine and newspapers --all that you've heard of (and no, I'm not Media Insider!)

    But my point is, how you treat people matters as much as your talent. And these people who behave badly, they may not care about the 'few' of us they turn off--he pretty much said he could give a sh** if certain of his readers didn't buy his book, but there may be more people that got turned off than he realizes--and THAT was un-clever marketing at the very least.

    I actually will be surprised if his book does well. We already know that most people aren't aware of SP and her dramas--and that's mostly because they don't actually care. Whenever I tell all my NYC friends any of these tales--all very media savvy--they halfway think i'm nuts and don't believe any of it. The only thing that gives them a little bit of hesitation in totally writing me off is that I'm extremely accomplished and have lots of degrees. So I"m not nuts. But still, they think I'm nuts! :)

    Those of us that follow her dramas had our curiosity, horror and interest piqued at some point and that drew us in. But the rest of the population? Not so much. So what's his book going to do that lots of free blogs and random controversial media stories about her hasn't already in getting people interested in reading about her? Maybe I'm wrong, but my gut says that his book will be like the others--a brief blip, but hardly a best seller.

    And, you know, to make a 'best seller' one doesn't have to sell many copies at all. All one has to do is sell a certain volume in the week of release. So for example, someone that sells 5000 books in the week of release would be considered a bestseller compared to someone who sells only 200 week of release, but 10,000 over the course of the year. So even if he makes the NYT Bestsellers list for a period--it does NOT necessarily mean big sales--or big money. It's going to take a LOT of books to make back whatever his advance was (and I would estimate it to be in the 200,000 range). He won't get a dime beyond his advance until that number of books have been sold.

    And the few hundred...or few thousand?...folks that he turned off with his rude behavior...well it might just come back to bite him in the a**

  84. Anonymous7:02 PM

    As one who won't be buying McGinniss book - in all fairness I was disappointed in Blind Allegiance.
    The timeline was all over the place, didn't flow well and it was _painful_ to read how Bailey was such a total sucker. Yes they exposed $carah for the sociopath she is but not nearly as aggressively as they could have. I love the way AKM writes otherwise, will always be a fan of hers but their collaboration was a chore to read.

  85. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Thank You, Gryphen, for FINALLY doing a post on this whole issue.
    This boil needed to be lanced a long time ago, but from the comments, I see a lot of festering still going on.
    I have his book on order, and am looking forward to reading it. I don't care what other people decide to do or not do.
    I've read a few of Joe's books in the past, and I came away with a great perspective of Alaska, and a look in the mind of MacDonald that was chilling. I recently got his son's book, and three chapters in, I already know I'm going to love it, even though his style is much different than his fathers.

    Books are one genre, and blogs are another, both have their place, and to echo what someone else already commented, I wish this cirular firing squad among blogs would stop.

    With one exception.

  86. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Anon at 6:17 and all you other idiots blaming AKM's agent for sending out the entire manuscript and saying, "That's not how it's done." How many books have you all sold? Didn't think so.

    Over the course of two decades I've sold more than twenty, and I can tell you that this is EXACTLY how it's done. Agents send full manuscripts to editors; that's how they sell the dang things! Joe's editor did a no-no by sending the manuscript on to Joe, and Joe did a big no-no by sending it on to everyone and his brother. And y'all can say it was the agent's fault until you're blue in the face, but it won't alter the fact that Joe's name is mud in the publishing industry these days because of what he did. We know it was wrong.

  87. Anonymous8:51 PM

    It doesn't really matter if there was a non-disclosure or not. Joe knows the game and should have acted professionally.

    Just because you can...doesn't mean you should.

  88. Anonymous11:30 PM

    6:37: Wonderful comment. It really cuts to the core of the matter, that McGinniss is a blip on the radar. Sure, his book will have a lot of fanfare and whatnot but that'll pass fast and won't be anything more than a dent on the Palin junkmobile. Joe's a little late to the party.. this book may have had relevance 2 and a half to 3 years ago but now it is basically irrelevant. Palin isn't going to be the Republican nominee, and likely never will be. She may still be a celebrity, but the interest in her (and related books about her) is fast waning. Coattail riders like McGinniss will only get marginal gain from the Grifter before moving on their next prospect.

    Before a year ago I had never heard of McGinniss and I hope he fades off into my psyche as quickly as he arrived.

  89. Anonymous4:11 AM

    anon@637p: Well said. I've published five books, not exactly best sellers but well regarded in their small niche market, and written for some magazines and big newspapers (you know...all of them...). And the person who described McG as a "prick" nailed it for me, and that isn't a word I use often. A comment I made on Laura's blog is that maybe he is the mysterious anon238. Maybe G can shoot the theory down, but while I was first certain that anon238 was a woman, later posts made me wonder...about timing...about gender, about arrogance...about the possibility that McG had gotten cozy with someone in insider circles to milk as a source...
    As for the hope that The Rogue will take Palin down once and for all: I'd say it's a day late and a dollar short, the polls all show she's marginalized to near-oblivion already, and the faithful blogging community, God love 'em, all show what a deranged nutcase she's become. The only two things I would like to see at this point are 1) the denouement to Babygate, and 2) Palin in an orange jumpsuit. If I were a betting girl, my money would be on G & the blogging community rather than McG to deliver on one of these. If I'm wrong I will eat crow. But not apologize: there is no excuse for treating people like dirt.

  90. Anonymous6:07 AM

    "I won't be reading McGinniss's book because he's an offensive crank."


    "I will buy Frank Bailey's lies and give him fame & fortune for his complicity in Troopergate and his continued lying for Sarah. And, I don't mind that AKM helped him with his lies."

    Such a moral dilemna...and in the end, what does it all matter? Palin will still make her billions. Frank will continue lying about Troopergate and AKM's reputation is tarnished. McGinniss will be least affected, he's weatherd lawsuits and all sorts of accusations before.

  91. Anonymous10:03 AM

    6:07: The only person involved in 'Blind Allegiance Gate' whos reputation has been tarnished is McGinniss due to the simple fact that he helped to distribute the unpublished manuscript without having the permission to do so.

  92. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I think ultimately what it comes down to is that we all need each other to succeed in order to take Palin down for the good of this country (and hopefully for her family, maybe she can finally get the help she needs.) McGuiness is a jerk, no doubt about it, but I believe he’s reacting b/c he feels under siege. We have the Mudflats posts, the Truthout article, comments on his blog, here, and elsewhere about him, and how can we forget “Me again” anonymous’ bombshells (that might end up being more informative than the inside info he got,) and then the post on Laura’s blog, “Judging Sarah Palin – A Journalist’s Dilemma.” http://www.lauranovakauthor.com/1/post/2011/09/judging-sarah-palin-a-journalists-dilemma.html

    Laura and Brad talk about why a respected reporter/writer would need proof beyond a reasonable doubt that she faked the birth rather than simply a preponderance of evidence. She says he won’t go there b/c it might cast doubt on his objectivity in regards to the “drier aspects of her career.” Then Laura says the following in regards to getting the word out about Babygate:

    LN: “But instead of holding up the MSM as all mighty and worthy, perhaps we need to establish new criteria. The bloggers are all doing great work with this in their own way. There are strengths in this community that simply don’t exist elsewhere. One might ask: who needs the MSM any longer? Who are they to us? What value do they hold for this particular story?”

    Joe is nothing if not "old media" and mainstream, as is his good buddy Roger. I’d put money that he read Laura & Brad’s post and reacted to it (and also to our belief on IM that Sarah is scared by “Me again.”) I was appalled at the way he treated his readers, but his denigration of bloggers and commenters was mind boggling. He may claim he’s done all the research himself, but we know he read the blogs and was in contact w/Gryphen, whether he used him as a source or not. He is making money on the backs of bloggers whom he denigrates! W/out the enormous amount of research done by ALL of the anti-Palin blogs (Audrey, Celtic Diva, Patrick and Kathleen, Syrin, Morgan, Bree, Blade, Floyd, Regina, Malia, Sullivan, now Laura and Brad, and many more) his work would have been *much* harder. I picture the researching/writing of this Palin book as if he's trying to climb through a 2nd story window. Joe stood on the shoulders of others to climb up, and as he pushed through the window he smiled and kicked over those people who helped him (rather than pull them up.)

    And I don’t even know what to say about his leaking the Bailey manuscript. He was angry he wasn’t told about it and felt it might hurt his book sales, so he leaked it. That’s what it comes down to. He may claim he is so big and important that little peons like Bailey or Palin bloggers or us readers don’t matter, but he obviously felt/feels challenged.

    What it boils down to however is that Joe may not be a nice human being, but he is a gifted writer. I still hope for the success of his book simply b/c it means Palin might FINALLY go away for good, and I don't want to ill-wish someone when their goals are good. But when he sabotages the work of another author to protect his own book that may help end Sarah, do the ends justify the means? I really liked the guy and his work, until he leaked the manuscript and “opened his mouth” and started writing on his blog. Joe's washing his hands of us as if we somehow "taint" him is remarkably similar to how Sarah throws people she's done with under the bus. He's been nothing but clear about his disdain for us, and what he did to Devon was very very wrong. His reply to her when she apologized and said her own mother died not knowing was CRUEL. I read his prologue re: Malcolm & MacDonald and believed his side of it. Now having seen what he is like I’m sure he whitewashed things, and I might plunk down the money for Malcolm’s book someday. Whew. I've wanted to get that off my chest for a while!

  93. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Part II of my senior thesis LOL:
    Thanks for giving us a place to vent Gryphen.

    The anti-Palin blog/writer/commenter infighting wears me out too. I wish Devon had risen above it, though I understand how hurt she must be. But she seems to be deliberately trying to "scoop" Joe to get back at him. Timing scoops & exposes (via Mudflats and Truthout) may feel cathartic but doesn't further our common goal of stopping Palin for good. We may not like Joe, and maybe Gryphen doesn’t like Patrick, and Munger doesn’t like Gryphen (and Joe doesn't like any of us LOL). Many of us might not like another blogger or poster. But we've got to get along for the common good. I agree w/another commenter who called it a circular firing squad. Anon told us (and I believe her) that Sarah celebrated the day Palingates and Politicalgates split. It was a sad day for all of us, and Gryphen's response really disappointed me. No way to put Namaste after that post! The feud (and not putting Politicalgates on the blog roll) is childish. However, in regards to Joe, Munger, Shannyn, Bailey and Devon Gryphen has been incredibly diplomatic and has risen above it. He takes a hit and lets it roll like water off a duck's back, which is admirable. I wish the others would stop the "circular firing squad." So Joe’s a pompous poop, but blog wars make all of us look stupid. Bailey’s book was published and the leak likely protected it from legal challenges b/c the emails in question were now in the public domain. I’m sure they’ll sell more (as will Dunn) when Joe’s book is released and when the public finally learns who Sarah really is. And as for the bloggers and we the commenters, Joe can try to make us feel lame, but we know from multiple sources that Palin DOES care what is written about her, especially on this blog. We've had eyewitness accounts and more than one poster who verified this. The most solid evidence that proves she reads this blog is how she responds to posts/comments (i.e. we complain that she's letting that poor baby freeze w/out socks or a jacket and the next day Triggy bear has both on, or we complain he isn't wearing his glasses, the next day he is, etc. Gryphen/we comment on her appearance and how ill she looked and then the next day she randomly "runs" a *marathon*? Hmmmm... ) And of course, how many times has SHE brought up in interviews or speeches or even to Pat Dougherty how bloggers "pick on Trig" by saying she isn't his biological mother? *She* brings it up because A) She's read the posts and B) It bothers her. So I agree w/another poster that Joe is just trying to keep a lid on things so *his* book is the source of revelations, not Mudflats or our own dear "Me again" anon.


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