Monday, September 26, 2011

Joe McGinniss and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week!

Courtesy of Joe's blog:

I must have committed a truly egregious crime in order to turn MSNBC hosts into clones of those at Fox News. 

What do they have in common? 

Fear of Sarah Palin. 

Even though she holds no office, nor ever will again, MSM cowers in anticipation of her lash. 

And they don’t like being told they didn’t do their job in 2008 and haven’t done it since, having made no effort to see the grotesque face that lies behind the snazzy mask. 

I got behind the mask. I did find the real Sarah Palin. 

But it’s a whole lot easier to try to kill the messenger than it is to read the message.

(Read more by clicking the link at the top.)

During a conversation I had with Joe pretty early in his research, he said that he did not want me to blog about talking to him or coming to his house until after he left.

I told him I completely understood because once the Palin-bots realized that we were talking they would essentially use me, and my now damaged reputation, to bludgeon him into submission.

Joe said that he did not care about that, and that he had been through worse, but he did not want to give them any hints as to who he was talking to.

Of course part of this conversation was BEFORE Palin realized he was renting the house next door and unleashed the "Hounds of Hell" in his direction.

THAT was something he had NEVER experienced before.

But Joe's a tough old bird.  He handled it pretty well I thought.

But today Joe is taking a terrible beating, and yes some of those blows (due to the leaked e-mail) are being delivered using me as a bludgeon.  Of course even before they knew about me, they had already labeled Joe a stalker and "creepy," so they already had a quiver full of verbal slings and arrows to use against him.

For all of you who have often asked why MORE people don't speak out about the Palins, I think that you are having those questions answered at this very moment.

Daring the "Wrath of Palin" is not for the faint of heart. Nor is it for those who are concerned about their reputations, their livelihoods, or their families.

But dammit, SOMEBODY has to do it!  Thankfully Joe has taken up that challenge, but he is now getting hit from all sides, and needs support.

Please do what you can to reach out to some of these people who have written Joe off, like Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, and others at MSNBC and CNN.  Let them know that we expected more from THEM.

After all we already have Fox News to attack him on Palin's behalf.

Look I was born to be a fighter.  I got kicked out of Sunday School at age five for busting the kid in the chops who dared to sit next to my girlfriend, and was fighting grown men in the ring before I even hit puberty.

I don't sweat the Palins. But if we really expect others to feel safe enough to venture out and tell their stories we have to support those who have gone before.

In other words if we want to know the truth we have to help protect those working to expose that truth.

Sometimes Joe misses the point and says that bloggers, and their commenters, don't make a real difference.  Well we know that is not true, so let's remind him of why Sarah Palin and her sycophants spend so much time on this blog. (It ain't just because of the pretty blue color you know?)

Let's go out there and make that difference!

P.S. For those who missed it yesterday, here is the full transcript of Joe's Q and A over at FDL.


  1. Anonymous2:38 AM

    I am really disappointed some of Joe's interviews have been canceled.
    I'm a regular "Morning Joe" viewer (not because I like Joe Scarborough all that much), but I do like the variety of guests of all political persuasions that the show books. Guess it's time to fire off an e-mail to "Joe's" producers and chastise them. Cop-out cowards they are.

  2. Anonymous3:22 AM

    This isn't good news for Ms Paylin and I'll tell you why. If McGinniss' book had been critically acclaimed by the MSM, it would only give Paylin and her tribe fodder for how unfair she is being treated. No, because everyone is essentially piling on Joe, she has no cloak of victimhood to wear, yet the words are still "out there" for all to discover once she does decide to announce. You see, once she announces, the gloves will come off and everything will be fair game. It's the ultimate "come to me" tease the MSM is playing with $arah. Joe's day will come and he will be vindicated. But he has to be willing to wait just a little while for it. Until then, tick tock.

  3. Anonymous3:22 AM

    He should pay no mind to Breitbart. Breibart and Peter Schweitzer (works for SarahPAC AND writes for Breitbart) and Palin are all just sucking the SarahPAC bus vapors, they are in this together, it's a mini-industry.

    They all depend upon the same cow for milk.

    They're just keeping her "alive."


  4. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Mr. G,

    I was totally taken aback by the way some in the media have gone after Joe without reading his book.This is the same crowd that allowed Bush/Cheney to take us to war,

    I wrote them all and told them they are all enablers and are indeed the lamestream media. They still do not get it that palin/Bierebart are all about bullying and that their bots are paid to do so.

    I have also said I have turn them all off. I have stopped watching their shows and clicking on their sites.

    We have to get together and use our numbers to call them out.

    Look for example the media is trying to push the meme that Obama is like Bush.Now that their flavour of the month, Perry is going down in flames,they are trying to push manipulated polls that sarah is catching up to Obama.

    Buy Joe's book as Christmas gifts and write to all the media,numbers can make a difference.

  5. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Palin is so powerful, people were scared of talking to me. (Broomfield)

  6. Anonymous3:57 AM

    I don't think that this post helps the cause although I don't think it makes a big difference. Joe wrote a book he believed in. He has gotten a lot of publicity and been able to get his name out there. The book is getting read. Just because we didn't see a mass enlightenment DOES NOT mean that this book will not hit home. I really hope that you can see through the trees and see that this book has been successful. Offering words of encouragement to Joe is good but this post is like a lead balloon and needs an attitude adjustment.

  7. Anonymous4:00 AM

    They are afraid of losing their jobs, Murdoch is the one they fear. Once they lose all respect from their viewers, and ratings fall then maybe they will actually do their jobs.

  8. Anonymous4:01 AM

    This is really incredible. For my part - I honestly expected more from some of the folks at MSNBC. The fact some have written Joe off is beyond disappointing to me. I have been a faithful fan of all of them for many years.
    Joe - I am sorry you are having such a hard time with this. Gryphen is right when he says this is a perfect example of the hate and influence the Palins have at their call. As if you needed to be told.
    Thank you for the work you have done and are doing. Many of us have you on our minds everyday.
    Pat Padrnos

  9. Anonymous4:03 AM

    I'm boycotting Google now. Will MSNBC be next?

  10. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Hey Mrs. TODD Palin,

    The hounds of hell will continue to bellow in echo to your shrill shrieks.

    Have a CRAZY day.

  11. Anonymous4:22 AM

    I emailed Rachel Maddow yesterday because I think Joe would be a great guest for her show. I think his book has got Granny Grifter in a real tizzy! If she wasn't worried about the contents of this book she wouldn't bother acknowledging it exists. The fact that the Palin camp started a smear campaign before the book was even released is proof that they are afraid of people reading this book and discovering the truth about her. The problem is most people are already burned out on all things Palin, and her fantards are not tethered to reality so they wouldn't recognize the truth if it smacked them in the face!

  12. It is very difficult for those who have not experienced or witnessed the bullying and mobbing that goes on in Alaska to even believe it exists. It is just so hard to accept that it is allowed let alone understand how damaging it can be. I was not going to read McGinniss' book and then someone told me he described a lot of the same abusive and damaging experiences I have had myself that lead to PTSD. Much of it is identical including the death threats. They were very severe in many ways including wrongful imprisonment because I don't back down or shut up. I can be a very stubborn when I think I am right. I read the book. He tells it like it is, but most people don't know there are other people just like Palin, she just has more power than most and has a co-bully assisting her, Todd. It is important to be able to identify them and stop them. That is what I love about the book, discussion of the threats and bullying. Which describes how Palin ran the government and controlled information. It is nearly impossible to get people to come forward and openly discuss Palin when it is not just her they have to fear, but all the other psychopaths or sycophants who have her back, it's a network of sick immoral bastards. The mainstream media is controlled by corporate interests, Maddow does not report certain items. Keith Olbermann does not get it at all. He is around intelligent people and has the money and personal power to leave when he is in a bad situation. He can't imagine being assailed by a band of idiots who get their marching orders from Sarah Palin and loosing your working class job. Also, as much as I love Olbermann he is a very black and white thinker which makes some concepts difficult for him. The story could not have been told in another way and it needed to be told.

  13. Anonymous4:25 AM

    'MeAgain' has some more interesting things to tell us:

    Wow, it sounds like it's LUCKY that I've not managed to read many comments at Laura Novak's. It sounds like maybe I better stick close to my little Broomfield stomping grounds for a bit.

    Thank you again to the many of you who have been fabulously encouraging. If you have followed my posts from the start, you know that initially I just posted a catty comment to Bristol because I was pissed off, having heard that she was literally ignoring her kids in order to post "Happy Happy Applebees" comments.

    So this not something I set out to do. It was that feeling of relief after having purged some of that mountain of anger toward Sarah which I hadn't really even been aware I was harboring which kept me crawling along.

    The feeling of no longer LETTING Sarah and her years of mistreating good and decent people just build up anger in me, combined with the encouragement I feel from you guys has turned this from just "venting" to me really feeling like I may serve some genuine, if infinitesimal, purpose here.

    Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm working on a message for a certain blogger we all know and love.


    6:38 PM

    Oh really? Sarah tells you she's not scared, does she? I guess her telling her lawyer to shut me up before she "loses her f*cking mind" is indicative of her TOTAL lack of fear, isn't it!

    That's right Sarah, even the things you've tried to keep outside "the loop" have found their way to me. I also know you desperately want to "refudiate" that the photo of Trig exists. You wanted to say "you can search my house, you won't see that picture!" (which is as asinine as saying someone can "view your stretch marks" to prove maternity of a certain child) but your handlers (who are tiring of your ass quickly, you know) insist you cannot acknowledge any of my posts because it will only lend legitimacy to what I say.

    So are you so "not scared" that you threw the photo of that precious baby away? I bet you did, you reactionary idiot.

    Sarah, my advice to you...put me way down on your totem pole of worries. I might be one of the few speaking publicly but you know good and well my voice will just be one of a large chorus...VERY soon.

    I think your breathless robot army will just LOVE the blackberry message you sent to four people earlier this year, calling "your guy" a "motherf*cker" who better not "sh*t where he eats". (by the way, if he DOES do that, it's probably your own damn fault for making the flying canned goods room, I mean, the inhospitable)

    And you thought telling Bristol to point out that I'm "fat" on in the blog comments would, what...make me turn on my heel and never come back? Sarah, you're a sad sack of evil, you know that? I'd damn sure rather be a size 16 who's happy and fulfilled in life than a size 2 who can't stand to look in the mirror, hasn't shared a bed with her spouse in five years, and has such an inferiority complex that it cripples me in every arena of life.

    What is it you're always saying about "game on"?

    Oh yes, it's on...and this time all your Fox-y friends can't fix the end score for you.


    9:13 PM

  14. Anonymous4:28 AM

    >>Anonymous said...

    Special Olympics got a donate from me today in honor of Trig and as a quiet thank you to MeAgain.

    and here is MeAgain's response:

    3:23 PM

    Anonymous at 3:23, that is truly wonderful, and makes me so happy. The special Olympics is an incredible organization, and I find myself filled with desperate hope for Trig; that the people caring for him nurture his abilities and foster self confidence...and maybe one day we'll see him atop one of their podiums--wouldn't that be fabulous? I would love for Trig to one day be able to tell Sarah she can take her "letter from God" which basically says he'll forever be a dependent lump, and eat it.

    (When I refer to "Trig"...I guess I'm talking about any of 'em, all of 'em...because the truth is I don't know how many there have been or who among them actually were born into the Palin family.)


    5:08 PM

  15. Anonymous4:29 AM

    You may be giving Sarah too much credit here. I'm thinking that Joe was not nterviewed not because they are scared of Sarah but because she's not relevant and there are much more important issues that need real attention and focus. Come on with being down on someone like Rachel Maddow, really, just because she didn't want to do a Sarah Palin story and had other priorities. Keep things in perspective.

  16. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks again, MeAgain. You are my new Great American action figure. God Bless.

    1:36 PM

    Anonymous 1:36PM,
    No...people like Gryphen and Malia Litman are the "Great American Figures". I'm just an old hen who got sick of seeing Sarah dump on someone I care about. (and the fact that I can be a bit of a gossip probably doesn't hurt)

    I mentioned earlier that I tried to read the comments at Laura Novak's but there are so many I just end up skimming them. Just now when I was scrolling through a comment caught my eye--it said that I "definitely love the attention". I feel it was uncalled for due to my insistence on staying here in this little Broomfield corner; the blog equivalent of a church mouse. I specifically asked Gryphen not to "highlight" my posts in any way or put them on the front page.

    SO...suck it, neener neener, nuts to you bub, so on and so forth. (directed only to the person(s) who called me an attention floozie)


    3:01 PM

  17. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Funny item of note:
    Some of the emails I have are from before I was source sent them to me in batches when they realized quite a lot was being held back from the FOIA disclosure. I had not ever taken the time to go through them with a fine toothed comb like I am doing now.
    Going through these emails, I found one where a female member of Sarah's staff is lamenting over Chuck Heath having released the photo of a heavily pregnant Sarah during her pregnancy with Track. The person was telling Sarah "why did he DO that, people know women tend to get bigger with each pregnancy, not smaller!"
    And Sarah replies "nobody will even notice. Can U bring me a coffee".

    I thought the "nobody will notice" was classic Sarah. And funny to me given how many, many, many have indeed "noticed".


    11:47 AM

  18. Anonymous4:31 AM

    I am deeply disappointed in MSNBC, particularly Rachel Maddow for not covering this story appropriately. I've come to expect bias from Faux News and CNN. I am also disappointed in Keith Olbermann. What does it take for these folks to understand that intelligent people have come to believe this is hoax?

    I suspect none of them have done the background research themselves and are relying upon the group think process.

    Rachel usually admits when she is wrong. I wonder why she is so resistant to this story. The mounting evidence leaves little doubt as to the insanity of Sarah Palin's attempt to grab power using this distasteful route. I guess it is simply beyond the pale to consider that anyone would be this insane or desperate - but then, doubters have not been following the insane rise of Sarah Palin.

    This country has come off the rails of rationality. Fear is rampant amongst those who should use their positions to stand against it. Thank goodness for people who will stand up and present evidence. Shame on anyone who will not even examine it with an objective eye.

  19. Anonymous4:35 AM

    It may be home sweet home to Sarah Palin and her family but Wasilla, Alaska, is not a city for which Nick Broomfield feels any affection. Or one that he ever wants to visit again. “The place makes Twin Peaks look like a walk in the park,” he says firmly. “It’s a tough community, and I don’t think it’s any accident that it’s the methamphetamine capital of Alaska. People there take massive amounts of drugs.”

    The documentary-maker spent three wintry months in Wasilla attempting to persuade Palin’s friends, enemies and family to talk to him about the Tea Party’s pin-up, who was John McCain’s surprise choice as vice-presidential candidate in the last US election.

    The result is Sarah Palin – You Betcha!, an evisceration of the former governor of Alaska, in which acquaintances and former co-workers portray her as a mean-spirited, petty and vengeful woman.

    The title comes from a promise Palin made to Broomfield when he approached her at a book-signing and asked for an interview, a promise she subsequently reneged on. Consequently, Broomfield and his crew rented a house in Wasilla and set out to discover the “real” Sarah Palin by talking to the locals and people who knew her, something that proved surprisingly difficult.

    “There was a genuine fear in the community about saying anything against Sarah Palin because people were worried about the power of the Palins and worried about losing their jobs,” he says. “In some cases, the children were friends with the Palin kids and didn’t want their parents to talk. She is such a polarising character that, even within a family, the husband or the wife liked her and the other one didn’t. She inspired such strong opinions that people were either passionately for her or against her.”

  20. Calli Pygian4:38 AM

    These are Palin's death throes. Mark my words.

    Whether she does or does not run, she cannot succeed.

    She is already too marginalized.

    She is a fringe figure, a lunatic broken free from the asylum. But the men in the white coats are gaining, and fast.

  21. Anonymous4:38 AM

    There is a growing level of inhumanity, callous disregard for life, and contempt being displayed from the far-right that is gaining momentum as Republican politicians show disregard for all but the extremely wealthy. Many blame the tea party, but it is on display in mainstream Republican circles as Congressional Republicans continue slashing programs for the poor, children, and seniors so they can reward their wealthy donors. It is alarming that in the richest country in the world, millions of Americans living in poverty are facing scorn and ridicule from Republicans and their supporters as if they are just trash. There are compassionate Americans, but their voices are curiously silent and it does not bode well for this country. Where is the Christian spirit and love for fellow man that Jesus taught, and where are the religious leaders who hold sway over millions of Christians who profess to be followers of Christ?

  22. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Look, Joe must have known what he was doing when he poked the rattlesnake nest by moving in next door to Casa Palin. No surprises that this somewhat extreme move for an author would later set some criticism memes.

    However, what's working FOR Joe is that "Palinesque" and similar comparative Palin-related labels are now being used daily in scathing reviews of Perry's stumbling debate performance - and most often by right wing pundits, analysts and bloggers!

    It's all over now: her name is the shortcut reference for lack of preparation, incoherent rambling answers, ignorance on policy matters, style over substance, and poor execution of even basic tactics and strategy.

    And you know Sarah got it when she saw Rick Perry's meltdown on the debate stage - her worst nightmare, and then they laugh about you in print and say although elitist smart-sounding mean things.

    Go, Sarah, go. We ALL want to see your meltdown in front of the cameras!

  23. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Once again, the Xhristians who would grab power by any means are using religion, the concept of motherhood and fear of appearing irreligious to smother criticism.

    Sarah has been falsely idolized as a saint, as a good and caring mother, a pure and loving wife, a devout and godly woman. She is none of it. She is simply a deeply flawed and misguided woman whose ego has destroyed her family, and whose quasi-religious fervor has generated waves of hate and has polarized this nation.

    I, for one, am not about to concede defeat to these hatemongers.

    We do not have much money, but I will buy Joe's book to support his quest for truth.

    I read just this morning that Google is donating tons of money to the right wing. A charity program that dozens of corporations have participated in has been revealed to be a funnel for money to right-wing, anti-gay groups. What has happened to our country? Are we so far gone that we are embracing agendas uncomfortably similar to pre-Nazi Germany? Seriously, that is not an overstatement. It would seem that the racist elements, the religious zealots are confident that they are winning - though, in my heart, I do not believe they are.

    Peace be with us all as we face the grim truth: we have to speak out, loudly and continually to stop this madness, to bring us into a new century of love and tolerance. It will not be easy and it may be dangerous, but we need a movement akin to the Civil Rights movement to stand against those who would take us back to uglier, meaner, and less tolerant times.

    Thanks, Gryphen, for being amongst us, reminding us we are not alone in our efforts to find truth. Thanks Joe for fighting the good fight and speaking your truth. We all need to back them, stand by them, and move forward with them.

  24. I'm pretty fed up with the msm. And very disappointed with Keith and Rachel. Keith should put down Thurber for a week and read Joe's book. I'm going to read it as soon as it gets to me via supersaver shipping delay. Got to keep our eyes on the prize: getting rid of crazy woman.

  25. Anonymous4:58 AM

    The Wasilla PD is also in the pockets of whoever guards the Palins. Alaska is a corrupt state, from low to high office. Several times I have sent articles from your blog to "journalists" like Chris Matthews, David Broder (before he passed)and Clarence Page. I added a note "too bad we do not have any REAL journalists in this country to cover these grifters" McCain should be made to answer questions about why he would risk the security of the US by putting this bitch in power, most peopole recognize she is unqualified. By the way, who would want to be a member of THAT family, having to hide babies and keep secrets? All the money they make can not bring happiness. Only clear conscienses can do that. Do the girls in the family LOOK happy to you? Someone yells that your mother is a whore, and how can you defend her when it is common knowledge? AND you are following in her footsteps? What happened to Ben Barber and Gino?

  26. Anonymous5:00 AM

    I purchased a copy of Joe's book at Costco (South Anchorage) on Saturday. I looked through the book that shows Levi as the author and soon figured I pass on that one. So far I think Joe has done a great job with the subject matter.

    Here's a question for you, Jesse. Has Mrs. Palin offered any sort of "explanation" as to why she was less than forthcoming with the birth announcement of her second grandchild?

  27. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Jonestown cult members killed Congressman Ryan and four others, when they perceived a threat to their cult leader.

    Sarah's cult followers are seeing a threat to their leader.

    Please stay safe Joe...

  28. Anonymous5:29 AM

    This reviewer REALLY DID read the book and has written a hugely effective review.

    ...McGinniss, as he always manages to do, pushes the story forward in momentum while continuing to link new material with bits of information from past experiences and interviews. He weaves together portraits of public figures that serve as predictors of future behavior. In the case of Sarah Palin, the portrait is one of narcissism disguised as selfless public service, serious multigenerational family dysfunction disguised as family honor and values, and self-deceiving religious conviction as a call to political power.

    McGinniss begins his book with an explanation of how he came to live next door to the Palin family. Trying to find a place to rent for several months while he conducted his research, he planned to get a temporary place in Anchorage. As luck would have it, a property owner in Wasilla (not among the Palin supporters) who was acquainted with McGinniss from a previous visit to the area contacted him about the availability of the property next door to Palin on Lake Lucille. It had previously been inhabited by a halfway house run amok in which the basement had been temporarily converted to a meth lab.

    Within the confines of the halfway house were men who had served prison time for a variety of crimes, not exactly the kind of next door neighbors one would choose, though the Palins seemed to get along with them just fine. Later, when McGinniss had moved in to the vacant house, Sarah Palin, now in the glare of the national public spotlight day after day, took to her Facebook page to claim McGinniss was peering over the fence into her young daughter's bedroom, something she had not previously complained about when the next door neighbors may have had such a history. McGinniss thoroughly discredits this claim in his book.

    The ploy of Palin's claim on Facebook worked to perfection as she endeared herself even more deeply to her national audience with the aid of Fox News' Glenn Beck as well as the mainstream media. But, while the national audience was being whipped into a frenzy, Wasillans were rolling their eyes and concluding, "that's just the Palins."

    The Rogue is the story of an ordinary person with average intelligence, motivated by a narcissistic vision, empowered by family bullies willing to dispose of personal integrity, who achieves a meteoric rise in popularity due to a naive and bone-headed political calculation by her political party's presidential nominee. Packaged with outward beauty and possessing the "Mean Girl" experience to know how to use it, the portrait of Sarah Palin is one to admire from a distance. The closer you get, the feeling is not one of attraction but one of revulsion, if not pity.

  29. Anonymous5:33 AM

    In spite of all the crap he's taking these days Joe has done this country a great service by bringing a true picture of SP to light at just the right moment.
    There is no way she can win the presidency--she knows it, but may "run" to extend her celebu-job paychecks just a little longer (ever underestimate a fully-blown narcissist.) That's if she wants to tackle the much closer scrutiny now that there's more meat & potatoes to dig into, which I don't think she can.
    Joe has pointed the way.


  30. Anonymous5:40 AM

    The Palins are fighting this book so hard because they know that everything in it is the absolute truth. The truth has a way of coming out and they know that Sarah is finished.

  31. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Many, many thanks to Joe. And I do not feel it was a 'bad' week. He came across as intelligent and classy and as dedicated to what he wrote with sincerity to get the truth out there.

    It is continually beyond me how the media gives Mrs. Palin a pass when she has done nothing but insult them? Oh to have real journalists again. I think they kept people SOMEWHAT honest.

  32. Anonymous5:54 AM

    I agree with anon @3:57am.

    I saw good interviews for Joe. He was all over the place last week. He came across as credible and not crazy.

  33. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Also heard that NPR had been pressured to steer clear of Joe. For you Terry Gross fans, here's her contact info. Send a quick email, and be polite.

  34. Anonymous6:04 AM

    In yesterday's New York Times, Frank Bruni ran a piece called The Price of Political Gossip, in which he questions the value of "tabloid" books like The Rogue. I thought it was a lame piece and I said so, even suggesting that Sarah Palin may have pulled off a giant hoax and that the MSM failed to do its job. Of course the comment was not approved.

    But no worries. The damage is done for Sarah. Enough people have already seen what she's really like and they want no part of her.

  35. Anonymous6:05 AM

    I haven't read all the comments, but I wanted to say that I saw Joe on C-SPAN Sunday p.m.--a rerun from Tuesday?--and it was just great. My husband, who's barely tolerant of my Palin obsession, even found him persuasive. No punches pulled in the questions or in the answers.

    Joe flat-out knows what's in his book--because he's a real journalist.

  36. Anonymous6:08 AM

    All the more reason to PUSH GETTING YOUR BOOK DONE Fred.
    That will help Joe and at the same time, REPORT THE FAKED PREGNANCY AGAIN! Finish it Fred! Quick as Lighting!

  37. Anonymous6:12 AM

    The Palins are unique as politicians promoting Sarah for office via selling her offspring, the image of pure family with Sarah cast as a traditional wife, stay at home mom, stereotype soccer mom, and on the level of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

    It seems the Palin family brand is untouchable to spare the offspring or avoid 'going there' to maintain level of professional ethics remaining focused on her politics.

    The Palin duo packaged, marketed their offspring, a grandchild selling a script including the mother is a huntress killing wild animals because they eat. Reality is witnessed as kids routinely fending for self.

    What concerns me is that a person who lies habitually then screams they are being attacked when the blatant lies are called out will have the same behavior at a job.

    The irony is if Palin played her cards with honesty she would appeal to a broader group. IMO she appeals to those who fantasize about being a 'star' and those who swallow her lies needing to believe she and her family are the paragon of virtue, the Waltons or Clampett family by luck rich and famous.

    Most people I know who were impressed with her lies terminated their admiration learning she told a pack of lies.

    Too bad Track is not selling baby pics for another premarital pregnancy would stick a pin in the abstnence values family.

  38. Anonymous6:18 AM

    I am just DUMBFOUNDED by KO's refusal to even have Joe on his show! Keith has always been one of my media heroes, and I just can't and won't think badly of him. But I also revere Mcginniss as an intelligent, seasoned investigative journalist who's written many a controversial tome in his time. What's with the media cover-up on Sarah Palin? Why in hell are they protecting that lame-brain? I'm buying an extra copy of the Rogue to give to a friend. And will help spread the word.

  39. Anonymous6:19 AM

    3:22--Your scenario makes sense. Hope you're right!

  40. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Oh, Sarah KNOWS she finished! And compare her 2008 looks to her today. Talk about haggard!

    I ONLY mention looks because the body doesn't lie; she is reaping what she's sowed.

  41. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Sarah is on the sidelines, where she will forever stay. The only question is how long her idiotic attempts at political bomb-throwing will be given any media attention.

    And she did it to herself. I've always marveled at how she threw away with both hands the opportunity to actually campaign and win. Nope, not our Sarah.

    People love gossip. Even if Joe's book is dismissed by the "serious" media, that's not a defense of Sarah nor is it really a condemnation of the contents - it's just that she's not that important.

    But pop culture and mass media are interesting in that once tainted, never clean.

    She will never ever be taken seriously as a candidate for president except by far rightwingers desperate for someone/anyone other than Romney.

    Run Sarah run! So we can watch you implode and be laughed at.

  42. Anonymous6:29 AM

    I agree that the hostile reception to McGinniss's book is potentially bad news for Palin in that she can't claim her favorite victim role again if the MSM trashes McGinniss and refuses to cover (or even read) the book. The MSM are clearly taking Palin's side. It also makes it harder for Palin to use books like this as an excuse not to run for President. All evidence suggests the MSM would welcome Palin's entry into the race and continue to be her biggest cheerleaders. I'm skeptical the gloves will ever come off even if she runs.

  43. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Sarah has been revealed as a lying grifting quitter, and the Palins have been revealed as a tribe of white trash racist homophobic bullies. No wonder they're now consigned to the cultural trash heap of reality shows and fleecing people too deluded to hold onto their money. At least one Kardashian was a celebrity lawyer and another had a sex tape in which she was pissed on as a claim to fame. Oh wait, Sarah's got that tape out there somewhere. If she's lucky maybe she'll get a Playboy spread.

  44. Gryphen, when you talk to MeAgain, please convey our sincere thanks.

    The CSPAN Booknotes interview with Joe is terrific. No sex, race, drugs:

    Rachel doesn't cover a lot of things. But she does cover C-Street and their connections to African anti-gay laws and other right-wing religious issues. I suggest those writing her talk about the Dominionist angle. Joe would rather talk about that than sex, race, and drugs. Send her the CSPAN url.

  45. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Would someone please tell me why this woman continues to have so much power? Why will nothing put her in her place? Not even babygate? Thje media today is absolutely disgusting and completely unworthy.

  46. grammy976:40 AM

    Thank you, Gryphen and "MeAgain". If this weren't such a serious subject, it would be funny.

    In one of MA's comments (9:13 a.m.?) she quotes $arah in an e-message as saying Todd "better not shit where he eats". I won't waste time being stunned at her coarseness. But her statement echoes one that my Uncle Tony used to make: "Never get your mail where you sleep." Uncle Tony had been an army sniper in WW2; and after the war, he continued to use those skills in the service of the crime family that ran the city where we lived. $arah Palin thinks like an assassin.

  47. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Ailes is "so over" Palin

    Roger Ailes pulled back a bit on the throttle.

    He calls it a “course correction,” quietly adopted at Fox over the last year. Glenn Beck’s inflammatory rhetoric—his ranting about Obama being a racist—“became a bit of a branding issue for us” before the hot-button host left in July, Ailes says. So too did Sarah Palin’s being widely promoted as the GOP’s potential savior—in large measure through her lucrative platform at Fox. Privately, Fox executives say the entire network took a hard right turn after Obama’s election, but, as the Tea Party’s popularity fades, is edging back toward the mainstream.

  48. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I'm almost finished reading The Rogue.

    The most significant aspect of the book is that so many people are and were willing to be duped by Palin; that's a lot of mental illness.

    McGinniss's book illustrates just how mentally weak folks are. To leave in fear, to allow someone to make you live in fear is the bigger story.

  49. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I don't think the cancellations are because they fear a lashing of SP. MSNBC has pretty much said what they feel about her with jocularity, then sometimes with genuine shock and concern at her lack of thinking skills.

    Keith Olbermann, is too cynical, with a dash of too big ego to really do service to JM's book. MSNBC bosses, Rachel, and the rest are no doubt asked to avoid what appears to them to be a gossip expose. They want their image to be void of sensationalism.

    But there's never been a female VP candidate, or governor, nor possible presidential candidate as the "Paris Hilton" of politics like Sarah P.

    It's unthinkable to have to discuss the dirty laundry of an ex-governor, VP candidate of Senator John McCain, who has served the country well, served and was POW. That man, despite how many disagree with his policies, is a national hero. He is highly respected.

    I think the media feels that touching McCain's "mistake" and exposing her moral flaws just insults the national hero. So they choose to avoid Sarah like the plague.

    This is what she banked on all along. Thought she could get away with anything because no one would question a Navy hero's judgment.

    Joe's book will reveal Sarah's true self to readers and voters alike. It just won't get touched by media, unless John McCain comes clean and admits to the media that he made a mistake in selecting her. But I don't think he'd ever do that.

  50. Anonymous6:49 AM

    The controversy over McGinniss' presence next to the Palins was being ginned-up, Outside, by Palin's supporters, who had been sicced on McGinniss by her paranoid Facebook rant. McGinniss goes on to describe how even Fox News had a discussion about whether he could be prosecuted for stalking and harassment. When the Fox crew decides that an arrest for that isn't imminent, they turn to a discussion about suing for an invasion of privacy, which they're told wouldn't be possible unless McGinniss points "those binoculars" in Palin's direction. McGinniss describes how the Fox News discussion degenerates into total lunacy, and McGinniss simply says, "I have not held a pair of binoculars in my hands since I watched a horse race at Saratoga in 2004. But Hysteria does much more for ratings than the unexciting truth." Before moving on to describe, with examples, the complete depravity of comments on right-wing websites, McGinniss states, "Once you've cut the cord that tethers you to reality, anything goes."

    The media isn't so ready to uncritically report Sarah Palin's Facebook rants anymore. We can only hope that the day will come when they won't be reported at all.

    I'm up to Chapter Four. It's an engaging book -- a very good read. Don't miss it. I expect that it will become "The Bible" on Sarah Palin.

  51. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Now this I like. 34 minutes of Joe not being interrupted by someone with an agenda...great listen!

    C-SPAN BookTV interviews Joe McGinniss on his recently published profile of Sarah Palin, The Rogue:Searching for the Real Sarah Palin. Mr. McGinniss reports on the 2008 Republican Party nominee for vice president's family background, her tenure as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska and as governor of the state, and her social and political beliefs.

  52. Anonymous6:56 AM

    The Stalking of Joe McGinniss

    On the next day, McGinniss tells of the media frenzy that followed Palin's Facebook post. He had to tell an ABC News camera crew, filming through a window, to leave his place or he'd call the police. At 6:00 AM, Sarah had already called-in to Glen Beck's show to start a pity party. McGinniss went to City Hall to meet Wasilla's mayor, Verne Rupright, who asked him, "Do you want a gun?" McGinniss wonders whether he needs one and Rupright doesn't think so, saying that most of the threats are coming from Outside and adds, "People around here don't give a shit about Sarah anymore. They're burned out on all her drama."

  53. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Joe's book is excellent but we already knew most everything he wrote about, he just verified it for us.
    Now put your self in the mind of someone who knows nothing about Sarah, how can this be the women we see on TV,the one with the family who stands behind her, remember there are a lot of people out there who know nothing except what they see in the media. New readers will think, how can this be true, no one can be that vindictive, no one can control a town let alone a state. A lot the the things in the book are hard to believe but we know they're true because we've been following it for 3 years, she's the vindictive witch of the north but a newbie may find the book as a shocker and not believe that anyone could be such a fraud and the people of Wasilla and McCain and Alaska let her get away with it...I think in the end, Sarah is her own worst enemy. Someday people will look back and Joe was right!

  54. I know that I will write whoever I can in a very responsible manner. I am beyond sad at what is happening to our country. What is frightening is the hate that was unleashed by Palin. Surely the MSM knows that. ....oh my God...the entire "bristol fight" is on "The View", and they are pretending it is real. I wish I had not had it on.
    I am literally sick to my stomach.

  55. Anonymous7:09 AM

    6:42-from the beginning a lot of people let Sarah and Todd get away with bullying them, no one wanted to say NO to the pretty girl and no one stood up for the one's who did say no. They went along to get along, what does this say about our society.

  56. Anonymous7:16 AM

    This may be a better way to get Joe's book read by the American public tho -- there's a way to win out of this and that's to use the negative publicity to push the very thing the MSM is trying to hide -- the truth!

    reverse psychology

  57. I don't think they're scared of Sarah. I don't think they want to alienate her because they need her for ratings, either. I think they don't want this book to be discussed - especially the Babygate chapter - because it threatens to shake up the entire political machine that funds them. Don't forget, networks are owned by corporations and corporations are heavily vested in politicians, especially the right wing.
    If Sarah is exposed as having lied about Trig's birth, then the dominoes will start to fall. Questions will have to be asked about just who among her handlers knew, and whether those who groomed her knew or even had a part in it. Remember, Trig was a big part of what solidified the religious right-wing base that McCain needed. Either they looked the other way or - worst case scenario - helped to "create" the legend of this rugged pioneer woman who "chose life" for a child the Evil Secularists would have chosen to abort.
    To reveal the whole Truth of Sarah Palin would be not just to bring her down, but the entire Koch/corporate-funded political system. In short, the media thinks the Right Wing is too big to fail, and protecting Sarah is part of how they are going to make sure it doesn't.
    I'm convinced the media will never break this story for that very reason.

  58. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I think the reasons why Joe is being villainized and shunned by the media is because Sarah Palin is female. It's the old double standard. It's ok to broadcast a man's peccadilloes, but a woman, no matter what, is to be protected. Her virtue should not be questioned. In our day and age, women want to be seen as equals, but in actuality, they are far from it. Unfortunately, women will use the "we have to be protected" meme if it suits them. We allow that to happen. We have never had a woman in politics who has had her sexuality (including birth) questioned. The public is very squeamish about that. We don't want to see a woman's sex life, pregnancy, motherhood, etc put under a microscope. We have not evolved enough to be comfortable questioning those things, and women haven't evolved enough not to use those things as weapons.

  59. Anonymous7:41 AM

    For all that have said over and over again:

    "please make her go away"

    Then we have this story and many I suspect of those posting -- from the other side of the mouth saying the MSM aren't doing their job and MSNBC is like Fox because they won't interview Joe on his book about Palin.

    Make up your flippin' minds. She's not in the 'race' but you're trying to make her more 'relevant'.

  60. Anonymous7:49 AM

    The people who looked the other way and let the Palin's get away with their bullying are the same people who would look the other way if they saw someone dying on the sidewalk. They are me me me people just like Sarah.

  61. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Anon 4:29 said:

    You may be giving Sarah too much credit here. I'm thinking that Joe was not nterviewed not because they are scared of Sarah but because she's not relevant and there are much more important issues that need real attention and focus. Come on with being down on someone like Rachel Maddow, really, just because she didn't want to do a Sarah Palin story and had other priorities. Keep things in perspective.

    I was thinking the same thing. I would be interested to know WHY they won't interview Joe. I was thinking along these lines: perhaps Rachel Maddow or Lawrence O'Donnell are trying to marginalize Palin by completely ingoring her, much like President Obama does. They don't want to give her any more oxygen. I think Olberman has become a bloviating buffoon these days, and Joe Scarborough, the same.

  62. To me, the most telling revelation in Joe's book is that Sarah Palin defied Roger Ailes and gave her "blood lust" statement to be aired on the day of the tribute to the victims of the Tuscon Massacre. She had been forbidden to use the FOX-provided studio or its equipment to record a statement and had been advised to not comment on the shootings. But she did not listen.She recorded her statement and aired it through another source. That was her fatal mistake, in the opinion of many, including Joe McGuiness.

    I now believe that FOX will let Sarah ride out her contract and not renew. The bump in the ratings that Sarah causes is not worth the effort to keep her under control.

    I can also understand why certain members of the MSM are trashing Joe McGuiness's book. He did what should have been done by the MSM three years ago. It was all there, but it never came out, nor did the MSM even look for it. The McCain campaign went in and did a clean-up after realizing that the choice of Sarah for the VP nominee was a grievous error. If someone from the MSM press had reported any of what was revealed in Joe's book back in September, 2008, Sarah would have been dropped from the ticket. Does anyone remember what happened to Eagleton in 1972? When it was revealed that he suffered from depression and had been hospitalized for it, he was dropped from ticket. For depression. Can you imagine if the news of Sarah's past and current corruption, lies and the Trig Hoax had been reported by the MSM?

  63. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Me Again said:
    "And Sarah replies "nobody will even notice. Can U bring me a coffee".

    I thought the "nobody will notice" was classic Sarah. And funny to me given how many, many, many have indeed "noticed".

    11:47 AM

    Unfortunately, it is classic Sarah because a lot of things that you or I would think "somebody would notice" have not been noticed by a lot of people BUTTT enough people did notice, it's just taken a while for it to get everyone's attention. Finally, I think the delayed reaction has arrived.

  64. Anonymous8:43 AM

    All I know, is if Bill Maher steamrolls Joe like all these other shitforbrains have done...I will cry.

    (AND I will know that Ariana is under the desk Lewinsky'ing Maher)

  65. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Sullivan on the book.

  66. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I am utterly amazed and disgusted by the push back of the media towards Joe. It is absolutely unbelievable that there seems to be a concerted effort to cripple and kill the message, as well as the messenger, of The Rogue.

    Sarah Palin is a cheap nightmare of a woman, mother, wife, and human-being who offers nothing of value, worth, or meaningful contributions to life. Her moral compass was shattered a long time ago.

  67. I wrote to Keith Olbermann yesterday to express my disappointment, and wrote this to him today:

    "Dear Keith,

    I wrote to you yesterday to express my disappointment in your cancellation of author, Joe McGinniss. Today I'm REALLY sad about it and the more I think about it, it reminds me of the Film, "Bad Day at Black Rock." Only (and this greatly pains me to say it!) YOU are the Robert Ryan character and Joe is Spencer Tracy. I know you're brave, Keith. I've seen you stand up to the best of them. And I know you're no Sharron Angle. So why run away from this story? PLEASE reconsider?"

  68. Months ago, I wrote to Rachel Maddow and Cenk Uygar about Prof. Scharlott's paper. I sent links. I told them no pregnant woman would do what Palin described in her own words. I begged them to have a staffer just run the material by an obstetrician or midwife to see if it passed the smell test. No response.

    Rachel and Cenk seemed to me like the people least likely to be intimidated by a need to maintain the status quo. Clearly I was wrong.

    Olbermann I didn't bother with. He was MSNBC's wittier answer to O'Reilly.

    I'll probably contact Rachel again, but she is so obviously in her overlord's pocket I don't hold out much hope. She occasionally points out Palin's flaws, but for the most part she doesn't seem to think the ex-Governor is newsworthy.

    I'm grateful for the intrepid bloggers like you, G, who exposed Sarah from day one and refused to shut up and sit down. You helped convince a lot of people, some of whom--Prof. Scharlott, Laura Novak, and Joe--are reaching a whole new audience with the story of Palin's charade. It's just a matter of time now.

  69. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I am utterly amazed and disgusted by the push back of the media towards Joe. It is absolutely unbelievable that there seems to be a concerted effort to cripple and kill the message, as well as the messenger, of The Rogue.

    Sarah Palin is a cheap nightmare of a woman, mother, wife, and human-being who offers nothing of value, worth, or meaningful contributions to life. Her moral compass was shattered a long time ago.

  70. I'm particularly disappointed in both Rachel and Keith. MorningJoe doesn't surprise me a bit.

    Joe has done this country a tremendous favor by exposing Sarah with The Rogue. She can't deny what's in it - she has to know better than anyone that what's in the book is true and that he verified the stories. Granted a lot of us have heard the same things over the last three years but Joe confirmed those things and got it out there for everyone to see - not just those of us who follow IM and the other blogs. And then there's Joe's statement of "90% of what I was told was left out because it couldn't be verified". If I was Sarah, I'd be thinking "Oh shit! what if that 90% starts saying 'we'll also, too, go on the record'".

    Something that I've noticed since Joe's book came out is that Sarah's twitter-feed has slowed to a crawl. I BLOCK people that I think are her professional tweeters - those who tweet over and over the same drivel. I did that just to see how many random, everyday followers comment. There are still a few but only a few especially compared to what it was just a few weeks ago. And she, herself hasn't tweeted since Sept. 16th.

    I also, too, went over to Joe's Facebook (when someone on here ask us to help with a Bot). There's only a handful who are attacking Joe on FB compared to the old days where on any page about Palin, hundreds and probably thousands would either comment professing undying love and/or viciously attack if someone just ask a question about her. I don't know what's happening on her FB page - I can't get on it.

    Sarah hasn't just been hurt badly with the release of Joe's book, she's done. She's been benched. Thank you, Joe McGinniss and you too, Gryphen.

  71. emrysa8:54 AM

    yep the msm never investigated palin and joe's book shames them because it shows all of the things that the media should have told us 3 years ago.

    seeing olbermann and maddow in a new light...

  72. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I think many people are now realizing how the media shapes our perceptions, like annie watching the view today and seeing these women pretend that the whole Bristol attack thing wasn't staged. Sarah and the pregnancy hoax is real, but why would you expect the media to investigate? You've seen what happens when people try to get the truth out, they are labeled conspiracy theorists, tin-foilers, etc. This is exactly what happens with any movement to expose the truth. Remember Jesse Ventura talking about 9-11? Or Roseanne Barr? Sure you do, because you think they are nut cases, because that's how the media told you to think. It's not just 9-11, this shit has been going on forever. Joe isn't the first person in history to be marginalized for trying to get the truth out. Of course he is a trignostic, he has to be to even be considered remotely credible. Sarah will fade away, and the pregnancy hoax will never be etched into the minds' of public conciousness. That is how history has always been written, by the one's controlling the message.

  73. Chenagrrl9:21 AM

    Uh, unfortunately for Joe, he has other issues with MSM, whether or not he turns in a good product.

    The long knives have been out for quite awhile.

    This is SOP for Joe. This way he hits both sides of the issue with book sales.

  74. Anonymous9:26 AM

    People are reading the book no matter if the msm ignores it. I requested it from the library here in Las Vegas and there are already 22 holds on it. So the library is ordering more. The more people read it.. the more they share it with others and so on and so on. Someone else made the comment last week about the glimmer in Sean Hannity's eyes being gone. It's totally true. She's tainted to them now.

  75. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Anon at 6:46 - McCain is not held in high esteem by all Americans. He is actually quite a loser. At one time, I thought he was honorable, but that was before I read more about him and how he treats others. He barely graduated from the Academy and was only there because his father and grandfather were Admirals. He crashed four aircraft. There is much info that he collaborated with the North Vietnamese while a prisoner in order to have a better experience while in prison. Thus, no surprise that he would pick a vice presidential candidate that also is less than ideal, honest, or honorable.

    There is lots of info on McCain that is not complimentary. You may want to research a bit deeper to find out that he is not held in high regard by many.

  76. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I'm on it! Already emailed npr - this is ridiculous!


  77. moose pucky9:37 AM

    I think anon @ 4:29 has an EXCELLENT point and it bears repeating:

    "You may be giving Sarah too much credit here. I'm thinking that Joe was not interviewed not because they are scared of Sarah but because she's not relevant and there are much more important issues that need real attention and focus. Come on with being down on someone like Rachel Maddow, really, just because she didn't want to do a Sarah Palin story and had other priorities. Keep things in perspective."

    The media seems to FINALLY be getting sick of her - I watched the Sunday news shows and nobody brings up her name. I realize that if she announces a candidacy that this will change, but for now - NOBODY CARES.

  78. I saw someone else leave this link but it's worth repeating.

    Andrew Sullivan gives a great video response about Joe McGinniss and 'The Rogue'. (It's the 2nd video)

  79. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I finished the book last night. I really enjoyed it, though it covered a lot of stuff I already knew. And the blockbuster stuff isn't what made me like the book. It was the quiet stuff about her and her religious beliefs that were the most interesting. And McGinnis' catty reactions to Palin stupidity. Like when Bristol (Joe identifies her as Willow) tells the teacher in Homer with the Worst Governor Ever banner that she should learn how to spell. She didn't think governor was spelled correctly!!!! It was!!!! How's that edudication going for you Bristol??? I Betcha you could have used a better education... and better parents!

  80. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I went to the twitter pages of the "O4P" (Organize for Palin) in various States.

    These "organizers" have the same followers, give or take a few. The "O4P" folks follow each other, and there are approximately 137 of them - NATIONWIDE! Each State represented has between TWO and TWELVE members.

    These 137 people will get her the Republican nomination - HA HA HA HA HA!

  81. Anonymous11:27 AM

    @ 1smartcanerican--

    You forgot to mention the USS Forrestal. Plenty of people "credit" McNasty with that one.

  82. imnofred12:00 PM

    I am not sure why the MSM hasn't been giving Joe much positive attention but I don't think it is because they think of Sarah as irrelevant.

    Watch and see how many of these media outlets that won't give Joe the time of day show up at Sarah's speeches like flies on shit with cameras in tow.

  83. Anonymous12:54 PM

    "You may be giving Sarah too much credit here. I'm thinking that Joe was not interviewed not because they are scared of Sarah but because she's not relevant and there are much more important issues that need real attention and focus......

    ......The media seems to FINALLY be getting sick of her - I watched the Sunday news shows and nobody brings up her name.....
    9:37 AM


    Even here in Alaska, Sarah Palin is not important in the news and that must chap her skanky dried up moose ignorant trailer park grifting fungus toe hide.

  84. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I'm very disappointed that Rachel and Keith did not interview Joe and plan to send them an email saying so. I thought both of them had more balls than that!

    My two books arrived today (one for a family members) and I plan to begin reading tonight.

    It is frightening to think that Palin isn't being investigated for things she did as governor in Alaska.

    The woman is such a fraud and not qualified in any way to serve an elected office anywhere in the United States.

    Thanks Joe for your investigative writing about her and her family, her lies, misdeeds and on and on. I think people will be purchasing this book for a long time to come. You will be proven to be correct as most of us in Alaska already know.

  85. Anonymous1:47 PM

    From a right wing website analyzing the latest
    CNN poll where Palin
    comes in 4th ,
    tied with Cain and Ron Paul.

    " Even more tellingly, voters still don’t appear to be looking for another late-entry champion.
    Palin dropped by more than half in the last two weeks, from 15% to 7%, ..."

    Joe may not being getting the recognition he deserves , but, his book and
    it's revelations may definitely be having an effect.

  86. Anonymous2:23 PM

    It is disappointing that a number of high profile programs have cancelled or not booked Joe for interviews. I'm willing to give Rachel Maddow a pass, as she doesn't cover $P very much at any time. I agree with another poster who said the way to intice Rachel is to push the dominionist connection to La Palin.

    On the other hand, Olbermann has covered Palin often and savagely. I will write to him to express my concerns. Joe Scar.? pfft. He's useless.

    @Anon 7:32. You said a mouthful. Very good analysis of how women market themselves in politics today.

    @Me Again - thank you for your continued expose of Ms. Palin. We'll look forward to whatever you decide to share with Gryph.

  87. Anonymous2:52 PM

    12:54 You are correct - no one in Alaska is carrying news of the most recent Palin crap.

    The ADN (Alaska's largest newspaper in Anchorage)rarely says anything about her.

    A poll was done (Alaska only)awhile back and President Obama rated higher than Palin. That was a kick to see!!! Remember folks - Alaska is a 'red' state.

  88. Anonymous3:01 PM

    ABC News...Palin attorney sues Random House.

  89. This is no surprise. How many times have Palin's attorneys threatened to sue somebody? When a letter goes out and makes the news, doesn't mean a suit will be actually filed. BUT everybody can say "Sarah's gonna sue" so it gives her some time to rake in some more money and keep some of the Cult in the corral...for a little while longer. SOP for Palin - they even threw in the "...pubish in order to harm Palin's family" crap.

    Wonder if it's also done to try to keep Joe from making public appearances?

    I don't think they'll follow through on the threat but just in case they do, oh how I wish it would be televised and that Joe's attorney's will show no mercy about her lies when they have her on the stand. Talk about a reality show.

    Sarah doesn't do too well in court - except with David Kernel (sp) and maybe with Levi. Both kids, both with obviously lazy lawyers.

    Wonder if they'll sue Levi too? The most damning thing in Levi's book was the story about "$300,000 to be split equally but when it was time to do the deal, he only got $75,000". I would think that one would be easy to prove.

    And the attorney is basing at least part of it on the Brietbart released emails! Ha. "The proof is always just around the corner, but that is a corner nobody has been able to turn” and that McGinniss “ran out of time” to sufficiently source the book." From January until the publishing date? Hahaha! I'm betting he did have time.

  90. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Looks like more of a *threat* to sue. If McGinness has his ducks in a row it shouldn't be a problem. Palin & Co are probably just saber-rattling to get attention.

  91. I'm all for every flippin' nasty detail about $P to come out, and I want an apology from the media for not doing their job, but, karma's a bitch:

    From Joe's blog:
    "Hey, nobody is more sorry than I am that the National Enquirer snagged a copy of THE ROGUE before publication and trumpeted a few “sensational” stories from it."

  92. Anonymous6:48 PM

    I've read all the comments and I can't agree more with all (except McCain being an honorable man, war hero- but hey, that's not too difficult to prove wrong, look who he picked for VP?)

    Me Again,
    Thanks so much for your insights, keep up the good work!

    The thing that bothers me most, is one of the best interviews was with Joy Behar on HLN. It's not available in full on the site, but she did a very fair job (while playing her!) and let Joe get a lot out beside renting the house, the affair, etc. She actually discussed babygate with him. She's on at ten pm here.

    The daytime shows, forget about all of them. They're all bubblgum and cotton candy.

    I don't do Morning Joe, but I will write politely, my disappointment with Keith and Rachel. I already wrote to Chris Hayes suggesting he have Joe on. It's a new show, on the weekends, and he does seem to be open to suggestions.

    Sarah can't get ahead of Joe, despite the state of the media. Suing him will be futile. If it does go to court, she may have to address some topics she doesn't want to touch. And Joe's sales will skyrocket.

    Does she have the stamina and funds to go against these publishers? Random House is huge and I'm sure they've covered the legal angles. A ploy to play the victim... we know you so well, sarah.

    People get curious and want to know what she's mad about, and what better way than to read the book?

    Finally, Thanks for the link to book tv on c span. I missed that show and forgot to tape it.

  93. Anonymous7:33 PM

    This is beyond twilight zone stuff. HOW HOW HOW does this woman engender sympathy from the MSM- the very same MSM she constantly vilifies? I just don't get it. They don't owe her SHIT. If anything, they should be digging even deeper into her lies and misdeeds, but for some insane reason they back her and feel sorry her and lick her punani every chance they get. It's the most infuriating thing that I have ever experienced in my lifetime.

    What is going to do this woman in to the point that we no longer have to see her face or hear her voice? Seriously, what? I swear, if she declares, I will have a nervous breakdown on the spot.

  94. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Bwahahahahaha. Poor fellas think they are browbeaten by Palin.

    You have put out so much filth about her with no repercussions. Maybe people just see all the lies and don't want to be part of it!

    Yeah, I know. Hard to believe.

  95. Anonymous9:57 PM

    MeAgain, I'm dying to know if I know you. Regardless, if you are legit, keep singing my friend. You are giving others some much needed spine of their own to possibly speak out about the scourage of Palin. I applaud you!

  96. Anonymous4:57 AM

    why would anyone 'sweat' the Palins? They are just a hillbilly family from nowhere, Alaska.
    The fact that the Palins think they are 'someones' is just funny to me.
    Someone needs to put Sarah in her place.
    It is very sad that she has been given a microphone to spew her nonsense.
    She is under-educated and shrill...frankly I can't stand her and think she will say and do anything to keep up her "im really smart, please listen to me" persona.
    She is trash, her family is trash.
    just cause you wear pricy clothes and live in nice homes doesn't mean squat.
    You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.