Monday, September 26, 2011

The next time somebody claims that there are NO pictures of Barack Obama as a child, you can use this to shut them up.

I am always amused by the people who fervently deny that there is any racism behind all of the challenges that are constantly thrown in Obama's face. When has ANYBODY ever had to prove that they had a childhood?


  1. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Yeah, it amazes me that the LSM has given so much to the Obama other people lies yet basically not a blink of actual documented SP lies.

  2. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Just because the Trump family is so ashamed of what he has become they burned any reference to him being a part of their family does not mean the Obamas were EVER ashamed of Barack. The right has become so moronic it is unreal.

  3. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Can't we just go straight to the Reader's Digest version: "Ahhh!! There's a black man in the Oval Office!!!!! Ahhhh!!"

  4. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Racists being racists, like making soup: anything will do. Education really does matter.

  5. Anonymous4:44 AM

    So, just to review, Obama has received more than seven times as many donations at this point in the 2012 cycle than he did by this point in the 2008 cycle. What's more, the share of his donations coming from small (under $250) contributions is now greater than it was four years ago.

  6. Anonymous4:50 AM

    The Donald is The Piece of Shit.

    To be remembered in Kindergarten as the one bright shining asshole at 5.

    Why don't you take "Jim" Perry's call again and boast about how beloved you both are in America.

  7. Anonymous4:52 AM

    This is from an earlier thread about Bristol but I just have to laugh at the genius of it. . .

    She is now TripptoMom.

    Bristol, lose the dumbass self-conscious sweatshirts already, especially as blinged out for Jesus.

  8. Anonymous5:22 AM

    And there's this also:

  9. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Huh? Who claims there are no pics of him as a child? There are plenty.

  10. Anonymous5:42 AM

    I sold Barack "my chance to be President" in the second grade... for one nickle.

  11. Anonymous5:43 AM

    When the Donald says everyone remembers him from elementary school, you can be certain that it is because he was as obnoxious then as he is now.

  12. Great stuff!
    Trump is the über-moron.

  13. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Well that child sure did grow into an AMAZING man!

    And he married an AMAZING woman full of grace and humility:

    and they still GO BONKERS when he shows up. Listen to that crowd!

  14. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Thanks, anon @ 4:44! That's the kind of thing that makes my day.

    It's the average citizen who is probably going to walk in that voting booth in 2012 and give our President 4 more years to work on the mess he inherited. It's just common sense.

    None of these people give a d#%* what the telly pundits have to say about it.

  15. Anonymous5:57 AM

    I'm not a fan of President Obama (although I voted for him, I've become very disenchanted with his consistent pandering to Republicans, which has cost his credibility dearly).

    But I'll be the first to say that Obama was an amazingly cute kid and handsome young man, and Donald Trump is a hairy asshole.

  16. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Of course all of Trump's classmates remember him. He was that spoiled, obnoxious, dickwad kid that stars in everyone's BAD memories of school.

  17. But, BUT...that picture was photoshopped, I just know it was!

    Or...and this COULD be true, that random white lady was asked to pose with a black child so that forty years in the future, when the black child had the temerity to try to run for president, he could post this picture on the yet-to-be-invented blogisphere.

    Listen, I know it's true because my second cousin's barber's brother-in-law's niece saw it on Fox News. Plus, I got it in an email from my neighbor who always reads that Britebart guy.

    So, photoshopped or pre-posed, your choice, but that cannot be Barry Huseein Obama with a white lady. No way!

  18. Anonymous6:27 AM

    who cares what the donald says. and why are all the republican candidates flocking to nyc to have a meeting with him. talk about strange. bizarro actually. any credible person would stay well away from that man. he's a joke and is just using them for publicity. duh.

  19. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Thanks Gryphen. I got that stupid email going around about Obama having "no past." As if the president was a pod person or a hologram. Stupid, stupid people. I sent the woman who sent me that stupid email several photos, but never looked at my email to see her response, which I am sure was another idiotic bunch of bullshit. I'm also really quite amused about the zombie rats that defend Sarah Palin at all costs. I spent some time on Joe's FB page yesterday with some friends making a few comments. These people have horrific grammar usage and spelling yet claim to have genius IQ's and advanced degrees. They also just name call like a bunch of little bullies on a schoolyard playground. Literally some sayuing things like, "liar, liar, pants on fire." I guess they worship her because they have the same characteristics she does.

  20. Anonymous6:31 AM

    You missed the point. Trump and others are saying that he is a shady character. No teachers have come out to speak fondly of him, no neighbors miss having him around, no former girlfriends, no friends. They're not saying he didn't have a childhood, they're saying he didn't have a childhood in the US, which is fine because he went to school in Indonesia. Don't throw everything into 1 pot and simmer.

  21. Anonymous6:46 AM

    According to a source with knowledge of the SarahPAC inner-circle (RAM?)

    The answer: Only she knows. Not even her staff is aware of whether she will pull the trigger or not. According to a source with knowledge of the SarahPAC inner-circle, just as it was six months ago she has not made an announcement to her staff about her intentions. As the days creep toward state filing deadlines, no new staff has been hired. Her core group of about six staffers runs the organization while a volunteer group completely independent of SarahPAC called Organize4Palin or O4P tries to lay the groundwork in states, most notably Iowa.

    The same source told ABC News that “there is a developing consensus among former aides with knowledge of SarahPAC that she has decided not to run.”

  22. Gasman6:47 AM

    Fuck the teabagger racist morons. If the mountain of evidence debunking their bullshit meme about him not being a U.S. citizen gets too large for even them to sustain their febrile claims, they will move on to some other equally asinine claim which purports to undermine his legitimacy.

    This is ONLY about race. With the teabaggers it has ALWAYS been about race. They will NEVER accept a person of color in the White House, let alone one who is competent and successful because that undermines their racist bilge.

    Call assholes like Trump out as the bigots they are.

  23. Beldar Blackbeard Conehead6:50 AM

    Arrrgggh, matey, if that truly be the likeness of President Obama as a wee one, what, prithee, happened to his eye patch? With obvious discrepancies like that, it's easy to see why the scurvy teabaggers question its authenticity, arrrgggghh. Can't put nuthin' past them teabaggers!

  24. Anonymous6:50 AM

    wow -- i usually don't watch things like that -- but that was really awesome!

    He was genuinely a happy child -- what a wonderful smile!!

  25. Anonymous7:05 AM

    >>No teachers have come out to speak fondly of him, no neighbors miss having him around, no former girlfriends, no friends.

    That's actually not true. Two teachers he had have come forward and 'spoken fondly' of him as a child. Also he's had fellow students at Occident come forward and that's what comes to mind when I read these lies. I don't readily have links, but I DO know that you are absolutely WRONG.

    The ONLY shady characters that I see are the ones in the GOP who are projecting their shadyness on our president.

    I am an American Citizen, I grew up in the midwest, I went to school in the US for my entire education. ALL of teachers I had are DEAD, since I'm a few years older, so no one could 'speak fondly' of my time there. I didn't have any boyfriends until I met and married the man that was my first love, so NO BOYFRIENDS can speak to knowing me. Neighbors..also gone, and even their kids are grown and some have passed as well.

    So your comments just don't hold up.

  26. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Photoshops, every one...

  27. Anonymous7:15 AM

    15 Minutes of Sheer Genius with Levi Johnston

    Levi: “Willow found the pregnancy stick in Sarah’s room. Which is just how everyone found out that Bristol was pregnant, because Willow went through Bristol’s purse and found the pregnancy stick.” Do these people not use garbage cans?!!

  28. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Those people are stone idiots.

    If that's his grandfather on the beach w/him, the President sure does resemble him.

  29. Anonymous8:06 AM


    You mean like these teachers?

  30. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I love when you defend the good and gracious man who is our President. As for that plague known as Sarah Palin, it is so obvious that some in the MSM keep her story going for their own purposes and should be called out for that EVERY day. Here is a woman with NO accomplishments, NO intellect and NO dignity and she is spoken of as a near-equal of Barack Obama... UNBELIEVABLE!!!

  31. Anonymous said...
    Huh? Who claims there are no pics of him as a child? There are plenty.
    5:33 AM
    The same morons who claim that his past is "mysterious", that we "know nothing" about his past, that he "seemingly came out of nowhere", that there is "no record of him at Columbia", that there is "no record of him at Harvard", that he "has never held a job", that he "has no experience", etc., etc.

    They make these utterly imbecilic assertions with a steadfast refusal to look at any of the easily found, documented evidence that refutes their pre-conceived racist notion that a black man can not possibly be more brilliant and accomplished than many white people.

    And he most certainly could not have been elected President of the United States just as every prior President was, by millions of voters who recognized him as the best candidate for the job by studying the vast array of available information about him.

    No, there must be something very strange and mysterious about him, like lacking a childhood.

  32. Anonymous said...
    You missed the point. Trump and others are saying that he is a shady character. No teachers have come out to speak fondly of him, no neighbors miss having him around, no former girlfriends, no friends. They're not saying he didn't have a childhood, they're saying he didn't have a childhood in the US, which is fine because he went to school in Indonesia. Don't throw everything into 1 pot and simmer.
    6:31 AM
    You make my point perfectly. There is plenty of evidence out there that puts the lie to these, well, lies. But there is that element of the population that will keep repeating these lies. And they do it because they are racists.

  33. Anonymous8:36 AM

    "which is fine because he went to school in Indonesia. "

    He attended school in Indonesia for 3 years - 1st - 3rd grades. The rest of the time he lived in Hawaii. Then So Cal, then NYC, then Chicago, then Boston - Harvard Law, back to Chicago, DC and the White House. He's as American as anyone. Nice try though. Shady past -bwahahahaha. More is known about him and his background than any other President. Have you seen George W Bush's LFBC? Of course not, only black men need to show their papers.

  34. Anonymous8:49 AM

    To 5:57 a.m.

    All that "pandering" has gotten us bin Laden, health reform, repeal of DADT... President Obama has done just what he's supposed to do. He's not some TV president. When folks say they voted for him and are now disappointed, I wonder whether they thought they were voting for a prom king or the senior class president. Grow up, America.

  35. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Thank you for the "through the years" slide show of pics of our President Obama, I found it quite enjoyable.

  36. Anonymous8:55 AM

    ""You missed the point. Trump and others are saying that he is a shady character. No teachers have come out to speak fondly of him, no neighbors miss having him around, no former girlfriends, no friends. They're not saying he didn't have a childhood, they're saying he didn't have a childhood in the US, which is fine because he went to school in Indonesia. Don't throw everything into 1 pot and simmer.

    6:31 AM"""

    No,idiot,Trump actually,really,truly,roll the tape said"There are no pictures of Obama as a child."

  37. Those pictures are so beautiful!

  38. Remember racist assholes wanted this nut to be their repugbaggers' candidate. trump's a stupid, ignorance person who would say anything to get attention. His washed-up campaign proved he's a fuckwad.

    The other side is pissed because a African-American with poise, intelligence, kindness, gentleness, popularity, handsome man is in the WH and they don't have ANYONE coming close to OUR PRESIDENT.

    I will never watch celebrity apprentice again. suck that trump.

  39. And thank you, Jesse. I can barely watch the news, read the blogs or anything else these days. You are my lifeline...well, you, Malia, Juanita Jean, and The Perils of Palins. You all still have a sense of humor, thank God.

  40. @Anonymous 6:31 am

    When you say "No teachers... neighbors... former girlfriends... friends... miss having him around," you expose yourself as not knowing the meaning of the word 'no,' a low bar indeed.

    I think you feel confident claiming "no teachers," etc., because no one has sent you an e-mail with information on POTUS' childhood. I'm sure you've received plenty of e-mails supporting TP/Fox News/Limbaugh dog whistles that fraudulently "support" unsubstantiated lies.

    In lieu of an e-mail, here's a couple of articles from the NY Times to get you started:

    Indonesia childhood:

    Hawaii childhood:

    I agree with Gyrph that it's amusing that people can say with a straight face that POTUS has no history, no childhood, no adolescence.

  41. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Yeah, all that nonsense like "he has no traceable history" and so on is just attempts to insinuate that he just might be some sort of trojan horse terrorist or something. "We just don't know" is the subtle sort of line they use to inject fear into the idiots. I never knew there were that many stupid and bigoted people in America until O began running for President. 2012 is going to get very, very ugly, but I'm looking forward to it because this is clearly a fight that needed to be had for centuries now. It won't be pretty, but it's necessary.

  42. Anonymous12:24 PM

    A new poll of New York voters found.

    Obama maintained a 20 point lead over both Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, according to a statewide poll by the Siena College Research Institute.

    Obama leads Texas Gov. Rick Perry 56%-33% among New York voters, little changed from last month. He leads Romney 56%-36%, also virtually unchanged from last month, the poll found.

  43. Anonymous6:24 PM

    I knew he was a Somali pirate! Quick, where's the birther/dentist/lawyer/barber?

  44. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Who wouldn't remember Trump in kindergarten and the early years? He's the one with dior diapers, a silver spoon in his mouth, cigar in his monogrammed pocket protector, maalox stains on the corner of his mouth, and roadkill on his head!

  45. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Sarah could have used that eyepatch to fix her lazy eye, just sayin'.

    quite the swashbuckler! Who knew?

  46. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Thank you. Haven't seen many of the pics.

    Do you know what his GPA was in college or his college grades? What was his thesis about? What papers did he write? Have you found anyone who has said they knew him in his college days? You would think they would be coming out of the woodwork. THIS is what is bewildering about records. If you have them, please post them to do away with this concern.

  47. So that's where he got all that cuteness, he's been growin' it for years.

    The only problem I see with posting this picture is that Beck or one of his henchmen will now offer it as photographic evidence that President Obama spent his younger years as a Somali pirate.


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